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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1958)
o o o wo oo o o o o oo oo o o o o o '5 O Go o o o o o o O 8 Tht Ntwt &tvitw, Rofejur, Sutherlm Christian Church Meets For Business, Dinner By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK I Sutherlin Christian Church Mens Christian Women FellowA.p of 90 and 9 group met for a potlu'.k the Sutherlin Christian (hurch met supper, served before the devo for its regular meeting with Ada lional and business meeting wnich Abeene as hostess. I was ronducted by George Warren, After the potlork dinner the de-! president, votional and business meeting was Mrs. Mary Kribs gave the open held with Mary Kribs reading tlie : ing prayer and Krank Gruhbe sung scripture and prayer. Her mission- a solo. Troy Thompson, Sutherlin ery story was that of a young inun High School principal, was t h e who tried for years to get to Lhasa, ! speaker of the evening and his top the capital of Tibet. He spent a ic was, "Ten ways tq become a long time in missionary work Christian." among the Tibetians but never! During the business meeting a rould get to the capital. According ' report was given by the treasurer to statistics, only one white man has ever been allowed to enter Lhasa and he was disguised. A letter was read from Donrn hecher Children's Hospital in Pott land thanking the women for a box , the attendance of the Church Chns nf nightgowns and sacks. A box of'tian Endeavor group at the stale school supplies is ready to go to Colegio Biblica of Eagle Pass, Tex- which prepares Mexican young ' people for the ministry. The work chairman was instruct ed to purchase hand towels for he church kitchen and material for a quilt. The secretary was instructed to write a letter of thanks to Helen St. John and Carl Harris for the plywood sheets donated on the CWF for cupboards. Elsie Perkins was appointed host ess chairman and Helen St. John was reported ill. The next meeting; will he Feb. 11 with Mary Kribs and Dorothy Longbraka as host- esses. i Men's Group Glendale Boy Scouts Hold Successful Money Project By MRS. GERALD B. FOX lof Sanla Paula, Calif., and her Twenty-two members of the Glen- baby daughter, Debby, have ar- rlale Boy Scout Troon IB. sold their I tune-telling tickets in Glendale and j raised $119 50. The boys worked! in teams of two. i Winning teams wera Douglas Uol-f lar and Harvey Pate who received: a prize oi a pacKOoarn, eacn; Chucky Tooley and Jimmy Red field, who received scout knives, and Bobby Young and Milton lira sley, who received scout knife, fork, and spoon sets. Other boys participating in the driva were Tommy Kachet, Jose Gallego, Timmy Rondeau, Bruce Kisher, Larry Yoder, Glen Weeks, Krankie Morris, Johnny Brickey, Harvey Pale, Gregory Dibrell, Lar ry Brum, Bobhy Pate. Buddy De pee, Jamea Mohr, Joe Kisher, Mike Furlong, and Lee Dixon. Altogeth er, they sold 900 tickets. AHanrl Martina Rev. William Garner and Harold Shepherd were Glendale represen tatives at the annual Umpqua sec tional business meeting of Assem bly of God Churches last week. Garner was re-elected to the posi tion of Presbyter. Krank Gwin of California who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Thelma Saucrs and her daughter, Stephanie, in Glendale, has return ed to his home. Mrs. Robert (Dolly) Henderson Charter To Be Glendale Cub By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Glendale Cub Scout park will re ceive ila charier Feb. 17. Member of the Oregon Trail Council will he present to make the presentation. Bob cat pint and achievement award will he pre aenled the same evening. All Cub Srnut memheri, their leader, and official are to he present for the nieelinp. which will he held at the Olivet lrehytenan Church, which i sponsoring Cub work in Clrn dale. Al Vaughn i the institutional rep resentative on the I uh Scout loun Mcntaiive on tna l ui .voiil I oon-, 1 . The park rommittrr chairman . i.ri.. v.., i,k.. n,....i.r. 1 i Marlrn Yodrr. Othrr mrmher of th rommittre arn Wayne Close. Martin Brooks, and Rev. Wayne Wattman Donald II. Illakrly i euhmastrr; and Mr. Carl Smool, Mrs. Frank, and Mr. Arriith Mevers are den mothers. Library Club Maatt The Glendale Library Cluh met lo hear a talk hv Mr. Carl Smoot of Glendale, a native of Knjlanri. on Ihe war year when sha went Ihrouph Ihe homhinKi of London. I Mr. Smool came to America 12 1 year auo, I The next meeting will he Feh 19. Mr. Vera Kemp will speak on Pan- Crick, which the lodge presented ama, drawing upon her experienc-1 recently, and also a Masonic pic es when he lived in that country. I nic held in Glendale. Glendale Lions Sponsor Free Adult Polio Clinic By MRS. GERALD B. FOX i hrary, a unit nf the county library A free adult polio clinic, to he j jyslcm, check out from 800 to aponsoied hy Ihe (ilendala l.ion 1(100 book each monlh Club, will he held in th haaement A new shipment of book from nf the (ilenriala Olivet Prehyter- i Ihe county headrtuarteri will ar lan Church Keb. 17. 6:30 to 8 p in I rue loon. Salk vaccina will be furnished Son aarn bv the American Polio Foundation! ....... . ,, 1 nd ihf inifction will be adm.niv I . ,Mr '" rV C En tered by Dr. Kohort Roth o( the 'rfla ' $nJ?lZ?J! lhf parfn'" (ilendale Clinic. All persons he-l f ind l nc A tween the pproximulf afi of 20 'in' b?rn Jan- Tf bahJ V?;Vd' and 40 re el.c.ble for the nhols. i Jaien'" art,,h HJr! .Uark" Second .hot will be given a month "n, lht- mer i.lendale rei after the first. March 19. The third nln and r .l?(t Mr"- u,r,u' injections will be p.n sevtn Un,cls o ndalr. months later. Tbe Fred Burchelt family of Vaccine is available for tha first 400 persona who apply. Dr. Roth will make no charga for giving the injections. Racaava Pint A 25-ycar jewel was presented lo W. J. Stevenson of Glendale at the rrRulnr meeting of the Gfn - Hal loOK. No. 172 Stenson be - rame a member of the lodge in 1931. A 25 vear jewel was aNo present ed to Edward Miller of Wolf Oeek ANOTHER PINOUIN DIES who joined the Verdugo lxxlse of California in 1930 He transferred; PORTLAND uP Still another to the Glendale lodge in 1952. J penguin in Portland s dwindling March 1 th Glendale lOOF, colony died t.nday. Lodge will hold a crah feed for the i Asain Ihe lung ailment, asper Odd Fellows and Rebckahs and gillosis, was (lamed, their famihci. 1 Surviving are 1ft pengtuns in According to Mrs. Poh Harris, Glendale librarian, the Glendale I.i- Of Tuoa. Fb. 4, 1958, ot tunds raised wunin me group to Kive assisiance ui a siu.ieni nom the church who is attending North-:hal( west Christian College at Eugene. A vote was carried to sponsor; Ch convention to be held in April. A report was given on the basket- ball team sponsored by the 90 and Woman Meat Mrs. Ted Roadman was hostess at her home on the L'mDaua for the January Deaconess meeting In the absence of Kleanor Woolltrtt, Mrs. Roadman conducted the busi-i ness meeting which opened in I prayer by Mrs. Mary Kribs. noa Mierne usru uie iiit-uir, i "The Lord Knows," for the dvvo-i lions and a circle of prayer was! held at the close of the service, Mrs. Roadman served refresh-(has ments to the group. rived to visit for a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ! Tom Patterson. Mrs. Henderson's i sister-in-law drove her up, then re- turned to Santa Paula Swallows Tack inga Prick. 6. daughter of Mrs. Shirley Krick of Glendale. swal lowed a thumb tack one evening of this week but is not expected to suffer ill effects. Ronnie Marriott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marriott, of Glendale, is still undergoing tests at the Sa lem TR hospital for diagnosis of a spot which appeared on his lung after a mild attack of Asiatic flu. Medical attendants sta'e that Ron nie does not have TB; nor does the condition appear to be any thing else of a serious nature. Michael Gallegn, 9, of Glendale required three stitches to close rut suffered on his right ear when i he fell against a chair at school. The Food Burner's Club, a hov's 1 4 H outdoor cooking club, held its i first meeting last week at Ih home 1 of their leader, Mrs. Riley Fur long, lhey elected the following of ficers: l.arry Yoder, president; Mike Furlong, vice president; Darl Sutch, secretary; lud Depee, re- porter, and Douglas Dollar, song , le""- I Presented Scout Pack Meetings are held on the third wennesnay oi eacn monin, irom 4; l?.i!.PmT'' "d m'mlw" ,r I welcome. Rev. T. H. Ilarmonson and Floyd Cohh represented the Glendale Bap-1 tist Church at the quarterly execu- live board meeting of Ihe Siskiyou Assn. of the Southern Baptist ' Church at Ihe home of Ihe (.ranis Pas Southern Bantist Church mi. tor. UnriaraM Traalma nt LtiRene Clark spent a few days' of land nnt rrun nt? mpfliral , accomnanifd hv hi r arrompanifo ny ni il ami Mr. Marituprit Mrven. i ( lark will he ahle to return to work in a few days. Rev William Garner, pastor of Ihe Glendale Asscmhly of God Church, attended a meeting of the state credentials committee of the Avemhlv of God Church in SnriniE- '"'hi last week, lie later attended minister institute meeting in Grants Pass. The Glendale Fastcrn Star held it rceular meeting at Ihe Masonic i Temple. Wendel Hopper showed motion picture! he had taken nf the plav. Aaron Slick from Punkin 'enoaie en toyed a vimi irom Mrs. George Woodson nf Ashland. Mrs, Burchett a mother, last weekend, I.elif A. Peter of Portland dme to Glendale last weekend. Sunday be took his mother. Mrs. Susan Pete, and sister, Mrs. Gill Gibson, .l Grants rass to see another l brother. Arne Robert Pete of Med- ford and a aister. Mrs. Kva Ellen Todd of Grants Pass I of (he nig f.mpernr pensuins and six Adelies p,'rf Visual Sighting Made Of Explorer :ABRID(;K, Mass. m A Manhattan. Kan., moon w a t e h team apparently made the fajst visual sighting ilh naked eye of America's satellite. Explorer, Sunday night. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, assistant director of the Smithson ian Astrophysical Observatory, said Monday. He explained that a study of reports gave more evidence for than again! the validity of the Kansas team's sighting report Dr. Hyneck said the apparent brightness of the satellite was "very surprising." The observers placed it at fifth magnitude or equal to that of ralnl slar Tnj, js ,evera magni- ....... hrihler than the SOinch. tudes brighter than the (H0t wlde rlcket had been expected to appear. iii, ;j ,),. m,u,n w I r h team reported extremely clear air ind ideal observing conditions Five members of the moonwatch team sighted the object by using a combination of radio-tracking and visual observation. The time of 8:44 p m. (EST) checked within one minute of a prediction worked out from a tale- I Jroplc slKhtln8 , day earlier from amagor o, i c i a J E ".II. federal Aid roe (.alls Education Bill Scheme WASHINGTON Rep. Gwinn of New York, top Republican on i the House Education Committee, denounced President Risen bower's education bill as a politi cal scheme to get votes. "The audacity of this hill is dumbfounding," Gwinn said. "Its real title should be the 'teacher pay bill of 1958. and its vote-get-ging possibilities'." (iwinn's statement, prepared for House delivery, gave added impact to predictions by Speaker Ravburn (D-Tex) and Hep. Mart- in uf Massachusetts, the GOP lead er, that a school bill will have trouble getting through the House this year. Gwinn, a long-time foe of federal aid to education, last year helped kill a l'-billion-dollar school con struction bill. Total Building Permits Exceed Last January's Kor the first time in over a year, tolal building permit volume for one month, in January, exceeded the corresponding month of the preceding year, last month. January building permit totals showed a volume of $.2.7:i5 for 29 permits, compared to $4.1.175 in January 1957. for 27 permits. Last month's figure was also an in crease over the. December 1957 to- tal which was 24 permits at a vol- ume of S35.95. month s permit total in- eluded one new dwelling for $9,100. rest oi me volume ana permits were allocated to smaller jobs and remodeling in business es, residential garages and similar jobs, ; Douglas Sailors Swap Position! In Far East One Dougla County sailor re cently returned from a lour of duly in Ihe Far Fast, and two others set sail for Ihe same area. .Marion J. Crowl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowl. Canyonville. returned lo the United Slates a hoard the destroyer tender CSS n.w.. Shipping out for four months aboard the escort destrover CSS Nicholas was fiarv W. Murphv. son nf Mis Anna V. Hunter, Davs Creek, and Bill A. Savior, son of Mr. Ruth Savior, Canvonville. PI.,w.- J D-J..---- T.;M ' 1 i Prica Another $2 Per M PORTLAND IMywood pro "ui-i-m in tut- i ariuc iorinwMi hv' trimmed pnrr of fir plv- B,n,i, rP ,h, ,.nnH i!m ooo panri tor tne arconn time in two weeks. Quarter-inch sanded AD index grade is now selling for $68 a thousand frcl. The drop from $70 became effective about Ihe middle of last week, said Crow't lumber market new letter. Two weeks aeo Ihe prict slipped from $72 to $70. Crow's said the drop was duf to continuing lack of demand. w ii- w u L VVIM,,m rrnan, M3CK j Brown Complete Court William N Kernan of Koseburg and Mack Brown of Glide com pleted a two week course in real etlate appraising, sponsored by the American Institute nf Keal Kstale Appraisers at the I niversity of Oregon lat weekend Kcrnan is the local appraiser supervisor for the Stale lept. of eterans' Af fairs Instructors urre Dae Montan na, president of the institute, and Harry Kenton, a member.. Two Douglas Motorists i Loit Drivers Licenses Because of sentences received on drunken driving convictions, two Pour las County motorists hava lost their drivers' licenses. John Eugene Cain. 28. Reedsport. had his license suspended for 90 davs by the Department of Motor chicles. Enoch Alfred l lavborn, 47, IteetUport. had his liccnsa sus pended for a year A one year suspension was hand ed Jimmy Pale i'hildies. ?2. Mr tte i'reek, for driving while his li tena was suspended. Servicemen Complete Phases Of Training Two Douglas County servicemen vcentlv ended phasej of training in their branches of service. Armv Pvt Rex C Keelv. son of Mr and Mrs Charles W. Keely, Winston, graduated from a sup ply handling course at the Qucr master School, Ft. l ee. a He at tended Stmt hern Ore son College fbfore going into the service Arthur R Garboden. son of Rov G. Garboden. Oavs, Cirrk Kia.l uated from recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Piego OUT OUR WAY fts- BORN T" l.f Vt .H XT U. S. Educated Chinese Attempt To Kill Chou LONDON The Manchester Guardian has teported three U.S. educated Chinese students tried to assassinate Red Chinese Premier Choti En-lai last July 28. The Guardian said it obtained the information from a young Chi nese, now in Kngland, who was in China at the time and was associ ated indirectly with the assassina tion attempt. The informant, who was refer red to by the pseudonym "Mr. Li." said that although Chou escaped with his life, there were indica- 10ns that he was wounded or at least suffered from shock. Th thro UrnnM.h., k.ll.r. u,r cuted. "I.i" said. EARNINGS FROM WOODLOTS SAI.EM Oregon farm-urn earned $.1:11,408 in (he last hall of 1PS7 frnm nf limhor nn Ihr.r ' woodlots, Slate Forester Dwikht L. rhipps said .Monday Dunne that period, the Foreslry Department gave advice and help to 727 woodland owners. Portland Markets Monday PORTLAND PRODUCI DnnTl ivn .n D..tinrn. 1 en , , . . , , , ' correct inaertion. Such responiibility is tentative, Subject tO immediaia , limited to refund of price paid or cor Change Premium quality, deliv-irect Insertion of advertisement ered in rortland, w-M cents peri lb; first quality, 57-60; second quality, 52-55. j Htiltor Wholesale f ob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, j 93 score, 59'a; A grade, 92 score, I .S8'ti; B grade, 90 score, 57; C; grade, 89 score. 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon sinsles. 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf,1 43'i-5.11. Eggs To retailers Grade AA irtinr, n id i kc, .10 nj; A. A 1 medium. 37 41; A medium, 37-40.1 Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. ' EggS To producers AA large. 35-35'a; A large, 30-32'i: A medi-' ti m 9U "iti , Live poultry No. 1 fryer. 2-'a-4 lbs. 22 at farm; light hens, 10-11 at farm: heavy hens, 18 19 at Ihe farm: old roosters, 7-8. Itahhits Average to growers Live while. 3'3-4 ' lbs. 22-25; col-1 ored pelt, 4 cent less; fresh kl ed frvers to retailers. 5.9-fit i cut up. B2 65. Wool Nominal, clean basis, U bloml, to 1 OS; blood lo 1.15; la blood to 1 20; fine to 1 29. Wholatala Drastad Mtati Roof carcasses Steers, chilioP, NIO-700 lb, 42 .VI 44 .W; sood, 4100- 4.100: standard. 38 00-41 00; roin merrial cow. 3.100-37(10; utility. .'t4.00 .Wi (Ml; anner and cutler. 32 nil-3Y0U. Beef cut (choice teerl Hind fuartcr, 48 00-S2 0(1; round 49 00 SI 00; full loins, trimmed, R2 1.0 67 00; forequarter. 37 00-38.T0; chuck. 40 00-43 (10; rib, 49 MI SS on Lambs I hoire 49 Otl 51 W); Sood, all wif AR mi M tut J. , . Pork carcasses .Shipper Style,, 12(1-17 lh. 32 00 3.1. 5H. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8 1? lb 4g OO-.Vt 00; shoulders. Ifl lb. down, 34 00-37 (Kl; spareribs, 46 iNi-.ifl 00; fresh hams. 12-lfiJh, MOO-MOO. eal and calve Gmd -choice all wts, 40 00-.S4 00; standard 38 00 49.00. Product Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets. KM Ih. 350 75, few lower; bakers. 100 lb, ft or mm. 3 75 4 00; 12-16 or, 4 25 50; local Rurhanks, washed. 100 lb No. Is. 2 7.S3W; Idaho Russets, No 1, 100 lh, 4 oo 25 Onions Ore west district vers. 50 lb. nied. 1 85 2 00; Ige. 2 50-3.00; boilers. 10 Ih, 28-:ii; Central Point sweet Spanish. 3 (i0 25 Hav New crop. No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland, 24 00 25 00 ton. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTI AND .e i I SDA-Cai:;e salable 1..VK); trade mnrleralely artie; early sales fed sie. i s strnnc to 2S hishrr: other cla'rs fully sleadv : load average rho.,e Canadian fed sieem 2rir.i. loads mostly cl.otce 2.-.Vv .d sleers mosllv 2 (Ml 7.S. standard steers 00 ::i .SO; one lot mo.ily choice fed heifers ?1 .V). oid h, if ers m-2.1 on. utility and ro.n mercial cows iaooi;j)i eanners and cutters 12.ViiM), heaw H.l stein cutters lo moo. utility b.iils 19 SO 21 00. l'ales salable steh ; choice ealers ?Ort.looo, sealers 25 00 - 2. 00; sood jud choica slaushter ca!es 21 .so-2. on Hnia cilihlf l.2W: tr ir mtvirr slrlr urtixf; btitrhiif 2.VM1 lowrr; ( steits l V CAP PISTOL HE PISTOL AMP.T ft f 1 POINTED AT I NOOSE WILL BE V VOU.' J V HIGHER. ,, THERE A LOT THIRTY YEAES. TOO SOON Classified Section LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertmng placed from within Rose burg trade area Minimum charge to an one a to 50 CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word .... 2 aav per word 3 doy per ord 4 doyi per word .... 5c 7c j 9c 11c 12c 13c 18c V5 per wor , 6 V P WOfd .... ! Line od, per (in day i Line od, repeat insertion, per doy 9c Line ad oer line, per month 2. 3d j I DISPLAY ADVERTISING . , . i u ti n E,rst lnse'tl0? er co1 n ? "pear mwriion, per to., -u... 80 I I col. Inch per month $20 80 I National Classified Advartitina. 25c per line, no repeat rata 5c per word, no repeat rata DEADLINE ! NEW ADS 11:00 A. M. dav previoui to publication r4NCM.I.ATION IT TO $:M A. M. ADJUSTMENTS If our advertisement appeara Incorrect ly, notify us immediately We will not, be renonible for more than one EFUNn WI1.I. NOT UK OBL HOUR THAN M OATS Real Estate 1 Sutherlin 2 Down To Veteran LOVF.I.Y. 1-Rdrm. Ranrh-Stvie home Living rm feature Ice picturesque wm- bath, mode utility, attached garage, " ,m 300 dn Xo veteran. Prw or .S340. m. BeiEiUt. OWNER. WeUlde, 3-bedrooms with lir dowts. vt nice baih Large 1' iff room wiih dining area. V ery age for utilities I-arge Roman brick fireplace and electric heat. Nice yard and patfn and manv extras to go. Cash for equity, balance C I financed at 4 per rent Can give pooseasinn aoon. Call OR a-llR2 for more Informa tion contemporary bedi home, few -l city center. Splendid view, large living room, fireplace vilh raied hearth, birch kitchen, electric dishwasher and dupoeal. bath and half, utility, large extra room for ahop. Priced 17.nn Call OR 1-.104A any time. Saturday or Sunday; after 3 weekday FOR SALE or" trade! will accept M "or odern trailer In xd condi tion on liivlv 1 tavrironm hnm? Fir plar. tlTlrit- htrat. lrf crpor and at or a ct Alio on Mm lot a 1 htxi room cot tag. niclv furnuhfd. Total In rom from thm proprtv at present tut... 11. !0 month OH til 40 WFST SIDE 2-brdroom.' poaibl 4; Hifctrlc hfat. wall-to-wall carpet, Me tric dihwahar and tarbag dipoaal: ftaxvtona wall with firplac. Iota of built -in firplar and barbei on pjilio $13,000 Ifrmt. OR S-8834 t OR jiofta TRAUK equity In 1 bedroom modern home. acre, outbuilding and ei- ttir pump, fur 1 bedroom modern horn Hh amaller acreage. Wtnrhe- i - Wilbur p.eterred Wr 1. Box 244. Sutherlin. or call NICE t bedroom hmiw Garage, patio, laundrv room, hardwood (loora. elec tric heat. On dead-end alieet in gmd neighborhood near I. S PU wood Sh1e Ireea and ahriiha Cood buy at UTM. Smut down. OR S-M178 S5SO for S1.4.S0 -- equitr In 1-bedroom hnu aouth of Kellev Korner Fire place, elertrtr heat, tile floort. drapea tnc ' acre Ralanc SY4.V0, SM month Phone 11 ACRES. 2 houe. IS xiW" chicken hoime. good well, S arre permanent paature Ph. Oakland X21 No Saiur dav call TWO " BCDBOOM " m;x1ern home High war 42. Winton ROiM. or at FH A or bank: appraiaal valua and term a Ph OS S-AM.V TOR SALE or trade 2 bedroom modem hnmf. ' ac re F aat of Su t herlm, for a me in Sutherlin or Oakland. Ph Roger' Real Estate. Sutherlin 40ll TWO BEDROOM fireplace, tile bafh. landscape vairl S102i 17M NW Dogwood OR 2 IS, VI .10 ACRES good tand Citv water, mod ern dwelling Reasonable Urma. MOM or .vavsi IUW DOWN. J-bedroom; fenced yard, cit- water and aewer. Turnltur avail able OR S-.1444 EW 1-bedroom home Ftreplat-e, plas tered, htrdwood floor Lan dc aped Mid StooiH) term OR 3-.ttS sp ACIOt'S etide 3 bedroom ranch tie Lovelv extra large ba'h TrtUv a home tt. h proud nf Call OR 3.7072 SAt.K OR TRADE T rental unita on 2 acre for larg older horn or acre age. Call Sutherlin 27 0t after sows steady, eslrcmt top .V) up; sorted V S 12 trade hutch, rs 22 OH; mixed trade lots 21 00 .Mi; heavy and luht butchers 19 00- 21.S0. sows 3HO .SO0 lbs l.SOO lSaO; few No. 12 19 VI Sheep salable 1.500, fully stmny: choict shorn lambs 22 75 23 wi; good and choica fearers r.S-.S ibs 19 no 21 .v; to food glaughirr fwft 4 on 9 so. By J. R. Williimi WERE OF Em 1... . Real Estate 1 3 Bedroom Business Location SEPARATE large double larag with pavd approach well hfhied, and lflx 16 ainr room, are the busmen domi- bihtiea to Ihia atrategically located buiineta dm net new modern home j on a 60 X 100 lot. Wall to wall car-1 peting, dnhwasher, dryer and auto-1 matir are all included and the total low price la only $19,900. , 380 Acres River lit ACRES water rifht. 100 are river bottom, 140 acrei perm. pasture, clover, lotua (ra. 500 head aheep ear round. 2 creek and 1 spring also No houe. but small dairy set up, and lood barn and sheds. All fenced a.i.VOOO $10,000 down See It now and know where the water cornea to. 100 Acres 4 Mile River LA HUB 4-bedroom home SO ecrea ex- ira. not irrmaiea tor rree. plus tract- or. plow, bailer. di, cultivator, rake and J. D. rower to handle the 9n ;oV' "" now ,row,ni AU tor 10 Acres i- I Al.L river bottom free aoil. comolele i wnn j-oearoom moaern home with wood furnace In banement, and i room houne 5 acres of walnut New M X 40 barn. $17. WW. S4.000 down. Wilbur 23A X 240 FEET of good earth front ing on Coles Valley road and support ing a .'t-hedronm home with extra 1 large atorage or work ah op. This la a rlean, neat, real value for onlv I SAO.Vi, with 10.K) down, and 70) month. I Sherwood Ave. THIS weiide I'a bath. .1-bed room with: a fireplace i the tdeal home for a growing family because every part of tt ia spacious Rig bedrooms, big m, iia oi punt ins. WINTER REAL ESTATE 31 W Harvard ACROSS FROM HIOH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 lVKNINr.. Charlea Pratt OR J-S127 I Harry Winter OR 3-7041 "Mac" McGuira OS 9-1442 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE RI'MPI'S Rm. piua aeparat dininf rm. convenient k lichen, 3 bdrma. attrac tive lf. llvinf rm, I ft rep I area, cera mic til bath. Iota of built-1 na, hdwd. floort. plastered. At 10,500. IT a a rare bu. i COMPI.KTr.LY rharminf, In th eityj on ewr and paved at. near Rne School Larie S bdrm hom. deltfht-1 ful living, dinetta, well arranged kitch- en, mode utihtv. garage, ahop, patio. ( fenced-in backward. A ateal at 1 Eaa to own. LOVF1.Y DVF1.Y HOMI in Roaeburg. flneet Cloae to School, l.rg. living rm with fireplace, dining rm with French doora leading to p.tio. rheerftil kitchen. Iota of bullt-lna and atorage. X verv large bedrooms, forced air heat to all rma. attached garage Thl home offer preattge. dignity and charm An excellent buy S12.830, Kai to finance. CXCELLBNT 100 11S lot. water, eiec- tricitt, build your home or park trailer. S7. Make offer on terma "W Con Always Use Another Good Listing" ORCHARD 3-5340 fts S K W'ahtngtnn I fbetween Jckon V Main) Eve. Si Snndava Millard ir Marion Magneu OR 3 Soil Valley Real Estate, U SEE U LIKE ALMOST NEW Wetside home .t bed- roomer. A truly wonderful uir rwm Fl.nty storage room Iti. ru.lir. w de-mouth 9t. (irrplare trlcally lorat.d Deep lol with huudini m hark ! Mn II inona Ilk. ton hraul. Miihl l.u. a,MM- . A Petite Cnormer l"S Pt Ya OOD nl 4 fw .ton. throw awa Uik. n.w t hMroomft on L. an. of aarrirn Kl Not o..rrrlrd ith.r at S7 OM ta food friendly n.llhnorhood. Bell Sheep Ronch AH01T THF graaneat. graa ranch here about lino acre t aet moom im prmementa JW acre- pio Deep fer tile rlat ioam otl; highl productive Stream In mpnngt A 1uetock ranch ideal Mn fain Bettt than Land Bank terma. Valley Real Estate tt IT 1 iTEPHENk Hd ORrhard 3-aAW KVrNLNGS PHONB SALL5MFM OR 3-H7M OR t-3MZ )min k Broker Seeetee Real Estate 1 Roseburg Realty HURRY ON THIS ONE WetUide plat teres 3 bedroom ranch home with aeparate dm ing room, big playroom, rtd 1 fireplace. Needa redecorating Full pnet only 10.500. WB SAID hurry: A LOOK AT THIS HOME ' make your first Imprcttion laat." Only I block t from city center, the 1 bedroom houte haa a auperb view from the hvtng room, dimng rnom. kitchen andajfrnght corner dining nook. It haa a rualic 24 x .TT building all in one room, big enough for a dance floor and thar a what It ha been uaed (or', and 24 x 24 garage and atorage. Huge parking apace with big Oak tree. MMM at IUKjO or leu down. Conaider trailer trade. Trades Mirr Wln.iM hAm. I. --Katr home. 1 . NICE large 3 Br. home nn big lot on I pavement anuth of Myrtle Creek fori Roseburg home. ; S. J-RR. Eugene home for Roaeburg home. . . .... - . . 1 4. 4-BR. Roaeburg home for Portland hom j S. 2-BR Westside for S-Br. in Roseburg or vicinity. Roseburg Realty Cr Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR J-3.744 -OUR IERVICE DOESN'T COST IT PAVS" Wiley's For Real Estate BUILDER'S SPECIAL NE Commer cial. Large lot 12.1x140 with older house, paved street and newer paid for. Would make 2 good lota or multi ple building location. Price $4B50. WESTSIDE 1 Bedrooms. 2 baths .fire place. Double garage, plantered and used as family room, double carport, covered patio fn back Wall to wall carpeting in L R. $13,000. ft tance nen I rrom I4u up, OR 3-7844. DOGWOOD DRIVE I BR. oil beat. ' THREE PARTLY furnished 1 -bedroom tile bath. 2 exhaust fans, drapes and; apartmenU, newlv painted Some util cur tains Included Aluminum screens. ' itiet paid $15 and $S5. OR 3-73S4 or Fenced ard Total price $10,200. Less OR .1-79H.1 than $2000 down. ONEBEnR66Mfu"rnTfhedclerr7parU IHM ACRE stock ranch TOO acres till. able, large 4 B R. home with full bum ment. S barns. 1-B R tenant house; Tim is a good ranch Price $33.00 with $20,000 down. 240 ewe and 7 head of cattle ran be purchased at market price. Earl and Gladys Wiley, Realtors 428 S E. Main St. James Be van OR .l-SQft.l i RnlanH Snnmar rn ?-inni . 1 - .a . . ' o48 Acre Ranch . . A GOOD modern 3 bedroom home, large t red stock barn, out bldg., la rue field thai could be irrigated from Israel creek lt a food ranch and priced 54 Acre Ranch LEVEL fields of clover. Irrigation from large creeR. modern .1 bedroom home J out bldg . family fruit, hernea. prox. 10 acre virgin timber Fiitt price only SI. f. 000. S3.000 down It will , pay for Itself, von will agree Only miles from Winston on black top road. Immediate poasenaion, vacant now. 1M ACRES en Myrtle CreeW, old btdgs. old orchard, young limber. Only S.I. aoo. Good terms. TWO large lota and modern 2 bedroom home, fireplace, oak floors, plastered. tencen ara. snaae. ioi or flower garage, wk. shop Near Mark a per Market, only 110.000. payment. See it today. low down FOI'R bedroom home on corner lot t U.ll Gl l um at ma Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR 17 Stephena Ph or j-nni - NEAT, modern 1 bedroom horn. Beau- iiiui noman dtick fireplace View window Long. potou kitchen. Nice level lot Green district. Full price. $3250, A00 down, SffO month. NRAR Rna School. 3 bedroom p. alter ed home mil bath. Large lot Full price HUSO, I MM down. Hurry, thla ia a bargain. Lehman Real Estate Ph OR S-ll dava OR 3-atWl even in ga WANTED RANCH FS and arreage of alt slrea. and river property Roeburg Realtv ai Iniuranca Co. Umpqua Hotel, OR -134 D...!HA(,f ft -,.,!.- DUSinCSS UPPOrTUIHTy L rr I , . j ' , Richfield Oil Corp. West Coat Exclusive Marketer of I Boron Gasoline Has service station available in the RosehurjE area. For infor mation, call OR 3-8344. FOR t.FASR Cu rate ervtca aiation. garage, heating oil delivery truck owners have other buine lnterei. reaon for ellmg CiaMnnage rental 2 WO Call Mr Seiti eening. OR f RArLER PARK fnr aaVe. OooH tnvet. ment for someone with capital. OR J-1020 Rooms For Rent 3 Holel Grand BOOMS Y W.rK OR MONTH c.nirally loratM downtown tribal tor rrtir.d ldrrl pop:. R.a- M.n.M. ratr. jo ANN'S ROARDINC. HOME Dehr. u, nom, r.kl, Prtv.t. rootn and board 22 r.k or SAS monlh. l.ot, of parkin, tpare A21 sw Cam.. Urn Di.lrlrt OR 3 t.7 HOI'SrKFrPING room rlo.. in P!v. .r.thin. furni.h.d US month 41fl NE JarkMn CLEAN fumuhed hnueheeping room. udlitie furnhed walking dtitanca to r o jits, s i short HOTEL ROSEBILRG TV rafparkmg Reaonabia rate. Sll a B. Lane. OR t-ttli LAKGC front :eeping room, elote n or 3-run 0 or i iiii SLEEPING ROOM. T.ta SR. Jackaon. nei door to Ptnnei a. OR S-X12 ROOM 'and board. ITS mo. 17S gden ROOM cktee if UflMM SI EEPINGroema.t.var SC Uobr rrRNISHE.n Mouer keeping room. AiAN. tiwrifee-irTg rrvmt M jl4 T Mat Pin. OR aaBaai a.BBa.... Apts. For 13 $ CHOI CFAPARTM ENTS Oakhilb Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. rt'RNISHr.D and unfurniard. Soma hav. heat, hot water provided. AU hav. water garbal. and yard sarv lr ftirm.hrri Rrni. (rem SSO UB. Mint be urn to apprrctatt 3-CI40. OR or OR 1-lSoST Kohlhagen Apts. LANE JACKSON ITS. MODERN. REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR S-U44 -A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" FURNISHED, attractive. l-bedrooaj. newly decorated duplex pL Lovely bath, walk-in rlosei. carport, washing facilitie. Reduced winter rates. Adulta onlv. 1 mile south. Highway M. OR 2-litt or OR 3-4J73 ifAlRHAVEN APARTMENTS. 1645 W. Harvard. Denrable newly furnished and unfurnuhed apartments, on city bus lines, elo-e to all shopping and Po office. Electric appliance fur- nished.OR 3-6022. LOOK no farther, new 1 bedroom fur- niihed apt Warm and eoty, walking distance Private parking, washing facilities Fine for couple. No pale. us sE Hoover Ave . ONE BEDROOM unfiTrnished ap7t- meni. neat. Mater ana gar page dis posal furnisrted No children or pets. Next to Kohlhagen Apt. Call OR .V8244. MOTEL UNITS Al7UetTler"WTt"h kitchens. $16 apd 27 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel Old Highway w N at Wincbesur Bridge MODERN DUPLEX-APT! Unfurnished. Good location. Basement with sawdust furnace, tfeattng coat about fS month. Adults onlv. Lock wood Apta en Nash St. Ph. OR 3-44H6. FULLY FURNISHED, large, modern 1 room apt. Heat and hot water fur nished Tub and shower. Large yard. S45 :;004 NI Douglas Ave. Ph. OR 1-IW7. BROCKWAY APARTMENTS Clean modern and close in Single and dou ble apartments at 92H and up. 146 SS Brqckway Phone OR 3-M36 OR X 4I1J NICE APT. Furnished.- TUebathroom and kitchen. Washing machine, hot water and garbage service free. $40. 2660 X E Stephens. FURNISHED! near-new "l-bedroom-apt. All electric. Carport. $45. Linena and maid service optional. Lovely view. 1 or 2 OR 2-18:iS COMFORTABLY f u r rl lshed"apa rtm enl a Water, lixhts, giirbaKe service, auln matte laundry furnished Walking dis m"" ' couple or with small baby. Apt. 3, or Phone OR I . DOV.TTOWN, furnlnhed efficiency apt Reeisonable Ph. OR 3-4154 day; OR Z-.W47 everiingi. ONE BEDHOOM a pa r t me n t pa r"t"ly fuV- nuhed. Heat, water and garbeg dit poal furnished. 7.12 SB Pine. NEW. large 1 bedroom apt. Electric ttnve and refrigerator. OR 1-8445 or OR 1-fltTO ONE bedroom aDtCleanrRefrigerator, range, wall heater. Garage. Close In. Ph OR 3-5074. FURNISHED apartments-for-rent.10 to $50 Water and garbage furniahed. iiO:t SE pinsr H E A TE D, f urn it hed apart men 1 7Sma 11 and large. Attractive. Adulta. 133$ S E Douglas Avenue. DUPLEX APARTMENTS 1 tmfurnish- ed 3 rooms and bath, also 1 small furnished OR 3-3078. " i CLEAN. 2 or 3 room furnished or unfur- COLORFUL Bachelor ant., verv nHvate t 2 blocks from City Fire Station, 50 mo. OR 1-U:m or OR 3-4173. ONE ROOM furnished apartment or sleeping room. No bedding. Some utll itie. 927 S E. Mill St. LARGE UPSTAIRS 1 -bedroom furnithed apartment, a blocka from city ctitltr. OR 3-7028. rrRNISHKD- 1 - room apt. 121 S. W yjn -" DUPLEX APARTMEVT. very livable. AdulU. CaMOR .V6I6.V TWO rooms, furnished "heVtedTXdulti. .140 S E. Pine. NICE. 2-room, fumiahed apt T30 Ball! St. FURNISHED or unfurnished, centrally located OR 3-4597 oiOR 2-344. FL'RNISHED bachelor apt," 140. 744 $ f . Jackson OR .1-4361. CLEAN apt. Adulta. Winter rate. Util- uie paia.inquireia33 sb. Stephens. FURNISHED cabin. S15 month. 9 mllti souih OR 3-7JH7 THREE rom apt." $70. lSt EdeiTiXni. Houses For Rent 5 TWO AND 3 room, modern furmihee. cablnt. nearly new a-ft rafrlgaratora. Butane cooking, heat and hot water. Clean and neat Water and garbage dt a DOtal fumiahed S.LS and C4Q mn VLaw. hind Dale's Cafe. North Umpqua i 1Ad HrtI ("bin i OR 3-l.tM. FOR LEASE OR R ENT & bedroom partlv furnished home. Thta home haa air conditioning, wall to wall carpet ing and garage Will lea for SAO per month or rent for MS per month. Prion OR l-mm after 2 pm. TWO BEDROOM. furnUhed"or-unfu.r"n- thed duplex, newly decorated. Car ae. 3 blocka from downtown. Adulta j onlv no pet.. Call Wilay'a Real EOate. OR 3-28M I W DILLARD one bedroomduple, i utihtv room Large picture window, hardwood floor. Fngidaire range. Gar bage tervire furnished Wood or alec ! trifheat. S4A OS i ONE bedroom hoim"Utiiitv!ir,e'dJ"r den apace, lomi fruit. Walking dis tance Near but. achool. atipcrmarket. 17 Eddy. OR 3-5.131 evening or week end NICE, large, t-bedrnom duolex" efnmm ran- refrigerator, and heater, ' " 'n , '"n."', Xt!".. J "PJ J nl Mer 4 P or inqiiire I6S C-bb DUPLEX, 1 bedroom kitchen, hath, large living room Separate utilitv. Range and floor heater In Water paid. Wet ide Son month. OR 3-310 ffTWLY remodeled 2-bedroom. modern houte, beauttfullr located on Rock Creek ut acroas Rock Creek Bridge. OR 3-41M t, 2. .1, and 4 bedroom homea. Income limlU ramillea, alo ttnglt elder)? M or over accepted OJ W Stanton St OR -634 TOR LEASE or lale 'bedroenOTouM Double garage Eireplare. barbecue. On North ner Country Club, 1130 month OR 3-4A4A MODERN. 1 -bed room duplex: range, refrigerator, water and garbage in cluded Hardwood floort, f.M mo. OR 2-14.1 WILL RENT 1 bed room-houaeat""trt W Lane. Ro-jeburg for repair on two other houe. Ph. VH J-.W27 Mr tle Creek TWO BEDROOM home on paved a tree t I near I 5 P:vwnod m Green Inquire , at II V( W Aualin Road between and PM CLEAN modern. ! bed room dtiplefur nched Garbage aervlre. water ard lanndrvfacilitiea fumiahed. OR 3-I431 Dl PLEX. 1 2-hedroom unl( furntahs-d V1. l. unfurnuhed J -bedroom MM OR 1-S11 THRrr BEDROOM houe wired-for waher and drer: alae gaa piped in. 0 -MV2 ONE RED"OOM hmie alove refrig erator Water, garbage erve fur n .hed t fi Phorif OR 4M2 Et'RNISHED. 2-rCdroom houae. " $m Adulu 2 Core R SJISlft INFlPNUHrD bedroom houet". Weitide.l0OR 2-31 tWO berrKm h-ue 2 mlleaVattef 'own OR 1- MTTJ foVH REDROOM oldern"oVeSs)iTJ Rat Jt OR l-IAIM after 5 c CLEAN. 2-bedroom ' houae. OR 3-SJOH zmsm 0 m G3 S9 o ID e o e a g-9 o o a e a, n s m 9 sl) 9 4? 9m H 9 e o 00 o