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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1958)
o Classified Is Your EASY Way to Quick-Action Results. OR 2-3321. Trailer Rentals 6 WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod- ern ipscca Paved f rounds Shade tree 111 month Highway M N at Winchester Bnd ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT hat p,vd able rates Sal NE Al.m.ri. m Mt41 ONE-wTRXiLrS-crTr7HiT. van and open modeli available. Open m'?J.H "k- LnUn' hvr- ORJMW36. KADA TRAILER COURT. Modern, pick-' et -fenced tpacet: any ilze trailer. Rui servtc. 3571 NE Slephena. 1 TRAILER SPACE All facilities. Walking distanc to P.O. Cement walks. 1431 S E Short St. TRAILER RENTALS." modern. closein. South Ro burg Motel. WINSTON trailer Court' modern: in center of buuntu district. OS 9-8933. Misc. Rentals 7 Ranch For Rent 3 ACRES, 40 tillable. 30 in Lotus Clover, irrigated from large creek, small modern home, out bldgs.. fruit, ber ries, etc. Look, only 1-150 down, and $450 each six months - Hurry! Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor 1667 8.E. Stephens Wanted To Rent 9"w?'S2", WANTED TO RENT or loase with op tion to buy two or three bedroom home with two-car or large garage ' nsc to be u.ed for business. Harvard. Gar den Valley. Stephens, or what have' JoU? Ph. OR 3-2324 orORS-7383. DESPERATELY needed 3 bedroom house for rent or lease with option to buy. Call OR 3-8273 after 3:30 P M. Wanted Misc. 10 Highest Prices Paid For Scrap of All Kinds BOB'S WRECKING YARD 3'i miles S. on M WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 245 S.EJackson Ph ORJKJ104J WANTED TO BUY - Old china, glass-1 ware, furniture. Jewelry Prlicille'si Antiques. 147 S. E. Jackson. OR 2-1421 j WANTED TO BUY - Good used furni ture ROSEBURG AUCTION OH 3- 1 5026 , WANTED, tools. gunsT furniture nd misc. OR 3-1822 after 5 Help Wanted 11 i HAVE OPENING for one appliance salesman to sell Fngidair line of ap pliances. High potential for ambi tious man 21-45 Sears of age Apply in person, L'mpqua Valley Appliance. 648 SE Roc Wonted ONE young man over 21 for lifetime career. Call OR 3-4153. Ray Wiles, 9 30 to 12 am. Monday thru Satur day. Only two positions open A REAL opportunity for person wanting to sell insurance and real estate Ex perience not necessary but preferred. Write News Review Box 616. NEED SOMEONE tocare forchildren in my home Prefer motherly Chris tian woman. 5 da weekly. OR 2-1144 evenings. MEN for full-or-part-ttnTialeawbrk. OR 2-3681. 9 to 1 1A M DENTAL assistant - age 21-35. Write News-Review Bojr $17. LADY to Hv in and baby sit. OS 9-3653 Services 13 Bill White's Income Tax Service New Location 812 W. Harvard Close to Community Hospital Fre Parking Hours 6am to 9 p m. Ph. OR 3-4041 Seplic Tanks Cleaned No mileage, free estimate ROSF.BURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph OR jl-CJ3 lfl E S ten hens I WILL GIVE a written guaranty to reduce vour fuel bill 23 per cent 1o SO per cent by insulating the attic of your home After 30 day free trial, jou must be completely satisfied or I will withdraw the insulation and chare you nothing My price for in sulating th averae house is less than I $100 f Results permanent. Comfort amazing, wiontmv lerms on request Phone Sutherlin 3368 evenings for Ire inmate BULLDOZING, leveting. dilrh or post hole digging, plowing Top soil and gravel, dump truck Large or sms'l crawler available. Fred Goett OR 3-14:;2 STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE Dupli- rating. Statistical typing Advertising j Pickup and dehver. Alice Sinalle, j OR 3-3444 PUMP REPAIRS 24 hours service Mil- 1 Vr A Cox Sales and Service OR 1-3381: night calls OR 3-789 or OR t--w REFRIGERATION-SERVICE "domestic and commercial Available on call anv tim dav or night Phon OR 3-5318 or OR 3-4632 J ROOFLNG FihVrthorsnPatntCo i Portland W E Daunv Local Agent 1 Ph OR-I3TI SHOP IN GREEN General" ea7r. weld ing and fix-it- Experienced 2J33 SW Castle St Ph. OR 3-4687 ' SHALE rock for roads and drivewav Irnmedlate delivery Ph. C P Tallon OR 1-4040 CARPENTER anv ttoe construction, i 'e help arranee ftnenclni Fre stl- mates Kowalewski OR 3-8020 ( DOZIN(Tlvhngral.o" shale rockTnver loam and road materials Cham Keel 1 eo c. or Phon OR J-.W4J. Mrtl Creek j-,2.1 HURLBt'RTS Plumbing Any tp Ph 3244. Sutherlin CARPENtERPiUlVf7roofing 0R-J- 6747 DRESSMTKINGanda1trations7Phrjne 0R 3-1429 CLE A N INO SEPTIC "TANKS Reason- sole W JUm. OR 3-3948 CARPENTRY Reasonable. Small lobs areferred Smitn. OR 3-8411 ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing-A O.iver. OR FEDERAL and Stat income tax. OR 3-V)X'I PRVNINGORTt7- INCOME fx OR 3-466 after 3 p'm B HICK AND stone masonry OR 2-1703 FENCE BT-ILDING" OR 2-410 tabs 1 CkilrJ Car 14 . MOTHER COOUt WURSERY l HE C, to U. M. t Spel unit for children under 2 istri mt aea Stat in oec ted OR 3-4L4I w NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten 1 333 N E Vine St :r:lnt o school 'fl'i-r QR 1-TSs gr or 3. .4 Work Wanted U Ol'NG MAN 18. Anvfhtng O? 5-368 FENCE building OR J-4.TO Work Wanted 15 FOREMAN or superintendent in saw- mill or planing mill: also Swtduh ' gang mill. Jerry Spenc. 785 S 12th, Ci - a.. Dk r-... . t i.t I SEWING and alterations of all kmdi Bh. r.o i ... . : .- r.;r wm:rV a oVK: l Oregon .BOY'S rough side out roping saddle., CARPENTER new-" ron.Uuct,on.-' new. OS -5663 between 8 and I modeling, repair. Reid. Phone OR I p-m 3-HU60 , TWO horse stock trailei, good condl- r. . . . .r . . , :. : - VVb f0U,n M ing OR 3-3693 LICENSED chauffeur will drive your car anywhere. Bondable. OR 3-8364. SEWING All types. Guaranteed. OR 2-2166 IRONING in mv borne. 3356 N E Hugho St OR 3-2793 IR O NIXGjn "my homePhonc OR a-2446. IRONING Reasonable OR 1-3411- ALTERATIONS. OR 1-1273 IRONING. OR 37876 Instruction 16 WANTED Men For Training Heavy Equipment l More Pay Steady Work dollar highway program u in heavy equipment as operator, mechanic Mail coupon to ds for free information. No obliga tion. Write. ., . . n . . 'rMfcM ui ISIUM : Box 615, News-Review i Name Age Address I City Slate Phone Hours I work A M P M. SILVERSMITH ING CLASSES start in now. See us for tools needed. Dorothy' Gift Shop. ; ENROLL ANY MONDAY - RoheTtson ' School of Business. 6:t0 S E. Jackson , St.. Roseburg. OR 3-72-S6 GI'tTAR instructions, standard or steel OR 3-6323. Loans 17 Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO $1500 ON AUTOS. TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up to 14 monthly payments Life Insurance on loans at small cost 720 S. E Washington OR 3-3277 MONEY IN K HURRY 150 TO S2.000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION oy i 613 E. Oak Pacific Finance Loan 664 S E SteohenB OR 3 6SM Financial 19 CAN USE some small discounted eon I tracU OR 3-619J or OR 3-60S1 eves. For Trade 21 FOR SALE or trade, home to Lakeside. 1 Oregon along the coast, for a hou in or around Rose burg- Call before1 1 PM. OR 2-4093. , FOR SALE or trad New gas tanks,! iOoO and 330 gallon. 2 pumps and fit-I tings; '40 Chevrolet: 6 horse garden I tractor with Roto-tiller. OR 3-4773 NICE 2-bedroomhome with on West ' Winston, for larger home with small acreage. OR 2-27R9 TRADE 1930 Mercury-In-good-ron- i dition. good tires, for g pickup. Call Sutherlin 2143 SELL 2-bedromn home or' trad for "mo- bilejiom. OR 2-lWt , SELL or trade for furniture, equity In modern '56 trailer house OR 3-4621 Fuel 22 SAWDUST R lower and dump MILL ENDS dry or gieen peeler cor. GUY AND FRANCES CILl. FUEL 1 2814 NE Douglas OR 3-1324 SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Dry Oak Green Slab Kiln Dry planer Ends Gr or Dry Peeler C re Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 9-8741 ,DJED " wood ""r' WHY WAIT" Dry. old-growth fir wood Prompt delivery. Excellent for fire- . Dlace 'Srd delivered OS 9-3346 HARDWOOD for heater and fireplace. Don CoIwell. OR 3-6H32 DRY OAK and laurel stood OS9-S3ll OAK and laurel" Ph. OR 3-7993 -,--r- - - -n--J- Seeds & Plants 23 - - FRI'IT and shade trees shrubs and berry plants Moore s Nursery. 't mile r. .Vt-.Tt'T. ". Pu5lV -r,-n-n-n-n-n,-l-r J Fruits I Vegetables 24 " ' (nrrt-rira inn inarn, uri- : lev 's. Wtnesap s and Newtow n's $1 and up Bring rontamort Marsh Ranch. I mile west Lookingglaaa , Store OR 3-64H3 i : ..L oi LITOIHbS iO Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Suhflin, Oregon SutherLn 3146 Oakland aa Sat. Feb. 8. 1 P M THRrlt truck;.., .f ., lteher .h,..r.e- "u" ' C''e. ' """" """ I ell-ttred alu kull ! M.U b. ,...",.., hn,. , ant . a.h-ti tmA. lamKa we'.hers. feeder lambs Irmg tn soatr tuestnrg Comm over $.00. 4 undea 3' 9 picker A In Managers Skrtcker A Auctioneert O Trit gV Rmgman O A. Brown. Weighmastee MEAT-TYPE wearier gigs. OR 3-744 - Jffjg LOANS j Livestock 26 Cottl Wanted BOVtR HEAT COMPANY 0R SSSS 1 Box sh.,p-.nd-i.-.1rkmo.. WANTED W A Blackarl Pa Myrtl Creek i tion. Priced riarht (or auirk tw. Phnrw OS 9-3663 betwan 0 and S pi WANTED: Breeding ewes. 3-3364 Myrtle Creek. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 1 HAY Good quality Scott Valley, ana Klamath alfalfa Delivered. NEWTON BROS. ; 120! E JrkJG rants Pass CH 6-4971 GRASS hay with sprinkling of clover No ram damage. We bale OS :-5426. I No Sunda calls. ALT A fescue: Rv grata with l-otus. '; $20 ton. Robert Stntrk. OR 3-3612 ! BALED OAT and vetch" hav, T. K. Dun- canRi. lPhonJ3R 2-3890 FINE, clean alfalfa. $1 per bale. R. ! Conn.OR 3-6423 GRASS "hayr 813 ton-Can "deliver. OR 3-7897. HAY Oats and Vetch Reasonable. : L E. Swiit.Rt. 1. Box 38Q. OR 2-3604. STRAW Ph OR 2-3BS0 Poultry 28 BABY CHICKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS earlv to avoid delay Ponton Ha'chery. 74 W Harv- ard. Roseburg Ph OR 3-3326 , I I nrlrAuC ""w J OVEN-READY Sanders Farm. ph. OR -M2 i WILL RECEIVE live poultry on Tuefda ly noseourg r-ouitry ca 12 ! Spruce Rabbits 29 I 1 WANTED: fryer rabbiU. 4 to V pounds P-??T .'."'"j -wxro"UV1 Pets 30 THREE YEAR old sp:der monkev. $.13. Call Myrtle Creek UNion 3-3t46 Tues-1 day through Frida evenings BABY Parakeets 3 miles south Bur-! ton's OR 3-6122 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE-Soctaty Animal Shelter OR 33907 TOY Fox Terriers. F-ugs and canaries. Putman's OR 3-8EQ4 RED FACTOR ananes72N EAla- j meda REG SIAMESE stud service for your! queen. OR 3-7648 REG! GERMAN Slir.PHERD puppies. I OR 3-3778 869 N. W Willow. I REGISTERED male Pekingese OR' 2-2903 j YOITNR hlthv ranari. fR TJJTO GLENGARY Bgl Kennel,. OR 3.3791 TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT RADIO. TELEVISION. HI-FI REPAIH SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD OR 3-5333 Building Material 32 LOOK! Longer Terms -Now Available At Suiter's ON ALL HOME REMODELING AND' d ph Up To 5 Yeors To Poy Nothing Down ffn,.K ,.K A ,.,.. I ....... ' " " " ' " FREE ESTIMATES yjfc'Wi T SUM' IUILDINC SUPPLY CO 12::6 N E Walnut OR 2-2t74 3 4 and W!der - green shiplap S30 up LUMBER SALES CO- OR 3-7.16 J. Garden Vaiw near RR track '- Sports Equipment 34 Authorized fcvmrude Dealer Isham Imperial. Burrhcraft, Starcraft Clippercraft Trailers, carriers, paints etc. -'sed motor Rod & Reel Trailer Sales 1143 V: U .rvttrd I 23 H P JOHNSON outboard motor ! 10 II P MERCURY outboard motor i HP Sea King ) Several other uyed motors to choose from i Groen's Sale. Mart l44 S E Stephens , USED GI NS - Sure v trade Ump i Q'ia Gun Store i WANTED " Usnr22rifles Will-pay ! ch L'mpqua Gun Store St or umpqua uun . Sewing Machines 36 Singer ; JI'ST received in trade Singer con.oie in good condition Sews like new Wal nut finish cabinei Only SA9 30 Singer Sewing Machine Company 336 SE Jackson PR ' ' rurirrjrJr' ; m-. Pa! ftl a For Sale M,sc- 37 -- . HEREFORD BEEF, flse )h South Sleph- ns MarKet VTl OK Z-IIIH. evenings, OR 2-1870 t v c -r , v. , .i-, " ''"", soil OS 9-64H I APT rm,,m n.ia ' n. hitrnari I'rt rnnrJition $4 13 Bargain Appliance Center. 151 St o Ph OR WESTINGHOT'SE clotlie, drjer. c o o 4 I fwd'Uon 74 91. Bargain Appiianre ! C-nter. 11 S C lt.e Ph OR .t-1'2.1 LIKE NEW f;ood F.reli.h rare and Merrifr b-iai HP OR ' or OR J-Wll REMINGTON addt4f machine n) II WATKINS PRODtCTS Mr. " C" L.' Bib wanted L- Um.j- ., mm , 5h.-IKH.CiUr.Stor 'Vrr' HOrsE C.m.t,e.-pn-OR !'" ai ... - l.r',7'.f Ro" Vv'.'j'.m" mne area or nose Tf iv- J-i SI.LIT MUM T. PKUDULI9 Bettv don OR 3-VW7 I'SED GUNS bought old and Usrl I moqua Gun Jtor harna-M 3H44 NE Doug, as . FULLER BR16H O"! 1 JP I RAWl.Elf.H" PRODUCTS OR-3-4914 CORONADO fas stov " OS 9-34A3 : OAKLAND wood beater, $35 OS 9-6445 For Sale Misc. 37 Bankrupt Sale $25,000 All New Furniture stack nail-price-Srome lor ies. newest mi Sale Starts 10 A.M. Thursday Morning Building Across From Nielsen's Market Hurry! Karly birds will make the beM bargain buys. used Furniture DAVENPORTS and chair tela. $29 30 GOOD SELECTION of used furniture i lUsy urmi See used furniture depL at Judd's Furniture For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col V Munion. We buv. sell and trade It pays to buy and sell the auction way Auction every en day. 7 PM. Roseburg Auction Pn OR J-:o2 "Used 2 i" Admiral TV New set guarant Only SIS dow Used Airline Blonde Console Radio Comb 3 speed changer. New sei guaranty $10 down Kwau uniy ., . e . t Graves Music & Art - V15 SE Cass OR 1-2ZM3 JUST TRADED IN large supply good, "1 furniture Be sure to look this over may be something you need. ana tne price win oe rign. ureen s hales Man 1644 S E Stephens Exchange Kebuilt Engines . For mot all models Independent Motn Rebuilders. Jackson At Rice St. OR 3-44J4 HOLLYWOOD BEDS, dmuig room se(. ubles. lamps at half price. S23.0O0 new furniture. Bankrupt Sale Thurs day 10 a m in the building across Nielsen s Markt WANT TO increase the value ot your home- Contact us for an estimate on remodeling our kitchen or bathroom today. Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap- ' Pl'a'ice. 52ft S E Stephens. OR 2-XU14. NEW 51" Deluxe cabinet amk'and 3 21"' b, cabinets. Complete with maroon top .i vime. now jv. twniim. L'mpqua Valley Appliance. 68 S. E. MATCHING Hot point washer and no-: vent drer. very aood condition, shoo checked and guaranteed, both for $230. budget terms Horn's Appliance, OR 3-3318, 424 S E Jackson. AHTHRITIS. RHEUMATISM? New. im-1 proved ARTHONUL contains new! drug for faster, longer-lasting relief. ! nw Ps-riiiW swc. LKSS Drug Store. SAVE $150 on new 1937 deluxe model Philco ball point automaUc washer and matching dryer. Horn a Appli- - anc. OR 3-5318 424 SE Jackaon. REPOSSESSED Frigidatre Imperial washer. Sold for $.109.95 Onl $1KH. ; Terms Umpqua Valley Appliance. 646 S E. Rose. j WESTINGHOUSE automatic range, shop checked and guaranteed for only $63. I Horn's Appliances OR 3-3318. 424 S K. I Jackson. SMOKE - DAMAGED' furniture " a few living room sets, left at big reduc tions. Quality Furnishers. 644 S. t. t Stephens. SPRING clearance of used appliances. , Fngidair Holpoint and Bendix dry-1 ers. X.) up. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-3318. 434 S.X. Jackson. REPOSSESSED 30" range. IH37 model. Frtgidaire deluxe Sold for 2V. now , S17U. Terms l'mpqua Valley Appliance, j oo a t Hose REPOSSESSED 4-burnr Crosley apt t ran xe for balance of contract Horn's ! Appliance. OK j-3318. 424 S E. Jack- DAVENPORTS, chairs, bedroom half price Bankrupt Sate. 10 AM. Thursday morning in the building aero from Nielsen's Market. NOUGE gas range and Servel gas re frigerator both for $10 down, small monthly payment Horn's Appliance, OR 3-3318. 424 SE Jackson. FOR the best Job in custom cutting wrapping and quica freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers OS 9-3133 REPOSSESSED oortable Philco tele vision for balance of contract Horn a Appliance, un j-jiio, u a a. Son. WE A L W A Y SH A V E a Vine "selection-ol meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices Winston Locker-OR 9-31.13 TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lesson Large asmrtment ireenware. pain' giaes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3i:::t CUSTOM rutting South Stephens Mar ket Cutting and wrapping done hv experts. Ph OK 2-9164. evenings, OR 2-1R7CJ LSED appliances, ranges etc. Taken in on trades make a dal. Rainbow Trailer ..-tales N H:ghwav H9 a: Winchester Hr 0e RlvNT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance Hent mav apply on pin Pi price 15 minth and OR DAVENO. bedroom sel." kitchen table and 4 chairs; small Crov:ev refngei ator Evenings. Hu W Rainbow UNBELIEVABLE "saving on ail 1937 frigidatre appliances. Umpqua Vaiie) Appliance. 648 S E Roe BOYS shoe skxtos. sie 6',. $12. prac tically new. OR 3-3M1 between $ and 3 10 2"l IN Westtnghoiis" TV. New table model $16WU3. Bargain Appliance Cen ter 631 S E Rose Phone OH 3-3"23 GAS w-etter heater, u.ed Good condition $.17. Bargain Appliance Center. 6:1 SE Rn-e Phone OR 3-332.1 RADIO . RECORD plvertabl model 14 V Rariain Appliance Cen'er 6,ll S F, Ro.e Phone OR 3-1323 REPOSSESSED" Philco Deluxe rinff. was $4.19 -balance now $261 Like rw Quality Furnishers M4 5 E Stephem FREEZER. 12 cu ft che.t t p ?' Rareatn Aooltance Center S.11 S E Kn Phone OR 3-332! GAS range $49 93 Full i f Bargsm Apphanre Center. 6.11 Roe Ih. OR 3-532.1 GAS apt sir range like new 173 Rar- gam Appliance Center. 631 SE Rose Phone OR 3-3'.ri RFrON DITION ED DRYERS onlv. $79 93 and H93 Uuahty EumUhers. 644 S F. Stephens u-wa rr wo i ued .plav pen and pari. 7 30 OR 1 6fJ Musical Instruments 38 FOI'R NECK Fender Steel Citilar, milt i montnt oid. ,th Dedal. latae render amplifier and Bif.ov fnrtt '.rol $730 rgh OR 3-2230 af'r S p n Farm Equipment 39 ,, PLASTIC PIPE Ideal for Irrigation Price Per Hundred Ft I, $j7nn. 1 ' 2 $ S tie $11 7tx- $1$ Mr- 6i 0c -Filli.iif! Roseburg Supply Co. " 'ncneier w jm vsi w A.MZD, irrigation sstem 10 hore e'ectrw purr.p and aluminum Pione OS 9-8ai FOR SALE twrt hnMrrm 14 plow, good Phon Oakland 1767. Machinery For Sale 40 ' 1937 FORD pickup. ' ton, 1000 miles will take car tor equity. STUDEBAKER dump truck, good thane a iid good tire, priced to sell, $.130 D-7 CAT. fully equipped D-6 CAT. ready to go HUFF front end loader, yard and half bucket, real good condition , HARRIS front end loader, jard bucket : IS DONKEY on tied 75 donkey, needs new sled white short du.i ....; chain drive ruwni. in food shape. 1933 CHFV ' ion pickup. 4 speed trans., top shape. j Doyle's Used : 'Equipment Center i I Garden Valley Road; or Green's Sales Start. 1644 S E. Stephens. TOR INFORMATION CONTACT; Jack Do vie Brady Montgomery Virg Cliecn ' If you have mv used equipment you ! reailv want sold, see us for terms. 1 v Logging Equipment 41 1 FOR SALE D-8 tractor. 21' series with i Johnson bar. Good condition. Phone OR 2-2333. DONKEY sleds and loading booms Bv Elmer E 01sn. Iverson Mill, or call Rl 6-40;i9 Springfield i q f II an lft106 T & bOWntlllS 4 L i j ' ' iTOmaf LUmDer -O i ; WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang log! and stumpaae in large or small trans. Days Ph 24.11 Riddle or Mjrlle Creek UN 3-4:128 eveinings WANTED - GANG LOGS. Top "price paid for logs :K in dia and under. 12 ft and longer We also buy stand ing timber Write (or pnre lut or call Yoncalla Vt -216S Mt Baldy Lumber Co., Yoncalla. Ortrjon j WANTED CORDWOOD I fwmZ ca . RJddle . 3-U WILL BUY logs stumpage or rough lumber Hub Lumber Company Box 287 PhoneOR 2-3:t3. WANTED LcztvJ over land and tlnv ner una write no jw SHORT LOG haul "wanted. OR 3-4847. Trailers 44 American Fleetwood Kit Golden State 19 ft to 30 ft 8 and 10 ft Ide Rainbow Trailer Sales HMes north on old highway At Wlncheter Bridge Licensed Bonded Haulers Open Eve's A Sundays OR 1-7273 DOYLE'S MOBILE HOMES Announces Opening Of Service & Repair Tept W repair and service all makes and model of trailers and mo bile homes. We are on rail at all limes. 491 N E. Carden Valley Blvd. OR 2-37M 10 Wide -8 Wide Mobile Homes 1, 3. and $ bedrooms, to 50 EL Spartan ABC Geer Jicks KfX l.eiUrehome And Others Good aelee ion of Used Trailers Trailer Supplies Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. Bruce V Gilley. Mgr IflftO NE Stephens OR 3-3336 TERRY KENSKILL UNIVERSAL , NASHUA ! TERRA CRUISER Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1162 NE Stephens OR 2 4221 Kofi & Reel Trailer Sales VACAltON trailers for tent 1143 W Harvard OR 2-2,' 4 J MODERN trailer home for sale, $730, $130 down and balance $0 per month South Roseburg Motel 40' TRAILER, sleeps 6. like' new. $:t300 Central Trailer Court, Space 5, Dia mond Lake Blvd i 2H' MODERN- trailer-house OS 9-3.i32. after 5 p in OR 3 3647 MY EQl'ITY in 35 ft." house trailer.1 or trade for car Ph. OR 3-9176 Trucks 45 FLATBED truck, trailer and hiirh. Pair t20 truck tires. like nw One I3x6-2A tire tube rim. new ret ap A'ttoried man Ford pickup pails Ph. OR 3-JU0.I before II. or afler 5 4 SPEEDT'r ton pickup, like new. $1173 Will accept old far as trade-in or small do n pa ment UN ion 3-J5Q4. Mvrtle Creek SI LL or ti ade eqtut v '37 Ford ' ton plrkup, fullv equipped Fnrd-O-Matic Long wheel base. OR 3-4634 Automobiles 46 i 3-Day Specia 1955 0ld5 Holiday Coupe RAH, Hvdramatl. below average miles Spot lr as through and througn D hetitai - an now This is the rst rfal in town ihu week Rank terms was $I63 fslow$1735 LOCKWOOD Oak and Rose Lot Ph. OR 3-63M . . j; VOLVO tvys$ mila. A l. $1671 Ph . Al Oakland MOTORCYCLES " New. tared. Reek with b Cici, OR S-4130 l Automobiles 46 M PONT Safari Siawag Local, low mi lease One owner. Power steering, brakes. S6O0 dn M PONT Slarchief 4 dr. Local, im maculate. RatH. Hydra. S330 tin 53 BUICK Spec 4 dr H"dlop Truly ' a dream car. Power steering I Power brakes. Sharp. 600 dn 35 CHEV V-8 Bel Air 3 dr. Clean. Local car, radio, heater, Power glide, w-w ures. . 1300 dn '33 FORD Custom 4 dr. Radio, heat- ) er with over dnte, recent over hauled engine. 1400 dn 'S3 PONT i dr Dlx Very well kept, standard trans. Low mile age, uii dn S3 CHEV 210 4 dr Local on owner 1 Std. trans. Above average. $273 dn '32 FORD Victoria H'dtop Cleanest in town Lowest price. See it hv all mean. $230 dn 30 CHEV Dlx 4 dr Local car, nice ly kept Above average. RAH PG l,13 dn 40 FORI) 8 Custom Club Cpe Good j finish, good tires, new seat cov ers and good engine. $100 dn Easy Budget Terms At "BIG WHEEL" Phone OR 2-1041 W II Stephen, Used Cars At Wholesale Today's Specials 1933 CIIKVHOI.ET Club coup. R A H, very clean 591 1931 ENGLISH Ford 4-door, vary clean, good tires jag 1930 FORD Tudor 17$ W MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Better Buy Bargain Lot "At Th Clock' 1182 N E Stephen Call Charlt at OR 2-26U2 OWNER'S PERSONAL car '33 Super Buick, excellent condition, low mile age, two-tone grey, blue Interior, de luxe equipment. Can be financed, i 91U23 OR 2-2321. ! 1932 MG-TD New top? new tires Good condition. OR 2-1082. OR 3-1530 altar' six. PICKUP TRUCK. 1932 Ford, good con-' dition, $330 Trowbridge Electric. OR, 3-3321. S3ii0 '.2 Foi d. "Olds ' engine." For quick sale OR .1-3734 after 4 JO EQUITY in '32 Chev , good condition. ! See after 3 PM, 63,1 NE Winchester. 1932 FORD V-ff buslnrss coupe RAH OR 3-3.179: OR 3-6183 FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet " OR 3-3S84 47 Btnck, '30 Ford. '40 Plymouth. OS 9-5482 WILL ASSUME contract on '37 model car. OR 3-3323 after 58 6 pn IF YOl' I.IKK TO Now Is Your Chance 1937 PLYMOUTH Custom 4 door Sub urban Automatic transmission RAIL Padded dash Beautiful rod and white sport ton New condi tion $2605 1936 PONTIAC Star Chief Catalina roupe New WW tires All leather upholsterv RAH Brown and while 2 tone Low mileage. New condi tion. $2245 1933 DeSOTO oedan Two tone pink and w hite One owner New ear beauty and comfort at a very low price $lflM3 1933 DODGE Rmai hardtop 3 door Siandaid Iransnnstinn O'D New rai apnea is nee Nylon tiles. Riark and white 2 lone $1625 1933 CMC Suburban. 4 speed transmis sion New 6 pl tires. Blue borii A-l condition. gS Laige used car selections- terms to suit BILL STOCK De Soto Plymouth GMC Dealer At Used Car Lot 1 .1,8 S. E. Stephens OR 3 6.191 Salesmen' Dnn Jnhntnn Hnb Slormer. Kverett Part)n HANSEN'S USED CARS Look-Drive Large Savings On '55 CHEVROLET Re air Hdlp IMI Heauliful 2-1one white and tur quoise, radio and heater, a snappy sport coupe in excellent rontilion. Sf CHEVROLET 3 Dr 210 MM We have a choice of eolors for von. and both aie tops in value -with our O. K Guarantee for safe buy ing. '53 FORD 4 Of Station Wagon 1046 Ideal for a large group - 9 passe-far room if needed Radio and hea-er '31 FORD 2-dunr t i.tom SW Motor ha Just had rinfs and vaie gri"d. 2 tone paint, I ord-O-Mat ir radio and heater Good I ires an ground 'SI CHEVROLET CUm Coupe 3 (lean as pin and a vry sound car. Ideal second car. 31 Rt'tCK Riviera Hardtop oM 2 tone red and black. V 9 rubier, D' naflow, radio and heater A real deal awaits ou On this car Ijrgeit I'trd Car Srleclion In Rofburg. Term, to Suit. Hansen's Used Car f epter Oak n4 ftiea. Reekurf 1 ?i) ' 0 Thurt. Feb. 6, 1958 Th Ntwi-Revitw, Roicburg, Ort. 11 Timber & Sawmills 42 Si Dillard Safe Buy Used Cars '57 Mercury $29fW MONTCLAIR 4 door hardtop RAH Slercomatic. Power steering, power brakes. Many other extras. V4 Inleriiilional $895 Pass, carry-all. 4 speed. A-l through out. 55 Chevrolet $1495 ; 4 door. RAH PG, Iwo tone Whitewalls. I Dual exhaust. , hi Olda Super M 4 door RAH. Ve ry low m t lea go. $2195 H dramatic. '52 Ford Vg Victoria. RAH. motor. $fi95 New factory rebuilt 52 Buick Riviera 4 door, f owner. $395 D naflow. One '56 Plymouth Station wagon. RAH. O'D. $1995 On owner. 'X Ford $2195 Victoria. RAH Fordomatic Power steer ing Whttewells. Lesa than 14.000 miles. Showroom new. '53 Chevrolet 310 4 door. RAH. PC '54 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door. RAH. very clean car. $795 n owner. $1095 3 tone. A Transportation Specials PONT1AC 4 door IM '46 PONT1AC 4 door $96 '46 CHRYSLER 4 door 148 30 BUICK aedanall ... 305 '49 CHEVROLET a t. Pickup . . 393 '50 CHEVROLET 3 door 395 Si Dillard Motor Co. "A ;ood Place To Do Business" Lincoln Mercury Simca Borgward Sales & Service Stephen, tt Douflea. OR 3-MiS Super Buy For Next 3 - day Period At Lockwood EDSEL SALES Big South Stephens Let 1955 Buick Tudor Sedan BETTER HURRY If you want a chance at this one. Fully equipped. Immacu late. Guaranteed good. Was $1495 Now $1333. Ph. OR 2-mi or OR 2-1782 Ford Ranch Wagon 32 RAH. Fnrd-O-Matir $670. Dream Horn Motel. Trl City. Apt. 3. after ft. j 1935 Chevrolet Vg Bel Air 2-door hard-1 top. Red and white. Clean, low mile-' age Going to Army Inquire 1224 S E. I Reservoir I FOR SALE "l47Nash edan7byAs-sor-iation for Retarded Children. OS 9-331M. $33 cash SAVE 1956 PONTIAC Catalina se-1-. An torn a- tic transmission. RAH Two tone1 green On owner ear A beau 1 1-1 tul car at a big savings. $2145 1936 DeSOTO 3 door Seville RAH New' tires Automatic transmission. 1 A beautiful 2 tone white and black Matching Interior. $2193 1933 DODGE Custom Roval 4 door Low 1 mileaee Automatic transmission. ' Beautiful 2 ton blue. WW tires I Exceptional buj . $1643! 1951 CADILLAC Coup DeVllle Power windows, power seal. RAH. Motor overhauled. New WW tires Beau-1 tlful bin and whit original paint i A real buy at $1(195 1931 OLDS M 4 door -ed-n RAH Re - conditioned motor Must see to appreciate $490 -Compare Near New Cars $3 HUH K 4-door Super 98 Power steering power brakes, g- tone finish, custom covers. whMe wah tires. A good buv at thia price 'S3 PONTIAC Star C hief 4 Dr 1798 The best Pontine made low mileage. Continental Kit. 9-lon. I radio, heater t ii'tom throughout-- j . a real clean car $4 CHEVROLET Del Rev coup IOM , Vinvl piattic . wash aoie interior mattes It the idea! famtlv ear along with f hex rnlet econom A nice, guaranteed car 51 FORD Victoria Coupe 34 VI mo to ton finish, custom ! rovers, radio, heater '33 OLDS M 4-door v 9M6 I ion meiallir radio, heater, rtm Uim rovers, good lira, sgd sound throughout '53 STVDERAKER 4 door 606 On owner, local car radio, heal i a'ltomatic trinitnimnn Good tires A sound vaiu at this pne t Automobiles 46 IS 36 Bt'ICK Station Wagon. 4 Dr. Power steering, power brakes. real clean. . $795 Dn I0S5 BUICK Special Riviera Cpe New tire. Full power. ... $645 Dn 156 VOLKSWAGEN 3 Dr dlx sedan. 40 mile per gallon $405 Dtt 136 CHEVROLET Bel Air Vi 4 dr. 5 new whn wall tires. Power glide. RAH. 21.000 miles. IMS Dn 1035 CHEVROLET 2 Dr Sedan While A Black. cylinder $465 Dn 1U4 MERCURY Monterey 4 Dr RAH. Merco. Nice car. . $433 Dn 1933 CHEVROLET 1 Dr. Sedan. $265 Dn 1053 FORD Vg Ranch Wagon 3 dr . $335 Dn 1036 PONT1AC $70 Wagon. Station $745 Dn 1133 PONT1AC Catalina Hardtop $5S Dn 1933 MERCURY 4 Dr Nice car $335 Dn i Jfe gjq Umbrella The Rom. STEVE I. on vacation, rnme In and talk to Don Hurley or Frank Elliott. Next to Carter Tire Co 32a SE Stephen! OR J-M '9T DODGE Club Coup RAH. D-506) motor. New car guarantee 3T96 '56 DODGE Cu.tom Roval. 4 door Lancer Power flight RAH Power steering, brakes and L ... 33a , '36 PLYMO'JTH club coup. Power nighL Only 31.000 miles 1498 3$ PLYMuUTH VI Belvedere sedan. Power flight. RAH. 149$ '$4 DODGE V-6 Royal Hardtop Powerflyte RAH Local 1 owner Perfect condition 1396 34 RUICK Century Hardtop. Dj na flow RAH ... ... I4pg 53 RUICK 4 door Riviera Dvna flow. RAH Completely recondi tioned motor long '53 PLYMOUTH 3 door RAH. Re conditioned motor. 36 53 PACKARD Deluxe sedan, ultra matic, HAH. aood motor -.- I4g '53 CHEVRtH.ET Fleetlin 3 door. Poweighde, RAll aog '51 FORD Club roupe. motor com- pieieiy reconditioned, finish and interior extra nice 31 OLDS $6 i RAH edan. H dramatic. '51 MERCURY sport coupe. Over djiv. RAH Completely recon ditioned motor 49$ '51 BUICK Special convertible Dy- naflow. RAH. new top. 408 '51 DODGE Coronet Sedan. RAH 396 50 CHEVROLET Deluxe Tudor R 49 CADILLAC sedan. Hdramat,e. RAH. . '48 CHEVROLET sedan RAH. j '48 PACKARD Sedan, RAH 48 CHRYSLER Sedan. RAH 1 47 BUlCK 8uP" "dB H.cln 98 ... KAU j-.--- - mMJ. 41 NASM Sdan' rui" ood '37 CHEVROLET 3 door. Good mo- lor and tires . .. . BARCUS Open Eves & Sun N. Stephens al Garden Vail Rissd PlL OR 5-3566 Ess? Rani Terras Personal 48 Bankrupt Sale $23 000 ,j new furniture stock goes at half prlr Some for less. Newest stj les Saie Srarts i0 Aivl 1 Thursday Morning Bllllfiinif - ci'OS from , DUiimilK -u um I um : NlClsen $ Alarket, Hurrv' Earlv birds will make th best t,ai gain buys. BUSHELS of fre fruit from tttrr Stark tree New patented strain pro duce fast heavy crops Low cost fam Uv orchard assortments Wholesale rates on Gold Mine commercial or chards Spring or fall delivery. Fre planting advice Local rap. OR 3-43.11 eveninas or weekends. YOUNG WOMEN of any""failhnding con I idem iai ad vie mav contact Mrs. D Linden Cat holt Charities 378 W. Broad wav. Eugene. Oreaon DI 3-3642. ROOM. BOARD, car GrandvMw-Horn for elderl people, welfare or private. Cloe in OR 3-6 102 TLCOH01.i1? S "ANONYMOt7-24Ts a. E slaekson Tuesdays Baturdar 9 PM GOOD car given elder I v people In com Portable Christian horn. OR 3-64.U1 except Saturdav s HOUSE 'OF t!NTFORMS43tW Ump qua OR 3-4197 , lost t Found 49 LOT - Toy Manchestr ?id Chihua hua tnai dog, with Calif, license. Call OR 5-383.1. j BARCUS xjjiioiei I ? 9 0 . O