TV" American League Batting Race Tightens As Mickey Raises To .385, Ted At .392 AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. GB New York 77 40 .658 Chicago 69 47 .595 7Hi Boston' 61 55 .526 15' j Detroit 58 59 .496 19 Baltimore 56 59 .487 20 Cleveland 56 61 .479 21 Washington 45 72 .385 32 Kansas City 44 73 .376 33 SuncUy'i Rsultt New York 7-3. Baltimore 0-2 Detroit 5-1, Chicago 1-4 Washington 6, Boston 4 Cleveland 9, Kansas City 2 Saturday'! Rtiulti New York 6, Baltimore 2 Washington 16, Boston 2 Detroit 9, Chicago 8 (10 innings) Kansas City 4, Cleveland 3 NATIONAL LEAGU E W L Pet. GB 615 .560 614 .551 7'ii ,526 Wi 513 12 ,467 17li ,395 25' i .371 28li Milwaukee St. Louis Brooklyn Cincinnati Philadelphia New York Chicago Pittsburgh 72 45 65 51 65 53 61 55 60 57 56 64 45 69 43 73 Sunday's Rtiultt St. Louis 8-6, Milwaukee 6-0 (1st game, 10 innings) New York 5-1, Philadelphia 4 0 Brooklyn 2-6, Pittsburgh 1-8 Chicago 8, Cincinnati 2 (second game, postponed rain) Saturday's Results Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 4 (11 in nings) Philadelphia 3, New York 1 Pittsburgh 6. Brooklyn 2 Chicago 2, Cincinnati 1 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The spectacular battle between Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox and Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees lor the Amer ican League batting title overshad owed the pennant races today. The Yankees- stretched their American League lead to 7' a games after a double - header sweep over Baltimore yesterday and Milwaukee's National League leaders held to an imposing 6'a game edge despite two losses to St. Louis. But the baseball spot light centered around the duel be tween Williams and Mantle. Mantle had three hits in seven times at bat as the Yankees de feated Baltimore 7-0 and 3-2. 'He boosted his average to .385. Wil liams had one hit in four times at bat as Washington defeated Bos- Top TV Shows Return Soon Doot your picture fade? Sound, fuixy? Picturo Jump? Don't wait! Havo your set n pdirtd in your home for only . $3.50 ilui iirtf an tubtt. Rail prmilt ia ftmburf, Wintdi, Oixonviili; Wmchittir arm. All Work Fully Guaranteed Coll ui any day or the week E. W. R0ELLE and Sons ORchard 2-3539 DON'T MAKE A MOVE TIL YOU SEE FLECEL HEAVY HAULING Oregon and Washington MOBILE CRANE SERVICE MACHINERY Dismantling and Erection FLEGEL Transfer & Storaqe Co. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 414 N. E. Casper Roseburg, Oregon Al Flegel Cliff BraiKeld Phont OKchord 3-4436 jffl" Whatever happens y&zmi . . . j iave )esl Before you take your vacation take this first sk-pi Phone nearest agent of Fanners Insurance Croup ask him to check your policies to be sure you're adequately insured against all hazards to VOliT C3T vour home vour business your income your life You can get the greatest, widest in insurance history tor nearly every imaginable peril at sub stantial savings in cost from UIO UPC TtUCK - PIKE IUSINESS All fovr tr"'0ftc fttdl SEE CLARENCE V. DeCAMP DISTRICT MANAGER 1602 S. E. Stephens OR 2-2618 Ion 6-4. His league-leading aver age dipped a point to .392. 400 Fait Pessibla With a little over a month of the season remaining, the chances of one or both finishing with .400 are far brighter than they were a month ago when both were hit ting about 30 points below their current mark. Not since 1941, when Williams batted .406, has any major leaguer achieved the magic .400. Stan Musial took over the bat ting lead in the National League, cracking two hits in each game as the Cards swept a rain-delayed double-header from the Braves 8-6 and 6 0. Musial's two-run homer in the 10th inning decided the open er and Vinegar Bend Mizell'j four ! hitter featured the nightcap. urooKiyn s tmru-piace Dodgers advanced within 7'ii games of the Braves despite splitting a twin bill with Pittsburgh. The Pirates snapped a second-game 4-4 tie with four runs in the eighth for an 8-6 victory after Duke Snider's two - run homer had given the Dodgers a i- edge in the first game. Cubs Stop Rtdlagi The sizzling Chicago Cubs pro Beavers Split With Seals; PCL First Division Close PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Pet. GB San Francisco Vancouver San Diego Hollywood Seattle Los Angeles Sacramento 80 54 76 56 74 58 75 59 70 64 60 72 51) 85 49 86 .59' .576 3 .501 5 .560 5 .522 10 .455 19 .370 30' a Portland .363 31"i i Sunday's Results Los Angeles 8-3, San Diego 3-4 I Seattle 4-2. Sacramento 3-7 j Portland 3 2. San Francisco 1-14 j Hollywood 13-4 Vancouver 4-5 Saturday's Results Portland 1, San Francisco 0 I San Diego 6, Los Angeles 2 Vancouver i, Hollywood 3 Seattle 6, Sacramento 5 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Pacific Coast League's fi nal month promises to he exciting and possibly hair-raising, if Sun day's games are any indication. In all four doubleheaders, PCL : clubs traded victories, leaving the , first division as tight as it stood after Saturday's contests. Only five games separate fourth place from first, where the San Fran cisco Seals have been entrenched i since June 11. The Seals split with last-place Portland, losing 3-1 and winning 10-2 to maintain a three-game ad- i vantage over second-place Van- i couver. The Mounties shared triumphs with the Hollywood Stars, losing ; 13-4 and winning 5-4. The Stars l are in fourth place, .001 behind San Diego. San Diego lost 8-3 to sixth ranked Los Angeles, then came back to edge the Angels 4-3. Seventh-place Sacramento lost to sixth-place Seattle 4-3 and beat the Rainiers 7-2. Bowan Hits Tripla j A two-run triple by Ron Bowen possible protection coverage longed two streaks by whipping Ihe Cincinnati Redlegs 8 2. They stretched their winning streak to six in a row and tagged the Beds with their sixth consecutive defeat. Hank Sailer's two home runs in the first game and Red Worlhing ton's three-hit pitching in the sec ond gave the New York Giants a 5-4 and 1-0 sweep of their double header in Philadelphia. Dick Donovan's eight-hit pitch ing enabled the Chicago White Sox to salvage the final game of their four-game set from Detroit 4-1 aft er the Tigers had won the first game of the double-header 5-1 be hind Frank Lary. A grand-slam homer by Roy Sieveis enabled the Senators to overcome a 3-0 Boston lead and make it two in a row over the Red Sox. Cal McLish pitched the Cleveland Indians to a 9-2 triumph over Kansas City with a six-hit performance. Tom Sturdivint'i five-hit pitch ing in the opener aud Yogi Ber ra's five hits in both games high lighted the Yankees' twin victor ies. Berra drove in five runs, in cluding all three in the second game. Boh Grim saved Don Lar sen's seventh victory in the night cap. in the third inning was the big blow in the Portland victory. Six foot, five-inch bonus rookie Don Kaiser, on option from the Chi cago Cubs, picked up the Beaver pitching win and lost a shutout by the margin or Seal Tom I'mphlett's homer. The Seals' Bob Chakales won Ihe seven-inning nightcap, in which Portland used five millers. Vancouver also sent five pitch ers to the mound in the first game trying to slop an 18-hit Hol lywood attack. The Stars sent 10 men to the plate in each of two innings. Home runs decided the second game for the Mounties as Owen Friend and Kal Segrist each parked one. Los Angeles' Bert Hamric put on a baiting show against San Diego, driving in eight of the An gels' 11 runs with three homers and a single. John Janrse allowed four hits in winning the nine-inning opener for Los Angeles. In a triple steal wilh Tom Saffell taking home. Saattlt String Broktn Seattle's opening game victory was its fifth straight and was won on a two-run ninth inning rally. In the seven-inning closer, the Sacs' .Marshall Bridges held the Rainiers to three hits and Jim Greengrass hit a three-run home run for the winners. Saturday Portland beat San Francisco 1-0 behind the three hit pitching of Bob Alexander; Vancouver defeated Hollywood 7 3; Seattle downed Sacramento 6-5 in 10 innings as the Sacs scored their first runs in 24 innings against Seattle: and San Diego dumped Los Angeles 6-2, both An gel runs coming on Steve Bilko's homer. California Team Wins Western Baseball Title SAN" FRANCISCO W I.aMesa, Calif., will represent the West in the world's series of Little League baseball. LaMesa earned its shot at the title series in Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 21-23 by winning the two day Western regional Little League playoffs here Friday and Saturday. In the regional final, I.aMesa shut out Ephrala, Wash., 18-0 be hind the no-hit pitching of 12-year-old Joe McKirahan, who struck out IS in the six-inning game. In the consolation final, Port land's Rose City team scored without benefit of hase hits and beat Tucumcari, N.M., 4-3. Senior Canadian Nabs Crown From Sarazen SPOKANE, Wash. I Fred Wood, a lean 50-year-old Cana dian, took a S2.0OO check to a lake vacation Monday as conqueror of America's (Jene Sarazen and win ner of the first U.S. Seniors Open Gnlf Tournament. Wood and Sarazen finished Ihe 72 hole tournament wilh identical 10 under par 270s, then fought fiercely lo a dramatic sudden death finish and joined later in agreeing: The new North America Seniors flolf Assn. they helped organize Saturday will make this tourna ment a salable and important .summer fixture in the future. Detroit Manager Jark Tighe was the Tiger bullpen coach in 1H42 and coached at first base the last two years. OPPORTUNITY FOR SECURITY Shell Oil Ct. hal ticllltnt incomt itrriu notion vi.loblo tor Financial ailillanca availoblo ta a.ualifita' applicants. Operational Traininf thru Shall Ratail Traininf Schaal. WRITE: P. O. Box 7S1 or After S P. M. Hanna Nickel, Yoncalla Keep UVL Flag Race Hot UMPQUA VALLEY LEAGUE W L Pet, Yoncalla Athletics Hanna Nickel Riddle Lions Montgomery Ward Myrtle Creek Lions Roseburg Jaycees ii 10 7 4 4 2 .841 .83.1 .400 .308 .113 The Umpqua Valley Softball race continues to be nip and tuck be tween both Hanna Nickel and Yon calla Athletics as both clubs came through with weekend victories. Saturday afternoon; the Yoncalla team defeated the Riddle Lions 6-5 at Yoncalla, but it took 10 innings before the stubborn Riddle team would bow down. A home run by Riddle catcher Shorty Rachor in the lop of the seventh inning had given Riddle a one-run lead, but Yoncalla came back to tie the score in their half of the inning and then win it in the eighth. Lerov Noffsinger started the eighth for Yoncalla with a double to right field, but then was held up at third on a single by John Lewey. Harvey Bragg then drove in the winning run with a smash down the first hase line that scored Noffsinger with the winning run. Top batter Tor Yoncalla was Noff singer and Bob Risteen, both with 2-4. while Bob Cole also with 2-4 1 was tops for Riddle. Riddle Lions 220 000 105 3 .1 Yoncalla A's 211 000 11-6 10 2 Neis and Rachor; Hess and Noffsinger. WP: Hess. LP: Neis. HR: Noffsinger, Yoncalla; Rac hor. Riddle. Hanna Nickel shoved the Rose Eugene, Salem Set Series For Second Place IN NWL NORTHWEST LEAGUE W L Pet. GB Wenatchee 34 17 Kugene 28 23 Salem 28 23 Yakima 24 26 Lewiston 21 32 Tri-City 18 32 .667 .549 6 .549 6 .480 9'i .396 14 .360 15 Sunday's Rasulti Tri-Cily 14, Eugene 6 Yakima 3-9, Lewiston 2-3 Salein 3-1, Wenatchee 2-3 Saturday's Rtiultt Tri-City 3-6, Eugene 1-5 Lewiston 8-3, Yakima 7-5 (second game 12 innings, completion of Aug. 8 game called because of curfew with teams tied 5-5) Salem 7, Wenatchee 3 Monday's Schedula Salem at Eugene Wenatchee at Yakima Tri-City at Lewiston By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Eugene Emeralds, fighting to stay in the Northwest League race, do battle with the Salem Senators for second place Mon day night after taking a scalping at Kcnnewick over the weekend. The Emeralds, who won the first half of the split season, dropped all three of their week end games with the Tri-C i t y Braves to fall into a second place deadlock with the Senators, s i x State Tests Turbine Effects On Fish At McKenzie Site What effect do the spinning blades of power turbine wheels have on fish passing through them? This question long has been of concern to both power and fishery interests and the subject ' for a great deal of testing at various power sites. Although information on this question is available, an accurate answer has been difficult to obtain because of the inadequacy of testing equipment. A huge fun nel net constructed by the State Came Commission may provide the answer. The newly designed net has been tested in recent days at the Lea burg power plant of the Eugene Water and Electric Board. The net, weighing in excess of 1,200 pounds, screens all the water issuing from a single turbine outlet. The net is sufficiently long, approximately 80 feet in length, so that the fish passing through the turbine are carried downstream into collec tion box located away from the turbid water area. Nt Captures Fish The net is hung on a massive aluminum frame, adjustable to fit various size draft tube openings up to over 20 feet square, and fun nels down to a 1 by 2 fool opening attached lo a floating live box. Fish passing through the net are retrieved directly from the live box. The frame of the net fits snugly down in front of the turbine port so that everything that passes through the port enters the net. Cooperating with the Game Com mission in the tests have been the Eugene Water and Electric Board and other interested agencies in cluding the Kish Commission, U.S. Pish and Wildlife Service, and the Army Engineers. Charles Camp bell, Monty Montgomery and Wil liam Pitney are in charge of the operations for the Game Commis sion. The experiments at the MrKen- Coll OR 3-6654 OR 3-3177 burg Jaycees further down into, the Umpqua Valley League base-1 nicnt with a lopsided 10-0 victory in a game played on the fair-1 grounds diamond Sunday after-! noon. The win for Hanna still leaves them one-half game behind the league-leading Yoncalla squad. Hanna wrapped up the game in the top of the first inning as they pushed across two runs on two errors, a single by Dick James and three stolen bases. The final run of the inning was scored by James on a steal of home on the throw back from the catcher to the pitcher. Hanna added a single run in the third inning, three more in the sixth and then a final four in the seventh and final inning. James started the scoring in the seventh by doubling down the left field line and then stealing home in the same manner as in the first. That was followed by a three run home run off the hat of winning pitcher Doug Watson. The three sixth-inning runs for Hanna also came on home runs as Bob Cearley homered with one man on base, fallowed by a bases empty blast by Layton Dielz. This was the fifth straight win in league play for Hanna with only two remaining games left on the schedule, both of them against league-leading Yoncalla Athletics. Hanna Nickel 201 003 410 11 3 Roseburg J. C. 000 000 0 0 0 3 Watson and LeVarteur; Golden and Kramer. WP: Watson. LP: Golden. HR: Dietz, Cearley and Walson, Hanna Nickel. games behind the pace-setting Wenatchee Chiefs. Tri-City dumped the Emeralds 14-6 Sunday night while Salem was splitting a pair with the im-i. I tic .-i-iiaiui 7. null iiir i opener 3-2, then dropped the ' nightcap 3-1. i i u.. L... u ' Yakima Bear tromped on Lew- Hrnnc i'n ii ston's Broncs twice. 3-2 and 9-3. While Salem and Eugene argue Monday night at the Emeralds' home park, the Chiefs play the Bears at Yakima. Tri-Cily is a! Lewiston. The Braves chewed Eugene pitching into little pieces, blast ing out 15 safeties off five enemy hurlers. Frank Amaya got two homers for the Braves and Bob lloehn, Don Ray and Dannv Carr each chinped In one. Don Frailey homered for Eugene in the third. The Senators won the opener wilh two runs in the fifth frame on an error, two singles and a sacrifice fly. Chico Alvarez ho mered for Wenatchee in the Chiefs' half of the fifth. Alvarez won the second gamo for the Chiefs with a three-run ' homer in the first inning account-: ing for all of Wenatchee's tallies. A bases-loaded walk gave the , Senators their lone run in the' sixth inning. zie power site are designed in the first place to test the mechanical operation of the net itself, this be ing the first time that a net of this size has been used for this pur pose. In addition, information is being obtained on possible fish mor tality. Various lots of fish held at the Game Commission's McKen zie station, are being used in the experiments. Several lots of fish were tattooed with different color ed dyes so that the fish in each lot could be identified at the collec-' tion point. Injuries Daterminad A typical experiment Involves put ting one lot of marked fish directly down the intake tube and through the turbine while at the same time another lot of differently marked fish is placed directly into the en trance of the net below the turbine outlet. In this manner, net-caused injury or mortality, if any. can be: differentiated from thai caused by the turbine, if any. Accurate records will be kept of mortalities and injuries and fish surviving the tests will be held at the commission's McKenzie hatch ery for several days for observation and further recording of any addi tional mortalities. Results of the tests will not be available until : after these observations have been I completed. Preliminary testing of the net j has proved highly successful, and should further tests provide similar results, such nets will be used at other power sites to help provide i some of the answers to this per plexing problem. MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sunday's Rasults INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Rochester 5-2, Richmond 3-8 Buffalo 83. Columbus 5-12 Montreal 21, Havana 10 Toronto 9, Miami 8 (2nd game, called end 4th, curfew) AMERICAN ASSN. Denver 7-7, Indianapolis 4 6 Wichita 7, Omaha 1 St. Paul 6, Loiiisviiit 1 Charleston 7. Minneapolis 3 TEXAS LEAGUE Austin 41, Oklahoma City 00 San Antonio 7-5, Tulsa 44 Houston 7-6, Dallas 3 5 (2nd game, 15 innings) Shreveport t, Fort Worth 7 (10 innings) SOUTHERN ASSN. Memphis 8 1. Nashville :: 3 ( hattanooga 11, Little Rock 0 0 Atlanta 4, New Orl -ans 3 Mobile 8. Birmingham 3 THOROUGH CLEAN" WALL-TO-WALL RUG CLEANING SERVICE Call - J. E. NEWBERRY OR 3-1391 i.Ai Green Evens Mark, Outscores Yoncalla TIMBERETTES LEAGUE W L Pet, Oakland S Drain 4 Green ' 3 Myrtle Creek 1 Yoncalla 1 .833 .800 .500 .250 .143 Green evened its record at three wins and three loses in the Tim berettes Softball League, with a 15-10 victory over Yoncalla on the Green diamond Sunday afternoon. The winning Green team man aged to score at least once in ev ery inning but the sixth, but had to stand off a seven-run Yoncalla rally in the last of the seventh for the win. Mary Lou Owens with 2-3 was the top Given batter followed by Patty Dodge with 2-4 and Mari etta Munson with 2-5. Campbell with 2-3 was the main batter for Yoncalla followed by Tanner and Myers with 2-4. Green 112 610 415 9 3 Yoncalla 000 030 710 7 6 Butler and Eaton; Mcellmurry, Huhbell (4) and Campbell. WP: Butler. LP: Mcellmurry. HR: Burgess, Owens and Mun son, Green. Eugene, Corvallis Take Softball Wins OREGON CITY i.ti Eugene and Corvallis each won its second game in the Oregon State Soft ball Tournament here Sunday. Lakeview and Umatilla were eliminated after suffering their second losses. Veteran Bob Willis pitched a no-hitter as Eugene blanked Sa lem, 6-0. Eugene scored all of its runs in the seventh and final in ning. Corvallis had to go 11 innings to defeat Oregon City. 3-2. r.arner, uubiianl had beaten ;a.knenvl a',' toos Biy had taken Umatilla, 4 2. Three games are scheduled for Monday night in the doublc-elim- I "'" " " '"""ncni, wmcn opened Hubbard will meet Salem and Coos Bay will play Oregon City. Hubbard and Coos Bay defeated these same rivals Saturday. Eugene and Corvallis will meet in the final game. GOLF SPOKANE - Fred Wood, Van couver, B.C., defeated Gene Sara zen on the first extra hole for the Senior Open title after each had 72-hole scores of 270. Trowbridge Electric Wants Good USED REFRIGERATORS! Our stock of good used refrigerators is exhausted ... MAMMOTH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON A NEW WESTINGH0USE REFRIGERATOR For Example: Westinghouse Model DJB-132 Shown Regular $529.95 GET BLUE BOOK ALLOWANCE PLUS 120 For Your Old Refrigerator CHOOSE-N-CHANGE COLORS Five cabinet colon... ten Chooie-N-Chinge pine! colors. Fifty combination! to chooie from... one ex actly suited to your kitchen. If you redecorate, the color panel miy be ettily, ines pemively changed. TRADE AND SAVE NOW Your old rofrigtrator wot novor worth moft! Re mombtr, you got rogulor Blu Book ollowonco PLUS iptciol bonui omount bocoutt wo notd good uitd rtfrigirotori. Budgot ttrmi, of couno. Mon. Aug. 19, 1957 The - -."-f't ft' ! ;"' ;-. iff CH j. NIA T.taprioto HALL OF FAMER Base ball great Sam Crawford clutches the plaque telling of his appointment to base ball's Hall of Fame at Coop ertown, N. Y. Crawford played for t he Detroit Tigers. Track Record Equalled SEATTLE I Cold Steel equalled the track record for six furlongs Sunday as he sped the distance in 1:08 -5 in winning the S5.000 Governor's Handicap at Longacres. North End was sec ond, Hildagar third. Cold Steel returned $10.20, 3.70 and 3.10. ROSEBURG Fur Atfmillill alulli "LAL. so for a limited time only, get n miss awi J !.7,,T-Lj II M HNIL 1 ..,.V- M II lJ colors ,;v V "-hrl t- CABINET COLO OTHER WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS from 239.95 Mony models to chooie from all with Big Bonui Trade-in! 9 i iMrWowiawKj 622 S. E. Jackion News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 Giant Directors Study S. F. Deal NEW YORK - The board of directors of the New York Giants went into closed , session today, to vote on whether to accept Presi dent Horace Stoneham's proposal to move the team to San Fran cisco. Their approval was expected to be virtually unanimous, thus leav ing the way clear to iron out de tails. Only last month, Stoneham said (hat if any of the nine directors attending the meeting was against moving westward, he would not try . to persuade the dissenters to vote with him. The Giants are said to have of fered the Red Sox 8125,000 for the Frisco franchise. Stoneham also is said lo be willing to trade the Red Sox San Francisco for Minneapol is, even-up. The Giants own the Minneapolis franchise in the American Assn. If the Red Sox accepted the lat ter proposal, the Giants would be likely to place a club in Salt Laks City in the realigned PCL. Ring Record By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PORTLAND, Ore. Pat He llurtry, 187V. Tacoma, Wash., knocked out Carl (Bobo) Olson, 185, Vancouver, Wash., 2. HOLLYWOOD, Calif. Alfredo Escobar. 129'a, Los Angeles, de feated Irish Tommy Bain, 128W, Los Angeles, 8. MEXICO CITY Jorge Man jarrez, 125;,j, Mexico, outpointed Guillcrmo Medina, 126W, Vene zuela, 10. ' FUN FOR THE KIDDIES Circus Clowns MAGIC & MIRTH EVERYDAY OF THE FAIR A FREE SHOW DOUGLAS AUGUST 22 to 25 a Col d-1 n Motion fUfrtgtrotor Syittm-clrculattt cold eon rinouily. StoopSavffr Rtfrigtrator Giant Frecxtr below holds 83 lbs. ) Spaciot Meat Storago Rock Showcaia Criipr holdi 23 buthil. Phone OR 3-5521