10 The Newt-Review, Roiaburg, Ore. Mon. Oct. 21, 1957 M Garden ? clubs FALL FLOWER SHOW Town and Country Garden Club, assisted by the Riverbend and Oak Knoll clubs, will present a fall flower and garden show Oct. 26 and 27. Theme of the show will be "Through The Moon Gate" and will be held at the Douglas County Fair Grounds Community Building. The Saturday program will be from 1 to 9 p.m., Sunday from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Rules of the showi X. AU matur gardener of Roseburg and vicinity, both member of the club and non-members, ar urged to exhibit in the ahow. f. Entries will be accepted between hour of 0 to 11 a m., Oct. 28 at the Community Building. County Fair ground!, Hoeeburg. Late entrlee will be exhibited but not judged. 3, An exhibitor may make one entry In a cUu or sub-class. 4 Exhibitor may accompany monitor on floor only long enough to place exhibit. S. Container will be furnished for hor ticulture specimens; arran tegmenta will be in own container, marked on underside with name of exhibitor, 0. Committee in charge will exercise all possible care, but wlU not be responsible for any damage or prop erty lose. T. Ribbons will be awarded la all worthy claa sea, 8. Judging will begin at 11 a.m. Oct 2i. No one except judges, clerks and how official will be ai lowed on floor during judging. 0, Entries may not lie removed before 6 p m., Oct. 27, but must be Claimed by 7 p.m. JO. Horticultural exhibits will be Judged on: perieciuin oi wrm, lwiu texture; depth and purity of color; condition; size accoraing so iypi fnl Intra and stem. Entries In horticulture must be shown with their own foliage. Horticultural specimens must have been grown by the exmoiior ana, where possible, labeled with variety, 1. Arrangement material may ba secured anywhere. The arranging mutt be the work or the exhibitor. Arrangements generally will be turiffri on: color combination: rela tion to container; design; distinction and originality; suitability oi com bination of material: condition. A novice Is anyone who has not won three blue ribbon previously. A no vice may enter advanced classes but amateurs, those who have won three blue ribbons, may not enter novice classes. Accessorise not permitted unless spe cified. Plants, shrubs, herbs, bulbs, ar rangement material, accessories, appointment and flower arrange ment calendars will be on sale. Refreshments will be sold in the Japanese Tea Garden. All proceeds will be used in planting an en trance mall in the new city park. Aim of the show is to stimulate the knowledge and love of garden ing among amateurs; to aid in the protection of native trees, plants and birds, and to aid in beau t if i ca tion of the city by encouraging its residents to establish and main tain gardens and parks. HI VISION I nOHTlCULTUKB SECTIONS I to XI Inclusive are for Chrysanthemums and the following class es apply to themt Class A While Jl Pink or Lavender C Bronie D Kcd K Yellow F -Purple G Hi-color Disbudded flower (See. I Vlt re ex hi hi ted on one (1) stem; not disbudded Sec VII XI) one Hi spray. Necllon I Kihibltlon larg regular incurve football type. II Japanese larg Irregular Incurve. Shaggy petals. III ftiienom 1- rows ray petals cushion center. IV (tingles 1-8 rows ray petals, small flat center. V Hpoon 1-9 rows ray petals, open flat centereach ray petal tubular and flared Into spoon or spatula toward tip; more than V tip Is flared. VI Spider fully double flowers, tips distinctly colled or hooked. Petals ei ther Incurved or rericxed. VII Hmsll Pom I'om button type lees than I " Inches. VIII Medians I'om Fom l'fr so I'V IX Large I'om Pom over 2V X lisoorstlrs er XnglUb reflex dou ble; no center. XI Any other type not mentioned XII HUtim.D OR FKUITKII H Hit II It er TKtK 1 branch or stein not over :m" in length. XIII ANNUALS any kind 1 stem XIV l'HtKNNIAI.8 any kind 1 stem. 11IV1MON II AKKANliKMKNTS SECTION I NOVICK ( l.AHNiH isce rules) A stnsll Talk not to exceed B Inches (n diameter. II jrwrls arrangement In colored glass In jewel colors, f It am ho Branches featuring chry santhemums in basket type container It I'rrtljr as a rictere featuring pink and lavender chrysanthemums. Autama Ulew using fruit and fol iage nlv. tiM'TlllN II AMATEUR CLASHES ise rules) A Trad Winds dried arrangement lifting chrysanthemum as accent. It ftrasun of ths Monsoon all green arrangement. 1 .tirat r In ran Oriental type arrangement any material, l'an acces sories l Ikabsna arrangement In Japan cur ntuimei . i: IUt sf Ilvnrsll for ooffee tablt Using shell container or shell ai'ceioriv !' (Klrrlng of tba (lads Fruit and or vegetable with chrysanthemums. (I Autumn Sunset sultabln for dining tattle Using any type flowers II TV Tra? far tin no flat silver permitted. Class limited to 12 trays; entries to be nwide by October 15 at the Diamond Shop which Will furnish chins lor Ihr trays niVIMON HI POTTF.D PLANTS S.-Un 1 -African Vtolets Singles II -African Violets Double Ht-MrKtmias I V-- fieraniuuts V Any other Potted Plant DIVISION IV PA It IK hi. rTINCifl Open to (lai-den Clubs only. Chum, crystal and flatware to Ite furntslu-d bv Jark Weal's Diamond Shop. Mules will be furnished to em-h rlub entering. First piire Second prlre 110 no Thud prise Kial Doulton China figurine. RADIO PROGRAM Orofion Si;iU' Kedornlion of Gar den I'lubs will prrsi-iU its second prornm ovor a local radio sl;iliou Tuesday from 3:110 to 4 p in.. Sub ject will be perennial border by Airs. J. K. Snipes, program chair man for the l'ortland judtges coun cil. OAK KNOLL Mrs, T. L. (ioodwin and Mrs. T). W. McCaritar fruiii tlu Hose bur Town and Country (iarden Club wore guests for Ihe October ' I meeting, j They Kve i report on the Fall Flower mid Garden Show (o be presented by the Kosoburg Tuv.n' and Country Garden Club assisted J by the (Ink Knoll and Kiverberd I Garden Clubs. It Is to lie held in: the Community liuilding at the ))oliRlas County Fair Grounds, Oct 2fl and 27. The Thcmo is "Through i Uto Moon Gate." ; C Ths Oak Knoll Garden Club wic'a Mrs. Joe Dent as show chairman, will be responsible for the Japanese Tea Garden, All members partiei- patini; will provide decorations and materials for the display. In con junction wiui the snow there will be a table setting display. Mrs. Pete Serafin is in charge of tho Oak Knoll entry. The show is open to tne puouc. Mrs. Lee Emery, president, conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Donald Monroe took over the duties of the treasurer, and Mrs. Kenneth Molver gave the program on chrysanthemums in the absence of Mrs. Doug Tudor who prepared the paper. Mrs. Kay Walker was hostess for the October meeting at ber borne on IV. is. Knoll Avenue. DAYS CREEK Final plans were made at the September meeting of the Days Creek Garden club for the fall meeting of ths Umpqua District of the Oregon Federation which will be held Monday at the Mason ic Hall in Canyonville with the Days Creek group as the hostess club. Mrs. G. M. Krell, general chair man lor tne aflair announced a coffee hour would be held followed by the business session, and lunch eon. Later in the day Mrs. A. C. Lewis oi Aledtord will demonstrate flower arrangements. Mrs. Krell has named on her committees Mrs. Kay Wright, Mrs. Charles Farmer and Mrs. Glen Dodge, registration; Mrs. Ivan Kelly and Mrs. Richard Williams, table decorations; Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, Mrs. Clarence Richardson, Mrs. R. V. Matthews, Mrs. Ronie Hendrix and Mrs. Krell, luncheon, and Mrs. Bud Gaulke, Mrs. W. Frank Brown and Mrs. R. A. Moore, program. There will be in attendance many state and district officers as well as members from garden clubs throughout Southern Oregon. The business meeting of the club was preceded by a coffee hour. During the afternoon Mrs. Richard Williams, who is chairman of the Community Clubs Awards contest gave a detailed report on this ac tivity. Buyers guides were distribu ted and sales slip pick-up stations were listed as follows; Canyonville, ienys irauing 1'osi; Days Creek, Krells Days Creek store; M 1 1 o, Mrs. Williams, and Tiller. Mrs. Walter Gosnell. It was decided that there would be no club meeting held in October because of the district meeting. The schedulo for the November meeting will be announced at a later date. Portland Gas & Coke Declares Dividend PORTLAND Wl A quarterly dividend of 15 cents a share on common stock was declared by Ihe directors of Portland Gas & Coke Co.. Charles H. Gueffrov. president of the firm, reported here. He said net income for the 12 months ended Sept. 30 was $1.- 341,022 an increase of $1 5S,7t6 over the provious 12 months. The 15-cent dividend will be paid to stockholders Nov. IS. CATCH 636 WHALES VANmilVE II U r in Tl, Whnlinff fpnenn nff iha ,nct t of Vancouver Island has ended with a catch of 636 whaics of all types. Stot Bank No. 309 REPORT OF CONDITION OF Douglas County State Bank of Roieburg, in ths Stats of Orogon at ths closs of buiineu on October 1 1, 1957. ASSETS 1. Cosh, balances with othsr bonks, including reserv. balance!, ond cosh Items in process ot collection ... $ 3,425,530.12 2. United States Government obligations, direct ond ouaronteed 6 099.278 86 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 2,327,442.40, 6. Loans ond discounts (including $4,571.80 overdrafts) 9,649,153.25 7. Bank premises owned $880.93, furniture ond fu tures $120,046.93 8. Real estots owned other than bonk premises 1 1. Other Assets 12. TOTAL ASSETS ' LIABILITIES 13. Dematul deposili of Individuals, partnershipi, and corporation I 4. Tims deposit! of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tion! 15. Deposit! of United State! Government (including pos tal savings) 14. Opositi ol Stole! ond policilal subdivisions 17.. Deports of banks ... 18. Other deposit! (certified ond otlrcer'i checks etc) 19. TOTAL OFPOSITS $20,279,286 98 23. Other liabilities 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL 25. Capitol 26. Suiplui 27. UruJiviilpd profiti 28. Rewrv 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 30. TOTAL IIAHILIIIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS MEMORANDA 31. Asset plcloe,! or cmtgned to secur liabilities ond tor other puriKHo j 5 026 545 81 32. (b) Securities a ihown abova or after deletion of reserves ot 5 173,795 80 I, P. D. Moort, Cathier, of the ahova-named bank, da tolemnly sweor that the above statement is true, ond that it fully ond corrrctlv represents the ttut statt ot the several motttvs herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge ond belief. Correct Attest: F. D. MOORB W. E Garrison Thomas Garrison E. G Young John m. Brown Statt of Oregon, County of Douglas, tv Sworn to and iubKribed btor me this 21st day of October, 1957. EVELYN L. FRA7IER, Notary Public My commissiwi expires August 15, I960. Spokane Families Spend Chilly Night Friday . SPOKANE Wl Some 10.000 families spent a chilly night Fri day night as temperatures drop ped below freezing and the city's natural gas supply remained cut off. The 16-inch pipeline supplying the city of some 185,000 and sur rounding suburban areas broke with a thunderous explosion about 30 miles west of here early Fri day. The line broke where it runs under Little Rock Creek, with a blast that tore a 10-foot square hole in the ground and sent a nearby farm family scrambling for the cellar. There was no fire. Cause of the fracture was not yet known. Officials hoped to restore serv ice to the area by midnight Sunday. Accused Arsonist Dies In Klamath Falls Jail KLAMATH FALLS gi A man accused of arson was found dead in the Klamath Falls jail here and an autopsy has been ordered to determine cause of death. He was Robert A. Hurley of Klamath Falls, who was jailed Thursday night after the Klamath Falls fire department investigated three fires. . Fire Chief Roy Howe said Hur ley did not admit setting the blazes. . . Papers in Hurley's effects indi cated he had been a mental hospital patient, and had tried to take his life, police said. This week, we should have in the extension office the tree seedling order blanks from the State Forest Nursery. So, come in and got your copy or call us, and we will mail you one. Because of the great de mand for seedlings and the still in adequate supply, you should give this matter your immediate at tention to avoid disappointment. Whether you are planting to re forest logged-over areas, marginal land, or eroded areas for forest trees or Christmas trees, you will need to know a few basic things about ordering trees and about planting them. For forest planting. 7x7-foot or 8x8-foot spacing is O. K. The for mer will require 889 trees per acre and the latter 681 trees per acre. For Christmas tree planting, 4x4 foot spacing or 2,722 trees to the acre is about right. AS FOR TIMBER SPECIES, Douglas for, of course, is pre ferred. Ponderosa pine should Ire reserved for drier sites, and Port Orford cedar for areas close to or within its natural range. For Christmas tree species, the true firs such as grand, white, and noble fir are preferrable. Douglas fir, however, is still very acceptable, especially where the grower in tends to prune or shear his trees to obtain superior quality. Now, suppose we have ordered our trees and received them. How do we handle them when we get them? If you are going to plant your trees within ten days after receiv ing them, then you will not need to heel them in. You will, however. need to keep the trees moist by standing the bundles on end and running water through them. They should be stored in a cool shady place. If you are going to hold your seedlings for more than ten days, You should heel them in. litis means digging trenches deep enough to allow the roots to hang nearly straight and covering the roots with soil to the depth that tne trees grew in the nursery. Heel- 120,927.86 35.855.17 24,378 04 $2 1,682.565.70 10,389,028 1 1 5,477,088,1 1 i 114 270.38, 4,072,731.91 101,890.73 ' 124,277.74 94 b09.76 $20,373,796.74 250,000.00 750,000.00 303,730.76 4,983 20 ACCOUNTS 1.303,768 96 $21,682,565,70 3; PwlpJ By Bob Bradley y& E3". County Exteniion Agent OUT OUR WAY m iMiSM' w woKpe.sajRe 'ats it, aaa- , f ij'Y GCXMG TO RUIM YOUR J A LITTLE MORE 'W i l STOMACH WITH THIS BUTTER M-M- I ill'V, I, I EATIWG BETWEEN MEALS ) GOSH, VOU'RE Mi WWW AMD HOT BREAD V APAWPVMA.' ijmJ WHV, IT WOULP y HONEST VARE, I ''MSr KILL EVEM 1 V MOMf J i;';,! !4 ' Hi V.TIME y ffS . T VWLLINS WM, Yf J K'Vl TO TAKE MMiZSZ I ' J ) ACHAMce fffjf 1 Is k '. - f; i lii l i mtaifo a ing-in beds should be in moist well drained soil in a shady place, or have artificial shade. Trees should be removed from the bundles for the heeling-in process, and soil should be tramped well around them to prevent air pockets. NOW, WE'RE READY for plant ing. People often ask, "is it dif ficult to plant, or how many trees can I plant in a day?" As for the technique, it is simple, yet it must be done carefully just as though you were planting berry bushes or Other small shrubs. An experienced man can plant between 500 - 800 trees in an eight-hour day. Drive an ordinary mattock into the ground, work the handle up and down, and you've got a small hole in which to plant a tree. Place the roots of the tree in the hole to the same depth they were in the nursery and tramp the earth back in place. Be sure there are no air spaces around the roots. Make certain that the roots hang naturally in the hole before tramp ing back the soil. Tangled roots or those turned up, so that they stick out above the ground, are al most certain to die. Where there is a sod, scalp off this layer before digging the hole to lessen grass competition. On steep hillsides, cut a little shelf in the bank or plant tree slightly deeper than normal' to al low for the wash of winter rains. On southerly slopes, in particular, try to plant trees on the north side of stumps or logs, or even a shin gle. This dead shade mav mean the difference between death or survival from the rays of the hot summer sun. Western Pine Orders, Shipment Lag Behind PORTLAND HI Production. orders and shipments of western pine are running slightly behind last year, the Western Pine Assn. said in its weekly report here. uuiput so tar this year is SI per cent of last year's for the same time. Shipments arc per cent and orders are 97 per cent. For the week ending Oct. 12, the three categories were up, compared wnn me previous week. Comparative figures, in board feet with tho final 000 omitted, for last week, the previous week, and' a year ago, in that order: Orders, 87,815, 88.680 and 87.C13; shipments 83,597, 82.152 and 85, 009; production 84,149, 83,0-17 and 94,583. CHILD DROWNS STANLEY, Kan. (.fi Four-year-old Kenneth Ingle slid headfirst into a hole dug for a utility pole and drowned in 21 inches of water yesterday. The body was found by his father, Oliver ingle, who saw the child's tricycle and wagon near the hole. LEGAL AnVKRTlSEMKNT FOR Ri Sen I oil proposal marked ' l'ropoal for Upper TVrraca Drive Paving will be received up 10 the hour of 11. oil oVIuck AM H'STt on the .Wh dav of October. and then publicly opened and re .id Proposal nhall b ndrireKrd and delivered to the ftly Recorder. Citv Mall, Hiweburg. Ore eon. Any and ail proposal teemed after the ttme upeci fird above Mil te returned unopened. The con tempt a led work gener,illy eon-l-.t of PIS cubic yard of excavation. 4.M) lineal feet of concrete curb and gutter, 7:ifl cubic yard of rock and 2. .171) qi).ir yards of Aphaltic Concrete Plain, Specificatiom, lropoal Form, and instruction may lie mvured upon a tlcpoait or 1300 at the office f the Citv Engineer, Roieburg. Oregon rniicci!.fiil bidder wilt lw refund ed Fifteen dollar i$iS0oi upon the re- ui 1 11 01 eacn sei. in good condition, pro-; uled Ihe return I mada ithin five i V dav after the date et for the j opening of hula. I All proposal mini be n,-.-onip,inied I by a certified chc.k or Ri.Ulei ' Hond made paabi to the Ctt ,, Ko-pbuig.1 Oregon, m an amount not than 1 1 five 'S percent of the amount bid j Riddrra must he pre-ju.i!'licd in ae-1 corcUin-e with the lawa of Orron The rmhi ti reserved to reject anv or all bul. to waive anv irregiilaritie or to accept the bid deemed m the bet intereati of the Ctt of Roaehurg Dated trm 1 7th day of October, 1W7 t'iT or Rosmnu;. tlOl'tU.AS COUNTY, OREGON Hv Willm O Hill Recorder-Treasurer NOTH'B TO CKIIHTOHI All person having rlaimi sujintt ih Estate of John Victor Short. Ue eased m.w pending in the Probale ttrpiint.it; .-f the Circuit Court of lVuUi C.miuI.;' Oregon, are hrrrbv not if text to oireut the mm. propcrlv wnded. to the under united at F O Box 7im, Hoselmrg. Ors ..t. or lo R L. Whipple, Atlorne- at l aw, U S National Bank Building, Hon. burg, Oregon. ith;n nx months from the date cf Hits notice which la Septem ber St, 1 1ST M Delia Short, Admlrdatralnx. MOMENTS WEt? LIKE TO LIVE OVER HOT HEEL-M-M-M-Boy.' Classified Section LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertising placed from within Roseburs trade area Minimum charge to: any one ad Is 50c CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word 5c 2 days per word 7c 3 days per word . 9c 4 days per word ........ . 1 1 c 5 days per word 12c 6 days per word 13c Line ad, per line a day 1 8c Line ad, repeat insertion, per day 9c Line od, per line, per month 2.35 DISPLAY ADVERTISING First insertion, per col. Inch .. $1.60 Repeat Insertion, per col. inch .80 1 col. Inch per month $20.80 Notional Classified Advertising 25c per line, no repeat rate 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW ADS 11:00 A. M. day previous to publication CANCELLATIONS up to :30 a. si ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement appear) incorrect ly, notify us immediately We will not be responsible for more than one in correct Insertion. Such responsibility la limited to refund of price paid or cor rect insertion of advertisement. REFUNDS WILL NOT BE HELD MORE THAN 10 DATS Real Estate 1 Always See ... A Realtor It will pay you , be sure be safe Look for this EMBLEM It means DEPENDABLE Real Estatt counsel. Only HEALTOHS dis play thli emblem. Vet ... it -will pay. Always See A Realtor 7(4 ACRES in LookinffKtasi Valley with nice large z-Dearoom nou. Double garage. Creek just back of house Price $9,500. Terms. Martin Suksdorf at Cottage Court. Winiton. Oregon. 48 ACRES, 2-bed room modern plastered nouse. ADout ww m. Dig and growth timber on paved road. Alio, TD 14A 10M cat, IVIX) hours. Dozer and drum All for $,t.VO00 cash. Write Box 555 News Review. S300 DOWN, $6fW0 full price for 3-bed- ronra noma wnn atiacned gnrage, ln ide utility, lots of tor ire, bath with tub and ahower. On Booth St, OR 2 1H.VI. HOITSE and barn, 'j arre In Roberta creefc district. 2S unfurnished, W. 800 furniahed. Ternit. OR ,1-4!(i3 after 6 weekday, all day Sunday. FOR SALE or trade Discount equity in nice 2-bedroom hotiae for truck or ear of equal value. End of Landers Lane, turn left, 3rd hou-t. on left. NEARLY" NFW .I-- ' bedroom? firepln'ee" Colored bath. $200 down to Vet or take trade Payment leas than rent. Phone W2 Sutherlm. WANTED Listings on noma, ranch es and lima II acreages. We help fi nance. Iehman Real Estate. OR 3-0193 or OR 3-60HI evening. TWO"" EDROOM!-moderri" houeTcorn pletely remodeled, 3 blocks from Roae Hotel. A real bur at $WM, Call OR 3-8.'WO THREE BEDR OOM . modern"" Vi ouiVon large eorner lot. Hardwood floor, fire place, double carport and larg shop. 2ZI W Haiel,call OR 3-3.MW. BY OWNER 2-bedroom house, new houae. atarted. Good location. sVt?oo full price. Consider car or trailer. ORS-;hh. SELL or trade for Eugene bouse! 8 room houaa, Winston, Ertentlal fur niture. OR 2-3423- rOH S A LK Bu lid ing si ta "close "to Diamond Lake Hmhway near Glide, Good view. OK 3-ftHUJ $400 DOWN.'i bedroom 7ndi aragepjT tlo, paved street, fenced yard. $6900 OH 2 J444. THREE BEDROOM home In Winston. Will trade equity for larrw trailer house Write News-Review Bo .v7. TW O BEDROOM home. " Glide DiMrtcT River frontage. A. J. Stand ley. GY 6-,U!7 LOT lOnnlW, north. Pticea $t.V terms. OR 3-602. Marlon Brando's Home Burgliriied Of $3,000 HOLLYWOOD U White actor Mai Ion Brando and bis new brule. actress Anna Kashfi, were honey mooning, burglars entered his Hol lywood Hills home wid made off with items valued at $3,000. Brando told police veMerday th;ft two cameras, a typeuriu-r, some perfume and jewelry and a dime cabinet containing story material and personal letters were stoten. He offered a $1,000 reward for the return of the filing cabinet with its contents intact. By J. R. Williams JI?.VlILLIAAg . T.M. Rf. U.S. P. Off. 02I 197 b, NCA S.-;f.. l.-r. Real Estate 1 DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY FISHER ROAD 2 bedroom home on l'a acres of excellent ground. Total price ssjuo, down payment sjoo. Bal. S60 per mo. SOUTHEAST ROSEBURG 3 bedroom home with fireplace .double carport, hardwood floors, separate dining room, Inside utility, etc. Priced right at Si,. too. law aown payment to qualified GREEN DISTRICT Newer 3 bed room home on desirable lot. Fireplace separate dining room, hardwood floors attached garage, colored bathroom fixtures, large ward.robe closets with sliding mahogany doors and electric neat, aiu,wju. f.h.a. or G.l. NORTH ROSEBURG Absolutely new extra large 3 bedroom home with at tached garage, fireplace, forced air oil furnace, hdw. floors, etc. G.L with aiuuu down. Total price SU.5O0. RIVER BEND ACRES Plan now for that future home on the North Ump qua river. Lota average around l'a acres each. Priced at SHOO. Down pay ment siuu. . GROCERY STORES We have 3 ex cellent grocery stores with living quar ters. Please call us for particulars. Craig I. Short Realtor 1118 S.E. .Stephens Phone OR 3-d020 Evenlneh Craig I. Short OR 3-2409 Dick Stevenson OK 3-8744 $500 DOWN 3-BEDROOM. Sep. din. room, fireplace, floor furnace, Vt basement. Close to town. $5900 full price. $1000. Down 3-BEDROOM. Dillard. On tewer. paved at. and walks, insulated, fireplace. 12M sq. ft. of good clean home in perfect condition. Will trade for Hose burg 3 bedroom, or sell for $11,500. t P. Contract BaL at $83 mo. V2 Acre PAVED RURAL West. 3-bedroom, modem ranch style. Fireplace, attach ed garnge, big lawn, river full of water. Taxes $ltJ5. $13,500 to be financed. 150 Acres 90 IRRIGATED alfalfa acres and more ir you want It. 50 acres sub-Irrigated, never needs water. mile or river frontage. All tillable, no stumps. Won derful big 4 bedroom home and wi do mean big, spacious and homev. Can you use a couple of 16 x32' bed rooms or a separate dining room, l'i baths. A basement wood furnace and the whole structure as solid as the rock of Gibraltar with a better view. Large hay shed. Track and Hiway frontage. $58,000. Down. Balance t $2000 per year. ( WINTER REAL ESTATE 53.1 W Harvard ACROSS FROM 11K.H SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 EVENINGS Charles Pratt OR 1-3127 Harry Winter OR 3-701 Mac McGuir ' OS B-8442 REAL ESTATE OPENING! CHANCE to operate your own real estate busi ness, backed by a well-established na tional! -known coast to-coa1 orgnni n.tion' UNITED FARM AGENCY, with a record of mora than 30 years' hon orable service, 4 la now seeking the right m.n or couple to take over the Roieburg territory. Complete training, adequate supervision and advertising support to assure success. No invest ment required. Real estate exper ience not necessary. Assistance given tn securing license. Licensed salemen or brokers also invited to Investigate the advantages of Joining the UNITED organisation to share in the benefits of UNITED'S nation-wide , program Complete details, including copy of our famous dialog, mailed without obligation. Writ todav! UNITED FARM AGENCY, Box JUS Eugene. Oregon. BUILD house to suit yourself, on tfm .w c rancn. iou acre line rirr bottom soil. 150 permanent hay and , p.iture. 120 free water right, older! feed barn, good airy bam and milk I MuLse. One mile east of Oaklind on j HS.iWO. some terms, Loran O Neal. Oakland, Oregon. Ph. 2735. For Sale or Trade Ot'PLEX. practically new. Both tides furnished, brings in W5 per month. Free and clear. Will trade foe acre age or take contract as down pay ment. CllOR 3-740. BY OWNER 3 bedroom home with ftrepiace, wall-to-wall carpeting, patto. g r with workhup Nice aid Wilt sacnfU-e eqint. U'W lapses Unt itles and anie lurtuture optional. OH 2 .W.Ior OR 3-UXI7 NORTH I MIwt'A HI VFR home near t.tide 1 tnirvms. gnrce. and liv ing qiiarter. Trers, g.udcn and fUh ing L.'w tax dltrtct Will earrv dn tract SkX) OR ext. 7tf. After P M. OR J-5WIJ. I Reel Estate 1 BLEND of charm and economy. This 3-bedroom ranch-style charmer tf ev erything woman could ak for. Cost ly style and design not usually found in a hom at this price. Ail natural mahogany kitchen, ceramic tile drain boards, built-in range and oven. Tiled bath; also V bath off kitchen. Oil furnace. On sewer. Unmatched in qual ity and price 112,950. CONVENIENT to Roieburg Lumber. A 3-bedroom home that can be yours fur 1750 or less down. Lots of room on V acre lot. Carport, covered patio. A real buy at S&5O0. TRADE for ranch or acreage. A de lightful 3-bedroom home in West Hoseburg. wau-io-waii carpcuu. .ianart (nr mavimlim Use of KDace. Built-in dishwasher. Patio and yard landscaped to perfection. Living room witn fireplace, iricea ai wnn vnn F.-rf..ral G.I.'s at $200 down. Here is real value In an expandable 3-bedroom home for saOOO. Living room is 17x17 with huge windows and a won derful view. Full bath, hardwood floors, oil floor furnace. Large kitchen with djning area. Separate utility. Stairway is in to a floored attic which can be made into extra rooms. Lot 80x100. Beautiful lawn and flowers. See this one today. FOR RENT 3-bedroom, furnished house. Washer, dryer and freezer. S miles out Garden vauey ta mo. Perm's Real Estate 526 N.E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3367 Evenings and Sundays Bob and Betty Penn OR 3-8400 Valley Real Estate HEAP BIG HOME THEM whats got had to get. Aint no other way. 5 generous bedrooms. Wall to wait rugs, r .replace ana lurnace. Insulated for comfort. Wired 220. Gnr ane. 90X125 lot. Room for garden. Sell ing below appraisal $13,900. Excellent u. i. A WAY OF LIFE 5Vi ACRES tike park. Irrigated. Calm peaceful location overlooking river. About 600 feet river frontage. Spread out modern home among sprcadout shade trees. Highly productive. If you receive 10 years'salary in 1 you can't buy a nicer location. Yours for $13,- AOO, $2,300 down, $79 per mo. $200 DOWKl UNFINISHED but livable. ' Move right In. Put your woman to work. Afore long she will have you a home, f.iuu. Valley Real Estate 1117 S E. STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-4055 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: Pocock OR 3-H259 Salesman St Broker Sconce OR 3-38U2 Happy Homer Says "If you nied a home right now call us OKchard 3-5340 Let's Trade For Home In The Country IF YOU are tired of city confinement, let us show you this secluded 42 acre larm. r ree soil, gooa well water, fruit trees. About 32 acres can be cultivated, balance In wood lot. Barn, chicken hse. older modern home. With little work could have 4 Bdrms. Im mediate possession. Priced right $u, 4t)0. Can be bought on reasonable terms or owner will consider a trade. Walking Distance of Down Town $8500 WILL buy this neat 1 Bdrm home on a dandy oversize lot. Plenty room to build a larger home in front. $500 Down. Balance like rent. You'll Be Proud To Own This Home RANCH type 3 Bdrm home. Lovely liv ing rm features, beautiful fireplace lor winter cozincss. ilia Kitcnen and bath, hdwd floors, wall to wall carpet. Lovely lawn, shrubs and garden area. Try to match this for $11,500. F.asy to finance. JOYOUS LIVING FIREPLACES we fun and this wonder ful Modern Hunch btyle home has two, one in the spacious living rm and one In the Den. 2 generous bedrms, lovely dining area, exciting kitchen, oak floors, attached garage. If you are looking for a distinguished home, perfect location, finest construction this is for you. PRICE $1.1.950. Let us help you buy this home. 'WE CAN ALWAYS USE AN OTHER GOOD LISTING" MAGNESS REAL ESTATE ORCHARD 3-5340 916 S. E Washington (between Jackson Jk Maln) Eve. & Sundays Millard or Marion Magness OR 3-5017 SUNSET LANE BEAUTIFUL large 1 bedroom home with extra large den huge fireplace, furnace heat tub and shower bath, modern utility room, tile kitchen, fenc ed yard. Garage, lawn, shrubs, shade, sacrifice at $11,500 good terms. IM ACRES 30 acres I,ntus clover. Ir rigated from large envk. Modern cot tage, out bldgs. Family fruit $1300 down to reliable party. It's priced to sell see it today. LOOK AT THIS 3 bedroom modern home. Double garage, and 2 rental-., for only $.0u0 $.100 down over one acre city water. It's the buy of the year see it today. Hurry. URGENTLY need Listings on good sheep and stock ranches, have several good cash buyers. Lloyd A. Wilson . REALTOR 1W7 SB Stephen Phot OR 3-8.Y7H ; Plus Value SPACIOUS WESTMDI HOME 1 ex tra large bedroom 1 average tr. Large living room, rery nice kitchen, dinette, bath and tile shower. In ude utility. pltered, hardwood floors. Large garage. Very nice lot, recently Gl appraised 9 .950. WESTS IDE 3 BEDROOM HOME NEAR school, large livmg-dining room, fireplace, kitchen nook. bath. pl.it-r-1 ed. hatdwood floors. Attached garage. $13.. 500. Acreage I EXCELLENT FAMILY ORCHARD Car-' den, pasture, irrigation system and thnt rurd to find nice 3-bedroom home with Urge living room, fireplace, dm-' ing room kitchen-nook, utility and fruit room. Bath and shower, patio. ( pu-mr re nop ana garage. All for fl4.MM. , Trade In MODrST 1. BEDROOM HOME, priced ni ti for larger 3-bedroom horn hat have ou ' Fullerton Realty Cr Insurance 72J N K. Stephens Dial OR t-3173 Real Estate 1 GARDEN PARADISE - 1 lo 15 A Hi fertile Garden Valley. 3 bedroom mod ern home, batn, chicken hoUM. Water permit for IS A., irrigation system. B A. in alfalfa, balance in productive ap ple, peach and walnut orchard. School bus, mail and paper to front door. Reasonable down payment. Low in terest financing on balance. BiU Tip ton. OR 3-3818 or OB a-5547. 17-(6SE. STARMER 2-bedroom, din-ing-living room, nice utility room with wash trays, partly furnished. F u 1 price $371)0, $750 down, balance $63 per month. WHY? Because owner moved to California. Verlyn C. Hasbargen, 4022 ti. Loma, Bosemead, Calif. Movers 1-A DON'T MAKE A MOVE Til You See Flegel LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV ISG OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR 3-4436 Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. . Agents For Bekins Moving & Storage Co. UMPQUA TRANSFER moves general commodities in all directions. Live, stock: a specialty. 266t! Diamond Lak Blvd. OR 3-H512. Business Opportunity 2 FOR LEASE New Signal Station make application at Signal Oil Plant, 1:151 N. W. Park, Hoseburg. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Umpqua REASONABLE WEEKLY RATES For Permanent Guests JO ANN'S BOARDING HOME. Delic ious noma cooking. Private room and board $20 week or S75 month. Lois , of parking space. 4209 SW Carnea Road. Green P istrict. OR 3-7947. CLEAN, FURNISHED housekeeping room. Private entrance. Walking dis tance to P.O.. SS5 month. Utilities; paid. 1-tfl SE, Short St. ROOM and board for elderly lady. Ex cellent food and care. Close In. Li censed. OR 3-52'M. HOTEL ROSEBURG, TV. Cafe, parking. Reasonable rates. 513 S.E. Lane, OK 2-9192. SLEEPING ROOMS, 732 SE Jackson", next door to Penneya. Phone OR 3-3328. HOTEL GRAND services. ' Lowest rates. Hotel SLEEPING rooms for men. Clean, com fortable, close In. .102 S.E. Pitzer. ROOM and board, $75 month. Inquire 1628 Eden Lane. LARGE, front sleeping room, close In. OR 3-6302 or OR 3518. SLEEPING ROOM by day or week. 1238 S.E. Mill. HOUSEKEEPING WARM ROOMS. Close in. 508 Spruca at foot of Washington Apis. Fcr Rent 4 WINTER IS COMTXG. Are your utility bills too high? The Todd Apts. have 1, 2, 3 bed room apts. with heat, water, garbage, sewer and yard service provided. AU have appliances and some completely furnished. Kent starts at $(0. Phone OR 3-4340 or OR 2-1303 or OR 3-.W31 to see one of the Westvue Court, Ter race. Winchester Court, Vista Home or Oakhill Apts. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE & JACKSON STS. MODERN, REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" FAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS 1643 W. Harvard Ave. Lovely 1 bedroom gar den court apartment in 8-plex. Stove, refrigerntor and hoi water f-jrnished. Only Sfil. Also furnished apartment. OR 3-(i022. FURNISHED, attractive 1 bedroom "du plcx. Indoor planter. View windows. Hot water, garbage service, washing facilities furnished. One mile past Niel sen's Grocery on south highway 99. Adults. $115. OR 2-1438. NICE, NEW,.fiirnished, l-!dmom apt.", suitable for couple; washing facilities, private parking. Close in. No pets. Must see to appreciate. 116 S. E. Hoover Ave. MOTEL UNITS - All eletrlcTTth kitchens. S16 and $22 week. Lfnens utilities furnished. Winchester Motel 01d Highway 99 N. at Winchester Bridge I . ONErURNTsiIEU: 1-partly furnished 3-room apartments. Water and garb age p.ifd; very economical heat. Gar den Valley Blvd. at 1433 KW Fair mont. BROCK WAY APARTMENTS Clean modern and close in. Single and dou ble apartment at $25 and up. H4fl SE Brock way. Phone OR 2-3536 OR 2- CLEAN cnmfoVtobTc and cnipact. Adults. Added new furnishing and re duced price. Mor. than a bargain at $40 month. Eastside. Phone OR 2-1577 or OH 2-12H3. FIREPLACE ANI) FURNITURE! tocT Large kitchen with ceramic tile. Show er private entrance, modern, com fortable furnishings. We-iLside 73 month. OR2-lo77or Oil 2-12113. FURNISHED, nice 'l bedroom" apt. "wtTh in walking distance of town, good neighborhood. Reduced rent for win- terIAdiilis only OH 3-3;i.-6 ONE BEDROOM, furnished apt., mod em apt. btdg . heat, lights, water fur nirhed Walking distance. 1774 N E Klamath, OR 2-1W4 ROOMY FURNISHEDd"7.nfurn"irhed apartments with g.irage Walking dii- siS or'oR-ir m- or LARGE 2-room ground fKior apt clean quiet: 3-ronm ground Hoor apt: both furnished Inquire 12"2 S E. Stephens TWO BEDROOM, modern. "furnished apt' THHEE ROOM. fiTrni.hedpartment: Close in. Very desirable. Adults. 1332 E. Dou.tI.it TH1U E furnishcdapts 4fi 4.s to i c 2nd,, s;,rb "v ice furnished; . TWO i 3-room diiDlexi'. Oil Moves, lights and water furnished h) and V5 i n"nthr;M-rll N,h Stn-et. OR 2-lHiiii. I CLEAN 2 or 3 room furnished or Tinfur- I "-ToTa Pt' in- OH 3"U4til or OR NEW LA HOE 1 bedroom apt E'"cTrIc ORV'.r-o pfr,Kf'rator- OR 3.8445 .of FURNISH! D moderrTde's'lVablo-i ' - bed". td. f'.irnnhtd apt, Garne, hcrft, wi- Close .u Ad.i r OH la THKEE hrtlv. n rim J 1 "' 1111 . ii e, :u: t 3n,- n ,1 ter in eluded JV.iajd J-.i OS -n7H D7?T;X AAHTMKVT.-very iiveabl. Adults. Call OR 3-tifi.Y "'ton' 2roo,n ,urniSwd "apt7,l7'Wrhar" CI J AN. 5 r- -ii f 1 1 hrd " f 1 a tl t.;i S E 's'rF'irt" t,r ntiu Adu lu. 647 f nRNr7li7ATTrit furnished aparttnent. re OR 2-1? Ati'-'.airs apt OH J jvo PAKT-LY tl HMMItl. Lw.ISi l in oh :l-4-..2 TOR RrM . . 2.. ,m .,m,rnt."mil. 6sc DEIIROUM. tqrnulml p,ih f.r.j.. OK J.2S.11 V