The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 21, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The News-Review, Roseburg Ore. Sot. Dec. 21, 1957
CHARLES V. STANTON, Editor ond Manoger
ADDYE WRIGHT, Ar. lui. Mr.
Mtmbtr f Hi Associated, Orgen Newspaper blithers
Association, tha Audit lyraau af Circulations
ft.-rtwt4 tt? WKHT-ROLLinAT CO.. INC., fflfft la Ntw Tark,
- Publi.htd Daily Exctpt Sunday by tha
tL'BSCKIPTION RATES ! Orafap Br Stall Par Trap, HI.!: ata wjaataa, SI St
lara ananlha, Sl.t. Oalataa Orafaa hj Mall Par Tear. I11.H; all aaaala.
II. aa; Utaa aaaalbs, JS.M.
Br Nawa-Ravlaw Carriar Par Taar. SlS-ftS Op atvaaca), laaa tfcap aaa raar
par maalh. O
Bataraa aa aaraat rlaaa aaatfar Mar S. le. al tfea pail afflaa at
Kaaabarff. Oragaa. aaaar arl af March I. Ilia.
Da(7y Bible Reading!
MeQge By
'Roseburg Minister Ass
(J) TEXT: lih 53:1-12
markable in its accurate descrip-! "u ''ul commericiil atten-
' tli-ia laexaa tuatrl P a ll lA 1 1 at Vi ak a-l
Editorial Comment
From The Oregon Preii
Si lam Oregon Statesman
Oregon hat had to much soft
wood timber in ita coniferous for-
Hon has been paid to its hard
woods oak, maple, alder. Occa
sional small mills have cut these
wjods and tide in particular has
been in demtndTor furniture manu
facture; but the hardwood opera
By Charles V. Stanton
Hon of the coming Messiah. Keep
in mind that Wiiah wrote tome 700
years before STinst, and yet he ac
curately describes the nature of
Jesus and his chief work. It was
ia olnap in Isaiah') mini! that ha
wrote of it in the past tense, tstff i ,!on ? comparison with council recene. He gave inabUity
it had already happened. As its 'nos " flr. ,nd P"J- At e1rld,' ; to make a protit as Uip reason for
vivid detail impressesutseli on our " """V""r vj
minds we can ue, through his pro-1 " being set up in the form plan .v.a ih. rnso.H erm. of i Of a loftwood sawmill. The miU
Grants Pass Courier
Another city bus line is(J)lding.
The litest casualty is the Roseburg
City Bus Co.. which has been oper
ating with Volkswagen 10-passen-ger
bus) since August.
Service will be discontinued Dec.
31. J. W. Sayre. president of the
company, told the Roseburg city
will use alder and maple for face
sheets and spruce and cottonwood
for the sandwich layer buying the
veneer from other plants. The
hardwood ply board finds a good
!7.'hdlr.fi7,.L."l''''ers are confident of aucces.
iL f ,inuit. 1 ... .'Zh i w" " enterprise. Among those
.h,T 3,'" "'interested in developing forest in-
this prophecy. dustrie. there has been a ere.!
Verses four through ei;;ht des, de, of t4lk ibout lhe hardwood
The prophet describes Qlim as
one who was despised and reject
ed by men. We reed only recall
the innumerable times the Pari'
cribe the redemptive work of the
Messiah. He bore our griefs and
carried our sorrows. Isaiah de
clares that it was for our sins that
Jesus died. He was rvou:ided for
If Douglas County wants new industry, our best bet is
to build it ourselves, rather than spend all our effort en
deavoring to attract outside industry into the area.
That a do-it-ourselves project is certain to be much
more productive than a natignwide invitational campaiftn our transgressions and bruised for
was thoroughly indicated at a meeting held Thursday in d andiheerwVo
the Lmpqua Hotel. i have lost their wav. We have turn-
The meeting was conducted by State Senator Dan Dim-led each one to our own way ourj
lck, acting on behalf of Charles O. Porter, representative
in Congress from Oregon's Fourth Congressional District.
Congressman Porter arranged for the attendance of John
D. Abrahamson of the Office of Area Development, an
agencv within the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washing
ton, D.C.: Julius Jensen, director or the Oregon Depart
opportunities. Folk at Sheridan are
attempting to "do something about
it." which shows that the spirit of
enterprise is not dead.
own ambitions and desires, which
more often than not are complete
ly selfish. It is from self-centered-ness
and sin 'hat Jesus' redemp
tive death can save us.
Another especially accurate de
Riversdale Scene
Of Relatives
Holiday Visit
visiting during the holidays
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
The same conditions apply every
where in the United States, inso
far as smaller cities are concerned.
Even some of the larger city rap
id transit systems are in trouble.
Portland is threatening municipal
operation as i result of continued
service curtailment by the private
ly owned system now functioning
Not enough people ride public
conveyances nowadays to make
such operations profitable. That is
why so many railroad systems are
seeking to curtail passenger serv
ice. It also has hit some intercity
bus lines, and even the airlines
have been complaining of late that
they are not making fair returns
on their capital structures.
Higher rates, tried by many sys
tems, apparently have not provid-
Government Study
Of Unemployment
In Portland Opens
PORTLAND on The federal
government Thursday re-opened
its study of the Portland area's
critical unemployment problem,
Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore) said.
Keuberger said bis staff in
Washington, D. C, notified him
the new study was ordered by
Robert Goodwin, director of the
Bureau of Employment Security
tarnerj) ieuoerger had urged
the bureau to classify Portland as
a critical employment zone be
cause at east 22.900 persons-
seven per centyoi me work force
were jobless.
Neuberger quoted Goodwin as
saying "If facts bear out the pres
ent indications, action will be
taken to re-classify Portland si a
critical unemployment lone."
Such a classification would
make Portland firms eligible1 for
special consideration when gov
ernment contracts are awarded.
If the critical lag is givn Port
land, the contract preference
would become effective in a week.
ixeunerger said
Portland last received the sov-
ernmer preference in 1954. when
9.3 per cent of the working force i ripi a vcr ,fl .,,
wa ninnu iA utLA T tO-oction presentQ
Neuberger said such government ; ,l0n trophies to Roseburg
acciclanita n-nnM a. l-J;nU CUI t tU-ll
ed an answer. Some cities have ! "T.'H: ' : y ,uu'ou ' P'uVr
I np ww yy.-i'a'yBai
bus fares a, high as 25 cents peri"",- p","n'i ""J TT:"- 2 1 "as .m,e?th' week y the
ride a far cry from the "jitney ..rf , .17,hi. nmh., ... Koseburq
Lions Club ot their
buses" of another era. The higher manent payrolls. ' regular weekly meeting in the
t L.-l"" i Umpquo Hotel. Troohies to
A-ii-""" . O.... d: i t . . .t... .
iffivfM0 !VT-r i iv-".f "2. ' i,?0. oS:. h The Day's News!.n Ra Ncte L !
. . , . . r p. , , wiicic IIIBIICBI IIIU flUllUK' niVCIlUalia IIB n LtO tri II I UUIII. ... . - - J . ' r
ment of Planning and Development: ara .Miner. asntng-1 ness to die is seen. Like a sheen W. Tai! etj Vie s.ndera. !ln5 m,ln "clor. low) were presented to them
ton, D.C.. and James Maxwell, Portland, of the Department that Wore . r- dumb ( Iff Bch. Clif .. who JZTXS of'drKTo I (Continued from P. E. - (Buck) Buckingham
fll t Ommerre - " l . vi .tj uui aiaiiuncu auuaiu inr iviiH vr
; and from work, or downtown to
I IvuronH .l alif anri Vie Kunri.ra' I ""v:
land development and others, discussed with the federal of-;pletely dedicated te the will of small son. Michael, of Santa Rosa
fieials some of the nroblems with which the local commun- God- Tbn. became clear inGeth-l Also here is RDSN Ron Sand-
... ..... . tatmina nrhan II aB nratieri ms
jty is faced in its efforts to diversify its industrial econ
on behalf of the Lions Club I
ay be several times great-: Russia, or shall we GO NEUTRAL P,nard won the best tackier i
and Nolte the best
-t ,,. t I.,.., . .M-i i "iitu iflvniB me iiuij, uiun i nance; iiss L4jts raiieisun, njr
nc ficocmaii.M ..i i.n.m umu.iuini v. it 1 a u.wn, . v ; reDei : oecsuse rip wis rom iivnnd . 1 tr and vie Nann.ra ' r.' .- -------- d , . ... 4
it-nL-e ana ireeuom iroin scnrauies ui -t -
ZSTZ & "Nl "'llaVW.. our- 1957 fSotboli s. in
Competition Is Keen
Nearly every major community in the United States,
it was pointed out. is aggressively seeking new industry.
One of the most effective methods has alieen the industrial
corporation, an organization of local business and profes
sional people, capitalized and incorporated for the single
purpose of attracting industry. Some 2100 such organiza
tions have already been formed in the United States, in
addition to chambers of commerce, industrial committees,
and local and areal groups, all competing to attract new
industry. These figures clearly indicate that the search
for new Industry is a highly competitive field.
Industry is rapidly dispersing.
long-range rocket that thev are in-
he gift of His Son and for the : ire Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Sanders I 7..g ,K? w courage us to 10 ahead with our
cial death
George Knox
Westside Christian Church
January Project
Planned By CV
Mrs. Emmett Walters and Mrs.
Joe Toman presented Uie Decem
ber project of the Riversdale-
One reason for dispers-I Garden Valley Home Extension
Ing industrial operations is found in the threat of atomic
warfare. Another is the tremendous growth of cities, mak
ing it difficult for workers to get to and from places of
employment, a factor illustrated very dramatically in the
recent subway strike in New York. Another is the increas
ing amount of leisure time enjoyed today by workers. This
makes areas with recreational advantages particularly at
tractive to industry, which always desires to stabilize work
ing force through pleasing environment.
Any community offering a combination of attractive in
ducements has an opportunity to draw new industry.
Douglas County is one area in which weather, opportunity
for recreation, safety from atomic attack and manv other
favorable features exist. But Douglas Countv will have
much competition ir it concentrates exclusively on an in
vitational campaign.
Need Local Program
We should not relax our effort to bring in industry
from the outside. In fact, we should work harder than
ever. Rut we should take a look also at opportunities
existing on every side.
Mr. Jensen pointed out that five Industries employing
100 men eaoh are much more to be desired, from a com
munity standpoint, than one industry employing 500 men.
In case one smaller unit is forced to suspend operations,
the community is not as seriously affected as when a mai
or plant shuts down. Many times in the past we have ad
vocated in this column the formation of a local corporation
designed to institute small secondary manufacturing plants.
This corporation, with relatively small capitalization, could
get new operations started, place them under a manager
who would have opportunity to buy the controlling stock in
terest, the corporation retaining a minor stock interest to
provide its profit. It could borrow on its plants, as they
are built, and thus keep a revolving fund.
.Cavariil aiiiVt rr fiti i r m ttafam it no rot exA in o ai i iinm.
munities over the nation with outstanding success. They j johHJ?ht'ofKn,fiBL end
seek, generally, to work with small industries those em-. Leia B. Kuykendall of Roseburg.
ploying from five to twentv workers but industries cao-i HERMan-'wroe Alvin A Her-
able of growth and expansion. One of the nation's largest m,n of Reedsport and Roielia M
. . . ' Ik PaTkaa nf U IP1rPlaattaal- Riv
frozen food firms, for example, owes its success to a cor
poration which helped a young Italian cook expand a
unique plan from a local restaurant to nationwide distribution.
, ..i?,.,? "ly t "downtown" . ance. his rocket let
. ti.,?,, h'e" to shop In oneiar families, where program came to a heai
I fnrmir .r.dn.r.n,, M? .rf lhf drives to work, the , '"ost exact y the 54th dnn
I. fa V Z dPi?IT MS?, wife also is stranded. ! ? of the first powered air.
Unit on decorations from nature
The grange hall was decorated
with Christinas pieces worked out
by the extension service and those
created by the project leaders.
Members completed individual
During January, main dish meals
will he taught by Mrs Lester Coe I three children spent last weekend
in Portland with tne former s sis
ter, Mrs. John Trozelle and family.
and Mrs. Gordon Hughesi
Rpcaived Treatment
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Michels have
returned from San Erancisco.
Calif., where Mr. Michels received
treatment at the Southern Pacific
Rev. and Mrs Clarence Harm
of Washougal, Wash , stopped off
on their way to California to visit
Rev. Kuby Ellingson of the Gar- c s- .
den Vallev Community Church. On I jUnOdy CVenlng
Tuesday the Harms and Rev. El-j 7
lingson and Janice Foster went to Junior high and senior high
Eastside to visit Rev. and Mrs. classes of the Green Community
Charles Hughes of the Wayside church will present the plav. "Jov in laro.r riti.a Knt all i
persons have automobiles, even to-1,. wor(i " ord?r nert on the
day. Without bus or streetcar serv-;
ice they, rarely get "downtown" ! . B? ehance, this rocket launch-
aa on
That has meant more and more HP1- wn,fn .?. accomplished by
shopping at neighborhood markets. I ""Jur and Orville Aright on Dec
It also is a big factor in the de-, m"r ". 1903
velopment of huge shopping cen-!," " we" t0 remember that this
ters. such as now are found in the ! ?!?,LIIow,'red n,8ht ,as,ed on,v 59
suburbs of all big cities. ( SECONDS. The Wrights plane.
One almost is impelled to won-1 wlth rudimentary engine, bare
der what would happen to the Sot off the ground. The dis-
i . i iM .i l . j . tanr. It traveler! frnm th. tim.
...i .i i' i. ni iiiiciivau uruuie u inev naa 10 : . . ...
...o .r siuaenn .1 ...sea p cui- , b k h of relatively wneeI left ih 8rjund l,n
.P? lfa!" .J"" ,V ' few motorized vehicle, The iuti : touched gro-md ain was
,, , . drastically.
nir. anu iiirs. licr aiara ana ; ui,.. ur.w..- o .. .
rtuaps aiici ncuuicr will SUC-
reed in putting most of us back on
bicycles, street cars and buses, if
and Mrs. E. A. Sanders.
Relatives Harp
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alley and
two sma
Mrs. W. E Buell. Erom here they
will go to Klamath Falls to spend
Dewey Kruse is here visiting his
brother, H. B. Kruse. He has many
friends and relatives in this area,
having made his home here IS
years ago.
Don Myers and Roy Kelstrup,
picture at right fs 160-pound'
senior Alvin Butler, who was!
selected the team's most i
spirational player by team-i
mates and coaches.
, Green Community
Church Program
i only about 120 feet. But that was
I enough to orove that powered !
ingnt was possime.
I This successful launching of an '
! American long range missile even
though it was intentionally brought
down after a flight of only a few
he pushes through his 32-hour week i ,lLul!d,r5d mile,Jci ono,!2h ,0 Prove
for 40-hour nav That ennM nrin. Inat 1 nit Stales has what it
new automobiles completely be- j takes ,0 oevelop effective
yona tne range ot tne average purchaser.
" iiaieaajaiiMP.
Vital Statistics
to the World." this Sunday eve-
! ning at 7:30.
Fifth and sixth grade boys and
girls have also prepared two short j
i numbers for the program. The
j adult study group will not meet
! Sunday evening due to play prep-1
: araiion
That is why the NATO aelegates
changed their tune in Paris.
The capacity of the United
States to build weapons in fabulous
numbers is well Known. It has
been proved in two wars. These
NATO delegates have seen it
They reasoned
Russia may be ahead of the U S.
in i.mi.mi.Mi an ocean - span
ning missile, out in the long pull
p . - . i
I a. ... ..... t ,afi
1 -
4? ' -f
i la .
f f
eW W , "aMalr
hi X -
2 I
MpX " &3&:i
, ' ' p
Marriage Licenses
looker and Alice M. Hopper, both ! The en,ir community is invited
of Roseburg ,0 'he program, reports correspon-
IHONS M1LLER C. B. Irons dt J'ry Weikum.
of Sutherlin afld Polly Leah Mil- i
ler of Koseburg . n. ...... ts.t. .
kichaku.s - haii.ey Roger wovernor riuiein uciay
In West i Reclamation
Rudolph Richards and Dulca Mae
Bailev. both nf Canvonville
tin and Ruth Kathleen Greef, both
of Sutherlin.
Bill Timmons and May Ann Tim
mons. both of lonrilli
1 Cub Scout Den 2 of Sutherlin j e 'b"lois productive capacity of
held its Christmas partv Monday th', Am'n industrial system
at the home of den moiher. Mrs I 8w.mP ,tne R"ns and put
1 Emma Norris, assisted by Mrs. I hem 9M .of J""ess if it comes
I Wvrtle Hunt. , 10 ' ',howd'n' ,. , A u
The boys plaved games and thev ! . Jh,at ;bout ,h lon nd the
h.H Ik. ..a ... i -ift. .(..'- hort of It.
which they wrapped the gifts that "Z
they had been making during the Army Protocol Fails
year for their parents. To Deter Muscle Man
Later. Mrs. Norris and Mrs.
Hunt served refreshments to the
following: Robert Weaver. William
! Hunt, Roy Bradley. Roger Allen,
I Michael and Billie Norris. Roy Fu-
gate. U ayne Lindsay and Rex
We- have opportunity for manv small satellite indus
tries around our Drincinal lumber nroduHne- centers. These Hon of former name. Appleby
Small inrlliatrifia entllrl hi moL-in. aniw.iollv npnitn.ta WELLBORN Cloel-Jvattn
Imagination, research and capital are the factors needed
to inaugurate such a program.
It was apparent from information gained at the meet
ing held here Thursday that we can do a lot of industrial
development on a self-help pattern if our minds to it.
The governor, who is demand
ing funds for upper Colorado Riv
er projects, said he understands
the federal government has au
thorized 189 reclamation projects
rK.i.M. ouisioe ine continental limits oi
T fi ? .n I "'1" Stales.
BOWMAN - Marlene vs Theo-, MrNirhols also said that the
dore B. Bowman. Married July 10 comptroller of the nation reported
1957. at Rantoul. Ill Plaintiff Sept. 30 that S7.9SS.OO0.O00 had
charges curelty and seeks restore- been appropriated for the Inter
national Cooperation Admimstra-
tii-m hiif .Anlrf nnl h.
weiioorn. jiimm un. m. jn ,lew of , ,, ,pfm, t0
1SA0. at Eugene. Plaintiff charge! m, , ought to increase spend
cruelty, seeks custody of to mi- ln, for reclamation, not cut it."
nor children. SS0 per month ajp- the goernor said at a news con
port per child, and property settie- frrenre
DENVER Lf Gov". Steve Mc
Nichols of Colorado said Thurs
day. "The West has to beg for
crumbs off the table" for recla-. Campbell.
mation projects while similar jobs There will be no meetings until
in foreign countries are being I after the holidays.
authorized Dy congress
Mrs. Clyde X. Downing enter
tained Wednesday evening when
.she invited a few friends in for a
surprise birthday party for her hus
band. Those enjoying a social evening
and birthday refreshments with Mr.
and Mrs. Downing were Dr. and
Mrs. Albert Morene. Dr. and Mrs.
, N. C. W allin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
. Gartnn, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Kruse
and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stark.
Melrose Store
Sun Studs
FORT BUCKNER. Okinawa uf : Lockwood Log.
Army protocol failed Thursday Trowbridge Elec.
night to get muscle man Micke'v Boyer .Meat Co.
Hargitav from beside Javne Dixonville Store
Mansfield. ' - Roseburg Glass
Entertaining Comedian Bob R'ckie's Drive In
Hope's Christmas-touring trouDe ! Team results
of Hollywoodites at dinner, the
Army paired off military wives
29 19 41
26!i 21'j 35'a
27 21 35
26'i 21'i 34'i
24 24 33
25 ' 30
28 25
30 25
Meat Co
2. Dixonville Store 1:
ttiass i, Kicnie s Drive In 1: Sun. it..-. n.i
wmi inaic nirinuers oi tne troupe " - ,,un,",u i.iri.. i, Stibrbn Gas
and vice versa. i rose Store 2. Lockwood Logging 1. Timher Rm
narKitay, wnose Doay Deautl- " . .-tur... ...urn .it-Kiastin
fill" was his onlv claim to fame "63 167 1S8 ) 500, Lockwood I.og
until he took up with the bustv g'lR: Bob Zuck (1S3-159-15S) 5O0,
blonde, refused to take a colonel's ! Boyer Meat Co
lady into dinner, saving, "Some-1 G- Muggins 208. Sun Studs,
body should have asked me first. I HITS MRS. LEAGUE
39 13
32', 19-,
29'j 22;a
25 27
, al 0; Sanders Homes 2, Thompson
Insurance Co. 1; West Side Phar-
i macy 2. Roseburg Lumber Co.
Euol Dept. 1.
High series: Ron Noel. (190-184-1851
559. West Side Pharmacy.
! High game: John Sanders, 224,
' Sanders Homes.
i Other high scores: Barnev Shep
herd 20U, Doyle Prcsnall 200.
Bob's Flying "A"
Anderson Place
Standley Log.
W L Pts.
33 15 44
29 19 39
25. 23 36
27 21 35
25 23 32
21 27 28
20 28 27
12 36 16
I'm going with mv fiancee
In the dining room he switched Roseburg Lmbr
placecards to put himself instead 7 Up
of tol. Lamar Ratcliffe of Peach
Orchard. Ark . beside Miss Mans
field The actress had Vice Adm.
Wallace Beakley, commander of
the 7th Fleet, on her ether side.
Bruce Biossat
GAYLOR Claud A. vi Wiy.
nema Gavlor Married Feb 1
1942, at inita, Okie. Plaultiff
charges cruelty, seeks restoration
of defendants former name, Hom
ell and ratification of, property
Divorce Dacrai
SMITH Vonina Smith frem
Thomas A Smith Plaintiff iard-
mer name.
Graham's Crusade Shows
Net Prof-it Of $217,618
Despite the encouraging medical a matter of ens youth. But there is
reports on President Eisenhower, more.
it is perhaps inevitable after his ' His critics believe he is an nnivir.
three illnesses that ice President tunist. that he plas too roush in ' Vstoration of for
Nixon, the man standing in the : campaign time, that his convic- un.
wings, should get a hard, fresh ! Uons are not sincerely heid jui c Hmk r i... u,. w
Ceilain astute polityral observ- )(,it pontiff x.rted custody of
ria arc in una an wumy, r or tne
sins with which Nixon is charged
areommonplace in politics. Nor
mally there as forgiveness But
Nixon's enemirs do not forgite.
He mtit he punk-d at times to
find himself so long and continu
ously assailed for practices that
akei re forgotten in others
, I one i Hint, all of nf hav
NEW YOr.K - The New
lork crusade of evangelist Bil
Mr and Mrs Norman chappeii Grasshopper To Be Less
were host to 48 Canyonvii Lions j Troublesome Next Year
and their wives and guests at the i
annual inrrsimas party ot that or- WASHINGTON of The Agri- New Service Laundry 4
(aniiaiiuii .'nuni.. rtrninit. culture uepanment preaictea ixt-1 High series- Betty Sui.r
ac's Harcware
3, Suburban Gas 0; Timber Room
3. Amann's Flying "A" 0; Bob's
Flying "A" 3. Standlev Logging
22;a 0: Harry s Furniture 3, Anderson'
27 Place Market of.
27 . ; High series: John Roeder, (183
29 199-2131 595.
32 High game: Ed Willets, 226,
38 Mar a ll3i-Hu-3r.
learn results: rearson s Market Other high semes: John Roeder
0. 7 I p 4: Jugs Club 1. Roseburg 213. Russ Itummet 208. L. D Ic-
Lumber 3: Roseburg Supply 2, Allister 200. Paul Amann '"0
putneriin urugs s: pic ot fcpan 0, i MERCHANTS LEAGUE
W L Pla.
(164- coca iol .
Rsbi g Supplv
Sutherlin Drugs ,
Pearsons Market
Jugs Club
New Service Laundry
apic ac span
look from all sides.
Most of lhe new testimony agrees
on this point: Nixon today is a
modern or Eisenhower" Republi
can If his utterances of recent
m Jlhi are an accurate reflection,
he is indeed perhaps a bit more
liberal on the domestic front than
Uie President himself. Hi
This situation of rours. m
him more ally accept
minor chud. 150 per month sup
port, and property settlement
I PKI.ANEY Arthur from Son
ya Deianev Defendant ataarded
restoration of foimer name. Rudo-
metkin. and property
r.u.sla enioved Haneinp in Ih. ' ara th.. ih. .,...h . 1 1 ""- iul " V" . t" 41
spacious recreation room of the Derennia insert nest may h. ui.h ..m. vi . is ,
via. tu.-u ui r,MMrusi DltlT .,-.ll Lnm. MM. ., . 1 r. ' ...... pa.Mc. . rtijui-", IdltCISt'n CaK
raham mows a net profit of Vjrr"J' "LV -""t uuuoiesonte next- inner ertgn scores: Ethel Kramb Vets Hosp
117 ll ed at midnight. . year than this 190, Joan Corr.utt 172 Spec. Parts
lTe final audit was announced , WEDOING ANNIVERSARY !"" uuiu. u.e i.te
TnurJay bv the crusade s exeoe.. ! rn iiiinn J T cnaTca v lummer and fall showed lighter
tne committee, which said SS7 - ! infestation on croplands than a Curtis Bros
III of the excess mil be given to1 A surprise party was given for ',r earlier. Ijooking ahead to , West Coast Bldrs.
Lhe Protestant Council of the City Mr. and Mrs. Oren Gildersleee ! n,xt """mer. the department said Eagles
of New York, which initiated the Sundae evening to celebrate their r threatening areas appear : Jensen Kees
in ..luiurauva, n uronsut. rsansas, ?port trolling
Nebraska. North Dakota. South U.S. Plvwood
Dakota and Montana. Rural fcre Dept.
Smaller potential trouble spots Flegel Trans
were reported in Washington. Ore- Team results
29 19
28 20
26 22
25 2
cruaoe , izoin weoaing anniversary, it was
The $'.50 000 balance will go to held in the parsonage nf the Cala
the BUly Graham Evangelistic pooia Free Methodist Church near
Assa in Minneapolis, Minn, to t'mpqua. Gifts were presented to
supSort telecasts of subsequent the happy couple and refreshments
settlement crusades Graham and his asso-jwere served at a late hour.
u ciates were on salary from the 1 . .
DininvMi imnES viTGra
tne Republican party than Js the 1 realize, mere is risk of serious
case before. Snrre conservatives I misjudgment if we hold too rig jiv
may feel he has deserted them, but . to ,d ettitudee. Politicians. iSe
others may persuade themselves i 'he times, change. They are chang
that Nixon a old conservatism will I ed by events, by the experienqM of
show when the test of battle comei.
say, however, that he has convert- i
ed his enemies in the Democratic
ramp, or even within his own
There is still
Oiverce Dismissal The audit showed expenditures
GOODWIN Nina vs. Melwn of S3 S3! 412 el and income of S2.
Goodwtn. Suit dismissed without 30.WOI. covering the period
prejudiee and taitWit costs to ei- 'rom Mef 17 to Dec It to in
ther jajirty At parties have recon- elude the crusade's follow-up pro
did. gram.O q
: i-)
Rsbg. Neon
Sports Trdg. Pst,
Aloose Loge
Team results
Post 3. Moose llge 0- TmsVt RuiM
ing CO. V. Coca I'nla I- $nai
2H4j 26H 294 Parts and Equipment 2. Rosehuri
22'p 2SH 30'j Neon 1: Pa&frson Bakery 2, Vet s
n jr. nospiiaw i:
.. J'-.1 21 H,ch 'ries: Jim Granfield .(193-
IT S Plurmvl 4 lfwt.lQQi ".0 t . . i . . i n
BOn IHahn U't-OrAina I'tah CI. ..I T, A. t-l . ' r. '"'"ift i
...H..,, v..i, i ni II.II.-.1.TI v, MKip i, ; uit;n game: iru
vada and Hew Mexico. i Jensen - Kees 2; Ciertis Bros. , Todd Building t o
Bridges. 216,
Charles Wall has been acoointed
general superintendent of the In-
I office, by contact with other nTeniJ'
1 nr wno nolo attitlKies lowaro ,
; politicians must bsvwilling to recog- 7:, t nni.'. . .t.
; tuze genuine chait-e. The key, na- Glrngary Livestock Ce elected North Roeburg Church will pre
i ttirally. la the word 'genuine , the lolloeing officers recently, sent a four act nlay h ttn-,.t.
But we cannot do our job as vot-, Sharon Cumm.nas nr..,H.m S ri. ..- &.. .,..n. ' , ..
evidence that hi. ! .nh ."Vl!"!! I!' J P"1! P." . ' .. .. . ' HOLLWOOD .
ouilifiretiottfiifor the . . r.i " " "v '.ommT i.yncn. ine pity it ;e,r tne direction letter. 20. son of
. , """ " , f". i in e.r hm us u eirtuiK n rir ji rrvinri-Lr mrQ ytAMrm miin Of Hpx h Jtrri with l r
- ""' - "'s'-i iii7. -i uip m'mp or jirs. ciauoe rtnoaas loe puouc is invited
A birthdty dinner in honor of
Mrs. Nettity-Comoton nf Flkmn avaa
given Sunday at the Norman Comp- j ternational Paper Co. Long Bell
ton nome. utner gumts were: Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Compton and fam
ily. Dick Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Clemo and family. Mp Mc
Neil and Mr l td Mrs. How.utJ
Carnea and family
Division at Gardiner, it has bei
announced by A J. Myers, gener
al manager at Gardiner Wall suc
ceeds J. M .Vims, who retired
Jacl Link
West Side Pharm.
Rshg Lbr Fuel
ThomDsoo Ins.
Christmas party tnd potluck din-1 Man's Shop
ner will be held Sunday il 2 pm. Torer Sheet Met.
at Sutherlin Gramze hall for every.. Mid. Or. Prtp
TV emcee Art one in the Catholic nansh Soon. IWman
win ne married Sattir- sored by the Catholic Ladies Al- Team results
1. West Coast Build-1 COMMEBCiAi
era 2; Sport Ttollers 1. Rnrtl Fire
Depl 1 - ffi , Bob & Gene's G
High series: Oliver Richardson. Biuton's
(167-186-198 1 551. Eagles. Chrvstalite Tile
High game- Fred Lamaroues. Moose Lolve
.iu, ntirai r ire aji pt.
W LJ Pts.
30 18 44
W L Pts.
32 1 43
30 18 40
28 20 38
29 19 38
22'j 25'J 3"l
19 29 24:
16j 3I! 23'i
15 3v 171
I mpqna TJr ns
Faith Lutheran
Forresters (
Canvonville Sup
Team results Bub & Gene s I n.
39 0 ion Gas 3. Bruton s Shoe Service
35 0; Chrystahle Tile 2. Mow LVate
32 II: The Forrtvn-.-rs 2. Canvonvif
24 Superettes 1: tmpqua Lions Club
23 2. raith Lutheran Church 1.
20 IrfeB series Ron Van iiTt.w?.
Mid-Ore Printitt)' 163 1 535. I'mpqua Lima Club
. .;r. n il. iT.k "Vs",Va-iIr oc',Jf- brm om ttbletOx 3. Porman Roofing Co. 0; The High tame: i)on Nve 222 Chrys-
Wverly Hills high school tra.-her. a.rvir. r.i via.'. ckn t.. cUi vr.,.-.!... J'1 - '
iMtn't Shop jTorers Sheet Met(Tfalit(jrile
J i
. G( O
e0 &
w ffii
c P.
09 9
t ,
c? e