Shop Classified - There Is SomethingFor Everyone At Prices Anyone Can Afford. OR 2-3321 Houses For Rent 5 FOR THE BEST tn amall town living. Older home in beit residential dis trirl. Walking distance to stores, schools, postotfice and hospital. Will rent for 995 or will take small farm equipment In on a sale. See at 124 Broadway, Myrtle Creek or write own er, at 1007 N.W. "D" St,. Granti Past, Oregon. Ph. GR 6-2384. ywo ROOM, modern furnished cabim, pearly new 6-ft. refrigerators. Butane cooKlng. heat and hot water. Clean and neat. Water and rarbage disposal furnished. 939 and $40 mo. Behind Dale's Cafe, North Umpqua Road. Hartt Cat.ini. OR 3-33M.. SMALL, unfurnished, one - bedroom home, close In, wired for washer-dryer, with TV cable in. Fenced yard. Ideal for couple, one child permitted. OR 3-7512 after 5:30. AVAILABLE October 1st, 4-bedroom; also large tingle room, all modern cottage. Will rent together or separ ately. Close to school and bus, Win chester area.OR 3-7295 or OR 2-3B52. fa WINSTON, 1 bedroom house, fur nished and modern. 842 SO. OR 3-8305, nrf inquire 1013 S.E. Pine St., Rose burg. . , TWO BEDROOM duplex, clean and mod ern, plumbed and wired for washer and dryer. Refrigerator and range furnished if desired. Located close to Vet's. OR 3-7352. FOUR BEDROOM house with kitchen, breakfast nook, living room with fire- f i lace; large enclosed back porch: nice y landscaped. Will rent or sell. OR .1-6003 forenoons or eve's after S P.M. f URNISHE'D duplex 1 bedroom. Quiet location on westside, overlooking river. Water and garbage disposal furnished. OR 3-3615 or OR 3-4809 evenings. ri.EAN-ONE bedroom duplex in Win- ston, completely furnished. Gas, water and garbage disposal furnished. OS 8-6420. NICE MODERN 1-bedroom duplex. Stove, refrigerator, water and garbage service furnished. 232.50 month. OR 3-3139. , 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes. Income 'limit. Families, also single elderly 65, or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St. OR 3-6548. NICE 2 BEDROOM home with carport ard fnaide utility room. Near Green School. $63 rent. Rose burg Realty, OR 2-j344. , . , . ONE-BEDROOM, furnished house, Rose School District. Refrigerator; garage. Adults. Inquire 1232 S.E. Stephens after 9 p.m. SMALL 1 BEDROOM house. Electric stove, electric water tank. Laundry trays, oil heat, $50 month. Ph. OR 3- 6574 after 4 P-M. UNFURNISHED, small 2-bedroom house. 1 block from Mark's Super Market. Stoves furnished. $45 per month. Ph. OR 2-1119 after 6 p.m. NEAR"Joseph Lane School, 1 bedroom modern cottage. Unfurnished except stove. $45 month. Williamson Real Estate. OR 3-4:102 ONE bedroom house; Rose School and Nielsen's. 917 Eddy (old number". Quiet neighborhood. $35. OR 3-5321 after 6 or weekends. SMALL 1 bedroom furnished or unfur nished house. 4 miles north of Rose burg. Water and garbage service fur n ished. 835. OR 3-7753. TWO BEDROOM, modern home. Green District. Electrle .ansc refrigerator, ml heater. Ideal tar 2 or 3. S5 mo. OR 3-8744. NICE. 2-bedroom home, quiet neighbor hood on bus line. Near market, $65. OR3-3058. TWO BEDROOM, modern house, wired for 220. Floor gas furnace. Close to Riverside School. OR 2-2944. SMALL, clean, furnished, newly decor ated house. Kada Trailer Court. 2571 N.E. Stephens. CAREY ST.. Wtnstan. 2 bedroom with den. Electrle heat. Cal! OR 2-2789 after 6 p.m. ONE BEDROOM house, electric stove, refrigerator and heat. $45 Mo. 912 W. Rainbow. Phone OR 2-2870. 1 NEW, large, unfurnished. 2-bedroom house. Fireplace. Good view. $80. OR 3-3692. 1-ROOM, furnished house for single person or working couple. Close in. 178 Houck Avenue. TWO 2-bedroom duplexes, carport and utility room. Unfurnished. Call OR 2-3410. TWO bedroom modern house with range, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Water and garbage pa.d.S75. OR J.-59J: 4-ROOM MODERN house, garage, store room, good well. 3 miles west of Mel- roe store, uk .who;. Trailer Rentals 6 TRAILER HAVEN has a spacious loi for you In Roseburg's newest, most modern puk- Lots of concrete, stor age lockers, propane gas to each apace. Good laundry facilities. Quiet and orderly Old 99 north to 499 N E. Sterling. A LAMED A AVE TRAILER COURT has bus service by court entrance every 30 minutes. Reasonable rates. Well lighted at night. 581 N.E. Alameda Ave. OR 2-2348. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees. $18. month. Highway St N al Winchester Bridge VACANCY. Nearest City Center; mod ern, all paved. AdulU, no pets. Central Trailer Park. 1561 Diamond Lake Blvd. Ph. OR 3-4196. ONE bedroom trailer with patio and stora Re locker. Adults. $40 month. OR 2-1438. PRIVATE trailer parking. Utility room. Business Rentals 8 OFFICE living quarter combination for rent. Near citv center on Jark mn. Rental 979 mo Call OR 3-6193 nrOR 3-6091. STORE ORoff ice space in new building on Oak St entrance Hotel Umpqua Wanted To Rent 9 FOUR to 3-bedroom. modern, unfurnish ed houe OR 2':12-1JUJ, JLruLJ-u. ww Wanted Misc. Q Highest Prices Paid For Scrap of All Kind BOBS WRECKING YARD 31', miles S. on WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 245 S E. Jackson Ph -J t101 W'ANTED- Fir seed rones Contact Manning Seed Co representative, Rob ert P. Blakely. Id Rt . Box 220, Rose hurgPh. OR 3.6R09.GY 6-3414. CALL HARRY'S for the high dollar when ou have furniture to sell. We buy, sell or trade. Ph OR 2-1411 Wanted to buy Gmd "ued r-irhi- ure. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3-Sn-id WANTElP TO BUY Oid china, glaw ware. furniture. Jewelry Pnscilla's Antique.. J47 S. EJackm. OR 2-1421. W4.NTFD Used grain eleator. OR 1-773 m Help Wanted 11 EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY! You do not need selling experience to he roine a succeitful Watkins Dealer in thii area. Top weeklv profits' Car needed. Credit arranged. For informa t'on write The J R Watkins Co , 3W.t Broukt)n Ave, Seattle, 3. Wash ington WANTED Saleslady" or" Salesmen 'to ell McNea Product part or lull lime Big profits. No experience needed Will tearh and finance you. Write to day. McNF.SS COMPANY, Box 14. Rahore S:auon. Oakland. 2-t. Calif. A I 'TO trimmer and con v. top man. Steady job in miablUhed hnp Com. mercial Sat Cover Co . 9.(0 N Comm 1 St. Salem. Oregon Ph EM .1-8411. AIRLINE Careers for Men. See our adv. under rlaii 16 AIRLINE Careeri'for" Women our adv. under cla m INSURANCE SALESMAN. Full time, will train. OR $-4021. Help Wanted 11 INTERNATIONAL Company requires a ales representative for the Roseburg area. Professional type nun, age 25 to 40, with potential management ability preferred. Successful applicant will receive thorough training for a period of 1 year and Initial starting Income of 1400 per month. Direct sell ing experience an asset. Unlimited advancement and no traveling re quired. Please apply with experience record and all pertinent Information to News-Review Box 529. Applications treated in strictest confidence. Lodi Re-Capper ONLY experienced man need apply. Ex cellent future for right party. Oregon Tire & Supply Inc. Med ford, Oregon Apply Harold Gregory, SP 2-5207 FOUR show girls, experience-not nec essary. Good looking, tall and 21 years of age. For weekly Saturday night show. See Mrs. Jack Mann. Umpqua Hotel Tuesday, September 17th at 8 p.nrGold Room. MAN OR LADY with spare MmeV'tiving in Days Creek-Canyonville area, for part time Sunday Oregonian Route. Write Box 535 News Review, giving phone number and address. APPLIANCE SALESMAN Experienced High Income potential for man wilt ing to work. Umpqua Valley Appli anc. 648 S B. Rose. WANTED housekeeper 50-62. Country home. Room, board and small wage. No drinkers. Write 1698 S. E. Deer Creek Lane, Roseburg. Oregon. WOMAN for motel work, or man and wife, man work out. No children. Liv ing quarters furnished. Write News Review Box533. REAL ESTATE salesman. Modern o'f fice: good cooperation. Write News Review Box 531. WANTED experienced shoe salesman. Inquire Dana's Bootery. 856 Willamette St. Eugene. Oregon. TWO men under 38 train as Railroad Telegraphers. $365 mo. Reply Box 530, this paper. Services 13 Seeding By Airplane FFLT'S AIRPORT CALKINS ROAD. OR 3-8743 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mileage; free estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. OR 3-3356 1980 N.E. Stephens Rototilling BULLDOZING, leveling, ditch or post hole digging, plow-ng. Top soil and gravel, dump truck. Large or smalt crawler available. Fred Geotz, OR 2-1432. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hours service. Mil ler At Cox Sales and Service. OR 2-3381; night calls. OR 3-7389 or OR 3-3759. REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial. Available on call any time day or night. Ph. OR 3-5518 or OR 3-4632. ROSEBURG WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE. Commercial and home win dows. Ph. OS 9-5316. DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keely. OS 9-5117. WELL DRILLING Licensed contract or. Phone OR 2-3043, Myrtle Creek 2523. ROOFING. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent Ph. OR 2-1571. CARPENTRY, CABINETRY, repair or new. Guaranteed, reasonable. Small JobS.OR 3-4564. SHOP IN GREEN. General repair, weld ing and fix-it. Experienced. 2352 S.W Castle St. Ph OR 3-4687. ROOFING. SIDING. REPAIRS HeTh Dorman. Roofing Contractor. 1032 N.E. Post. OR3-4341. PAINTING, paper hanging. James LZR - Wheeler. Jr. 1609 NW Mulholland. OR HOUR WEEK end service. Profes sional welding at no extra charge. Gen eral Service Center. 615 NE Chestnut. CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS. Reason a ble. W. J. Lane. OR 3-3948. CARPENTER work. Small jobs reason- a b le S m i t h. OR 3-8411. HURLBURT'S Plumbing. Any type. Ph. Sutherlin. PAINTING, carpenter. Call Wright. OR :i-P747. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Ph. OR 2-1 4211. WELL DRILLING. Cecil Storey. OR .1-6723 or OR 3-473B. TOP SOIL. Shale and gravel. Also land scaping Lindsey White. OS Jt-8844. CARPENTER remodeling, cabinets, boals OR 3-5641. James. BABY SHOES metallzed. OR 3-3646. MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY. 914 S E Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special unit for children under 2 veari of age. State inspected. OR3-836t. NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. 1333 N.E. Vine St Excellent pre - school training OR 3-784SorOR3-32.'i4 BABY" SITTERS Association. Cal' OR 3-4in7 CHILD CARE in my home days! OR 2- .10JJ6 WORKING MOTHERS we will care for your children. Daily. OR 3-3409. CHILD CARE, days inmy home. OR. 3- 30.19 WORKING MOTHERS I wilTcare for your children daily. OR 2-3413. Work Wanted 15 TRUCKS for hire. Short and long log gers With stakes. In m her trucks. Franco Trucking, OR 3-6967 evenings, andOR3.7.t7H days. WILL DO IRONING or baby sitting In exchange for child's piano lessons.. Write Box 327. News Review HOl'SKKEFPINGf or adults. In town or countrv home Good cook. Write Box 3,12. Seui-Review CAHPENTER Coutruction, any type. References OR 3-3020 after 6pm DRESSMAKING. alterTtlons Pickup and detivcr OR 3-7914 RELIABLE girl for housework and baby sitting Live in OS -8R'i2 HOUSEWORK by the hour. OR 3-4073 aft er 4 PM LEGAL STENOGRAPHER drslres posi tion. News Review Box 534 tHONING in "my horneT OR" 2-246 WORK" forD-6 cat OR 2-2206 MtONING Rf asnnahlr. OR 2-3413 IRONING" REASONABLE OR3.3409 HOI' SE WORK by day or hour "OR 3-4601. Instruction 16 AIRLINE CAREERS MEN & WOMEN Men and women Ages 18 to 36 to ttain for a:rltne positions Free nationwide job placement upon com j pietion If accepted you will be flown to H o!l wood or Chicago to complete I training at no extra cost to you. Write lodar for hill (rformetiort AIR LINE CAREER DIVISION NWS I DepL AR-18 Box $J, News-Rev lew. Loans 17 1 CASH TODAY $25-$50-$100-$300-$500 UP TO $1500 BORROW ON YOUR SALARY. Em ployed people Id all lines of work may qualify (or a salary loan. 1 BORROW ON CAR OR FURNITURE Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Loan Co. paid for or not 1 SPECIAL PAY DAY LOANS. $25. 0 o' more loaned until "pay day" or longer. Pay only for the actual number of daya you keep the money. $25 COSTS 18c for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan Rennte SecantL Mgr. 423 SE Jackson Ph. OR 3-4476 FREE PARKING Andy's Chevron Station 2 doors north. Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO $1500 ON AUTOS, TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up to 24 monthly payments Life Insurance on loans at small cost 729 S. E. Washington OR 3-3277 MONEY IN A HURRY $50. to $2,000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION $13 S. E. OAK OR 3-4494 Pacific Finance Loan 664 S.E. Stephens OR 3-4666 Financial 19 70 SHARES American Guaranty Life In surance stock, $40 per share. Write L. W. Watkins, Rt. 1, Box 260. Red- mond. Oregon, or Ph. Lincoln 8-3922. HAVE $1900 equity tn 3-bedroom home. Close in. Will give liberal discount. OR 3-8302. For Trade 21 TRADE equity In nice 2 bedroom home in Green for Jeep, livestock or what have you? Inquire at 2156 Austin Road, between 3:30 and 6 PM. or write, Rt. 2, Box 852, Roseburg, Homer Way bright. COOS BAY-SUBURBAN, modern two bedroom on 4 acres, for small home around Roseburg. Dillard, Eugene, Veneta, Lea burg. Dexter or Creawell. Rt. 1. Box 282. Coj Bay. Oregon. 1956 CHEVROLET V ton pickupT Hydra malic, Deluxe cab; camping box. Trade for car, trailer house or cash and terms. Shady Point Trailer Court. FOR TRADE; 5 H P. Mall chainsaw. 30 in. bar and chain. $100 value. Will trade for 33 mm camera. Phone OR 2-2549. Fuel 22 Sawdust Blower Service or Dump Wood Dry Oak Green Slab Kiln Dry Planer Ends Gr. or Dry Peeler Core Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 9-8741 SAWDUST Blower and dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler cor. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1324 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO KILN DRIED planer ends; oak wood. OR3-50H2J CUT YOUR own wond and save money. Both hard and soil wood Cash each load. Ph. 3937 Canyonvilte. evenings. Fruits & Vegetables 24 TOMATOES JAMES GARDENS 8 MILES S. of Rosehurg. across Green bridge. Turn left first road, go l'j miles. Tomatoes U-PICK II per bu Bring your own containers. Also cantaloupe 12 per SI. M O Knapp. Garaen Valley. 2 mi. beyond Country C;ub. Sweet Corn FOR CANNINO or freeiing Pleae call orders. OR 2-361 ft. M. O. Knapp, GardenValley LOCALLY" CROW Na"nd"gn ve rrnnen fi n -spected daffodil bulbs. .Concord grapes. Jonathan apples; B-Good honey: can ning tomatoes: melons; cucumbers; weet onions. Hercher a Dillard Mar ket I LOCAL prun s, corn and peaches for I ranning; also melons of all kinds; Gravenstein apples and other vege tables. Harvard Ave. Fruit Stand. Mrs. Mabley EDEN ACRES FRUIT Stand. North Umpqua Highway, melons, fruits, veg etables and picnic supplies of all kinds. Canning prices Phone )R 3-8834: PEARS, "b'osc. excellent for drssert, canning or preserving No Worms Good to the last bite: $1 10 and $1.30 bu W. D Love OWENS DILL A HIJ Niiritery & Fruit Stand. You pick tomatoes, cucumbers and blackeye peas Peaches, melons and apples. YOU PICKtoma"to7s $1 bushel JaTnei Gardens. OS 9-32U4 South end Green bridge, Winston. Turn left and go l's miles. CANNINGTOMATOF.S.ynu plokWc bushel: bring boxes No Sunday sales. I Mrs. Walter Wnght, Curry Estate. I Phone OR 3-6S IRRIGATED sweet com. tree's Ranch. I 1 mile Ik-low Umpqua School. Phone OR3-494 S'WEET CORN excelient-anetyffr"can-nmg or freezing You pick. $2 Ml sack, j M. Lfhne Nursery, Garden Vallev ) APPLES, Gravenstein, Maiden Blush, j Winter Banana and King 1 1 mile S. of Loo'ongglass Si ore, Rugcrs FORSALE Cuciimiert. rfannM. J E. Kingry. Coles Valley Road. Wil bur OR 3-:t623 IMPROVED ELBERT A and Hales now ready. Bob White Orchard. 4 mllrs EaM of Itoieburg on D:xnville Road FOR new tomato lugs, apple boxps and rantaloupe Tales, oh on OR 3-6724 GRAPES -- manv kinds, ou pick Dale Zeller. Brockway. COMICE ANDTBosc pears' $ I 23 box OR 3-643H BOSC pearsT'$I bushel. Rl 2." I.n"l000. Don Coffey, Garden Valley Road of thi' this wvfrj how qui'kly ou rearh pr.nrl thrMigh a New (-Review i tlaaaified ad. Phone OR I-U2L Slitllll nrlii' It's sure' out of Livestock 26 Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Rout 1, Box 332B Bus. OR 3-6323 Eve'a OR 3-5235 FIRST PRIZE Junior spring boar State Fair. Others and gilts, same blood lines. Wm. E. Crawford, Glide, Phone GY C-335T. ALWAYS IN the market for sheep. Top prices paid for wool. OR $-1051. Al Brown. WANTED . Sheen and cattle, all kinds. W. BUckerL Ph. Myrtle Creek 127-X-5. HORSE SHOEING; also quarter horse stud service by "Poco-Keeno." OR 3-7840 35 GOOD ewes. $15 each, jack Hill, Ph. 670 Camas Valle. SUB-CLOVER eed. Harold Crouch. Ph Oakland 2767. SUFFOLK rams. Oakland 2767. Harold Crouch. WE BUY wool and bark. Ph. OR 3-4331, Roseburg Poultry Co. SUFFOLK "BUCKS. Call 2854 Oakland. Isadoro Inda. CORR1EDALE rams OR 2-3991. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 BE EM IS GRASS Seed. Oakland, Oregon V K. Holcumb, SUB-CLOVER seed. Harold Crouch. Ph. Oakland 2767. TOP quality baled alfalfa hay, $25 ton. OR Jj-4800. 14 TONS Alfaffa and Alta Fescue, $25 ton. OS 9-3313 or OS 9-3415. j HAY Good quality Scott Valley and Klamath alfalfa. Delivered. NEWTON BROS. 12(11 E. Park. Grants Pass GR 6-4979 Poultry 28 Poultrymen I Will receive live poultry on Wednesday only. Hose burg Poultry CO. 728 S.E. Spruce. Rabbits 29 : RABBIT FERTILIZER, Rt. 4, Box 1580. I OR 2-2710. Pets 30 2 IRISH SETTERS, 2'fa mo., mala 2 SHEPHERD, l'. mo., female 1 PART Labrador and part German shorthair, female, 2 years 1 BORDER Collie, female 1 BLACK and tan hound, male 1 PART German Shepherd, female DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY OR 2-3907 BLACK and tan purebred Dachshund puppies; also red Dachshund AKC reg istered, proven male at stud. Ph. Yoncalla Victor 9-24t9 after 3 p.m. FOX TERRIER puppies. Shoestring Rd., Riddle. Canyonvllle Highway. A. C. ! Simmons. ' BABY parakeets, 3 miles' south. Burt on's. OR 3-8122. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, regls I tered and pedigreed. OR 3-3453. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal sneiter. on z-::W7. GLENGARY Bcagje KcnnelsOR 3-3793. BOSTON Terrier pups. OR 2-1212. TV Sales & Servic731 EXPERT RADIO. TELEVISION. HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD. OR 3-5553 Building Material 32 CORRUGATED ROOFING 28 ga. galv. 6' 8' 10" 12 sheets. Roseburg Supply Co., 403 N.E. Win- chester St. OR J4JI 1x8 Shiplap. S25 and up. LUMBER SALES OR 3-7362 Garden Valley Rd.. near RR tracks. Sports Equipment 34 Authorized Evinrude Dealer Iham, Imperial. Burchcraft, Starrraft aluminum boats. Trailers, carriers, palnta etc. Used motors Rod & Reel Trailer Sales U45 W. Harvard TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from us, we Install free If gun la factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Stnre. Roseburg PUMP shotgun, 12 gnugr Stevens model 520 Excellent shape, $60. 432 Hewitt Lane.OR2-430fl. MODEL 94 Winchester carbine, brand new. $79.30 new price $20 off. OS 9-0669 30.40 Krag rifle with 4 power dot scope, recoil pad. $60. OR 3-6374. 16" CABIN cruiser with inboard plus 10 horse Johnson, $)00. OR 2-3M)fl. 1 USED GUNS - Sura wa trade. Ump- qua Gun Store. t TRADE' Muule loading 12 gauge. 194H HIGGINS camp trailer. OR 2-3560 ilir 6pm Sewing Machines 36 DOMESTIC, less than year old. com- plele. zig-zagger, butlonhiler. $H0 -V). Sewing Machine Clinic. 8:t3 8. E. Case. OR 2-1071. UNIVFJtSAL-zig-zag ln eablnet7 $14 30. Sfwing Machine Clinic, 833 S. E. Cass. OH 2-1071 For Sale Misc. 37 RENT an automatic washer from Horn's: Appliance. Kent may apply on pur chase price. $3 month and up. OR' J STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS "'Mrs' Wm. Simpson OH 3-.m05 or Mrs. Archie; Clark. OR 2-2977. j GOOD USED GE dishwasher See" It now , at just $49 93. Kier-Crooch Plumbing I 328 SE Stephens Or 2-3364 .TOP SOIL from new location. The best jnu have ever aeen. No roots or weeda I Ralph Fisher. Winsron. OSB-8493. CHANNEL 13 and 8 antenna with 30 ft telescope mast, lead-in wire in -! eluded Used 1 ear. OR 2-346H WINSTON Sand "and Gravel S-crushed I rock, reject gravel, bar run and top I snilOS9-849.. 1 ! WATKINS PRODUC TS 1 ' milct Eait on North Umpqua Highway C L 1 Hlbbv.OR 2-146 BFNDIX DRYER.-recotidltionrd. )ust terms Kier-Crooch Plumbing 52flRE Stephens OR 2-3364 NEW9 Ft Wstingboiie upright freer I er, 8246 98 Trowbridge Electric, 622 SE Jark'on LATE model Rtndl)t Dtiomatie, esrellent I rondition. 12)t6 Trowbridge Electuc. 822 S F. Jat kson I HOTPOINT" automatic washer, no vent ; drver, $230 for pair Trowbridge Elec I trie. 622 S E Jackson j TWO ear old Deluxe Tappan elertnr j range with griddle In the middle. $120 j Trowbridge Electric, 622 S E Jackton l ONE pair football shof with detachable I rleals sire 6',, 7.OR 3-3371 CI'STOM CUTTING South Stephens j Market Phone OR 2-9164 NEW WMtingh'iu 30" range." $134 91 Trowbridge Electric, 622 a E JrkMn 1 CLEAN APARTMENT Site " gas range1 ir. 336 SE Ro ; TAPE RECORDER lot Lombard ! Drive OH 2-.I26I .LADY'S shoe skate ste 7, with ease : ! 175 Peach Iane. Winston RAWLEIGH PRODUCT.S OR3 4f54 USED DOORS and windows OR 2-2710 FULLER BRUSH. OR M3l. For Sale Misc. 37 Special Special 2 good electric refrigerators .... $ 35 00 1955 Crosley washer and dryer .... $149 00 GOOD gas water heater $ 30 00 Sparks oil heater $ 20.00 NEW Kelvlnator dryer .. $119.00 USED 14 in, portable TV $ 40 00 GAS heater $ 30 00 WOOD heater .. . $ 15.00 CLUB rocker, new .. . $ 35.00 CHROME CRAFT, large table and 6 chairs. New $ 89 50 3 electric ranges, each $ 33 00 WE HAVE several good used living room sets, $20 up. Twin beds, spring and mattress complete $20 up. Terms. Big Harry's Winston Schwinn Bicycles TRADE your old bike in on a new Schwinn, pay balance in 6 months. Foreign bikes have no trade tn value A I s Bike Shop. Between Dairy Queen and Farm Bureau. OK l-ttu Used Furniture DAVENPORTS and chair sets. $29 50 GOOD SELECTION of used furniture. Easy terms. See used furniture dept. at Judd's Furniture MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES SALES PARTS SERVICE Used bicycles and motorcycles. j BECK WITH CYCLE CO. 2928W Uarvaxd TWO BLOND bedroom sets; foam rub ber daveno and chair; wrought Iron end table and coffee table, match ing wrought Iron table lamps and floor lamp; red chrome dinette set With 6 chairs. 20 cu. ft. freezer; 10 cu. ft re frigerators; electric range. Sold as lot or separately. OR 2-291M) after p.m. or tee at 3 miles cast of Dixonvllle Store. BEDROOM SET Sea Foam. $75; 83 gallon hot water tank $60; automatic washer $73: dryer $85; Tear drop sleeping trailer $50; oil heater 67; It) 48 Jeepstcr $250; 1949 1-ton GMC panel $230. Equity in 7 lots, will trade for equity in trailer house. Lawn furni ture $15. Call OSjj-5178. MAYTAG DELUXE gas range. Servel gas refrigerator and 20 gallon gat water heater, all in fine condition. Complete with 288 gallon storage tank. See it at 2007 SW Castle St. or phone OR 3-HHl. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped". U.S.D.A. choice 45c. U S D A. good 42c, U.S.D.A. standard 38c. not graded 37c. South Stephens Market. OR 2-8164, evenings. OR 2-1870 TREVA'S CERAMIC STUDIO, larva as sortment of greenware, new matt glar es, d tints, general su 3D lies, ilasaei each day. OS 9-5133. Next to Winston Lockers. Commercial firing. $100 DOWN. $10 monthly plus contract payments for partly furnished 1 bed room modern house or $700 ca.ih for our equity. Further Information call OR3-6953 aftei EASY WASHER - dryer combination. Sells regularly for $470.95. now just $388.88 and your old washer. Terms. Kier-Crooch Plumbing, 528 SE Steph ens.Q R2?64: WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. 300 HAH maanum-Hem. model 721 Wea ver 4-K scope; National 8-key electric live Keynoara aaaing macnine. un 2-1297. , ALUMINUM canopy with rear and tide ventilating windows for long wheel base Ford pickup. Write Bobby Bell, Myrtle Crock.Orcgon TOP SOIL from new pit. Genuine, heavy river loam; -clean, no rocks, eaiv to handle. To get the best, call Charles Keely. OS fl-3117, 26 In. YOUNGSTOWN deluxe cabinet sink, double bowl. Was $179 95 now Just $i;(9.!tt. terms. Kier-Crooch Plumb- ing. 528 SE Stephens. 9R2"3:W4 BUYNOW AND SAVE Umhrelfa tent with rear extension with Ezy-np assembly. Cost new $79 will sell for S-i.T Bcenjised SJJmes.Ph. OR 3-7243. ELECTRIC range with combination wond circulating heater, trade for liidc-a-Bed or what have you. OR 3 7SM1H. SEE OUR reconditioned automatic wash ers, all name brands. Starling as low at $49.93 Kier-Crooch Plumbing. 528 SE Stgphcns.OR2-33a. FOR the best Job In custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Locke ri. OS 9-3131 HAVE "PURCHASED Sears Kenmore washer and dryer have for sale Master Maytag wringer washer, good condition: reasonable. OR 3-5381. USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc. Taken In on trades. Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer Sales, N Highway 99 at Winchrslfr Hridge. THRIFT grade 8 ft. 2x4's7 4c "each, or $7 per thousand. On orders of 2000 ft. or over, $6 thousand. Keller's Mill, North Stephens. DAVENPORT, club chair "and "ottoman, S3!) M: drapes. $20; lawnmower, $13. Call OR 3X1207. POWER LAWN " mower at a"" bargain prlre Come see it at 633 W. Falriiaven $4.1. Ph. OH 3-7243 Irsa than 'j prlre. ATTENTION HUNTERS. We cut deer, moose, elk also beef South Stephens Market Phone OR 2-9164. NEW AND USED portable steam clean ers. OR 2-19.V) after 4 30 REPRESENTATIVE fr.r World Book En- cyclopedia OR -4248 ! STANLEY " HOME PRODUCTS, Bettv I Sheldon. OR.I-.V)7; ! USED GUNS, bought aold and tradrd. Umpqua Gun Store. FOR SALE' j.ed Tumberandplpe. ! Phone OR J-2710 PFAFF oprn arm automatic Ph. OR i 2-1071. Take over payments EMPIRE gas heater, practically new OR 2-236.V Musical Instruments 38 AMERICAN STANDARO trumpet with caw, music stand, mute. Hrasonable price OH 2-1976 after 6 WOOD ""Clarinet For Sale Like new. Reasonably priced. Phone OH-2 3I4V LARGE CAPRI Accordion, excellent con dition. $223 OR 3-4633 USED FLUTE," lood condition, $60. OR 3-B36I GUITAR'lessons. Phone OR 3-6323 after 7 p m. MARTIN Cornet -- Good condition. $33 OR 3-7293. MELLOPHONE horn 823. OS9-.V113 FOR SALE Conn Cornet OR 2-3670 PI'MP organ Cheap OR 2.2731 Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal for Irrigation Prlre Per Hundred Ft V 8 6 2t I ' OOe V t I 7r J '" 13 'Kir 818 64r 40 Hflf FiMligs- Roseburg Supply Co. 401 N E. Winchester V OR 2-4481 Roseburg Stringer's Implement Co. 1380 N E STEPHEN ST. Phone OR 2-4182 AUTHORIZED AIJ.IH-CH AIjMERA SALES-SERVICE RII.L RICHMAN FRANK STRINGER OWVFRS TWO BOTTOM Ferguson "disc" plow, alto Mine Ferguson ruimator, rarly new Half price or both. GY 6-3464 HEAVY duly 4 wheel trailer. OR 2-TtiM aft-r .t p m FARMAI.l, SuprA plow, side mower and blade. OR I 46j .Machinery For Sale 40 (NEW AND USED portable steam clean era. OR 3-19 AO after 4:30. Logging Equipment 41 (CMC 400 short logger, White rear end and tags, air brakes, motor very good. For quick aale, $500. OS 9-5313 or OS 0-5419. , FOR QUIChTALE Good 1932 slngfe axle logging truck and trailer, $1100. i Inquire at Oaks Grocery. Wilbur. lU yard Osgood shovel. 200 Cummins j engine, crane boom. OR 3-7477. Timber & Sawmills 42 Stomar Lumber Co. WS PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs ana siumpage in urge or small iracu. Days Ph. 2431 Riddle or Myrtle Creek 3268 evenings. WANTED Log rough lumber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-3385 EVENINGS: OR 2-1209 WANTED Logged over land and tim ber land. Write Box 523 News-Review, WANTED Short log hauling tl6'sl. Have stakes. OR 3-3991. Trailers 44 Roseburg's Complete Mobile Home Headquarters Sales Service Repairs Insurance Low cost financing Sea these famous makes Flamingo Golden State American Fleetwood Rainbow Trailer Sales f Miles north on old highway 89 At Winchester Bridge Licensed Bonded Haulers Open Eve's & Sundays " OR 3-6494 We Pay More CASH For Used House Trailers Must he modern Any Sir or Year Cash or trade for equity Write or Call Costanzo Trailer Sales 337A S E. 82nd. Portland, Or. PR 3-4404 Columbia . Leisurehome Melody Home 143' 2-Bdr S mS.t Spartan - ABC - Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to SO' Supplies, etc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. iabo N E. Stephens OR 3-3.1M TERHY DALTON UNIVERSAL KENSKILL NASHUA FRONTIER TERRA CRUISER ALJO COMMODORE SEE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1182 N.E. Stephens OR 2-4221 ROD St REEL TRAILER SALES IDEAL - VICTOH ROD & REEL SIESTA FIREBALL Vacation trailers for rent. Also Evinrude motors and boats. 1143 W Harvard Ph OR 3-3342 REPOSSESSED 13433, CasaManana trailer, 2 bedrooms, modern; perfect condition throughout. 82230, terms. Winston Trailer Sales WILL sell equity' or trade! Modern house trailer. Call at Brv's Associated Station, Winston 1933 "sPOHTCRAFT"" 14fttrallerA-l condition $300. Inquire Winston Trailer Sales. HOUSElfaileifor'iaie'or" ran'tatKada Trailrr Court. 21 KIT Chateau7"$343termi7Wlll "trade, OH 3-RH2U Trucks 45 1932 -L 190 International dual drive tract or. See mechanic a I Fidget Transfer. FOR SALE Used truck tanks and tank trailers, various rapacities. Wire, phnne or write Beall Pipe and Tank Corporation, J 20O.1 N Burgard St , Portland, 3, Oregon, Telephone AV 8-3631. Automobiles 46 Bill Stock Top Value Used Cor Lot ! FULL PRICE 1934 FORD V8 Customline 4 door. Radio, heater, overdrive. 2 tone. Good condition. ... 1193 1933 CHEVROLET 210 2 door Heater, 2 lone. New whltewull tiren. Motor rebuilt. A real buy, ... 743 1932 FORD V8 convertible coupe. Radio, hrjiier, overdrive. New painl Top nearly new. Good condition throughout. 703 ifiV) PLYMOUTH Huh ronne Ra- I I dio. heater. Good mechanical I ronditlon. 293 jlH.V) FORD 4 door. Heater. A good ' Iranspoi tation or second rar. 193 I I Many More To Choose From In All Price Ranges Bill Stock Motors j 1338 I. E Stephens OR 3 6391 Opn Evenings 1118 Sundays lu Til 4 j We Pay More CASH For Autos '52's And Newer Huyrr on Ditty 7 day a wrpk Auto. Wholesale Company (125 S. K. Powell Portland, (ircRon MK 4-6.VJ1 I 8notj hefnre oiir eves hput tot in -if r;alfied rninmni for quick I reeulU. Phona OR 9-JJ21. s 4 Mon. SepC. 16, 1957 Th Newi-Review, Roseburg, Or. 13 Automobiles 46 IfflMIflira 1958 CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. B.ouo ctiml mile. Lik nw iMlOt and out I9U 193 MERCURY HARDTOP COltPE R.H. & Mcrc-o-matic. E.lra low miles. Show room new. Guaranteed latntactlon $2285 1H FORD FAIRLANE Tudor Sdn. We told thii one new. 1R.000 actual milei. R.H. At Ford-o-malic. Beautiful yellow and white two tone .... $1905 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE FORDOR Fully equipped. Reconditioned for complete latlitacllon. . $1395 1954 CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. The slickest 54 In town. R.H. St Power glide trantmiMion. . $1195 1933 CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN Beautiful brown and tan metal lic. Excellent condition Inaitle and out. Teat drive It to day and get our top deal $995 1931 MERCURY FORDOR SDN. .. $495 1952 STUDEBAKER FORDOR Sdn. $495 1950 OLDSMOB1LE FORDOR Sdn. $:I9S 1051 FORD VICTORIA Coup $695 19.11 CHEVROLET TUDOR Sdn $393 1930 BUICK FORDOR Sdn $295 1950 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPS .. $293 1931 MERCURY CLUB COUPE $405 1049 STUDEBAKER FORDOR Sdn. $295 1030. CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. $395 1030 CHEVROLET TUDOR SDN. $295 1931 OLDSMOBHJE FORDOR Sdn. $405 No Down Payment on Approved Credit 2 BIO LOTS Oak and Rose Sts. Ph OR 3-8I.14 Smith Stephens St. Phon OR 2-1441 I ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. 8 BUICK aiS. PONTIAC ' wm & ,, BUY vVHOLESALE '32 NASH Rambler SUtlon wagon .. 41 31 FORD 4-door Cuatoro 3B8 SO OLDS 88 4-door .... 298 '48 PONTIAC 2-door ladan '49 CHEVROLET Aeio Sedan '30 DODGE 4-door sedan '4(1 PONTIAC 2-door '31 BUICK Riviera Hardto 31 PLYMOUTH 4-door 32 PLYMOUTH - - "'i '51 STUDEBAKER V-8 4-door ( Terms & Trades Better Buy WHOLESALE LOT North Stephens at the Clock "Tit 54 PONTIAC J-door 'S3 CHEVROLET Club coupe .... '33 BUICK Riviera Hardtop . '3,2 CHEVROLET 4 door SJ FORD Tudor .12 PONTIAC 4 door delude 3 CHEVROLET 4 d.K.r 210 56 CHEVROLET Station wagon 36 FORD 4 door V 8 . ... 34 DODt;E V 8 4-dor 34 NASH Rambler, O dr. Commercials 36 CHEVROLET Sedan del 34 CHEVROLET Sedan del. '32 DODC.E 't ton 4-speed .VI INTERNATIONAL 4-ipeed 308 . 398 698 1.148 221(8 1696 1 196 1098 lfl)8 1098 I 6(i8: 108, 34 CHEVROLET 4-speed M8 Hansens Used Car Center -.2 S K. Hiisp OK 214119 TRADE of anprolmatelv 2M i In 36 Olfl 4 door All eiHas. fnr lata model pirkup or car Lane Nortis, Mvrtle Cieek. (lark Branchy g6 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-door. power hiakes. R At H. automatte traos 1 mission. Under market Call OR 1-3103. mm mjt m 1 Automobiles 46 BARCUS Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer and the National Automobile Dealert Ass ociation present Operation Demonstration September 9-21 The best place lo buv a used car is behind the wheel. Coma In and take a demonilra lion drive In the uaed car of your choice. 3 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan. Push button drive, absolutely in top condition Ihroufhoui isoi 53 DODGI V-8 Lancer. Powerfllte, RtVH. A local one owner car with low mileage. .. 179a. 33 PLYMOUTH Club aedan with overdrive. One owner car in too condition 13M '33 NASH Statesman Custom aedan Hvdramatic, r&h. Farina body with Continental kit . ltes '33 CHEVROLET VB 1 door. Spot lew inalde and out. 1409 5 LINCOLN Capri eedan. R a R. Hvdramatic. Truly a luxury auto mobile . isns '54 FORD Vft Ranchwaion. Tordo matic. HftH. A local ana own er car. Driven leu than 28,000 1481 54 CHEVROLET aedan. Radio, heat er. Reconditioned motor. Fin lab and interior extra nice 1001 '53 PACKARD Deluxe tedan. Ullra matic, R St H Power iteerinf and Power brakes. Truly a luv ury car (or only 891 '3J CHF.V rieatllne, powerilide, R H. .... 501 '52 LINCOLN Capri Hardtop. Hvdra matic. R k H. Rebuilt motor. Sharp ... . 10S8 '52 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe aedan Hydramatfc, R At H Spotleai and out 0 '52 PLYMOUTH Club Cpa. R a H xc. cond. sol '31 HUDSON Hornet hardtop. Hv dramatic. R&H. Luatroui 2 tone finish with matching interior 891 '51 PLYMOUTH sedan. Beautiful light blue finish with matching interior. Extra clean 30g '30 DeSOTO Carryall. This one own er car driven only 46,000 miles Is in unusually good condition All the advantages of a station wagon with the comfort of a aa "n 498 Trucks & Pickups '38 LAND ROVER. 4-wheel drive Factory built cab. Ideal for that hunting trip. .. ... lfrjM '38 Dodge t4j ton pickup This 1 -owner unit la top condil-on. Brand new "ret. 1388 '54 GMC pickup. ' New HD tires, Miopy mi '32 DIAMOND T. Model 520 dump truck. Complete with 3 yard bad and hoist. Ready to haul. 11M VP BARCUS Open Eves & Sun N. Stephens at Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-3368 Easy Rank Terms New 1957 , Studebaker $1776 2 door Delivered In Roseburg Wilh Healer Def and Turn Sig nal!. Riverside Motors WHOLESALE price 910.10, M BUICK Roadmaster tudor hardtop. Full power. A-l ronditlon. Double Eagles. 1 owner. Markets for 82200 and up. OR 3-730.1. '56 VOLKSWAGEN, W&V Radlo.undar. coaled, many other extras. 81630. NO TRADE-INS. See Leon Bates at Dixon. vllle sub station, or Phone OR .1-8033. CHEV 1948 Aero sedan. R &H. In terior clean, and mechanically very good, I80 OS 9-9390. fASH for our car.-WrltePOTBox"330. Myrtle Creek, giving amount owed K any and full description. 1934 4. DOOR Ford Ranchwago'n. Fnrd-6- Malic, R A H , very clean. Can be teen " MM W. Harvard WANTED In good condltlnn. 14T Ford 3 passenger coupe or sedan. Call OH3-I16110 1847 NAHH, clran. Sa"crlficefof "quick ale OR 3-1 AH 4 .'CLEAN 1613 OLDSMORILE. I owner, I private 'fiarty. $993. Call OR 2-1411. 2H0O EQUITY In 1036. 43 ft. trailer 9100fi Ph. 31)117 Sutherlin. 1937 HtJICK Super, fully equipped, rea- snnnhle OR 1-6300 MUSTANG" CYCLE Wanted. OS t-8390. Personal 48 YOUNG WOMEN t any faith needing ronfidential advice may contact fct"i Pruiu Cainolic Charities. 276 w Rroadwa Eugene. Oregon Dl 3-3648. Af-COHOLIC'S "ANONYMOUS 24.3 S E Jackson Tuesdays. Saturdays 8 PM HAVE vacancies at the Orandvlew Home for the aged. Private and double rooms Very reasonable rales. Phone OR 3-630'J Lost & Found 49 ' LOST R ad irt-conl rolled model air i plana, between Canonvltle and Tri- Citv. if (ound pnone uanyonvuia jaaw. Reward FOUND on South Deer Creek. 2 mi! hounds, I black and tan, 1 brown. James Ingram. OR 8-3886 FOUND Medium stie black and brow it female hound. OH 2-3O30. ,njw Notices 51 AS A RESULT of destruction of prop ertv, sin one found trespassing without Km mission anywhere on the M O. napp proper I v Including the river bank al the foika of the river will ha prosecuted lo the fullest extant ot the law NO HUNTING or traapaulnf on tha Vlolel Thomai ranrhon Rtet Creak f W lLt."not be rtsponslbla lor any debt a other than my awn. Melrta m. . 1 1