Vital Statistics Marriage License FULI.BKltiliTHICHLKY Mar low Fullbrifiht and Lola Highlev, both of Yoncalla. Divorce Decree ROTH Margaret Jean from Carl Roth. Custody of two child ren awarded to plaintiff. Divorci Suit COOK Dolores Arlene vs. Frank Marion Cook. Married at Kelso, Wash., March 21, 1947; two children. Plaintiff charges cruelty and asks for custody of children and $50 per month for the support of each child. Asks for award of real property, pickup truck and 1952 car, and home furnishings: and that the defendant be granted real property owned in Washington and a tractor. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wob bled at Just the wrong time. Do not live In fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the alkullne (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Hold false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (den ture breath). Get FASTEETH at anj dniE counter. Community Nevs Briefs Wed. Aug. 14, 1957 The Newi-Review, Roteburg, Or. 5 (HEMORRHOIDS) 47 YEARS of successful practice in the treatment of rectal, colon and stomach disorders. NO HOSPITAL OPERATION fOI INFORMATION, Wrll. or coll lor our Ir.o d.icripti.r bookl.l. Ab' no obligation, Frrjcllc limited to Proctology fhjriiofh.rapiiti Chiropractic Phriieiani 2026 N. E. Sandy Baulavord Phono BE 2-3918 Portland 12, Ortgo. Stan Coleman and Roland Cheek enjoyed a fishing trip to Lemolo Lake Monday. Mr. and Mn. H. N. Jacobson have returned to their home in Laurelwood, following several days at Adobe on the Coast. Mrs. Milton Thorman and daugh ter, Jeane, have left for their home in Bend, Ore., following a week in Roseburg visiting the former's par ents, Mr. and Sirs. Lewis Webb. Adeline Weaver of San Francisco i is spending her vacation in Doug i las County visiting relatives and I friends. She plans to return to San I Francisco over the coming week end. She is a sister 01 Airs, iiar lan Carter of this city. Mr. end Mrs. C. O. Buraess and children Marilyn, Bobby and Ter ry, have returned to their home in Roseburg loiiowing a two weens vacation trip to Montana. At Havre, they visited with Mrs. Burgess' parents. Leslie G. Shult, Internal Revenue agent in Roseburg for the last 10 vears. has been transferred to the Coos Bay office and plans to leave here Thursday. Oral Bell ot Med' ford has been transferred to Rose burg to take Mr. Shult s place. Miss Myth Hanan of Tucson, Ariz, and her friend, Mrs. Agnes Martin, of Auburn, Calif., who have been here the last two weeks vis iting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Clarke, and other friends have left for Portland to visit prior to re turning to their homes. Ona Lilac, who will be president of the Roseburg Senior High School Student Body this coming school year, and Jennie Murphy, secre tary, are spending the week in Eu gene attending the Student Council Workshop at the University of Oregon. Vaf. Flif Aofflistisi Muni Jkyf? He ll V ROSEBURG RCA World's Championship RODEO SAT. & SUN. 2:30 P.M. Bigtime Rodeo Ar It's Best! Adults $1.00 Kids S0c Box Seati $1.50 DOUGLAS AUGUST 22-to 25 Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Kneuis of Portland spent the weekend here as houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Berg in Laurelwood. Charles Hall of Portland was a Roseburg visitor Monday at the home of his brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton r . Hall, and family. Mr. end Mrs. Paul K. Ryan and daughter, Cheryl, have returned to their home on SE Lane Avenue, following two weeks vacationing at Nelscott, Ore. A-1C Charles Clement, son of Mr. nnH Urc llnwnrrl ('IpmPIlt (if Ftose- burg, who is stationed with the U.S. Air Force in loures,- r ranee, has been transferred on TDY to Casa Blanea, according to word received here by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hani Algard have returned to their home in Helena, Mont., after several days visiting in Roseburg at the home of the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Young, and daughter, Renae. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Maloney and family of Cottage Grove were Roseburg visitors over the week end at the home of the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ana Mrs. Lewis 1). McAllister, ana family. According to word received here, J. D. Parrish Sr. of Washington, D.C., retired Norfolk and Western Railway mechanic who had a 50 year insignia from the company, died recently in Washington, D. C. He was the father of Mrs. Pearl Beckett of Sutherlin. Certificates for completing the Douglas County Library and Jay Cce sponsored childrens reading program this summer may be pick ed up at the desk of the library by those having completed the course and who did not get theirs at the party sponsored at the court house Saturday. Paul Robinson returned to Rose burg this week, following a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson, in Peck, Idaho. On his wav to Idaho, he stopped at ! John Day, where he competed in ! the state rule contest, on nis re turn, he competed in another con test at Bend, Oregon. : Mr. and Mrs. Dee Moon of Phoe nix, Ariz, have left for Eugene to visit relatives, following a week in Roseburg visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb. Their family will entertain in honor of their golden wedding I anniversary Aug. 25 by holding ! open house from 1 to 5 p.m. in the ! Roselight Wedding Chapel in Eu I gene, 490-12th Avenue, East, Eu i gene. The Moons formerly resided in Tillamook and Eugene prior to 1 retiring and moving to Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hallmark Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lahey of and family, Joe and Maureen, are North Bend visited in Roseburg back at their home in this city, fol- over the weekend with Mr. and lowing several days in Portland. Mrs. Carlton F. Hall and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Young and Jack Schvaneveldt and Ed Old Miss Isabel. Miss Edith and Miss field have returned here, following Lulu Curry of this city drove to a stay in Portland, where they both participated in the Pro-Ama- Ashland Mountain and back Tues day. Mr. end Mrs. Sam Shoemaker Jr. of Los Angles have arrived here to visit the former's mother, Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker, on SE Lane Avenue. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sclmer Looney and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eul rich from Edison, Ohio. Mr. Eul rich is a brother of Mrs. Looney, and they hadn't seen each other for 10 years. This was Mrs. Eulrich's first trip west. Mr. and Mrs. Ermel Briggt, whb reside on the Gazley Road, and the latter's sister, Miss Adeline Weaver, of San Francisco, drove to Eugene Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klose and family, and to Lorraine, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Owens. , A barbecue picnic will be held at the Roseburg Country Club at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, for all members and their invited guests. The picnic supper will fol low we two-ball foursome to be held at 4:30 p.m. Members are re quested to make reservations as soon as possible by calling the Country Club, 3-7733. teur Golf tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fullerton have returned to their homes, fol lowing a week s vacation camping at Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George E. French of Winchester had as houseguests at their home on the North Ump qua River over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Lonic Stier of Park Plaza Apartments in Portland. Roy Thomaton, who has been doing building contracting work in Portland, spent last weekend visi ting his family in Roseburg. Mist Nancy Myers of Coos Bay plans to spend the weekend in Roseburg as the houscgucst of Miss Jeannie Gibbons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibbons. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Beulah Stanner Kinnison, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Starmer of Albany and the late Rev. Mr. Starmer. She died in Ba ker July 30 following a long ill ness. The Rev. Mr. Starmer was formerly pastor of the South Meth odist Church in Roseburg. Mrs. Starmer is now residing at 529 E. Third St., Albany. Bob Bllierd, who is working with the Forest Service during the sum mer vacation at Hinkle Creek in Eastern Oregon, spent the week end in Roseburg visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blizard. CLEANER HEATING BECAUSE OF THE AIR FILTER ' w iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"-v"',rt iiiliiliiiiiilin" lit iii l Willi liinimiiiiiiiii -iileWiTl " 'Vf r tL.'.M' 'Zv J iff:' yj ' F sat foas VM& tj , .jh. . i. . '':. - i Nr' - This Is a "Cool Top" Floor Furnace Witn the Register Removed Showing Air Filter On Right AIR FILTER CATCHES LINT, dust and dirt. Will not streak your walls or ceiling. NEEDS NO WALL SPACE Locate your furniture as you wish. NO EXPENSIVE DUCT WORK or WIRING NEEDED The difference in price may heat your home for several years. HIGH PRESSURE BURNER burns DIESEL oil in brick fire box. Lights by spark automatically. Never makes carbon. REGISTER CAN BE ADJUSTED to direct air from hallway to other rooms. EXTRA SHORT Only 18 to 20 inches below floor joists. t NO PITS OR CRAWLWAYS NEEDED i All working parts easily accessible from above, through large service panel. SAVE 2c A GALLON ON OIL Diesel oil is l'.'i cents per gallon cheaper. 200-gallon tank saves Vi cent per gallon. THERMOSTAT TURNS FURNACE ON OR OFF, or will hold steady temperature. No matches needed. NO MONEY DOWN -NO MONEY THIS MONTH. NO MONEY NEXT MONTH Completely Installed with a 220 Gallon Oil Tank BERGERONS Refrigeration - Air Conditioning Heating and Sheet Metal e--5-ii-----i-iii rTTrfeyil Crawford Door Sales Co. OF ROSEBURG CERRETSEN Building Supply Co. 538 S. c Oak Ave Phone OR 2-2636 Mrs. Carl Tisdale has returned to her work at the Douglas County Library, after recovering from s recent illness. She was patient at Mercy Hospital for several days re ceiving medical treatment. ' The VODKA of VODKAS There's a difference in vodkas and it's a difference worth knowing. Driest of the dry 0mirnoff THE CREATES? NAME IN VODKA it fom SO PROOF. DISTIltEO FROM GRAIN. STC. PIERRE SMIRNOFF FIS. (DIVISION OF HEUBtEIN). HARTFORD. CONN.. U S A. FRANCE. ENGLAND MEXICO . .... . M 4 f :Af' hird' U ' ieeeieeaeiaiiiaiiiie nn uninrir im insneaeyiriirmr aMi.eaeeMiete eaa ,." virr- iin MitaraaiiMettiMeeMeeeMiea lw.ei n i iii'tle e ee IUWO.L nJLLloicK, on-Dearer al Weyerhoeuier longvlew Mill, checks Pullman auignmenti with two of hli 23 Seoul choroei before entraining for the Jamboree in Valley Forge. Pa. lowed is adviior for Explorer Pott 334 In Long view, Wife Bee wrvei at "post moHwr" and torn Richard and Avey are both high-ranking Scourt. meet one of your forest industry neighbors... Forest industry pay checks work for everyone. The overage family spends $100 of income like this: Food $ 27 Housing 17 Clothing 9 Autos and transportation 14 Home furnishings 6 Medical and personal care. ... 7 Taxes (income and properly) . , 7 Recreation, sovings, insurance, education, etc 13 $100 t'Mimattv) from t fl Rutmu nt hrw Suiutttr, Knrvy of titisuninr Ki itni 1 1 i r linard on wf swiow family nf 3.4 ispronru. A family man and active loader in Boy Scout work and other local affairs, Lowell Hollister typifies the 160,000 men anil women who work in Washington and Oregon's forest industry. Like Lowell, who has been a Weyerhaeuser employee for 14 years, most are permanent, laxpaying citizens of communities near their work. All told, forest industry employees of this region earn about 700 million dollars a year. Mast of this money is spent locally. For instance, housing aJone requires a yearly expenditure of about 119 million dollars. This Ls but one illustration of how these payroll dollars help sustain almost every type of business. The forest industry is the basis for about one-half of our regional economy. Through planned cycles of balanced timber growth and harvest, it will continue to contribute to economic stability in the Pacific Northwest . . . today and tomorrow. ;,4.$QU;;: WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY forking lo build a mrmantnt, ifobfe fore if indutfry 1410 S. E. Stephens St. Phone OR 2-2324