The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 12, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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& I?
6 The News-Review, Rotegurg, Ore. Mon. Aug. 12, 1957
HOLDING UP AT THIRD base is Mike Hatfield of Rose
burg just after hitting a boses-load triple in the top of the
first inning of the Saturday night Roseburg-Portland state
legion game. Roseburg went ahead to score nine runs in
the first inning, but fell victim to Portland by the score of
18-14 to even the series ot one game opiece. (Paul Jenkins).
After i
Sports Writar, Ntwi-Ravitw
Bradford Clothiers of Portland,
alter falling behind 9-0 at the end
of (he first inning, came back with
three four-run innings to take the
second game of the best of five
series from Lockwood Motors by
the score of 18-14 in a state Legion
plavotf on Finlay Field Saturday
Unlike the game Friday night
in which ltoseburg won 4-3 in 11
innings, the Saturday night game
was a nightmare for either side
from the start, as Roseburg scored
nine times in the first inning and
five in the second to hold a 14-3
lead after two full innings of play.
After the first two innings, in
which Koscburg collected nine hits
they could manage only two more
llio rest or the distance, while I'on
land slowly but surely ate away at
the Roseburg lead. Then in the top
of the sixth inning, live runs, in
eluding a home run by winning
pitcher Karl llaag gave them the
lead at 17-14.
Haag Relieve!
In (he first inning for Roseburg,
in which they scored nine runs,
starling pitcher Ceorge Spencer
lasted only four batters as Rill Ks-
wine and Wes Young walked, Ron
Reamer smashed a single and By
ron Baker walked.
Spencer was then replaced by
llaag, who gave up a two-run sin
gle to Wayne Kcnnaday to make
the score J O and then walked Mac
AletTcllan to load the bases again.
Mike Hatfield then stepped to
the plate and hit the first ball
pitched to him for a bases-loaded
triple and three more runs. Don
Wells then singled to score Hat
field and Roseburg had seven runs
with no one out.
Starting pitcher for Roseburg
Allen Smith then struck out for
the fust out, but Eswine and
Young each walked for the second
tune in the inning and Beamer
came through with his second sin
gle of the inning and (he final
two inns.
I'ortland scored three times in
the second inning on singles by
Ken Wright and Vernon Brazzlo
and errors by Young and Kcnna-
Twin Bill Won ByYoncalla
To Stretch Softball Lead
W L Pet.
Yoncalla Athleliri ' JO
ll.'ittna Nickel 8
Kiddle Linus 6
Montgomery Wauls 4
Myrtle Creek Lions 3
Koscburg Jaycees
1 10 .091
The Yoncalla Athletics tighten
ed their hold un first place in the
I nii(ua alley Softball League
with 117 and 85 wins over the
-Myrtle Creek Lions on (he Yon
calla diamond Sunday afternoon.
It was the ninth and tenth wins
of Ihe year for Yoncalla against
one loss and Ihe eighth antl ninth
hisses of the season for Mvrtle
Myrtle ( reek went into the leadjters. Saturday's Hesitlts
in the lust game with a seven run Johnson with 3 4 was Ihe lead- San Diego 7. Seattle 6
third inning, bill Yoncalla came 'ing Yonralla batter followed bv ' Hollywood 6, Los Angeles 5
back with seven runs of (heir ownlliisteen with 2 4. For Myrtle Creek San' Francisco 8 Vancouver 3
in the fifth for Ihe 11-7 fust game lit was Nans. Murray and Bob lav-1 Sacramento at Portland po-t-vii
tory. In the Myrtle Creek third I aner all with 13. poned, ram
inning, two hits, one walk and fivo ' ' .. . .
Yoncalla errors gave tlieni seven i First gamt: I By TH6 ASSOCIATED PRESS
runs I M Creek 007 ihhi o - 7 7 4 Portland fell hack into a lie
Yoncalla Homtri Hit j Yonralla Kr.l 0,0 x- 1 1 II 5 for the Coast l eague cellar l v
o sli aigli home run, in the
III h inning, bv Don ess and
i:p..i-o Johnson. I....r walk.
three Myrtle Creek errors gave1
mica la their seven runs.
lied Dorflcr with 2 3 uas the
nip imictiiii Mum-r tu toe Kaine
fullimcd by Johnson and T. J.1M Creek
Moore with 2 4. For Myrtle Creek.;
Jim Murray with 2 1 was lops fol-,
lowed by lladlty with 12 i
In the second game, Yoncalla
1 0-1 b. Bag
Douglas County FlourMill
day, to narrow the count to 9-3,
hut Rosebui'g broke loose with
take a 14-3 lead.
With one out McClellan singled,
Hatfield walked, Smith singled, 10s
wine and Young walked, for the
third time in two innings, and
Beamer and Baker singled to ac
count for the five runs.
Portland started to hit the pitch
ing of Smith in the third inning
and Eswine came in to relieve
him, but to no avail as they con
tinued to peck away at the Rose
burg lead.
Two Homori
Mickey Lolich, to lead off the
Portland fourth, slammed the ball
deep into left field for a home run,
the longest hit of the games, and
then in the fifth he put the ball
in almost the same spot, but was
thrown out at home trying for his
second home run.
Leading off the sixth for Port
land Haag drilled the ball over
John Livingston's head for the
second home run of the game and
the third of the series for Port
land. Before the inning was over,
I'ortland had crossed the plate five
limes and had their first lead of
the game. 4-
Livingston Yeplaccd "Eswine Dn
the mound in the sixlh inning and
held I'ortland to only three hits
and two runs for the rest of the
Haag gave up 10 hits in the nine
innings Ihat lie worked, but only
two of them after the second in
ning, while the three Roseburg
pitchers gave up 14 hits, four of
them for extra bases. The only ex
tra base hit of the game for Rose
burg was the triple by Hatfield in
the first inning.
Lcnchitsky with .1-5 and four
runs batted in and Wright with 3-5
and three runs hatted in were the
top Portland batters in the game
followed by Lolich with 2-6, Rraz
zlc with 2-5 and llaag with 2-4.
The only Roseburg batter with
three hits was Beamer with 3-5
and four runs balled in. Hatfield
with 2-4 and three Hill's was next
followed by Baker with 2-5.
These same two teams will play
Iheir third game of the even. I I
jumped into a quick 5 0 lead at '
end of the first inning to take a !
lead that they held throughout the'
entire game.
Myrtle Creek ditl score four runs
in the last of the second, but Yon-
.2.ri0icalla came hack with another three I
runs in their half of the fourth to
take the win.
Winntri Scora Fiva
Five singles, one .Mvrtle Creek '
error and two walks gae Yoncalla i
their five runs in the first inning
and a three-run homer by Bob
liisieen gave them their runs in
the fourth.
The four Myrtle Creek runs in
the second inning came on one
walk, two hits and two hit bat-
I avaoer and Stokes: lies, and
Doit cr
tt'l- I f.v.
UK: lless and Johnson. Yoncalla !
Sacond game
loucana :ioo .itHi o a 11 .1
li in loo 05 3 2j
Bragg, and Dorllei: ll.itlley and
WT. Bragg,. I P. Ilaillcv.
1111: Risteen, Yoncalla.
V '''nit
JUST ANOTHER RUN would be a very appropriate identifi
cation for this setting at Saturday night's Junior Legion
game. Somewhere during the "track meet" this unidenti
fied Portland player scored. Others in picture are Byron
Baker, Roseburg catcher and Umpire Len Younce. (Paul
Series Even
18-14 Win
series in Portland today starting
at 8 p.m. on the Lincoln High
School baseball field followed by
games on Tuesday at 8 p.m. and
on wcuncsuay u needed.
Portland All n
Brazle, cf .1 2
Underwood, lb 3 1
Lenrhfltky, c S .1
Lolich. If 0 2
V.rdurmen, 2b 4, 1
Scales, it 4 0
Haag. ;lb-p 4 2
Spencer, p u 0
Wright, rf s 3
x-Simich, 3b -so
Tolali 3 14
x-Heplaced Spencer In the first
Roieburg All
r.swlne, :ib-p
Young, cf
Beamer. lb
Baker, c
Kennaday, rf 9 10 0
McClellan. If-3b 4 1 10
Hatfield. 2b 4 2 13
WelU, as 4 1 I .3
Smith, p 2 10 1
x-Livlngston, If-p 3 0 2 2
Totals SB 21 i;
x-Replaced Smith In third.
Portland il:ll mum tg II
Haseburg oon 0110 14 II 6
Spencer, llaag Mi and Lenchitskv:
Smith. Kswine i3i, Livingston (61 and
'F: Haag LP: Eswine.
p w
I i, . eiJ ti
TYPICAL ACTION like this will be seen Monday night at
the Yoncalla Rodeo grounds, when the Yoncalla Athletic
Club will presanf the first donkey Softball game of the sea
son in the Roseburg area. Members of the club will play
the members of the Drain State League baseball team in
the game.
Beavers Lose
Pet. GB
San Francisco
77 49
71 53
"t .'.4
ti.'i 62
51. 78
41! 80
46 811
.573 5
.5118 3'
.55S 7
.512 12'
.452 20
.375 31
San Diego
,0 Angeles
.375 31
Sunday's Rtiulti
Francisco 4. Vancouver
2 (completion of May 12 game)
ancouver 2, Sail Francisco t
Sacramento 12. Portland 110
San Diego 8-3. Seattle 2 2
Los Aoeeles 91 ilnllvunnil t -j
dropping a d.iiil.leheadf r Siunl.iv
!,, ti, s irrammm nlnn in ,r
to the S.u i amenlo Solons. 1 0 antl
It the 1Mb time this season
I'ortland has lost both games of r
,i,,i,ii,.,.,i..r n,,u- .,..- i, i...-i
won bo'h
whii the iwo teams lied for Ihe
bottom, thev
will go at it acam
at Portland Monday nigi'.l Another
double-header is scheduled.
Bi IWatkm pitched Sacramento
to the 10 victory in the first
game, giving up only four hits.
Joe Stanka oitched the second
game shutout, also gmiig up only
four hits in the seen-uiiiing con
In other league nlav San Duvoitory for Padr. hnrlcr Duk Bro-
threatens to displace the an- dowski, who .Mrelchcd his recoitl
rouver Mounlies in .second place " 11-3
San Diego, riding a five game In Ihe sec uul game. Rainier
victory streak, defeated Seattle Juan Delis hoinri nl in the sec
Sunday 8 2 and 3 2 and ntov.d ond and tlouh'ed in another rur:
within one half game of an- in Ihe eichlh But the Padre, lied
coover. The Padres' victory punch it up c.uh lime lir-t on liar
came on home run, by Dave n-lls bonier i;i the third and then
Pope. Preston Ward. Karl Averill on Averill's in the eighth A'
and Bill llarrell .lours of Ihe Padre, smiled in
Stal Ltad Sn the winning run. also in the extia
The Seals stretched Iheir lend eithth inning, giving pitcher ic
.t ' . .:v-i
- W g ty- ' ; A
HR: Lolich and Haag, Portland.
Huna Brazle. 3, Underwood 1. Len
chiUky 2. Lolich, Verdurmen. Scales,
llaag 3, Simich 2. Wright 4, Eswine 3.
Young. 2. Beamer, Baker. Kennadav.
McClellan 2. Hatfield 2. Weill. Smith.
Errors Hal field. 2. Young. Baker, Ken
naday, Wells. RBI Lenchiukv 4, Lolich
3. Wright 3, Underwood 2, Brazzle. Haag
Beamer 4. Hatfield 3, Kennaday 2,
Young. Baker. Wells. Smith. HR Lo
lich, Haag. .IB Lolich. Hatfield,
2B Verdurmen Sac 'Underwood.
I.OB Portland 12, Roseburg 9. SO
Spencer 0 in 0. llaag 12 in 9. Smith
3 in 2 2-3, Eswine 2 in 3 1-3. Livingston
3 In 3. BB Spencer 3 In 0, Haag 10 in 9
Smith 3 in 2 2-3. Eswine 5 in :i 1-3, Liv
ingston 4 in 3. HO Spencer 1 in 0
Haag 10 In 9. Smllh 6 in a 2-3, Eswine
.1 In 3 1-3, Livingston 3 in 3. R-EH
Portland 12-9. Roseburg 14-9. HPB
Young by Haag Wild pilch Smith. Es
wine 2. Livingston. PB Lcnchitsky 2, I
uaker j. u Leicht. Younce, Westover
All. 1.M9. Time 3:20.
EUGENE iP Jack Wallers : through with a 7-4 win over Cot -
of Tacoma fired a 68 Sunday to i laSe Grove Sunday to advance into
win the Oregon Left-Handed Golf 'he f'nals of 'ne post-season Cas -
championship with a 36-hole Cardlde League baseball tourney
of 143. Walt McGuire of Portland ! "K hold in Lowell. -,u
was the runnerup with 72-73-145.1 . Sutherlin came m be ,,nd wi
2 To Return
10 SIX liailies Willi a 4-2 trmoinh
oer the Motilities thev chalked
p in comphMing a contest sus-
ptndeil May 2. But the Mounlies
snapped back to within f t v e
games by winning 21 in regular-
ly scheduled play.
Hollywood and
I. os Angeles
split a pair is Ihe Twinks came
iwck j-i in ine nigntcap aner two
nouiers ny Move Hilko led the
AV,",''ls , a ?lninR victory.!
Ihe Seals and Motilities played
1 2 3 Hillings of scoreless ball to
complete the previously suspend
ed contest.
The Mounlies look a 10 lead
in the regular game as Spider
Jorgrnsen belted his 12lh homer
ol the season 340 leet over the
; right field fence But Marty
Kcough of the Seals evened things
1,1 tlm till), . , b tin . r....- I
bagger over lei, ,,, wall. Juled" Ported
zi:Mh'hm,,e',;nCheMnSh Y?' "" h"n"
' L ,l(f 7? ","' ' u'"
. V ""himh tenet ace.
,.,, Kiely. who replaced Tom
umnint ;nicout'r run, I no iMow
'',',',',1, ?., , ' '
j'l,. ,"
101 KllM
was the
Third baseman Kal
Sei;rit oi
.Vancouver sullrred a cut over his.
leu eye that required tie Milch-
os lie counted with catcher ( liar-
ne wniie wnen notn went tor a
foul pop fly.
San Diego's winning margin io
the opener against Seattle came
a. Pope ami Ward homered .n
live runs in tile sivth It was the
tilth homer this season for each
It was the fourth consecutive vu-
Semifinals Of State ABC
Reached By Drain Black Sox
The Drain Black Sox came
through with their second straight
win in the ABC baseball tourney
being held in Portland as they
edged The Dalles 6-2 Sunday night.
Drain will not enter the semi
final bracket against Beaverton
next Thursday night at 9 p.m.
For the second straight time,
Stan Dmoschowsky pitched a bril
liant ball game as he allowed The
Dalles only five hits. He set down
nine batters on strikes and walk
ed only two in winning his second
game of the tourney against no
losses, and his tenth of the season.
The Dalles opened the scoring
in the top of the third inning with
two runs on a triple Dy ucnnie
Olsen. a single by Bill Sallee and
a double by Jerry Urness.
Drain scored for the first time
in the third also as they put to
gether a single by Jerry Gregg, a
I stolen base and a single by man
I ager Ray Stratlon for one run.
Bowen Raps Homer
Thev went out in front for (he
first time in the last of the fifth
inning as Gregg walked and Ted
Bowen homered over the left field
fence and a 3-2 lead.
The final three runs of the game
for Drain came in the sixth in
ning, when with two outs Dan Luby
walked, advanced to third on a
single by Gregg and Stratlon clean
ed the bases with a blast over the
right field fence.
Stratton with 2-4, including a
home run and a single, was the
top Drain batter, while Sallee with
2-3 led The Dalles at the plate.
Drain needs to win only two
Cascade League Tournament
Finals Reached By Sutherlin
Tho Sutherlin Merchants came
a iive-iiiu Mjvviiui munis iu i ..v.. v.. , .... - j
the will, after Cottage Grove hadjes (7) and Hoover.
gone out in front with a single run j 'P: Weber. LP: Wyant.
in the first and two more in the ,..
fourth second gam:
Tonnv Arana started things roll- Cottage G. 023 000 213 0-11 16 2
ing for Sutherlin in the seventh Sutherlin 510 410 000 112 14 3
inning with a walk, followed by j Wvanl, Tonole (7) and Hoover:
singles by Nub Beamer and win- j Whitting, Whitten (4), Oerding (8)
ning pitcher Frank Weber. That
loaded the bases. Bin ueriung
came mrougn whii a twu - i uu
pinch-hit single, followed by an
other two run single by Bert Av
ery, who scored two outs later on
a wild pitch.
Weber was the top Sutherlin bat-;
ter with 2-4 followed by. Oerding
with 1-2. Leon Hayes with 14 was J
the top Cottage Grove batter, his '
hit being a double.
Stcond Gamt Won
In a non-league game played
Sunday night in Sutherlin the same
two teams battled even for nine
innings before Sutherlin won in the
last of the tenth and a 12-11 vie- Sunday's Results
lory. ! Yakima 5-8. Salem 4 7 list game!
Winning pitcher in this game was 10 innings)
Oerding. The winning run was iTri-City 5-0, F.ugene 2 8
scored on a walk to Arana. w h o Wenatchee 8-2. I.ewiston 7-9 (1st
then stole second and came in on' game 8 innings) ,
a double by Beamer. Saturday's Rasults
BVamer with 4-5. three of them Kugene 7. Tri-City 3
doubles, wsrs the top Sutherlin bat- .Wenatchee 6. Lewislon 0
ler. followed bv Arana with 3-4. Salem 8. Yakima 7 (12 innings)
- ... . Monday's Schtdult
To PCL Cellar
l.nmh:it-rli hie vivth i-ii-lnri, nu.iti,cl
one defeat. '
Bilko's 37lb and 38th homers i
' aml j,m Kridlev's 12lh gave Los!
Angeles its victory over Hollv I
.00(. Bllt in ,,e 'nightcap Dick
Smith's single and Jim Baumer's
trinle nntviilert th u-irmitw Tvi-int-
Saturday Gam Ca Had
Sacramento. Len Neal scored
in. fn-.t i , j
error alter Luis Marqurz let Leo
'tight-Hi's twisting ground bail
get away from him. In ihe seven -
inning second game. Jim Green-
grass homered in Ihe fourth for
s.iiiir.iiv Kim n,.,. ,iH
attle 7-6." Hollywood squeezed 'bv
Los Angeles 6-5 and San Fran" -
, The linescoi
rust game:
i Sacramento ooo ikhi 0 1 u l s 0
Portland 000 000 Ooo-O 4 2
Walkin, and Neal: Thorpe.
r tciticr i;i ano Douier.
Second game
Stanka and Barragan; Werle at Forest Grove with a 13-1 vie
and Bottler. lory over Albany in the afternoon.
on the IMPY POOH
for Rti.rvationi Coll Winchetter, Boy, Doyl: CR 1-2207
Niohrt CR 1-32)2.
mure games to reign as the Ore-
gon state semi-pro champions and
a right to enter the national tour
nament in South Dakota early in
The Dalles 002 000 02 5 2
Drain 001 023 x 6 4 0
Olsen, Peterson (6) and Beit
rand; Dmoschowsky and Roth.
WP: Dmoschowsky. LP: Olseu.
HR: Bowen and Stratton, Drain.
sports calendar
BASKBAI.L: Legion: Roseburg at
I'ortland, Lincoln High School, 8
p m.
BOWLING: Four-man teams,
PAL CLUB: Winston, Douglas!
High. !
League: North Roseburg vs. I
First Christian, Riverside School j
6 p.m. Twilight League: Ken's
Cleaners vs. Christian Church,
Vets diamond, 6 p.m.
BASKBALL: Legion: Roseburg at i
Portland, Lincoln High School, 8
p.m. i
BOWLING: Mixed scratch doubles,
7:30 p.m.
League: W-D Christian vs. Na
zarene, Riverside School, 6 p.m.
Twilight League: Oakland vs.
I.SW. Vets diamond, 6 p.m.
TRAPSIIOOT1NG: Winchester, 7
Harvey Whitten with 3-3 and Jack
1 Myers with 3-5. Best was the top
Cottage Grove batter with 2-4.
, Firjt game.
' Cottage G 100 200 001-4 5 3
Cottage G 100 200 001-4 5 3
and Beamer
i wp. oerding
LP: Tonole.
HR: Hoover, Cottage Grove.
Eugene Splits Games
To Stay In Title Race
W L Pc. GB
Wenalchee :.) 14
.605 3'i
.5118 5
.423 11
.409 12
.302 16' j
Eugene 26 17
; Salem 25 19
X-Yakima 18 24
I X-Lewiston 18 26
j Tri-City 13 30
No games scheduled
li on man Ollie Brantley kept
the Kugene Emeralds in the thick
of the Northwest League pennant
r:nl.i c. .int;..n t,l.
...rn h :,-.;.' hill namci ik. tvi'J
City Braves,
Brantlev was shelled from the
mound in the sixth inning of the
first game, won by the Braves!
' 5-2, hut he bounced back with a!
i masterful six-hitter to whitewash
me iriDe. n o. in me nigmcap. i
Ihe split enabled the hmeralds.
.,,,.., f il, r-t h.lf ,,r il,
split season, to keep apace with
th v..n:.(cln. chiefs
: who spill with I.ewiston.
The Chiefs, three and a half
1 games in front of the Emeralds,
beat the Broncs 8-7 and then lost
9 2.
In other league action, the Yaki-
s-.ima Hears eoqea naiem m in
: and then squeaked by the
! nators nightcap.
Forest CrOve Women
Take Softball Title
Kl'GENK Forest Grove
won the Oregon Women's State
-"""" ............. ..:.....
K u gene, 7-1
th final game
Sunday night
Forest Grove had beaten F.u
uene previously and went through
the double-elimination meet un
000 100 1-2 8 0 defeated in five games,
ooo ooo 00 4 I KtitMMic had won another chance
.... . k-p-v i r ...
BILL UUI I or cugene in -r - p vi
the fence in the third lap of the B-main event Saturday
night at the Roseburg Speedway after flipping end-over-end.
The car was a total wreck, but Gott was uninjured.
(Dick Gitman).
Hard! ops Draw
Qreg0n Entries;
A total of 30 cars were entered
in Saturday night's hardtop action
at the Roseburg Speedway as rac -
ing fans in the area were treated
to another fine night of racing.
Jim Slandley nabbed first in the
A-main event. Art Pollard won
last week, and for the past t w o
months Standley and Pollard have
been winning every other Satur-
day night. Neither has been able
to take two straight.
Standley took the lead from An
sil Dewey on the 11th lap and was
far out in front until midway in
the race when Pollard, in car No.
87, came up behind him. From then 1 3. Ray Helms, R, (32). 4. Lloyd
on, they were never more than a; Edwards, CB, (44). 5. Jim Thion
car's length apart. I burg. CB, (27).
Standley, in car No. 22, and Pol-j A-trophy dash: 1. Leonard Kress,
lard have won all the A-main R, (91). 2. Chuck Roberts, P, (S8l!
events of the year except for a sin- 3. Art Pollard, R, (87). 4. Crock
gle win by Whitey Dage several 1 Hunter, M, (15). 5. Frant Ferro
weeks back. R. (2(i).
First place in the B-main event I B-trophy dath: 1. Robert Aurk
was snagged by Johnny Barron of j land, CB, (77). 2. Bill McCall, CB,
Roseburg in car No, 37. This was (22). 3. Ray Arthur, R, (17).
the second win in a row for Bar-1 Lloyd Edwards, CB, (44). 5 Ray
ron. Helms, R, (32).
Llose behind in second place was
Bill McCall of Coos Bay in car!
No. 22 followed by Ray Helms of
: fioseburff in car Nn and IJovH
: K(J wards of Coos Bay in car No.
27 in fourth place
Winner of the A-troohv dash was
Leonard Kress of Roseburg in car
Shrine Game Players
Begin Practice Today
PORTLAND The Stale i alter tour innings of play and aft
and Metropolitan teams, made up!cr Riddle had edged close at 5-3.
of outstanding seniors from 1956 j they added five more runs in th
Oregon class A high school foot- M""1 a"l sixth innings to salt awav
ball teams, began practice Man- the win
day for the annual Shrine All Star Winning pitcher was Frank Sob
game at Multnomah Stadium, I czak, who struck out six and
Aug. 24. walked only one, while the Vets
The Slate -squad, as usual favor.
ed to win, is working out at the
University of Portland. The
Metros are drilling at Lewis and
UarK Lollege.
Fred Sniegelbcrff of Medford
j the head State coach, sized up his was the top batter with 2-3. Catch-27-man
squad Sunday and re-1" Shorty Rachor had the only
I marked, "I only hope they are as, home run of the game, a two-run
I goon as mey look. '
He said Slale will be "primarily
a running club" because of its
many fine ground-gaining backs.
They include Roger Johnson of
Marshfield. Jack Tempie of Mc
Minnville and Gary Grill of Al
bany. The passing, Spiegelberg said,
will be done by quarterbacks
Royce McDaniels of Sweet Home
and Dick McLaughlin of Medford.
The State coach doesn't helieve
his team should be favored. : Winners of the mixed twobjll
"It looks pretty even to me," tournev at the Roseburg Country
he said. "The Metros have some; Club Sunday were Waliy Green
real good boys." , land and Mrs. Bob Harris with
Ihe Metropolitan team is made 43-10-33. Close behind with 47-13-34
up of players from the Portland i were Bob Harris and Mrs. Morns
area. Bnrkhari
Hallmarks Place Second
In 0GA Tourney Sunday
iKiwr.bU, lit" A low gross!
score of 142 won the Oregon Golf
rtsn s rainer-jon championship!
.... i-ioyu ana jacK siattison ofi
Kugene at the Osweeo Lake Conn.
try Club here Sundav.
They defeated M. 'L. and Joe
Hallmark of Roseburg bv one
stroke. Joe Hallmark, 18. who will
emer ine university of (lron i
next fall, posted the' low
ne ..ay a nne-unner par 67. Ad '
1 uycke. Oswego, was the best!
siiuoirr among ine tamers with 68. Mocabee 39-3-36
Richard Kan, Pendleton, with I Chub Harnie and Mn. Herb
71-962, was one of three sons tied Leonnig 4812-36
for individual low net honors. i Rov Sedell and Mrs. Jack
First, in the tourney included: Schvaneveldt 49-12-37
Bill Auhry. Albany, long drive for Ed Klemmer and Mrs. Ed Old
sons; Larry Macklin. Eugene, field 42-5-37
close to pin for fathers; and Gor-I John Brown and Mrs. Ed Klem
don Marian, Eugene, close to imer 49-12-37
pin for sons. ; jonn Napier and Mrs. John
, Brown 48-10-38
..... APPE0 Jerry Kabler and Mrs. Sid Lei-
SAN DIKGO - The Seattle 'ken 44--38
Ramiers of ihe Pacific Coast' Herb Leonnig and Mrs. R. V.
League swapped their strapping Bridges 47-8-39
first baseman. Bill Glynn, to the! Mack Mocabee and Mrs. SUn
San Diego Padres Sunday for sec-1 Short 51-10-41
ond baseman Al Federoff. Boih ! Sid Leiken and Mrs. O. R. Pel
players are 31. i erson 49-7-42
Oregon and Washington
Dismantling and Erection
FLEGEL Transfer & Storage Co.
414 N. I. Coiper
Al FUo.l
Mrs A 9 jsnrlpH t in nn for, .1
Thirty Southern
Staiidley Wins
I No. 91 followed by Chuck Roberts
of Portland in car No. 58. Pollard
lwas third and Crock Hunter of
Medford in car No. 15 was fourth
Bob Auckland of Coos Bav in
car No. 77 won the B-trophy dash
I followed by McCall in second place
I and Ray Arthur of Roseburg in
car No. 17 third,
Resulta: A-main cvant: 1. Jim
Standley, R, (22). 2. Art Pollard,
R, (87). 3. Jim Cummins, R, (36)'
4. Whitey Dage, R. (77). 5. Rus
sell Warner, CB, (32).
B-main vont: I. Johnny Barron,
n, loi;. z. Din mcuail, Co, (221.
, .
VptPrnnc All.Ctrtrc
trwi wlUI
TP I 1 A 7 ft
! I QKe I U" DeCI5IOi1
The Al,siara .
Twilight League action Sundav aft
ernoon and downed the Riddie Li
ons of the L'mpqua Valley League
10-7 in a game played on" the Vets
The Vets jumped into a 5-0 lead
were collecting nine hits and five
walks off of losing pitcher Ritehy.
Three Vets batters starred as
Joe Sheean. Jim Winders and Bi t
Bates all had 2-4. Roy Loper hail
! 1-2. For the Riddle Lions. Greset
'niasi m the Riddle sixth.
Riddle Lions 000 032 2 7 7 4
Vet All-Stars 023 032 X 10 9 3
Ritchy, Greggs (2) and Rachor;.
Sobczak and Bates.
WP: Sobezak. LP: Ritchy.
HR: Rachor, Riddle Lions.
Two Share Winnings
In Mixed Two-Ball
I Sixteen teams were in the day's
o0ke,asnedpanra,edmotrhee Z
f Results of the teams are as fol-
Wallv Greenland anrl Mr. Rah
Harris 43-10-33
Bob Harris and
Mrs. Morris
Burkhart 47-13-34
O. R. Peterson and Mrs. John
Napier 43-8-35
Stan Short and Mrs. Roy Sedell
44 9-35
Vince Nordling and Mrs. Harry
Stearns 43-7-38
Morne Burkhart and Mrs. wal-
lace Greenland 46-10-36
Otis Skinner and Mrs.
Roieburg, Oregon
CliH l,,IJ
rhont ORcliarJ 1-4434