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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1958)
G0 o o 0 (51 is) o 0 o (5, 0 Of?T 9U.PWAY9 Bffll II Apts.for Rent 4 Portland Tractieft Cortipafty Warns City It Is Going Out Of Business In 10 Days PORTLAND ii Portland'! mast transportation company warned the city it i going out of busmen Feb. 27 it it doesn't get a fare increae in 10 dayi and no one teemed to know Wednesday what was going lo happen. Oddly, the state appeared to hold the key. Rose City Transit Co., seeking a fare increase to 25 cenli a ride from the present 20. was turned down when one vote blocked an emergency ordinance. Late Tues day the company said it would wait 10 more days for an increase and if it doesn't come by then, it will halt service Keb. 27. Wednesday morning it left its trackless trolleys in me oarns and substituted gasoline powered roaches. This was a step aimed at getting the state out of the case. Subject Te Approval Last week Public Utilities Com missioner Howard Morgan told the City Council that fare in creases are subject to his ap proval. City Commissioner Or mond R. Bean, a former stale utilities commissioner, said he would not vote for a fare increase without following state law. And so he voted against the emer . j . l . tii j gency ordinance and that blocked the fare increase, The increase cannot be given within the 10-day limit set by Rose City Transit unless Bean changes his vote. "I am not going to violate state law," he said Wednesday. Dairy Industry Seeks To Prevent Price Decline WASHINGTON I The dairy Industry wants the government to take steps to prevent a decline in prices of milk and butterfat be fore the lower price supports go into effect April 1. On that date, the supports for manufacturing milk will decline from 83 to 75 per cent of parity and butterfat from 80 to 75 per cent of parity. This drop in aupporti will be equivalent to about 2'-J cents a pound for butter and cheese. Dairy leaders say they are fear ful that in March processors will start paying less for milk and butterfat to protect themselves against declines in prices of any butter and cheese they might hold when the lower supports go into effect April 1. Board Approves Fund For Start Tax Survey SALEM I The state Emer gencv Board has approved a $35,000 appropriation to permit an independent survey of Oregon's tax structure. It will be conducted by Dr. John F. Slv. director of Prince ton Survey. Princeton, N. J. He has conducted similar surveys for Washington and other states. The survey is to be completed hv Nov. 1 in order to permit the 1959 Legislature to act on Dr. Sly's recommendations. Julius Jensen, director of plan nini' and development, who re quested the appropriation, said the survey will show the impact of Oregon taxes on its economy, and whether the tax structure dis courages new industry from lo cating in tne state, it also win show, he said, whether industrial expansion is discouraged by tax es. Jensen said that people through out the State have demonstrated that they want an independent tax survey divorced from politics. Falling Mateorita Sten Ai Possible War Alarm LOS ANGF.LKS I Mcttoril tracker Dr. H. H. Nininijfr of S riona, Ariz., says a (ailing melrnr ite micht cause Ihe extermination of the, human race, hv setting off atomic warfare he .titled. . I "uktwist, an unarmed missile , could be launched by an aKKr aor to rielrrmin raw,? nd ac curacy before launching a mora lethal weapon, and with the pre. ,nl lack of dequ.le rcognition and inveilicatory knowledge and i prorerlurt by our defense force$, men fact would not be known til potential attack had become a reality.' High Shipping Costs Hurt Port Of UmpqUal REEDSPORT llfvelop. ment of lh Port of I mpqua herIL"l ..i,'LrZ"'7 .k' "i a . a .. . ea-ioo qoiiai ooo tgi together with I. haiHK ku tW.U . k. m as s'ntiiK iiiii-rsiri ui nib u u luinn K costs, Col. Jackson (.raham tavi. Thu port's average annual ship ping cost of .SO cents a ton it the highest on ihe Pacific Coast, said (raham. Portland district chief of the Corpi of Engineers. LEGAL NOTH Jt TO CON'TR 4CTOR BOAD roSHTRl I TION AMI HtPAlRl SEALED bids will he .accepted hv ihe County Court of Douglas County, Oregon I Ihe Courthouse In Rosebuig. Oregon, at 10.10 AM, rndav tha list dav of January 1W for eons true lion and repair of work on County Road as follow: COCNTY ROAD NO 4 tn north i m rwr a on The wortt involvoa approaimatel I mile of construct ton and appro imsielv 4 miles of repair with Claaa Asp ha I tic Concrete No bids will he eonstderod unleee ac enmpinied bv cash, bidder a bond or certified rnerk for an amount equal to at least or ana iota) amount of tha mend of eatd writ of execution. 1 will. ' I " tha 24th dav of reoruaiy lavi. at ten Contractor shall furnish satisfactory I clock AM ml said da at Ihe eouth 1 hond for the faithful performance of the drw of h County Court HmM in t rontrarlor in the full amount of the Moeeburg. Dm. g las Count. Oregon, mtl contract price j at public auction, subtect to rodeenp- Plana. apaifieatioeia, Forma of Con-1 1.01 to the highest bidder for rah in I tract. Proposal Blanks and full informs- hand, all the ngM, tula and interest etf I fion for bidder mav be ohteined at the th within named defendants and each I Offir of th County Engineer. Court-1 of them th attnte entitted mi it. had Rous. KoMburg Oregon Ion Ihe Hh dav f (V to rwr l.M. th dale 1 Contract shall b a oar dad a aoltf the mortgage her.n forqod. r to on bidder. since that date, and in ana t lh aho1 Th right u rerved reiect any ear all proptiseU, or to grrpi we Mmed neii for trve County, COlTNTY COttajT OF DOUGLAS COl'NTY. On TO OH V V' Jarwson. Count Judge Frank Ahlev, County Com miss toner Huron W. C lough. County Com mi s-jpnr. There was some question. j though, whether Morgan would continue to assert state jurisdic- lion over gasoline buses only. ! Some opinion said it was use of j trackless trolleys that gave the . state lis eniry. inai was wny ; Rose City Transit left them in the barn Wednesday. Couldn't Be Reached But Morgan could not be reach ed for comment. His legal ad visor, John R. McCullough, said he would await a conference with Morgan. Bean said he would change his vote only if Morgan would say, in writing, that the state no long- er n , rue j the case. Bean suggested earlier, when I pol included: the crisis was developing, that) 1- An extra $4,900,000 in school the city had better get together 1 'd this year and 12 million more some buses and prepare for mu-nnually thereafter. This would nicipal operation. The question I me on top of a mandatory $47, fiaa heen nrnntc.rl far th. riiv ; 600.000 boost. ballot this year. j Ne. KIMS NOTICE OF rtHtKirr'ft S.M.B THr CIKCt'lT COL RT OF THE STATR OF OREGON' FOR TRIE COI NTV OF DOI.'bl.Aa STATI OF ORKGON. represented and iclmf bj H c SAAL, ELO D,rlor of Veteran.' Affaire, Plaintiff, vt. ERNEST YOUNG. JR. JOY YOUNG. LELAND CLARK and MARY V. CLARK, Defend nit. By virtu of execution, decree and order of ea t Issued out of th a bove entitled Court In tha above euil to ma directed on the 17th day of January, 1958, upon a decree duly entered in the above Court on the I Tin day of January, IK jo, in favor or state 01 uregon. repre- Director of Veteran.' Affaire, a, am.. defendants. Ernest Young, Jr., Joy Youni, Leland Clark and Mary V. Clark, for (he sum of Five Thousand One Hundred rorly three and 18-10O Dollar i,yi4.i. li with inter! on the sum of 4 at 4 per annum from July 22. ltt.7, to September 24. 1BA7, and for interest on the aum of S3. 14.1 III at 4". r annum from September 24, 1037. until paid, I for th further turn of $144 per month from September 24. 1931. until oaid for mortgage cancellation Inaurance; for the further aum of 422 50 coat of title srarch 110 71 plua intereat. real property taxes i for the year 1B37-5S paid by plaintiff inc the film of plaintiff's complaint: l...?.?!.2000? l,orn buraementa In the aum of f 18 IS, and for accruing roil a of aal upon th writ of execution commanding me to make aal of th following described real property situate in Oouglaa County, Oregon, to-wlt. Thoa portions of property described In County Clerk's Deed Records, in Volume 1.15,' page 325, which la de scribed aa follows. Beginning at an Iron pip on th eaat line of said recorded property, which ta North 2 degtee .tt" Weat 114 feet from the Southeast corner or said property and 275.1 feet North 7M 1 feel wast of th South east corner of said Lehnherr Dona- I lion Land Claim, thence running I South 89 degrees 35' West 100 feet lo an Iron pipe; thence North 3 de gree .15' West 100 feet on a line parallej with th eail I In of said recorded property to an iron pipe; thence North Ml degrees 31' Ktt 100 feet lo an Iron pipe on the eaM line of said recorded property on the weal line of road, thenca South 2 degrees IV East 100 feet along said road to tha plac of beginning, and situated In Section 14, Township 27 South. Rang 8 Wast. WHIamett Meridian. Douglae County. Oregon. Bearings baaed on east hn of aald recorded property being North 1 de grees :t' West according to aaid deed records. HKNERVINU unto F I Belts and Eannl F. Betts. husband and wit, th South IS feet of the above de scribed property for roadway. NOW. THF.HEFORE. by virtu of said writ of execution, decree and order of sal and In com pi lane with th com mand of said writ of execution. I will, on the 24th day of February, 19M. at ten o'clock A. M of said da. at th south door of In County Court House in Roae burg, Oouglaa County, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject ta redemption, to the higheet bidder for cash In hand, all th right, title and Intereat or th within named defendants and each of them In th above en til ted an it. had on the 8th day of February 19YV the dale or the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since that date, and in and to th abov de- .cribed real properly or any part thereof. it .au.ry in. .aid writ of execution. Judgment and decree againel defend ant, with Inlereal. eota, attorney a fe. and acrruing co.l. of aal DATED Ihle 2.lrd dav of January. IA C HYRtl. Sheriff. Douglaa Countv, Oregon. M. Nova Bate., Deputy. NO. t. not let or f nw.t ' it'i it cm t of tus, "WVSEvV&f'' state or Oregon, represented and acting bv H C Saalfeld, Director of Veterans Affairs. Plaintiff, l'C.r.Nr OLIVER (IJMIKSON. st"?s iiirTN'o'S tatk tax commission. Defendants un-,oror of ie ts.ued oV.r'of the above ; " low fh""1 HM lb steers emuied court m m abov auit to mei2.'. 25; truck lots mostly Rood I directed on the loth dav of Januar lM. upon a decree duly entered In the Court on the 20th day of Jamiar, i It v in favor of the State of Oregon, represented and acting by H C. Saalfeld. J-lTn,:' or,! I ' iu i-iaikMn for ihe .um oi , .... " ,,n,r inieresi mereon si toe rate of 4 oer n,1um fron August as. ust until paid. 7 - ,?J 'um fl s "w-i H.'ss salahle 3(H); steadv; sort too Dollars "tl 02' per month from Aug- j c . j i. l. r. ust M 11 for cancellation in" 1 S 1 2 Blade hutchers 22 2.S sursnce. and for the further aum of 22 Ml, mixed grade lots 21 .SO Ilirnrl!,ll m2t' " ,,UV!! 22.00; no 3 urade ln to 2100; eost of title search for foreclosure, and, t, ,,,. ., 1A ltn ' for the further sum of four hundred ow 300-500 Ihf 1SM-19 00. and ho 100 Oollara -1400 OOi reasonable Sheep salable 300; choice WOrtl attorney a fees, and for the further sum A tnA ,hnrn slanphtrr lamht of I1U 4.1 plus intereat real propertvi" ? 1? R, j . . taxes paid Hv plaintiff since the filing of l leadjf 23 00-23 25. including deck pieinima eompiaint. and for plaintiff a w nit sim oi IT 2.1, and providing for accruing coats of sale upon tha writ of eaecution. com I mending me to maae aale of the folio1 ing described real property situate lit 1 Douglas 1'nuntv, Oregon, to-, it Lot TwenM -f.ur. t'hnetian Tracts, ale the Westerly fite iJ- feel of Irft Twent -fie il. Christian Tiacta, all aituaieif In Section Twen-h-two 'I!', Township Twenty nine 'te. fiouth. Range fiv 'J' West, Willamette Mer dian. as ahown on the propmed plat on file In the office of the lounu cierk of Oouglaa County. Oregon NOW. THKHKrotff hv virioe of said ..( a.i.A. .a. sale and in compliance deerttbed real property r any part hereof, t MUefr th said writ of stavu- lion. judgment and derie against de fendants with interest, eoat and attor ne s fee, and accruing mate of aale DATKO thi l.trri da of Januarf 1M IRA C RYRD. Sheriff. DniigTas Cmmtv, Oregon ny. nnvg Bat, Deput: Budget Asks Big Boost li Taxes ALBANY, N Y. Gov. Aver ell Harriman hu sent the New York Legislature a record-shanking S1.8U0.800.000 budget that calls for a 43-billion boost in income lax Up to $35 a taxpayer, He also warned the lawmakers that, unless they raised the state gasoline tax from 4 to 5 cents a gallon, the state would soon have l0 cut back its big highway con ,t ruction program. The income tax increases would take effect on returns due April IS. if the Legislature's Republican majorities are willing to raise tax es to this election year. GOP leaders have indicated, to the contrary, that they will send Harriman a bill that would hold taxes at the current level. A veto would be used against him in his drive for re-election next fall. Harriman's new spending pro- 2- Adding 151 men to the state police lurcc iu cieta. uuwm un gangsters and speeders, and ex panding highway safety programs, at a total cost of $1,800,000. 3. Increasing state aid to com munity colleges by $10.7110.000 and giving the state university $3,600. 000 more to expand its teaching staff. Portland Markets Wednesday PORTLAND PROOUCf PORTLAND Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change-Premimum quality, deliv- d in Portland, 60-63 cetlU per Ih; first quality, 57-60; second quality, 52-55. Hutter-Wholesale. fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA 9.1 score, 59': A grade, 92 score, M'.; B grade, 90 score. 57: C grade. 89 ICOre, 55. ChePB-Ta-whnlpialpre. Orp. I vnfPK lo wno esiltri 1 Pre- I on SWRie. 4.1-4 ID; UregOI. 4-1.15 loaf, 43W-53tj3. j A . . .,. . ..,,. AA larK. 45-45. A large, 42; A A medium. 41-4J: medium. 41 2. Cartons. 1-3 cents additional Ecss To producer A large 35.37'?; A large, 34-36'i; A medi um 3J-.K"a ,L'..V'iK.PO,i','r'!. T.- , JJI"'-! . t,a i.tiu, HK'H iiriix 10-11 at farm; heavy hens 18 19 at tha farm; old roosters, 7 8. I Kabbits Averaw to growers Live whites, Ihs. 22-25: colored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed frvers to retailers, 59-61; cut up 62-6.1. Wool-Nominal, clean basis 14 blood, lo 1 OS; blood to 1.15; V blood to 1 20: fine to 1.28. Whel Drasiad Mull Beef carcasses Steers, choice 500-700 II). 42.50-45 00: KOnd 41.00-! 43 00; Standard 38 00-41 00; com- I morrml rnuri 00.7 fin- II I it. .w. 00-41. o: canners and cutters 32.50-35.00. Beef cuts choice steers, hind quarters. 50 00-52 00: rounds 49 00 - 52 00: (till loins, trimmed M OO - 69 00; Forequarters 37.00 38 50: chucks 41 00-43.00; ribs 50 00-5(1 00. Lambs Choice 48 00-51.00; good, all wis. 4.O0-50O0. Pork carcasses Shipper style. 120-170 lb. 32 00-33.50. Fork cuts l.oin. choice, 8-12 lb, 51.00-54 00; shoulders, 16 lbs., down, 34.50; shoulders. 16 lbs., down, 34 50-37.00; sparerihs, 46 00 50 00; fresh hams, 12-16 lbs. 51.00- 55 00. Slab bacon All wts, 48 00- 56 00. Veal and calves Good and choice, all weights. 40 00 - 54.00; standards 38 00-49 00. Produce. Hay No. 2 Rt-een alfalfa, new crop, hailed fob. Portland, 24 00-25 00 ton. Onions 50 Ihs. sake Ore. west dist. Panvers med 1. 50-75; large 2 50-3 00; boilers 10 lbs. 25 29: Calif, white larse 300-50 Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets 100 Ihs 3 25-50; few higher; 25 lh. sakeks 1.25-35: bakers. 100 lb , 6 oi. nun.. 3 50-75; 1216 or.. 4 25-50; local Rurhanks washed 100 Ihs No. Is 2 75-3 00; Idaho Rus sets No. 1-100 lbs 3 75 -4 00. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND iff (I SDA Cattle ! salable 2.S0; fed $leers and heif e,., anfj steady; load of high good 25 00; standard sterrs 23(H); truck lot Rood 775 lh fed heifers 23 00; utility and commercial cows 1R oiv 10 50; cannrr and cutters 12 io Uw heavy cutter to 1600 ' Calves salalilr 75; sood and thoice veslers ea, early sales .... ... , . , '29 (Ml t z.t ; g!no: Siavitjnter lamDS Tl 00 W inrl choice feeders 19 50 22 00; several lots fur shear in a 22 Ml 23 00; cull to 0 0 d tlau&hter ewrs 4 00 8 00, Portland Grain I PORTLAND if Coarse Rra.ns. I 15-day shipment, hulk, coast de liverv: Oat No. 2. 3d lh while 49 0 1 Barley No. 2. 4.Wh R W 47 .SO Corn No. 2. FY, shipment ..U..VU .5 wneat (nini to arrive market basis No l hulk, delivered roat Sift White Soft White (excl. Rex White Cluh HaraJ Rt1 wirwvr: Ordinary 10 per cent 11 per cent 12 per cent Hard Whit laartt Ordinary 10 per cent 11 per cent m a 2J4 i i 7 M J?n 2 ?n 2 30 24 7 2A 2 2 12 per cent 7 24 Car rtrfipls- Wliaat T; -flour i ; rorn 1(1; WS fwd S. I i ftsgSSSpf BV THE RAILRCAP-I WA& GOlM" OVER. I gaipSg&l BUT THERE S IOO U&E--TH' FIREMEN 7 I 8tfi$'? Classified Section LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advcrtums placed from wltnln Roeeburg trade area Minimum charfa to: an on ad ta 30c I CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word ................. 2 cava per word .......... 5C j 7ci 9c 1tc 12c! 13c I 3 dav per word a , .nrA 4 day per word day Pr word days per word Line od. per lint o day 18c Line od, repeat insertion, per day 9c j Line ad. per line, per month 2.35 ; DISPLAY ADVERTISING First Insertion, per col. Inch .. $1.60 n . i -i : u an col. Inch oer month . . . $20 80 Notional Classified Advartisinf 25c per line, no repeat rote 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW AOS 11.00 A. M. day previous to publication C ANTELLATION Vr TO l:M A. M. ADJUSTMENTS If jour advertisement appear Incorreot- be' re.non.lble for mora than noiifv us immediately we win not correct lnrllon. Such tl 1 nmneo io reiuno ui u.n v-i , ract insertion of advertisement. REFUND") Will. NOT HV HELD MORI THAW 4$ DAYI Real Estate 1 Owner Leaving -Quick Sale Price SIOS75 DOWN S2.000. Modern J bedroom home. 1300 aq ft. Knotty pine panelling, large kitchen and nook Formica drain board., tiled ahower bath: on aewer. View. THA. 1m NF Suneet Lane. OR 3-34JS NEAT, modern 2 bedroom home. Beau tiful Roman brick fireplace View windows Long, spacious kitchen. Nice! level lot Green ditrict Tull price, j $32M, $MM down. $60 month. , NEAR Ho School. 2 bedroom plaster ed house Full bath Larie lot. Full price .!., $.MW down. Hurry, thia I bargain. Lehman Real Estate Ph OR 3-t1 dave OR 3-ftiWl evemnga LAUREI.WOOD HOME on paved street; sidewalks, sewer 19110 sq. ft . 230 sq. ft storage Living room with fire place, dining room with French doors to outdoor dining area Kitchen, nook. 3-large bedrooms. Full basement, forced air furnace, garage, sprinkling avsiem. fenced bark yard. High School one block. Owner transferred. Call regarding financing. OR2-:t2T8 OWNER. Wetside. 3-bedrooms with large close t. very nice baih Large li ing room with dining area Very nice kitchen and dinette Double gar aae for untitle l.arge Roman bnrk fireplace and electric heal Nice yard and patio and many extras to go Cash for equity, balance G 1. financed at 4 per cent tan give possession soon Call OR 2-31H2, for more tnforma- WANTED RANCHM and acreage of all lrea. and Mer prnpert.v Rnttebiirg Itealt . I. lnuranc Co V mpqua Hotel, OR 1 It U TRADE equitt in 2 bedroom modern , home. actr. outbuilding and elec-' Inc pump, lor 1 bedroom modem home Miih smaller acreage. Wine hea ter - Wilbur vnmitv preferred Write Rt 1. Ri 144. A.itherlin. or call U21 j OFFICE plus .1-bedroom home combine-1 tion Centrsl fireplace Attached gar- j ate On hiahw AJ 70x0' lot 17V) ft floor (isce I1J4O0 W-tl consider trade Springer. OR 2-24US days. OR "U.iwn.t etenmga I NICK 2 bedroom hnue Garaie, patio, j laundry ronm, hardwood floor, elec- trie heat On dead-end street in good neighborhood near 1T. 9 Pi wood Shail tires and shrubs Good buy at: ww ((W tl 4W equitv ln j. hru suih of Kell 'a Kornef. Fire-1 place, elertric heat, ti'e floors, drapea toe s arr Ralanr MA month. Phon OR TWO BFDROOM.' mode'rtj horn'. High wav 42. v, m.ton MOO. or at FHA or bank appraisal valu ad tar ma. Ph. OS HfiJA 14 ' ACRES. pavd road. T mile out. V room houae Deal With owner Rea sonable I G Bloom. Rt 2. Box MS FOR SAl-E OR" TRADE.' " Equltv" "tn mdrn Wmatnn bom with acreage. cbm OR ;i .vm.i 24 DOWN. 2 bedroom fenced yard. rite sister and sewr. Furmtur avail- ahle OR 2-1444. MODFRN J bedroom htl W.II lake iw Irsde on down pa ment Grant Vf4athers. 412 Nmn4. Ridd e Oregon w.T,n. Krw 2-bedroor home nrep.a.-e p... - terd, hardwood floor ard 110 terms OR 2-.w SP4C101S we t side 3-bedr4.rn ranrh stle lvetv extra large ha'h Trui a horti in b proud of Call OR S-TOTJ WANTED TO BUY - modern 2 -'d-rnom hi'wi, West RoaetMirg preferred OR 2-47. t, Th First Ltsso.i To Learr In Sellino li To Us -' O Classified Adi WHEN THE OL' MAKI CEASEP TO BE SOUR. FAVORITE HERO. Real Estate 1 Roseburg Realty COT A BIG FAMILY? Then read on with l' hatha, lou of storage space, double garage, and fenced back yard with gsrdcn spec and fruit trees. 13.J4M) on FHA or Gl terms. Owner Iran ((erred. Immediate possession. Trad for Portland horn. PRETTY AS A PICTURE and we hav , the colored picture her lo show you. One of the belter Westside .1-bedroom homes with big level lot. Quality lea-1 tures such as ceramic til in oath. I beauhful Birrh cabinets and lnfde ulihl. A good buy at S13.500 on FHA terms. 1 YOUNG FOLKS SPECIAL 'or an one that feels oungi. Sparkling new 3 bedroom plastered home on sewer, j Hat Oak floors, fireplace, built-in , range and oven, insid utility. Planned i for easy conversion to provide a play, room Only SU.noo on good terms to respons i bl f a m 1 1 y , MAN ALIVE. WHAT A DEAL Your, happy home in a beautiful neighbor-1 hood for ihe price of a shark. This' 3-bedroom bargain has i If x 20 living room with fireplace, deepfreeze sim utility room, double carport, shop, iencea ianascapa vara. con sider trade for 3 BR home. WI HAVE eome good bu. in cloee In home and rental properties Roseburg Realty - a cr insurance UMPQUA HOTXL LOBBY OR s-m4 "OUR IERVICE DOESN'T COST IT PAYS" Quant Realty Jos L. (Joe) Quant, Reoltor orriCC llll W. Harvard Ave. Th Office With Th Parking Lot. Ph. OR 2-32M. 2 Homes In One Dl'PI.EX, very neat an clean Ona part haa 2-bedrooms. nice living room with dining space. Bath with tub and 'er. The other part ta about the same with lots of aloraee and clnaat space ' baement. good district 210.. I !M)o and only 21.000 down. Owner sell ing below cost. I Triple A Rating ! LOOK and compare You Juet can't beat this one. Very neat and clean .1-bedroom home In west Roseburg bet ter district. 2 large bedrooms, larg living room and dining room Beauti ful kitchen, over-sired utitlly room Double garage, fireplace, plus forced air oil furnace Plastered, hardwood floor, paved street, fenced in yard I 114 9.10 Pav only M 430 down and take! over th present G l. loan of ail.MO j 3 Acres A RFAl'TtFCL, 1-acrea close to Roae- , burg, plus a very neat and clean 2-1 bed'oom home In a beautiful setting of largr shade trees 2 walnut. 2 prune. 2 cherrv and 2 pear tree. On paved road Owner will take late model rar or pickup as part of down pa ment. IVENINCa OR SUNDAYS CALL: j L m Hicks Phon OR 2-724,t' Char lea F Mumbv Phon OR 2-7 0 Valley Real Estate 99 Frontage Motel A IN T no new frontage available no more. A 22 acre rustic beaut . 0 unita plu 2 room modem hnme. all furnished Doing a profit a hi busi ness Easy to operate. 20 000. Lone LOVELY term. Chicken Setup j CLOSE In on 1 acre Modern horn ; Hiehwav frontage for Drive-mi misi- : neaa City water Cage t p Ahnut i POO hns. W0 pullets, V habv chirks I Barn Berries and fruit flOOOo 12-' BW down. That a leea than chicken valu. $350 Down Furnished NOT NO FANCY fuwv tp N.t miv httte weuide home well worth 2.1 oo M per month . rt J ' ' ' " ro ON! v ! "!!" "5"hsd 2-odroom. sej fi hem The la j (hJ, t - , .. .. - pt, . VIII 1 1 V rxtfLJ I QSICITP 71 IT II STFPHFN Priors OR MlM Salesman Broker Scone OR 2M2 CONTrlIKlY 1 bedrnnm kerne few Mora, (rem nlr renter S.lendid view large living mem. fireplace with reiMd hearlh, htrrh aitrhen. e'ertrtf, di.hwa.her and dioeal. hath and half, j utilm. lag. rncni fn. alw. I Priced SIT arm rail OH I Hill an., time Saturday a. aunda. . arte. S .eeadate l-3o Real Estate 1 $700 Down YOU WON'T believe this could h so good at it is for only S63O0. Waauid 2 bedroom with an extra larg utility room big enough for bed space con nected 10 the two large bedrooms. Long living room and well-lighted, many -cupboard kitchen. Rear door to attached garage. Only $60 , month. $750 Down A ONE-YEAR-OLD weat Winston. In sulated, cozy. 2 large bedrooms, and complete bath with shower; OB the sewer. Only $6,750 full prlca and $S ' month. j $900 Down I A GLEAMING white weataid ahek 1 bedroom with attached garage, out-1 door fireplace and hobby or tool bldg. I A clean as a pin insid and th toasty warm heater goes too at a price below value of only $7950 and 170 mo. House Trailer Trade WILL ACCEPT 35' nous trailer ta good condition In exchange for 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, separate dining area, and all completely furnisned with new appliances and furnishing m perfect shape. Everything but th own-, ers hat. Two prices. Without furnish ings but including the fenced 100x200 lot. on paved st. $79 Ml. All furnishings tnno xtra and well worth H. Taxes $100. Ai-roc rcre 30' X SO' BARN. II 1 U feeder shed. us' drilled well. 10 head irrigation ays- tern included, with rights for 14 acres and John Deere tractor and imple ments tn handle. 40 acres cultivated. at million feet timber All fenced and I a complete 2 bedroom home waiting I for vnu at Ihe low Inw price of only i $10. BOO. 17000 down. Ral S1!M0 prr vr.' This la 10 minutes from our office. 1 WINTER REAL ESTATE 5.15 W Harvard ACROSS FROM HIHH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 EVENINGS Charles Pratt . OR Harr Winter OR S-704.1 1 "Mac McGuire OS 9-R443 DREAM Home Supreme MAKE YOI'R DREAM a reality with this beautifully carpeted living room, I sliding glassi doors to patio, fireplace. large family room with fireplace. 3 ; bedrooms. 3 baths, picture-perfect ma-! hngany kitrhen. built-in range and oven, nice dining room, utility, double 1 garage. Oil hot water bate board heal, j l' acres. All this and river frontage.! Shown by appointment. $300 Down TWO BEDROOM home, concrete foun dation, oil furnace, livlng-dlnlng room, fireplace, handv kitchen, utility, at tic storage. Bath with shower. fdftM. Immediate posse ion. Why rent? Highly Improved ACRE Sprinkling aystem. bearing fruit and berries, large garden. 3 bed- rooms and den Living-dining room; carpeted Kitchen - nook. Utility. 1' baths. Near city limita, school and store. 214.AOO. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 723 N E. Stephens Dial Q 11TI MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Rl'MPI Rm plus separate dining rm. convenient kitchen, 3 hdrms. aitrac tive lee. living rm. t fireplace, cera mic til bath. Iota of built-ms, hdwd floors, plastered. At tlO.MW. It a rar buy I COMPLETELY charming, in lb eltv.l on sewer end pav ed St. near Rna I School Large 2 bdrm home, delight- ' ful living. dnette, well arranged kitch en, inside utilttv. garage, shop, patio, j fenced-in barkard. A eteal at 2B4M. I Easy to own. HOME in Roaburgs' firveat district. Clos to High School, larg living rtn with fireplace, dining rm. with French doors leading to patio. cheerful kitchen, lot of built. ins and i storage. 2 vrv Urge bedrooms, forced air neat to an rme. aiiarnra geirage ched garage dignity and 212.8.V) E This home offers prestige i.-. I BVT in m Ita lvt wataae tncit. build your horn or park a trailer. 2750. Mak offer on term 'W Con Always U$ Another Good Listing" ORCHARD 3-5340 tl E Wasatngion (Wtween Jeekson 4t MaieJ Eve Sundae Millard t Mario Magneea OR 12017 SuthffF Pi J un 1 Vtwn To Veteran L.;eintlM ,,w- iM"t fcitfben. til Min, inmia unuii, iinrmm mmmw, ' arra lei So dn I. veteran. Pun SS 000 OR J..V(. H.rea Meal E.tate WK9T StDF. 1-bedroom. prwible eleetrie heat. all-ta-walt rarpet. eler. trie di.hwa.her and g.rhage di.nnaal flag.tnna wall with fireplace. kMe ouilt-lp. Fireplace a-d ha'hec .ft patin SIS 000 terma. OR S-aa.H Oerding's Real Estate 3 ACRES plua GOOD MODERN S bed room home with large kitchen, sep. dininar area Li v. room. Bath v a h tub and howr Utility room Won- derful yard with lawn, shad tree and fruit. Garage. All good free soil. On a paved road about S mile out Priced reduced for quick sal. Belter see this Full price only $8M0. Terms. Now on Stat C L MODERN a bedroom hout with liv. room. Sep. din. area. Kitchen Bain Utility room. Haa 3 extra rooms up. part finished. Hardwood floors. All in excellent condition. Sep. garage. Lrg lot. Lawn. Garden. Flowers Paved street. On block to bua service. Full price now only I70.V). Some termi Will consider good trailer. Furnished complete only 8S450. SEE US for good building lots, busi ness property, new homes, farms. .Oerding's Real Estate 118 S E. Cast Avenue Phone OR 3-8.128 Roseburg Byers Real Estate 500 ACRE sheep ranch, approx. 40 acres . cultivated. A good stand of limber. Good house, barn, chicken houa Ma chine shed, tractor and equipment. aonn 0.chrd , prl" " n,hl ,t ; 320.000. Very good terms. THIS HOME has two large bedrooms, i Lots of closet apace, large living room,! dining space, hardwood floors, kitchen with lou of built-ins Garage. On large ! lot 3 mi lea out, 35.850. Can b bought th easy way. I A BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom horn start ed on this 12 acres with a year around creek. About mites oul 15,000 Terms. Byers Real Estate 42.1 W Ballf Ph. OR A-746S Evenings Call Doug Warren Glenn Byr OR 3-408 OR 3-7468 SHORT REALTY Bargain Hunters THE owners of this fin 3 bedroom home will be leaving soon and say S?1. Gr'n district Paved street li.w sq. tt. Hardwoon cabinet , Built-in appliances Fireplace uoudi garage Large lot. Only $9800 Call About Terms 2 Traders TWO bedroom home on half acre gar den spot near Winston Paved street Fenced yard Oil floor fu mice Attached garage Price R7Vl What Hav You To Trade? 3 For Rent TWO Two bedroom apti. Wt.ulri. ts Short Realty (MM S r Casa Av. Dial OR 1 3531 Evenings call: Bob Di-hmsn. salesman OR 2-.ri4 I L. A "Bud" Nelson, salesman OR 3-67.V) FOR SALE or trade, will accept 30 or .15 It. modern trailer tn good condi tion On lovely 2 bedroom home. Fire place, electric heat. Large carpor 1 and storage. Alxo on same lot a 1 bed room cottage, nicelr furnished Total income rrom thl property at present time. $1.10 month. OR 2-0140. -s, Business Opportunity 2 Man Wanted TO OPERATE his own tausineaa as a dealer for SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPOR ATION. Protected and establihed ter ritory In the Roseburg area. Excellent opportunity for man with desire to go some place in life. Walk n !P truck and tome capital required. Write 4.W3 Eighth Ave. N. W. Seattle Washington, or phone Norman Moor meier, PRotpec $-O021, Portland ' i TOR LEASE Cut rate service station. garage, heating OH delivery truck owners nave omer Business inierels. , reason for selling Gallonage rental. ' $2.0 Call Mr. Sell evenings. OR 3-4094. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Grand ROOMS BY WEEK OR MONTH Centrally located. Live downtown. Ideal for retired elderly people. Rea sonable rates JO ANN'SBOA-RDINf3 HOME Delic ious horn cook in Private room and board 423 week or 4A.V month. Lola of parking apace. 4209 SW Carnea I . Vr" District. Oft 3-71147 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room.1 utilities furmthed, walking distance to, P O jM3. 14.11 St Short RoOM and board foretder:v"TartV rV. I cellent food and car Close In. U- censed. OR 2-.tif4 HOTEL ROSEBURG TV Cafe, parking r., S13 tt. U. OR LA HUE. front sleeping room, clos tft OR .1-tn02 or OR 3-3H4. SLEEPING ROOM. 72 S C Jackson, next door to Penne s. OR 3-.ll2tt ROOM and board. 172 mo. 1M Eden k" Apts. For Rent 4 FIRNISHED apartments for rent 2.W lo s M) water and garbag furnished. i.tu.i e Pine at HEATED, furnished apartments Small and large Attractive. Adult. 1.1.12 9 r. uougiaa Avenue FURNISHED 1-bedroom "ap"atmentUtll. Mies paid. Wsih.ll Apt. 2217 W. Har vard DUPLEX APARTMENTS 1 unfurntsh- I V 3, r.00Jm;nd,i,,h ata 1 amall '"ril'rf-Jf. "."V'!"- i CLEAN, 1 or 2 room furnished or unfur- I nisnea apt. .ioe uv un a-i or UK 1-701 . COLORFUL Bachelor apt vtj private I J blocks from City Fir Station, M moOR 1-14.W or OR 3-417.1 r3NF BEDROOM furnished I ONE BEDROOM furnished h g.r.g. Light, and garbag. eery: furn.hed OR 1-714 THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Water and licht furnished. OR S-7IM ONE ROOM rumuhed apartment dt sleeping room. No bedding. Som vtil tlia. 27 SI af ill St. LA ROE UPSTAIRS l -bedroomMrntshed apartment 2 blocks from tty center. Ult 3-7021 nipi rtf psTfFVT Aduiu Call OR 1-411 FURNISH ED APT. with ftrinllO mo I O I TWO rm. furt.ll hed. heated. Adulti. -140 S E Pin. NICE. 2-room, furnished apt 730 Ballf FURNISHED , or unf urmshed iTl, . wrw-s. or w a-jw UMianiu oacneina api, IW J SE JarkKin. ON J-4MI V I rt I.M ant arti.ii. tar.H,.. .... t'.'.T me. paid Inquire IMS X Stephen.. ri'RNISHFD rabm. SIS month- S mtlea .,llh OR 3-JK.T rTTCcXY furnt.hed apartment. ellja In.' iota RR Pine. Apartment 4. fHRtl mi apt. 7 laas Iden'Cana1 CHOICE APARTMENTS Oakhill - Vuta Hornet Winchester Court West vu t Court - Terract Apta. FURNISHED and unfurnuhed so m a have heat, hot water provided. All have water gar bate and yard aerv ice furnished Rents from 80 up Mint be seen to appreciate. Call OR 3-4.140. OR J-34U1 or OR 3-1S03. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE at JACKSON STS. MODERN. REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-4244 "A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" FURNISHED. attractive. 1-bedroom. newiy decorated duplex apL Lrejdy bath, walk-in closet, carport, waatting facilities. Reduced winter rales. Adults only. 1 mil south. Highway B9. OR 2-14:ior OR-4173, MOTEL UNITS All electric. W 1 th kitchens- 318 and 123 week. Linens, in i linen furnished. Winchester Motel (Old Highway WS N at Winchester Bridge). LOOK no farther, new 1 bedroom fur nished apt. Warm and cozy, walking distance. Private parking, washing facilit lea. Fin for couple. No pels. 116 SE Hoover Ave MODERN DUPLEX APT. Unfurnished Good location. Basement with sawdust furnace. Heating cost about $5 month. Adulti only. Lock wood Apta on Nash UK 3-44MO. FULLY FURNfSHED7Targmodrn 1- room apt. Meat and hot watr fur nished Tub and ahower. Large yard. $43 3004 N I. Douglas Ave. Ph. OR 2-1S77 BROCKWAY APARTMENTS Clean modern and cloe in. Sing! and dou bt apart men ta at $25 and up. $40 SI Brock way Phon OR S-J53 - OR 2- 4:il7 FAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS. 1645 W. Harvard. Desirable unfurnished apart ments, on city bus lines, close to all shopping and post office Electrte ap pliances furnished. OR 3-6032. COMFORTABLY furnished apartmenta Water, lights, garbage service, auto malic laundry furnUhed. Walking dis tance. Rent from $40 up. OR 3-7844. FURNISHED, nice 1-bedroom apt., all electric; carport. $45. Linens and maid service optional. Lovely view. Coupl or I-J)R 2-18.15. THREE PARTLY furnished 1-bedroom apartments, newly painted. Soma util ities paid. $:i5 and $35. OR 3-7384 or OR3-7983. ONE BEDROOM, imfrmshed apart ment. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Howell Apartments. Call OR 3-8244. one BEDROOM "furnished clean apart- ment. $.W to couple or with small babv. 85.1 Sheridan, Apt, 3, or Phon OR 2-2A70. NEAT 2-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfurnished with garag. Wilbur. Lights, water and garbage service fre. Call OR 3-68fllor OR U861; NEW. large 1 bedroom apt. Electric stove and refrigerator. OR 3-8445 or OR3-S10. ONE bedroom apt. Clean Refrigerator, range, wall heater. Garage. Cloa In. Ph. OR 3-5074. Houses For Rent 5 1 TWO AND 3 room, modern furnished cabins, nearly new o-ft reffigarators, Buiano cooking, heat and hot water. Clean and neat Water and garbage disposal furnished $3$ and $40 mo. Be hind Dale's Cafe. North Umpqua Road. Hartz Cabins. OR 3-3368. TWO BEDROOM.- furn Is bed or un rum -Ished duplex, newly decorated. Gar age. 1 blocks from downtown. Adult only no petv Call Wiley's Real Estate. OR 2-262S. fN DILLARD one bedroom duplex, utility room. Larg picture window, hardwood floor. Frigldaire range. Gar bage service furnished wood or elec tric heat. $45 OS 9-8669 "ONE bedroom house Utility shed, gar- den spare, some fruit. Walkins dis tance. Near bus. school, supermarket. 917 Eddy. OR 3-5.121 evcnlnga or week ends NICE, large, 1-bedroom du'p'leic, close I in range, refrigerator, and heater; I water and garbage service furnished. j Couple only OR a-4;iu3 after 4 P.M. or inquire Iflvt Cobb DUPLEXfTbedroom kltchVn7bath.larg living room. Separate utility. Rinse and floor heater in Water paid. Wast side too month. OR 3-310$. NTWLY remodeled 2 -bed room, modern house, beautifully located on Rack Creek lust across Hock Creek Bridge,. OR 3-4151. 1. 2. .1. and 4 bedroom homes. Income limita. Families, alo afngle elderly A or over accepted. 003 W Stanton St. OR 3-6.48 FOR LEASE or sale 3 bedroom house. Double garage. Fireplace, barbecue. 4120 month. OR 3-464A MODERN. 1-bedroom duplex; range, refrigerator, water and garbage, in cluded Hardwood floors. $M mo. OR 2-1 94 NICE 2-bedroom with earaee Nleo varrf ONE BEDROOM houe. stoves, refrig erator. Water, garbage service fur nished 2-tO Phon OR 3-4M2 TWO ROOM rurntsjhed house S4A Lights and water fumihed. 1866 N E. Com mercial OR 2-IH70 NICE 2 bedroom horn on Dixon St. Redecorated, furnace heat, M month. OR l-70f)ft TWOEDROOM.unfiirnihed. aouYhof Rnaeburr. 5 mo OR 2-7n0 evening after S :tO FOR RENT OR LEASE" 2-hedroom. modern house, near Riverside School, OR 2 -2S44 NEW and clean, large 1 nedroomun furni.ihed house. 1406 S. E. Pin. OR 3..V1A.V NEW and clean, large 1 hedroom un furnished house. 14M S E. Pin. OR 1-VlSS NICELY furnished 1 bedroom heus'. Come out and se You 11 Ilk it. Utll V (rihina TWO-BEDROOM, modern! furnlVhel siiHiaw. near new iv . nywooa plant. OR .1-8500 ONE bedroom modern cottage wtthVar port. t'n furn i bed except eleetri range, iu montn. uit 3-4102 : THREE BED ROOM home I lev Call Bill Tipton, Garden Va'l OR 2-2347 or j TWO BEDROOM clean modern unfurn- ihed house, g5. Near new US. Ply i wood How St OR .VSI.11 ' THREE bedroom modern house. Doer ner Road Good garden spot 21.4 ' month Plenty of water. OR 2-20T. , TWO bedroom house, furnished or un rurnKhed Water and garbage serv tee furniahed. 245 month OR J-77M. THRF.E BEDROOM, unfurnished house. rlos in OR 2-42.17 I ONE BEDROOM HOUSE. unfumtahed. 145 mo OR 2-72.17 ; fURNTSHED 1 bedroom rvous-Cill&R 1 J , TWO BEDROOM duplex, eleetri heal. JV "n -'. I't BEDROOM houa. Cfos In. 0l- WESTS1DE. 2 brdroorn duplex. &T. iv. roi'RfTnit.a"fci.."ii i OR co,, Adulti. It pew, . --r 1 S Mn o. TiT' -2 E MoaherOE JJ , .... ai . - A--. ' i Fl KNTSHED CtARIMS bv weaaa. 4H4 . uo Old 9 A miles nrt Parifls HssaL TWO hedrootw. riin; BBora. ' vi' ed 260 OR. I-Tgag wJ.NSTON "ir SaC-ei M rj fW) bedroom houe aaikg ag4 mt FOUR BEDROOM of) hou, 0 f$ "art st OR af'tr i UNFURNISHwT) V, bartrooCft ! O" LARGE FURNISHED .' Hra'j "ndR'" Inquire 44Balif Sret TWO BEDROa home on large Int. ' Auat.nvRoad Trailer Rentals f' MOD'RMM- 1 ied-nnn, trailer. 1S tR r. l-u nr OR 3-S200 On .,vTOV T,..l.r r.,r, m5...-". center nf hu.ine. dl.trtct OR a-aa-t.-j .i, . ain, r. (B.nge Road OR lTIS G0 (, 8t? a 111 -50 0 o o a. 0, G Fa S0 ,0 . - a sl3 a? 9