Eugene Emeralcjs Stumble Again In Northwest Chase NORTHWEST LEAGUE W L Pet. GB Wenatchee 27 12 .692 Kugene 23 16 . 590 4 Salem 23 17 .575 4:a X-Yakima 22 17 .421 10'j X-Lewiston 16 23 .410 11 Tri-City 12 27 .308 15 X Record does not include Aug. t game called because of curfew with teams .tied 5-5. Thursday's Rtsults Yakima 5, Lewiston 5 (called a: end of 11 innings, curfew j Salem 2, Tri-City 1 Wenatchee 9, Eugene 7 Friday's Schedule Tri-City at Eugene Yakima at Salem Wenatchee at Lewiston By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Eugene Emeralds, the second-running team in the North west League, headed for what they hope will be the greener pas tures of their home field Kriday fc At.,. Yesterday s Stars THURSDAY'S STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - PITCHING Rus Kemmerer. Senators Shut out the Yankees for eight innings on five singles and wound up with a 6-1, seven-hit victory. BATTING Earl Torgeson, White Sox Drove in five runs with two home runs, 1 double and a sacrifice fly in 7-4 victory over Athletics. : after getting mauled by the ! league-leading Wenatchee Chiefs. ; The Emeralds, four games out of lirst, host the last-place Tri i City Braves in a four-game series getting under way Kriday night, with high hopes of doing better 'against the Tribe than third-place ' I Salem did. ; 1 Wenatchee won the deciding 'game in the three-game set with1 ; the Emeralds Thursday night,! using a six-run sixth inning to jtake a 9-7 decision. I The Braves, after winning two I straight from the Senators, lost; 2 1 Thursday night. The Yakima : Bears and the Lewiston Broncs played to an 11-inning, 5-5 dead-' iock in a game called because 1 of a Lewiston curfew. j I The Chiefs sent 11 men to the! j plate in the sixth inning. The pa-' ! rade of runs came across on two i walks, a hit batsman, three sin-' gles, Louis Dayas' two-run triple and a double by Scotty Crieshei-' mci', who had a solo homer ear lier in the contest. Vein Kindsfathcr, the ex-Coast I.eaguer. had the uuner hand all the way for Salem as he four-hit: ; the Braves. The Senators par-1 j laved three singles and two err- j 1 ors into their two runs in the sec- j jond frame. An error and Danny; ! Carr's double produced Tri-City's lone run in the ninth. Milwaukee Finds Daylight In National League Race; Cincy, Cards Beaten Again NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. Milwaukee 6.42 .607 St. Louis 62 44 . 585 Brooklyn v 60 47 .561 Cincinnati 58 49 .542 Philadelphia 58 49 ..542 New York 48 61 .440 Chicago 39 66 .371 Pittsburgh 37 69 .349 Thursday's Rtsults Philadelphia 6, Pittsburgh 3 Milwaukee 5, Cincinnati 3 New York 12, Brooklyn 3 Chicago 4. St. Louis 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. New York 70 37 .654 Chicago 64 41 .610 Boston 57 49 .538 Cleveland 53 54 .495 Baltimore 52 54 .491 Detroit 51 54 .4S6 Washington 41 67 .380 Kansas t'ily 37 69 .349 Thursday's Results Baltimore 3. Boston 1 Washington 6, New York 1 Chicago 7, Kansas City 4 Cleveland 3, Detroit 1 GB 1 I 2'i 5 5 7 18 25 27' i GB I I S I 12' i I 17 I 17'i 18 ! 29'i 32' a By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS What are those other National League contenders trying to do, RING RECORD By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I LOS ANGELES George Iier- ry, 135'a, Chicago, outpointed Kid Centella. 137'j. Nicaragua. 10. 1 JEANNETTE, Pa. Bobbvj Gordon, 106'2, Akron, Ohio, out pointed Johnny Morris, 163, Pills burgh, 8. j FOR SALE Two story, loom home luitoblt tor larga fomily or imoll family in S room aportmtnt and rent tht 4 room oport mtnt. Rooms or rodocorated and cxtarior being painted. Located about 'l mila Eolt ot Court Houit. Prica raduced. PHONE OR 3-6019 BASEBALL! JUNIOR LEGION STATE CHAMPIONSHIP ROSEBURG Lockwood Motors vs. PORTLAND Bradford Clothiers Finlay Field FRI. - AUG. 9 SAT -AUG. 10 Game Time 8 P.M. Adults 1.00 Students 50c Sam Snead Leading In Tarn 0'Shanter CHICAGO I The locker room banter at Tarn O'Shanter golf club went this way today as the best 100 pros in the country prepared for the second round of the S101, 200 "World" golf championship: "To have Sam Snead breathing down your back is bad enough. But to have the guy in front oh, man!" Snead, 45. is supposed to be the richest golf pro. He swung into the second round of golf's biggest treasure hunt with a one-stroke lead. Snead fired an opening 7-under-par 65 yesterday to gain the front running spot which over the years he has been known to maintain through a tournament. This prize is golf's biggest payoff $50,000 exhibition contract. But Snead wasn't away and fly ing after the first round. One stroke away at 66 was Jerry Bar ber always, a contender in this jamboree. There also was a well grouped following that included 32 who broke par 72. Minor Leagues By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Buffalo 8. Miami 0 Richmond 1. Montreal V Havana 4. Rochester 3 Toronto 15, Columbus 4 AMERICAN ASSN. Charleston 3, Denver 2 (IS in nings) Louisville Omaha ( St. Paul 3, Wichita 1 Minneapolis 3, Indianapolis 1 SOUTHERN ASSN. Mobile 7. Birmingham 4 Little Rock 8. Chattanooga 7 Nashville 8, Memphis 6 . Only games scheduled TEXAS LEAGUE Austin 1-2, Dallas 0-3 12nd game 10 innings) Fort Worth 6. San Antonio 0 Tulsa 5. Houston 4 Shreveport 4, Oklahoma City 3 lure the Milwaukee Braves into i false feeling of security? Any way you look at It, the scramble suddenly has opened up and the Braves are on top with a "whopping" 21i-game lead their largest of the season. They made it as Cincinnati rolled over again, 5-3, yesterday and the seventh place Chicago Cubs bopped the second-place St. Louis Cardinals 4-3 for a three-game sweep. Third-place Brooklyn is five games back, skidding with a 12-3 clobbering from the New York Giants. Cincinnati and Philadel phia now are tied for fourth, sev en games behind, after the Phil lies defeated Pittsburgh 6-3 while the Rcdlegs lost for the 11th time in 12 games with Milwaukee this season. Brava, Cards To Play If this is the breakup in the NL log jam, the Braves should know by Sunday night after a three game set at St. Louis. in the American League, Wash ington made it two in a row over New York 61 and trimmed the Yankees' lead to five games as Chicago's second-place White Sox defeated Kansas City 7-4. Baltimore regained fifth place from Detroit by defeating Boston 3-1 while the Tigers lost to Cleve land 3-1. Red Schoendienst, the second baseman who was supposed to have brought the Braves the pen nant along with his bat and glove when the Giants -traded him to Milwaukee June 15, got the job done yesterday. He lined a two run single in the eighth, breaking a 3-3 tie and bringing Lew Bur dette his 10th victory. Crow. Hits Homtr Ex-Brave George Crowe ham mered his 24th home run and Frank Robinson swatted his 18th in the eighth to junk a 3-1 Mil waukee lead. Reliever Raul San chez lost it, loading the bases wilh two walks and a hit batsman ahead of Sehoendienst's hit. The Cubs won six in a row for the first lime since 1055 with a two-run seventh against southpaw Wilmer Miiell that clacked a two all tie. Singles by Moe Drabowsky, the young right-hander who won his eighth, and Bobby Adams brought in the runs. Dave Hillman blanked the Cards after relieving Drabowsky when a walk and two singles gave the Cards a run in the eighth. Del Ennis had a two run homer for St. Louis while Stan Musial had two singles and re gained the bat lead at .334. Bums Baatan Again The Giants completed a sweep of the last three games in the four-game set with the Dodgers by scoring four runs in the first against ex-pal Sal Maglie. They had 14 hits in all, counting home runs by Willie Mays (26) and Hank Sauer (16). Ruben Gomez won his 12th with a seven-hit job. Russ Kemmerer had given the Yankees only five singles and led 6-0 going into the ninth. Then a single, walk and Enos Slaughter's double saved New York from what would have been its second shut out of the year. Art Ditmar lost it. Angling Prospects Bright Over State PORTLAND There are Some rlpnri snnlc lnt ill..t fishing is in prospect in a number ui icas in urcgon mis weekend. The WPeklv Ctal f!ania rmnmi. sion report by areas: Southwest Steelhead angling good on the Umpqua. although slowed some what when Die rains began. Sal mon angling excellent at Winches ter Bay. Striped bass fishing fair in Coos Bay and Coos River. Low er Rogue fair to good for chinook. Trout angling slow in the Rogue, but picking up. Good catches con tinue in the high lakes and streams. Steelhead are being tak en on flies in the Gold Hill urea. Giants, All-Stars Slated On Gridiron CHICAGO - Tonight's 24th annual All - Star Football Game pits the slashing running attack of the New York Giants against the untested passing offense of the col legians. The Gianls, National Football League champions, are favored over the All-Stars by 10 points in the season's first big gridiron en counter. The game will be televised by ABC at 8:30 p.m.. EST. This is an enthusiastic bunch of collegians who have been working out under Coach Curly Lambeau. Never has an Ail - Slar squad boasted such top-flight passers as John Brodie of Stanford. Lennie Dawson of Purdue, Jim Harris of Oklahoma and Paul Hornung of Notre Dame. Since the Giants line is big and tought and led the NFL defensively last season it seems only logical for the colle gians to pin all their hopes on passing. Tho All-Stars also have some ex cellent pass catchers in Ron Kra mer and Tom .Maentz of Michigan. Brad Bomha of Indiana and La mar Lundy of Purdue. To back up the passing threat the college team has some fine breakaway runners in Jim Brown of Syracuse. Tommy McDonald of Oklahoma, Jon Arnctt of Southern California and Clarence Peaks of Michigan State. Riddle Post 9744 Of VFW Meets In Roseburg Tonight By ERMA BEST There will be a meeting of Riddle Veterans of Foreign Wars Sunday at the Roseburg Veterans hall at 1 p.m., according to John Ang land, district commander of Dis trict 12. The auxiliary is also in cluded in this meeting. Post 9744 will meet tunight at 8 p.m. at the voterans grounds. All overseas veterans are invited to the meeting. Missionaries Visit Rectmt visitors at the home ol Rev. and Mrs. Conrad Rhoads were the former's brother-in-law, Rev. Arthur Sanford, and family. They were en route from San Fran cisco. Calif., to Spokane, Wash., to visit other member? of their family after an absence of four years spent in missionary work in India. Mrs. Rhoads sisier M r s. Leo Bcrnick and children were also guests at the Rhoads home before leaving for their home in Burling ton. Wash. Air. and Mrs. Marl Woods and daughter, Judith, of Pasadena, Calif., stopped in Riddle recently to visit at the home of Mrs. G. L. Grant and Helena Riddle, while en rmilp In C.111.1H.1 nil a vacation. As Edna Largent, Mrs. Woods was a 1 teacher in Kindle scnoois more than 25 years ago. and was later married in Mrs. Grant's home. Mr. and Mrs. Heznkiah Bishop and family returned last week from a two weeks vacation trip north. They visited with Mrs. Bishop's grandmother in Bellingham, Wash., with her parents in Salem, and in Dallas wilh Mr. Bishop's parents. The last week of the trip they attended the Church of God con vention in Clackamas. Car Demolished Waller Kolb, who recently came to Riddle as a guest of Steve Ka das, returned Monday from a vaca tion trip near McKeniie Bridge where a freak accident put an un happy ending to his stay. He had camped at one of the forest camps with his car parked nearby. One morning at 6 a.m. he was awaken ed by the noise of breaking timber, when a large fir tree about five feet in diameler came crashing down, the upper portion striking across the middle of his car. The tree roots were in an adjoining camp site 150-feel away from the car. The car was totally demolish ed except for the engine which was later sold. Kolb. whose home is near San Jose, Calif., has been spending the summer in Oregon. Frl. Aug. 9, 1957 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ort. 9 Oregon Projects Okayed By House WASHINGTON, uD The public works appropriation bill approved by the Senate Thursday includes a number of Oregon projects. It calls for construction of these projects (the first figure is the Senate-approved amount; the sec ond, in parentheses, is the amount voted by the House): Amazon Creek St46.000 (S446, 000); Chctco River $200,000 ($200, 000); Columbia River at mouth SI, 150.000 (M. 150.000 1 Cougar Kes ervoir $6.57,000 ($6,570,000); Hills Creek Reservoir S4.800,000 ($4.; Mullnomah Drainage Distric No. 1 $500,000 ($500,000); Pendleton StOO.000 (S 100.000); The Dalles $19,000,000 $19,000,000; Willamette River Bank Protec tion $45,000 ($300,000); Columbia River, Vancouver, Wash., to The Dalles $500,000 (none); Interstate Bridge, Columbia River $10,000 (none). It calls for planning on these projects: Blue River Reservoir $100,000 ($100,000); Umatilla River $16,- 000 ($16,000); Green Peter Reser voir $225,000 ($225,000); Holley Reservoir $100,000 ($100,000); Low er Columbia bank protection $40, 000 ($40,000); Clatskanie River area $15,000 (none); Rogue River Harbor $21,000 ($21,000); Malheur River $25,000 (none); Fall Creek $150,000 (none). EXPORTS TRIPLE VIENNA, Austria, in Rude Pravo, the Czechoslovak Commun ist Party organ, reported Thurs day the rate ot Czech exports to tgypt nas tripled since last fall s Suez crisis. FIRE: OR 2-2644 POLICE: OR36633 TllOHEY: OR 3-6668 664 S. E. Stephens, Roseburg Sports In Brief McHugh To Be Wed PORTLAND if Phil McHugh, captain of the University of Ore gon football and basketball teams last year, will marry Pat Creasy of Portland here Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Creasy. GOLF CHICAGO Sam Snejd shot a 7-under-par 65 for the first round lead in the $101,200 "World Championship." TENNIS SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. - Herb Flam, Beverly Hills, Calif., beat Barry MacKay, Dayton, 6-3, 6-4. to reach quarter-finals of the Eastern Grass Court Championships. League Leaders TRI-CITY tfC'AUCTIOM AT TRI-CITY, ORE. SAT. AUG. 10th ONE DAY ONLY!! SELLING OUT 2 BIG SALES 1:30&7:30P.M. ALL NEW & USED MERCHANDISE TO THE BARE WALLS! WE ARE CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK IN FAVOR OF ANOTHER TYPE OF BUSINESS. YOUR CHANCE TO BUY FOR LESS. DEALERS WELCOME A PARTIAL LIST TO BE SOLD: Bedroom Sets, new ond used Chrome Sets, new and used Swing Rockers Living Room Sets Refrigerators, gas and electric All Kinds of Tools, new and used All kinds Small Electrical Appliances, new and used New Rugi Miscellaneous of all kinds EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD FOR THE HIGH DOLLAR! Don't mill this tale! Come, bid, buy at your own price. One day only Sat., Aug. 10. N. H. TOWNE AUCTIONEER Training Hastened SEATTLE tfi Olympic cham pion Pete Hadcmachcr stepped up his training pace a notfh Friday J as heavyweight tillist Floyd Pat terson neauea west to start work outs for their Aug. 22 bout in Se attle. Rademaoher had anolner heavy schedule Friday after workout Thursday that included three rounds with sparring partners, two of shadow boxing, four rounds at the punching hags and four miles on the road. Heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson has fought twice in Chi cago and both bouts ended in the fifth round. Syracuse's 7 1 football record during 1956 was the best for the Orange school since 1923 when the team posted and 8-1 mark. Dartmouth basketball star Dave Carrutheri set a record for Haver ford, Pa., high by scoring 505 points during the 1953-54 season. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AMERICAN LEAGUE Batting (based on 250 at bats) Williams, Boston, .390; Mantle, New York, .370; Woodling, Cleve land, .335; Boyd, Baltimore, .320; Fox, Chicago, .317. Runs Batted In Sievers, Washington, 79; Wcrgz. Cleve land, 77; Mantle, New York, 78; Skowron. New York, 73; Jensen, Boston 70. Home Runs Williams, Bos Ion, Mantle, New York' and Siev ers, Washington, 30; WerU and Colavito, Cleveland, and Maxwell, Detroit, 19. Stolen Bases Aparicio. Chi cago, 16: Mantle, New York, II; Rivera, Chicago, 13; Pilarcik, Bal timore, 12; Minoso, Chicago. 11. Pitching (based on 10 decision?) Narleski. Cleveland, 9-1. .900; Donovan, Chicago. 12-3. and Oil irjar, New York, 8-2. .800: firim, New York, 10-3. .789; Bimning, Detroit, 13-4, .765. Strikeouts Wynn, Cleveland. 140; Pierce. Chicago, 118; Run ning, Detroit. 117; Johnson, Haiti more, 99; Foytack, Detroit. 95. NATIONAL LEAGUE Batting (based on 250 at bats; Musial. St. Louis, .334; Aaron, Milwaukee, and Croat, Pittsburgh, .333; Mays, New York, .326; Rob inson, Cincinnati, .324. Runs Batted In Musial, St. Louis, 87; Aaron, Milwaukee, 81; Maya, New York, 72; Crowe, Cin cinnati, 71; Ennis, St. Louis, tR. Home runs Aaron, Milwau kee, 31; Snider, Brooklyn and Mays, New York, 26; Musial, St. I Louis, 25; Crowe, Cincinnati, 21. Stolen Bases Mays, New York. 30; Gilliam, Brooklyn. 17; ; Temple. Cincinnati, 16: Fernan idez. Philadelphia, and Blas- lngame. St. Louis, 14. Pitching (based on 10 decisions) Schmidt. St. Louis, 10-1, .909; Sanford. Philadelphia, 14-4. .778; Buhl, Milwaukee, 14-6. .700: Jack son, St. Louis, 12 6, .667; Podres, Brooklyn, Acker, Cincinnati and Jones, SI. Louis, 9-5, .613. Strikeouts Sanford. Philadel phia. 136; Droll, Chicago. 129; Jones, St. Loin, 108: H arid in , Philadelphia. 106; Drabowsky, Chicago, 103. Many Rattlesnakes Killed Near Curtin By MRS. RUBY MEACHAM Five rattle snakes have been killed at the foot ot Ward's Butte Lookout near Curtin. The largest, killed by Erwin (Joins, had eleven rattles and one button and meas ured 41' i inches. (iene Meacham killed one wilh ten rattles. Leslie Guins and Mike Hooher killed one with ten rattles also and Dorothy Meacham, who is lookout, killed two snakes, one with eight rattles and one wilh six. Stiaubs also killed two snakes below the butte miking a total (if seven killed near there. Recouperating John Jacob returned home from the hospital in Eugene recently, lie is reported gelling along nice ly since his operation Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marvick were called to Montana by the sudden death of Mrs. Marvick's father. Mrs. Max Ames is reported to have had the first ripe tomatoes in the vicinity as she has had ripe ones for the last month. Also many cucumbers. Sp.3 (Jilford Meacham left by bus from Eugene last weekend aft er a 30 day furlough. He went back to Ft. Meade. Aid., where he will be for the rest of his enlist ment which will bo up next June. The Old Timers picnic will be Sunday at the J. R. Sowles home. Park System To Be Expanded PORTLAND im Expansion of Oregon's park system was author ized at a meeting of the State Highway Commission here Thurs day. The commission approved over night facilities in Sunset Bay. i Beverly Beach and Tumalo stale parks, to cost an estimated S 1 7tS .- 01 Ml. Similar lacililies to be in cluded in the 1958 budget were approved for Fort Stevens, Honey man and Delake slate parks. This work would cost $157,000. The commission also approved employment of a lifeguard at the new Rooster Rock Stale Park, 23 i miles east of Portland on the Col 'umbia River. ! Park superintendent Chet Arm- strong said H4.9K3 persons used the park last month. CEDAR PICKET FENCING ...100 ft. 12.25 Build your own picket fence the easy way. Buy our 40" by 7' pancli of No. 4 Cedar pickati, 100 feet, unpointed, only 12.25. For painted pancli add 11c per foot. Alio available, picketi of oil tiiei, rounded Gothic pointi, by the individual picket, un pointed or painted panel. Install your own or let ui install. Better grade cedar pick eti priced accordingly. Unanembled picketi, unpointed, only 3.50 per hundred. Phone ORchard 3-7030 To Place Your Picket Fencing Order OurGoitals a-8uffri'(ifi)fi Pardncr wait till you sec our eye-popping assortment of different models and colors of the Dream Car lo Drive the '57 Buick! 1 lurry to our Sales Itoadco today! "ufe fay h&p fcg albvhca -foNbwCar o rx (V- RigKtWoiAi- ROSEBURG MOTORS 504 S.E.Rose ORchard 3-6651 Easy ) -to catty Payments 'A