The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 09, 1957, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Newi-Review, Roeburg,
13 Are Injured
As Bean Picker
Bus Overturns
DAYTON, Ore. .1 Twelve
youngsters and a 35 y e a r-old
'woman driver were hospitalized
Thursday after a hus carrying
bean pickers overturned seven
miles south of Dayton. None was
injured critically.
Glenn Shipman, a state police
man, said the driver, Mrs. Bertha
Parker of Sheridan, suffered rib
fractures. The officer said her
son, Wayne Parker, 16, told him
the woman was bothered by a
bee buzzing around her head just
before the bus veered off the
road into a ditch.
Shipman said the vehicle rolled
across the ditch, went over a cul
vert, hit a second culvert, then
turned over on its side against a
lie said the accident occurred (
not long after the pickers finished :
harvesting a field owned by How-
ard Steingrube, Dayton. They(
were on their way home. !
Shipman said the passengers
crawled out through windows and
an emergency exit.
Injuries to the passengers
ranged from fractures to cuts and :
concussions. Thirty-eight of t h e
pilKUIS WC1C 11UIII 9 LU It Jtdll
old. All but two were from the
Sheridan area.
All those injured were taken to
JlcMinnville hospitals.
They included:
Itonald Donald Abbott, 17, bro
ken right leg; Joyce Rogers, 15,
Eva White, 14 and Dorothy Stuz
nan, IS, all concussions; Edwina
Strunk, wrist fracture.
Hospitalized with undetermined
injuries were Linda Stringer, 16;
Calvin Kilmer, 11; Doris Schrock,
16; Alice Kay Kadcll. 17; John
Brandt, 13; Wayne Schcnk, 14.
Miss Stringer is from McMinn
villc. All others are from the
Sheridan area.
Vital Statistics
Marriagt Licenses
roy Davis of Roseburg and Dorlha
Nadine llorton of Suthcrlin.
Lee Bass of Winston and Judith
Louise llollopeler of Roseburg.
D. Linncll and L. Jodie Slritzke of
Keith Frasier and Donna
Kny Hornschuch of Roseburg.
GOWEY-NIX Melvin E. Cow
ry Jr. and Mary Joanne Nix of
dred Jones and Arlene Alice Rog
lilz of Roseburg.
Divorce Suit Dismissal
BEGUIIL Frances l.aRue
Wade Hartwell Beguhl vs. Charles
William Beguhl.
Divorce Complaints
TRIM Russell M. vs. My tiro
Rene Trim. Married Oct. 23, 1948.
Plaintiff charges desertion.
MITCHELL Agnes Maria vs.
William A. Mitchell. Married April
4. 1932. at Crosby, N.D. Cruelty
BARKLOW Robert L. vs. June
Barklow. Married March 16, 1957,
at Port Orford. Cruelty charged.
THOMPSON Henry E. vs. Es
ther M. Thompson. Married Oct. 7,
1919, at Eden Valley, Minn. Cruelly
Kuykendall, who said he was 114
and claimed never to have been
sick or consulted a doctor, died
Tuesday. He was born in Chatta
nooga, Tcnn.
TIH ... 1Q-
The Now TwInU. Poll. -i I 'C
Rut On Out iit Tirmt
moor covnuno
"HOUSt Of rRf E1S
318 S. t. Olt 0 3 4314
10-lb. Bag 75
Douglas County Flour Mill
Why "Shop Around"? - Go Directly To
The Finest Appliances!
The Lowest Prices!
The Biggest Savings!
New '57 Automatic Washer,
Regular $249.95 .
New 1957 Automatic Dryer
Regular $179.95 .
Many orhtrt including now
rangti end refrigerator!.
NIW 1956 ind 19S7 MODELS IN
Ore. Fri. Aug. 9, 1957
Navy Hires Own Workers
To Replace Warehousemen
OAKLAND, Calif. ifi The
naval supply center here said Fri
day it has hired enough civil serv
ice longshoremen to replace In
ternational Longshoremen and
Warehousemen's Union members
who have refused to submit to
Navy security screening proce
dures. Hear Adm. Charles C. DeKay,
commander of the center, said
that by late Thursday 175 appli
cations had been received for the
temporary longshore jobs. This
filled the quota needed to replace
the ILWU stevedores.
The ILWU furnished union
gangs already ordered by the
Navy for work Thursday night be
cause failure to dispatch the men
Speaker Rayburn
Calls For House
To Accept Bill
Speaker Rayburn of Texas called
Friday for acceptance of
the Senate civil rights bill. He
said, however, that he would be
agreeable "if necessary to a
compromise narrowing the con
troversial jury trial provision.
At the same time, House Re
publican leader Martin of Massa
chusetts again demanded defeat
of the Senate jury trial bill. Mar
tin made public a letter from Dep
uty Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers
asserting it would cut in on the
authority of all federal courts.
Backstage House moves, mean
time, were directed at a compro
mise solution which would limit
jury trials only to criminal con
tempt cases involving voting
rights. Rayburn's stated willing
ness to accept that solution
strengthened its prospects.
Hardly had Rayburn made his
position known than Martin de
clared the Senate bill "would de
feat the purpose of the President
to assure the voting rights of all
Rayburn said the fate of the bill
in the House rests largely with the
Senate Passes
Thursday passed an J884,151,323
public works appropriations bill.
The vote was 85-1.
The bill carries money to fi
nance construction of Army Engi
neer and Reclamation Bureau
water projects for the year start
ed July 1.
The measure is the first to pass
either the House or Senate this
vear carrying a larger appropria
tion than President Eisenhower
had budgeted.
Eisenhower had recommended
$8(7,453,000 for public works. The
House trimmed the amount to
The Senate Appropriations Com
mittee hiked the total some $69,
338.000 and the Senate went along
with its committee.
The bill now will go to a Senate
House conference committee.
Roseburg Resident Dies
At State TB Hospital
Warren (Stub! D. Robertson, 48,
of Roseburg, died Wednesday in
the Stale Tuberculosis Hospital at
The Roseburg resident worked
and lived at the Grand Hotel. Sur
vives include his mother, Merlha
E. of Oakridge; brothers, Harold
of Oakridge; Elwin of Roseburg,
and Jack of Sacramento, Calif.
Services will he at 11 a.m. Sat
urday at Oakridge.
i ui
Flood Ave.
uj J -
T -I Ul
Ul Ul
vi i
Park en Mill St., walk in Is Idle.
Evenings 5 to 9 P.M.
Saturday and Sunday
1:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Budget ttrml arranged. Sorry, ne refund or tl
changei, ell taloi muit be final.
1 r
would "violate 4he contract," un
ion officials said.
The union, headed by Harry
Bridges, has objected to the
Navy's security screening process
which requires men to undergo
close questioning about affiliations
with organizations designated as
subversive by the U.S. attorney
general and to declare their race.
The Navy said it decided to
screen its own employes after the
U. S. Coast Guard, previously
charged with the task, was halt
ed by a court order on the basis
of ILWU complaints that the
screening program was carried
out in an unconstitutional man
ner. The Navy claims it is in a dif
ferent position than the Coast
Guard, which was charged with
the task of screening for other
services. A naval spokesman said
the Navy may set up its own re
quirements for hiring employees
and an appeal by anyone turned
down, he claimed, could be made
only to superior Navy officers.
Elkf on City Council
To Lay Pipe Line
Elklon city council has been
authorized to run a new pipe line
from the Hoffman residence to the
Sharon Colley home.
In other business, Donald .Han
cock was appointed to act as city
recorder pro tern during the Six
months absence of Carl Licklidcr
Canadians Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Scott and
family of British Columbia were
weekend guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jimmcy Snow. The Scott
family formerly lived near Green
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saladen
and two children from Red Cloud,
Neb., have moved into the Bill
Binder house. Saladen will teach
in the high school this year.
Richard Klemm
Services Held
Richard Klemm, former Rose
burg resident for many years
passed away Aug. 3 at the San
rrancisco Hospital.
Klemm lived in Tenmile and
Roseburg and worked for the
Southern Pacific Railroad in Rose
burg for many years before mov
ing to tugene. He is survived by
his wife, Maybcllc, of Eugene, and
a daughter, Mrs. A. L. (Frances)
Jennie, of Tenmile, and several
grandchildren. Interment was held
at Yoncalla today.
Tenmile Community
Church To Picnic
Tenmile Community Chinch will
hold its annual Sunday school pot
luck picnic Sunday at I lie R. D.
Lockwood residence in Tenmile.
Regular Sunday school and
church services will precede the
1 p.m. picnic. Games and music
have been planned for the Sunday
school fellowship. Those attending
are .asked to bring their own table
Saturday Rites Scheduled
Tor Myrtle Creek Infant
Robert Wayne Montgomery, 4
week- old son of Mr. and Mr.
Lawrence Montgomery of Myrile
Creek, died late Thursday evening.
The infant was born in Myrlle
Creek July 11, 1957. Besides his
parents, he is survived by one sis
ter, Virginia Kay, Myrtle Creek; erjniloarents. Mr. anil
Airs. Jim Chadd of LaSallc, L'tah
liraveside Mineral services are
scheduled at 11:30 a.m. Saturday
I at the IOOF Cemeterv, Myrtle
Creek. The Rev. J. Elbert Nash,
pastor of the TriCity Presbyterian
Church, will officiate. Ganz Morlu-
, ary of Myrtle Creek is in charge ct
Douglas Camera Club had mem
bers of the Unipqua Camera Club
as guests recently.
A representative of Sylvania
Electrical Products Co. presented
the educational program to the
50 members present Refresh
ments were served following the
Coen Supply
. . . now at The Dalles
Roseburg Man Named
The Dalles Manager
Robert B. Laursen, a former
Roseburg man and son-in-law of
County Commissioner and Mrs.
Frank Ashley, has accepted the
position of city manager at The
Laursen was the first city man
ager at Truth or Consequences,
N.M., taking that job in 1956. He
was city engineer and assistant city
manager at Grants Pass after his
graduation from Oregon State Col
lege in 1950.
Laurson is a native of Roseburg
and was graduated from Roseburg
High School in 1942. His wife is
the former Virginia Ashley.
Crippled Plane
Lands Safely
At Hilo Airport
HONOLULU OPI Sixty-seven
persons aboard a military trans
port plane from California landed
safely Thursday at Hilo, Hawaii,
after creeping 1,000 miles with
two dead engines in a six-hour or
deal. Skimming just above the 8-foot
swells of the Pacific, the pilot,
Maj. Samuel Tyson of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, nursed the two re
maining engines of his C97 trans
port to a bapoy landing at 11:25
a.m., Hawaii time (1:25 p.m. pst).
The plane, carrying a crew of
10 and 57 passengers, including 10
service wives and two infants,
was on a routine flight from Tra
vis Air Force Base, Calif., to
Hickam Field, Honolulu, when
trouble came at 4:56 a.m.
Maj. Tyson, 37-year-old veteran
of World War II flying in China
and of the Berlin airlift, radioed
that the No. engine on the lclt
side had failed and the propeller
vas "windmilling."
Thirty-two minutes later the
propeller flew off and struck the
No. 2 engine, knocking it out of
At that time the big C97, mili
tary version of the Boeing Strato
cruiser, was just past tiie point of
no return halfway mark on the
2.250-miIc flight from Travis.
Klamath Youth
Dies Of Gunshot
EUGENE ifl An 11-year-old
Klamath Falls youth died at a
hospital here Thursday night
from wounds received earlier in
the day when a shotgun went off
Killed was Frank Wanzer Rick
ey III, son of Frank Wanzer Rick
ey Jr., of Klamath Falls. The ac
cident happened at the Burt New
som residence in Creswcll. about
10 miles southeast of Eugene,
Thursday afternoon.
State police said the youth and
his brother Louis. 10, were play
ing the bouse while their father
and Newsom were at a barn
about 200 yards away.
Police said 'he boys found sev
eral rifles and guns in a closet
and set a shotgun against a wall
in a bedroom. The shotgun fe'.l
and went off, with the blast strik
ing the older brother.
The hoy was rushed to a hos
pital in Eugene where he died
about 11:50 p.m. Thursday.
Pranksters put sugar in the gas
tank of her car, Ruth Scofield, 313
NW Sweethriar Ave., reported to
slate police Thursday. She said the
sugar might have been put in the
tank the previous night while the
car was parked at one of two res-
i taurants.
Theft of a girl's bicycle was re
ported ' to Roseburg police Thurs
day by Mary Joe Rapp. 814 SE
Flint St. She said the bike was
taken Wednesday night lrom in
front of her home.
R. II. Savage of 348 SE Claire
St., Roseburg. reported to the sher
iff's office someone had turned his
rowhoat over at Winchester and
knocked a hole in the bottom. He
said he was in Wyoming at the
4? -
Three-Time Loser Chooses
Death Rather Than Prison
three-time loser chose death rath
er than prison Thursday and died
in his hotel room with a bullet
through his brain after wounding
two policemen and a girl bystand
er. Police identified the dead man
as Everett Sparks, 30, of Port
land, Ore. He was shot to death
in his 12th floor room at the down
town Sheraton-Lincoln Hotel after
wounding a detective and a girl
in the hotel lobby and wounding
another policeman in the corridor
outside his room.
Police filled the room with tear
gas and riddled it with gunfire,
then entered and found Sparks
dead. Investigators said he may
have taken his own life.
Sgt. James A. Partain, 52, who
was shot in the lobby, was re
ported in serious condition with a
bullet wound in the groin and two
wounds in his legs.
Constance Caile, It, of Craw
fordsville, Ind., was wounded in
the thigh, and Patrolman Ray
mond A. Cooper, 36, was shot in
Judge Woodrich
Commits Youth To
MacLaren School
A youth who was arrested Tues
day after a struggle with police
officers had his probation as a ju
venile delinquent revoked today by
Judge Charles S. Woodrich in Cir
cuit Court.
The boy, David Victor Flury, 17,
had been fined $30 on three charg
es, with the fines suspended, and
was serving a five-day sentence
for disorderly conduct after a mu
nicipal court hearing.
At the completion of his sentence
here, he will be sent to the state
MacLaren School for Boys at
Woodburn. He will be kept there
until he can be paroled, but could
remain until he n 21 years old.
Flury was placed on probation
as a delinquent child on April 27,
1957. His arrest constituted a vio
lation of probation. However
Judge Woodrich told the boy that
in this case he would have dealt
the same with him even if he had
not been on probation.
City police officers at the hear
ing testified that they had to hand
cuff Hury when he was arrested
about 12:30 a.m. on Aug. 6 at the
Greyhound depot. They testified
that he struggled, kicked them, and
cursed them when he was hand
cuffed. Three other youths threat
ened to attack the officers at the
Flury was cited by Roseburg po
lice for violation of the basic rule,
running a red light, illegal posses
sion of intoxicants, reckless driv
ing, and disorderly conduct. He
was sentenced to five days in jail
for disorderly conduct. I he reck
less driving charge was dismiss
ed, and he received suspended
fines on the other charges. His
driver's license was suspended for
60 days.
The only thing Flury had to say
in his behalf was that the hand
cuffs had been placed on him too
tightly and had made marks on
his wrists before he started to
struggle. He held up his arms in
court and the marks were visible.
The judge reminded the boy that
the place to disagree with police
'was in a court of law, "not in an
Local Insurance Agent
Tops Sales In District
A Roseburg insurance agent,
Horace Berg, recently was pre
sented an awiird from his com
pany as top salesman in this area
and an award sponsored by sev
eral companies for the quality of
his work.
It was the ninth time Berg had
received the national award. The
company award was presented by
Jack Calvin, district manager for
Prudential Insurance Co. It named
Berg as the top salesman for the
company in the area south of Sa
le; m.
California Man Warned
To Pay Support Money
Hailed into circuit court Thurs
day on a non support charge, lluey
Crabtree, 43, Crescent City, Calif.,
was ordered released on his own
recognizance en the condition that
he start making support payments
to his former wife.
Judge Carl E. Wimherly told
Crabtree that he would have to
do his best to support his three
children and warned him he would
be sent to prison if brought back
to court on the charge.
Report of dog poisoning in the
Melrose area was made to the
sheriff's office Thursday bv Don
ald Frear. Rt. 3 Box 542. He said
Ins Beagle was poisoned Wednes
day night and died the following
morning. A veterinarian diagnosed
the poison as strychnine, Frear
Circus Clowns
AUGUST 22 to 25
the arm, but they were not in
serious condition.
Sparks' companions, Travis
Gatewood. 34. of Portland. Dor
othy Norris, 26, St. Louis, and
.Maude Loretta Boom, a, vet
Moines, Iowa, were held for ques
tioning. Sparks started shooting at Par
tain after discovering he was a
policeman. Sparks had been
called to the lobby by the assist
ant manager, Robert Callis, 29,
who asked him to pay his bill,
and Partain had been asked to
stand bv.
Gatewood told police he and
Miss Norris were in bparKs room
when Sparks burst in and said:
"I've just shot a cop. I'm going
to shoot it out with the rest of
Gatewood said Sparks tossed
him a gun and said:
"I'm a three-time loser. I'm
damned if I'm going back for an
other stretch in the pen."
Gatewood said he replied, "I'm
a three-time loser, too, but I like
my life." He and Miss Norris
walked out and surrendered be
fore the shooting began.
Gatewood said he and Sparks
became friends in Portland and
Sparks suggested they tour the
country passing bad checks. Gate
wood said they cashed worthless
checks in San Antonio and El
Paso, Tex., and Wichita, Kan.,
before going to Des Moines.
Oregon police records show Ev
erett Barton Sparks was wanted
in Portland and adjacent Wash
ington County o n bad check
charges and had served prison
sentences for passing bad checks
in that state.
Police records at Portland show
that Sparks was first arrested at
Kelso, Wash., at the age of 16
on an auto theft charge.
Howard Bennett
Services Set At
Drain Saturday
Howard Curtis Bennett, 64, was
killed in a logging accident Aug. 7
while working for the David Hite
Logging Co. of Cottage Grove.
He was born July 24, 1893 in Hal
sey, Ore., and lived at Burns for
many years. The family came to
Drain two years ago where he was
employed in the logging business.
Surviving relatives include his
wife, Pearl, of Drain, six step chil
dren, R. D. Sessler, Burns; Dal
las Sessler, U.S. Navy; Alfred Ses
sler. Arlington, Va.; Mrs. S. W.
Hebener, XIrs. Nel Mortensen, both
of Hines, Ore.; Mrs. George Mc
Cloud. Portland, and ten grand
children. Stearns and Little Mortuary in
Oakland will have charge of fu
neral arrangements. Services will
be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the
Drain Church of Christ with the
Rev. Delbert White officiating, in
terment will follow at Burns Cem
etery, Burns, Ore.
Porter Reports
Pulp Plant-Eyed
For So. Oregon
PORTLAND I Rep. Porter
(D-Ore) began a two-day visit to
his home state by telling news
men in Portland Thursday that
he has talked to officials of a firm
which is considering constructing
a pulp plant either in the Rose
burg or Grants Pass areas.
Porter also endorsed renewed
trade between the United States
and Red. China. He said it would
help Oregon's economy.
The purpose of his visit, Porter
said, is to investigate reports of
economic troubles in Oregon es
pecially in the Lebanon and Sweet
Home area. He said he has heard
that people are leaving the towns
and businesses are closing up.
He said he is looking into the
possibilities of pie-fabrication
building concerns moving into the
Porter also told of plans to in
troduce a bill next week aimed at
boosting Oregon's slumping lum
ber industry.
Porter said, "This bill will pro
vide for use of railroad retire
ment act funds, now totalling 4
billion dollars, for Federal Hous
ing Administration mortgages."
Final Closeout of All Merchandise
Bedroom Sett Livingroom Croups Mattresses Box Springs
Appliances Cuns Fishing Tackle Hardware Tools
Thousands of Items, New and Used, Too Numerous To Mention ! ! !
Two Sentenced
On Spy Charges;
Third Waiting
NEW YORK I Jacob Albam,
64, a former Brooklyn tea and
spice dealer, and Mrs. Myra
Soble, 52, were sentenced to 5'A
years in prison each Friday for
spying lor tne soviet union.
Her husband, Jack, 54, a third
member of the espionage ring,
was to be sentenced Sept. 18. He
was not in court.
All three had pleaded guilty.
Both Albam and Mrs. Soble ap
peared shocked when U. S. Dis
trict Judge Richard H. Levet pro
nounced the sentences.
Throughout the preliminaries,
the blonde Mrs. Soble wept
softly. Albam bespectacled and
balding, had stared nervously at
the floor, walls and the ceiling.
The reason for not sentencing
Soble immediately was not dis
closed. The Soblei and Albam all came
to the United States as European
The three defendants were
charged specifically with conspir
ing with "numerous high ranking
Soviet officials" to obtain docu
ments, photographs and writings
vital to the defense of the United
States, knowing thsy were to be
transmitted to the Soviet Union.
Albam and the Sobles were ar
rested last Jan. 25 in their Man
hattan apartments by FBI men.
Authorities have said the case
of Albam and the Sobles had no
connection with the Soviet espion
age ring headed by Rudolf Abel,
Soviet colonel of intelligence ar
raigned here Friday on spy
Details of the Albam-Soble ac
tivities never have been revealed
in detail. They allegedly were en
meshed in a web of Soviet in
trigue and espionage that extend
ed from New York to Paris, Ge
neva, Laussane, Vienna and Mos
cow. Sources close to the defendants
indicated they were entrapped in
the ring despite a wish to with
draw. The Sobles' son hinted that his
grandparents overseas were, in
effect, hostages.
Rancher Wins
Partial Victory
neer rancher John Pratbcr has re
ceived from a federal court the
right to live out his life on a 15
acre track from which the Army
sought to evict him.
Prather isn't happy about his
partial victory over the Army. He
wants all of his 27.000-acre ranch
now part of a missile range and
he wants title to it.
"1 have not gone back on my
promise to keep this ranch for my
children," the 82-year-old rancher
said. "I want this land for them
when I die. I shall continue my
fight to keep it from military pos
session." Asst. U.S. Atty. Joseph R. Mc
Neany said Prather still does not
have title even to the IS acres
adjoining a missile range. It would
be possible for the military to
seek another eviction proceeding
through the courts but the Army
has conceded it won't. Instead, it
will harness its missiles so Prath
er won't be endangered.
Mineral survey rights were
granted Thursday by the County
Court to Elmer R. Worth on a plot
of land on Cow Creek approximate
ly 7 miles southwest of Riddle.
The license expires after 120 days, i
Woman for office work. Good working conditions. Mult bo
eble to toko shorthand, typo, file and have a working
knowledge off bookkooptng. Giva full details In Utter to . .
Nielsen's Saw And Manufacturing Co
Route 4 Box 95, Roseburg, Oregon
No Phone Calls, Please
SATURDAY 2 and 7:30 p.m.
SUNDAY 2 p.m.
the Street From The Ooklond Fir
Phone OAKLAND 2859
Past Noble Grands
OfSutherlin Plan
For Timber Days
Sutherlin Past Noble Grands
Club held a short meeting recently,
and members were reminded in
bring articles for the grab barrel
at the booth for Timber Days cele
bration. Ethel Wattman thanked the club
for the card sent her while she was
ill. An invitation was received for
the open house birthday party for
Mrs. Henrietta Beswick Aug. 18
from 2 to 5 p.m. at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Williams.
Olga Bielman reported she had
made a weeks visitation with Mrs.
Mary Barker, president of Rebekah
Assembly of Oregon, to various
points in Oregon, and attended a
reception at Molalln for the vice
president, Edna Olster.
Fires Occur
Volunteer fire department was
called to south Calapooia street last
Sunday by a fire that did consid
erable damage to an automobile.
That afternoon they fought a brush
fire for two hours on Laurel
Heights. Early Monday they were
called to a fire that destroyed a
vacant house on West Second
Street, cause of the fire was un
known. Tuesday night the depart
ment was called out at midnight
when the barn of Elton Bever
caught fire and was destroyed, but
there was nothing of value in the
Mrs. Harvey Brown, who under
went major surgery at Sacred
Heart Hospital in Eugene recently
is home and is reported improving.
Recent dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Francis of
Fair Oaks were Mrs. Ann Fair
neau of North Bend. Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ander
son, Mr. and Mrs. Erenil Churchill,
all of Coos Bay, and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Moore and Mrs. Fern Flory.
Committee Gives
Bill Approval
WASHINGTON tf The Senate
Armed Services Committee
Thursday approved authorization
for the spending of Sl.445.285,000
on military construction projects.
This is S231.337.00O less than the
amount approved by the House
last month.
The House only Wednesday
passed another bill to appropriate
SI. 581,590.587 to pay for construc
tions authorized in the measure
approved Thursday by. the Sen
ate committee.
The authorization approved by
the Senate committee is less than
the amount of money voted for
the projects by the House. There
fore, if the Senate follows the
recommendation of the committee,
it wiH later cut the amount of
money voted by the House.
The Senate committee in ap
proving Sl,203,413,000 in new
authority made a cut of 23 per
cent under the Sl.561,000.000 re
quested by the Budget Bureau.
Local News
The barbecue picnic planned for
Saturday at the Roseburg Country
Club has been postponed until Sat
urday, Aug. 17. The affair was to
have followed the two-ball four
some, but was postponed a week
on account of the Legion baseball
Reg. 6.2S Ext. White
Colorcraft Point ft Wollpaptr
IK SE Cm OR 2-2291
'I tit. Will II Pt!t OHitl