The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 09, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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    U. of C. Library
Eugene , 'Oregon
mmnktmm nnii mm n iwni mil uiiiMMwwHWM-MwiiiiiiiiwinMwiiiiiiwMiiitiMiniMii i ' n n
Kstoblished 1873
Profit From Purchase,
Resale Of Building Told
board member of tbe old AFL
United Auto Workers Union testi
fied Friday the union sold its .Mil
waukee headquarters building for
S80.000 in 1955 only to see it re
sold a few weeks later tor Slia,
000. Morris Weintraub, now a South
Newport, Ky., attorney, said the
union sale was to the Badger
Realty Co., Milwaukee, in which
he said the union's secretary
treasurer, Anthony Doria, once
had an interest.
Testifying before the Senate
Weintraub said that as a board
member he never got an expla
nation of the sale, satisfactory to
The senators got into the story
of the building sale in an incident
al way while digging for further
information on the relations New
York labor racketeer Johnny Dio
had with the AFL-UAW, which
since has become the Allied In
dustrial Workers Union.
Dio himself took the Fifth
Amendment 140 times Thursday
in refusing to discuss it.
Weintraub, who said he had led
a fight to oust Dio from the UAW,
said Dio demanded S10.000 as his
price for quitting but was actually
given S16.000.
Weintraub said he felt it was
Gales Lash Alps' Climbers;
One Now Reported Dead
GRINDELWALD, Switzerland I
One of the climbers trapped on
the sheer north wall of Eiger
Mountain died Friday as 60-mile-an-hour
winds howled around the
peak, it was reported by Willi
Balmer, chief of the Grindelwald
Rescue Service.
He said rescuers also had lost
aight of the other three.
The climber who was reported
dead by Balmer was the member
of the group who was left tied to
a rock and abandoned by his fel
lows so they could continue their
fight for life.
Rescueri had assumed he was
Injured or too exhausted to con
tinue and was slowing down his
The pilot of a Swiss rescue
plane and Balmer, who flew with
him as observer, helplessly
watched the agony of the unidenti
fied mountaineer as the small
plane circled about 600 feet away.
"When we first saw the man,
VA Hospital Patient
Escapes !s Recaptured
An escapee from the Veterans
Administration Hospital at Rose
burg was taken into custody Thurs
day night after he had allegedly
tried to take a taxicab away from
the driver, Clarence J. Kempke.
The Ellis Cab Co. driver told a
deputy sheriff his passenger had
tried to take the car near Lindy's
where the man was taken into cus
tody. The escapee was held for
hospital authorities. The officer not
ed that the man is wanted in Lane
County on a fraudulent check
In The Day's News
Mis. Maxwell Gluck wife of
the newly appointed ambassador
to Ccvloii tells reporter-- in
Washington that he agrees with
Mr. Eisenhower that her husband
WILL BECOME an expert on Cey
lon even if he isn't one NOW.
She says a lot of the criticism
of him came from "away off in
left field'' and adds that in her
opinion he is a good citizen who
wants to serve his country and
lias the ability to do so.
Let's take a sharp look at this
man Gluck.
What's wrong with him?
Well, fur one thing, he has some
money. He contributed $36,000 to
two Eisenhower campaigns S18,
(KK) in 1952 and another $18,000 in
lie was appointed ambassador
to Ceylon a few weeks back, and
when his appointment came up for
(Continued on Pate 4, Ool. i)
The Weather
Mostly sunny this afternoon end
Saturday with clouds during the
early morning hours.
Highest temp, lest 24 hours
Lowest temp, last 24 hours
Highest temp, any August
Lowest temp, eny August
Precip. last 24 hours
Precip. from August 1
Precip. from Sept. 1 ..
Defie. from Sept. 1
Sunset tonight, 7:25 p.m.
Sunrise tomorrow, 5:35 a.m.
... 75
... 47
. 104
.... 39
. .1
Fire Weather
Fire Weather Low fire danger I
in Coast range and in northwest
Oregon through Saturday with1
humidity above 30 per cent. Mod-j
erate and slowly increasing haz-1
ard elsewhere in state.
worth $10,000 "if we could get rid
I of him, lock stock and barrel,"
land if, as Dio claimed, the rack
leteer had spent that much out of
his own pocket for union orgam
Ziitiunal efforts.
I Taking the witness chair after
Weintraub, tart Heaton, retiring
now as head of the Allied Indus
trial Workers, said he paid Dio
1 $16,000 because that was the
amount Dio said was due him.
I Committee counsel Robert F.
' Kennedy told Heaton this was
I more than three times the amount
!of vouchers submitted by Dio to
back up his claim, and that the
vouchers contained no proof the
union owed Dio any money when
the bill was paid in 1954.
Heaton said he never examined
the 172 vouchers which Kennedy
said total $5,138.83. He said Dio
told him he had "$16,000 coming
as reinburscment for money he
had spent in union work, and
"there was no reason to doubt it.
. . . no reason anyone would lie
I about it.
! Heaton was asked as to his
knowledge of relations between
Dio and Midwest Teamsters Un
ion boss James R. Hoffa. He said
he had seen them together under
conditions that made him believe
they were "more than speaking
he was roped upright to the rock,"
Balmer reported. "He waved to
ward us with both arms."
"He continued waving whenever
we could manage to get near until
his arms suddenly dropped down.
But hopes were not high for the
other three because of the vicious
wind. They were observed
through a telescope g i n g e r 1 v
working their way up the virtual
ly sheer wall of 13,036-foot Eiger
Mountain Friday morning alter
lour uays in one spot.
"There is a very heavy storm
raging around the Eiger and it
has lessened their chances for
survival," a police official said.
"But the men are still picking
their way forward in the face of
"We can only hope that the
wind will drop as mysteriously as
it arose."
A grueling 2,500 feet above
them lies the summit, safety and
a chance to come down by an
easier route. With one false move,
death lies 3,000 feet almost
straight below.
It is considered impossible to
descend the overhanging face of
the towering mountain in the
Bernese Alps of central Switzer
land. The north wall has been
scaled only about 20 times and
has claimed a number of lives.
The four climbers, believed to
be Germans and Italians, had been
almost motionless on the wall
since Monday. But as bright sun
shine followed a mild night they
began what may be a final at
tempt to save themselves.
The razor-thin ledges are so dif
ficult that guides could do little
to help the men even if they
climbed up to them.
A police official said "if they
go very carefully and watch
their step they may make it by
tomorrow night. Everyone is
praying that the weather will
hold and that they are still strong
enough to make the climb."
The four are believed to be
short of supplies and suffering
from the deadly night cold of the
... . .
DR. JOHN N. LANTIS, left, chief dentol officer ot the
Roseburg Veterons Administration Hospitol, is being trans
ferred to the VA hospitol at Palo Alto, Calif., where he will
be chief of the dentol service. Dr. Albert Morene of
the Roseburg hospital staff will be promoted to the position
being vacated by Dr. Lontis. (Paul Jenkins)
NEA Telephoto
. . . occused as red spy
Accused Russian
Asks For Time To
Consult Attorney
NEW YORK Wl Accused Rus
sian spymaster Rudolph Ivano
vich Abel, seemingly unruffled in
the face of trial and possible ex
ecution, calmlv appealed in Brook
lyn federal court Friday for time
to get a lawyer.
As he stood impassively before
U.S. Dist. Judge Matthew T.
Abruzzo, he also asked for a de
lay in making his plea to spy
charges. The judge granted the
first request but personally en
tered a plea of innocent in behalf
of Abel pending further hearings
next Tuesday.
The judge then ordered that
Abel be held without bail.
The action came at almost the
same time as two admitted spies
for Russia in another, separate
case were being sentenced at the
federal courthouse in Manhattan.
They were Jacob Albam and
Mrs. Myra Soble. They got 5'i
years each. A third ring member,
Jack Soble, husband of Myra, .3
to be sentenced Sept. 18.
Abel appeared haggard and
somewhat disheveled in dress as
he stood before Judge Abruzzo,
but spoke in placid, fluent Eng
lish with a trace of accent.
No Holdup, No Body
Just Two Sleepy Boys
Reports of two armed holdup
men near a wrecked pickup truck
four miles north of Wolf Creek
brought law officers to the scene
where the capture was made of
two boys, ages 13 and 15, armed
with a flashlight and dragging a
sleeping bag.
Two reports had been made to
slate police at Koseourg aoout the
affair in which the vehicle had
gone over the bank and stopped
about 100 feet from the highway.
In each report, it was stated that
the subjects were armed. One said
thev had been involved in a holdup.
The second report, from a Grants
Pass man, police were told that
one of the men was dragging an
other down the hill and waving a
revolver. The weapon turned out
to be a flashlight. The body was a
sleeping bag.
The boys were found to be run
aways from Chico, Calif., where
they had stolen the pickup. They
were taken to Grants Pass by state
NEW YORK iffi Actress Mari
lyn Monroe, who lost her baby
after a month of pregnancy, will
leave Doctors Hospital Saturday
and return to her summer home
at A maoanuiitf nn I nnc TclxinH
lit was reported rriday.
Miss Monroe, wife of playwright
Arthur Miller, has been in the
hospital since Aug. 1. Her weight
was reported down 16 pounds
: I i o in her usual la.
9, 1957
Hurricane Bertha
Heads For Coast
storm Bertha ballooned into a full-
fledged hurricane Friday and
aimed its deadly punch at the
west Louisiana-upper Texas coasts
along a 125-mile front.
The Weather Bureau said the
hurricane was traveling roughly
in the same path as its killer pre
decessor Audrey six weeks ago,
about 140 miles southeast of Lake
Charles, La.
The storm's highest winds were
estimated at 75 miles per hour
within about 30 miles of the cen
ter with gales flaring out 100
miles from the center.
Bertha was expected to contin
ue a slow trek between west and
northwest at 10 to 12 miles per
hour tor I lie next 12 hours.
A Weather Bureau advisory
warned that tides would reach
five to six feet between Galveston
and Sabine, Tex., located on the
Louisiana border. Tides of three
to five feet were expected along
the central Louisiana coast.
Tides in the area normally are
about one foot.
The area threatened by the hur
ricane includes the strip of Louis-
Teleserv.ce Co.
Permission Gets
Boost, Says Roelle
Eugene Roelle, engineer for Tele-
service Co., which is striving to
secure permission to set up a trans
lator television station in Rose
burg, says the likelihood of receiv
ing permission had received a boost
this week.
A controversial request for an
amendment to present commission
regulations was overruled by the
Federal Communications Commis
sion. The proposed amendment, if
adopted, would have made it impos
sible for a translator to be set up
in a community which has a regu
larly operating television station
Those in favor of adoption of
the amendment contended that es
tablishment of such translators
made operation of established sta
tions "economically unfeasible.'
KPIC in Roseburg was one of those
stations calling for adoption of the
Teleservice also filed a brief op
posing the choice. It and others
contended translators were not
The FCC overruled the blanket
amendment and stated that all re
quests to establish translators
would be studied on individual mer
it. A ruling in favor of the amend
ment would have put a stop to any
plans for a translator in Roseburg.
Meanwhile, Roelle has started a
campaign to raise money through
nithlif Cllhcnrinttnn In finannii (!,.
,oi,.. ,i,i.i. u .u." i
UDn.,iaiui mum wutliu IlMJIUflU-
cast KOIN-TV Portland on an ultra
high frequency channel to the Rose
h ,ri ii. Tie , ,,
burg area. He said $8,000 is the
Ray Roy Hudson
Suffers Injury
Ray Roy Hudson, 48, Box 25,
Days Creek, suffered a fractured
hip Thursday night in a collision
with a wrecked pickup truck 4
miles east of Canyonville on Route
Hudson was taken to Forest Glen
Hospital at Canyonville. The driver
of the pickup, Richard Clyde Prair
ie, 32, who lives on Route 42 about
3Mi miles east of Canyonville. es
caped injury as did his passenger, i
ivorman L. Wilson.
According to stale police who in
vestigated the accident, Prairie
had been driving west when he
swerved to miss two deer on the
highway and went into a ditch.
Part of the vehicle was on the
highway and was struck by a 1957
Volkswagen driven bv Hudson
when he came around
curve. Bolh vehicles
heavy damage.
a slight
Probation Violation
Charged To Youth, 20
Held in the Douglas County jai;thorities have been notified
charged with probation violation is
David J. Hussell, 20, Columbia
City, Ore.
An order to show cause why pro
bation should not he revoked has
been issued by Circuit Judge
Charles S. Woodrirh and states
that Russell has been charged in
Coos County with inciting a riot
and unlawful assembly.
He was sentenced here Oct. 5.
1955, to two years in prison for
burglary not in a dwelling and was
granted probation.
Man Admits Fighting
With One Found Stabbed
PORTLAND Portland po
lice said Thursday a. man first
arrested as a drunk has admitted
fighting with another man who
was found stabbed to death under
a bridge here.
Detective William Taylor said
Lonnie llorton, 33, Portland,
confessed that he first shared a
jug of wine with the victim,
Charles Henry Sims, 43. Later
they quarreled and then fought.
llorton was arrested the same
night on a drunkenness charge
He first denied any knowledge of
Sims' death, hut then admitted
the fight, Taylor said.
iana laid waste by Audrey, which
claimed more than 500 lives in
the Cameron-Grand Chenier area
June 27 and reaped property dam
age in the millions.
But despite the threat of Ber
tha's punishing winds and flood
ing tides, a handful of hardy resi
dents of Uie Cameron area re
fused to leave.
An official said there were only
about 500 people in Cameron and '
most of them were living in tents j
and doing rehabilitation work. He
estimated that about 98 per cent
of them had been evacuated by
nightfall Ihursday night.
Annexation Would
Up Population
By 1,200 People
The number of people in the area
proposed for annexation in East
Roseburg has been estimated at
City Manager George Farrell
said that "we could assume 1,200
people" from estimates made by
Oregon Water Corp.1 and California
Oregon Power Co.
The power company told the city
that there are 389 services, includ
ing commercial in the area. Of
that, 355 are "assumed" to be resi
dential hook-ins. The company uses
a figure of 3.8 persons per family
in estimating population. That re
sults in a Copco estimate of 1,349
The water company, with 300 do
mestic services, uses an average
of 3.6 persons per family, coming
up with 1,080 people. The city used
3.7, figuring 1,110 based on the wa
ter company services.
The estimate of 1.200 was a com-
promise between the water and
power companies estimates.
Voters in the area will decide
Aug. 22 whether to come into the
city. If the annexation proposal is
accepted, the city will vote on the
matter probably in September.
If the annexation is approved, it
would boost the population of the
city to around 14,200.
40 Americans
Accept Invite
To Visit China
MOSCOW wi About 40 Ameri
can delegates to the Conimunist
sponsored World Youth Festival
Friday accepted an invitation to
visit Red China, and at least one
appeared to be on the verge of
defecting to the Soviet Union. .
There is a State Department
I J"
ban on travel to Communist
he man reported to be plan
ning defection was described by
l dependable rource to be a vet-
Wodd War in ms eariy
.10s. He may already have taken
the initial steps. His name was
not immediately divulged.
The American has not been seen
in the U.S. delegation's hotel at
the Moscow agricultural exhibi
tion for more than two days. Sev
eral of his friends said he was
in an infirmary ill with grippe
and no one could see him.
Two other American delegates
told other Americans they were
thinking of staying here f o r
"study" when the festival ends
Fifteen Americans, including
eight members of the groups
administrative committee, will
make the trip as nonpaying
guests of the Peiping govern
ment. Charge Dismissed, But
Man Held For Oklahoma
A check charge against Bobby
Lee Osborn, 27, Myrtle Creek, was
dismissed in district court Thurs-
j day when the district attorney's
office said the man was wanted
by Oklahoma authorities on a more
serious charge.
Oshorn has been held in the
Douglas Coun'y jail since his ar
rest by Roseburg police for pass
ing a worthless check. Local au-
the southern state wants him and
will arrive soon to take him into
custody. He is wanted in Okla
homa on a charge of second de
gree forgery involving a $.10 check.
No Bids Received On Big
Block Of Umpqua Timber
No bids were received Thursday
dn a big block of timber put to auc
tion by the Umpqua National For
est. The volume was 10,700,000 board
feel appraised at $178.41.0. It in
eluded 8 900.000 feet of Douglas fir
$16 35 a thousand, 400,000 feet of
sugar pine appraised at $19.35 and
1.4U0.00O feel ot western ncmiocK
and other species at $4.35.
The timber is located on the
North Umpqua Ranger District
about 52 miles northeast of Rose
burg. It now will be held for possible
sale at the appraised price.
A boat reported stolen Thursday
was later found downstream lodged
against a bank, Roseburg police
were informed. Loss of the boat
was reported by Pearl Bushnell,
292 SE Pine St., who cancelled the
report later. She said it belonged
lo Carl Fair, 3.10 SE Pine St.
Celebrations Set Under Way
In Two Douglas Communities
Jubilee Program
4 p.m. Country fair canned exhib
its entries close.
5 p.m. Opening of Jubilee.
6 p.m. Country fair exhibit tale be
7-10 p.m. Priies.
Noon. Country fair baked food en
tries closed.
1 p.m. Opening of Jubilee.
2 p.m. Races for children.
2-8 p.m. priies.
8:15 p.m. Variety acts on midway.
9 p.m. $100 cash prize.
9 p.m. Public dance in warehouse,
House Strikes
Atomic Plants
From Measure
Friday passed a 337 million dollar
atomic construction bill shorn of
an order to the Atomic Energy total of $1,085 will be given to win
Commission to build five atomic ners in loggers' contests. The con-
power plants for cooperative and
puniic power companies.
The House also took out of- the
bill ' a 55-million-dollar item for
AEC construction of two experi
mental reactors which Republi
cans claimed would put the com
mission in the public power field.
It did approve 3 million for engi
neering and preliminary work on
a reactor for special nuclear ma
terials for the weapons program.
The roll call vote of 213-185
struck from the bill a requirement
that the AEC build reactors to pro
vide steam for five public power
Another roll call count, 211-188.
knocked out the funds for the two
prototype reactors, while a third
roll call. 201-197. gave the com
mission the go-ahead for the spec-
lal weapons project. I
Adopted on a 140-89 standing
vote was Republican - sponsored
amendment to keep in the hill
$129,915,000 for construction nf th
atomic power plants, but deleting
language which would have di
rected the AEC to build the pro-
! gotiation stage and would remain
ccis. ah live now are in the no
so under the amendment.
Charles Bequhl
Dies Of Bullet
Wound Thursday
Charles Beguhl of R(. 1, Box 97,
Oakland, succumbed Thursday aft
ernoon to a self-inflicted bullet
wound. He had been taken to a
Eugene hospital after being found
at his home with a head wound.
The 62-year-old Oakland resident
had been staying at the home of
friends since his release Sunday
from Mercy Hospital where he
had been taken after a Saturday
suicide attempt. At that time he
had taken an overdose of medicine.
Apparently despondent over mar
ital troubles, Beguhl shot himself
with a .32 caliber revolver. He was
found shortly after 8 a.m. by a
neighbor with whom he had lieen
staying. Beguhl had gone to 'his
house about 7:30, saying he want
ed to do a few chores.
A divorce action had been filed
in circuit court Monday bv Mrs.
Beguhl. He was served with the
divorce papers Wednesday and the
deputy sheriff who made service
reported that Beguhl had told hnn
he was going to kill himself. Thurs
day, Mrs. Beguhl had the divorce
suit dismissed.
Beguhl is survived bv his wife,
Frances LaRue Wade Hartwell Be
guhl, and a brother, Harvey. It is
believed he has another brother.
Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced hy Stearns and Little Mor
tuary, Oakland.
Roseburg Man Pleads
Cuilty To Petty Theft
William Daniel Beamcr, 24, 390
NW Swcetbnar Ave., appeared in
district court Thursday to change
his plea to a petit larceny charge.
Beamer pleaded guilty to steal
ing pieces of steel from Jim Kil
kenny on June 25. July 1, he had
entered a plea of innocent.
Judge Warren A. Woodruff sus
pended imposition of sentence for
one year and placed Beamer on
pronation to tne slate parole Doard.
Neuberger Salutes Wilson
On Floor Of Senate Friday
Secretary uf Defense Wilson goi
a salute on the Senate floor Fri
day from a former Army second
lieutenant, Sen. Neuberger (D
Ore). "This is a town where evasive
ness, double-talk, straddling and
the quick shift often pay olf un
fortunately," said Neuberger, a
writer turned lawmaker.
"Mr. Wilson has never been
such an official. He has not hesi-
tatrd to offend powerful groups
politically. He has not hesitated
to speak his mind to congression
al committees, when tnose com
mittees occasionally consisted of
men who were not aliove bullying
or browbeating a witness.
"I salute Secretary Wilson for
these personal characteristics ol
forthrightness and candor, with
out necessarily endorsing all of
his poliric in the Defense De
partment." Neuberger also handed some
verbal flowers to Mrs. Wilson for
speaking out publicly in defense
of her husband when ha was sub
jected to criticism by President
The senator referred to in epl -
Celebration in two Douglas
County communities got under way
today. Timber Days at Sutherlin
nd the Nickel-sawdust jubilee at
Riddle will be in full awing over
the weekend.
This will mark the 11th annual
Douglas County Timber Days cele
bration at Sutherlin. Four girls are
competing for queen of the event.
They are Margie Haught 16, of
Oakland; Frances Henderson 17,
of Drain, Carolyn Hardin 16, of
Sutherlin and Donna Kern 16, also
of Sutherlin.
Last year's queen will place the
crow on the head of the new
queen at a coronation ball tonight.
The queen is being selected by
ticket sales. She will receive a $300
wardrobe and reign over a 15-float
parade and all other events.
Sutherlin residents got into the
swing of the celebration last Sat
urday when they started wearing
jeans, plaid shirts and western
dress. A trophy will be awarded
to the merchant with the best
decorated window depicting the cel
ebration. The Timber Days events includes
activities all day Saturday and Sun
day. Saturday's events consist of
a truck rodeo, queen's banquet.
dances and the parade. Sunday, a
tests are scheduled to start at 1
Events in the Nickel-Sawdust Ju
bilee were to start today at 5 p.m.
with a country fair. Opening time
Saturday will be 1 p.m., with chil
dren's races beginning at 2 p.m.
Over 30 booths and exhibits are
registered, including games of skill,
foods and commercial exhibits.
No Charges Made
For Picnicking At
Susan Creek Park
Many week day fishing parties
along the North Umpqua are Die-
! nicking beside the road when they
i could be using the facilities at Su-
I san Creek Stale Park. 30 miles
cast of Roseburg, reports Caretak
er Lloyd C. Lansing.
The park. Lansing exolains. is
divided into two sections. One see
on is equipped for overnight camp
ing and a charge is made for use
of that portion of the park. No
charge, however,' is imposed for
use of facilities at the nearby pic
nic grounds.
Some people, Lansing says, ap
parently have the mistaken belief
that they also must pay for use
of the picnic facilities, but such is
not the case. Anyone is welcome
to use those facilities without
charge, he states.
The park, bolh picnic grounds
and campgrounds, is d r a w i n g
large weekend crowds, but attend
ance during the week is light.
Family parties, fishing or pic
nicking along the river during the
week, are invited by Lansing to
lake advantage of the free facilities
at the picnic spot.
Lansing and his assistant Emmet
Hunter are making plans for con
siderable post season improvement
work. Funds are being requested
in the next budget to provide a
shed where work can he carried
on during the winter in building,!
repairing, painting ana maintain
ing equipment.
AWOL Marine Wanders
From Bus At Roseburg
An AWOL Marine slipped off a
Trailways bus in Roseburg Thurs
day night during a rest stop, Rose
burg police were notified. The bus
driver, W. S. Sanders, Portland,
said the Marine had been placed
aboard the bus at Portland and
was to go lo San F'rancisco.
The driver was unable to give
any descriplion other than that
the man was wearing wrinkled
suntans and was carrying a large
brown envelope.
Mrs. William Sharp
Has Two Friendly Coats
Mrs. William W. Sharp of Win
ston Star Route, Box 120, near Ol
alla, says she has two friendly
goats at her home which are caus
ing her no end of trouble.
She told the sheriff's office the
black and white goats wandered
onto her place about three days
ago and literally took over. They
come in the house, eat almost any
thing edible and generally make
nuisances of themselves. She says
she has not been able to find the
sode in which Wilson said the Na
tional (iuard was a refuge for
draft dodgers during the Korean
War. Eisenhower called the re
mark "unwise" and Mrs. Wilson
said the President's remark was
"uncalled for."
Neuberger said Mrs. Wilson
"was not afraid to place loyalty
and love of her husband above
fealty lo the President . . . may
there he more wives like
Jessie Ann Wilson in our nation's
Neuberger said he does not
know Wilson personally but met
him in 1942 at Whitehorse. in the
Canadian Arctic when Neuberger
was an Army second lieutenant
and Wilson as a General Motors
official was assigned to study the
operation of motor vehicles in
subzero temperatures on the
Alcan Highway.
"He impressed me favorably as
a man then, and his political cour
age hat impressed me favorably
from a distance while he has
served in the President'! Cabi
net," Neuberger eaid.
The Oregon Democrat specified
that his kind words did not cover
'all of the Eisenhower cabinet.
Timber Days Program
9 p.m. Coronation bell. Veterans
Memorial Building.
10:30 p.m. Queen's coronation,
10:30 t.m. Timber Days parade.
Judging before parade,
10:30 a.m. Children's parade.
Noon. Poewee baseball game, high
Noon. Mounted games.
1- 2 p.m. Contests for children.
2- 3:30 p.m. Amateur log-rolling con
test. Trophy for winner.
3:30 p.m. Truck rodeo. Fee 15.
Prizes $75, $50 and $25.
4:30 p.m. Power saw elimination,
iwe classes tor over end
under 6 hp. Fee $5.
7 p.m. Queen's banquet. Odd Fel
lows Hall. Sen Den Dimick.
9 p.m. Dancing et Veterans Mem
orial Hall, West School gym
end street.
Loggers' breakfast from end of
dancing until 11 a.m.
11:30-12:30 Mounted games.
1 p.m. Prizes.
1:15 p.m. Logging contests:
Chopping, fee $5, prizes $50, $25,
Hand bucking, fee $5, prizes $50,
$25, $15.
Power saw bucking finals, two
classes for over and under 6 hp,,
prizes in each $75, $50, $25.
Ledy logger power saw bucking,
fee $3, prizes $75, $25, $15.
Speed climbing, fee $5, prizes
$100, $75, $50.
Axe throwing, fee $2.50, prizes
$50, $25, $15.
Log rolling, fee $5, prizes $75, $50,
Ledy log rollers, no entry fee,
prize $25.
Youth Committed
To Hospital After
Admitting Arson
A Sutherlin youth who admit
ted setting three fires for the
thrill of them was ordered commit
ted to the Stale Hospital at Salem
Thursday by Circuit Judge Charles
a. wooaricn.
Einar Albert Beck Jr., 20. was
charged with arson by Sutherlin
police. The youth, according to
Police Chief Richard Cranial, had
admitted setting three tiros within
a week and had plans for two
Beck, the chief said, confessed
to setting fire to his father's barn
because he was angry with his
father. Next, he set fire to a house,
because he didn't like its color.
Number three was a hay barn.
Crumal became suspicious of
Beck when he learned that the
young man became excited when
the fire alarms were sounded.
Beck, the chief said, apparently
set the fires about 2:30 a.m. each
! time during a break in his work
in a plywood plant.
State Legion Baseball
Playoff Starts Tonight
Seats for an estimated 1.500 per
sons are ready for tonight's slate
American Legion junior baseball
playoff opener between Lockwood
Motors of Roseburg and Bradford's
Clothiers of Portland.
Two games of the best of-five sc
ries are scheduled on Finlay Field
The opener will he tonight at 8
o'clock, with the second game slat
ed Saturday at 8 p.m. The teams
then will move to Portland for as
many games as necessary.
Games there are scheduled Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, but
the series will end if one team
wins three games.
It will be the third straight year
Roseburg has been in the state fi
nals. The Lockwoods were state
runnersup in 1955, but went on last
year to take third place nationally.
Lee Wimberly, district commis
sioner for Legion baseball, said
about 500 seats were taken from
the Fairgrounds to Finlay Field lo
make room for the expected throng.
Details on page 8.
120-Day License Cranted
For Minerals Exploring
Licenses for 120 days to explore
county lands for minerals near
Drain and Sutherlin have been
granted hy Ihe Douglas County
Court. Each area on which licens
es were granted is about 80 acres.
Roy A. Becbe, Drain, was grant
ed one license to explore along Tom
Folley Creek northwest of Drain.
Don, Gail and Floyd Norris and
Dick Longbrake will explore about
seven miles northeast of Sutherlin,
Tom McMenamin of 1768 NE Sun
set Lane has reported to the sher
iff's office he lost a billfold Aug. S
at the Starlite Drive-in Theater. He
said the brown, gold-striped wallet
contained personal papers and $9
in rash.
Levity Fact Rant
By L F. Reizenstein
If appears that Hawaii end
Alaska mutt still wait for
statehood until Congress ex
hausts its present (tote: Con