10 The News-Review, Roieburg, Helen Soar Kindergarten REGISTRATIONS BEING TAKEN 9 to 11A.M. or 1 to 3 P.M. $10.00 Per Month 618 N. E. Jackson St.-OR 3-7365 If No Answer Phone OR 3-7119 Tf BUILDING A FIREPLACE? rfHinf BRICKS 5fg TILE I iSySv"" HYDRANTS 1 in the I L- YELLOW PAGES A pleasant stroll 4-D in the hopper, cleans Aut dande lions, buckhorn and other broadleaved weeds. Scotts form of 2,4-D is a clean, granular compound ready to use as it comes Spol-lreat Ugly Weeds with NEW Scotts Wand & Touch Combo TOUCH htre and there . . . . weeds (iO! Enough lo knock oul 2,000 weeds. - Corner Oak and Jackson DRESS Each day each dress sold or given away! THURSDAY'S PRICES 99 Drastic Savings on O SUITS O COATS O BLOUSES O SPORTSWEAR 13 Ore Wd. AugJM, .J.f5? with the Spreader and Irom package. won t narm the grass. Sox, frsoff 9 f 50 30 I., I I ,7 J iconomy lag ( C 5,000 Sq. Ft. J.JO z&jg3& i Dial ORchard 3-6628 is reduced $1.00 615 S. E.JACKSON SALE $J99 $(R)99 TStuiaSty Relief FOf Of College Students Asked By HERMAN R. ALLEN WASHINGTON l A presi dential committee recommended Saturday that the parents of col lege students be given income tax help toward meeting the soaring costs of higher education. The greater lax benefit would I go to those least able to afford college costs. The Committee on Education Beyond the High School held off frnm nrnnncinif fpHprnl Kphnlar- ships lor tne present dm caueo strongly for a federally supported experimental work-study program. It said such a program would Navy Neptune Bomber Crashes; Crewmen Saved HONOLULU ( A Navy Nep tune patrol bomber crashed on takeoff at Barbers Point Naval Air Station Monday but all six crewmen aboard leaped lo safety just before it caught fire. It was destroyed. The only injury suffered was a slight cut on the hand of Lt. Cnldr. John Fottrell of New York City, pilot. The crash, third by a Neptune in this area since May 9, came when one of the plane's two en gines failed just after take-off. With landing gear retracted, the craft crash-landed and skidded to a stop on its belly. On May 9 a Neptune ditched 170 miles off Oahu and a subma rine rescued its 10 crewmen un hurt. A July 22 crash of a Nep tune on a landing approach at Barbers Point killed all 10 aboard. Co-pilot Archie Underwood of Rimershurg, Pa., said "Anytime you're in trouble with an aircraft like that and you get out alive the Lord gives you a hand." He added that the men were at ditching stations close to exils. normal procedure on lake-off, and that enabled them to escape quick ly. NAMED TO COMMISSION SALEM I Lee Roy Gienger, Chiloquin rancher, was appoinlcd by Gov. Holmes Tuesday to the slale Soil Conservation Committee. He succeeds Lloyd Gift, Bonanza. Both are Democrats. The new term expires June 14, 1961. CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGE NO OBLIGATION Ttsti all standard Radio and TV tubal now in uia. USE OUR SELF-SERVICE TV DEPARTMENT CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. Opan from 9 ta 9 Evary Day until every dress is PHONE OR 3-5015 www ; PdTCntS enable "25,000 to 30.000 notably able and needy students" to go to college every year. Most leading educational organ izations have endorsed the federal scholarship idea, but Chairman Devereux C. Josephs told a news conference the committee believed work-study would be a more ef ficient use of the government's money. "It would help the student and at the same lime get things done that the college needs done," said Josephs, who is board chairman of the New York Life Insurance Co. Among other devices for easing the college burden on family pock etbooks, the committee urged wid er use of borrowing. "Although young people can bor row funds for an automobile," it observed, "credit is not by any means as readily available or as widely sought for their education." Regarding scholarships, the com mittee called on state and local governments, foundations, busi ness and other private sources to step up their programs. The 35-member committee con cluded after 15 month's work that America's three-million college en rollment will at least double by 1970. Police Captain Denies Advice To Businessman NEW YORK iP A retired police captain denied yesterday that he ever advised a Brooklyn business man to "make some kind of a deal" with Max Chester, convicted labor racketeer. Ex-Capt. William C. Beneke tes tified for an hour before a Brook lyn grand jury which indicted Chester last week on extortion and coercion charges. Asst. Dist. Atty. Aaron Koota described Beneke as a "very co operative witness. Beneke was called to appear again today nefore tne grand jury, and he may face the businessman, Paul Claude. Last week's indictment of Ches ter came aflor Claude had testi fied in Washington before the Sen ate committee investigating rack ets in labor and management, and later before the grand jury. Claude, owner of a machine shop, told (he probers that the captain of the Greenpoint precinct in Brooklyn whom he did not identify advised him in the sum mer of 1954 lo come to lerms with Chester because he "appeared to have a legitimate union." Highway Traffic Delays Announced For Oregon SALEM, Iffl The Oregon High way Commission luesday an nounced tire following traffic re strictions: John Day Highway Heavy construction 8 to 14 miles south of Fossil, possible 5-minule delay. Columbia River Highway Blasting for 3 miles east of Mos ier, possible delays of 5 to 15 minutes during mornings. Umpqua Highway Heavy con struction 8 miles east of Reeds port, some minor delays. Pacific Highway Traffic slow ed for S miles north of Canyon ville. Elklon-Sulherlin highway Heavy construction between 14 and i7 miles southeast of Elkton, possible delays of 5 to 15 minutes. Olds Ferry-Ontario Secondary Highway Closed at Malheur River Bridge. Traffic detoured over U.S. 30. CRASH KILLS TWO BEND ii An automobile ac rident caused (he deaths Monday of an elderly Lebanon couple. Marie Wions, 69, was killed out right when the car in which she was riding went out of control and overturned in a roadside ditch. Her husband, (ierhart Wiens, 70. died of in nines Monday night in a Bend hospital. for InrormorrOfi caff pr write UNION PACIFIC 163 Edit 12th Are. Eugene, Or. Dl 5-8461 Tho following radio and talaviiion programs ore printed as a fro public sarvica for Naws-Raviaw raadars. All program tilling! ara publiihtd ai racaivad from tho raipactiva sta tions. Tho Nawi-Raviaw dooi not accapt responsibility for variation from original tchaduloa furniihad thii nawipapar. KBESTV Channel 5 Mtcffvrd Remaining Hours Today 4 00 World PiMporl v:tO Uncle Bill' Show 5:00 Religion In th Newi 5:1S Doug Edwirdi And Tho New S:30 Man to Man 5:4 Your T V Weatherman 5:50 Newt 6.00 -U. S. Steel Hour 7:00 Life With Elizabeth 7 .to Pick'., Debt and Pat'i Starlet. 7:4s World Passport 8:00 The Millionaire 8::.0 I've Got A Secret 9:00 American Legend 9:10 The Big Picture lOOO Readers Digest UKIO News 10::t.1 Lawrenr Welti 11:35 Sign Off Till RSDAT, A 10. IS, 19M 10:45 Devotions 10:.W Cartoon 10:55 News 11:00 NBC Matinee 12.00 Brighter Day 12:15 Secret Storm 12:30 Edge of Night 1:00 Comedy Time 1:30 Truth or Consequences 2:00 Its Fun To Reduce) 2:15 Gateway 2H0 Strike It Rich .1:00 feminine Fancies 3:30 World Passport 3:45 Search for Tomorrow 4:00 Rin Tin Tin 4:30 Uncle Bill's Show 3:00 Gateway 5:15 Doug Edwards and the News, 5:30 Ore Cal Panorama 6:15 Your TV Weatherman 6:20Nwt 6 .10 Gateway 6:45 Pappy Coleman 7:00 Groucho Marx 7:30 Climax 8:30 Sheriff of Cochise 8:00 The Playhouse 9:30 Dick Walsh and Hia Friends 10:00 This Week In Sports 10:15 Title Pending 10:20 World Passport 10:30 Newt 10:35 This la Your Life 11:05 News & Sign Off KRNR 1490 KC 5:00 Edward R. Murrow 5:15 Lowell Thorn ju CBS 5:30 Texaco Sports Final CBS 5:45 Frank Goas CBS 5:55 Weather Tomorrow 6:00 Robert Trout. Newt CBI ' 6:05 Timber-trail Newi 6:15 Dinner Music 6:30 Sport News CBS 6:35 Amos N Andy CBS 7:00 Easy Listening 8:55 Timbertrail Newt 9:00 Easy Listening 9 30 Robert Q. Lewis CBS lO::05 Rusty Draper Show 10:30 Music To Dream By 10:55 Newt 11:00 Sign Off TIM RSDAV, AUGLRT 1ft, JMT 6:00 Sign On fi:OI First Edition Newa 6:0; Dawn Patrol 6:25 News And Weather 6:30 Timberjack Jsmboree 7:00 Timbertrail News 7:05 Weather Roundup 7:10 Sports Roundup 7:15 Music 7:30 Frank Goss, News CBS 7:45 Harry Babbitt CBS 8:00 World News 8:10 Down Memory Lane 8:40 Northwest Highlights 8:45 Tickets Tunet and Topic fl:0U Nora Drake CBS 9:15 Ma Perkins CBS 9:30 Young Dr. Malone CBS 9:45 Road of Life CBS 10:00 Man About Town 10:15 Second Mrt. Burton CBS 10:30 Htngo 11:00 Wendy Warren, News CBS ll:t5 Backstage Wife CBS 11:30 Helen Trent CBS 11:45 Our Gal Sunday CBS 12:00 World News 12:15 Meet the Artist 12:30 Newt, Weather and Sport 12:45 Polka Time 1.00 Arthur Godfrey CBI 2:30 House Party CBS 3:00 Ringo 330 Fool. n Around with Record K P I C Channel 4 Rosoburf Remaining Houn Today 4 30 Guest Book 5:00 Big Roundup 5:45 The Newa 5:50 Sports Headline 555 Weather Report ti:00 Su perm an 6 30 Telephone Tim ABC 7:00 To Be Announced 7:30 Life With Elizabeth 8 -00 Kraft TV Theatre NBC 9.00 This It Your Life NBC fl tO Sheriff of CochU 10:00 Texas Rasslin 10 AO The News 10.5.5 Tonight NBC TIM KSUAT, At O. 15, 1M It 00 Matinee NBC 1200 Queen For A Day NBC 12 45 Modern Romances NBC 1:00 Comedy Time NBC 130 Truth or Consequences NBT 2 00 Double Feature 4.30 Four-Thirty Dat UktOAO 5:00 Big Roundup 5:45 Th Newt 5 50 Sport Headline 5:55 Weather Report 6 00 Rang Rider :30 Hawky and th Last W th Moh'cans 7:00 Best Of Groucho NBC 7:30 Dragnet NBC 8:00 Dr. Hudson 8:30 High-Low NBC 9:00 Lux Video Theatre NBC 10:00 Request Playhous 10:30 The Newt 10:35 Tonight NBC KRXL '1240 KC 400 Billboard 4:15 Frank Hemingway MBS 4:30 Tel lo Test- MBS 4:45 Sam Hayes MBS 4 55 Bob Green MBS 5:00 Mutic 5:25 Heidelberg Newt 5:30 Newa Report MBS 5:45 Flying A Sport 5:50 Traffic Jam 6:00 Fulto Lewi MBS 6:15 Music 6 30 Bob Grant Newt 6:45 Farm Bureau Exchange 6:50 Loggers Weather 6:35 Kraft Newt MBS 7:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 7:05 Bill Brundige MBS 7:15 Hythm At Random 7:25 City Market Newt 7:30 Gang Butters MBS 7:55 Headline Edltlorw-MBS 8:00 Beaver Baseball 10:30 Mostly Music 11:00 Tomorrow's Headlines 11:05 Mostly Mutic 11:30 Sign Off THURSDAY, AUG. 1ft, 1MT 6 00 Dawn butters 6:25 Flying A Sport 6:30 City Market Newa 6:33 Farmer's Weather 6:40 County Agent 6:45 Alarm Clock Club 7:00 Frank Hemingway MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:45 Local Newt 7:50 Take Ten 8:00 Cliff Engle MBS 8:15 Melody Mills 8:30 Haven Of Rett MBS 9:00 Kraft News MBS 9:05 Farm Bureau Exchange 8:10 Mutic 9:30 Lady's Choice 8:45 Ar You Listening 10:00 Newapa per Of Th Air MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 Morning Melodies 11:00 Kraft Newt MBS 11:05 Gabriel Heatter MBS 11:10 Stork Club MBS 11:15 Queen For A Day MBS 12:00 Town Crier 12:05 Music 12:10 Flying A Sports 12:15 Mid Day Newt 12:30 Greet Your Neighbor 12:45 Market Reports 12:50 Game Of The Day MBS 3:00 Billboard 3:30 Kraft Newt MBS 3:33 Bob & Ray MBS KYES 950 KC MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 6:00 Th Happy Ottmy Show 6:25 News 6:30 Happy O'Day Show 6:55 Weather Summary 7:00 News Highlights 7:03 The Happy O'Oaj Show 7:25 New 7:30 Th Happy O'Day Show 8:00 Newt Highlights 8:03 The Happy O'Day Show 8:25 Featurescope 8:30 The Jim O'Nell Show 9:00 Newt Highlights 9:03 The Jim O'Neil Show 9:2,5 Community Calendar 9:30 The Jim O'Nell Show 10:00 News Highlights 10:03 The Lucky Logan Show 10:25 Newi 10:30 The Lucky Logan Show 11.00 Newt Highlights 11:03 The Lucky Logan Show 11:25 Newt 11:30 The Lucky Logan Show 12:00 New 12:03 The Lucky Logan Show 12:25 New 12:30 The Lucky Logan Show 1:00 New Highlights 1:03 The Happy O'Day Show 1:25 New 1:30 The Happy O'Day Show 2:00 New Highlights 3:03 The Happy O'Day .Show 3:25 Community Calendar 3:30 The Happy O'Day Show 3:00 Newt Highlights 3:02 Jim O'Neil Show 3:25 New 3:30 The Jim O'Nell Show 4:00 Newa Highlights 4:03 The Jim O'Neil Show 4:25 Newa 4:30 The Lucky Logan Show 5:00 New Highlights 3:02 Lucky Logan Show 5:25 Sportt Newt 5:30 The Lucky Logan Show 6:00 Newa Highlights 6:02 Lucky Logan Show 6:25 Newa 6:30 Lucky Logan Show 7:00 Sign Off "Buck Nite" Tonite! "DIAL M FOR MURDER" plui "Bounty Hunter" A CARLOAD FOR $1.09 Look What's Comin' WZmSm Thur-Fri-SatgSSTI DlSNEYiDELIGHTjl II filled with Laughter... II II Excitenrand Disney&jf KOIN-TV Channel 4 Portland Remaining Hours Today 5;30 My Friend Fllcka 8:00 Mr. Weatherman 6:05 Sporltcene 6:10 Newt Pared 6:15 Red'a Gang 6:30 Sheriff of Cochise 7:00 Vic Damone Show 8:00 Th Millionaire 8:30 I've Got A Secret 9:00 Studio 37 9:30 Death Valley Days 10:00 History Mystery 10:30 City Desk 10:35 News Wire 10:40 "The Fighting Men" THURSDAY, At'Q. 15, 1957 7 00 Panorama Pacific 8:00 Valiant Ladv 8:15 Love of Life 8:30 Search for Tomorrow 8:45 Guiding Light 9:00 Cronkit New 9:10 Visitin' Time 9:30 A World Turn 10:00 Our Mist Brookt 10:30 House Party 11:00 The Big Payoff 11:30 Bob Crosby Show 12:00 Brighter Dav 12:15 Secret Storm 12:30 Edge of Night 1:00 Fred Waring Show 1:30 Fred Warring Show 3:30 KOIN Kitchen 3:00 Strike It Rich 3:30 Armchair Theatre Movie Showtime WEDNESDAY, AfO. 14, 17 INDIAN THEATRE - - Doori open 7:15. Curtain at 7:30. "Jamea Stewart and Audi Murphy In -,NI,ht Pauaie" pre sented at 8:U only. STARL1TE DRIVE-IN 'Buck- Niht. All your car can hold admitted for just one buck. "The Bounty Hunter" :0Mi:44. "Dial 'M' For Murder" t-M PINE DRIVE1N "The Searchen" :44. "Bandldo" 7:42-11:42. THURSDAY, AUG. 1J, 1IW7 INDIAN THEATRE Doom open 7 15 Curtain 7::t0. Jamea Stewart and Audie Murphy In "Night Passage" at 8:14 only. Special Children's Matinee at 1:00 o'clock. STARLITE DRIVE-IN "Bambi" 7:52 10:51. "Thunder Over Arizona" 9:29 PINE DRIVE-IN "The Searchers" ::I9. "Bandido" 7:42. 11:42 Thursday thru Saturday "GIANT" starring Elizabeth Tay lor, Rock Hudson and Jomes Dean, plus John Sutton in "THE AMA ZON TRADER" Ends Tonight "THE MOONLIGHTERS" and "NEW YORK CONFIDENTIAL" TONIGHT thru SUN! Tonight & Thurj at 7:30 Doort Open 7:15 Against The Spectacular Grandeur Of The Mighty Rockies Naked Fury Bursts Forth! This was the night when the McLoine Brothers crossed trails , and neither friend, law IIVI HVIHHII DAN DURYEA 91ANNE FOSTER ELAINE STEWART mooi avsntot . jar Sp, HW HVIHHII 9 IV1V VVIU Co ilimn Tweety-Pie in 'Tweety and the Beanstalk' "The Coofers" Musical News Events IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Girl Crazy Aug. 16-17 iB- Optn 7 PM Starts Dullt, NOW thru SAT! John Wayne "THE SEARCHERS" VistaVision & Color with JEFFREY HUNTER NATALIE WOOD ROBT. MITCHUM "Bandido" Color Calling All Parents! EVERY THURSDAY is Back-ro-School SHOPPING DAYS Shop with the Kiddies in the morning and while you do your shopping in the afternoon we'll do your BABY-SITTING at the INDIAN Theatre i Kiddie Matinee at 1:00 o'clock "The BANDIT of Sherwood Forest" plus: LITTLE RASCALS CARTOONS SERIAL IVIO VVIU Tie fin tmtt ftlmrJ d TECHNIRAIMA TECHNICOLOR ADDED HITS: JAMES k AUDIE iHI MURPHY t2 ywikm ORchard 3-6537