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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1958)
o o o o o o o o o 0 OO o O G Co 10 The Nwi-Rview, Rolcburg, Bethel Here Sets Date Initiatiim for Jub'i Daughter! Bethel 8, Roseburg, h a been cheduled for Feb. 18, it was an nounced at the last meeting. At the same meeting final plans were made for the rummage aale held last Saturday. The proceeds are to be used to send the drin team to the Grand Session in Med ford in April. Honored Queen Cherie Haven asked that all money or candy from the recent candy aale be re turned at the next meeting. The next meeting will be junior bethel PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE HORACE C. BERG Special Agent Roem 301 Pacific Building Off. OR J-74l, R. OR J-7195 Don't Let A Foulty Pic ture Tube Deprive You Of The Finest Television Viewing When It Con Be Reploced On . . . OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN Sarvca calls 4-4 CA plus yur ham parts All werk, materials, flurnte 4. Service 9 fa 9, 7 days m wk. E.W.R0ELLE OR 2-3S39 The Swedish Now Serving LUNCHES Special Salt-Free Diet MM Square Dancing is Fun Come To The Hayloft'i SQUARE DANCE LESSONS Presthern's Barn On Melrote Road DUDE SIBLEY Instructor FIRM-O-REST jJ$-dj? save y3 nviirpJ Tru-balanca conetivctton for ftr Mf lt't t S-1 tlrmaupportl A A TttTriT- 1 jZW Smart wovn atrip ticking! Jy ,V" Aj in , '"'On lsy Pta-built borders tor My ' 'Z Jv I " EAf?' llCr- W retiiiant non-sag ' '' J 'lr BUY ON EASY TERMS . . . SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . . . Small Monthly Paymtntt. . . No Inftrast or Carrying Charga Use Either Our Main Or Jackion Strsat Enrrncs FREE DELIVERY o Ore. Men. Jon. 27, 1958 For Initiation night. A date will be announced later for a practice for the junior floor officers. Honored at the meeting was Mrs. Cora Young, who acted as guard ian in Mrs. Kleanor L'nrath's ab- sence. She was esconea to me .. East where the honored queen pre-1 Presiding at the meeting w a a senled her with a card on behalf Capt. Walter Lansing of the Ore of the belhel. Sue Hamm sang in : gon State Police honor of Mrs. Young s 50th wedding j Officers attended from Grants anniversary. Mrs. Young is a past j Pass, Glendale, tanyonville, Myr guardian of the bethel and a past tie Creek and Riddle, grand guardian of the state of Ore- Mrs. Lansing, who accompanied gon iher husband, was a guest of Mrs. After the meeting, a skit was ! Glenn Willis during the meeting. ... .i. ; ii, starring Sandra Shugart i Jan Durham. The bethel choir j given and directed by Mrs. B. A. Young also took part. 14 From Roseburg Attend Moose Lodge Initiation The Beaver Legion of the Moose tending the University of Oregon. Lodge held a quarterly meeting According to the student speaker, and initiation recently at Spring- j discipline is much more rigid in field. Twenty-four new members the elementary and secondary were initiated, and a banquet was school in his country, and scholas attended by 130 members lid nc requirements much higher so guests. that a nign scnooi graouaie is Attending from Roseburg were: j thoroughly qualified to enter col Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott, Mr. and lege. The young man was invited Mrs. Charles Droscher. Mr. and speak at the Riddle High School Mrs. T. A. Reierson. Mrs. Mel the following day. Lusk, Curly Craig, Walter Elliott,, The following members of Rid Robcrt Elliott, James Waterficld, ' die Bov Scout Troop 36 received Floyd Andrus, Albert McCartney j tenderfoot badges at a recent in and H. V. Waller. vestiture ceremony: Bill Percival, Krank Mitchell. Robert Coelyn, CATHOLIC EDITOR DIES I Jerrv Rhoads, Tom Darling. Chuck Kendrick. and John Gervais. John PORTLAND I The Rt. Rev.jjiilla - Price made the presenta Charlei M. Smith, editor of the ' t0ns .Receiving Iheir badges later weekly Catholic Sentinel for .10 1 wre Merle Blankenship and Rob years, died early Saturday at St. ert white John Gervais and Jer Vincent ! Hospital in Portland. Ha I ry Rhoads were elected patrol was 80. barters. Scoutmaster ia Virgil Na- Dining Room AT POPULAR PRICES 1 1 A.M. t. 2 P.M. Lunch on Menu Doily Wide ckoic of rem print ntri n4 dlicioui ndwichat. Quick Mrvic specialty. OUR NEW CHEF FORMERLY WITH THE WAGON WHEEL tit N. I. Shombrook (Holl way up N. Stephana St. Hill) Phon. OR 3-8510 STARTING JAN. 27-8 P.M. SOe Per Perion, Per Lesson 7."""" S...... Wf I if 'irS.ft -!- fJaaatsaaW- S W Q Presides At Meet In Ridde Area By ERMA BEST Thirty-five officer! from five towns attended the recent meet ing of District 37, Ar at AM, in o .u Mrs. Lansing lived at Riddle while a girl. She is the former Savannah Ryan Catching. Student Speaks j Highlight of the January meet ling of the Riddle PTA was a talk jbv an exchange student from Aus tria. Gunther Koerner. who is at- Camas Vally Club's Secretary Quits Post By MRS. W. L. BANKS The Camas Valley Farm Bureau Coffee Hour Club met last week at the home of Mrs. Krank Kin nan. Mrs. Donald Slandley resigned as secretary and Mrs. Kinnan was elected for the remainder of the term. Mrs. Hill appointed Mrs. Richard Thrush In work with K. A. Booth on the Douglas County fair display booth. It was announced that because of Ihe unit serving classes, the next meeting will be Feb. 20 at the home of Mrs. Louis Pryor. Re freshments were served to 11 mem bers present. Mrs. Roy Tillon has been in Douglas Community Hospital with pnuemonia. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Slandley and three sons have moved to Ten mile, where they recently pur chased a home. Mr. and Mrs Albert Davis. Em pire, were visitors in the valley re cently. They are former residents. Mrs. Arthur Cunningham has been in Douglas Community Hos pital, where she recently under i went surgery. Stat Policrtt l TCDAY AND TOMORROW MONDAY JAN. 37 Veterans of World War I Dis trict 7 meeting, 10 a m Veterans emorial Building at Tri - City. For barracks and auxiliaries of Roseburg, Canyunville, Cave Junc tion, Grants Pass, Medford, Camp White. Benton School PTA executive board. 1:30 p m., school cafeteria. Tri-City PTA annual smorgas bord, Harts at 6 p.m., Tri-Citjr School. Public invited. Central Junior High School PTA, 7:30 p m., auditorium. Panel dis cussion on topics of home and the child. Cltndalo PTA, 7:30 p.m., Glen dale Grade School. Elkton Schcol Board meeting, I high school. I Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble Club potluck luncheon, 12:30 p.m., installation of officers, 1:30 p m .l home of Mrs. Blanche Grays, 1413 Miil St. Bring table service. j Suthorlin Jay-C-Ettoa, 8 p.m., Sulherhn Community Building. Old : clolhes to be worn. Roseburg Town and Country Garden Club, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs. A. F. Harper, Winchester. Mercy Hospital Auxiliary, 8 pm. .hospital cafeteria. Annual election to be held. I Hayloft Square Dane Club be ' Burners clas. 8 p m.. Preschern Barn on Melrose Road. Canyonvillo budget committee meeting, 7:30 p.m., high school. Roseburg Business and Profes sional Women's Club. 8 p.m., home I of Mrs. Ralph Herman, 1626 W. Mvrlle Ave. ! Knights of Pythias, 8 p.m., Pyth ias Hall. Winston Community Club, 8 p.m., club building. Women of th Moose, 8 p.m., Moose Hall. Valentin Chapter M, Order of Eastern Star. Myrtle Creek. Roseburg City Council, 7:30 p m.. City Hall. Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce, 6:30 p.m., Hotel Ump- 1 qua. ! Umpqua Kennel Club, 7:30 p.m., j Douglas Counly Fairgrounds. American Assn. of University Women hoard of directors. 7:45 I p.m., Roseburg Chamber of Com ' merce rooms. TUESDAY JAN. 78 Buckeroo Squar Dane C 1 ub square dance lessons, 8 p.m., barn near Winchester. Alpha I ft Chapter of Beta Sig ma Phi, 8 p.m , home of Mrs. Earl Cone Jr., 2026 NW Kline St. Roseburg Art Assn., 8 p.m., home of Mrs. Jack West. 473 W. Riverside Dr. Miss Amy Robisnon will give a talk on perspective. Order of Eastern Star, Glendale, 8 n m. Masonic Hall. Fir Ballai, 8 p.m.. home of Mary Ann Wescotl, 422 NE Ballf St. Olalla-Tnmil Home Extension I'nit, 10:30 a m., community build ing. Noon potluck. All women in vited. Topic: "Main dish meals." Wast Sid PTA of Suthorlin, 8 p m., all-purpose room of West Side elementary school. Bahy sit ting service fur those who want it. Badoura Club, Daughters of the Nile, sewing meeting. 11 a.m., home of Mrs. Earl Bleile, 3026 W. Gilbert Ave. Potluck lunch at noon. F. S. Club, 1:30 p m , home of Mrs. H. T. Bloom. Dessert lunch eon. Roseburg Ros Society, 7:30 p.m., clinic at corner of Southeast Jack son and Mosher. Rose pruning demonstration and film on rose culture planned. Elks Club rtupln-ale bridge group, 7:30 p m., F.Iks Temple. For mem bers and inviled guests. Rosburg Kiwanis Club, noon, Hoi rl t'mpqua. Clid Kiwanis Club, 7:30 pm, community building. Associated Voluntrs card par ly, 7:30 p m . Veterans Adminis tration Hospital recreation build ing Army Rirv, 8 p m., 1614 W. Harvard Ave. Barbershop Chorus singing. 8 p m.. Kickells Music Store. Eagles Auxiliary, 8 p m , Eagles Hall. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 p.m. 24.1 SF. Jackson Roseburg Eagles. 8 p m., Eagles Hall Fair Oaks Orange, 8 pm. grange hall Roseburg Rbkah Ldg, 8 pm. Kli H' Hall. Rosoburg Toastmistrois Club, I p m . Carl's Haven. Roseburg Toastmastors, 6 30 p m . Hotel t'mpqua Timbir City Chaptr of Sweet Adelines, 8pm, call, for meet ing place call OR 3-8S7. Boots and Calicos beginning square dance lessons. 8 p m., Win ston Communiiy Ruilding. CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER no Charge no oiiio.tioh Tia lt lUndar' Rd mn4 TV tubas now In MM US! OUR SEl'-SERVIC! TV DEPARTMENT Op frsm 9 t f Evrt Da CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. RADlS A The following radio and televiiion program! ara printed at a free public service tor News-Review readers. All program listings ara published at received fromijha respective stations. The News-Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Houri Today 3 'tO Kraft Nw MBS 3. .15 Faraway P larva 4 00 Tor ward March 4:15 Frank Hminf way MBS 4 tO Tello Teat MBS 4 4S Sam Haya MBS 4 11 Bob Grcne-MBI 9 oo Going Mv Way 3:23 Heidelberg News 8.;i0 New Be port MBS 5 45 Flying A SporU 9 50Mualc 8 00 Fillon Lewu MBS 6 15 Muair 'M Boh Grant Nawa a 45 Farm Bureau Exchange- 50 Loggera Weather -VKrJl New MBS 7 oo Gabriel fteatUr MRS 7 05 Bill Brundigo MBS 7 IS Muiir 7 JO Squad Room- MBS 7 VV Headline Edition MBS 8 OO -Thia la Mualr R 25 City Market Ntwa 8 iO Newt MBS g :t Lombardoland f'SA MBS 00 Don Lec Ne war eel MBS 9 :tO Diakaphnbia 10 00 Sign Off Ti t1 DAT, JAN. 31, 19ftt 00 Dawnbuaiera 25 Flying A Sports io City Market New .15 Farmer Weather 40 Counly Agent 45 Alarm Clock Club 7 00 Frank Hemingway- MBS 7:15 Breakfast Iang MBS 7:45 Local Newa 7 50 Take Ten I 00 Cliff Engle MBS g IV Melody Mill g 10 H..ven Of Beat MBS BOO Kraft Newa MBS 9:05 Farm Bureau Exchange 10 Song Of The Day 0 15 Coffee Ttm 9 :tO Lady's Choice 9 45 Are You Listening 10 00 Newspaper Of The Air Ml 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10.10 Morning Melodiea ! II 00 Kraft Newa MBS ; 11:05 Kate Smith Sings MBS i 1 1 :.'10 Newa MBS 11 15 yueen For A Day MBS 12 00 Town Crier ! 12 OS Gabriel Header MBS 12 10 Flying A Sport 12.15 Mid Oav Newa t 12:10 Greet Your Neighbor i 12 45 Market Reports 12 M) Surpriz0 1 .05 Sunny Side up 1 25 Social Security 1 ..10 Newa MRS 1 .15 Sunny Side Up 2 .10 News MBS 2 :i.V Sunny Sid Up 3 00 Take It Easy 3 tO Kraft News MBS 3.35 Faraway Places State Proposes To Sell Radio Station KOAC CORVALUS im Public senti ment nn nrnnncal In soli lh ! xtale-owned radio station KOAC at Corvallis will be sought in a j series of hearings to be held next month. ! The station is operated bv the state System of Higher Education extension division. A spokesman said officials have been consider ing the sale more than a year so the KOAC staff could have full time to develop educational TV programs. I KOAC-TV broadcasts educational! for c o 1 1 e s e s within reception range Oregon State, the Uni versity of Oregon and Oregon Col lege of Education. The public also (Can tune in on the programs. The division said it is not cer ' tain there are enough funds to ! maintain KOAC and KOAC-TV I adequately. I It has been suggested that the radio station be sold and that TV ; programs be developed, with j some of the programs being put on tape. Mien tapes could be of fered to commercial stations for broadcast as a public service. That would replace in part the function filled formerly by KOAC. The hearings are scheduled for Feb. 4 al room 6 of the state capitol in Salem, Feb. 5 at the Register-Guard conference room in Kugene, Feb. 6 at the state office building in Portland and Feb. 7 in the Redmond City Hall. All meetings are scheduled for 2 p. m. Questionabla Magixinei Delivery To Be Stopped KI GKNE in A Lane County fold's appointment, "Candidate dealer says he ia going to quit should not pull people into their distributing magazines to which, camp at the expense of active Re the district attorney'! office ob- pMh!irn organizations." jects. Hatfield said, however. "Thii is Duane Himber. the county s ,lmpv a question of principle, of maior magazine flistrinutor. saia here Friday he will no longer de liver 21 magazines to retail out lets in this area. Himber said his action is part of a "cooperative working i?ree- ment with the district attorney I office. Karlier. deputy Dist. Ally. George Woodrich told magajine dealers they would be liable lor hrnsecution if ihey displayed mag azines considered to violate Ore gun's obscene literature law. Woodrich said that the 31 mag azines were "those which 1 felt were questionable from a crim inal standpoint." ELECTED CHAIRMAN SALEM Sale Sen Pan Thiol iHl 4lnria wll elected rh.i.m.n 'Friri.v nl ih lo..l.iiv. interim committee on government I room visits Saturday, along with reorganization. ! luncheon at Gill Coliseum. He succeeds former Rep Keith Several dinner are planned for Skelton iDi. Kugene. who re-1 Saturday nicht, along with a has signed from the Legislature early j ketball game betwwen Oregon this month. State and Stanford. TELf VISION KRNR 1490 KC MONDAT, JAN. ST, ll-M Armjnd-Ute-cloeai marathon broadcast for polio. TI'KKDA T, JAN. IUg Around-the-clock marathon Ih-oadcaet for polio. WKDNRRDA T. JAN. 3t, 1tM Around-the-clock marathon broadcast for polio. KPIC Channel 4 Roieburf Remaining Hours Today 4 4S Big Roundup 3 K Woody Woodpecker ABC 00 The News 03 Sports Headlines g 10 Weather Report 9:15 NBC News NBC 30 Famous Fighta 6 45 Webfoot Feata 7:00 Gayely Playhouse 7 tO Boota if Saddle g 00 Restless Gun NBC 10 Tales of Wells Fargo NBC 9 00 Twenty One NBC B tO Ray Mtlland 10 00 Twenty Six Men 10 .10 Heidelberg News Desk IO 35 December Bride CBS 11A.V-Star Performance 11.30 Tonight NBC Tt EDAT. JAN. , 19-59 I II to Kitty Foyle- NBC 12 00 Matinee NBC 1 no Queen for a Day NBC 1 43 Modern Romances NBC 2 00 Comedy Time NBC 2 oO Truth or Consequence NBC 3 OO Bev's Coffee Break 3. JO Variety Film Fatr 4 45 Big Roundup 3 io Cartoon Festival oo The News . 05 Sports 9 10 Weather 15 NBC News 9 30 Star Performance TOO Men of Annapolis 7. :tO Silent Service g 00 Go be 1-Fisher NBC SCO Meet McGraw NBC 9.30 Bob Cummings NBC 10.00 The Califormans NBC 10:10 Heidelberg News Desk 10:33 l,awrnce Welk 1 1 ;33 Ton tg h t I N BC I K0IN-TV Channel 4 Portland Remaining Hours Today 9:00 Mr. Weatherman 9 05 Sportscene 9 10 News Parade 915 Doug Edward, Newt 8 30 Bob in Hood 7:00 Burns snd Allen 7 TO Talent Scouts 8.00 Danny Thomas Show 8.10 December Bride 9 00 Studio One 10 UO Brown Cloud 0;3O City Desk 10.:t.5 Newa Wire 10. 40 "I, Jane Doe" TI'EMUA Y, JAN. , lAg 700 Captain Kangaroo 7:45 Grant Holcomb, News S.OO ladies Fair B :iO Cartoon Time 9:00 Hotel Cosmopolitan 9 15 Love of Life 9:30 Search for TommoroW 9 43 Guiding Light 10 00 Hi Neighbor 10:23 Walter Cronkite Newt 10::t0 As World Turns 11:10 House Party 12:00 The Big Payoff "-Verdict is Yours 13. Secret Sto: 1:30 KOIN Kitchen 3 00 Gsrry More Show 3.30 Arihu" Godfrey Time 'Friday-Garry Moore Show! 3:30 Ed fa of Night Hatfield Defends Naming Miller To Aid Campaign SAI.EM ii The decision of a Young Republican leader to sign and join his campaign force "is in accord with high principles and sound ethics." Secretary of Slate Mark Hatfield laid here Friday nmht. iiattield made the comment after Harvey Osborn of Portland cnti- i cized the secretary of slate s ap pointment of Jack Miller to his staff. Hatfield is a candidate for the GOP nomination for governor. Ke named Miller. Salem state Young Republican Chairman, to manage his campaign. Osborn. a Young Republican na tional committeeman, said of Hat- whether a party office holder ihould resign to campaign for preferred candidate in a primary election or retain his position and ,,nloit his nart office on behalf Df the ranrlidalV "Mr. Miller s resignation is in accord with high principle and sound elhics," Hatfield said. Oregon Stare College Dads Weekend Scheduled CORYAM.IS i Oregon Slate College will hold its annual Dads weekend here starting Jan. 31. Scheduled for Friday night are registration, campus tours and swimming and wrestling meets. The club will hold its annual meeting and there will be class usu UMPQUA .most people do! PROGRAMS KBES-TV Channel 5 Medford RemaiBins Hours Today 4 00 Ffinine Fancies . 4.30 Devotions ' 4.35 Garden, Farm sV Home 4.45 Search For Tomorrow 5:00 TV Oueslton Box 5.15 Joe Pa looks 5:45 Gateway 6 00 Your TV Weatherman 05 News 9.15 Doug Edwards as The Ntwt 9:30 Boots ac Ssddles 7:00 Burns & Allen 7:30 Talent Scouts 8:00 Danny Thomas 8.30 December Bride 9:00 Studio One Hd. 10:00 Your Navy 10:30 News 10 35 Adventures In Knowledge 11:05 Sign Off TUESDAY, JAN. SS, 11:50 Cartoon 11:58 Newa 12:00 Big Payoff 12:30 The Verdict Is Youri 1:00 Brighter Day 1:15 Secret Storm 1:30 Edge of Night 3 00 Garry Moore 2:30 Arthur Godfrey 3:30 Dot to 4:00 Feminine Fancies 4:30 Devotions 4:45 Search For Tomorrow 5:00 Film Folio 5 30 Uncle Bill s Cartoon Time gno Your TV Weatherman . 05 News 9:15 Doug Edwards alt The News 30 Name That Tune 7 00 Phil Silvers 7:30 Whirl y bird a 8 00 To Tell The Truth 8 tO Red Skelton 9 00 $64,000 Question 9:30 Trackdown 10:001 Spy 10:30 News 10:35 Championship Bowling 11:35 Sign Off KYES 950 KC KTES MON. THEOUGH f AT. 00 Sign On 8:03 Happy O'Day Show 8:25 News 30 Happy O'Dar Show 8:35 Weather Summary 7:00 News Highlights 7:03 Happy O'Day Show 7:23 News 7:30 Happy O'Day Show 8 00 News 8:03 Happy O Day Show 8:30 Happy O'Day Show 8:00 News 8:02 Lucky Logan Show 8:23 Community Calendar :iO Lucky Logan Show 1000 Newa 10 03 Lucky Logan Show 10 23 News Wed . Thur. and Trt Community Club Award news. 10:30 Lucky Logan Show 11:00 News Highlights 11:03 Lucky Logan Show 11:23 News 11:30 Lucky Logan Show 1123 News 11:30 Lucky Logan Show 12.00 News Highlight 12:03 Lucky Logan Show 12:23 News 12:30 Lucky Logan Show 1:00 News Highlights 1:03 Happy O'Day Show 1:23 aturecope 130 Happy O'Day Show 3:00 News 2 03 Happy O'Day Show 3:23 Community Calendar 2 30 Happy O'Day Show 3:00 News 3:02 Lucky Logan Show 3:25 News 3:30 Lucky Logr.n Show 4:00 Newa Highl;ghU 4:02 Lucky Logan Show 4 23 Newa 4:30 Lucky Imogen Show 4:40 Headlines it Weather 4 45 Sign Off 130 Weathervane 4A minutes past the hour, every hour. ft New Station! "RICHFIELD REPORTER" Now on KRNR 1490 10 P.M. West' No. 1 radio newscast now heard over CBS . . . , offering you greater coverage of local, national and international news. Sunday tkri Friday HIGH-SPEED CLOTHES DKYEK Banish waih-diy weither worries. New air-flew lystem, clothes arcti't Adiustable control to fabric re quirements. No special wiring necessary. G-E QUALITY, only I Q o OTH. TlflfeQt CZ$vilO Q ALBANY, Ore. Another timber caival will b put on here this year by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Jaycees rejected Friday a proposal from the carnival board that the event be cancelled this year while a new carnival site ia finished. It decided instead to hold the carnival at Waverly Lake, the old site, July 4. Movie ShowHmt MONDAY, JAN., 77, 19A9 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open .:. Two complete shows at 8:45-9 00. "Hunchback of Notre Dame" 7:1 931. TIEADAT, JAN, II, SAME AS ABOVE. I9S8 NOW! thru TUfSDAY nlr Complct Shows 6:45 - 9:00 I t.'JHNICULOK gin lonoemcioA i ANTHONY QUiNN AGAIN IN '58 KRNR CBS RADIO AS THEIR BROADCAST MEDIA IN ROSEBURG WHY DON'T YOU? 1490 KC CBS RADIO baed dry on he)' iurfce. 138 WILLIAM BREAD CHOOSES 9 CARTER TIRE CO. 26(5 S. I. Stephens Ph. OR 2-2489 Protect Your Family's mmvmBiSB5 us (Table With Umpqua 435 S. I. Jackion St. ORchord 3 541 S o o OO' 0 2 r8 1 0 5' G 0 0ao , a 8 0 ej U - A o 'VI: a .. j ' 00o 0Qo G t o o e 9 . 0