Shop Classified - There Is SomethingFor Everyone At Prices Anyone Can Afford. OR 2-3321 Houses For Rent 5 LARGE 3 room modern furnUhed cabin. Nearly new 7 ft. refrigerator. Gai rooking and hot water. Clean and neat. Water and garbage disposal furnish ed $48 per month. Behind Dale'i Cafe, No Umpqua Road. Harts Cabtni. PhoneOR 3-336B. r ic H COURT under new management. neat apartments, 3-bedroom modern with garages. Unfurnished. Close to school, storea and . church. Wilbur area. Call OR 3-8U91 evenings or see at west end of new Glide cut-off road. fVOSMALL neat one bedroom houses. HUtrict. Unfurnished. Newly dec orated. Available August 10th. Prefer working couple or teachers. Call OR 3-6891 evenings or Inquire at 2243 S.E. Castle St. S13 TO RELIABLE tenants coiy one bedroom house; wired for range; show er" chemical toilet optional: utility ihed. 2 porches, garden space. Near Ruse School, bus, super market. 917 Eddy. Call OR 3-3321 after 3. TWO-BEDROOM home, 3 blocks Ben .nn whool. Stove and refrigerator fur nished. Fenced yard: walking distance to iown.73;cau UK a-Jiza alter a. fii trjumoDERN ranch type unfurnish ed 2 bedroom duplex. Hardwood floors, oil furnace. Carport, lawn. $83. O R3-4051. SMALL 1-bedroom furnished or unfur nished house. -4 miles north of Rose bflrg. Water and garbage service fur nished. $ -W m o n th OR 3-7753. SM A LL FURNISHED house. So. Jack son St. Water and garbage service furnished. $45 month. Phone OR 2-1498 fterJPM. TWO BEDROOM house, weststde. Elec tric heat, wall-to-wall carpet. Fire olace. Lots of built-ini. Available Aug. 11th. Phone OR 3-4548 or OR 3-8834. nTcE MODERN 1-bedroom duplex. Stove, refrigerator, water and garbage lervtce furnished. $52.30 month. OR 3-3 1:. Tu-n RRDROOM house unfurnished. Near Joseph Lane School Nice dis trict. $65 per month. Williamson Real Estate, OR a-43us r2 3, and 4 bedroom homes. Income 'limit. Families, also single elderly 65, or over accepted. 802 W. Stanton St. OR 3-6548. DUPLEX near Glide, on North Ump mia Highway. Clean, furnished 3 rooms and bath. 1 child permitted, OR 3- BENT or will sell with payments less than rent. 1 1 2 bedroom duplex, or rii 3 bedroom house. Ph. OR 3-7060. THREE BEDROOM 2-year old nice home. Fireplace. 3 blocks to school. S8.1 per month. OR 3-3264. Trailer Rentals 6 TRAILER HAVEN has a spacious lot for you in Roaeburg'a newest, most modern park. Lots of concrete, stor age lockers, propane gas to each space Good laundry facilities. Quiel snd orderly Old OB north to 499 N.E S le rl i ng. ALAMEDA AVE TRAILER COURT has bus service by court entrance every 30 minutes. Reasonable rates. Well lighted t nfght. 381 N.E. Alameda Ave. OR 2-2348. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees. $18. month. Highway St N at Winchester Bridge ONE SPACE at Central Trailer Park. Modern, closest td city center. Alt paved. Adults. 1361 Diamond Lake Blvd. Phone 3-4196 FURNISHED trailer with nice refriger ator. For man and wife or bachelor. 1256 SE. Mill. Misc. Rentals 7 TRUCKS OR CARS for rent. Short or long trips. Bee Hive Rental Co. Ph. OR 3-7412. Business Rentals 8 AVAILABLE August 10th, Store building. 2 doors south of Penney's on Jack son. 'Formerly Fashion Center OR 3-jl32B. - OFFICE living quarter combination or rent. Near cilv center on Jack son. Rental $79 mo. Call OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. STORE OR office space in new building on uaK st entrance hoicj umpqua. BUILDING for rent, lease or sale at .126 S. E. Lane. Theo Bond. UK 3-i- WAREHOUSE SPACE on trackage. OR Wanted To Rent NICE 3 BEDROOM home to 120. 3-B060. noon and after 6 P.M. Wanted Misc. 10 Highest Prices Paid For Scrap of All Kind. BOB'S WRECKING YARD 3'a miles S. on99 WE-PAY HIGHESfTaih prices for used furniture. ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 243 SE Ja ok son Ph OR 3-3104 WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3 VI2B. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture. Jewelry. Priscilla'a Antiques. 247 S. E. Jackson. OR 2-1421, CALL HARRY'S for the high dollar when you have furniture to sell. We buy. sell or trade. Ph. OR 2-141 i. W A XT baby crib In good condition. OR ......wo. t WANT jliicerTbR3-7810. Help Wanted 11 CAR DRIVER might consider driving partner. Call after 4 p.m. or weexeno, fii9 S. E. Cass, upstairs. Ellis Cabs. OR 3-6653. APPLIANCE SALESMAN Experienced High income potential for man win ing to work. Umpqua Valley Appii- nce 648 S E Rose. BABY sitlcrbv Augint 22nd. Live in Permanent. Write Box 514 News Re view. WANTED Woman to .rare for chil dren, ages .1 years, and 3 months. S dav week. Ph OR 3-3271. BKAN PICKERS with transportation. Hay Young. OR 2-2938 WANTED Nurse for Doctor's office. Write News-Review Box 313. I LIKE the way this Job" paM, No U will ioo call OH 2-11B1, fcxt. J!, oeiore . Services 13 DOZING, leveling; alio shale rock, river loaim and road materials. Chas. Keely. osjMin. SHOP IN GREEN. General repair, welrt- lng and fix-it. Experienced. 2332 S.W. Castle St. Ph. OR 3-46R7. ROOFING, SIDING. REPAIRS Herb Dorman. Roofing Contractor. 1032 N.E. Pot. O R3-4341. . PainttkV 1.. hariffintr Ja met V. heeler, 'jr.i 1609 NW Mulholland. OR 3-7497 sr.-. -- "lA"!'GJ ne.C Tn.J.r a; Ph OR 2-1371 ' PAINTING and paper hanging. OR 3- CLEANING SEPTIC- tTs KS Reaon ableJW. J Lane OR 3;3g4 CARPENTER work. Small jobs reason able Sm it h OR .1 -8 IV lURLBl RTS Plumbing. Any tpe. Ph. '.44.Sutherltn . RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS we deliver. ur 3-4334 a7tNG77-p.-m-c. wn.hi. or ..7i..J. r,.7r.;.zr. ph "h. OR J-14M Peci"lsiorey7bR ELL DRU.LINO 1-H721 or OR 3-473H doors, WINDOW scree'n. and screen od or aluminum- OR J-4Too. Services 13 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mileage; fret estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. OR 3-33M IB80 N.E. Stephens ACME ROOFING ALL TYPES roofing, colored rock: also siding. All work guaranteed. 308 S.E. Oak. OR 3-8255. BULLDOZING, leveling, ditch or post hole digging, plowing. Top soil and gravel, .dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Goetz, OR 2-1432. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hours service. Mil ler St Cox Sales and Service. OR 2- 3381; night calls. OR 3-7089 or OR 3- 3739. REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial. Available nn call any time day or night. Ph. OR 3-5518 or OR 3-4632. Baby & Child Care 14 MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY. 914 S. E. Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special unit for children under 2 years of age. aisieinspeciea, un j-tfjtti. WILL CARE for infant or small child in my home. Experienced references. rnone UK 3-5486. CHILD CARE IN my home. Ages 3 and over, newton creek Dittrict, OR 3-8231, BABY SITTER'S Association. Call OR 3-4187 WILL CARE for children in my home a ays. cncea in yard, oh 3-33B1. WILL CARE for 1 child In my home. OR 3-6378 between 6 and 8:30 P.M. Work Wanted 15 Painting Wanted You name the color. We do the rest Best Dutch Boy Paints used. Call OS J-H4 1 2 tor an cstitn atc. TRUCKS for hire. Short and long log gers with stakes, lumber trucks, Franco Trucking. OR 3-8967 evenings, and OR 3-7378 days. CONTRACT cabinet, jobs. OR 3-4564. small carpenter WASHING AND rough dry; also Ironing. OR 2-361)3. CARPENTER Construction, any type. References. OR 3-8020 after 6 p.m. DRESSMAKING. alterations. Pickup and deliver. OR 3-7 a U OFFICE work, bookkeeping, shorthand and typing. Reliable, steady. OR 3-7830. IRONING In my home. OR 2-2448. Instruction 16 STEEL GUITAR lessons given at your home. Phone, wire or write to Lester Woods at Jo Ann's Apartments, 4209 S. W. Carnes Rd,, Roseburg, Ore. for appointment. OR 3-7047. Loans 17 CASH TODAY $25-$50-$100-$300-$500 UP TO $1500 t BORROW ON YOUR SALARY. Em ployed people in all lines of work may qualify for a salary loan. 2. BORROW ON CAR OR FURNITURE. Your furniture or automooue mane excellent security at Local Loan Co. paid for or not 3. SPECIAL PAY DAY LOANS. 2S. .i0. or more loaned until "pay day" or longer. Pay only for the actual number of daya you keep the money. $23 COSTS 18o for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan lOCALlOANfo Ronnie SecantL MtT. 423 SE Jackson Ph. OR 3-4476 FREE PARKING Andy's Chevron Station 2 doors north. Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO $1500 ON AUTOS. TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Ud to 24 monthly paymenta Life Iniurance on loan, at email coat 729 S. E. Washington OR J-5277 Pacific Finance Loan Mi I t SteDhena OR 3-MU MONEY IN A HURRY $50. to $2,000. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 1-INANrE CORPORATION S. E. OAK OR 1-4494 Financial 19 WANTED About 6000 on Roseburg real estate. Want lo pay $100 per month for two years, then pay off balance Write Newi-Review JBox 47. For Trade 21 TRADE $3,500 equity In 3-yesr old 2 bedroom homt for trailer house of canal value A. D. Burwell, Anderson s Addition. Canyonville. "jointer and 8" table saw Trade for good work car or pickup. ORl 3-B014. Seeds & Plants 23 HYBRID Delphiniums now blooming. 3 for $1. Mrs. Don Young. Cleveland Rapids Rond Ph OR 2-16 Fuel 22 Sawdust Blower bervtce or Dump Wood Drv Oak Green Slab Kiln Dry Plsner Ends Gr. or Drj Peeler Core Summer price on planer ends, sawdust Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 9-1741 SAWDUST 1 Blower and dump MILL ENDS, dry or green Ptr core. riuv lD FRANCES GILL. FUEL Mf NE tiouflaa OR 2-1324 I RED DIAMOND FUEL CO. KILN UKifcU pianer no wood Ak tbout summer rate on planer end s. on 3-yyt D R Yoak wood Cill OR 3-tTl Fruits & Vegetables 24 - I SWEET CORN resdy Albion a till Green Acre, us .-wi. I roRnn, . torn to lull, apple boxes and crates, phono on .i-ofj I pcaches tor sale. H. Robinson. PEACHES tor sale. UK ' HIMALAYA blackberries. II gallon. Hi. OR 3-64-15 BEANS You ptre Se lb 1 mil south o Myrtle Creee.. Fruits & Vegetables 24 TOMATOES JAMES GARDENS I MILES S. of Roteburg, across Green oriage. rurn lelt first road, go l'i miles. EXCELLENT irrigated Bartlett pears that our pickers have knocked off trees or dropped on ground that we cannot send to cannery. $1. per box, you pick. $1.23 picked on order. Phone OS 9-6838 Winston Orchards, 6 miles So. Rose burg, turn left first road south of Win ston bridge from Roaeburg. PEACHES, tree ripe. Rochesters now. Crawfords. Slappies, Hales and im proved Elbert as later as they ripen. Six miles south on old 90, cross Win ston bridge and turn left V mile. H. R. Harrison. SWEET CORPT Superior Quality for canning or fretting. Please phone or ders, OR 2-3618, Also tomatoes, cu cumbers, and cantaloupe. M. O. Knapp. Garden Valley. ROCHESTER AND HALE Haven peach es ready to go. improved b'berta and Hale's later. Plums while they last. Bob White Orchard. 4 mile i east of Roseburg on Dlxonvllle Road. EDEN ACRES. No. Umpqua Hwy, for canning Deans. Oregon uiants and Blue Lakes. Also, local peaches lor canning. Place your orders now. Phone OR GRAVENSTEIN apple, worm free. $2 bushel. Bring containers. Special price on canning and freezing corn. Harvard Ave, fruit stand. NICE GRAVENSTEIN apples. R. A. Busenbark. on The Bu sen bark Ranch. miles out Melrose Road, 3rd hoase on right. PEACHES. Hale Haven and Improv ed Rochester. S3 bushel. Big Bend Road, Garden Valley, Moore's Nurs ery. Call OR 3-4502 evenings. BARTLETT pears, you pick or we. Bring own containers. Rt. 2, Box 920 3 miles wet from city limits, on Melrose Road. OR 3-5815. Gene Foley. CANNING peaches and a variety of fresh vegetables. James Gardens. OS 0-3264. South end Green bridge, Win ston, turn left and go 1M miles. TOMATOES. Blue Lake and Oregon Giant canning beans. You pick. Turn at south end of Winston bridge. See sign. S. W. Hoffmeister. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, 30c and up a box. Bring containers. Ph. OR 3-379L LOCAL CORN ready for canning and freezing. Tomatoes by the bushel. Harvard AvenueFruit Stand. PEARS. BARTLETTS. You pick. $1.00 bushel. Picked $1.50. Holmgren, Route 1. Box 773. OR 2-3837. FOR SALE Cucumbers, reasonable. J. E. Kingry. Coles Valley Road. Wil bur. OR 3-3623. SWEET CORN, $2.23 per sack, you pick before 2 p.m. dally, while it .lasts. M O. Knapp, Garden Valley. LOCAL peaches, Gravenstein apples, plums, and vegetables. Harvard Ave nue Fruit Stand, Mrs. Mabley. OWENS NURSERY St FRUIT STAND. Dillard. Ready now, local sweet corn, tomatoes, peacnea eucumoers, etc. Livestock 26 SHEEP TOP PRICES paid for sheep and lambs or an icinas. we are in me market iz months out of the year, as we are always here. ALSO BUY WOOL and mohair. Douglas Livestock Market OR J-4071 Sutherlln .mso Mr r tie Creek 3144 ; Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon Early consignments for Thurs. August 15th 1 Load good Hereford cow 1 Load fat steers and heifers 2.1 Head good veal calves 23 Head yearling Hereford steers and heifers 1 Load canner cows 200 Head feeder lambs Several lots breeding ewes Several head good bucks Sale Every Thursday 12 noon Ph. OR 2-4071 Sutherlin 3360 BUTTERMILK For Stock and Poultry Feed UMPQUA DAIRY OR 2-2638 FOR SALE quarter horse stud colt. dark bay. 1 years eld. 920 pounds. Sired by Aaron Slick. NO. P-42572 Out of Whirl Girl NO. 6483. Alio. lt 2 horse single axle hnre trailer. Route 1. Box 743. OR 3-7634 aftr PM. Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route 1. Box 332B Bui.OR 3-632:. Evt's OR 3-S235 FOR SALE 3rd cutting alfalfa and lotus in field, you cut and bale, l'i miles south of Myrtle Creek on Hfgh wayW. Mrs. My lea Jones. Phone32.l2. FOR SALE gentle, good-spirited mare. Also saddle and bridle. Ph. OR 3-4380 after 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE mare quarter horse. Con tact Earl Burgoyne, Riddle. Phone days 3:182. evenings 3813. : PALOMINO SADDLE mare. 6 years old with Palomino colt 4 months old. Saddle and bridle- OR 3-3940. SORREL SADDLE mare with flax mane and tail. Arabian and thoroughbred, 2'i year old. Broke to ride. OR 3-3940. WANTED Sheep and cattle of all kinds. Top market price, uarrui Ray. Ph. Sutherlin 3280 Wool Growers Wool and mohair received dally. Nich ols Store. Brockway. OS 9-8907. ALWAYS INthlnarkel for sheep Top prices paid for wool. OR 2-1031. Al Brown. ' Suffolk rams. Oakland 2797. Harold Crmich. CORRIF.DALE rai OR 2-3991. COLUMBIA BUCKS, OR 2-3860. CUSTOM SHEARING OR 3-3784. The11 Do It Every Time ,ffi" -mi cuf i FPrff Arrr ) n"- J MOW MOCM , LIT .GET A wis supposed TO f W4S U 1UE V I fJD ?,A T KMOW- J LUMP OF THE M4VE4B4RREL J UUGMlNO OUT HOW HE i "A, way the boys op dough -but U 4crMy&OT mis job- y DO THE OVER- MPPEM TO J-y f v THE-B4CK-FENCE ST. J cA' ffl h 0AX 4H0 i M4TU5 MAT TiP TO wiTtR.; Hay, Grain & Feed 27 BALED clover and rye grass hay in the field. 23c per bale. E. J. Worms n. Boswell Springs Road, Rt- 1 Box 234, Yoncalla. Oregon. FOR SALE 2.500 tons eastern Oregon alfalfa hay. Truckers welcome. none 2581 or Box 269. Merrill. Oregon. MOWING, raking, and baling. OR 3- 6857. Poultry 28 WANTED TO BUY poultry, eggs, wool and cascara. Poultry received on Mon days and Tuesdays only. Ph. OR 3-4331. Roseburg Poultry Co. 729 SE Spruce. FOUR Ducks, 5 geese. Call 3527 Oakland. Rabbits 29 RABBIT FERTILIZER. RL 4. Box 1580 OR J-J710 Pets 30 BORDER COLLIES for sale, 6 weeks old. Ph. Eugene Diamond 360.13, or write W. L. Cameron, 7170 River Road, Ju nction City. Orego n EXCELLENT BOXER pupa, AKC regia tered. See a t 1613 N.W. Fairmont. SIAMESE kittens, $15 and 2Q. OR 2-1014 after 6 p.m. DOUGLAS-COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907 - BABY parakeets, 3 miles south. Burt on's. OR 3-8122. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, regis tered and pedigreed. OR 3-3433. FOR-SALE Toy Fox Terriers. Canary singers. Cheap. OR 3-4673. MALE TOY Pekingese for sale. OR 3-6006. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-3793 TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT RADIO. TELEVISION, HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD. OR 3-555.1 Building Material 32 CORRUGATED ROOFING 28 ga. galv 6' ' 10' 12 aheeta. Roseburg Supply Co., 403 N.E. Win- chester St. OR 3-448 1. 1x8 Shiplap, $23 and up LUMBER SALES - OR 3-7362 Garden Valley Rd.. near R R tracks. FOR SALE used brick and other materials. Phone OR 2-2710. GOOD USED doors and windows, rea sonable. Ph. UK 3-HU14. Sports Equipment 34 SCUBA DIVERS Compressed, Filtered AND Purified Air underwater salvase service, tank and dry auit rental,. Wally's Air Compression Service St Salvage Route 3, Box 1640 Military Ave, Roseburg. OR 3-6846 24 hour emergency service. Quit Wishing, Go Fishing Salmon Harbor Sports Trollers Charter Boats Rose Elk Capt. Jim Britlson Opt. Dan Keefe Adventure Capt. Don Bull PHONE CRESTVIEW 1-3213 WINCHESTER BAY. OREGON TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from ua, wa install free if gun is factory drilled, umpqua Gun Store, Roseburgj 300 SAVAGE Model 99. Hasn't shot over one box shells. Complete with case and box of shells. 75. OR 2-1397 CLOSING OUT All sleeping bam at wholesale; also fishing tackle. Pow ell's Sporting Goods on Cass Ave. USED GUNS Sure we trade. Ump qua Oun Store. Sports Equipment 34 Authorized Evinrude Dealer Iham, Imperial. Burchcraft, Starcraft aluminum boats. Trailers, carriers, palnta tie. Used motors Rod & Reel Trailer Sales 1U.1 W. Harvard Sewing Machines 36 RENT A NEW SEWING MACHINE Sewing Machine Clinic 833 S E. Cass OR 2-1071 LATE model, gear driven Singer sewing machine with cabinet. Ph. UK 3-sooi, FOR SALE cheap. Singer tewing ma chine in good condition. OR 3-6270. SdoU before vour eyes! Soot your ad in our classified columns for quick results. Phone OR 2-3321. For Sale Misc. 37 Used Equipment That must be sold to make room for new fall merchandise. 4-Power mowers 2-Skil saws 2-Garden tillers 1 -Delta Shop drill pree 1-Cultivator attachment for V drill 1-Electnc hedge trimmer 1-13 ft. boat and trailer l-7'i HP Mercury 1-12 HP Wizard 1-22 HP Johnson 1- 3 HP Hiawtha 2- Lawn spr ink lers 1-2 Man rubber raft with oars and pump Make us an offer Umpqua Valley Hardware 366 S.E. Jackson LAWNMOWER, bed springs, Hollywood Dea leg, irigtaaire, dinette set, coffee table. Presto Fry-master, Fryryte. waf fle iron, hot plate, silex and dishes. OR 2-3606. TREVA'S CERAMIC STUDIO, large as- sortment of green ware, new matt glaz es, p lints, general supplies. Classes each day. OS 0-3133. Next to Winston Lockers. Commercial firina. MOD. 70 Winchester .270 cal . 3100. Winchester .22 cal. repeater bolt ac tion. $13. S wheel trailer with signal lights, good condition, $33. OR 3-6360 after 3:30 p.m. MONTAG WOOD circulating heater, 1 bimmoni twin bed, box springs and mattress. 8x12 rug. Reasonable. 1246 S. E. Mill. FOR SALE NEW tropical fish cor- ner cabinet, light mahogany. Holds 4 tanks. With or without tanks. OR 3-6046. USED appliances, ranses. refriaerators etc. Taken fft on trades. Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer oalei, N HlghVijiy P9at Wmchester Bridge. NEW and used meat cases, reach-In refrigerators, soft ice cream freezers. Bergeron Refrigeration. 1410 SE Ste phens. THRIFT grade 8 ft. 2x4's. 4c each, or 7 per thousand, on orders of 2000 ft or over, S6 thousand. Keller's Mill, North Stephens. TOP SOIL from new pit Genuine, heavy river loam; clean, no rocks, easy to handle. To get the best call Charles Keely. OS 9-5117. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. $3 month and up. OR 3-3518. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices, Winston Lockers, OS 9-5133. l'a HORSE BICYCLE motor for sale. Hasn't been run since factory over haul and fits any bicycle. Call OR 3-3535 after 4 P.M. 30 in. TAPPAN electric range, like new. S120. Trowbridge Electric. 622 S Jackson. ' OIIj BURNING range with hot water coil. Zenith console radio-phonograph; 2-burner hot plate; mangle. OS 9-8890. WESTINGHOUSE fans, window and floor models. 201 off. Trowbridge Elec- tric. 622 SE Jackson. KKNMORE electric dryer, late model Perfect condition. Temperature selec-, tor UK 2-17UU. sftcrwooa. WESTINGHOUSE water heater, 52 gal- ion. SR9.93. Trowbridge Electric. Gill SE Jackson. CHILD'S platform-rocker7Zenilhtahle model radio. 113 E. Pleasant St OR 3-3930. NEW MOTOROLA TV table model S18S8.V Trowbridge Electric. 622 SE Jarkaon. 3SPEED record"pla.v erand radi o 7 $33. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-3518. WESTING HOUSE Console TV. 1200 Trowbridge Electric. 622 SE Jack son. MATCHING Hotpoint washer and dryer set. both $173. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E.Jackson.OR3-331B. OCCIDENTAL gas ran-je, used .1 weeks. $320 new, now $185. Horn's Appliance, 424S. E. Jack5on.OR3-3M8. USED BENDiX Duomatic. excellent con dltion. Horn's Appliance. 424 S.E. Jack son. OR 3-3318. . SF.RVEL gas refrigerator, 8 cu. ft. $110. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-5318. WINSTON Sand and Gravel, ".-crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil. OS 9-8493. WATK1NS PHODUCTS. IS mile EaM on North Umpqua Highway C L Bibhy. OR 2-1486. FULL SIZE Norge automatic electric range with derpwell. Clean, good con dition. SMCall OR 3-3013. SMALL OIL stove. 100 gallon oil dru with tubing; older electric range. cheap.OH3-72.lfl YOUTH bed with "plastic covered mat-' tress. Exceptionally good shape. $23. Ph. Sutherlin 3023. LAHGE gas heater, good condition. OR 3-61 16. GIRL'S, good school clothes, site 12. OR3-333i. SiX YEAR baby crib for safe. OR 3-7IU4 SINGLE HORSE TRAILER, good con dition. AliosaddlePh. OR 3-4273 FOR SALE, heating system, sawdust biirner. OR 2-2J710. LAD.ES ELGIN lapet watch, yellow goldilSOR 2-14,(3. SMALL. wood heating stove, $18. Phone OR 3-4930 J'ter4 p m SO GALLON gas water heater, good condition $33. OR 3-B014 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS, Betty Sheldon, 4:i N W Sweet brja r . USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. Umpqua Gun Store. (DRIJEK YOUR World Bonk Encyclope dia now In lime for school. Call OR 1-4273. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 448 W. Broccoli. USEI DOORS and windows. OR 2-2710. FULLER BRUSH. OR i-ugi. By J Hatlo immi Wmen the gals the office go to lunch rr's RE4LLy mope TO GOSSIP THAN KIND4 EXPECT IT FROM THE CEMMES For Sale Misc. 37 Schwinn Bicycles TRADE your old bike In on a new Schwinn, pay balance in 6 months. Foreign bikea have no trade In value. Al's Bike Shop. Between Dairy Quean and Farm Bureau, ou a-Aou FREE 7 PIECE Chrome' dinette ,t with pur. rhas, of new Hamilton wither and dryer lor Kiwi, term,. Big Harry's WINSTON MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES SALES PARTS SERVICE Uted btcyclea and motorcycle. BECKWITH CYCLE CO. 3828 W. Uarvard GAS POWER lawn mower, used 2 months. S30. Electric lawn mower, denv onatrator; 943. Big Harry's WINSTON RECONDITIONED Wringer washer. Maytag, Speed Quen, Norge, Coro nado. Sears Roebuck. $23 up. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-5318. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped U S D A. choice 45c. U S D A. good 42c, U.S.D.A. standard 39c. not graded 37c. South Stephena Market, OR 3-9184, evenings. OR 2-1870. FOR the best Job in custom cutting, wrapping and quick fretting, bring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133 UTILITY TRAILER, 4 wheel. OR 3-7936 after 3 p.m. NECCH1 sewing machine, almost new. Take over payments. OR 2-1071. For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. Munion. We buy, sell and trade. It pays lo buy and sell the auction way. Auction every Fri day, 7 P M. Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 3-30 REEL type power mower S30. OR 2-9122. Musical Instruments 38 FRENCH MADE B-Flit Clarinet for sale $73.00. This Is a quality wood In strument only one vear old and sold for $135.00 new. About $10 worth of music included. Phone OR 2-3143 or see at705 S. E. Terrace St. GUITAR-FENDER, double neck rteel, good shape $100. Lei Paul Gibson amp. $75. Both, plus volume and tone fool pedals $130. OR 3-43B6. WUHL1TZKR spinet piano, 4 years old $375. OR 2-2446. FOR SALE Clarinet. Phone OR 3-6411. Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal For Irrigation Price Per Hundred T i" t 8.112c IV 27 OOe V S11.76C 1'." SI12.00C 1 " 18.64r 7 " S4R 80e Fittings Roseburg Supply Co. N.E. Winchester St. OR 3-44S1 Rosehurr Stringer's Implement Co. 1590 N. E. STEPHENS ST. Phone OR 2-4382 AUTHORIZED ALLIS-CH ALMERS SALES-SERVICE BILL RICHMAN FRANK STRINGER OWNERS logging'Equipment 41 Sacrificing My Equity In Lots 1956 Ford Diesel Major Tractor With Sherman Loader and Backhot Also for Sale s4 Unit Crane 7 Cat TD-14 Ph. 3103 Cancir.e on River Hd.. Riddle BOHEMIA tvpe boom built by Albion Machine. Will fit ' or 1 yard slinvvl. Douglas Machine At Welding. OK 3. .1444. WRECKINn TO-B International. MI.11 model. Phone 3313 Myrtl. Creek, Carle Machinery. WANTED Good short log trailer with nyaraunc scales, rn. ut o-;)2ii. FOR SALE 11148 Wentworth Irwin log irauer. nil uinllcK, Ull j-44tiw. SHORT LOG TRAILER. OR 3-39.14 Timber & Sawmills 42 Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and ilumpage In large- or small trans. I)vi ph. 24.11 Riddle or Myrtle Creek :2M evenings. WANTED Log rough lumber HUB LUMBER CO. no i tics ruL-uiMU' n a i lino WANTKD -- timhfr or logging contracts I for mobile yarder loader Large or small jnls. Phone OR 2-41D4 ur Suth WANTED Short log hauling for trurk and single axle trailer. Phone OR 2-3121 evenlngs,except Friday. "atilton.?, power pl'a'nr'pho OR 2-9134 before 8 pm WANTED Short logger, steady haul. OR 3-4fi4I. WANTED Logged over land and tim ber land Write Bex 292 News-Review. WANTED "Short log "hauling ll6'aj. Have stakes. OR 3-1991. SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. New 1957 Mercury Monterey 2-Door 255 H. P. Motor Sale Base Price $2337.00 Freight 168.00 Heater and Defroster . 91.40 Full Price Delivered in Rosburg $2596.40 SI DILLARD MOTOR. CO. I.INroLN.MEncl'BV - SIMCA Douglas at Stephens . Ph. OR 3-6625 Wd. Aug. 14, 1957 I ho Niwt-Ravitw, Roieburg, Or. 13' Trailers 44 BE SMART Live in a Modern Mobile Home And Have More Leisure 1, 2, 3, Bedroom Flamingo Golden State Nomad American Fleetwood On display at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES I Miles north on old hl$hway : At Wlncheit.1- Brldl. Licensed Bonded Hauler, Open Eve's St Sundays OR 3-4.494 Columbia - Leisurehonis Melody Horn 143' t-Bdr 11993.' Spartan ABC Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to SO' Supplies, etc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 10 N.E. Stephens OR DALTON KENSKILL FRONTIER AUO UNIVERSAL NASHUA TERRA CRUISER COMMODORE Jim McKee Trailer Sales tj2 N E. Steohen OR 2-4221 ROD &. REEL TRAILER SALES IDEAL VICTOR ROD t REEL SIESTA FIREBALL Vacation trailers for rent. Also Evtnrude motors and boata. 1143 W. Harvard Ph. OR 3-3:12 37 FT. TRAILER, like new. Only lived In 3 years. Will Mil for IBM. Can be financed, 1-3 down. Inquire Case Loma Motel, 1107 N.E. Stephens. Court. SALE OR TRADE for smaller trailer. our equity In 40 rt. l-bedroom trailer. Space F-13. Nebo Trallar Court. S3H0O EQUITY In 19M. 42 ft. trailer, aiuuti. rn. jwn autnerun. 1 FT. ALUMINUM E-Z-Pulf h 0 U a t trailer - 33. 1149 W. Harvard. Trucks 45 FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock, dump truck or what have you? 1D48 ' International truck and trailer. New motor, stakes and rubber. Phone Suth erlin 2849 or 3483. . 1941 FORD lt ton. 4 speed; 1941 Inter national ' ton. Dee-Lite Trailer Court. Kelley a Korner. Automobiles 46 ROAR With Rose Motor Co. JULY CLEARANCE USED CARS Reduced Prices 'S3 FORD Victoria Hardtop '33 Clir.VnOI.r.T 4-door Bel Air, RAH, Aulo Trans. '.Vt CHRYSLER Saratoga, new paint '50 ton pickup. 4 speed as Is, 8200 '50 '4 ton pickup, 4 speed, reduced price Rose lane Streets OR 2-3.101 1954 Ford TWO-DOOR Customllnrr. Radio. htaler and Knrdomatic. Good tires; low mile age: clean. Call OR .1-O.S7. 1H.15 CHRVROLET convertible V-B. Radio nd heater. Hvdramatlc. Salmon pink and while. Will sell or trade equity for older model car. Phone Sutherlin :W2fl. MOTORCYCLE '49 Harlev-bavldson Hy dro (ill tie, lots of chrome, new chain and sprockets. Buddv sent etc. Heal good shape. Phone OK 2-2016, Route 1, Hox 1227. Roseburg. GOING OVERSEAS 10" Chevrolet Bel Air sporl coupe, low mileage; sell equity or trade for good older car. call OS H-s:iue 'M CHEVROLET V-B station wagon 4 door. Powerglide. po.vcr brake. RAH. White sidewall nylon tires Excellent condition. IITO5. Ph. Suthrlin 3220. 4fl MERCURY motor, parts fit '41- 4R Ford. '40 Ford motor and parts. Rea on able. OR 3-1,820. EQUITY In M3 Plymouth 2 door. A-l condition. Will take '-' model. Box 348. Canyonville. OI.DS BOCKKT enelne and aulomatlr transmission complete, ITS. Might tiade.(JR 2-4390. '47 HS A solo motorcycle ITS as la. OS 0-M47. i ran fl-cvl Ford Club coupe. Good mechanically, $27.1. OS 11-3171. - 1 iirei 1944 GREY 2-door Plymouth. Good shape. $100 OR3-8H4 I BAT BUICK Super, fully equipped; rea sonable. OR 3-O3O0. , CLEAN I.M OLMMOnlLE. X owner, priyaipariyJBa.aiiUH a-ien. 50 CHEVROLET coupe. Excellent con dition. GnoiMerms 2M. OR 3-3773. WILL TAKE over paymenta on 'S3 -'.IT model car. R. E. Camp.Jtte 4 Box 871. GOOD '49 Chevrolet. OR 2-1338 MOTORCYCLE 123 Puch, 1 100. OS 9-88M Automobiles 46 BARCUS 'M FORD Victoria. Thunderbird en gine, Fordomatic. H&H. Illua trous black and white hardtop. Driven only 8,608 miles. 22SI 'M DODGE V-8 Club Sedan, Power fit i. Driven only 13,000 miles .219 '36 PLYMOUTH S Club Sedan, Push button drive, absolutely In top condition throughout 1698 56 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-dooc. heater, overdrive, an economy car 18M 35 DODGE V-8 Lancer. Powerflit. R&H. A local on owner car with low mileage 1789 '55 PLYMOUTH Club aedan with overdrive. One owner car In top condition I3ftg '34 LINCOLN Capri sedan. K It H. Hydramalic. Truly a luxury auto mobile iflfli 34 FORD V8 Ranchwagon. Fordo matic. R&H. A local one own er car.- Driven less than 28,000 miles i49g '34 CHEVROLET sedan. Radio, heat er. Reconditioned motor. Finish and interior extra nice. . 1188 33 CHEVROLET Bel Air Club epe. Powerglide, R&H 1008 '33 PACKARD Deluxe sedan. Ultra matic. R H. Power steering and Power brakes. Truly a lux ury car for only 888 '32 LINCOLN Capri Hardtop. Hydra matic. R St H. Rebuilt motor. Shmrp 1061 '32 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe sedan H dramatic, R St H. Spotlaas Inside and out 7 '51 MERCURY Sport coupe, over drive. RAH .. 308 '31 CHEVROLET convertible. Radio and neater 4gg. '51 KAISER sedan. Overdrive. RacH Extra good condition MS '31 PLYMOUTH sedn. Beautiful light blue finish with matching Interior. Extra clean jog '49 CHEVROLET Deluxe Club epe. R&H 148 48 PLYMOUTH sedan, special. .. ... S48 '48 PONTIAC tedanctle. Good mo tor 9g '48 CHEVROLET Very clean. sedan. R At H. M Bulck Convertible, good motor ...9S Trucks & Pickups 'S3 GMC ' ton pickup. 4 speed transmission. Top condiUon. . gag '37 CHEV ton pickup, driven only 4300 miles, just like new. SPECIAL . 17M '52 DIAMOND T. Model S20 dump truck. Complete with S yard bed and hoist Ready to baut 1191 BARCUS . Open Eves & Sun N. Stephens at Garden Valley Re-id Ph. OR 3-S3M Easy Bank Terms Just come in and take a swing at the dealt we are offering on these dependable used cars. IMS STUDr.BAKER Co mm Hard top cpe fully equipped . . SITUS 185 J HUDSON 4 door Commodore S. Fully equipped SOfl 1(91 CHEVROLET 4 Fully equipped door Stylin.. W,U-YS , w)t dr) ,ull()n Wa,on 1054 CHEVROLET Panel. 14 Pass 1S0S 194 WILLYS 4 wheel drive Station Wi. 1IH WILLYS 4 wheel drive pickup IMS CHEVROLET ' ton pickup .. Ut 1994 WILLYS 4 wheel drive pickup Its' IMS JEEP IMI JEEP toe, UM JEEP . .. 41111 Riverside Motors 9AS NE Stephens OR 3-74.14 COUNTRY SEDAN, 1934 ford, aiMn matte IransmiMlon. New paint. Clean, 11343. OR 2-1433 evenings. Personal 48 YOUNO WOMEN of an. faith needln, confidential advice may contact Mm Prultt. Catholic Charities. 2J W Rroadwav. Euaene. Oregon PI V.T4J. ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUS. T. Jackson. Tuesdays. Saturdays a PM x HOUSE 6r UNirORMS 4.11 W. Ump qua St. Darrons. Nylons, as 9S Lost & Found 49 LOT - large ring of kejs. Reward. OR 2-7239 Notices 51 I WILL NOT e responsible for n debts except tiioia signed tn my own signature. William A. Bely. WILL THE'man that helped Bill Camp of Lapine, Oi.. land U lb. German Brown at Wickiup resarvdr eail lu pine IPS or write to Box 4S Lapine. DPR PITCH I 1fr omeofc A