Shop Classified - There Is Something For Every one At Prices Any one Can Afford. OR 2-3321 Houses For Rent 5 LARGE 3 room modern furnished cabin. Nearly new 7 ft. refrigeragor. Gas molting and hot water. Clean and neaL Water and garbage disposal turnish ed. S48 per month. Behind Dale's Cafe, No. Umpqua Road. Hartx Cabins. Phone OR 3-3368, e H 5?L-n?.ernKaB,nl.enL Wlin Kitci. uiiiuiinsiiou. viuse in school, stores and church. Wilbur area. Call OR 3-68S1 evenings or see it we tt end of new Glide cut-off road. TWO SMALL neat one bedroom houses. Green district. Unfurnished. Newly dec orated. Available August 10th. Prefer working couple or teachers. Call OR 3-6891 evenings or Inquire at 2243 S.E. Castle St. TWO BEDROOM home, 3 blocks Ben son school. Stove and reirigeralor fur nished. Fenced yard: walking distance to town. $75. Call OR 3-3129 after 5. Trailer Rentals 6 TRAILER HAVEN has a spacious loi for you In Rose burg's newest, most modern paik. Lots of concrete, stor age lockeri, propane gas to each pace Good laundry facilities. Quiet and orderly Old 99 north to 4SB NX Sterling. ALAMEDA AVE TRAILER COURT has bus service by court entrance every 30 minutes. Reasonible rates. Well lighted at night. 581 N.E. Alameda Ave. OR 2-2348. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shads trees. $18. month. Highway 99 N. al Winchester Bridge Misc. Rentals 7 TRUCKS OR CARS for rent. Short or long trips. Bee Hive Rental Co. Ph. OR 3-7412. Business Rentals 8 OFFICE living quarter combination for rent. Near city center on Jack son. Rental $75 mo. Call OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. STORE OR office space In new building on Oak St entrance Hotel Umpqua. BUILDING for rent, lease or sale at 526 S. E. Lane. Theo Bond. OR 3-4117. Wanted To Rent 9 THREE or 4-bedroom home. To SI 20. May buy, call noon or after 6 p.m. OR 3-8060. Wanted Misc. 10 Highest Prices Paid For Scrap of All Kinds BOB'S WRECKING YARD 3' miles S. on 99 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 24 S.E. Jaokson Ph. OR 3-5104 WANTED TO BUY Good used furnl ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3- 5026. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture, Jewelry. Priscilla's Antiques. 247 S. E. Jackson. OR 2-1421 CALL HARRY'S for the high dollar when you have furniture to sell. We buy. sell or traae. rn. un 3-111. Help WantedTl niONIFIED HIGHLY naid lifetime do- sition, multi-million dollar international organization with over 200 years back' ground of successful operation has Mm ited number of openings due 10 expan sion in our So. Oregon installation. You must possess the following qualifica tions: Age 30 to 60, bondable, excellent personal and credit references. Ability to stand rigid character inspection, un reproachable background of integrity in personal and business relations. Complete training In our field. Execu tive or personnel background helpful. Interviews 10 A.M. 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. Saturday and Sunday August 17 and 18. 1420 E. 20th. Eugcnu. Oregon. GOOD FUTURE This position has one of the best futures for an aggressive young man. There are commissions and bonuses and all the appointments you need. For pos itive facts, call OR 2-1181.Ext.3B. WANTED ladv 17 to 21 to assist with care of invalid, live in. Permanent if you suit. Must be Christian. Phone OR 3-3127 or address, 344 Military. Roseburg. WANTED " housekeeper for man and wife Modern home and appliances. Must he neat. Phone 2941 Myrtle Point or wrhe Box 95. APPLIANCE SALESMAN Experienced High income potential for man will ing to work. Umpqua Valley Appli ance. 648 S.E.Rose. BABYsitter bv August 22nd. Live in. Permanent. Write Box 514 News Re view. WANTED single woman cook for dairv ranch. Must be neat and clean. Some house wo rk.PhoneOR3-597B. WANTED Nurse for Doctor's office. Write News-Review Box 515. HOUSEKEEPER FOR elderly woman. live in. OR 3-7781 Services 13 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mtleaae: free estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph OR 3-3358 1BB0 N.E. Stephen, ACME ROOFING Al.t. tvpfs i-Aftfin rolored rock; also siding. All work guaranteed. 508 S E. 1 Oak OR 3-8255. BULLDOZING leveling, ditch or post i hole digging, plowing Top soil and gravel, dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Goeti, OR 2- 14.T2. PI MP REPAIRS 24 hours service. Mil ler Ac Cox Sales and Service. OR 3- 3331; night calls. OR 3-7389 or OR REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic I and commercial. Available on call anv timc day or night. Ph. OK J-Mia or OR 3-4632. I DOZING levehns: alo shale rock, n ' imm and road materials. Chas. Keely- OS 9-5117 SHOP IN GREEN General repair, weld ing and fix-it. Experienced. 2352 S W. Castle St Ph OR 3-4687. ROOFING, SIDING. REPAIRS Herb Dorman. Roofing Contractor. 1032 N E. Post OR 3-4341. PAINTING, pape;- hanging. James Wheeler, Jr. 1609 NW Mulholland. OR 3-7497 ftOOFING Fisher Thonen Paint Co Portland. W E. Daum. Local Aent Ph OR2-lI.?l PAINTING and paper hanging. OR 3 4240 CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS Reaflon anNv W. J' Lane.OR il-rifl-M CARPENTER work, imilj jobs reason able Smith OR 3-ar Hl'RLBURT'S Plurfibi.'ig. Any l pe. ph, ?m:H. Sutherlin PAINTING, carpenter. Call Wright OR .'; T747. Cf MPNT work nf all kinds. Fret etl miles. OR 2-42'2 D R F SSM A K ING and alteration. ORJM4OT WELL DRILLING Cecil Storey 3-A725 or OR 3-4738 Ph. OR WINDOW ..creens and screen doorl, wood oraluminum. OR 3-4760 TOP SOIL. Shale and gravel Also land- scaping. Lindsey White. OS 9-R844 Baby & Child Care ljBTLOTtoj TAIRHAVEN KINDERGARTEN open to 4 and 3 jear olds. Certified hers. Hours 9 to 11 43 am Starting Sep- iber llth I-oulre Pegg Aumsrk,GR EN STEIN apples. Bartlett pearl. 1665 W Ar-n Avenue. Tei OR 2-362.1. CAREOF children. da "in" my home Winetoo. 09 9-5143. Baby & Child Care 14 MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY 914 S C Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special unit (or children under 2 years of age. Stateinipected. OR 3-8381. WlLClfAREfor infant or small child in my home. Experienced reference. rnone un joistt. BABYSI rTERSAsscTation. Call OR Work Wanted 15 TRUCKS for hire. Short end long log gers with tttakes. lumber trucks. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967 evenings, and OR 3-7578 days. CARPENTER, furniture repair, cabinet work, handyman. Hour or contract. OR 3-8600. WASHING AND rough dry; also Ironing. OR 2-3693. CARPENTER Construction, any type. References. OR 3-8020 after 6 p.m. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Pickup and deliver. OR 3-7914 OFFICE work, bookkeeping, shorthand and typing. Kcliab.c. meaay. uk -wmu. DUMP truck, by the hour, or will con tract. Lindsey wrute. us -hb. IRONING in my home. OR 2-2448. Instruction 16 STEEL GUITAR lessons given at your home. Phone, wire or write to Lester Woods at Jo Ann's Apartments. 4209 S. W. Carnei Rd.. Roseburg, Ore. for appointment. OR 3-7947. Loans 17 CASH TODAY $2535041 oo-$3oo-$50o UP TO $1500 L BORROW ON YOUR SALARY. Em ployed people in all lines of work may qualify for a salary loan. X BORROW ON CAR OR FURNITURE. Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Loan Co. paid tor or not. J. SPECIAL PAY DAY LOANS. $25. $;0. o- more loaned until "pay day" or longer. Pay only for the actual number of dayi you keep the money. $25 COSTS 18c for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan lOCAUDAHfo Rennla SecaniL Msr. 423 SE Jackson Ph. OR 3-4476 FREE PARKING Andy's Chevron Station 2 doors north. Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO JI500 ON AUTOS, TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up to 24 monthly payments Life Insurance on loans at small cost 729 S. E. Washington OR 3-5277 Pacific Finance Loan 664 S.E. Stephens OR 3-6668 MONEY IN A HURRY $:.o. to 12.000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 8. E. OAK OR 3-4404 Financial 19 WANTED About 6000 on Roseburg real estate. Want lo pay 1100 per month for two years, then pay off balance. Write News-Kev.ew box 4U7. For Trade 21 $8000 EQUITY In ranch, for equal equity for house in or around Roseburg, or S4000rash.OR 3-j800. WILLTRADE 1954 Ford sedan for pick up In good condition. Contact at OR 3-5082. 18 FT. TRAILER house: small Croley tractor. Trade for well drill, fair con dition. Phone 2994 Myrtle Creek. WILL TRADE homemade tractor for good outboard motor. OR 2-2782. Fuel 22 Sawdust Blower Service or Dump Wood Dry Oak Green Slab Kiln Dry Planer End Gr. or Dry Peeler Core Roseburg Lumber Co. os t)-a:i SAWDUST Blower and dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler fore. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO KILN DRIED planer ends; oak wood. Ajf. "So"1, Smf n PiJMr 1 ends. UH 3-3UU.!. DRY oak wood. Call OR 3-4741. Seeds & Plants 23 HYBKITJ lieipniniums now Dionming, j for SI. Mrs. Don Young. Cleveland napiai ioaa. rn, un i ijo. ' --- s'' Fruits & Vegetables 24 CORN by the sack, you pick Special firice for Sunday onlv. Local canta-1 otipe and spear melons. Harvard Ave. prun rtiana GRAVENSTEIN apples $150 and $250 bushel. Bring container 3 miles south Dixonville. OR 2-.1065. Wm. H. Bailey CANNING peaches nd a variety of fre.h vegetables. James Gardens. OS 9-1264 South end Green bridge, Win slon. turn left and go l' miles TOMATOES. Blue Lake and 6 r g o n Giant canning bean. You pick Turn at south end of Winston bridge. Sea sign. S W Hnffmeister. CRAW FORDS riaies ana improved 99 across Winston bridge and turn' left La rnll. H R Harriaon. ) CANNING-COR'N" picked "Excellent-for freer ing or canning Gnu r ley s Fruit GRAVENSTEIN APPLES. 30c snd a box. Bring containers. Ph. OR 3-37B1 PEARS; BARTLFTTS You pick, 4100 bushel. Picked SI 50 Holmgren, Route 1. Box 775. OR 2-3837. : SWEET CORN. $2 25 per sack, vou pick . (Wore 2 pm. dailv, while if lasts. j MO. Knapp, GrdenVsIlev . 1 6 WENS NURSERY t FRUIT STAND. Hi Hard Ready now. local tweet corn. peaches rue um hen. etc. i for fanning No. 1. No ndfalla. F 8. Ewns Fruit Stand. i opp'siie uaracn tbiic) mi-frS; irDeacl BARJLEJT pars ac i,,' J HJlob.noi opposite Garden Valley School. aches and apples nwn OR 3-791 ".. OR3-6n j FOR new torn a in lugs, apple boxes and 1 cantaloup crates, phon OH 2-4714. Fruits & Vegetables 24 TOMATOES JAMES GARDENS 6 MILES S. of Roseburg, across Green bridge. Turn left firtt road, go 1 1 1 miles. EXCELLENT irrigated Bartlett pears that our pickers have knocked off trees or dropped on ground that we cannot send to cannery. $1. per box, you pick. SI 25 picked on order. Phont OS 9-8838 Winston Orchards, 6 miles So. Rose burg, turn left first road south of Win ston bridge from Roseburg. Bartlett Canning Pears At Denton Orchard Garden Valley SWEET CORN. Superior quality for canning or freezing. Please phone or ders, OR 2-361S. Also tomatoes, cu cumbers, and cantaloupe. M. O. Knapp. Garden Valley. EDEN ACRES. No. Umpqua Hwy, for canning beans. Oregon Oiants and Blue Lakes. Also, local peaches for canning. Place your orders now. Phone OR 3-8834. GRAVENSTEIN apples, worm free. S2 bushel. Bring containers. Special price on canning and freezing corn. Harvard Ave. Fruit Stand. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES. Marsh Ranch, 1 mile west Look in gg I ass Store. Livestock 26 SHEEP TOP PRICES paid for sheep and lambs of all kinds. We are in the market 12 months out of the year, as we are always here. ALSO BUY WOOL end mohair. Douglas Livestock Market OR 2-4071 Sutherlin 3380 Mi r tie Creek 3144 WANTED TO BUY 2 to 4 year-old ewes, preferably white lac Homney. J. G. WALES. Rt. 1. Bo :I8 OAKLAND. OREGON PH. OAKLAND 2635 Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route 1. Box 352B Bui. OR 3-6.1 Eve's OR 3-52.15 Wool Growers Wool and mohair received dally Nich ols Store. Brockway. QS 9-8907. FOR SALE Yearling Columbia pure bred rams, S35. il i cross-bred, $25. Ross Overholser, Cottage Grove. Ph. WH 2-2731. WILL TRADE ud power saw for-hav or livestock. Ph. OR 3-7356, or OR 3-7625. FOR SALE gentle. goTd-spTritedmare". Also saddle and bridle. Ph. OR 3-4589 after 4:30 p.m. PALOMINO SADDLE mare" 6 years old with Palomino colt 4 months old. Saddle and bridle. OR 3-504O. SORREL SADDLE mare with flax mane and tail. Arabian and thoroughbred. 2lj year old. Broke to ride. OR 3-5940. WANTED Sheep and cattle of all kinds. Top market price. Darrill W Rav, Ph. Sutherlin 33BQ. ALWAYS IN the market for sheep. Top prices paid lor wool. UK 2-1051. Al Brown. SERVICEABLE age Hampshire boars. Sow to farrow. Gilt with litter. Wm. E. Crawford. Glide. Phone GY 6-3357. PUREBRED JERSEY heifer to freshen February. OR 3-6014. TWO REGISTERED Romney rams; also oaied straw, uk J-LIH41. SELL or trade for cattle - l'i ton Chev- rolet truck. OR 3-7628. WANTED good milk cow. OR 3-7890. WEANER pigs, OR 3-7668. CORRIF.DALE rams. OR 2-3391. COLUMBIA BUCKS. OR 2-3R8Q. CUSTOM SHEARING OR 3-3784. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 FOR SALE 3rd cutting alfalfa and lotus in field, you cut and bate. l'j miles uth of Myrtle Creek on High way 09. Mm. My lea Jones. Phone 3234. FOUR TONS clean horse hay, 4-ton a aino ciover. us -3iua. Poultry 28 WANTED TO BUY poultry, eggs, wool and cascara. Poultry received on Mon days and Tuesdays only. Ph. OR 3-4331. Roseburg Poultry Co. 729 SE spruce. Rabbits 29 BABBIT FERTILIZER. RL 4. Box 1580 OR 2-2710 Pets 30 1 Sable Collie, male. 1 Part Collie and part Shepherd. female. 1 Red Cocker, male. 1 Black Cocker, male. 2 Shepherds, male. 1 Terrier, female 1 Part Boxer and Labrador pupa, females 1 Part Australian Shepherd and Col lie pup. female. 1 Part Cocker, pup, female. 2 Part Terrier and Cocker pups. 2 Part Shepherd and Cocker pups. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Tel.OR 2-3307 FOR SALE 2 male purebred Irish Set ter puppies Readv to train for hunt In g $ 1 5ea c h C a 10 R3 -3563. FOR SALE 2-beautiful Pekingese and a Pomeranian puppies. 747 W. Pilger, OK 2-3953. EXCELLENfBOXER"VuTkc"lregli. t.p.H :u .1 mil v w rBipmnni tered. See at 1613 N.W. Falrm. SIAMESE kittens, $15 and 1 $20. OR 2-1014 after 6 p m. DOUGLAS COUNT HUMANE Social Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907 ! BABY parakeets, 3 miles south. Burt- -"'- GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, regls- i t?red and pedigreed. OH 30433. , for SALE Toy Fox Terriers. Canary singers. ineap. ok :i-7.v i MALE TOY Pekingese for sale. OR 3-6006 ONE BROWN and one black full blood r-Kingeseitmaiea. un j-wi GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-37M TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT RDIO. TULKVIStON, HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD OR 3-S3.V1 Building Material 32 a 0' 12" sheeis. Roseburg Supply Co , 403 N E Win chester SlOR 3-44A1 1x8 Shiplap. $23 and up LUMBER SALES - OR 3-7362 Garden Valle Rd , near RR trarki. used brick and other r jm snLb materials. Phone OR 2-2710 Sports Equipment 34 Authorized Evinrude Dealer Isham, Imperial. Buichrraft, Starcraft aluminum boats. Trailers, carrier, ptinti etc. L'sed motor i Rod & Reel Trailer Safes 1145 W Harvard TELESCOPE RIFLE " SIGHTS --" If bought from us. e Install free tf gun is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Stor. Robirg FOR" SALE W rT'rehm'bnat. com. mernal snd, or, pleasure. $1000. Ph. OR $-8773. Sports Equipment 34 SCUBA DIVERS Compressed, Filtered AND Purified Air underwater salvage service, tank and dry suit rentals. Wally'i Air Compression Service & Salvage Route 3, Bos 1840 Military Ave. Roseburg. 'OR 3-6846 34 hour emergency service. USED GUNS Sure we trade, Ump qua Gun Store. Appliances 35 THERMAOOR BUILT-IN oven and 4 burner surface unit, either stainless steel or copper, S22.V New. Bargain Appliance- Center, OH 3-5523, 631 SE Rose. ; WEST1NGHOUSE clothes dryer $60. Bar gain Appliance Center, OR 3-5323, 631 SE Rose. Sewing Machines 36 Famous Singer Featherweight PORTABLE, USED Completely Serviced Includes attachment. Famous Singer Sewing court TERMS SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 5M SE JacR'nn Phone OR 3-7348 RENT A NEW SEWING MACHINE Sewing Machine Clinic 833 St Cm OR 2-1071 TAKE OVER CONTRACT on sewing machine $4 per month. OR 3-4448. For Sale Misc. 37 FOOD STORE fixtures for sale: filing cabinet. 4-drawer 1J5. z-Burrousna add ing machines, strictly OK. each, $45: large board of directors table, a good buy at $45. Open 10 A M. 4 p.m. 621 -BBS. HAV;; PURCHASED ne.v Kenmore au tomatic washer, have for sale souure tub conventional Maylnr Excellent ' renct tion. Reasonable. Phone OH .1-7214. TH EVA'S CERAMIC STUDIO, large as sort men t of greenware. new matt glaz es, p tints, general supplies. Classes each day. OS 9-3133. Next to Winston Lockers. Commercial fir ins. NORGE 4-burner gns range $.")0. Thor automatic ironer $23. Little Giant elec tric washer and double laundry trays. $:i3 for both. Horn's Appliance. 424 SE Jackson. OR 3-351B. 194GMC pickup; 12) 2 wheel trail ers; mechanic tools; Skil saw; table saw; electric sander: cement mixer and misc. Items. 2:i0 East First St, Sutherlin. CHIPPENDALE wing chair; La w o n style davenport; refrigerator; lawn mower, garden tools. Rotiss-o-mat. Many miscellaneous Items. 1107 SE Oak. FOR the best Job In custom cutting. wrapping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3m. ELECTROPLATING baby shoes mentos, trophies etc, Metaltzcd in cop per, silver or gold, tor information. OR 3-5646. USED aouliances. ran lies, refrigerators etc. Taken in on trades. Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer -ales, N. Highway 99 at Winchester Bridge. NKW and used meat cases, reach-In refrigerators, soft Ice cream freezer. Bergeron Refrigeration. 1410 SE Ste phens. THRIFT arade 8 fL. 2x4's. 4c each, $7 per thousand. On orders of 2000 ft. or over, $6 thousand, Keller's Mill, North Stephens. TOP SOIL from new pit. Genuine, heavy river loam: clean, no rocks, easy to handle. To get the best call Charles Keely. OS B-.1117. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's ADDliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. $5 month and up. OR 3-,1318. NEW FLOOR demonstrator Servel refrigerator; automatic Ice makers. was $500. now $.im Horn s Appliance. 424 SE JackMin. OR .1-5518 WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5U3 RECONDITIONED BENDIX automatic wahr. $65 Installed. Rental purrhase plan. Horn' Appliance. 424 SE Jack son. OR 3-55IR. TORDSON TRACTOR and plow, runs good. $75. Good wood kitchen range, hot water tank and coils, $50. Ph. SiUherlin2712. fli HORSE BICYCLE motor for tale Hasn't been run sinre fartorv over haul and fits anv bicycle. Call OR .1-15:15 after 4 PM- DUOMATIC Bendlx combination washer and dryer, like new. $2H6 Hfl. Bargain Appliance Center, OR 3-5523, 6.11 SE Rose. EXTRA GOOD chrome set, seats 10 Rubber tired lawn mower. Fngidaire refrigerator. Phone OR 2-1020J COMPLETELY reconditioned Maytag wringer washer with pump $V Horn's Appliance. 424 SE Jackson. OR .1-518. CHANNEL 13 and 6 antenna with :I0 1 ft. telescope mask, lead-in wire In- j eluded. Ued 1 year. OR 2-.1468. OIL HEATER, large sire Duntherm wirh I fan and unk s tf). Harcain Appliance i Center. OR 3-552-L 811 SE Rose FOR SALE Apex conventional wash-' er Has automatic timer and pump t.lO 154 SE Douglas. OR 2-144.1 DOUBLE, porcelain over rast iron kitch en sink with chrome fixtures, $.10. OR .i-:ififl7. SUPREME CIRCULATING wood heater, perfect condition. Holds fire, $35. 1225 NE Free mon I. SPARK OIL BURNER, used 1 season $100; washer and drer $150 for both. 1649 N W. Mulholland- WINSTON Sand and Oravel. -cruihd rork, reject gravel, bar run and top soil OS9-849:i. WATKINS PRODUCTS. 1 'W m le East ' on North Umpqua Highway C L. Bibby.OR J.1M8. YOUTH bed with plastic covered maf tress Exceptionally good shape. $25. Ph Sutherlin :t02.'l. USED HAMILTON dryer, good "condi tion. $75, budget terms. Horn's Ap pliance. 424 SE Jackson. OR .W! AUTOMATIC" WASHER and dryer, both for $150 Horn's Appliance. 424 SE : Jackson. OR 3-5518 j REPHF.SENTATIVK for World BookEn-1 rvclnpedia OR 2-4248 , UTILITY TRAILER, 4 wheel. OR 31S5 ' after Spm. nr.vv.iii itwinf mirninr, minn nrw. Take over paymentsOR 21071 GIRL'S, good school clothes, lire 12. OR 3-3531 SINGLE "HORSE TRAILER, grvnf eon- j dttmn Aisoaddle. Ph OR 3-4275 FOR SALE! heating ayittm, sawdust ; burnerOR 2-3710 , t"ADIES EU;IN lapel watch. allow gold. OR J-irii STANLEY HOMr: PRODUCTS, Btty , Sheldon, OH -TO7 UhEDGUNS, bought sold and traded. Umpqua Gun Store SIX-YEARcrliT and wardrobe Large metalled and spMng OR 3 8441 GE range, extra Ctean. 445. OR 3-'.'07 USED DOORS" irui"wndow.J)RJ2210 F1LLER" BRUSH. 6R i-im 2 CHLb 9 playpen. OR 11 284. For Sale Misc. 37 Schwinn Bicycles TRADE your old bike tn on a new itch winn, pay balance In 9 months. Foreign bikes have no trade tn value. Al's Bike Shop. Between Dairy Queen and "arm Bureau, OR 2-i02J MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES SALES PARTS SERVICE Used bicycles and motorcycles. BECK WITH CYCLE CO. 292S W. Harvard R KG U LA R $2 93 shovels. $1.03. Wood heaters,; 15 HP 1936 Evinrude: new hardwood high chain $9.93, training chairs 15.95. 9x12 linoleum by Arm strong $7.50. 14x16 tent, tarps, sleep ing bags. Speed ooat. Wags Furniture. Winston. MAGNA VOX radio - phonograph, good da-enport and chair, set ol wrought iron bunk beds, large vanity and night stand. Good 2 wheel trailer, boy's bi cycle, set of American People's ency clopedias, 18ablesawLOSJJ-3 156. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped. U S D. A. choice 45c, U S D A. good 42c, U.S.D.A. standard 39c, not graded 37c. South Stephens Market, OR 2-9164, evenings. OR 2-1870. Musical Instruments 38 FRENCH MADE B-Flat Clarinet for sale 75.00. This is a quality wood in strument only one vear old and sold for $135.00 new. About $10 worth of music included. Phone OR 2-3145 or see at 705 S. E. Terrace St. FOR SALE 120 bass Scandalll accord ion. Excellent condition. Terms. Ph. OR 2-1270. CABINET Grand upright piano In good condition. 100. OR 2-2782. GOOD upright piano. OS 9-5156. FOR SALE Clarinet. Phone OR 3-6411 Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal For Irrigation Price Per Hundred Ft. ti- S 8.:,2c IV 27.00e V $11. 76c l'j s:t2.ooe 1 M $18 64C 2 " $49 80c Fittings Roseburg Supply Co. 403 N E. Winchester St. OR 3-44B1 Rote burr 1 FARMALL CUB AND MOWER. 2 HG CLETRACS. 120 CAT 1-830 FORD WITH WAGGONER LOADER. 1 2-14 PULL PLOW. 3 OFF-SET DISC. 2 PULL TYPE TANDEM DISC. 2 9N FORD TRACTORS. Umpqua Tractor Company 72:1 S. 23 S. E Pine OH 3-H387 Stringer's Implement Co. 1390 N. E STEPHENS ST. Phone OR 2-43112 AUTHORIZED ALLIS-CHALMERS SALES-SERVICE BILL RICHMAN FRANK STRINGER OWNEHS Logging Equipment 41 BOHEMIA type hoom built by Albion Machine. Will fit ' or l yarn innvei. Douglas Machine St Welding. OR 3- :i444. FOR SALE D4 cat 4G series, with blade and drum. See at Mac's Garage, Myrtle Creek. Ph. 33t2. FOR S-ALE lri.Vi Pige 'o,- trailer, mood idp $1,500. P.itne II'W Canyonville, (Jr., gon. FOR SALE 1948 Wentworth Irwin log trailer, uail uimicK, un j-44u. Timber & Sawmills 42 Wanted We are in the market for timber Also good No. 2 saw logs Please contact, write or phone E. A.Mika Lumber Co. Philomath, Oregon jy a verly 9-3232 Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and stitmpafie In targe or small tracts. Davs Ph. 2431 Riddle or Myrtle Creek 3268 evenings. WANTED Lntts rough lumber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-X1B5 EVENINGS; OR 2-1209 SELL OR TRADE Model H-Cummina ! Diesel stationary power plant. Phone, OR 2-9134 before p m j WANTED Logged over land and ttm- ber land. Write Bex 232 news-Hevlew. BE SMART Live in a Modern Mobile Horn And Have More Lelaur 1, 2, 3, Bedroom Flamingo Golden State Nomad American Fleetwood On display at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES t Mtks nrth on old hlt-liway M At Rnrif.,ns,1 Bonded Haul.r, Open Kv,', Af Sunday, OR 3-att Columbio - Leisurehoms Melody Homt r J Bdr TO3. Spartan ABC Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to 50' Supplies, etc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. IftRO N F. V.phrnl OR gr.K DALTON UNIVERSAL KfNSKII.I. NASHUA FRONTIER TKRI1A CRtllsr.R AIJO COMMODORE Jim McKee Trailer Sales tl M OR J .4251 ROD k REEL TRAII.KR SALES IUEAI. VICTOR ROD At Rr.KI. SIESTA FIREBALL Varation trailers for rem Also Evinrude motors and boalJ. IMS W Harvard Ph OR 3-.-U42 rt 1 hedrot'i rprrt.rn tiallr Al" sc.;lon and l'i,7i(e It.ller Win.ti.i Trs 'er Ral.s I200 EOl'ITY ln "luvi It. trailer. 11000. Ph. 399T tuthfrlln. Trailers 44 l(.u 20 FT. TERRY house trailer. In excellent condition. See at Ht. 1, Box 79, Roirbuig. Ph. OR 3-3860. Trucks 45 SPICER Authorized Distributor AND Drive Line Headquarters Steel log truck reaches. Fire tanks. Aberdeen stakes. Cups and saucers. Expert welding and machine work. Douglas Machine & Welding OR 3-2444 1511 N.I. Diamond Lake Blvd. FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock. dump truck or what have you? 1946 International truck and trailer. New motor, stakes and rubber. Phone Suth erlin 2949 or 3465. FARM TRUCK. 1948 International flat- oea. Hebuut motor, 2 speed axle, 95r rubber, equipped with Marine plywood slock rack. Laiy C Ranch, Buckhom Road. OH 3-5909. 1941 FORD .ton. 4 speed: 1941 Inter national ton. Dee-Lite Trailer Court. KH ley's Korner. 1949 FORD pickup. Good rubber: Good condition. $400. Trowbridge Electric. 622 SE Jackson. Automobiles 46 pas fifflAU Just come in and take a swing at the deals we are offering on inese dependable used cars. 1933 STUDEBAKER Comm. Hard top cpa Fully equipped $1795 1952 HUDSON 4 door Commodore 6. Fully equipped . . 595 1952 CHEVROLET 4 door jStyllne. Fully equipped 1955 WILLYS 4 wheel drive Station Wagon 1995 1934 CHEVROLET Panel. 14 Pass. 1954 WILLYS 4 wheel drive Station Was 1958 WILLYS 4 wheel drive pickup 1955 CHEVROLET '4 ton pickup . UB 195 WILLYS 4 wheel drive pickup 141)1 1M JEEP. 1851 JEEP M: 1050 jeep .. n Riverside Motors 988 NE Stephens OH 3-7434 19,15 CHEVROLET convertible V-8. Radio nd heater. Hydramatlc. Salmon Dink and white. Will sell nr trade equity nr oiner model car. Phone Sutherlin SPORTS ear, Iii5 Triumph TR-2. Must sell and will consider trade. See at Hob (Jene's Union Stntlnn. Stephens and Wiishingion Streets. After 0 call UK :i-.12U2 WILL TRADE equity In 19.18 4-door ue.oio narritop for older car In good condition nao Christian St. Myrtle ireen. fnone 4J:i. 3.1 rOHD cnnyertiblc. Power steering and seat. Cnntlnenlal kit; an.000 inltos. Like new, $1.8.10. Will take older trade tn. ijnone2iB7 Canyonville daya. '46 HAHLEY DAVIDSON 74 motorcycle. 4-Rpeed. new motor, paint. Buddv ieat, ftadtlle b,iRn. windritiield etc. S:(2S. Ph. 2187 Canyonville. dav run SALE - 9M lluirk Roadi-anter narntoo All power. mi en. la.ftfll Take older car In trade. Phone 1877 v I -r,'K M CHEVROLET V-Slntinnwagoh"-4 door, Powerglide, power brakes. RAH White lidewall nylon tiret Excellent iumuiiiuik nrtj). rn. auinernn .i-f. 19.1) OLDS "iI8" tudor. standard Irana mfmion. ill arcenRorlen, 4.10. Phone UK ;i-S47.',. COUNTH Y SEDAN, 10.14 Ford,-auto-matic tranainUftion. New paint. Clean, tin 3.14.13 evenines. WILL TAKE over pavmenta on 3V'.t7 moa-i car. n. a. Lamp Kte 4 Box 871, OS9-.-)28.l FOR SALE - HeaderTfnr'lfl.W Chevro- let. OH 3.7.VW lefre .t p m '47PLYMOUTH aedan, rum good; .W. Ph OR ,'i-HOOO NASllSTATESMAN'Black.$130 OR 2-22.12. 223 NE Kowler. . CLEAN 103.1 OLDSMOBILE. I owner. private party. ttffl.V Call OR 2-1411 CLEAN '30 Old 2-door." Good tires and motor Prired toiell OR a -AM $.17 BUICkSuper.fully equipped; rea sonable. OR 3-8:100 Bill OUR PITCH luqusf CLEARANCE W4.S 1955 DeSOTO Firefhte 2.l!lS Sportsman Radio, heat er, automatic transmis sion, pnwfr steering power brake, pow er eats, all leather inter ior. 14,000 actual miles 193 DrSOTO Firedome 4 15 door. Radio. h-iter, automatic transmission, powrr brakes, color sweep. 19,13 PONTIAC Custom Ca- 2193 tahna. Radio, neuter, automatic tmnsmitsion, power steering, pnw er brakes, power windows, all leather interior. 1811 CHEVROLET 210 2 dr 896 Healer Motor rebuilt, new paint, new lirei. 19.M NASH Rambler Stallon ,301 Wagon Had to, heater. Dirertional signals, . mdshield washers, Very gd eromnnv rsr. NOW 2 ICS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM DURING OUR AUGUST CLEARANCE Bill Stock Motors n:,8 S T.. Slfplicm OPEN EVENINGS TIL 8 SUNDAYS 10 TIL 4 Sat. Aug. 17, 1957 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Automobiles 46 '58 FORD Fair la tie sedan cpe. 2-tone blue. V8, radio and heater $1998 '58 FORD custom 4-door V8 motor, 2-tona green, only 11,000 milea 1898 55 CHEVROLET Del Rey coupe VS motor, power pack. Overdrive, radio and heater 1698 '54 CHEVROLET Bel Air hardtop. 2-tone paint. Radio, heater, power-glide. Slick car 1398 '52 CHEVROLET 4-door Deluxe. 2 tone with new motor. Radio, heater. One owner ' 798 -53 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2 - door. New 2-tone paint, custom covers, radio and heater 998 '58 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe. V8 mo tor. Power flyte transmission, push button shift. U.OOO miles 1898 55 PONTIAC Chieftain 4-door. Dual range hy dramatic, radio, heat er. Custom trim and 2-tone. Only 17.000 miles 1798 '55 PONTIAC Catalina hardtop. Cus tom covers, radio, heater. Low mileage 2-tone 1998 Complete Selection Commercials '57 CHEVROLET i ton. V-8 motor, 4 - speed; long wheri base and iust a few miles. Like new condition. Save 400 5 CHEVROLET 4x4 pickup. Ideal off the highway rig. Large wheels makes more clearance and Warren hubs for highway driving 2398 '54 CHEVROLET ton pickup. Large tires, 4-speed. Big box .. 1098 '53 INTERNATIONAL ' ton long ' whel base. 4-soeed. Larse tires. metal box 898 '52 CMC Lone wheel base ton pickup 748 '51 CHEVROLET a ton pickup ..... 4 Hansens Used Car Center 552 S.E. Rose OR 21409 I ROSEBURG MOTOR COL PONTIAC i jm BUY WHOLESALE '53 BUICK 4-door Suoer. Trl-color V8 Motor, Dynaflow. Radio, heal er 8 898 '51 RIK K 4-dr. Super. 2 tone, radio, healer. Dynaflow 498 '54 FORD 2-door V8. and healer 2 tone. Radio '5.1 DODGE Diplomat Hardtop. V8 motor. Radio and healer 698 '32 PLYMOUTH 4 door. R&H 2 lone 498 j 'JO BUICK 4-door Special 51 FORD V8. 4 door 398 31 PONTIAC 4-door. Hydramatlc - 398 50 PONTIAC 4 door sedan . 296 31 STUDEBAKER 4-dr. VB 298 50 PLYMOUTH Coupe 248 Terms & Trades Better Buy WHOLESALE LOT North Stephens at the Clock Stock Motors SALE WA NOW 1953 DeSOTO Firedome 4 dr. 2095 1893 Kan 10, heater, automa tic transmission, pow er steering, power brak es Premium nylon tir- 1931 PLYMOUTH V8 B-l- 1995 vedere 4 door Healer, automat ie transmission, directional sign all. bark up lights, windshield washers. Color sweep. Very good condition. 19,13 CHRYSLER Windsor 109S Deluxe 4 door. Radio, heater, automatic trans mission Power steer ing, power brakes. 1932 FOM1) V6 convertible Radio, heater, overdrive Very good condition. Just got thi one. 1930 DeSOTO Sportsman. 498 Radio, heater. Automa tic transmission. 2 tone. OR 3 6.191 Automobiles 46 BARGUS '56 FORD Victoria, Thunderbird en gine, Fordomatic. R&iH. Ulua troui black and white hardtop Driven only 8,698 milea 2291 M DODGE V-8 Club Sedan. Power lite. Driven only 13,000 mltei 219S 'M PLYMOUTH Club Sedan. Push button drive, absolutely in top condition throughout 1691 'M PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door. heater, overdrive, an economy car .. 1898 5 PLYMOUTH V-B nation wagon. Push button driv, R&H. Just like new. 82298 53 DODGE V-8 Lancer. Powerflite. R&H. A local one owner car with low mileage 1798 '55 PLYMOUTH Club aedan with overdrive. One owner car In top condition 1398 54 LINCOLN Capri aedan, RAH, . Hwdramatic. Truly a luxury auto mobile ... 1698 '54 FORD V8 Ranchwagon. Fordo matic. R&H. A local one own er car. Driven leu thin 28.000 milea. 1401 '54 CHEVROLET aedan. Radio, he it er. Reconditioned motor. Finish and interior extra nice. 1198 '53 PACKARD Deluxe sedan. Ultra ma tic. R Ac It Power steering and Power brakes. Truly a lux ury car (or only 898 '52 LINCOLN Capri Hardtop. Hvdra matic, R it H. Rebuilt motor. Sharp 1098 52 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe aedan Hydramatlc, R 81 H. Spotless Inside and out 798 51 MERCURY Sport eoupe, over drive. R St H . .... 398 '51 KAISER sedan. Overdrive, FH Extra good condition 298 '51 PLYMOUTH sedan Beautiful light blue finish with matching Interior. Extra clean 396 '50 FORD club coupe. R&H. Sharp .. 398 48 PONTIAC sedan. R&H. 146 48 PONTIAC sedanettw. tor Good mo- "48 CHEVROLET Very clean. sedan. R&H. '48 Buick Convertible, good motor .. 898 '41 CHEVROLET club coupe. Special .10 Trucks & Pickups '53 GMC S (0n pickup, 4 speed J ( transmission. Top condition 898 '57 CHEV ''j ton pickup, driven only 4.100 miles, Just like new. SPECIAL 1798 '52 DIAMOND T, Model S20 dump truck. Complete with 5 yard bad and hoist. Ready to haul. 1188 BARCUS Open Eves & Sun N. Itephens at Garden Valla Road Ph. OR 3-3366 Easy Rank Terms ROAR With Rose Motor Co. JULY CLEARANCE USED CARS Reduced Prices '53 FORD Victoria Hardtop '53 CHEVROLET 4-door Bel Air, R Jc IT, Auto Trans. '52 CHRYSLER Saratoga, new paint '50 ion pickup, 4 speed as la. 82no '50 H Ion pickup. 4 speed, reduced prlc Rosa 8c Lane Streets OR 2-3301 NEW 1957 2 Door Sedan '1795 Delivered In Roseburg HANSEN'S Personal 48 VOUNO WOMI.N ol any faith naerllnt eonfldantlal advtca mar contact Mia Prum. Catholic Charltlts. 27S W. RroRdway.Euscna.Orexon Dl 5..364Z OOINO TO critrarCalllornla"ibouTAu, ust 24th with amply moving van. Will tak load. Phona OR 3.9AA6. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS- r Jacason. Tuesdays. Saturdays f PM HOUSE Of UNiroKMS li W. Ump. qua St. Dacrons, Nylons. S3 D3. Lost & Found 49 LOST Olive gretn billfold. Please re turn billfold and personal taper and pictures Keep money. Hazel Hunsaker, Weiifield'i. LOST Lady's Benrus wrist watch. Re ward Mrs. Ann Morgan, 1003 S. Co lumbia, Apt. 3, Olympia, Wash. LOST "August "nth," lady's wrist watch. Reward. OR 3-3173. Notices 51 1 WILL NOT be responsible for debts except those signed tn my own ignaiure. Wjlliam A Beeilev. t Will NOT N responsible for debti other than my own after August 12. Al Hammond. (Al a Union Service). 1