Shop Classified - There Is SomethingFor Everyone At Prices Anyone Can Afford. OR 2-3321 Houses For Rent 5 FOUR BEDROOM hous with kitchen, breakfast nock, living room with fire-i fitace; large enclosed back porch; nice-' y landscaped. Will rent or mII. OR 3-8003 forenoona or eve's alter 8 P.M. fURNISHED duplex 1 bedroom. Quiet location on wettsid. overlooking river. Water and garbage disposal furnished. OR 3-3615 or OR 3-4809 evenings. CLEANOrfEi bedroom duplex In Win ston, completely furnished. Gas, water and garbage disposal furnished. OS 9-8420. Trailer Rentals 6 tRAILER HAVEN has a spacious lot for you In Rose burr's newest, mosl modern paik. Lou of concrete, stor lockers, orooane m to each space. Good laundry facilities. Quiet ana oraerv uuim m Sterling. ALAMEDA AVE TRAILER COURT hat bus service by court entrance every 30 minutes. Reasonable rates. Well lighted at night. 581 N.E, Alameda Ave. UH a-Jo. wiKfTHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees. 118. month. Highway 09 N al Winchester unoy w'iriNrv. Nearest City Center: mod ern. all paved. Adults, no pets. Central Trailer rani, laoi uiimuna uit oivu, OKJHIW. ONE bedroom trailer with patio and storage locker. Adults. (40 month. OR 2-1 438. , PR IVATE trailer parking. Utility room. (30. OR 3-3444. Business Rentals 8 OFFICE living quarter combination for rent Near city center on Jack on. Rental (75 mo. Call OR 3-8183 or OK STOKE OR office space in new building on Oak St entrance Hotel Umpqua. Wanted To Rent 9 FOUR to 5-bedroom, modern, unfurntsh' (d house. OR 3-3233. Wanted Misc. 10 Highest Prices Paid For Scrap of All Kinds BOB'S WRECKING YARD 3V miles 8. on 99 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 245 S.E. Jackson Ph. OR 3-5104 WANTED Fir seed cones. Contact Manning Seed Co. representative, Rob ert P. Blakely, Id. Rt., Box 220, Rose burg:. Ph. OR 3-6809. CALL HARRY'S for the high dollar when you have furniture to sell. We buy, sell or trade. Ph.OR 2-1 411. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3 5026. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture. Jewelry. Priscilla's A ntlquea. 247 S. E. Jackson .JDR 8-1421. WANTED Used grain elevator. Oft 3-787 DRILL PRESS. OR 2-1884. Help Wanted 11 FOUR show girls, experience not nec essary. Good looking, tall and 21 years of age. For weekly Saturday night how. See Mrs. Jack Mann. Umpqua Hotel Tuesday, September 17th at 8 p.m. Gold Room. APPLIANCE SALESMAN Experienced High income potential for man will ing to work. Umpqua Valley Appll a n ce. 848 S.E. Rose. i WANTED housekeeper 50-62. Country home. Room, board and small wage. No drinkers. Write 1698 S. E. Deer Creek LancRosebure. Oregon. WANTED, farmer with Roto-tiller to work 10 acres Irrigated land. Oscar Weeks. Phone Myrtle Creek 1638 eve nings. WOMAN for motel work, or man and wife, man work out. No children. Liv ing quarters furnished. Write News Review Box 333. SEAL ESTATE salesman. Modern of fice; good cooperation. Write News Review Box 531. WANTED experienced shoe salesman. Inquire Dana's Bootery. 856 Willamette St. Eugene. Oregon. fW0 men under 38 train as Railroad Telegraphers. $385 mo. Reply Box 530, this paper. INSURANCE SALESMAN. Full time, will train. OR 3-8022. Services 13 Seeding By Airplane FELT'S AIRPORT CALKINS ROAD. OR 3-8743 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mileage: free estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. OR 3-3358 1880 N.E. Stephens Rototilling Alto landscaping, 4' tiller, tractor with blade. FRANK BEEBEOK 3-:.7;i8. BULLDOZING, leveiinR, ditch or" post hole digging, plow-ng. Top soil and gravel, dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Geots, OR 2-1 4:12. fcUMP REPAIRS. 24 hours service. Mil ler St Cox Sales and Service. OR 2- 3581; night calls. OR 3-7389 or OR 3- 3739. REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial. Available on rail any time dav or night. Ph OR 3-5318 or OR 3-4632. WANTED farmer with Roto-tiller to work 10 acres Irrigated land Oscar Weeks. Phone Myrtle Creek 1638 eve nings. ROSEBURG WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE. Commercial and home win dows. Ph. OS 9-5316. DOZING, leveling: also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keely. OS $-5117. WELL DRILLING Licensed contract or Phone OR $-3043, Myrtle Creek 2523. R'OOFING. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent Ph. OR 2-1571 . CARPENTRY CABINETRY, repair or new. Guaranteed, reasonable. Small jobs. OR 3-4564 iHOP IN GREEN. General repair, weld ing and fix-it. Experienced. 2352 S W Castle St Ph. OR 3-4687 ROOFING. SIDING. REPAIRS Hrrb Dorman. Roofing Contractor. 1032 N E. Pout. OR3-4341. PAINTING, paper hanging. James Wheeler, Jr. 1609 NW Mulhotland. OR 3-7497 PAINTING and paper hanging. OR 2 4240 CLEANING SEPTIC TANK Reason able W J. Lane OR 3-3948. CARPENTER work. im.ill jobs reason able. Smith. O R 3-8 IV HURLBIRTS PIumbLig. Any type. Ph. TjH. Sutherlin. DRESSMAKING OR 2-1429 and alterations. Ph. WELL DRILLING Cecil Storey. OR 3-8723 or OR 3-4738. TOP SOIL, Shale and gravel Also land scaping Lindev White OS 8-8844 CARPENTER remodeling, cablncu. boats OR 3-3841- James ABY SHOES" 3-584S. Baby & Child Care 14 MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY. 014 S E. Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special unit for children under 2 years of age. State inspected. OR 3-S36J. NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. 1553 ... vine at. Excellent pre - scnooi tralnln g OR 3-7848 or OR 3-5134. BABY SITTER'S Association. Call OR 3-4187 WORKING MOTHERS we will care foryour children. Dally. OR 3-540B. WILL DO BABY sitting In my home, days. OR 3-8140. CHILD CARE days in my home. Fenced yard. OR 3-3568. Work Wanted 15 TRUCKS for hire. Short and long log. gers with stakes, lumber trucks. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967 evenings, and OR 3-7578 days. WILL DO IRONING or baby sitting In exchange for child's piano lessons.. Write Box 527, News Review. HOUSEKEEPING for adults. In town or country home. Good cook. Write Box 3( Newt-Review. WASHING AND rough dry; also Ironing. O R 2-3693. ' CARPENTER Construction, any type. References. OR 3-B02Q after 6 p. m . DRESSMAKING. alterations. Pickup a nd deliver. OH -7fll DUMP truck, by the hour, or wtU con tract. Lfndsey White. OS 9-8844. RELIABLE girl for housework and baby sitting. Live In. OS 8-8392 LEGAL STENOGRAPHER desires posi tion, news neview box 3.14. IRONING In my home. OR 2-2448. WORK for D-6 cat. OR 2-2266. IRONING. Reasonable. OR 2-3413. IRONING REASONABLE. OR 3-5409. HOUSEWORK by day orhour. OR 3-4801, Loans 17 CASH TODAY $25-$50-$100-$300-$500 UP TO $1500 s. BORROW ON YOUR SALARY. Em ployed people In all lines of work may quality for a salary loan. 1 BORROW ON CAR OR FURNITURE Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Lean Co. paid tor or not J. SPECIAL PAY DAY LOANS. $25. 150. o- more loaned until "pay day" or longer. Pay only for the actual number or days you Keep the money. 825 COSTS 18e for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan Rennle Secantl. Mgr. 423 SE Jackson Ph. OR 3-4476 FREE PARKING Andy's Chevron Station 2 doors north. Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO 81500 ON AUTOS, TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up to 24 monthly nay menu Life Insurance on loans at small cost 72S S. E. Washington OR 3-5277 MONEY IN A HURRY $50. to $2,000. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 815 S. E. OAK OR 3-4494 Pacific Finance Loan 684 S.E. Stephen OR 3-6868 Financial 19 70 SHARES Americas Guaranty Life In. sura nee stock, $40 per share. Write L. W. Watkins, Rt. 1, Box 2(i0. Red mond, Oregon, or Ph. LIncoln8-3022. HAVE $1900 equity in 3-bedroom home. Close in Will give liberal discount. OR 3-8302. For Trade 21 TRADE eauily in nice 2 bedroom home In Green for Jeep, livestock or what hive you? inquire at zisn Austin Road, between 3:;t0 and 6 PM. or write, Rt. 2, Box 852, Roseburg, Homer Way bright. COOS BAY SUBURBAN, modern two bedroom on 4 acres, for small home around Roseburg. Dillard, Eugene, Veneta, Lea burg, Dexlcr or C res well. Rt. 1, Box 22. oosBav. Oregon. 1916 ton GMC V-8 4-ipced pickup. Completely deluxe cab; 7:00X13 tires; Bardon bumper. For lighter pickup, preferably 1957 ton Ford 6 .Phone GY 6-3286. 195fl CHEVROLET S ton pickup. Hydra matic. Deluxe cab: ramping box. Trade for car. trailer house or cash and terms. Shady Point JTrsller Court. FOR TRADE: 3 HP. Mall chainsaw 30 In. bar and chain. S1O0 value. Will I trade for 35 mm camera. Phone OR 2-2549. Fuel 22 Sawdust Blower Service or Dump Wood Dry Oak Green Stab Kiln Dry Planer Ends Gr. or Dry Peeler Core Roseburg Lumber Co. OS V-I74I SAWDUST Blower and dump MILL IVDS, dry or green peeler rort. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2S14 N'E Douglas OR 2-1324 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO KILN DRIED planer ends; oak wood. OR3-50H2 CUT YOUR own wond snd save money. Both hard and soft wood Cash each load. Ph. 30.17 Canyonville, evenings. Fruits & Vegetables 24 TOMATOES JAMES GARDENS 8 VtI.ES S of Joteburg. aerns. Green bndce. Turn left first road, go l't Tomatoes U-PICK - 81 per bu. Bnr.g your own containers. Also cantaloupe 12 per 81. M O. Knapp, Garaen Vailey, I mi bevond Country Club oweer vorn rnn rivin rrMr.n pi. .ti oroers. z-zaue. m. u. Knapp, Fruits & Vegetables 24 LOCALLY GROWN and government in- apeciea aarioau duids. Loncora grapes, Jonathan apples; B-Good honey; can ning tomatoes; melons; cucumbers; sweet onions. Hercher's DUlaxd Mar ket. LOCAL prun ;s. corn and peaches for canning; aiso melons or an a mas: Gravenstetn apples and other vege tables. Harvard Ave. Fruit Stand. Mrs. Mabley. EDEN ACRES FRUIT Stand. North Umpqua Highway, melons, fruits, veg etable! and picnic supplies of all kinds. Canning prices. Phone OR 3-8834. PEARS. Bosc, excellent for desert, canning or preserving. No Worms. 'Good to the last bltel (1.10 and 91.50 bu. W. D. Love. . OWENS DILLARD Nursery V Fruit aland. You pick tomatoes, cucumbers and blackeye peas. Peaches, melons and apples. YOU PICK tomatoes $1 bushel. James uaraens. OS D-5264. South end Green bridge, Winston. Turn left and go l'i miles. CANNING TOMATOES, you pick, 50c uuuici; arm i ooxes. iso ounaay saiea. Mrs. Walter Wright, Curry Estate. Phone OR 3-6065. IRRIGATED sweet corn. Lee's Ranch. i mile below Umpqua School. Phone OR 3-4940. SWEET CORN excellent variety for can. ning or .reeling, you pick, gzau sacx. M. Lehne Nursery. Garden Valley. APPLES, Gravensteins, Maiden Blush, Winter Banana ami King. 4 mile S. of Lookingglass Store, Rogers. GRAVENSTEIN apples. No Sunday sales, please. Reinhold Blank, Vi mile Wf?t Lookingglass Store. YOU PICK tomatoes. Turn left at Wins ton Bridge, Va mile. Ray Brosl Gar dens. FOR SALE Cucumbers, reasonable. J. E. Kin try. Coles Valley Road. Wil bur. OR 3-3823. IMPROVED ELBERT-V and Hales now ready. Bob White Orchard, 4 miles East of Roseburg on Dlxonvllle Road. FOR new tomato lugs, apple boxes and caniaioupe urates, onon uk BOSC pears, $1 bushel. Rt. 2, Box 1060, uon woney, uaraen vauey noao. GRAPES many kinds, you pick. Dale Zeller, Brock way. BARTLETT PEARS; canning corn. Blue fruit stand, uuiard. Fred Burks. COMICE AND Bosc pears $1.25 box. OR J-OS.H). Bj Livestock ' 26 Cottle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route 1. Box 352B Bus. OR 3-6323 Eye's OR 3-5235 FIRST PRIZE Junior spring boar State Fair, utners and gilts, same blood lines. Wm. E. Crawford, Glide, Phone tit C-J.i37, ALWAYS IN the market for sheep. Top prices paid for wool. OR 2-1051. Al Brown. WANTED Sheco and cattle, all kinds. W. A. Blackert. Ph. Myrtle Creek 127-X-5. HORSE SHOEING: also quarter horse stud service by "Poco-Keeno." OR 3-7840. 55 GOOD ewet, $15 each. Jack Hill, rn. i)7u camas vauey. Oakland 2767. Harold WE BUY wool and bark. Ph. OR 3-4331, Roseburg Poultry Co. SUFFOLK BUCKS. Call 2854 Oakland. Isadoro Inda. PUPS out of good working sheep' dogs. H. Oden. TMyrtle Creek, Phone 1588. CORRIEDALE rams. OR 2-3991. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 BEEMIS GRASS Seed. V K. Rolco Oakland, Oregon S U B-CLO"VER-seed. Harold Crouch. Oakland 2767. TOP quality baled alfalfa hay, $25 ton. OR 3-4800. 14 TONS Alfalfa and Alta Fescue, $25 ton. OS 9-5313 or OS 9-5415. HAY Good quality Scott Valley and Klamath alfalfa. Delivered. NEWTON BROS. 1201 E. Park, Grants Pass GR 6-4S79 Poultry 28 Poultrymen Will receive live pnullrv on Wednenday only. Roseburg Poultry Co. 729 S.E. Spruce. Rabbits 29 RABBIT FERTILIZER, RU 4, Box 1360. OR 2-2710. Pets 30 2 IRISH SETTERS, 2 mo, male 2 SHEPHERD. I'i mo . female 1 PART Labrador and part German shorthalr, female, 2 years 1 BORDER Collie, female 1 BLACK and tan hound, male 1 PART German Shepherd, female DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY, ' OR 2-3907 BLACK and tan purebred Daclnhund puppies; also red Dachshund AKC reg istered, proven male at stud. Ph. Yoncalla Victor 9-2469after 3 p m FOX TERRIER puppies.-Shoestring Rd, Riddle. Canyonville Highway. A. C. Simmons. BABY parakeets." 3 mires south. Burt- on's. OR 3-B122. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, regis tered and pedigreed. OR 3-3453. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-::?07 GLENGiYBaie"kennelsOR 337H3. BOSTON Terrier pups. OR 2-1212. TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT RADIO. TELEVISION, HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD. OR 3-5533 Building Material 32 CORRUGATED ROOFING 2 gs. galv. r a 10 - 12' shetMs. Rrxeburg Supply Cn.. 403 N E. Win rhirvter St. OR 3-4-U1 txft Shiplap. 2S and up. LUMBER SALES OR -1-73M Garden Valley Rd.. near RR tracks. CEDAR FENCE pickets or panels,' all sizes. OR 3-7030. Sports Equipment 34 Authorized Evinrude Dealer Iiham. Imperial, Rurchcraft, Starrraft aluminum boats. Trailers, carrier, paints etc. Uied motors Rod & Reel Trailer Sales 1US W. Harvard TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS - If bought from us, we install free if gun is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun more, noseourg PUMP "hotgun "nuieRteveM "model n "iir2 1P' HW,U MODr.irMWinrhWr-.8Vhinbr8nd nw. 878 50 n.w Dr.c M ff. ns B.W19 . ... . 30 48 Krag rifle with 4 power dot scope, I recoil bad. 860. OR 3-8374 fe.-CABIN Vrulser ' with ' inboTFd Iuai0 Johnson. 8500. OR 2-3998 .;-,,., , . J r, USED GUNS - Sure wa trade, Ump- qua Gun Store. i trade - muui loantng Ashion. othen OR 3-8829 Sauge, , 194ft hk.gink camp trailer. OR m-3390 Sewing Machines 36 Singer ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine Used. Monograms, aewa on buttons, makes buttonholes. Terrific Buy Easy terms Includes sewing cours ' See it today at SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 55S SE. Jackson OR 8-7348 DOMESTIC, less than year old, com plete, ttg-zagger, DUttonnoier, Sewing Machine Clinic. 833 S. E. Cast. OR 2-1071. UNIVERSAL xlg-tag In cabinet, $149.50. sewing Machine uunic, ojo . a iaaa. OR 2-1071. For Sale Misc. 37 Special Special 2 good electric refrigerators .. $ 25.00 1955 Crosley washer and dryer .... 8148.00 GOOD gas water healer 30.00 Sparka oil heater $ 20.00 NEW Kelvlnator dryer $119.00 USED 14 In. portable TV $ 40.00 GAS heater ... 30.00 WOOD heater - $ 15 00 CLUB rocker, new . .. 35.00 CHROME CRAFT, large table and 6 chairs. New $ 89.50 1 electric ranges, each .... $ 35.00 WE HAVE several good used living room nets, $20 up. Twin beds, spring and mattress complete $20 up. Terms. Big Harry's Winston Schwinn Bicycles TRADE your old bike In on a new Schwinn, pay balance In 6 months. Foreign bikes have no trade In value. Al's Bike Shop. Between Dairy Queen and Farm Bureau. OB 3-401U MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES SALES PARTS SERVICE Used bicycles and motorcycles. BECKWITH CYCLE CO. 2828 W. Harvard Used Singer Console Blonde finish cabinet. Reverse stitch. round bobbin, attachments. $89. I SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 558 S.I. Jackson. OR 3-7348 TWO BLOND bedroom sets; foam rub ber daveno and chair; wrought iron end table and coffee table, match ing wrought iron table lamps and floor lamp; red chrome dinette set with o chairs. 20 cu. ft. freezer: 10 cu. ft. re frigerators; electric range. Sold as lot or separately, uk 2-2990 after o p.m. or see at 3 miles east of Dixonville Store. FOR SALE Keystone no. 70 well, drilling machine, mounted on 2M ton Li ml. army ext: e-wneel drive. eludes complete set of drilling tools for 9 Inch hole. 1951 Ford service truck, arc welder 1BO Amps Oxy acet. outfit. For information phone Rogue valley Drilling Co., Medford, Oregon. SP 2-7372. 883 Shafer Lane. BEDROOM SET Sea Foam, $75; 82 gallon hot water tank $80; automatic washer $75; dryer $85; Tear drop sleeping trailer $50; oil heater $7; 1948 Jeepster $250; 1949 1-ton GMC panel $250. Equity in 7 lota, will trade for equity in trailer house. Lawn furni ture $15. Call OS 9-5178. MAYTAG DELUXE gas range. Serve) gas refrigerator and 20 gallon gas water neater, an in line condition, Complete with 288 gallon storaae tank. See it at 2007 SW Castle St or phone WALNUT DESK and chair; 2 walnut end tables; 2 matching lamps. Duncan Phyfe drum table; Virtue dinette, red plastic chairs. Metal hamper. All In excellent condition. Less than half or iginal price. 1924 SE Douglas, side door. MODERN, Simmons studio divan, soft pink with charcoal fleck, cost $100. used 2 months, sell for S70. OR 2-2363 after 4:30 p.m. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped. U.S.D.A. choice 45c, U.S.D.A. good 42c, U.S.D.A. standard 39c, not graded 37c. South Stephens Market. OR 2-9164, evenings. OR 2-1870 TREVA S-CERAMIC STUDIO, large as sortment of greenware. new matt glaz es, p ilnts. general tv pplies. Clauses each day. OS 9-3133. Next to Winston Lockers. Commercial firing. sTob-DOWN, $Vo-monthly plus contract payments for partly furnished 1 bed room modern house or S700 cash for our equity. Further Information call OR3-6953 afler 6. EASY WASHER - dryer combination. Sells regularly for (479.95, now jut $368 88 end your old washer. Terms. Kier-Crooch Plumbing, 528 SE Steph ens. OR 2-.13(i4. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133 300 HSeH magnum Rem. model 721 Wea ver 4-K scope; National 6-key electric live keyboard adding machine. OR 2-1297. ALUMINUM canopy with rear and slrle ventilating windows for long whrrl- ba.te Ford pickup. Write Bobby Bell, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. TOP SOILfromnew pitrGenulne. havy river loam; clean, no rocks, easy to handle. To get the best, call Charles Keely.OS -jH FOR the best Job In custom cutting, wrapping and quirk freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS B-5133. HAVE PURCHASED Sears Kenmore washer and dryer have for sale Master Maytag wringer washer, good condition; reasonable. OR 3-3381. USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc. Taken in on trade. Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer 3alei, N. Highway 9 a Winchester Bridge. THRIFT grade 8 ft. 2x4's. 4c each, of 7 per thousand. On orders of 2000 ft. or over, $6 thousand. Keller's Mill. North Stephens. RENT alTaulomatTc-washer from Horn's Appliance. Rent may apply on pu enart price. a momn ana up. 3.55 JR. OR: STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS Mrs. Wm. Slmpion OR 3-3865 or Mrs. Arable Clark, OR I-297T. GOOD USED GE dishwaiher. Se It now at Jim $49 93. Kier-Crooch Plumbing. S28 SE Stepheni. Jr2-3384 TOP S'OIL from new location. Th beit you have ever seen. No roots or wetds Ralph Fisher, Wmon.OSB-43. CHANNEL 13 and 8 antenna with "30 ft telescope mast, lead-in wire In cluded. Used Jlyear. OR 2-3488. WINSTON Sand and Gravel, -crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top loil OS9-R9... WATKINS PRODUCTS. IS mile East on North (,'mpriiia Highway C L. R4hhy. OR 2-1488 BENDIX DRYER, reconditioned. Just $79.83 terms. Kler-Croorh Plumbing S28 SE Stephens. OR 2-3384 NEW9 Ft.'Wentlnghouse upright freer rr. S24A98 Trowbridge Electric, 6i2 S r. Jark-on. LATE model Bendix Dunmatte, excellent condition. 1286. Trowbridge Electric, 822 S E Jackson. HOTPOINT automatic wssher. no vent drver. 12.10 in pair Tiowbridg Elec tric, Ba n e jacKion. r,nf W)lh fridde , ,he ,n!dle. 1120 Trowbr.dg Electric. 822 SE Jackwn rlfaU ,7 R 3 ,Cl'STOM CUTTING South Stephens Ltl,t BkA. ru aoilVat N-W Westinghmise :' range, 1154 9,1 Trowbridge Electric, 822 S. E Jackson CLEAN APARTMENT aiz gas range 8.15. Jim E hos. TAPE ftECORDER. 191 Lombardr Drive OR 2-1MI R A WLEK.II PHOULCT.i" ORJ-M ndows OR 2-rifl v" . i Ft'LLER BRUSH. 6R 1139 L For Sale Misc. 37 Used Furniture DAVENPORTS end chair sets. $29 50 GOOD SELECTION of used furniture. asy terms, bee used furniture dept. at Judd's Furniture 28 in. YOUNGSTOWN deluxe cabinet sink, oouble bowl. Was $179.95 now Just $139 .95. terms. Kier-Crooch Plumb ing. 528 SE Stephens. OR 2-3364. SEE OUR reconditioned automatic wash ers, all name brands. Starting as low as $49.95. Kier-Crooch Plumbing. 528 SE Stephens. OR 2-3384. RUBBER CORKS, site 8a; Roto-tiller; Butane gas hot plate: large wood circulator. OR 2-3413. 268 Chestnut St. DAVENPORT, club chair and ottoman.; drape?. $20; lawnmower, $15. Call OR 3-3297. ATTENTION HUNTERS. We cut deer. moose, eix also beef. South Stephens Market. Phone OR 2-9184. NEW AND USED portable steam clean ers, uk z-iuao after 4:30. ftELCH baby buggy. Good condition, xu. ju ivan at. CEDAR FENCE pickets or panels, all REPRESENTATIVE for World Book En cyclopedia. OR 2-4246. STANLEY HOMC PRODUCTS, Betty Sheldon, OR 3-5087. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. umpqua uun store. FOR SALE used lumber and pipe. Phone OR 2-2710. 16X18 ARMY pyramid tent $35. OR 3- 1HOJ. PFAFF open arm automatic. Ph. OR 2-1071. Take over payments. GUN, 30-40 KRAG. Bolena garden tract- r. UK Z-3i3S. TWO TRAILERS. 1 with pickup bed. 1 plywood. 1X13 SE Fullerton. EMPIRE gat heater, practically new. UK 3-2305. Musical Instruments 38 AMERICAN STANDARD trumiKl Willi case, music .land. mute. Reasonable price. OR 2-1976 after 6. WOOD Clarinet Tor Sale. Like new. Reasonably priced. Phone OR-2-31. LARGE CAPRI Accordion, excellent con dition. $225. OR 3-48:t3 OR CARL FISHER wood clarinet, $80. OR 3-5124. GUITAR lessons. Phone OR 3-6525 after p.m. MARTIN Cornet Good condition. S3. OR 3-7293. MELLOPHONE horn S25. OS 9-5313. Conn Cornet. OR 3-3670. PU M P organ. Cheap. OR 2-2733. STUDENT clarinet, $25. OR 2-4387. 120 BASS accordion. Phone OR 2-9060. Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal for Irrigation Price Per lllindred Ft. I'," S B..12C l'-V $27.00e V SI1.76C l'V $:l2.0lle 1 " 118.04c 2 " $49,800 FltlLns Roseburg Supply Co. 40J N.E. Winchester S' OR 3-4481 Roseburz 1 FARMALL CUB AND MOWER. 2 HG CLETRACS. 120 CAT. 1 850 FORD WITH WAGGONER LOADER t 2-14 PULL PLOW. 2 OFF-SET DISC. 2 PULL TYPE TANDEM DISC. 2 9N FORD TRACTORS. Umpqua Tractor Company 723 S. E. Pine OR 3-6387 Stringer's Implement Co. 1590 N. E. STEPHENS ST. Phone OR 2-4382 AUTHORIZED A LLIS-CH ALMER9 SALES-SERVICE BILL RICHMAN FRANK STRINGER OWNERS TWO BOTTOM Ferguson disc plow; also B-une Ferguson cultivator, ncariy new. IJalf price or both. GY 8-3464. HEAVY duty 4 wheel trailer. OR 3-7958 after 5 p.m. FARMALL Super A plow, side mower and blade. OR 3-4658. Machinery For Sale 40 NEW AND USED portable steam clean ers. OR 3-1950 after 4:30. Logging Equipment 41 CMC 400 short logger, Whit rear end and tags, air brake, motor very gooa. , For quick sale, W0. OS 8-3313 or OS' fl-341.1 i FOR QUICK SALE Good 10.18 single axle logging truck and trailer, SHOO. Inquire at Oaks Grocery, Wilbur. ' yard Osgood shovel. 200 Curtmlns engine, crane boom. OR 3-7477. Timber & Sawmills 42 Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICKS for gang logs and stumpage In Urge or small inci, Davs Ph. Riddle or Myrtle Creek 32ti8 evenings. WANTF.D Log rough lumber HUB LUMBER CO OR2-TWM f EVENTNCS- OR 2-1209 SFLL'OR TRADE Model H-Cummtns Diesel stationary power plant. Phone OR 2-fli:i4before WANTED Logged over land and tim ber land. Write "x 323 Newi-Revlew. WANTED Short log hauling lie's). Have stakes. OR 3-3991. Roseburg's Complete Mobile Home Headquarters .1.. ft on lira In.uranr. U eo.t financing See these famous makes Flamingo Golden Slate American Fleetwood Rainbow Trailer Sales I Miles north on old tvghway At Winchester Bring Licensed Bonded Haulers Open Ev-'s A Sundays OH 3-6494 i I Trailers 44 We Pay More CASH For Used House Trailers Musi he modern Any Sim or Year Cash or tiade for equity Write or Call Costanzo Trailer Sales 178 I K. Mini, Portland. Or. PR -H Trailers 44 Columbia Leisurehoms Melody Home 145' 1-Bdr I1IILI Spartan ABC Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to SO' Supplies, etc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1U0 N.E. Stephens OR 3-13M DALTON KENSKII.L FRONTIER ALJO UNIVERSAL NASHUA TERRA CRUISER COMMODORE SEE Jim McKee Trailer Sales ' 1161 N.E. Stephen. OR 1.4221 ROD & REEL TRAILER SALES IDEAL VICTOR - ROD it REEL SIESTA FIREBALL Vacation trailers (or rent Also Evlnrude motors and boats. 1143 W. Harvard Ph. OR 5-33 REPOSSESSED 1954 33' Caia Manana trailer, 3 bedrooms, modern; perfect condition throughout. terms. Winston Trailer Soles WILL self" equity, or trade. Modern house trailer. Call at Erv's Associated Station. Winston. 1933 SPOKTCRAFT 14 .it trailer. condition S300. Inquire Winston Trailer Salesj WILL. SELL S2.0OO equity for S5O0. in 34 ft. 2-bedroom trailer house. Phone O R 2-363u after a p.m. HOUSE trailer for sale or rent at Kada Trailer Court. 31' KIT Chateau, $349 terms. Will trade. OR 3-BB2Q. Trucks 45 SPICER Authorized Distributor AND Drive Line Headquarters Steel log truck reaches. Fire tanks. Aberdeen stakes. Cups and saucers. Expert welding and machine work. Douglas Machine Cr Welding OR 3-3444 1511 N E. Diamond Lake Blvd. 1952 -L 190 International dual drive tract or. See mechanic at Ftegel Transfer. Automobiles 46 1 ROSEBURG MOTOR Ctt if S8UICK Gafit PO1 c '.cut larfJU MSSt pohtiac; BUY vVHOLESALE '32 NASH Ramhler Station waion .. 49A '31 FORD 4-door Custom 398 50 OLDS 99 4-door 208 '48 PONTIAC 1-door sedan .-. 138 '49 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan 98 '30 DODGE 4-door sedan 198 '48 PONTIAC 1-door '51 BUICK Riviera Hardtop 51 PLYMOUTH 4-door 178 I '52 PLYMOUTH v . A An 31 STUDEBAKER V-8 4-door Terms & Trades Better Buy WHOLESALE LOT North Stephens at the Clock '53 CHEVROLET Club coup 53 BUICK Riviera Hardtop . '32 CHEVROLET 4-door 32 FORD Tudor - '32 PONTIAC 4-door deluxe . '33 CHEVROLET 4-door 210 . 218 598 CHEVROLET Station waion M FORD 4-door V-l WM 3 DODdl V I 4-door 34 NASH Rambl.r, O dr 1MI Commercials M CHEVROLET d.n d.l l '34 CHEVROLET S.dan d.l 100 31 DODGE (t ton 4 si..d mi 3.1 INTERNATIONAL 4-sp.d M 34 CHEVROLET 4-spwd Hansens Used Car Center :2 S K. Koup OK 2 1109 TRADF. equity of approximated 82300 tn VI Olds 4 door. Ail extras, for late mod. I plrkup or car Lane Norm, Mrtle Creek, Clark Hranrh 1950 MERCURY MONTF.HF.V 4-door. power brakes, R Jk H. automatic trans mission Unor market Call OR I-.IT'M 1940 CHEVROLET pam-lT 4 speed Iran- ion Maoio. heater, nun signals Vorv food ihiM, 4.119 SW Stella. OR '54 PONTIAC 2 door 008 a-43t evenings. Sat. Sept. 14, 1957 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 Automobiles 46 1,M CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. 8.000 actual miles. Uk. n.w insida and out 11395 1M MERCURY HARDTOP COUPE Hit. r Merc-o-malic. Extra low mllas. Show room nw. Guaranteed satisfaction $2293 Hit rottD VA1RLANE Tudor Sdn. wa sold this one new. 19.000 actual miles. it Ford-o-matlc. Beautiful yellow and white two tone. .. 91963 193J FORD CUSTOMLINE FORDOR fully equipped. Reconditioned for complete satisfaction. . . . 91395 1954 CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. The slickest 34 In town. R.H. & Power glide transmission. .. 91193 1953 CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. Beautiful brown and tan metal lic. Excellent condition inalde and out. Test drive It to day mid let our top deal 9905 1931 MERCURY FORDOR SDN. .. 9493 1933 STUDEBAKER FORDOR Sdn. 9493 1950 OLDSMOB1LE FORDOR Sdn. 9.195 1951 FORD VICTORIA Coupe 9695 1931 CHEVROLET TUDOR Sdn. 9395 1930 BUICK FORDOR Sdn 9395 1950 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE .. J03 1951 MERCURY CLUB COUPE 9495 1949 STUDEBAKER FORDOR Sdn. 9395 1930 CHEVROLET FORDOR SDN. 9395 1930 CHEVROLET TUDOR SDN. 9993 1951 OLDSMOBILE FORDOR Sdn. 9403 No Down Payment on Approved Credit 1 BIO LOTS Oak and Rose Sts. Ph. OR 3-0334 South Stephens St. - Phone OR 2-1441 We Pay More CASH For Autos '52's And Newer Buyer on Duly 7 day week Auto. Wholesale Company 4925 S. E. Powell Portland, Oregon -HE 4-6591 For Particular People 'S3 FORD V-8 Station Wag. 4 dr 8 pass. Ford-o-matic, imma culate .... 850 dn. '35 DODGE V-8 Royal 4 dr. I lineal, low mileage, dash shift I Sharp. . .. - 530 dn. '33 MERCURY Monterey 4 dr. R At II, Merc-O-Matlc. Low mileage. Local. Above av erage 600 dn. '35 FORD Custom 4 dr. V-8 Power steering, local business man's car. Low mileage . 500 dn. '33 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 dr. V-8 Power steering, low mileage, Make your bid 800 dn. 95 BUICK Spec. Riviera H'dtop Clean. Economical and De pendable. Reduced price . . M dn. 54 BUICK Super Riviera H'dtop Low mileage. l.ocal. Sharp. A belter buy ear 500 dn. '54 OLDS 88 Dlx. 4 dr. Full power equipped. Far above average. Clean 500 dn. 32 PACKARD 4 dr. Dl. More car for your money In lh:s big buy. Clean 175 dn. '32 OLDS 98 Til. 4 dr. New paint, clean Interior, good sound eng , . 275 dn. Easy Budget Terms At "BIG WHEEL" Phone OR 2-1041 548 8 t Stephens Bill Stock Top Value Used Cor Lot FULL PRICK 1834 FORI! Vg Cuslnmllne 4 door. Radio, hraler. overdrive. 1 lone. Good condition 1198 1933 CHEVROLET 210 S door. Healer. 2 ton. New whltewall tires. Motor rebuilt. A real buy. 1032 FOMO V9 convertible coups. Radio, heater, overdrive. Nw paint Top nearly new. Uottd condition throughout 1950 PLYMOUTH Hub coup Ra dio, hraler. Good mechanical condition. 19M FORD 4 door. Heater. A good transportation or second car. 745 TBS 193 Many More To Chooa From In All Prtre Ranges. Bill Stock Motors 135 S. I Stephens OR 3-439 J Open Evenings Til I Sundays IQTII 4 WANIEUT - in "good condition. 147 fnd , icngar coups or sedan, Call OR 3-RA20 , m? BUICK Super, fully equipped; rea- Q9SSID ' son a bis. OR 3-4J00. Automobiles 46 BARCUS Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer and the National Automobile, Dealer! Ass ociation present Operation Demonstration September 9-21 The place to buy a wed , car is behiti(Uhe wheel. Come In and tike a demonstra- ' ' Hon drive In the used car of your choice. M PLYMOUTH Club Sedan. Puih- , ' button drive, abiolulaly in top condition throughout 1MB 35 DODGX V-a Lancer. Powerfllle, R&H. A local on owner ear with low mileage. 17M '55 PLYMOUTH Club sedan with ' overdrive. One owner car In top "'t'1 condition 1301 '55 NASH Statesman Custom sedan Hydramatie. RAH. Farina body with Continental kit 140s ' '55 CHEVROLET VB t door. Spot lesa Insida and out. Hot '54 LINCOLN Capri sedan. RAH. Hydramatie. Truly a luxury auto- 1 mobile ,... , , , 189 '54 FORD VS. Ranchwaion. For do malic R&H. A local one own er car. Driven less than 38.000 14M '54 CHEVROLET sedan. Radio, heat er. Reconditioned motor, finish and Interior extra nice lOfll '53 PACKARD Deluxe sedan. Ultra malic, ft H Power steering; and Power brakes. Truly a lux ury car (or only . 80 '32 CHEV FleetHne. powcrgllde, R H. .. . sag '32 LINCOLN Capri Hardtop. Hvdra mstic, RAH. Rebuilt motor. Sharp . . . I09t 52 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe sedsn Hydramatie, RAH. Spotlasa inside and out . 6RR '52 PLYMOUTH Club Cpe. RAH Exc. cond. . .. 301 '31 HUDSON Hornet hardtop. Hy dramatie, RAH. Lustrous 2 ton finish with matching Interior 50t 31 PLYMOUTH sedan. Beautiful light blua finish with matching Interior. Extra clean 391 '50 DeSOTO Carryall. This on own er car driven only 48,000 miles Is In unusually good condition All the advantages of a station wagon with the comfort of a se dan 408 Trucks Cr Pickups 5 LAND ROVER. 4-wheel drive factory built cab. Ideal for that hunting trip IftM unit In tap condition. Brand new tires. .... 1M8 34 CMC pickup. New HD tires, canopy j ma '32 DIAMOND T. Model 320 dump truck. Complete with 5 yard bad and hoist Ready to haul. ..- 1188 W BARCUS Open. Eves & Sun N. Stephens al Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-53U Easy Rank Terms New 1957 Studebaker $1776 2 door Delivered In Ro.tebiirs; Willi Heater Dcf and Turn Sig nals. Riverside Motors WHOLESALE prlc I1B.10, MS BMICK iioaamastar luaor narotop. run power. A-l condition. Double Eagles. 1 owner. Markets for $2300and jjp.OR3-7..1. M VOLKSWAGEN, WUW. Radio, under coated, many other extras. $1650. NO TRADE-INS. See Leon Bates at Dixon ville sub station, or Phone OR 3-80 VV CHEV. 1B49 Aero sedan. R V H. In terior clean, and mechanically very good, HBO. OS 9-5.190. CASH for your car. Write P.O. Box 330. Myrtle Creek, giving amount owed If any and full description. CLEAN 1953 OLDSMOBILE. 1 owner. private party. 8v3. Call OR 2-1411. I2D00 EQUITY tn 19M, 42 ft trailer sioon. ph. 3tw7 sutherim. MUSTANG CYCLE Wanted. OS 9-3.WO. Personal 48 LET'S PLANT something useful in that vacant corner. Stark's fruit trees fit everywhere. Local Repreaentative OR 3-3.121 evenings and weekends. Or writ Box 3.12, Roseburg for appointment. Fall and Spring planting ordera only. VOUNO WOMEN or any faith needing confidential advlc may contact Mm Pruitt. Catholic Charities. 27S W. Broadway. Eugene. Oregon Dt 3-3841. AljCOHOLI'S ANONYMOUS. 24.1 S. E Jackson, Tuesdays, Saturdays PM HAVE vacancies at the Grandvlaw Horn for the aged. Private and double rooms. Very reasonable rates. Prion OR ,1.fl.H)2. WILL lady that calfedat" MV Brook way St.. pleas call again. Lost & Found 49 LOST Dlxonvlll area mal Cock- whistles and says -Pretty Boy." Ra- wardnffered. JR S-M43. LOST Radio-controlled model air plan, between Canyonville and Tn. City. If found phone Canyonville 339. Reward. TOUND on South Dser Creek, 2 mat huunds, 1 black and tan, l Drown. James Ingram. OR 3-38 FOUND Medium alt black and brown female hound. UR Notices 51 AS A RESULT or destruction of proii. crtr. anyon. found trtspaaslng wtthovjt pormlsston anywhara on th. M. O. Knapp property Inrludtna tht rtv.r bank at In. forks of th. rtv.r will h. proMcut.d to th fulltsl txttnl of th law. NO lllTWtNrt r tr.spaa.tnf oil tho Violot Thomat ranch on Rioo Crock. Garden Valley. after 8 p m. V