o o o o 10 Th Newi-Rerlsw, Roseburg, Special Services Thursday Night At Canyonville Church By VIRGINIA PROCTOR A quartet from tht Open Bible Standard Institute of Eugene will present special services at the As sembly of God Church In Canyon ville Thursday evening at 7:30. Rhodes Pringle, a former CBA student, will be the speaker. Old Timers III Several "old timers" who own ranches East of Canyonville are reported by neighbors to be ill or convalescing. Earl Sumner is home recovering from recent surgery undergone at Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, He is still confined to bed, howev er, Mrs. Sumner has been ill and is planning to submit to surgery at Eugene next week. Mrs. Marearet Fenn is reported improving rapidly following sur eerv at Grants Pass. Mrs. J. P. Talbot has improved to the extent that she no longer wains witn a cane. Wilms Talbot has returned from Portland to care for her elder ly parents. The next meeting of the Wa-Sa-Ka-Ta Cams Eire Girls of Can- yonville will be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Herbert, Thursday afternoon, Eeb. 13, according to. Mrs. Walton Dixon, leader. Vacancies Ootn Mrs. Dixon said the group is comprised of fifth and sixth grade girls and that there are a few vacancies in memoersnip. ine LEGAL Case Ne. tMflt NnilCK OF HAI.R IN THK CHUM IT CO! KT OW THE STATU OP OREGON VOH UOI'GLAK COUNTY JOSEPH L. McC'OOL and MARIOIf L MrCOOL. husband and wife. Plaintiff, TS. MeCOOL, Inc.. Corporation. t al. Defendants, By virtu of an xecuUon lamed out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled caue to me directed ana dated the 6th day of December, 1057, baaed upon a Decree rendered and entered In said Court on the 2Jrd day of December. Ili57, In favor of Joseph L. McCool and Marlon L McCool, huaband and wife. Plaintiffs commanding me to make tale of the following described real property, to-wit: A parcel of land on the west side of property which is recorded In Coun ty Clerk's Deed Records in Volume 2(12. Face 230, which la described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest cor ner of said recorded property, which la 472.5 feet North. 741)0 feet Weat, North 24 decrees 12' Weat 50 feet and South M degrees 48' Weat 135 0 feet from the Northweat corner of the Win. Perry Donation Land Claim No. 30, Township 27 South, Range 1 Weat, Willamette) Meridian, thence running fnn aeld beginning point South 15 degrees 48 Weat JO 0 feet along the north line of property re corded in said records in Volume 124. Instrument No. 52736, to an iron pipe, thence North 24) degrees 03' Weat 155 1 feet to an Iron pipe, thence North 65 degrees 48' Eaat 35 0 feet to the North weet corner of property recorded In said volume 202 at Page 150, theno South 84 degrees 12' Eaat 155 0 feet along the weat line of laat mentioned recorded prop erty to the point of beginning. BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the Westerly aide of the Pacific High way 40 0 vfeet out at right angles from its center line at the North easterly corner of property described in County Clerk's Deed Records In Volume 124, Instrument No. 52730, aald beginning point of aaid recorded properly bring 472 S feet North and 7W 0 feet West and North 24 de greet 12' West of the Northweat cor ner of the Wm. Perry Donation Land Claim No. 311. Township 27 South, Kama 5 West, Willamette Meridian, thence running from aatd beginning point South A3 degrees 4tT West l.tAO feet along the northerly line of said reconled property to an iron pipe; thence North 24 degrees 12' West l.Vt 0 feel to an iron pipe; thence North AS degrees 48' East 1.15 0 feet along line parallel with said northerly line of recorded prop erty to an iron pipe on the westerly line of aaid highway; thence ttouth 24 degrees 12' East 153 0 feet along the westerly Itne of said highway to the point of beginning to satisfy the sums found due Plaintiff n their first cause of suit In the sum of 1..1.VI 00 together with Interest at six per cent per annum from January 10, IW57, until paid, and for the further sum of 230 1") . aa a reasonable attor ney 'a fee and for the further sum of 22 00 for a title report, and upon Ihetr srt-ond cause of suit in the amount of li4.HO0 0O together with Interest thereon at the rate of four per rent per annum from March 20. 1957. until paid, and for the further sum of foODOO aa a reason able attorney s fee and for Plaintiff's cota and disbursement herein incurred In the sum of tin 10 together with costs of and upon this Writ. Now. TimtEKOKK. by virtue of aald Execution and Decree and in compli ance with the commands of aaid Writ. I will on the 14th day of February, 1W.18, at 10 00 am at the south front door of the Douglas County Courthouse In Hosehurg. Douglas County. Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemp tion to th highest bidder for cah in hand alt of the right, title, and Interest Which the Shove named J letelle Mc Cool. Jr. and Hv L. McCool and Mr Cool, Inc , a Corporation, had on the second day of (Vtuher. lt54. and had up.n the nth dav of July. lw.4. and which all of Mid lfen1arttB had on the ath day of Decemtarr. 1T. the date of said Decree, and thereafter had in and lit the above descrihed real property or any part or ps.rlion thereof to satisfy Said Exet-ulion and Decree and Interest, cost and a crunig costs DATKli at H.nebum. Oregon, this 15th day of Jnur, 1KA C RYHD. Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon By .Nova Bates, Deputy rr t sit ( IT I ION IN THF Clm I IT 1 111 SJT or 1 RfTK tie OKr.) tiiR Till im.Mi or iinit.ia.it rttntttiK l.r RTMI NT In the Mmr nf Hie Adoption of ft AMY CIHI. MITH a m.n-w To HFNHY HHOI.n SMITH IN THE NAME or THE ATATK Or ORKGON You are heirb rttej and required to aptx-ar una hfw ranae whv the prnpuM-il adoption In the aho.e entitled protrltm ahall ml I m,l In the (aid prot'crditiga It La propiwd thnt Bahv (iirl ?tnHr who waa t.rn hfptemhei 11, M7. and who i the rhild " Hrnry Harold Snutti and Ha mona r'ae Smith. Im ariopid by Wilin le Martin and lnee Martin. ?i'u are required n appear and ihow raue aa aforeiaid within four 4 weeka at the date of the drat pulllrati.in herext. and t you fail mi to do t'.e aaid Waiter Ilee Martin ami loeu Martin will applr to the Court for the rehef praed for in thnr prtitkvn on file herein WITNESS the HonraMe Char lea ft Woodnrh. Judee of the aho.-.ntitled Court, with the aeal of aatd Cmirf af fiaed thu 2T'h day of January, lv.SC. ATriT CH"'TS3 DOER NER, Count Clerk n ia i'pnrnArr, Deputy Eirat pubhahed thla atvth day of Jan uary, litM. NOTICE to cur hi gK r E L 'H'v 'i'Vrs that BefOut ei'pomtefl minislrator ""' II f WII.Lf.H. De-aed, an duly qual I ffieit. AltuetMMta hs.iog rlaitiis agamet M.d mnlM are hereby notified U. pre- pent the tti with pro,er vurhrs to the AdijM -Jf rator at Hog la. R.ddte. I Oregon W.inin sil rnonilj,. from January O BENJAMIN t Wia.ia I Or Wed. Feb. 5, 1958 group meets the second and fourth Thursdays. The seventh grade group of Camp Fire Girls meets each Thursday afternoon in the seventh grade classroom, according to Ginger tiifton, scribe. Weekend houseguests of Mrs. C. E. Parker were Mr. and Mrs. fcd- die Lewis of Merlford. Mrs. William Whitmore, super visor of nurses at Forest Glen Hospital, is back, on duty after having been called to North Dakota because of her mother's illness. Relatives vitrt The Jim Fritchett family visited the Floyd Prichetts and their new bany daughter and the Raymond rruchett lamny at Lave junction last weekend. A recent caller in Canyonville was Eldon Stroud who visited his grandmother. Mrs. Delia DeVore. and other members of the family. and friends here. He graduated from Canyonville High School in me 40 s. Mrs. Pearl Moore and daughter, Linda, left Monday for Muse, Okla. wnere tney plan to reside. They were being driven East bv Frank Moore. Other Cnyonvillagers leav ing for Oklahoma soon are the W. T. Richey family who plan to leave Feb. 15. Mrs. Richey has been secretary in the principal's office at Canyonville School for a number of years. Mrs. Moore managed Canyonville beauty shop this past year. Dr. Fuchs' Expedition 'Going Likt A Bomb AUCKLAND, New Zealand OH Sir Edmund Hillary reported to day inai vr. Vivian tuchs trans- antarctic expedition is "going like a bomb" in its drive to reach Scott base before winter sets in Sir Edmund reported from Scott base that Fuchs last night had covered 376 miles from the South Pole and hoped to make 400 miles be lore the night i run ended. ACTRESS CONVICTED LOS ANGELES Ofl Actrvss Gail Russell, arrested last July 4 aiier ner car crashed into the front of a restaurant, has beenl convicted of driving while under the influence of liquor. NOTICI OF SALE Or Kt. AL. PKOrt-KTY NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the undersined, by virtu of an order for aaie oi real property made and entered by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Douglas County in the Matter oi tne uuardiananip or the feraon and saiaie oi Man one smith, incompetent. will aell at private aale to the higheat bidder, aubject to confirmation by aaid Oourt. the following deacrlbed real prop riy tn uougiaa county, uregon, to-wit: An undivided one-alxth of all of the fallowing deacrlbed real property: Lota 3 and 4, Section 1, T 37 S, R 4 W . W M , Douglaa County, Ore gon. Alao, beginning at an iron pipe at a fence corner on the north line of Section 1, T 37 S, K 4 W. W M , which la N 89 degrees 30' W 7 JO 5 ft. from the northeaat corner of aaid Section 1. thence running S 7 degreea 31' W ft. along a fenced line built for the weat line of tract of land dreded by Wltlard Smith and Sylvia r Smith to Don Smith, et ux, aa recorded in Vol. 181, page 170, Douglaa County, Deed Records, to an Iron pipe at the Northwest corner of tract of land deeded by said Wtllard Smith and Sylvia Smith to Uuy Mul lina, et ux, aa recorded in aaid rec ords In Vol. 261, page 7U, aaid north weat corner being 8 JO de grees 33' W 1HJ7 0 ft. from the north, aat corner of said Section 1, thence continuing along a fenced line on the weat line of properties recorded in Vol. 241, pagea 712 and 713 S e de grees 27W :itM H4 ft. to an iron bar, thence 8. 78 degrees 23' K 91 T ft. to an Iron bar. thence 8. degreei W 303 25 ft to a , inch Iron pipe at the southwest corner of aaid Guv Mulllna tract of land; thence 8 3 drgrees SO' W 133 9 ft. to a 4i Inch iron pipe, and 8 degrees 40' W lAd 5 ft. to a 'a inch iron pipe at the S W comer of the Mullina to Keith Smith tract, on the north line of the Buck horn County road Thence 8 15 drgrees 47 W SI 7 ft. across the Burkhorn County Road to an Iron pipe on the north line of same, thence S 0 drgrees 01' E 47 7 ft. along a fence line to an Iron pipe, thence 8. A degrees 3.1' E 1)2 0 ft. to an Iron pipe, thence 8 7 degrees 40' E 907 ft. to an Iron ple on an eat and weat fence line set for the south line of the George J. Chapman Donation land Claim at the southwest corner of property to he deeded by Keith Smith to Balcom, thence along aaid ' South boundary of U U C J9 and the weaterly extension thereof 8 M) drgrees US' W to a point in the wet boundary of said DLC. 311, aid point being also In the Eaat line of Government lt S. thence N 0 degrees 57' E 205 3 ft along the wei boundary of said DLC. .. thru re N Hti degreea W W 947 4 ft. to the southwest corner of lot 3, Section I, T 27 S HW, W M , them N 0 degreea on E l;it9 3 ft. to the northweat corner of said lot 3. Sec tion I. thence N at degrees 19' E 1.16 3 n to the quarter corner IxMwerrt said Section 1 and Section M. T l S, H 4 W . W M . thence S BH degiee ut' E Ituti i ft. to tle place f targinnmg ItKGINNINti al a fence corner on the south line of a vacated count v road, which is S 9 degrees 09' W. 341.14 ft (tom the northeaat corner of Set-turn 1, T JT S, RtW. WM; theme running from aaid beginning point south I degree 21 E lrUU 0 ft. along a feme line which Is on the ! line of the Harold Barker prop erly, to an iron pipe at a fence corner, thrnce N mi degrees 24' W MM l ft along a line trnced for the south Im of the George J Chap man tonat)nn I .and Claim, aaid tonthip and range, to an iron pipe, thence N 7 degieca 40' W n ft to an itnn pipe which is 12 0 ft ee-t of the risht bank nf creek, thente N Hi oVgrees 3.1' W 92 0 ft. acrous creek , to an Hon pipe, thence N 0 drgrees Of W 047 7 ft along a fem-rd hoe to an irnn p pe on the aiuth hie of the Ruchhorn Canmiv Road. then.-e N 4 degrees 17' E 74.1 T ft. along a fence line on the aoulh line of said county road and on the south line of said vacated county road to the plare of begin ning, containing 34 23 acres, more or a-d ntuatrd in Section I. t 27S . Hange 4 W, WM, Douglas County. Otrgon. Sid aa ill bo maq on and after 10 UQ o flock a m . February 17. IN, for cash, or on terms within the pro- Sealed hids wiU he reoeived Bwa S7, Rowetwirg. Oregon. If aaid sale is made upon rredlt. the aama) shall be mane armming u the laws and stat- ot the Ki.te of Orer-n. "d bidder rtiust set forth the teims and eondi lions of sate, the ui purrrwi puce to bear Interest at per ai.nurn. A Ullf pulic showing mar- j kelahi title will t furnid Tle r.ght is r erved to reject any an, a'l b..ls I DsUmI and first aubl.shed Januarr M. ! ttruN cob nr 1 4 Ciuardisn of the F-".o t Kaia4 eatates Sealed bids w.U he reoetred bltrr, 100 lb. 01 mm. 3 75 4 00; ,nni ulua' up to and in-iud ng 0W orlock a m on, ij.ja; OI 4 25-M; UkI BurhinK. I VfalfM ZSW i1:Sj:tS3TmJi1! " "SW;le Wterci Richmond of t.e,tdeZ reiker. waTum 1 Idaho Russets, No 1. 1"0 lb, 4 00- ru" calves and V Rirhm.nd. H a E. Kane Utreet. POlit 12 50 tt.. SmT r tm A M- I .... . I... at. OUT OUR WAY I TOLP V WELL, PO VOU LISTEN, MISTER, ( YOU THAT HAFTA C5LA95Y- ( I LEJ HER OUT WASWROrxkS.' V EVE ME LIKE V OF PlSH WASH I W (3 1 rtO WONDER 1 ATEETCMERf I TO FURNISH YOU I YOU'RE SUCH I I KIW 6LASSV- I WITH HELR NOT J I a FATHEAP A EVE, TOO J V AN OPPONEMT.' IM-P Sk Mm 9m WHY MOTHERS 6ET 6 RAY pmtt,iit w tm OR ETON COUPLE KILLED PALM SPRINGS, Calif. I An Oregon couple died Monday in a collision on the Pacific Highway, 10 miles east of here. Papers in the car led to identi fication of the victims as Mr. and Mrs. Georxe Hanson of Portland, the coroner's office said. The driver of the other auto, Tex Nowka of Earp, Calif., was hospitalized at Indio. where his condition was reported serious. LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertising placed from within Roieburg trad, area Minimum chars. to an on. ad la Mo CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word 2 flays per word 3 days per word ,avs T word. 5 days pr word . 6 days per word Lin od. oer line a dav - Lino od, repeat insertion, per day 9c Lin ad. per lint, per month 2.35 DISPLAY ADVERTISING First Insertion, per col. inch .. $1.60 Repeat insertion, per col. Inch 80 1 col. Inch per month . . . $20 80 Notional Classified Advtrtitino, 25c per line, no repeat rote 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW ADS 11:00 A. M. day previous to publication CANCELLATION UP TO A. M. ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement appears Incorrect ly, notify us immediately We will not be responsible for more than one In correct Insertion. Such responsibility is limited to refund of price paid or cor rect Insertion of advertisement. atEruNnn will not be ok lb MORE TUAa aa DATE Portland Markets Tuesday PORTLAND PRODUCE PORTLAND i Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate chanae Premium quality, deliv ered m Portland. 60-63 cents Dcr lb; first quality, 57-60: second quality, 52-55. Kutter Wholesale r o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 597; A tfrade. 92 scare. 581; H grade. 90 score, 57; t grade, 89 score. 55. Cheese lo wholesalers tireuon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43 1 i-53 i. Kegs To retailers Grade AA. large. 42-44: A larue. 38-40: AA medium. 37 41: A medium, 37-40. C . . ... , ... i artons, 13 cenls additional. r-;i!S To producers A A lariie. S5-35'i: A large, 30-32; A nii'Ji-iia Urn. 28-301!. Uvr poultrv-No. 1 fryers. 2-4 I lb, 22 at farm; liitht hens, 1011 at farm: heavy hens, 18-19 at the (arm: olll roosters. 7 8. I Kahhits-Averase to firowers live uhite Vvl'i Ih 2n 25' col- l.le nnes. J )( 4 ins, i a, TO orect pelts, 4 cenls less; freh killed frveri to retailers, 59 lil; ! cut tin ti' : W..l' m.r,al et.an h, I. ........ hlood, to 1 O.S; blood to Mi; lj blood to 1 20; fine lo 1 29. Wholeiala Drtliad M.ats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500 700 lb. 42 51) 44 00: Rood, 41 00 42 50; standard, .T no 41 00; c;n mercial cows. 35UO37O0; utility, 34 00 35 00; canners and cutters, 32 00-35 00 Hee( cots choice steers) Hind quarters. 48 00-52 00; rounds, 49 Ml. 51 00; ( ti 1 1 loins, trimmed, to ns 00; (ortHlturters, 37 00 3d 50; chucks, 40 00 42 00; ribs, 49 iiO M00 Lambs Choice 49 00-51 00; jtKi. all wis. 46 00-50 00 Pork carcasses Shipper stle. 120 170 lb. 32 00 33 50 I'ork cuts Ixuns, choice. 8-12 lh 47 00 M 00; nhoulilcrs. 16 lb. down, 34 00-37 00; nparni 4fi 00-50 no; fri-sh hums, 12-1S lb, 51 00 -S4 : Veal und ralvi-s (Jixxl chiiior all wli, 40 00. MOO; tandrd MOO- 4)ino PredHK t....iir. ii...h..(. n... ' hllkrrs. ITO ID. 9 OK mm. J .."- w; ri- n twA.t AtrlM nH 1 vert. SO lb. mrd, ln,S2 0U; le. boilrrt. 10 lb. 2;2; 25 Hiv N'pVT cruu No L,i-,J f A K 2 invn rortUnd. , i l ---. - 24.00-25 00 ton. PnBTLiNn i ivftwir i P0RTtNO LIVESTOCK , Classified Section Real Estate 1 548 Acre Ranch A GOOD modern 3 bedroom home, large red stock barn, out bldga., large fields that could be irrigated from large creek It's a good ranch and priced to aell. Good terms can be arranged- 54 Acre Ranch LEVEL fields of clover. Irrigation from large creek, modern 3 bedroom home, out bldg., family fruit, berries, ap prox. 10 acres virgin timber. Full price only $13,000, $3,000 down. It will pay for itself, you will agree. Only i milea from Winston on black top road. Immediate possession, vacant now. 166 ACRES on Myrtle Creek, old bldgt. old orchard, young timber. Only (3, 500. Good terms. TWO large lota and modern 3 bedroom home, fireplace, oak floors, plastered, fenced yard, shade, lots of flowers, garage, wk. shop. Near Mark 'a Su per Market, only tlO.OOQ, low down payment, Sec It today. FOUR bedroom home on corner lot Mill St. only 15.500, S300 down. Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR 1667 SI Stephens Ph. OR 3-8578 NEAT, modern 1 bedroom home. Beau tiful Roman brick fireplace. View windows. Long, spacious kitchen. Nice level lot. Green district. Full price. $5250, 8500 down, $60 month. NEAR Rose School. 3 bedroom plaster ed bout Full hAth Lama lot Full price .50, $500 down. Hurry, this la I oar gain. Lehman Real Estate Ph. OR 1-819.1 daya OK 3-otWl evenings WANTED RANCHES and acreage of all sizes, and river property. How burg Realty St Insurance Co. Umpqua Hotel, OH 2-3344. TRADE equity In 2 bedroom modern home. 9 acres, outbuildings and elec tric pump, for 2 bedroom modern home with smaller acreage. Winches ter - Wilbur vicinity preferred Write HI 1. Box 244. Sutherlin. or call 3527. nll bedroom house. Garage, patio, laundry room, hardwood floors, elec tric heat. On dead-end street in good neighborhood near U. S Plywood Sh.ide trees and shrubs. Good buy at $H750.$'i)0 down. OR J-3078 $5M for $1,450 equity In 2-bedroom house south of Kelley's K or ner Fire place, electric heat, tile floors, drapes inc la acre. Balance $5,450, $63 month. Phone OR 3-3730. NEW 3 bedroom home. Oak floors, large garage Northwest Wlnaton. Priced to sell with $1000 down. OS 9-8473 after mouf.hn 3 bedroom aemi bungalow nouse on rrventont street, noseourg ,N,,r . m, ,i M.rlln .,,, cotu, court. Wiiuton. orraon. aches, i hoiu,,. i w rh,.-k.n houw. ,.od w.ll. a arrr, p.rmanrnt rr"... " "ur- iwa'BiuKorai..rn "h..m.m,n'. war 42. wm.ton shdoo. or at kha "r lnlt appraiaal valua and t.rm, ;'i.r - "1" SALI or 1 Ixroom modrrn h.m. , ari ..t ol smhcrlin, t..r Mm. tn sutn.rim or oa.Lnd. Ph, ""' "i Katata. Suihfti.r. uj two UKDKOOM. firrpla.-a. 11. Iwih. !-"''Pl ard Slu.aw. 1JI M W. I),iu,vi,l flM 3.1.11 30 At'KKS. g.Hd land City water, mod ern dw.M'ing. Kraionable lrni. $Mti.V) OK 3-7t $4ti " DOW Nr3-bedroom ""feiu-ed" yard; i citv water and ewer. furniture aail ahle DH 2-.I444. NFW 3-bedrrom home firepla.-e, plaa-1 tered, hariwood floor Idintivaped I yard $Uino. ternu OR 3-.ty.i SPAlMOt's weitttde 3-ledroom ranch tuir lively extra large bath. Truly, a home to be roud of iu uK .1-073. SA1.K OH TRAlir T rental unita on 1 acre for Uree older home or acre age Call Sutherlin Ur 0 , M.mrHN. J-hedroom hotie. large ard 1 in Win ton. OS Ura- Kit tt' 'aWe 300; includes S loads fed steers; trade active: early fully steady; 2 loads choice 11L0. xn2 lh ,u'1'" 25 5; Kh1 sI.hts -MO0-.S; sUmi.ird 22 IK) 2.; lndanl hi-id-m 20 00-21 utility "'' comim-rcial cows ISOO litai; cannrra and cuttrra mosily 12 14 Ml' Utility l-lls 1S - 2UI0 llt:f" riittrr bulls 16 0iVlltoo. i'aUrs vaLible 50: trad arfi " '"M" di w j- ju; .t w J w; R((1 0 ejilers down to Jlol aldbl 2t)0' fa,fivtra 1 di K,dp owt Icdv-25 lower; WvP ' s 12 butcher aro.intl i in KrttV 2 00 3(1; No 3 lnt 20 00-:(l; Z0 .k0 lb tlH 00-19 50 : 360 .V-0 lb 15So 8oO Sheep alatle 300: trade slot;; leathered .. fullv 25 Inwer: lew choice won led lambs 2.; co.-d an(i -hnir .wwn lmi. i.i- I By J. R. Williagis Real Estate 1 3 Bedroom Business Location SEPARATE large double garage with paved approach well lighted, and lox 16 store room, are the business possi bilities to this strategically located business district new modern home on a 00 X 100 lot. Wall to wall car peting, dishwasher, dryer and auto matic are all included and the total low price ia only $lt,900. 380 Acres River 119 ACRES water right, 100 are river bottom, 140 acres perm, pasture, clover, lotus grass. 500 head sheep year round. 2 creeks and 1 spring also No house, but smalt dairy set up, snd good barn and sheds. All fenced. ftjYOUO. $10,000 down. Sea It now and know where the water comes to. 100 Acres Mile River LARGE 4-bed room home. SO acrea ex tra, not irrigated for free, plus tract or, plow, bailer, disc, cultivator, rake and J. D. rower to handle the W acre of alfalfa now growing. All for $46,000. 10 Acres ALL river bottom free soil, complete with 3-bedroom modern home with wood furnace In basement, and 2 room houe. $ acrea of walnuta. New 3$ X 40 barn. $17,900. $4,000 down. Wilbur 220 X 340 FEET of good earth front ing on Colea Valley road and aupport ing a 3-bedroom home with extra large atorage or work ahop. Thla la a clean, neat, real value for onlv $S.950. with $1000 down, and $70 month. Sherwood Ave. THIS westaide l' bath. 3-bedroom with a fireplace U the ideal home for a growing family because every part of it is apacloua. Hig bedrooms, big bath, lots of built Ins. WINTER REAL ESTATE 333 W Harvard ACROSS TROM HIGH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 EVENINGS Charlea Pratt OR -3127 Harry Wintar OR 3-704:1 "Mac" McGuir, OS 9-S443 Valley Real Estate U SEE U LIKE ALMOST NEW WeaUlde homer 3 bed roomer. A truly wonderful "wife aaver." room arrangement. Plenty storage room. Big rustic, wide-mouthed, fireplace Ideally located. Deep lot with building tn hack $12 300 U ghona like this beauty. Might lease option. A Petite Chormer fR PLYWOOD only few stone-throwi away. Like new 3 bedroomer on ' acre of gardrn soil. Not overpriced either at $7,000. in food friendly neighborhood Bell Sheep Ranch j AHOl'T THE grantee. grwa ranch here aoouta. 1100 acrea. $ act modem im provements 2M acre plow. Deep fer tile clay loam soil; highly productive., Stream. 10 oprings A livestock ranch; I ideal SriO 000. Better than Land Bank terms. j Valley Real Estate tllT E STEPHFNS PHONE ORchard 3-4053 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMTM: 1 Pncock OR J-8?l ' Salesman ea Broker Seone OR 3-J1W2 TltRKK acrea all fenced, with older.' hut nice 2 bedroom home, on oiled . highway. rWwe in. This ia a good buy i t ttUtiO. Terms. Jl'ST outvkte eitr tlmita, eaat 1 bed rtNma with part hkment and garage 1-3 acre Only psmtO. $7S0 down, bal-1 a nee like rent. 1 .r.,. w " "-vi inn and t.r mum ' kM in Only 5000. tAOO wiH handle. "Williamson Real Eftate 11.1T N K Stephen OR )-.Og . Sutherlin 2,b Dcmty To Veteran LOVKLY. H.1rm. Ranch-SU horra laivi'ag) rm features lie plctura)qi)s win-d-4) oak floor, congruent kitchen, tilt bath, inside utility, attar ged gar see, ' acre lot tWO dn to Veteran Price an.uoa on siaa Bn Real Rsute- . 6 TOR SALaS or trade, will accept 4V or .15 ft modem trailer tn good condi tion on lovely 1 rn-irom home Fire place, electric neat. Iarge carpor and storage Alao an sante 1 ImhI. roow cvu-ge. niceif turrrsaFfd T."ii tnconie aV-ns this p roper n at prewWl tintell.st) month OH -'JJO wrsT iof i hedroom: Q 4 electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet. e'B trie dtshwaher and garbage di(Hai, flaestone wall with fireoi ace. Us of built-ins fireplace ggt harr$K on Real Estate3 1 Young's Best Buys WESTS IDE HOME 9 good bedrooms, living room with fireplace. Dining room, k i tc hen . break fast nook. Bath with shower over tub. Utility. 2 car attached garage. Storage room. Nice lawn. Shrubs. walnut tree. Macadam street. This ia a well built home. Full price $13,800. THA or G L loan term. FA TO HAVEN DISTRICT 3 bedroom home. Sewing room. Living room, din ing room-kitchen, combined. Bath, util ity rm. Nicely landscaped. Workshop with plumbing. Storage room. Trees and ahrubbery. Carport. Ideal location. Full price $10,900. $1000 down, balance $70 per month, Interest at 8 per cent included. One of our beat valuer LARGE LOT. 2 bedroom home, near V S. Plywood plant. Attic can be fin ished into 2 more bedrooms. Liv. rm., dinette, kitchen, bath with shower. 1 car garage. Paved street. Furniture may be purchased. Full prlee $7VM. Refinance G.I. or FHA. ANOTHER nice bedroom home. Living rm Comb, kitchen and dming area. Bath. Utility. 1 car garage. Lawn. Garden. Price $8500. Gl finance or terras. EIGHTEEN ACRES with good 3 bed room home. Barn. Fruit trees, plus a good poultry aet-up. 2 wells with pressure pumps. 10 miles out. Full price $10,500, $1,500 cash, bat $75 per month tnt at Included. Roy 0. Young CrSon, Realtors Kenneth J. Dresser. Salesman Office Ph. OR 3-6671 - Res. Ph. OR 2-MO, 733 S.E. Cass Avenue - Pactfie. Bldg. Byers Real Estate HAPPINESS, and contentment will be yours in thia 2-bedroom and den, qual ity constructed home. Nice lawn, back yard, with child's playhouse. Runs to middle of creek. Large garden spot. $12,500. In Glide School DiiL 216 Acre Ranch APX. 60 acres seeded, 15 acre Irrigat ed, can be more, balance pasture. New 3-bedroom home, large bam, other out buildings. Tractor and equipment, 15 head of cattle, 25 sheep go with place. $30,000. $12,000 down or tk clear place in town In trade. 1 8 Acres ROOM modern house. large barn, 1 chicken houses. 50 x 100 on good road. 0 miles out. $10,500 Trade for 2 bed room home in town. WANT listings on ranches and small acreage. If you want to sell give us a ring and we'll be right out. Byers Real Estate 421 W BalU Ph. OR 3-7468 Ev.ninsa Call Dottf Warren Glenn Byert OR 3-4006 OR 3-7468 Roseburg Realty HURRY ON THIS ONE Westslde plastered 3 bedroom ranch home with separate dining room, big playroom, and 2 fireplaces. Needs redecorating. Full price only $10,500. WE SAID HURRY! A LOOK AT THIS HOME "makes your first impression last." Only 8 blocks from city center, the 2 bedroom house has a superb view from th living room, dining room, kitchen and bright corner dining nook. It haa a rifttie 24 x 37 building all In on room, big enough for a dance floor tand that is what it has been used fori, and 24 x 24 garage and storage. Huge parking tpace with big Oak tree. ooo at ftinoo or less down. Consider trailer trad. Trades 1. NICE Winston home for Roseburg home. X NICE large 3 Br. home on big lot on pavement south of Myrtle Creek for Roseburg home. 3. 2-BR. Eugene home for Roseburg home. 1 4-BR. Roseburg home for Portland home. 5. 2-BR Westsid for 3-Br. In Roseburg or vicinity. Roseburg Realty & Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 1-3.144 "OUR SERVICE DOESNT COST IT PAYS- Wiley's For Real Estate BUILDER'S SPECIAL Nt Commer cial. Large lot 123x140 with older house, paved street and sewer paid for. Would make 2 good lots or multi ple building location. Price I4P30. ! WESTSIDE 3 Bedroom. 1 baths .fire-! place. Double garage, plastered and ued aa family room, double carport, covered patio in buck Wall to wall carpeung in L, K. 113,000. DOGWOOD DRIVE 1 B R . oil heat, tile bath, 3 exhaust fans, drapes and curtains tncludfd Aluminum icreens. Fenced yard Total price $10.2i0 Less than $2000 down. 1283 ACRE stock ranch, 300 acres till able, large 4 B R. horn with full bail ment. S barns. 1-B R tenant house This Is a good ranch. Price us 0.-0 with $20,000 down 240 ewes and 70 head of cattle can be purchased at market price. Earl and Gladys Wiley, Realtors 423 SE. Mom St. PH ORrharri 1.9K9S. J""" Bv"" OH S.9J Roland Springer or 3-nwi ' " -.nu.i 1 OWNER. Westaida. 3-bedrooms I la fee closets, vers nice bath i OWNER. WMbid. ir-tr " -".71 ! living room with dining area Very I nice kitchen and Ainette Double ear- are for utilities Large Roman brick fireplj,-e and electric heat Nice srd and piK and manv extra to go Cash Bf or equity, ha lance Gl financed at 4 per cret Can give possesion ocn Call OR 3-Jlsa for more informa tion. Lised Busine" Income ' T Tea e- it tavt evrrr h,.t f.. es lt cah or trade OR J-jajii ; Store inrVft-'rf tn welt.e,shM-Sd ; rdo n ' nm .) shoo fiw 4i format km . - o ff uvie r- Fn;twre r-i f-rtfna" Tw ajpl OH fnf AW fv saV Ccod lnve-4. Business Opportunity 2 Richfield Oil Corp. West Coast Exclusive Marketer of Boron Gasoline Has service station available in the Rose burg area. For infor mation. call0R FOR LEASE Cut rate service station, garage, heating oil delivery truck owners have other business Interests, reason for selling. Gallonage rental. $2500 Call Mr. Seitz evenings, OR 3-0M. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Grand ROOMS BY WEEK OR MONTH Centrally located. Live downtown. Ideal for retired elderly people. Rea son able rates. JO ANNS-BOAR DING HOME. Delle lous home cook in. Private room and board $22. week or $K5. month. Lota of parking space. 4209 SW Carnes Road.jGreen Dutrlct OR 3-7947 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room, utilities furnished, walking distance to P Q.$35. 1451 S E. Short. HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, parking Reasonable rates. 513 8 E. Lane. OR 2-9192. LAHGE. front sleeping room, close tn. OR 3-6.102 or OR 3-2il SLEEPING ROOM732 sY. Jackion, nextdoor to Penney'sOR 3-332H. ROOM and board, $75 mo. 1628 Eden Lane. SLEEPING rooms. 003 SE Mosher. OR , 3-7237. FURNISHED Housekeeping room. 446 1 N. E. Jackson. j CLEAN, quiet s.eengroolnsbR3-Md i Apts. For Rent 4 CHOICE APARTMENTS OakhiU - Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. FURNISHED and unfurnished. Soma have heat, hot water provided. All have water, garbage and yard serv ice furnished. Rents from $60 up. Must be seen to appreciate. Call OH 3-4340. OR 3-3631 or OR 2-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE & JACKSON STS. MODERN, REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-82441 A GOOD PLACE TO UVE" FURNISHED, attractive. 1-bedroom. I newly decorated duplex apt Lovely ' bath, walk-in closet, carport, washing facilities. Reduced winter rates. Adults i only 1 mile south. Highway 99. OR; 2-1438 or OR 3-4173 FAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS, 1645 W. I Harvard. Desirable newly furnished ! and unfurnished apartments, on city i bus lines, close to all shopping and I post onice. Electric appliances fur i niahed. OR -3-6022. I LOOK no farther, new 1 bedroom-fur nished apt Warm and cozy, walking! distance. Private parking, washing: i ac in ues. rine tor couple, no pets. no se Hoover Ave. ONE BEDROOM. unfurnished apart- TWO BEDROOM clean modern unf urn men t. Heat, water and garbage dis- .shed house. G5. Near new U.S. Ply posal furnished No children or pets. woodJIowe St. OR 3-3133. " sviwHuagen Apia. .aii kjk 3-H244. MOTEL UNITS All electric With kitchens. $18 and 922 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel Old Highway 99 N at Winchester Bridge i. MODERN DUPLEX A PT"Uni funiiihed. Good location. Basement with sawdust furnace. Heating cost about $S month. Adults only. Lock wood Apts on Naah St. Ph. OR 3-44H6. FULLY FURNISHED, large, modern 1 room apt. Heat and hot water fur nisned. Tub and shower. Large yard. S45 3004 N.E. Douglas Avt. Ph. OR 2-1377. BROCKWAY APARTMENTS Clean modern and close in. Single and dou ble apartments at S2S and up. 846 SC Brockway. Phone OH 3-3536 OR 2 4317 NICE APT. Furnished. Tile bathroom and kitchen. Wahmg machine, hot water and garbage service free. 140. tbbu w E. Stephens. FURNISHED, near-new. t -bedroom apt. Alt electric. Carport. $43. Linens and' maid service optional. Lovely view. I1 nr 3 OH S.IKJtl I THREE PARTLY furnished 1-bedrooln KP,A AILER COURT. Modern, p.ck apartments. newly painted. Some util-1 I!"'", ??Se?L ny ,rail- But Hies paid. $35 and $33. OR 3-7384 or'- Stephens. OR3-7B3. j TRAILER SPACE All faclIitiewVikln ONE BEDROOM furnished clean- S1?1? Ic.P ' Cemnt 11 ment. $5t) to couple or with small babv. - anon M 853 Sheridan, Apt. 3, or Phone 6rItra"-eR RENTALS, modern. closWln 2-2870. South Roseburg JVlotel. THREE room duplex"-apt.' in " Winston. I WINSTON Trailer Court, modern- in unfurnished except for oil heater, cor-' centerof business district. OS 9-8933. wi nignway una LlVll Bend Road. OS 9-8623. Grace Kleist. I DOWNTOWN, furnished efficiency apt I Reasonable Ph. OR 3-4154 day; OR 2.IH47 evenings. j we. nr.unuu.vi apartment partly fur nished. Heat, water and garbage dis poal furnished. 732 SE Pine NEW, large 1 bedroom apt. Electric stove and refrigerator. OR 3-8445 or ' OR3-6I30 ONE bedroom apt Clean.-Refrigerator. range, wall heater. Garage. Close in. Ph. OR 3-3074. I Fl'RNISHFD apartments for rent W0 to $50. Water and garbage furnished, i 1303 s5P'neStJ HEATED, furnished apartments. Small I and large. Attractive. Adults. 1332 S E. Douglas Avenue. I DUPLEX APARTMENTS 1 un furnish- ed 3 rooms and bath, also 1 small furnished. OR 3-3078 CLEAN. 2 or 3 room furnished or unfur- mshed apt Close In. OR 3-8401 or OR 3-7016 COLORFUL Bachelor apt , very private mo OR 2-I4:ta or OR 3-4173. ONE ROOM furnished apartment or; sleeping room. No bedding. Some util I itiet 927 S E Mill St- I LAKI.E t kstaiks 1-bedroom furnished apartment j piocks from city center.! OR 3-7(128 Fl'RNISHFD 2 or 3 room apartments All utilities paid S10 tn S13 per week Ph OS B-8HI9. Baker Motel. 1 MODEHN, furnished apt. with garage Water and g.irhsge furnished. $."0. month. OR 2-2832 DUPLEX APARTMENT very livable AdulU. Call OR 3-61H3. ' fwo room! 340 S E furnished, heated. Adults. 1 ftwt. i-room. furnuhc-d apt 7J0" Bail) SI n'RN'ISHED or unfurnished i-entrally locatrd OR 3.1397 or OR ri RNISHED harhelor "ipt. 40. 78 S E CLEAN "apt. Adults. Winter late I'm- ties paid Inquire 12o2 SE Step hens ri'RMSHFD cahitt, 113 month. S miles SOUtn UH 3-7H7 THREE ROOM aplTT" near" "school"" and Store OR 3-30V2 n'RN'ISHED. 3 . Caa OR 3-4361 room apt. 1219 S K THREE rom apt. 170 ltug Eden" Howies For Rent 5 wrsTSIDC 1 bedroom dualta. OR J- TWO ROOM furnished crtttge. 4.15 mo V2 S C Mher. OR l-l-tTO I FTRMSHF.I 4 brdro-m" hou-V 40 1 l.Wg S t Lane OS -:rj j HFK rocar unfurnished houe arm j fr m Cummumty Hospital C TWO REDROO H " prt:al!v jur. nished Walnut ftireeL O-) 3-liaj nrtv7 v.. Fl'RNISHFD CAB:S bv week tit grd up Did 199 m:. nar.h P.cMa-aj ..... imnHim, ran. inoa.rn: mm il l.STON - N.- I brdroom"h. u. l'r. Mrwt ff -iric al. OR S-2' Fl'RNISHFD. S-tjMln.?ii hou. I Adult. Corvy OR SIC IVlRMSIIfD r, bntruora W--.lid.. Sm OR S-317S lOUM TWO b.rtr,s.m tm I ait Houses For Rent 5 TWO AND 3 room, modern furnished cabins, nearly new e-ft refrigerators. Butane cooking, heat and hot water. Clean and neat Water and garbage disposal furnished tVi$ and $40 mo. haS hind Dale's Cale. North Umpqua JRoad.HartxCabins. OR 3-3388 TOR LEASE OR RENT 3 bedroom partly furnished home. This home has air conditioning, wall to wall carpet ing and garage. Will lese for $M per month or rent for $U5 per month. Phone OR 2so53 after 2 p.m. TWO BEDROOM, furnished or unfurn Uhed duplex, newly decorated. Gar age. 2 blocks from downtown. Adults only no peti. Call Wiley's Real Estate. OR 2-2629. IN DILLARD one bedroom duplex. jtihty room. Large picture window, hardwood floor, Fngldaire range. Gar bage service f urn Uhed Wood or elec tnc heat. 843. OS IMiWS9.j ONE bedroom house. Utility shed, gar den space, some fruit. Walking dis tance Near bus. school, lupermarket. 917 Eddy. OR 3-4321 evenings or week ends NICE, large. 1-bedroom duplex, close in range, refrigerator, and heater; water and garbage service furnished. Couple only OR 3-4305 after 4 P M. or inquire 1658 Cobb THREE BEDROOM house for rent. $70 mo; leae, $o mo., 6 mo. minimum. OR take $3000 or house trailer for $)00 equity Full price $8000, $500 down. OR 3-7709. NEWLY remodeled 2-bedroom.' modern house, beautifully tocatcd on Rock Creek just across Rock Creek Bridge. OR 3-4151. I, 2. 3. and 4 bedroom homes. Income limits. Families, also single elderly 65, or over accepted 902 W Stanton St. OR 3-6548 FOR LEASE or sale 3 bedroom house. Double garage. Fireplace, barbecue. On North Umpqua nf; Country Club, $120 month. OR 3-4646 Mudilkn, 1-bedroom duplex; range, refrigerator, water and garbage in cluded Hardwood floors, $50 mo. OR 2-y4B. WILL RENT 1 bedroom house at803 W. Lane, Roseburg. for repairs on two other houses. Ph. UN 3-3327 Myr tleCreek TWO BEDROOM-homeon" "paved" street near U.S. Plywood in Green Inquire at 2156 SW. Austin Road between 6 and 8 P M. CLEAN, modern. l-bedroomupIex7fur-nished. Garbage service, water and laundry facilitici furnished. OR 3-8421. DUPLEX, 1 2-hedroom unit-furnished $35, 1, unfurnished 2-bedroom $60. OR 3-8319. THREE BEDROOM house wired for washer and dryer; also gas piped in. OS9-8892. ONE BEDROOM-house, stovesTrefr!g erator. Water, garbage service fur- nisnea JU Phone OR 3-4562. TWO ROOM furnished house $40. Lights ana waier lurnisnea. imo n.e. Com- mercial. OR 2-1870 NICE 2 bedroom home on Dixon St. Redecorated, furnace heat. $58 month. OR 3-7098. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom house. Come out and see - You'U like it. 48.U N. Stephens. TWO BEDROOM, modern, unfurnished nouse. near new U.S. Plywood plant. OR 3-8560. ONE bedroom modern cottage with car port. Unfurnished excent electric rangeLt35 month. OR 3-4302. THREE BEbROOMho7rie7Oarden Val ley. Call Bill Tipton, OR 3-5547 or OR 3-3619. CLEAN, three bedroom house. Firenlnce uas and electric heat. Close to Rose School OR 3-5457 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING coUag" es, $7 50 per week and' up. South Roseburg Motel. THREE BFDROOCunfurnishedhouse. in. OR 2-42.,l7J ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. $43 mo. OR 3-72.17. a'jBEDROOM'houae. Close in. OR-J- Trailer Rentals 6 W INCH ESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees $18. month Highway 99 N at Winchester Bridge ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT ha7paed " -u iTiueni porrnes Keaon- able rates, mi N E. Alameda. OR 2-2! 48. ONE WAY TRAILERS. CoaM to Wt. van ana open models available Open 7 dajs a week. Lansing St Oliver. OR 3-6636 1MAI 1.P.R HOUSE. $23 n r.ihh Dm. nange Koad. OR 3-8713. Misc. Rentals 7 Ranch For Rent 63 ACRES, 40 tillable. 30 In Lotus Clover irrigated from Urge creek, small modern home, out bldgs . fruit ber-r!t!i- tc Luok- on'y down, and 450 each six months - Hurry! Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor Jfl7 S E Stephens Wanted To Rent 9 ' WANTED TO RENT or u. - nome with two-car or large garage to be u-ed for bu.mes. Harvard. Gar den Valley. Stephens, or what havo ou' Ph OR 2-2.2 or OR 3-7385 " fftit A i ELY needed 3 bedroom nouse tor rent or lease with onimn tobuy. Call OR 3-8273 after 3 30 P M Wonted Misc. 10 Highest Prices Pair ror Scran nf All Kind, BOB'S W-KKCKING VARO 3l, mile. S. on 99 WE hAV HIGHEST cash pnrn for uA I furniture "A e i? . V " ' JacKon ' ROSEBURG FURNITURE RX CH A N C, K Ph OR 3-310 Old china JNTEO TO BUY furniture i..irv d...m. AnlmiM. Ill c ' WANTED TO R1-Y - Gwi uAd frr... HOSEBLRO AUCTION OR - KM ' WANTED tool g'ins. furnttura and OR 3-U23 f-,r j Help Wanted 11 I HAVE OPF.NINCI for on. .pph.no. , Mun lo r;l rriiMaira lin. of ap , pliancas Hh potrnnal r.r amm I 1,ou' m' of AooiV .la '."l mMU V''" Appli.nc.. YOU DON'T HAVt'TOMiwrB,.M in your home ii-wn or roum we rxed an active Watkn Dealer Beti-r xbm i average ear.n,, fir,t ,).Ar Oper'le from your own home cr or hght tru.-4l needed Wr : The J It w.i k.na Comsanv. n Brooklyn AiSn,.. i Sr"1 5- Washington. A. Wanted n W to II i Monday thru d-v On twu pt.t,"nl tpVn U" aii)isE-A( fn m...,. H.: "irit. atit Hi iat- h aa a tmi. s..u.i ; A 'lL opportu, fr m, ,, j l.i 11 jTi.uran.. ati r. .i ri I CT'IT f mil at'sVrrm). wr t. .v.) R....M it t I.M.rr) aostt JIl v. r.r. Administrator of ttae Ktal ( IWa Sal U..1H. rv- ' i of MAKJORIa, IVMITHiJ PORTLAND iJKiVSnAy-CjlUf; v4 aid choc frs uu palio SIS COO fauna. Cll 3 AAt. M OR " fir awmona with raaMal. Off "1R BKOROOM o ir huw' iaV. & St. OR Ha, altar s. rrr-w t.1r.. , .,.. o O t) Incompetent. I-10U. M"1 .nm.it S da. rttintv o '.. OR Ml 0 3 Q ) 5 (?0 o 3 0 0 S- G o e o o 1 G7 e 9 o o 0 Q e . o 7, 5i 9 ii e.;