o 0 o o o 12 The News-Review, RoterSirs;, Of Frl. Jon. O 31, 1958 ROGER'S TUNE-UP SHOP Opposite Jutt OH Harvard Ave. 425 W. Wharton St. OR 2-4022 FAST SERVICE ON Automotive Tun Up Corburoton Gtnarotori Rebuilt Brake Relined Lubrication YOU CAN DEPEND ON US! Today CALENDAR OF EVENTS cHiomorrow Community News Briefs Robert Nevue, manager of Mil-1 Mn. 0. B. Fenwick and Mrs. I Miti Josephine Lowtr and her' Mr. and Mri. Fred" Lockwood ler s. made a recent bunnesi trip Tom Stubhlefield went to Eugene daughter. .Mri. E. S. Wentiar, 1 left Thursday for Palm Desert, lo San Krancisco. 1 recently to spend the day. ' spent Tuesday in Eugene attend- Scottsdale and Lai Vegas to enjoy FRIDAY, JAN. 31 Central Junior High sliidi-ms dance lessons, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., school auditorium. Parents invited. Riversuale Cub Scout Pack 143. ' at school, 8 p.m. All Cubs and parents asked to attend. ' Lookinf glass Grange card party, public muted, 7:30 p.m., refresh ments. Daughters of Union Veterans, Florence Nightingale 'ent 15, 8 p.m., home of Essie Olson, '2t SE Douglas. Elks Club duplicate bridge, 12:30, open to r.lks and invited guests VALUE! REMOVABLE DOOR RANGE Target timer automatic oven control. Oven door slides off for easy cleaning. New no drip trip. Calrod units through out. Varoe -parked Special craiiMt iticraic $168 CARTER TIRE CO. 266 $. E. Stephens Ph. OR 2-2689 Loyal Ordar of Moose game tending to business nijlhl. Moose flail, 8 p m. Green Cub Scout Pack 436, Green School gym, 8 p.m. in0 tn hnsinsu Dennis Van Horn will go to Cor ! Letter Caldar, representative for vallis Saturday to be the guest of Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. of Mrs. George Wharton is able to his daughter, Sandy, at Dad s Springfield, was a business visitor be out again after being ill the Weekend festivities. ! in Roseburg Wednesday. I last week at her home on Claire Robert Dudley, of the Roseburg: Mr, and Mrs. E. . Papa of Eu- j e Memorial Gardens, is expected to ; gene spent the weekend in Rose- Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Chandler return to his home here tonight, ! burg as houseguests of Mr. and spent the weekend in Salem and following a stay in Portland at-: Mrs. Robert J. Hatterscheid, a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stubblefield made the trip to Eugene recently at which time they attended a din ner for Richfield dealers and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Van Horn spent Wednesday in Eugene at tending to business mattera. 1 Laurelwood. I SATURDAY FEB. 1 Hayloft Square Dance Club. Preschcrn Barn, 9 p m., all square dancers invited. Ladies bring sand wiches. Serving committee: l.eo and Irene Eonsworlh, bob and Pearl Fresh. Metros PTA rummage sale, 8 am. Buckeroo Square Dane Club, Th. Shrnde famitv nenl the ux-ek. at Barn near Winchester. 9 p.,ien(j as guests of Shrode's parents, all dancers welcome. Curley Key-iur. and Mrs. L., D. Shrode. in Mrs. Frank Brown, former Rose-' Miss Gaylo Leranian, who is tak- burg resident and now of Canyon-1 ing nurses training at Good Sa ville. is reported to be a patient , mantan Hospital in Portland, at F orest lilen Hospital in Can-1 spent the weekend hera visiting yonville. since suffering a recent ner parents, Mr. and Mri. E. V. heart attack. uirenzen. G. V. Wimbarlv is en route back Portland. The former attended an to his home in Roseburg. folluw engineering meeting in Portland ing a trip to Arizona with V. V. Friday night. . Harpham of this city, who plans to remain there for a longer stay. I : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shroda and frank J. Wilson, formerly of family returned home Monday lol- Myrtle Creek, died at his home lowing a trip to Springfield to at-!'" Escondido, Calif. Jan. 21, as I lend the funeral of Clyde Hincs"" result oi a heart attack. who was killed recently in a truck ' train accident near Springfield. nolils. caller George Starmer Auxiliary No. 18. Lnitcd Spanish War Veterans, home of Mrs. Katie Millikin. 1175 SE Douglas, 1:30 p in Light re freshments. Rummage sale sponsored hy St. Joseph's Parents Club. 721 SE Stephens former Necchi-Elna sew inu center, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. South Deer Creek Grange, 7 p.m. dinner. Members come as hoboes, bring white elephant to sell. Pythian Sisters, Candy sale at Swick's Tots to Teens Store. Pro ceeds for March of Dimes and Muscular Dystrophy funds. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 p.m.. 245 SE Jackson, for more informa tion call OR 2 2755. Evergreen Old Time Dance Club, 9 to 1 p.m., KP hall. Roseburg. .Membership open to public, visit ors welcome. Canyonville Beginners Square Dance group, Youth Center. Gene Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of this city,! Miss Jennie Murphy and Miss wll return to his studies at the Marjorie Bowker of this city left I University of Portland following : today for Eugene to spend the a week's visit here with his par- weekend on the University of Ore en's. 1 gon campus. Jennie is the daugh ., ter of Attorney and Mrs. Edward -h h" f C"S I.,'WJhahretu?"iM- MurPnv "d Marjorie is the ed home from Portland where she ! daughter of Douglas Countv As nas been confined to Physicians' , , j cording to word received in Rose- i and Surgeon's Hospital for medi- , ..... burg. Iwo sisters survive, Mrs. cat treatment and tests. Mrs. i Mr and Mrs Edwin Myers will Fred J. McCabe of Grants Pas. Crankshaw s husband made the . leave for Eugene tonight at which j . -iir ui .u-i...h ""' uiuiis uis wne time they will meet their dauch Springfield. Charles Brundaga, C. M. Beam-! Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Sedell of er and Dr. Roy Hanford are some this city have received the an- cietv of the First Methodist Church ! 10 Corvallis tonight to attend Dad s nouncement of the marriage of kii mri iwu win me kuesi ui v-u,iunrjr. 01 ,iuuesiu, .aill. ana their respective sons, Dennis and Frank Francek, which took place Nub, and Dr. Hanford will go asjin Carson City, Nev. at St. Ther the guest of Mary Ann and Linda lesa's Catholic Church Nov. 17. The Backen, whose father is in Dallas, j bride is well-known in Roseburg. Texas, on a business trip. 1 having visited here at the Sedell .... .. I home a number of times. William Jalski of this city was, in Medford Sunday to participate Mrs. Richard Tucker, Mrs Cur in the Philharmonic Society of lev Craig. Mn. J.rrv UMm.r,. Members of the Woman's So- sponsor Orders for the tamalcs must be in by Feb. 5 by calling Mrs. D. II. Lenox, OR 3-8213 or Mrs. J. B. Bailey, OR 3-6279. The orders may be picked up anytime Friday, Feb. 7, before 4 p.m. m the educational building of the Methodist Church. ter, Diane, who attends OSC. The three will attend the Oregon-Oregon State basketball game alter which Mrs. Myers will return home and Myers and his daugh ter will go to Corvallis to attend Dad's Weekend festivities. I ,MT?nofw fcsj TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IN PRICE CAMP FIRE GIRLS MEET Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Foster are back at their home in Roseburg, following a vacation trip. They first went to Brookings, Ore., and stay ed overnight with their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry Foster, and baby daughter. They were joined there by Mrs. F'oster's brother-in-law and sister. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flury, of Roseburg. who accompanied them south to Santa Barbara. Calif, and to Claremonl, where they houseguests of Mrs. Foster's and Mrs. Flury's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray ward, Southern Oregon in concert with the Symphony Orchestra under the . direction of Richard D. Werner and the Women s Choral Club of South ern Oregon under the direction of Helene Robinson, at the Medford High School auditorium. Mr. Jel ski is an oboe player in the symphony. and family, former Roseburg rest The Ma ta-wa Camp Fire Girls dents. The Flurys returned home had a potluck luncheon recently at by plane after their visit in Clare the home of Mrs. Mary L. Sav- niont, while Mr. and Mrs. Foster :e. leader. 1 he girls worked on went on to San Diego. Iia Juana, son Miss Diane Myers, daughter of w r e I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Myers of this city, spent the weekend here visiting her parents. She made the trip in company with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Higgs, and sons, Mike and Dennis, of Portland, who came down to visit Higgs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nel B. Higgs of Burns, who are Mrs. Willis Wambolt, Mrs. Waldon Routledce. Mrs. Dannv McLean. Mrs. Charles Penfield. Mrs. Les. ter Frost, Mrs. George Jameson, -Mrs. Paul Krueger, Mrs. Robert Elliott and Mrs. Raymond Olscn made the trip to North Bend Sun day to attend the annual mid-winter conference of the Women of the Moose. CERAMIC TILE SALE! 65c Per Square Foot "Do It Yourself" We will supply cutter. syniholrains, memory hooks and Disneyland. Palm Springs and spending the winter at the Mvers a poster lor a program iney were rnous Berry rarm oetore heading home. En route home to Portland inning pari in. rreseni were i.ien- norm tor nome. iney slopped over i Mr. and Mrs. Higgs dropped otf da Beach. Donna DcBnll, Nancy in San Jose, Calif., en route homejMi.ss Myers at Corvallis where the Pittam, Barbara Saar, Marie Sav- to visit Mr. and Mrs. S. V. O'fteil- latter is a student at Oregon State anc aim ,,n-s. vone ienou, as-' iv auu lauiuy, lormeny oi mis college. Miss Mvers has recently sistanl leader. city. been initiated into Pi Beta Phi Vi Z - - S '?,' ' . 0o -' s j r' , w s ,':'., j. No "toJ 4 Oo.ir S'o'ofl W.-cn. Ct fre or to pnetd car v fi Body bf f!9t od So-tV P!o't G o$t ofl oreud GOES WITH NEW GRACL AND GUSTO! t8 CHEVROLET! l ucre's plenty of action to back up Chevrolet's new longer, loiccr-in-motion look. RADICAL NEW VS's set the pace for the most spirited Chevrolet engines ever built! And you get a choice of TWO COMPLETELY NEW SUSPENSION SYSTEMS for one of the most re taxing, cradle-soft rides ever. IVk any y.mlttitk mi use ,o ie a i.u line one that Villi measure up with plriuv to sp.uc. 11 find ClirvVi loaded with a six-t i.il kind of spuit, fur iiist.inrr Srrim tli.it tlic very imt.iut vou give a run. ih.iihI. Iicvv .tnswris wilh .ictinil A tiuu h i .ill it t.ikrs lur slrci inc. stuppinv; or ste'tiii- out t hrr, Irt'i poMT couldn't tc smoother or sj.'ir clioiilcvs. T lie radical new Tin U-1 lirut Y8 delivers am Iv. silken pci foi 'tn.mrr, ou can varccly tell when it's iiT.mc. Secret of tins 8 s rtra smoothness is a r.idical new design that p'i lli imlnntinn chain lr: in tlic lilik. I line's new sm n ihness in the ride, Iihj. vi:h ne 1 nil Coil sujH'iKion. And ou can ha a teal a:r 'ulr (-,, t k,';i , if ou wish. SB npIc this new l lievroirt at our dealer's sKin. iV.,niW i rf. r- 0 V rawai'wd Cknrvitt iit'n dtspi'nt IsilnmWJ haim Sec your local aftthorizci Chevrolet dealer for ojiiek appraisal pwnrf delivery! WEEK END SPECIALS EXCITING NEW AND Something Special! C0TT0I3 DRESSES 99 Keg. 3.98 Wrinkle- mtatant EverglaM cotioiw with the liMtr that lasts. FremH new atjrlec with cnxp whit piqu. Iac or cording detail. Soma with four-yard aweea) akirts. Printa and aoiid cotora. SiaM II to , US to 24' AT' ir Men's White Handkerchiefs Pockoged, 10 to f f ' a package. Reg. $1.00 f f Children's 1 -Piece Flannel Pajamas 7? Colors; blue, pink, maiie. Sizes 4-6-8. Regular 1.29 Infant- Boys' Trooper Caps 88 Made of fine cordu roy. Ear flaps, chin tie. Regular 1.59. Men's Slack Length Work Socks 211 Salt and appr ar plain whitt. Spun cotton, nylon rein forced. Si 11 10' i ta 12. Rt. 39c. Ladies Rayon Acetatt PANTIES rr. $100 I Fancy trim, a ttort ti hifh colors. Siiat S--T. P.rvt uty. Rofular 39c. YrtJjf Special Cotton Prints 4 Yds. $100 3( i.thn Weihtait, Mrsl au.l ity. Valwn to JJe yd. PAD AND COVER Scorch - pronf, 0 bjm wipa-clean JfTT- silicone eov- m C er Thick Tuf- WW w flei pad. . S Makes All Your Baking Chores Easier POKTABLE MIXER Porta bla wte mrtf aleca. Stere an heal pair r hanf en .ll. AC. ttjl.r 12.V0. $7.77 JUST ARRIVED Potted AZALEAS Colors: (sink, salmon and red. Now in early stages ef ful bloom. Large pots. Ttieie long-lasting beautiful fleers can be transplanted to your planter or yard. This site usually sells for 1.98. 0 Q) Ua) ar handv tt0 0JvftfO Li9Aiy Plon ta a tract al S 1191 .-! 0 Store Hours 9:30 a.m. ta 5:30 p.m. t o 0 O oG 1'SO 00 p. rs O C Q C'S a o G0 ui 63. e3! n v . s .s . m a ' e