10 Th Newi-Review, Roseburg, tV'-.L '.Tt - W -HQ OPENING NIGHTERS at the Shakespearian Festival, "The Feasting of the Tribe of Will," at Lithia Park in Ashland preceding the play, "As You Like It," included Represent ative and Mrs. W. 0. Kelsay, above at left. At the right is Ed Singmaster of Ashland. Below, standing at the reor are Fred Strange of Red Bluff, Calif., member of the 1957 ' '"V A DINNER PARTY at the Swedish Dining Room was given recently by Miss Minnie Bll in compliment to Mrs. Elvin A. Card ond Claudette Mav and Stephen, who wcie visiting here with Mrs. Card's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Bell, and childien, ; Lowrenca and Clarence, of Dixonville. Front row: Claudette May Card, Mrs. Elvin A Card ! holding baby, Clarence Bell; Stephen Lee Card Back row, Mr. ond Mrs. Louis H. Bell and son, Lawrence. (Picture by Jay Golden of Photo Labi Parrott-Casey-Scott Dinner Miss Kosa H. I'arrott. Misj Ilt-l-. and Mrs. I. W. Ji'f ami their en Casey and Mis Naomi Scott xrandson. Mm .losse, lio is hne entertained at a very lovely din- visiting from I'kiab. t'ahf ; lr. ner party at the Kusrburi; Country ; Velio llroadway. Miss Myth Han Club having as their (iuesla Mr 'an of Tucson, Anr.; Mrs. Anne and Mrs. John II. Kulnnson and Martin of Auburn, Calif.; Mr. and their ion, John (the latter is home Mn. John Younn and Mrs. Arthur from Los Angeles on a visit); Mr. Clarke. Ore. Sot. Aug. 10, 1937 r 'Ji! 4 ..-iji Enjoyed Sund.v j(.jjv.fl i fv tv'il C i III; y i " r -. ... i 'Jt ' "V . " v. 4 r a 4 acting company and also a dancer, and Marcia Thayer, Portland, actress in the company, also a dancer and the choreographer. Seated left to right ore Mrs. Daniel Dim ick, A. C. Roll and at right, Mrs. Roll and Senator Dimick, of Roseburg. (Pictures by Classic Studio, Medford). vmpmprxuvm 1 AV'.W Jul f " 1 ,'Uv'l K-i.'. ' - - '. ELCAROSE COMFORT CLUB TO PICNIC SUNDAY The Klxaroe Comfort Chili nl! hold a picnic Sunday, August II at CuiMua Park for members of, th rluh and community ami their invited iiuests. The club will tnr nivh coffee and solt drinks tor the pothu'k affair which will start at 12 noon. Those attemtimf are to bring their own table service I s s T IV.', '. v v : 4 ' . y I 4 ,8hS f II f r if ' SALAD LUNCHEON Dahlias and sweet pens were used Tuesday by .Mrs. Belle Cook when she enle-laincd the Past No ble (irands Club at a 12:30 o'clock salad luncheon at the IOOK Hal! in Sutlicrlin. Those enjoying the luncheon and afternoon with Mrs. Cook were; Mesdames Cora Allen, Alma An derson. Hertha Parse. Ola liiel man, Kunlce Hcck, Henrietta Ues wick, Hazel (Jreen, Maggie Fran cis. Juanita llolgate. Charlotte Parker. Mable Koss. Klla Wesner. Uachael Newell, Kthel Wattman and Juamta Atlerhury. A social hour was enjoyed after the meeting, with game prizes awarded to the winners. Mrs. New ell won the door prize and Mrs. Harge the penny prize. The next regular meeting will lie Tuesday. Sept. 3, al the home of Mrs. Pearl Harvey in Oakland for a 12:30 o'clock luncheon. HOUSE WAR MING PARTY HONORS RUSSELL NELSONS The lovely new horns of Mr. and Mrs. Uussell Nelson in Roberts ( reek was the scene Sunday of a charming housewarnnng ' partv given as a surprise for the Nei sous, Delicious refreshments were served and a beautiful toaster was presented to the Nelsons from Mr and Mrs. Kruesi Fox and chil dren of F.ugcne: Mrs. Marv Moore, Mrs. Hoberl MeCilchro.! and i-hil. dren. Mrs Lewis Keith, Mrs. Dick Mullin. Mrs. F.lmer Hunter, Mr. and Mis. Sandy McDonald, Mrs. Jerry Kingly, Mr. and Mrs. Dale llolcomb, Mr and Mis John Wil hite, Mr. and Mrs. Oilev Thomp son Mr. and Mrs John Sinslev, Mr. and Mis Carl llolhrook, Mr. and Mrs liayniond Fo, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. Mr. and Mrs ' Harry Pen-son, Mr n,u m,., va. ler Smith. Mr and Mis, l.oia Pitts. Mr and Mrs Wimlrow Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Art McCehey and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelley. OUTDOOR P4RTY ENJOYED BY AZALEA CLUB MEMBERS The Aialea Sunshine Club met Wednesday In the backvard of the Jim Crotf home The hostess, Mrs. tirace Croft, was assisted by Mrs. Terry t'roff. They served ice cream and rake to the eleven members and four children present. 'The president. Mrs Yvonne Cae deeke. passed around a birth an tioiincoment received from Mr. and Mrs. t;ien Dnscol, former resi dents, who are the parents of a baby girl, born recently in Sacra mento, Calif. The group enjoyed playing games durini; the afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jean (Jaedecke. V OFFICIALS of the Douglas the annual picnic at the brmeJ briggs horns near Canyon ville Sunday pictured above are: Paul H. Krueger, treasurer; Mrs. Vera Bacon and Miss Bess Clough, directors; Mrs. Historical Society Has Annual Picnic The Douglas County Historical Society held its annual meeting at the Ermel Briggs farm home, east of Canyonville, on the Gazley Road, Sunday, Aug. 4. A large crowd from the southern end of the coun ty enjoyed a picnic lunch under the trees in the spacious yard. The Briggs home is the old Land Donation Claim of John fullerton. who crossed the plains and set tled there in 1853. Years later the family moved to Koseburg. One of the old land marks, the barn, is still in use on the farm. Mrs. Victor Micelli, president of the society, held a short business meeting. Two directors were elect ed. Mrs. Pearl Yokum Lawson, no.stma.ster. al Riddle, a mem ber of a pioneer family, was newly elected and u. is. uusennarK ot Koseburg, was re-elected to serve as members on the board of di rectors. Bess Clough, of Days Creek, a director of the group since its or ganization, welcomed all and in troduced guests. Among them, v. M. Murdoch, acting Chief of Police, of the city of Koseburg, who dem onstrated a gun that once belonged to Lillie Moure's father, and came into the possession of the Police Department by unusual circum stances. It was later presented, by them, to the Historical Society. The gun looks like a cane, and is called the "Bankers Special." It is so built that it can be used as a gun or a club and was used by I men who carried large sums of money with them. It is claimed that Mr. Moore carried as much as five or six thousand dollars on his person. The police department came into possession of the gun when the Moore house was broken into bv boys, who look it and a few other items, it is claimed. The mother of one of the boys called the police department and gave it to them, the gun was then sent to Washington 1). C. for analysis, and to see if it had ever been shot. II had never been fired but could be, they found, and advised Mr. ! eighties. The dress belongs to Mrs. Murdoch, who was later in Wash-j Moore of Canyonville. ington 1). C. attending a special The Historical Society is seek school, that it was a valuable relic ,ing the land that connects with the and offered to buy it for $500. Lillie Moore house on Washington Mrs. F.nnel Briggs reported on I and Rose Street, in Roseburg. The a recent visit to 'The Dalles, to join I house and contents now are the a trek to old forts and historic property of the society. Duplicate Bridge ! Winners Announced Duplicate bridge winners for Fri-1 In the open pairs tournament i day afternoon at the Elks Bridge ! Tuesday evening there weic 9 la j Club at the temple for North-South blcs in play. Winners were Mrs. plavers were Mrs. R. D. Coen and . O. W. Marshall and Mrs. A. B. C ol- Mrs. M. I.. Hallmark, first; Mrs. ilier. first; Mrs. M. Phillips and I Kdvvin Holmberg and Mrs. Lyle : Mrs. Edgar Lewis, second; Bon Bodenner. second, and Miss tiert-; Chapman and Dr. willing ol tu rude Kast and Mrs. J. V. Short, gene, third; Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. third. East-West winners were Mrs. Harris, fourth; L. Nee and A. A. B. Collier and Mrs. M. Phil-1 Schatz, of Eugene, fifth, and Mr. hps, first; Mrs. J. M. Bevans and j and Mrs. Ilarrv Bruffy, sixth, lue Mrs. I,. E. McClinlock, second, and open pairs tournament will contin Mrs. O. J. Feldkamp and Mrs. D. Ue Tuesriav, Aug. 13, at 7:30 p.m. B. Secov, third. . at the Elks Club. Mrs. James A. Dryden Honored On Birthday ! A surprise birthday tea honor - ! ing Mrs. James A. Dryden of Pe - ' oria, 111. was given by her daugh- Dahl and the hostess. Mrs. Schneid ter, Mrs. Parks Schneider, when er. i she invited friends to call between 2 and 5 p.m. Wednesday at her i beautiful Laurelwood home. Roses, dahlias, gladioli and nas - tursiums were used in the attrac - Ilia fl,.rl r,n.nmni,l, A .Wi'. er of birthdav cards and' handker- birthdav motif was also carried of former Glcndale. Ore. rt.si(.nts Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Ben C.'llunl iiii.r ua nrocmiixi Mr, iirv. n.o in ih. niir.ieiivn naiain '8S held Sunday at Lmpqua Park ington and daughter of Blue River. 'den from Mrs. "ilarrv Ingiing". Mrs. H lovd Riffe. Mrs Mildred Fresh- our. Mrs. Norman Hyde. Mrs. Fred Andrus. Mrs. Tom Krowson, Mrs. Mrs. Berrie Hostess At Coffee For Visitors A charming coffee was given by Mrs. O. M Berrie at her beauti ful home on SE Douglas Street Thursday afternoon in compliment to several visitors. Out-of-town guests included Miss Myth Italian. Mrs. E. A. Dow and .Mrs. C G. Lovelady of Tucson. Aril ; Mrs. Amies Martin of Auburn. Calif.; Mrs John Patterson of Oakland. Calif ; Mrs Florence Wharton of Honolulu, and .Mrs. Jack Josse of Ikiah. Calif Hydrangeas in lovely shades of ra, i.f-,4r at -t County Historical Society at r riiSH MRS. WEBSTER BRIGGS, aDove, wears a aress of rne 1880's or rne Dougias County his torical Society picnic at the Ermel Briggs home near Canyonville Sunday. The dress be longs to Mrs. Pearl Moore of Canyonville. (Pictura by Harlan B. Carter). places of interest in that section. She displayed a collection of an tiques, many of which were brought in covered wagons across the plains by both her grandparents and the Briggs family. She is the thirteenth child of ihe Edwin Wea ver family, of Myrtle Creek, where one of the early gatherings of the Douglas County Historical Society was held in the old family house, which is now used only for family gatherings. Mrs. Webster Briggs, daughter-in-law of .Mr. and Mrs. E r in e I Briggs. delighted all as she mod eled an old time frock of the j Harry Rapp, Mrs. John Ospald, Mrs. Arvid Johnson. Mrs. Unita 1 A beautiful decorated birthday cake carrying out the colors of i vellow, lavender and white, graced i 1 the table. Ice cream and the birth-1 lday cake were served in addition In flnpol inmlc anA anrliac THfl Mr. and Mrs. Drvden. who came to Koschura June 16. are returnine to their home the first of the week in Illinois. pink, lavendar and rose, formed Ihe decorations. Mrs. Jack Josse and Mrs. Fred Schwarti assisted the hostess in serving Guests invited for the afternoon besides the out-of-town visitors were Mrs Arthur Clarke. M r s. Velle Broadway. Mrs. 1.. V. Josse, Mrs. A. A. Wilder. Mrs. Charles W. Wharton, Mrs. Charles Beguhl, Mrs. L. W. Metiger, Mrs. Frank Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Christina Micelli, president; Miss Rosa B. Parrott, vice president; Mrs Pearl Yokum Lawson, newly-elected direct or. (Picture by Harlan B. Carter). ' fi" ' A - ' f ' "fit; V. M. MURDOCH, acting Chief of Police of Roseburg, right, is shown with V. J. Micelli, retired banker, and is demonstrating the gun once owned by the lote Lillie Moore's father. This is the only known gun of its kind in existence and is called the Bonker's Special. It is the property of the Douglas County Historical Society and was demonstrated by Mr. Murdock at the Douglas .County Historical society picnic at the Ermel Briggs home near Canyonville Sunday. (Picture by Harlan B. Carter). Fifth Annual Picnic Held At Umpqua Park The fifth annual reunion picnic i with 22 in attendance. Next year's re"n"ln wl" be held the first Sun- i" August at Lmpqua Park and all former residents are urged and Airs. Herman Avdclott. Mr. to attend according to an announce- and Mrs. J'ov C. Cunningham, Mr. men! made by the president Mrs. ; and Mrs. Giles Ashman. Mrs. llel G. II. Ashman. ga Fowler, Mrs. Bessie Seimer, Those attending from out of town .Mrs. I.uella Cunningham and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. George Dyer of Earl Blede. BEAT THI NEAT! H i M v.mplt complttclr delightful. Just tplaih Motchobclli t Summer Shower Cologne, onJ feet 01 though you're by a wotorfoll. It' utterly refrething end jutt like hoving your own private cooling tyttem. Come into Fullerron Drugs ond let me Jeon Nation itiow you how to (eel freih and frorty oil summer long. A 4 01. bottle ii uit SI or you con get twice ot much lor 11.65. And il you work, it'i nice t hove bottle at homo ond one in the office. Then you're lure to be cool and Iragrant otwoyt. Yeneta, Ore: Mrs. Olpa Myr.no, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mvuchett Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mou- cheit Jr. of Springfield. Ore Mr. on Princa y4.. Jean Notion