o O Classified Is Your EASY Way to Quick-Action Results. OR 2-3321. Services 13 Bill While'! Income Tax Service New Location 812 W. Harvard CIom to Community Hospital Free Parking Hours: i m. to I V Ph. OR 2-4041 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mileage: free estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE pr OR 3-3356 UW N.E.Staphcns 1 WILL GIVE written guaranty-to reduce vour fuel bill 25 per cent to 50 per cent by Insulating the attic of your home. After 30 day free trial, jou must be completely tatufied or 1 win witnartw me insulation and charge you nothing. My price for in sulating the average house is lets than $100. Results permanent. Comfort miring. Monthly terms on requeal. Phone Sutherlin 3388 evenings for free estimate. B U LLDOZING.- leveUngTdi t chorpoit hole digging, plowing. Top soil and travel, dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Goetx. OR 2-14.12. STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE. Dupli cating. Statistical typing. Advertising. Pickup and delivery, Alice Smalle, OR 3-J444 PUMP REPAIRS 24 hours service. MU ler & Cox Sales and Service. OR 2- 3381; night calls OR 3-7389 or OR 3- 3739 REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial. Available on call any time day or night. Phone OR 3-5318 or OR 3-40.13. I FBKE-repair estimates and complete parU department for servicing May- iag appliances, t-juamy vurmmeri. OR 2-1821. ROOFING. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Portland W E. Oaum- Local Afent Ph OR 2-1371. BABY SHOES bronzed Call OR 3-1419 or inquire at 2014 S E. Douglas, Rose burg. SHOP IN GREEN General repair. wTd ing and fix-it Experienced 2353 S W Caills St. Ph. OR 3-4687. iHALE rock for roads and driveways. Immediate delivery Ph. C P Tallon, OR 3-4040 CARPENTER, any type construction. We help arrange financing Free esti mates. Kowalcwskl. OR 3-8020. DOZING, leveling: also shale rock, river losm and road materials. Chat Kcely OS 9-51 IT or Phone OR 3-3043: Myrtle Creek I 2.123 HURLBURT'S Plumbing- Any type Ph. 3244. Sutherlin. Carpenter, painting, roofing, or s- finrssMAKINC .nd .u.r.tinn. PhTn. ! OR 2-1429 CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS Reason able. W J Lane. OR 3-3948. CARPENTRY Reasonable. Small jobs preferred, smith. OR 3-K4U. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing & unver. un 3-oo.hi. jEl5ERAL and State Income tax. OR 3-3033. PRUNING. OR 3-A747 mCOMst Ux. OR 3-4668 after 8 p. m. BRICK AND atone masonry. OR 23703. Baby & Child Care 14 MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY 914 S E Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special unit (or children under 2 years of age. Slate Inspected. OR 3-8381. . NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten, 1353 N E. Vine St Excellent pre - school ' training. OR 37849 or OR 3-32.14. Work Wanted 15 IEW1NG and alterations of alt kinds. M rs. W E Curtis, 732 N E. Er ie. Phone OW3.7434. WANTED Work on shares on sheep ranch. Write Box 371, Oakland, Oregon. CARPENTER new construction. re modeling, rapair. Rld. Phone OR 3-6H60. WASHING and rough dry; also Iron mg OR f.3893. LICENSED chauffeur will drive your car anywhere. Bondable. OR 3-8564 1EWING All types.' Guaranteed. OR 2-27 IRON ING In my home. Phone OR 2-2448. IRONING Reason a ble. O R 2-3413. ALTERATIONS. OR 2-1275 IRONING qR3-7878 YOUNG MAN 18. Anything. OR 3-5S48. Instruction 16 WANTED Men For Training Heavy Equipment More Poy Steady Work V BULLION dollar highwav program. We train you in heavy equipment as operator, mechanic. Mail coupon to day fnr free information. No obliga tion. Write: GSC HEAVY EQUIPMENT' DIVISION Box fl5, News-Review Name Addreta Ctty Stale Hours ! work A M. P M now. See us for tools needed. Dorothy Gift Shop BNROTl ANY MONDAY Robe7twi School of Business. 8'.0 S E. Jackaon St., Roieburg OR GUITAR-instructions, standard or steel. OR 3-9323. Loans 17 Family Finance Corp. Opposlt. Junior High ROUt OWN ID AND OPCRATID LOAN UP TO tt00 ON AUTOS. TKAILtl IIOMIS FL'RNlTl'Kt Lp to 34 monthly pa-fMnu Lir. Insurance on loans at small cost Wah-Tton OR MONrV IN. A HI.'RRY . I un. J u.om COMVIRCIAL rNOI'STRHU FINANCE CORPORATION IS t l Oak OR . Pacific Finance toan J Mil St.th.ns O - Financial 19 B CAV tr.R -Mir., small tlienue.e4 e-.o - -rl!--"",-I.OANS trie. OR -41ta oe OR -. For Trade 21 FOR SALE or trade, home in Lakeside, Oreion alone the coast, for a houe In or around Roseburg. Call before 1 PM, OR 3-4093. j NlCE3-bedniom horn.-With"denTWest ' Winston, for larger home with small I acreage OR 2-lfta. ! TRADE 19ibMercurV"indc0rr- dilion, good tires, for a pickup. Call Sutherlin 2143. SELL 2-bedroom home or trade for mo- bilejiome. OR 2-1283. SELL or trade for furniture, equity in modern '38 trailer house. OR 3-4621. NEW "PORTABLE typewriter" "sell, or trade for rifle. OR 2-1238 after 3 8" TILTING arbor saw. for wood lathe or Jointer. OR 3-0937. Fuel 22 SAWDUST Blower and dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core GUY" AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump ' WOOD Dry Oak Green Slab KUn Dry Planer Ends Gr or Dry Peeler O re Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 9-8741 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO KILN DRIED planer ends: oak wood. OR3-3032 . WHY WAIT? Dry. old-growth fir wood. Prompt delivery. Excellent for fire place. $15 cord, delivered. OS 9-5346. HARDWOOD for heater and fireplace. uon loiwcn, un u-oaoit. LRYJ?AK nlwood. ' OS 9--33U. OAK and laurel. Ph. OR 3-7993. Seeds & Plants 23 FRUIT and shade trees, shrub and berry plants. Moore's Nursery, 'i mile east of Courthouse on Douglas Street. Fruits & Vegetables 24 APPLES polished and graded. Ort-1 ley's. Wlnesap's and Newtown's SI 1 and up. Bring contalneri Marsh',, Ranch, 1 mile west Lookinl Store. UK 3-64S-. Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Sutherlin, Oregon 1 Sutherlin 11M Oakland M54 Sat. Feb. 8. 1 P.M. THREE truckload. of dairy butcher , cows. 1 30 Angus whiteface cross stoeker and 23 head good quality yearling feeder calves 1 well-bred Angus yearling bull Milk cows, baby calve, veal, hogs. horses, ewes and lambs, bucks and wethers, feeder lambs irlng In your livestock Comm. over $500; 4'i under. Schricker & lnda. Managers Schricker ft Son. Auctioneers O. Tripp, Ringman G. A. Brown, Weighmaster 3 Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon . EARLY CONSIGNMENTS for Thursday, ib. fth. 1 lot whiteface feeder steers and heifers : 1 load csnner cowa 1 whiteface bulls 1 lot fat cattle Weaner pig, fat hogs, day-old calves. milk eows and , Ph OR 2-4071 Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY : Rome I, Box 332 B Bus or 3-g;(2;t s,va s uk . C ' WANTED - Sheep and cattle, ail kinds. bmger ieWtng W A Blackert Ph Myrtle Creek ! U, i n un. 3-4515. ! Machine company BOY'S rough side-out-roping saddle.'35 SE J"hor p w like new. too. OS Detween n ana 5 p.m. TWO horse stock trailer, good condi tion. Priced right for quick sale. Phone OS 9-566;i betwen and S pm, MEAT-f YPEw;eanerpigs. OR 3-7668. GOObJersey milk cow" 3 years old. cheap. Freshen inMarchOR 3-5026. WANTED- Breeding ewes. Phone UN 33384 Myrtle Creek Hay. Grain & Feed 27 HAY Good quality Scott Valley ana, Klamath alfalfa Delivered. NEWTON BROS. 1201 E ParkGranti Pas OH 6-4979 GRASS-hay with sprinkling of clover No rain damage. 50c bale. OS :t-54!6 No Sunday calls . ALT A fescue: Rye gras with Lotus, 120 ton. Robert Strllrke. OR 3-3612. B A LED OA T a n d vetch hav T. E. Dun can.Rt 1 Ptione OR 2-3890 TINE, clean alfalfa, $1 per bale. R. Conn.OR3-6423 STRAW Ph OR 2-3860 Poultry 28 VILL RECEIVE live poultry on Tuesday Roseburg Poultry Co 72B e 1 Spruce. Try Want Ads! They'll Do It Every A 4BTEtt YE4GS OF COLLEGE, PRE MED, MEDIC4L SCHOOL, INTERNSHIP ySMD WAITING FOQ P4TIENTS, DOC'S HOUSE FEE IS BT THE hAMDVMAW WHO FOUMD A PAR OF PLIERS AKD WEST INTO &JolK3G LAST THJif AhOATP Of KAhSAS city. 10 Poultry 28 1 BABY CHICKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS early to avoid delay. Ponton Ha'.chery, 874 W Harv- rd. Roseburg. Ph OR V332 Turk awq 1 ureys OVEN - READV. Sanders rarm. ph. OR 3-4S02. Rabbits 29 WANTED: fryer rabbiU. 4 to 41 pounds. Phone OR 2-2710. pets 3Q THREE YEAR old spider monkey. $33. Call Myrtle Creek UNion 3-.I645 Tues day through Friday evenings. THOROUGHBRED Boxer puppies Cheap. Ph. OR 3-3678. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south. Bur ton's. OR 3-8122 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 3-31M17. TOY Fox Terriers. Fugs and canaries Putman's. OR 3-8t04. RED FACTOR canaries. 672 N E. Ala meda. REG SIAMESE stud sen-ice for your queen. OR 3-7648. ' REG. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. OR 3-3778 869 N. W. Willow. YOUhetnycauariesOR 3-8759. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels OR 3-3793 TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT RADIO TELEVISION. HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD OR 3-5)53 Building Material 32 LOOK! Longer Terms Now Available At 'Suiter's iN ALL HOME REMODELING AND REPAIR Up To 5 Years To Pay Nothing Down , . j furnish labor and material if desired FREE ESTIMATES SV AT Mt- mrta's U1LDING SUPPLY CO i 1238 N E. Walnut OR J-267 4 j' 4 n lumber- ZZli v 3-rm. uaraen vi. mar Bit traca. Sports Equipment 34 Authorized Evinrude Dealer Isham, Imperial. Bureheraft, Starcraft Clippercraft Trailers, carriers, paints etc. Used motor Rod & Reef Trailer Sales 1143 W Uirvird 25 H P. JOHNSON outboard motor 10 HP MFRCURY outboard motor 5', HP. Sea King Several other used motors to choose from. Green's Sales Mart 1B44JS E. Stephent USED GUNS Sure we trade. Ump- qui Gun Store. WANTED Used22"Tifles. Will pay cash Umpqua Gun Store USED GUN Trading Sale. Umpqua Gun Sto, Sewing Machines 36 Singer JUST received in trade Singer console in good condition. Sews like new. Wal nut finish cabinet. Only $69 50 For Sale Misc. 37 HEREFORD BEKF. :Vr lb South Steph en Market. Ph- OR 2-9164, evenings. OR 2-1870 WINSTON Sand and Gravel. -crushea rock, reject gravel bar run and top oil OS -849 APT. range, new rod-type burners. Good ronrliflon 164 95 Rareain Aonliance Center. 631 S E. Rose. Ph. OR 3-5521. I WEST1NGHOUSE clothes dryer, good! rnnriitmn 174 95 R.r..m Annlianc. Center. 631 S. E. Rose. Ph. OR .1-5523. ! BOY'S shoe skates, size 8't 812. prac REMINGTON adding machine. 605 S E. nw" OR 2"M41 b'Wn 8 nd Mosher after 6 I. WATK1NS" PRODUCTSMrsCLBib- I S' ..V.J." J J hv 146 Fiwier St OR 2-1486 mddel. 1169.95. Bargain Appliance Cen- o. jMowier m uk 3-1 am (rr Ro phonB OR 3.23. WANTED Used 22 rifles. Will pay '.. rt nHi.(ll I---.,.. c . . - . 1 GAS water heater, used. Good condition. CahLpqu.OunStore $. Blr(iim Aopll.n CenUr, 8E RIVER LOAM shale and gravel. Lind-1 R0 f phone OR 3-55ZT aey Wh.t. OS 9-2844 I RADIO RECORD pla errt.ble" model HOUSE of Stuart Cosmetics. Ph. OR a.; uv Bargain Appliance Center. 3t 3-370 I S E Ronc Phone OR 3-532.; LARGE'7 ft. cedar posts, delivered 20 ; REPOSSESRKD " Phllcn' Deluxe range. mile area of Roieburg. .IV. OR 3-fiS.Y STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Betty Sheldon OR3-50fl7 USED GUN'S, bought told and traded Umpqua Gun 3 tore S HP Air compressor. See me at Lock- wood Edsel. Wilbur Thompson. 1 NEW nd uwd .add),, bridles a n d harnesi. 2844 NE Douglas. iriM.l.(f.-lBUH 'ol 1 'UP1 KSl V - OR4223 ' " - " Time j . MUCH IS "T?f. .J- J il V i I -iMPr- I J-Br f ' . ll M IM THE FAUCET AND j ,r. V ,4-9SV For Sale Misc. 37 Bankrupt Sale $25,000 All New Furniture stock Roes at half-price Some for less. Newest styles. Sale Starts 10 A.M. Thursday Morning Building Across From Nielsen's Market Hurry! Early birds will make the best bargain buys. Used Furniture DAVENPORTS and ch.lt MU, 129 50 GOOD SELECTION ot used furniture Easy tarm. Sc. u.cd furnitur. dept. .1 Judd's Furniture For Auctioneering . r & bervtces CONTACT Col- V 11 union We Hut. sell and trade. It pus ta buy and sell tn auction way Auction ever Fri day, 7 PM. Roseburg Auction Ptl OR 1-5031 Used"?!"" Admiral TV New mciure tube. New set guaranty 9113 - Only $13 down ll l A i: Dl I- I useo rtinine diotiub I Console Radio Comb. 3 speed changer. t89 50 New et guaranty I Only $10 down 1 i i - e a I Graves Music & Art , 733 SE Caw. OR 2-2313 JUST TRADED JN large supply good,! used furniture. Be sure to look this; over may be something you need, and the price will be right. Green's Sales Mart 1644 S E. Stephen HOLLYWOOD BEDS, dining room sets tables, lampi at half price. 2yonO new furniture. Bankrupt Sale Thurs day 10 a m. in the building across from Nielsen's Markt. COMElN todayandsee the all new Speed Queen dryer with stainless steel drum. Guaranteed for a lifetime. Terms. Kier-Croooh Plumbing ft Appli ance 528 SE. Stephens. OR 2-3364. GREATLY reduced prices on 1857! models Admiral refrigerators wniie they lait. Terms. Kier-Crooch Plumb- Ing ft Appliance. 528 SE. Stephens. Stephen!. I .-o(-.ur OR 2-3364. WANT TO increase the valUi home? Contact us for an estimate on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom today. Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance. 328 S E Stephens. OR 2-3364. NEW 51" Deluxe cabinet sink and 3 21" base cabinets. Complete with maroon top. $379 value, now 250 Term. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 64S S. E. Rojte. ARTHRITIS, RHEUM ATISM? New. Im proved ARTHONUL contains new drug for faster, longer-lasting relief. So lafe. no prescription needed PAY LESS Drug Store. REPOSSESSED Frlgidaire Imperial washer. Sold for S.UN.95. Only $1B9. Terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 648 S E Rose. SMOKE'"-" DAM AGED-furniture a few living room sets, left at big reduc tions. Quality Furnishers, 644 S. E. Stephens. REPOSSESSED :" Frigid! re deluxe range. 1937 model. Sold for 3230. now si7. Terms, umpqua valley Appliance, 648 SE. Rose DAVENPORTS, "chairs! bedroom-sets, half price. Bankrupt Sale. 10 AM. Thursday morning in the building across imm nuNsea s Marnet USED DRYER completely reconditioned in our in op, ju s.a.na terms Kier Crooch Plumbing ft Appliance. 528 S E. Stephens OR 2-:i:i64. Lft H Apartment size range, perfect condition. Terms. Kier-Crnoch Plumb ing ft Appliance. 528 S E. Stephens, OR 2-3.164. FOR the belt job in custom cutting, wrapping and quiet freezing, bring your meat to Winiton Lockers OS -51.1,1 WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices Winston Lockers, OS t)-5Li:i TR EVA'S CERAMICS. Free lesson Large assortment green ware, pjint. glacs. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5i.:i. CUSTOM rutting. South Stephen Mar ket Cuti mg and wrapping done hv experts. Ph- OR 3-9164. evenings. OR 2-1870 USED appliance ranges, refrigerators, etc Taken tn on trades. Come out and make deal. Rainbow Truler .ss'es N Highwav .9 a Winchestpr Rndge RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. 85 month and up OR rt-.VMB DAVENO; bedroom" set; kitchen table and 4 chairs: small Crosley refriger ator Evenings. 862 W. Rainbow UNBELIEVABLE saving on all t457 r'" '! Appliance ppllances. Umpqua Valley 648 S E Roe was $4.19 balance now 2B1 Like Quality Furnnher 644 S. E Stephem. FREE7.ER712 ru tl cheat type 9200 Bargain Appliance Center. 611 S E. Re Phone OR 3-552-i. GAS range. 949 95 Full sire Bargain j Appliance Center. HI S. E. Roe. Ph , un GAS apt. fire range like new. 173. Rsr-1 Appliance Center. 6.11 SE Hose ffEfONDITIONFD DRYERS 2 nnlv. siwv.t ana wh w uuaiiiy rurnianeri. 944 S. E. Stephens. By Jimmy Hatlo Musical Instruments 38! I FOUR NECK render Steel Cultar, only! u month, old. with pod.u. ii ; 3 T ni !ii V, i I Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal for Irrigation Prlr. Per Hundred ft t." 11.11c I .' 1.7 000 11176c I'," $:2noe 1 - lla.SSe 1 ' 148 S0 riUl.-.it Roseburg Supply Co. 40.1 N E Winchtr St OR 1-44H1 WANTED, irritation system. 10 horM electric pump and aluminum pipe. Phone OS 9-8403 FOR SALE two bottom 14 plow, good. Phone Oakland 3767. Machinery For Sale 40 1957 FORD pickup, i ton. B000 miles will take car for equity. STUDEBAKER dump truck, good shape and good tires, priced to sell. $o30 D-7 CAT, fully equipped D- CAT. ready to go HUFF front end loader, yard and half bucket, real good condition HARRIS front end loader, yard bucket is donkey sled 73 DONKEY, needs new sled WHITE short logger, dual axle with' rnain drive has Brownie in good shape. ' I ih.t.1 vnr.v 'I tun pit ft up, i pct-u wain top shape. Doyle's Used Equipment Center Garden Valley Road: nr C.reen'1 Sales Mart. 1644 s E. Stephen!. TOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jack Doyle I Brady Montgomery ' V'irg Green If vmi have any Used equipment you reauy warn oio. ee u tor lernn. AMvvwvlrvwwtrv. . , . - Egging Equipment 41 PAPE' BROS., INC. "BONDED BUYS" RONDFD BTYS" From Ymir Caterpillar Dealer A m re You Complete Sat isfaction, Barked By Writ ten Surety Bond. CAT Dl Tractor, 194. Sets lal No. 2113052. SS Dorrr, No. 24 Cab1 Control. H s ter 1)81. Towing Winch. Medford Canopv. Engine in good operating rondltinn Tranmis.lon, Master Clutch, steering Clutches re good. R?sea!ed final drives, rellned brake. New Rails, Pads 70,,, Rollers '' Sprockets 75'.-. Ma chine cleaned and painted R.xeburf. 30 DAY GUAR ANTES $12,300 CAT D7 Tractor, 14. Ser ial 4T.1739. Isaacson .Siralght R I a d Dofi-r, " a b 1 1 Control, HvMrr Winch and Medford Cano p . Engine runs good. Tranamlssion, Steering Clutches, Master ('hitch and Finn I Drh rs all (iood. Ralls 80',, Pado 90'r. Hill er and Idler rebuilt. Sprockets hae new rim, (f-neral appearance of ma chine Is good, (ienrral o erhaul of thl mac'ilne a done tn our shop, t.ood operating condition. Coqullle . . flO,S('0 CAT D Tractor. IMi Ser lal 4I11M2. Itaacann Hv. draulte Dner. Hstr l Towing Winch, Gabriel Canopv. Engine had maior overhaul 250 hours ago, alo overhauled wai Mas ter Clutch. Tram-nm-uon, Steering Clutches, Kinal Drives all good. Rail and Pads 40. Kollera rebuilt and r-Mealed. Idlers re built. Marh ine has been rompletelv aervlced. clrn ed and painted. Good op erating condition. Rn-e. burg . - 3,.100 AT HUlt Tractor, Carco isiralghi Dorer. Power Con trol I nit, Carcn J Winch and Logging Canopv. Kn gine in good enndtt inn. Torque converter ner hauled. Matter and sleer Ing clue he, good condi tion. Rslls and Pad (V, Rollers and Idlers rebuilt, Sprork ls (13 ' Cleaned, painted and in good inn d i' ion. p'.ugene. "BUY and TRY." 30 Day Warrant. l.l,3O0 IHC TD 14. Tractor. litM Hydraulic angle-htade Iinrr, laat nn To ing W inch and Canopv Ma chine In fair operating condition. Lugene 4,fM0 H YSTKR t Drum Yarder. Model CHY-iniM7. A1mnt ni-w enndltton. Kugene U,V0 "BO SXIf.t) BUY" PAPE' BROS , INC. Your CATKRPIM.AR Deal er la Your Bet Source for .New and Lied Equip ment KIT. EN R ROSERI Rfl COQt H I E CATH CATERPILLAR ANGLE BLADE fnr D-T. 91200. ,,u. el ard. truck mtd. s swing make good mall Ing loader, tlVrt) Carte Marhinery. Ph. IN 3-JB02 Mrtl Creek . j TOR SALE D- tractor series "with' Johnson bar. Good condition. Phont OR a-28:n. j DONKEY iled's and loading booms. Bv I Elmer f. Olien. Iverson Mill, or call : RI a 40 :M Hpnngfield j TWO GOOD hunks with" blocks tW 10n N E Cntlege Drive. South Chestnut ' t. lo raiiroad. I Timber & Sawmills 42 j WILL BUY logs atumpsge nr rough lumber Huh Lumber Company. Boa' 357 Phone OR 23:153 i EVERY VEEK THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS Timber & Sawmills 42 C-,,. I . ,,U. " otomar LumDer vo. pv TOP -"-.-CM for ianf Ion J and stumoaie tn lane or small tracts. Dv Ph 34.H Riddle or Myrtle Creek UN 3-4325 eveinims. WANTED GANG LOGS. Top prices paid for logs 30 In dta.. and under, 13 ft. and lomer. We also buy stand ing timber. Write for price list or call Yoncalla Vi 9-318 Mt. Baltfy Lumber Co.. Yoncalla. Oregon. WANTED CORDWOOD Eight foot, fit per cord. Lee Preston Lumber Co. Riddle 3331 WANTED Logged over land andttm her land Write Box 58fNews-Revew. SHORT LOG haul wanted. OR 3-4847. Trailers 44 American Fleetwood Kit Golden State 15 ft. to 50 ft t anVi 10 ft. wide Rainbow Trailer Sales S Mites north on old highway 89 At Winchester Bridie Licensed Bonded Haulers Open Eves At Sundaa OR 3.7.172 DOYLE'S MOBILE HOMES . Announces Opening Of Service & Repair Dept We repair and service all makes and models of trailers and mo bile homes. We are on call at all times. 491 N E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2 37.W 10 Wide 8 Wide Mobile Homes 1. 1, and 3 bcdronmi. to 30 ft Spartan ABC Geer Hicks Rex l.eisurehonie And Others Good ael-ctton of Uicd Trallara Trailer Supplies Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. Brur. V Cllliy. Ur . ISH0 NE Stvph.n. OR 3-33'l TERRY UNIVERSAL KENSKI1 I. NASHUA rRONTIER TERRA CRUISER SEE Jim McKee Traile: Sales 11.3 N.I Stephens OR 2.4221 Rod & Reel Trailer Sales VAPAIION Irallers for rent 114. W Harvard Pb QH 2-2J42 MODF.HN "trailer hom. for ul, .7.Y, Sl.'iU down and balanre 930 p.r month. South Ronebura Motel. 28' MODERN trailer rioui.- OsTTl-S.l-J: after 5 p.m OR 3 M47 MY EQUITY in 3a ft. house trailer, or trad, for ear. Ph. OR 2.9176. Trucks 45 4-SPFED. ti ton pickup, like new, 9117V Will accept old car as trade-in, or una II down payment. UNion J-,1504. Myrtle Cieek. SELL or trade equity '17 Ford ' ton picKup. I u 1 1 equipped. Farn-U-Matlc. Long wheel bac OR 3-4634 19X2 WILLYS 4-wheel drive pickup with nr wittiout winch. See me at Lock wood Edsel. Wilbur Thompson. Automobiles 46 Used Cars At Wholesale Today's Specials I9W CHEVROLET Club roups. R Ac H, very clean 5f)8 IMI ENGLISH ford ..door, very clean, good tires 208 1S.V) EORD Tudor 178 SO MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Better Buy Bargain Lot "At Tha rins-U" 11B2 N E Stephana Call Charlie at OR 2-2MB3 PICKUP TRUCK. 19 Pord eood eon- dition, SMO. Trowbridge Electric. OR. 3-.VS21. S.VX) M2 rord. Olda engine. Tor quick sale OR 3-5734 after 4.10 1911 OLDS hardtop, $.130 Hell or trade OR 2-14A7. 2071 NE Stephena. EQUITY In "'32 Chev. gnnd condition. See after S PM, 6:il NE Wincheter . . HANSEN'S USED CARS Look-Drive-Compare Large Savings On Near New Cars 'S3 fftEVR01J:T Rel air Hdtp fW8 Beautiful 2-lone white and lur qufie, radio and hea'er. a tnappy sport coupe In excellent con til ion. 3 CHEVROLET 3 Dr 210 1 lH We have a choice of colors fr von, and both are top in value with our O. K. Guarantee for aafe bu ing M EORD 4 Dr Station Wagnn to5 Ideal for a large group t pa enger room If needed. Radio and heater. '33 FORD 1 door Cuitnin 'Motor ha Jut had rings and valve grind. 3 -tone paint, rird-0 Matir. radio and heater. Good tires all around. J1 CHEVROLET Ci Coupe Clean a nTund car. 1 pin and a Ideal second car. 3 Rtrif K Rivieta lfat op I""" 2 tone red and black, V motor, Ii naflow, radio and healer A real deal awaits ou on tnis rar. I.rgrt I crl Car Sclnclion In Rosfburj". Termi lo Suit. Hansen's Used Car Center Osk and Wed. Feb. 5, 1958 The Newt-Review, Rosebur Ore. 11 Automobiles 46 Today's Oak & Rosa Lot Special 1956 Kortl Kairlane 4 Dr. I ac H. Ford-O-Matlr. like ew eon dilinn Handle like a dream uith Master-Guide Power Steering ThL is a company executive car. Was 9189.. Now $1675 1951 PONTIAC J-Door sedan Look no further if jou have been looking for good, clean cheap lranportaiin. RtKj, pa 111. and upholstery top condition. Very good mechanically .... 43 1937 FORD Fairlane 500 4-door. 17.(li)0 actual miles, 9-tube Signal-Seeking radio. Tord-O-Ma-matic. heater, and many other xtrai. ... 2595 19.W FORD CUSTOM TUDOR SDN RH A OD. Below 13.000 ac tual miles. 1933 CHEVROLET BEL AIR TU DOR None cleaner in the county IB33 RUICK SUPER HARDTOP very clean 1931 CHKV FORDOR SDN. Mechanics special. 193 No Down Payment on Approved Credit 1 HIQ LOTS Oak and Rose Sit. Ph. OR 5 :H4 South Stephens M Phone OR 3-1441 LOCKWOOD EDSEL SALES Today's Special 19.VJ Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe HERES a buy you won't stop talking about you'll find It hard to be lieve I hat we can sell Hits car at this price but here It l! Don't wait ee It todaj . Equipped with R tit II, very clean Inside and out. Was K0.1 Now $795 mm (D 1B. RUICK Riviera 4-door hardtop conditioned motor. Sharp. 40 Here's a car that will please ihe whole family the beiiiitiful coral i IBM PONTIAC 4-door R It H. automat ie fini-h ta enham-ed hv the exquiaita transmission. A real good bur . . 425 black and white nvlon Interior Many J power mm lit!, uch as windows, neat. 'B1 BUICK SUPER 4-door. RAH, spe- ateering and brakes Variable Pitch -,u- Dvnafiow give-i it amoolh, quick per-1 fo.mance While you are driving. th i PACKARD 4-dnor. RAH. Auto automaiir tuning radio will entertain malic, transmission. A good buy at you Dtin't drlav - aee It today. . MoM placet would price this ear at' . . . 2(.P. - not Bo at Lnckwund Ediel Sales our price ju tins. 1DU FORD Victoria. ST. 000 actual miles. 1 owner, hat RAH, and O drive Like new IMS 19U MERC TRY MONTEREY HARDTOP Mere is a little Jewel that Kill bear the mml particular Inspection. Loaded 1JS5 ItU MERCI'RY EORDOR Sl. You will not find a car that hm been more rarrfullv kept. R H Merr-o-nialir Plaillc In terior for Ihe kiddies. Guar anteed. 1005 Lockwood Edsel Sales i 1410 SB Stephena St Ph OR 1173 I TRADE! t;LADI.Y Aff'EPTEII WITH BANK TERM TO SUIT Ford Ranch Wagon , "32. R A H. rord-O-Matlr M70 Dream; 1 Home Molel, Tri City, Apt. 5. after 3. . MOTORCYCLES - New u ed Berkwith Cvcle OR 1-H120 WILL ASSUME contract on '37' or '35 ; model cat OR 3-.I323 after 8 p m. U Ri'H'K 4-dnor Super power ateering power brake. 2-1 tone finih, cuitom rovers, white-! wall tires. A good buy at this 1 price. '33 PONTIAC S'ar Chief 4-Dr . I7M The het Pindar ma'le - low mileage. Continental Kit, 2-tone., t ii-iom throughout - 34 CHEVROLET Del Ifv coupe IOH8 able interior ' platic w makes It the ideal family car along ith Chev rrtlet economy. A nice, guaranteed car '31 PORD Victoria Coupe VM V-5 motor. 2-tone finish, custom eovers, radio, hrater. 33 OI.DS 88 4-door m 2-lone metalhr, radio, heater. ru imii roei, good tires, and sound' . throughout 3.1 STt'D:RKER 4 door 5 One ow sr local rsr. radio, heat- er atitoma It anamiismn (iood tires. A suund value at this price., Ro - s. Rosehurf Automobiles 46 BARCUS 37 DODC.K Cluh Coupe RAH D-SOO motor. New car guarantee J7M 'M DODGE Custom RoyaL 4 door I-am-er Power flight R It H Power ateering, brakes and Mt- xiftt 54 PLYMOUTH club coupe Power flight. Only 21.000 miles 14fl I '33 PLYMOUTH Vt Belvedere sedan- j Power flight, R H. 146 I '34 DODGE V-i Royal Hardtop. Powerflyte RAH Local 1 j owner. Perfect condition . 12M 1 '34 BUICK Century Hardtop. Dna- iiow nocn . I49g '33 BUICK 4 door Riviera. Dvna flow. RVH Completely recondi tioned motor. v 1091 '32 PLYMOUTH 2 door. RAH. Re- conditioned motor. . . .... 39 '33 PACKARD Deliixe sedan, ultra malic, R H. aood motor 34a 33 CHEVROLET Fleetllne 3 door Powerglide, R&H 401 P.Bc:".x 1 993 1 '31 FORD Club coupe, motor com pletely reconditioned, finish and Interior extra nice . .. 3Rf 1393 ; '31 OLDS U sedan. Hydramatie, RH . .... MS '31 MERCURY sport coupe. Over I drive. R&H Completely racon- oiuoneo motor. '51 BtlICK Sperlal eonvertlbl.. Oy naflow. R&iH, n.w top. 4DS SI DODGE Coronet Sedan, RitH SOS SO CHEVROLET l H Dclux. .Tudor R 4S CADILLAC Rill sedan. Hydramatie, it CHEVROLET sedan RtH. PACKARD Sedan. RAH S CHRYSLER Sedan. RAH '47 BUICK Sup.r ledan. RAH.cl.aa . '41 NASH Sedan, runa good '3? CHEVROLKT 2 door. Good mo tor and tires. BARCUS Open Eves & Sun Stephens at Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-53M Easy Ren Terms BILL STOCK'S Top Value Used Cor Lot lft.1t OLD M 4-dnor aedan. RAH. r- 1B" PLYMOUTH CRANBHOOK 4-door sedan, special 3WS lft.V) BUICK SPECIAL 4-door RAH. standard tr a nam in ion. New seat covers ... 375 IBM PONTIAC 4-door sedan, automat te transmission ... . 345 10.VI CHEVROLET Very clean l-donr. . .. 345 MANY MO HE I. ATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM See Kalesmea Don stormer 1335 S E Stephens Johnson or Bob OH 3 5.101 OWNER'S PERSONAL car S3 Super Buick. excellent condiiton. low mite age, two-tone gre . blue Interior, d iuxe equipment. Can be financed. S1BX3. OR 2-2.121 1933 Chevrolet V Ref Air 1-door hard top. Red and white. Clean, low mile age. Going lo Army, tnqulre 1334 S E. Reservoir. I i9M- No 150 1 door Chevrolet sedan. V" ,f)W mileage. 4 new tires. $845. N Grden V"y Blvd. 'OR SALE - 1947 Nash sedsn. by Aa- l aociation for Retarded Children. OS 9-3504 1.13 caih RAH rOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet. OR 3-3554 '47 Buick, 30 Ford. "'40 Pl mouth. OS -54H2. '3T VOLVO. 6WO miles, A-l, $1578. Ph. ,140;t. Oakland Personal 48 Bankrupt Sale 21 ont) all new furniture stock goea at half ptics Soma for lass. Newest st lea Sale Starts 10 AM Thursday Morning Building - Across from NiClSen 9 Markfl. Hurrv' P.arlv birds will make the best bargain tus. BUSHELS of fre fruit from tviry Stark tree' New patented strains pro duce fa-t heavy crop 1-ow rot fam il v 01 chard aa-iortmtnla Wholesale rate on Gold Mine commercial or chards Spring or fall delivery Ere planting advice Local rep. OR 1-5-331 eveninga or weekend YOUNG WOME.Nof any-faith needing confidential advice ma contact Mr. D Linden. Catholic Chritie. 278 W. Broadwav, Eugene, Oregon Dl 3-.2. ROOM, BOARD. rr Grandview"Mom for eltferly people, welfare or private. Close in. OR.1-8.i0a ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUS Mlf S. f larkson Tueadavs. Saturdays I PM HOUSIOr !TNirORMS"433"iW UlDV q()a 0R J-4U7 Lost , Found 49 LO.T Toy Manrhet.r aM Ch'hua I hn. msl. 4"-. with Calif. lietmaSk 1 Call on 1-.WJ3. , e 1 n ffl o ftV 0 J 0 Q i 0 G3 O 0 Is 9 4 9