O Founder's Day Set Feb. 3 At Benson The Benson School PT will stage 1 "founder's day" program Feb. 3 in tiej) school svmnasium. Master of ceren(i.s will be Paul Cacy, who will interview for mer principals of the school, past PTA - presidents and former stu dents of the school. A talk on the scnooi s nisiory will be Kiven by Ina Farnsworth. fifth urario trhJ er. A buess meeting will precede the program. All former principals, past presi dents, alumni and PTA members are invited to attend the affair, which begins at 8 p.m. NOMINEE CONFIRMED WASHINGTON un The Sen ate confirmed President Eisen howers nomination of William P. Rogers as attorney general of the United States Monday. The action came without debate. for Sickneu and Accident Coverage Income Protection . . . non cancellable and guaranteed re newable to age tS for men . . . to age t0 for women Family and individual Hos pital and Surgical Protection Iff Horace C. Berg 301 Pacific Building Phoni OR 3-7491 THE PRUDENTIAL Homa Office, Los Angelts, Calif. A.iA .c, . gCgiaasafri 1 1 iJ I f Irrigation Project StudyQExpbined By MRS. W. L. BANKS A committee to study and make The Seventh District Subcommit- recommendations for the best in tee of the Douglas County Water i tercsts of the property owners was Kesources Advisory Committee met recently at the Camas Vallev Grange Hall. An explanation of the Olalla Dam and irrigation project, along wilh a large map of this project, was given by Ben Irving, chairman of ' the county committee. appointed as follows: Edgar Mark ham, chairman, Jack l'arrott and Guy Moore, committee members. CLAIMS AGENT DIES PORTLAND I James R Higgins, 53. district claims agent A report was made bv Denn of for the Southern Pacific Co. a new oil-wvl! drilling project for Oregon since 1954, died of a heart the Camas Valley area. All prop- attack Monday at his Portland erty owners were urged to cooper- home. He had been with the firm ate. I since 1922. 9 ,f ?VWrr WINNING STREET DRAWN Mrs. Dale Lander, center, honorary chairman of the Mothers' March on Polio in the Roseburg area, looks at the name of the street from which some residents will receive $20 in merchandise prizes Thursday night, the evening of the polio march. Polio workers asked the porch lights be left on between 6:15 and 7:15 p.m. Someone with a porch light burning on the unnamed street will win the prizes. Mrs. Robert Raffensperger, left, and Mrs. Donald Croucher, right, ore co-chairmen of the event. (Paul Jenkins) RED SWITCHES JOBS Bl'DAPEST. Hungary i Pre mier Janos Kadar offered his resignation to Hungary's Parha- j ment Monday. He will continue to i run the country's Red regime as first secretary of the Communist I Party. Mothers March On Polio Plans In Garden Valley Area Complete By ADDI E SCHNEIDER HOUSEHOLD MOVING AND STORAGE Local or Long Distance Agent for N. American Von Lines-World-Wide Moving 1858 N. E. AIRPORT ROAD Ph. OR 2-2671 Consolidated Freightways, Inc. ference of the State Vnemploy Residents in the Garden Vallev ' nient ommission oflicials , . u,i . , " A the last meeting of the Gar their porchlhts 3an 30 from 6:15 i Vlley Women's Club, qu.lls to 7:15 p.m. if thev wish to con FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fitcher "What a day! My girdle won't let me sit and my shoes won't let me stand!" trihule to the Mothers March on Polio. . Captain of Hie Garden Valley march is Mrs. Gordon Hughes. Headquarters will be established at the Charles Hughes home. were tied and shirts for young j boys made. At the business meet- I ing, members decided to send a check to the March of Dimes and 1 support the Mothers March on Polio. The February community dinner will be postponed to a later dale. Workshop Slated I It was also announced that rest The Riversdale - Garden Valley!0 he clubhouse have been ' Home Extension I'nit arlivilv in 1 completed by the donated labor of February will involve the dress- members husbands, making workshop. It will include j 0 , offic,r, M,.t pattern selection, fitting, cutting,! , .. ... . , and sewing tins Officers of the Riversdale Those participating will make ("nge met recently to put the fin-: cotton dresses. Meetings will be '"" ' " i"""'u' ,r , held each Thursday during Feb- Qitfiifti It Diitlai Cutty's Only 0utif Siletfti Si Dillard Motor Co. $. I. Stephens wd Deul SU. PkMi Oftchirl J MM A CLEAN HEATING SYSTEM GIVES YOU A CLEANER HOME ton i LET US "POWER VAC" YOUR FURNACE A cltoncd furnact liminaret air pollution, cuh futl cott and rcducti redecorating oipantct. Wa clcon not only th fuel box but alio all pipes and ducts with a strong vacuum without any muss or bother to you. All bulky equipment is kept outside of your home. Liva warmer, call us for Power-Vac Service today. OUR EQUIPMENT COMPLETELY CLEANS CIRCULATING HEATERS FIREPLACES BOILERS AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS BLOWER PIPES PIPES ft DUCTS CHIMNEYS ATTICS BASEMENTS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL S & S FURNACE CLEANING CO. Owners: Jim Standley and Phil Sutton Driver: Don Hein 1741 S. E. HAMILTON ST. PHONE: Bus OR 2-4095 Res. OR 3-6073 new grange year. 1 rariitinnally. Ihis officers council meeting is held during January. Some of the plans proposed bv (he officers and accepted by the members were the adoption of an idigent family for the year, aid to the Parks School for Exceptional Children and a planned education-: al safety campaign for members and the public. t .. i Kobert Anderson, salely cnair- i man. presented a safety film fur-. i nished by the Pacific Bell and Tele i phone Company, which depicted i some of the common errors the av 1 eras;e person makes in their own , safety. Members voted to give a ! gilt to the United t und. Hospital News Mercy Hospital ' Admitted Surgery; tiank Coney, Ku.se-' burg. medical; Mrs. Chester riew, Au dre .Uonrean, .Mrs. George Gin tivr. Koseburg; Kiruy Ohmie, Sulh- erhn. raula Anderson, Winston; William Aboott, fori I and. Discharged (iaty Calkins, i'untst Holmes, Mis. (ilenn Yuung, Janice Kobi s.n, 11 uce Nfilscu, Airs. Paul with the slate president Kaith rlood and baby, Aloua .Michelle. Thompson, a former resident of KilKannon, Koseburg; Wallace IMt, Suthcrlm. Thev instituled a new!'am; .Mis. Harold Harrison and Club at Jacksonville, baby, Sharon Grey, Glide; Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Curlv Thompson ; James Kosback and baby, Steven and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Mickey James, Dillard. j Thompson and children spent a Douglas Community Hospital day recenlly in Cottage drove with ! Admitted friends and relatives. Surgory: litoa liarlley, Hose- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kerne and sons, of Saginaw were visitors recenlly at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Lindsay. Mrs. Keene is a sister of Lindsay. Norma Pelerson of Portland has been visiting with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Hirseh berg, at their home in Sulherlin. ruary. beginning at 9:.!0 a.m., fol lowed by a noon sack lunch. Lead ers are Mrs. C. 1.. Spray and Mrs. Howard Cracrofl. The last meeting was devoted to the project of main dish meals. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Broderson have been in Eugene recenlly on a combination business and pleas ure trip. He was attending a cori- Sutherlin 4-Hers Elect 2 Officers By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Larry Chandler has been elected 4-11 Club at Sulherlin. Shirley Horn is new vice president. During the last meeting. Suzan ne Lane made a report on Ihe of ficers training day, at Roseburg. To Have Sale The What's Cooking 4-H Club has decided to hold a baked food sale in butherlin Saturday. -Meanwhile. Ihe tf inkle Creek Cooks 4-H Hub at its last meet ing learned how to make fresh fruit baskets. Mabel McCord and Let ha Barnes spent last week attending Lady .ions meeting in Southern Oregon Cold Shoulder Greets Mike Todd In Russia MOSCOW American film producer Mike Todd says he still hopes to make a deal with the Russians for production or distri bution of films although so I burg; Mrs. Anthony Hatch, Port land; Ervin Hansen, Winston. Medical: Mrs. Norval Ferguson. Mrs. Samuel Long. Roseburg; Da vid Barnhart, Riddle; Arty Huff man, Winston; Mrs. Carl Walker,1 Canyonvilie; Mrs. Rual Young, I Idleyld Park; Tony Allen, Oakland; Cheryl Marshall, Myrtle Creek. Discharged Judy and Sandra Young, Yon calla; Mrsi Webb Burke and baby,! Jacqueline Sue; Mrs. Arthur Cun iiiiihham, Camas Valley; Christine Hansen, Carl Rush, Willie Childers. Ilarrie W. Booth, Mrs. Henry Han dy and baby, '1 horn as George; Wil liam Conn, Mrs. Wallace Martin, Carl Gordon, Mrs. Ieonard Sut- i m, Airs. William rany, itose- all he's gotten' from the Ministry burg; Ernest Scbosso ienniile; f rit.. a .hm,i,i.r , Mrs. Ronald Owen. Gold Beach; To-id and hi., tres, EJ,, j'" SZ" V. 1 1 abeth Taylor, arrived Saturday and hae spent their time touring. . j (i m i i 1957 ToD-OMine Custom Clothes Conditioner MODEL DA 820P For perfect drying results . . . the NEW Gen eral Electric Clothes Conditioner. Automatic ally adjusts drying ta suit all fabrics . . . dries a typical load inoos little as 35 minutes. Clothes look new longer . . . need less ironing. 239 $ WAS 269.95 BIG TRADES Authorized C-E Dealer CARTER TIRE CO. 266 S. I. STEPHENS w 95 PH. OR 2-2689 o HUner, Sulherlin; Mr Keith Tuck er and baby, Douglas John: Sher man AleBee. Dorothy Brandt, in ston; Mrs. Theodore Jackson, Kid dle; Mrs. I. I). Thomas. Wilbur; Kathleen TWIe. Toketee Kalis, Mrs. James Smith and haby, Iu ane Paul, Klamath Kails; Russell' I'enard. Kuene; l.orena J u d d. t'mpijua; Larry Campbell, Oak land. . CALL OR 2-2644 FIRE: POLICE: orC3A33 MONEY: OR 3-6668 664 S. E. Stephens, Roseburg Tues. Jen. 21, 1958 The News-Review, Roseburg, Or. 1 Scientist Answer to Previous Puitle ACROSS 1 Poliih-French scientist, . Madame Marie Sklodowska 6 She m a co-discoverer o( 12 Interstice U Make possible 15 Leather ' worker 18 Weirder 17 She was 30 years at the time of her discovery 18 Mangle 20 Mariner's direction 21 Anatomir.e 24 Cicatrix 27 Beloved 31 Edible rootstock 32 Minute skin opening 33 Exchange premium 34 Enthusiastic ardor 9S Emerge anew 40 Pause 41 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter .'43 Wine vessel 46 Bargain event 47 Diminutive of Sidney 50 Most domesticated 54 Woollv 55 30 (Fr.) 58 Term used in bowling (pi.) 57 Dispatcher 58 Unadorned DOWN 1 Roman patriot 2 Asiatic river 3 Tear asunder 4 Charted atom 5 Fragrant oleoresin 8 Staggered 7 One (Scot.) 8 Bengalese timber tree Wading bird 10 Rubber trees 11 Simple 13 Expunge 18 United States Navy (ab ) 21 Sags 21 Symbol lor cerium 23 Small candles 24 Asterisk 25 "Bird in gilded " IllfSH 26 Operatic solo 43 Pewter coins . 28 Her husband, of Thailand I Pierre, had an 44 Female horse important in the discovery 29 Ages 30 Depression 36 Hebrew letter 37 Church fete 38 King of Judah (Bib.) 39 Rotates 42 Kind of tide (PD 43 Prayer ending 47 Feminine appellation 48 Passage in the brain 49 Writing table 51 Conclusion 52 Female taint (ab.) 34 Burmese wood sprite 'TEL 1L P H F I11' i rj t r z 77" it ,) T ' 1 ' r rr ' ' 1 12S 11. rn nrir 3 TTTT s rrrri IT K 1 iJ W H5 TiI Iti W is rrn r 9 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h !P kiL" Z1 ILHED )BUT; vl I MAYBE MOT, 1 1 1 AND - WUVtOOI I 1 5 HORSE' ) WE DON'T SURE CAN'T J JZY BOAT LAYIN(ir-r 15rI VE BEEKA K J ZfyGe T TU1NGS 7 HURT To K (l1 J ABOUND ATI I l3W1N syN& lu'-H.y-'iMug WMPM Itl KF m TuPig I C?HEN AFTER Si SERIES OF PKELIM1NAHV TESTS... I HOW ABOUT HIS V CKM SO FAR. WE I t7T- 9 ROUTIHE, AAV86 I CAM i j .... -.,l , I ACCELERATION 1 HAD HIM UP TO FOUR I) "gO ANtR!X"lS 00PE OUT SOME RAN TO REFlBXi p OTPNWvS 7 1J TEST ON TH6 J G. FOUR TIMES TM . k " HAN0CL,FFEt f!m7 6SCAP81 j,. SrrJAV CENTRIFUGE? 1 PULL OF flRAVlTY. WE'LL I W TRIP TO THE fjgf ,mmm r- V IM BWERrfWCVl- r? V THAT TO NtMcmIF H6 " ' AER0WE0ICAL t.V .f-1 tr-n U v CAN TAKE IT! j ! Y ?' Yes. T&UKF NEW ) SIR. I IN SHAOT- HOKE SIDE ARfcNT 'fS NOT Yon mis'. 7 MARR - ID t3t I r 7 TWO P2zes Lrvw Wf'i A , K AND 1 MOPE fMFKtr I ' . as UAIC ) Hrr W -I -" J NOf ALL LIKE Jnlr'f ' f HONEV.r-AH'M COMNA ( Vo VaNV IDIOT KIM VWIW) ( VHUT'S V A EXECUTIVE IS A I SUPPORT VO' IN LUXURV ) j 5?J.rPji 1 f THET? MA4 WHO COT BRAINS Vj Fo'TH'prsro'vopt J r J$ A( execotive.'j rj v . ekiuff to git some- k MATCMf.RAU un rf I I WORKpJv mmiw M V ONE ELSE TD DO A ffh ,, V S U -U: Ik X , JOB HE HAIN'T GOT J, V ' V sTlWC' I Vli DRAINS ENUFF TO g MEY.OOC. RfcPCW3 LUNAR p.STUkBANcfc VCINU Y CRATER VKIbllU-UtJ.' PO YOU SUPTOGE THAT Mf AN9 OIJK BOYS AWE TAKING OF' 7 WE'LL kMOW CAMERAS ENROUTE ALL AW. HCW ( WE'RE JUST ALL RIGHT.. BUT I I IN A M'NUTiT,) OWE AND RIGHT. BUT I'D ( COULD THAT tSEEING WWEPE'D THOSE I BOYS ARE I HOPE! FOUR! I I SWEAR THERE I BE? THERE5 (. DOUBLE Bf TWO COME if 1 TAKING Of F'V Wfc- I NOW 5EEM5 TO ONLY TUO Jkw FROM? I 'WOULD L'ff: ANO'rtES v -PiECECP.E- i THisirvj I ( TMf Th 0 ) 1 WAS LUCKY ThlN ) . HE COULD START , ' ALL OVc AGAIN) KLMO DiD OJ 6VER HEAR OP ' THE LITTLE BOV B 1 M l IS 0 1 o e n tf rt