If. o 0. Library Eugene, Oregon Comp CdvoD iDohfts Measure- Semxate Posses WAITING FOR DAYLIGHT is about Va mile from the crashed helicopter near lllahe Rock. Dr. A. B. Monroe, with glasses and hat. Behind the doctor view staff writer, left, with flashlight; and Deputy Sheriff Louis butter, right, with arms folded. (Photo Wayne Woodman) " . rr lis t - Tiri SURVIVOR Betty Mosher, Mercy Hospital X-Ray Tech nician, prepares Michael D. Moore, 18, for X-rays. Moore, a forest service employe, was injured in a helicopter crash Tuesday evening about 55 miles east of Roseburg. The pilot, Bruce Forster, 29, of Berkeley, Calif., wos killed in the crash. The helicopter was being used in timber inventory work by the U. S. Forest Service. Moore is a Michigan State University student working in the Umpqua National Forest during the summer. (Staff photo) Helicopter Crash Survivor Reported In Good Condition By WAYNE WOODMAN Staff Writer, News-Review The U. S. Forest Service worker who survived a helicopter crash Wednesday was reported in good condition today at Mercy Hospital. lljchael D. Moore, 18. Lansing, Mich., a member of a forest in ventory crew, received only a brok- j In The Day's News By FRANK JENKINS Yesterday's big story told in , black headlines in prini aim ie- peaiea summaries over uie mi . Mrs. Eisenhower (known affec tionately to all of us as Mamie) was operated on at Walter Reed hospital in Washington. The White llnuse savs the operation was per formed for what is termed a "be- nien condition." That is to say, it u-.-isn t cancerous Asked bv newsmen about the 1 precise nature of Mrs. Eisenhow- .Moore did not start calling for from the garbage collectors, and er's ailment, White House press ,pp un(ji he heard someone up (Judge L. F. Stearns reported J70 secretary Hagerty pointed out that tne hank yelling. He was not sure collected in fines last month. Lev the surgeon who did the operation i0f (ne jmei ,U thought it was'eling of streets was discussed and is a gynecologist. A gynecologist, a,01ll io:30 p m According to For-j it was voted to repair the grader, he added, specializes in women's ps) Service men, it was about 10: 10 ' A radio for the ambulance belong ailments. p.m. Moore couldn't understand ing to Stearns and Little Mortuary He said the operation involved ,)e lookout and did not think heifor use in civil defense was dis- "nothing serious and was not an emergency mat ine surgery nan been under consideration for some lime. He reported that it disclosed "nothing malignant" and that the .W-year old First Lady of the Land is in good condition. Ah. the fierce white light that , beats upon the great of the world! i For them there is no such thing a nrivarv. It is pleasant to he able to report that in this particular case it isn t mere morbid curiosity that (Continued On Page 4 Col. 8) The Weather Considsrablt cloudintis and a tnaniv vi nn 1s... - .... - night and tarly Friday. Clearing conditions ana little warmer Friday afternoon. Highest temp, lest 14 hours Lowest temp, last 24 hours Highest temp, any August Lowest temp, any August Precip. last 24 hours Precip. from August 1 Precip. from Sept. I Defic. from Sept 1 .14 Sunset tonight, 7:24 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow, 5:11 a.m. Fire Weather Loggers fire weather - Fire danger low in northwest Oregon ami ahinc coast with lowest nu - nudities above 40 per cent through mem. 1 r.rnest Whiting, 19. Curlew viola- Friday Continued moderate 1 Mrs Hull said the animal shel- tion was charged to two 16-year-danger in interior of southwest ler at Winchester presently is hand- olds. Judge Randolph Socum set apd central Oregon. ling more than 60 dogs per month. Oct. 23 for trials for the four. S Forest Service rescue en ankle and crash. black eye in the Moore was the first member of a crew that was to be landed, one at a time, on lllahe Rock by heli copter as long as light lasted. There were four men in the crew, Moore related today from his hos pital bed. As the 'copter was landing on the rock, which has a sneer drop on all sides, the runners and tail hit and the craft bounced into the air. A tree popped the plexiglass bub ble of the cockpit at the pilot's I feet, and sections of the bubble j started breaking away, according to Moore The pilot yelled "Hang on," as j (he craft started l0 bank. a iwi i r.Vie" m,.1 Q U i.j i.u V. , , i ', i." "inours necessary to be palro ed. related. The craft started to "jump F and turn" and then crashed . l,wa. announced that gas used through the trees on the bank he-1 the city wi 1 be divided between low. Moore said that his seat belt Nelson i j Shell Sta ion and M l d didn't hold and that he was thrown ITown Garage A letter from Rose about six feet when the 'cooler i burg was read pertaining to a meet- landed upside down. "Thai's what saved me." he decided. He did not inB mnsrinmnpss in the crash. I na( made himself understood. I But the lookout did hear Moore s ! otlicers were present, reports cor calling that h had a leg injury. respondent Edith Dunn. Later that nmht, the lookout re turned with first aid supplies and a ngntweigiu paper sleeping nag used by the Forest Service for fire crews and emergencies. .,,,.,,, . The lookout. Dave Patterson, mi splints on Moore s leg. The pilot , was dead when he arrived. Moore said that he spent a com- n'n"" iuiuuku u ntwr col(l- Ihe yoinn win oe a sopnomorc gene soon auer wnn me nunei this fall at Michigan State Univer- j fired from a .22 calibre pistol still sily. He is majoring in forestry I lodged in his head, and was working in Oregon for According to Vera Little, depu the summer. ; ty Douglas County coroner. Be Only Dogs Accepted . By Humane dOCiety Flooded with requests to accept 70 unwanted pets ranging from cats 41 to skunks, the Douglas County 10i Humane Socie'y this week announ 39 ced that only dogs can be accepted. .01' 'rs- P811' spokesman for 30 the society, said that the organiza la'acltinn hones that some day cats and 1 other pets can oe carea lor Presently, she said, facilities are 1 limited so only dogs can be ac cepted. A $1 fee is charged for Ith1 service in which the society , tries ito place the animal Jn 1 pro- i F,- " y, a . ,". " "I i" '"w"" v" ' p'" team camped Wednesday Stonding in the center is are Lloyd Rogers, News-Re Pilot Died Of Suffocation In Confer Crash By LLOYD ROGERS Staff Writer, News-Review The real tragedy of Tuesday's helicopter crash was revealed to day. James Bruce Forster, the pilot. died of suffocation while hanging from his safety belt. This was learned today from Coroner L. L. Powers, who said 1 post mortem examination revealed the cause of death. Wednesday morning, while Dr. A. B. Munroe was -ministering to the injured survivor of the crash, Michael D. Moore, "Mike" told of his efforts to get Forster out of the wreckage. He said he had no knife and efforts to cut the belt with a "C-ration key" were futile. The pilot was dead by the time the first person arrived on the scene. The helicopter was upside down and Forster was hanging by his belt, feet and head down. Pilot Lived 1 Hours Young Moore, an 18-year-old Michigan State University student working with the Forest Service for the summer, told rescuers the pilot had lived for about two hours after the crash. "I could hear him breathing," Moore said while he was being readied for his stretch er trip out of the rugged spot. Moore had been thrown clear of the wreckage and had crawled over to it to try to free Forster. He was lying under the wreckage when found by Dave Patterson, lllahe Rock lookout who had spent (Continued on Page 2 Col. 3) Oakland Council Discusses Special Police Status At a meeting of the Oakland PSl., nnonnll 4 V. ! .....nl tl,nHn ....... mi;ch discussion on tne 8ubject of ,,e statlls of special policemen and ing Aug. 27 to discuss building cot'es- A check of $209 was received cussed. All councilmen and city Oakland Man Critical In Attempted Suicide a on u r. , A 62 - year old Oakland man, CnarM Beguh of ,u , Box fl7 w in crilca, condition al Oom. ,,, Communitv Hnsnital this mnrn. ine after attemntini! to take his uie wnn a gunsnoi. ne was rusnea to Sacred Heart Hospital in Eu- gum shot himself at his home about 9 a.m. today, apparently despondent with family troubles. Beguhl lives about nine miles east of Oakland on Drivers Valley Road. Sutherlin Youths Plead Innocent To Charges Four Sutherlin youths arrested by Roseburg police Sunday night after they had allegedly prowled cars in a used car lot entered in nocent pleas in municipal court this week. Two were charged with va grancy and two with curfew viola tion. Charged with vagrancy were Mi cnaei joe sonars, m, and Ulltora Esroblished 1873 28 Poo.es ROSEBURG, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1957 185-57 PRICE 5c British Troops Poised To Take City Of Rebels MANAMA, Bahrain (l The first ground shots of the three-week-old Oman rebellion were re ported fired Thursday at the des ert village of Kada. An official announcement said the fusillade from troops of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman, ad vancing with the support of Brit ish ground and air units, brought the quick surrender of the vil lagers of Rada. The sultan's forces continued their advance on Firq, the rebel outpost three miles from the ma jor rebel stronghold of Nizwa. Nizwa, in the central Oman Des ert, is the headquarters of the rebellious Imam of Oman. Previous shooting in the rebel lion had been confined to British aircraft attacks on rebel positions, made only after leaflets dropped on the targets warned all to move out. After a backbreaking day's ad Vance from Fahud over rough tracks through soft sand in ex hausting heat, the force that will storm Firq if capitulation is re fused assembled here last night. If Firq holds out, the attack will be led by a squadron of British officered Trucial scouts. A heavy weapons company of Scottish Cam cronians will give mortar and maching-gun support if needed. Local sources said the track into Firq was mined. They predicted resistance would be offered. Izz is about 12 miles southeast of Nizwa. Brewer said earlier the Sultan's force at Izz was believed to number about 2M men. The British have two infantry compan ies and an armored car detach ment. In Manama, Bahrain, British headquarters for the Persian Gulf area. The Associated Press learned that contingents of warriors from nine tribes had reinforced the Sul tan's force. These warriors were reportedly designated the occupy ing force when Nizwa is captured Four Local Youths Plead Guilty To Disorderly Conduct Pleading guilty to disorderly con duct charges arising out of a Mon day night ruckus with Roseburg police, lour local boys received sen tences ranging from five days in jail to a S10 fine. The four were arrested following a donneybrook which ensued when a cily policeman cited David Vic tor Flury, 17, 16H NW Calkins Rd., for a traffic violation. Two other boys challenged the right of of ficers to arrest Flury who had fi nally been handcuffed. They were arrested as was a boy who had been riding with Flury. Flury received the heaviest sen tence for his role in the affray. He was jailed for five days on the disorderly count. A guilty plea to illegal possession of liquor netled him a $5 fine which was suspended. George T. Travcss, 17, Box 1285, Roseburg, was sentenced to two days in jail after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct. A curfew violation charge was dismissed by Judge Randolph Slocum. Jerry Joe Drake, 16, was fined $20 when he pleaded guilty to dis orderly conduct. A curfew viola tion charge was dismissed. Virgil Louis Martin, 16, 1727 NW Calkins Rd., also pleaded guilty to the con duct count and was fined S10. He entered a guilty plea to illegal pos session of liquor and was handed a $5 fine which was suspended. The curfew charge was dismissed. Wednesday night, Flury made another appearance before Judge Slocum to answer three traffic ci tations handed him after the Mon day melee. Afler be pleaded innocent, to a reckless driving charge it was dis missed. Flury pleaded guilty to vi olating the basic rule and was fined $20. The fine was suspended as was one of $." levied after he pleaded guilty to running a red light. Slocum suspended Flury'i driving license for 60 days. County Employes Slate Annual Picnic Sunday Between 2.50 and 300 employes of Douglas County and their families are expected at the annual county picnic Sunday at the Roseburg Rod and Gun Club grounds near Win chester. County Commissioner Frank Ash ley, in charge of the affair, said it will start at noon, with the meal due at 1:30 p.m. Women have been asked to pro vide covered dishes. Watermelons, ice cream, coffee and soft drinks will be furnished. Horseshoes, -races, Softball and swimming will be conducted dur ing the afternoon, Ashley said. YOUNG DRUNK FINED A 17-year-old Myrtle Creek boy Wednesday was fined $45 and $4 50 costs when he pleaded guilty to be ing drunk nn a public highway. He appeared in South Douglas Justice Court at Canvonville after being arrested by State police. ) Khrushchev Accuses West Of Trying To Turn Germany Into Future Battle Ground BERLIN, W Russian Commun ist Party chief Khrushchev Thurs day warned that the explosion of war over Germany would bring the United States under the threat of attack from hydrogen rockets. Khrushchev told a special ses sion of the East German Parlia ment the Western powers are try ing to turn West Germany into a war base and are creating "an extremely serious situation." "They want to use the German people as cannon fodder in their plans to conquer the world," the Red chieftain declared. The speech parroted numerous other blasts from Khrushchev, So viet spokesmen and Soviet prop aganda organs. Presumably this time it was intended to scare West German voters who on Sept. 15 elect new Parliament and de cide whether to retain the govern ment of staunchly pro-western, anti-Corn muffist Chancellor Aden auer. Before Khrushchev spoke, East German Premier Otto Grotewohl restated his regime's endorsement of the long-standing Soviet pro posal for the withdrawal of Rus- Air Transport Plane Limping Toward Kilo riyiiuijui.iU, in a nuge i,f Military Air Transport plane carrying 57 passengers and a crew of 10 limped toward Hilo, Hawaii, Thursday with two of its four en gines dead. The Air Force said the double- deck plane military version of the civilian Stratocruiser, was en route to Hickam Air Force Base on Oahu (Honolulu) Island from Travis AFB, near San Francisco, when trouble developed. The aircraft carrier Bon Hom me Richard was alerted to stand by in event the plane was forced to ditch. Pacific Military Air Transport Service headquarters, however, said the pilot reported he had enough fuel to land safely and "no further trouble was antici pated." The transport ran inlo trouble just past the point of no return more than halfway out on the 2,250-mile flight. Two engines (Continued on Page 2 Col. 2) Howard Bennett, 60, Drain Accident Victim Howard Bsnnatt, 64, Drain, was killed Wtdntiday about 1:30 p.m. whtn a htavy tractor ho was operating for tho David Hit Logging Co. of Cottago Grovo tippod over on him, according to Coronor L. L. Powers. The accidtnt happtntd along tho Rico Valley Road, about 10 miles west of Highway 99. Bennett, who lived in the Glen Coon Cabins at Drain, it sur vived by his wife. The body was taken to Stearns and Little Mor tuary, Oakland, where funeral arrangements will be announced later. His death was the seventh ef the year in logging in Douglas County. Freight Service Will Be Probed SALEM 11 Public Utilities ! Commissioner Howard Morgan I announced Wednesday he will I hold hearings on complaints thai I Southern Pacific Railroad freight i service is inadequate in the Ku i gene and Roseburg areas, j The hearings will be held Sept. 9 ! and 10 at the Eugene City Hall, 1 and Sept. 11 and 12 al tho Douglas County Courthouse in Roseburg. Morgan said the complaints were mad by shippers, and that a general investigation now is under way. "The complaints," Morgan said, "center about two main charges which allege that tho railroad has reduced its switching limits along the line to the point that some shippers now are excluded from service, although previously their properties had been within tho switching limits, and thai the rait- j road has ceased the practice of cleaning freight car equipment prior to delivery to certain ship pers." Seven Boys Escape From McLaren School WOODBURN 1 Seven boys! Wednesday night escaped from the! McLaren School for Boys here. School authorities said one of the hoys is from Corvallis, another from ilermiston and the remaind er from Portland. All are between 15 ai 17 )tta of age. stan and Western troops from German soil. Warning that modern warfare could lead to the devastation of densely populated areas, Khrush chev declared: "This (destructive power) should be kept in mind by statesmen of England, France and other coun tries whose areas would be in range of atomic and hydrogen weapons in case military opera tions start. "Statesmen of the United States should also think about it as in our time, where rocket develop ments art rapid, distances cannot save any country from the effects of atomic and hydrogen weapons." The Russian added that "all these people must think, about this who refuse to follow a peaceful policy and refuse to join in a dis armament agreement." Khrushchev fired his broadside on the second day of his week's visit with a high-level Kremlin delegation to the restive satellite. Khrushchev declared that the Big Four powers should retain responsibility for achieving Ger man unity nut. restrict themselves to assisting negotiations between Last and West Germany. "If the West German govern ment keeps refusing contacts with the East German government it shows that it does not want to solve the reunification problem the peaceful way," he said. Khrushchev, despite his anti Stalinist talk in Moscow during the past year, gave East Ger many's Stalinist regime a com radely pat on the back Wednes day night. Sutherlin Youth Admits Setting 3 Fires In City An intelligent-appearing Suth erlin youth Wednesday admitted setting three fires in Sutherlin with in a week, and told police that he had called the fire department on two of them. Emar Albert Beck Jr. 20. was charged by Sutherlin police with arson, rolice Chief Richard Cru mal said Beck had admitted that he had plans to set two more fires. Beck was lodged in the Couglas County jail pending arraignment. Crumal said Beck had set the first fire several says ago. He said in a donfession that he was an gry with his father, so he set his father's barn afire on Sixth Street. Some chickens and a dog were burned along with the building. A few days later, he burned a house belonging to Hugh Wahl on I'me Street because he dion t like the color if it, police said. Then Tuesday night, he set fire to a hay barn belonging to Elton Bever on Sixth Street, he admit ted. The fires all were within a two- block area. Crumnl said he became suspic ious of Beck when a woman, whose husband worked with Beck at Nor dic Plywood, reported thai Beck be came excited when the first alarms were sounded. The chief said that Beck appar ently set Iwo of the fires about 2:30 a.m. when he had a break al work. The other fire was a: about 11:30 p.m. Just before the accused arsonist went to work. In each case. Beck admitted dur ing questioning, he had seen to it that the fire department had been notified. Twice, he called firemen himself. The other time, he had notified a neighbor woman, who in turn called tiremen. Beck told Crumal that earh of the fires gave him a "thrill." He said in his statement to po lice that he planned to set a house afire with people in it, Crumal said. Brenda Wilson Will Rule Over North Douglas Fair Rrenda Wilson of Drain will be crowned queen of the North Doug las Community Fair Saturday, Aug. 24. The fair is scheduled for Aug. 29. 30 and 31 at Drain. Shirley Werlz and Phyllis De Launcy, both of Drain, will reign as princesses. Included in the fair activities are teen age dances, pet show and a midway. A pre-fair dance and a talent show are sched uled for Aug. 24. Simmons Pleads Innocent To Hit And Run Charge Appearing in municipal court this week on a charge of leaving the scene of an accident without leaving his name and address, Ro bert Keith Simmons, S3, 731 SK Stephens St., pleaded innocent. Judge Randolph Slocum set Nov. 8 for trial. Simmons was charged in a private complaint with leav ing the scene after allegedly back ing his car into a boy's bicycle. His bail of Sl.'iO was continued. I Photographer Slugged By Dio Before Hearing WASHINGTON Itf Labor ter rorist Johnny Dio slugged a photo grapher and cursed hiin Thursday for taking his picture in the Sen ate office building, where Dio is to testify later in the Senate rack ets probe. The dapper, blazing-eyed Dio planted a roundhouse swing with his left fist on the left ear of Stan ley Tretick, a United Press photo grapher. He called the photographer an S O B. in the spelled out version. The blow did not knock down the photographer, and he did not swing back. Tretick said he did not plan to complain to police. Dio, convicted extortionist, was paroled from prison so he could comply with the Senate commit tee's subpoena for him to appear as a witness. Before the blow was struck, Dio had walked briefly into tha com mittee's hearing room, but left when photographers and reporters clustered around him. He refused to say a word, until his profane outburst that accom panied the swing of his well mani- (Continued on Page 2 Col. 1) California Boy Rescued From 30 Foot Well ARCATA, Calif. 11 A little boy who didn't panic although im prisoned 15 feel down in the dark ness of a dry well clutched a loop ed rope and was pulled out safely Wednesday on the fourth try, Three other times, just as fire men got 3'a - year - old Michael Swenson near the surface, he lost his grip and fell back, pulling land down on him. His anxious mother, Mrs. Dale Swenson, gasped: "1 was more frightened than Mike was." Mike fell feet first into the eight-inch-wide hole on the farm of T. F. Auitman, who had drilled the well in sandy soil Wednesday and covered it. Children removed the cover. Mike s cries attracted his moth er. He was pulled out 30 minutes later. A doctor said he was in good condition except for nausea, caused by swallowing sand. Areata is near Humboldt Bay in northern California Mike's mother didn t panic but said, "I was more frightened than Mike was." She said she looked out tha win dow of the Auitman home, no ticed that her only child wasn't with a group of toddlers playing in the yard, and immediately started hunting for bim. The other children, all about Mike's age, apparently had not missed him. Mrs. Swenson quickly got the garden hose when she heard the boy's cries. She lowered it into the well and tried to pull him oul. But his hands kepi slipping off the hose. Then she called the Fire Department. The engine company is about seven miles from the Auitman farm, down a paved county road, and firemen arrived within 10 minutes. At first the firemen lowered the rope without a loop. Mike tried to hold on. But three times as he neared the surface his fingers lost their grip. Each time he fell back, some sand fell on him. Rescuers con stantly feared the well, without a casing, might collapse. On the fourth attempt, Mike shoved his hand through the loop. It cinched as the firemen hauled him to safely. Appropriation Asked For Forest Protective Congress is being asked by Sons. Wayne Morse and Richard L. Neu bergcr to appropriate $184,101.89 to reimburse the Oregon Forest Pro tective Assn. and the Stale of Ore gon for a proportionate share of the cosls of fighting the Vincent Creek fire in lfl.'il. The fire which raged over sev eral thousand acres of limber lands on the Smith River drain age in western Douglas County, embraced a considerable amount of federally controlled lands ad ministered by the Department of Interior. The amount specified in the Sen ate hill is the proportion of total cost compared to the percentage of public domain lands involved, the senators report. BURGLARY REPORTED Several boxes of cartridges and a case of soft drinks were stolen in a burglary which occurred at the Yoncalla Rod and Gun Club sometime in the past three weeks, the sheriffs office reported Wednesday. House Sets Bill Aside For Study 72-18 Vote Approves Controversial Issue With Jury Trial Setup WASHINGTON t The House temporarily sidestepped a decision Thursday on what to do about the civil rights bill. The bill, which the Scnats passed Wednesday night on a 72 18 vote, was laid on the sneaker's desk to give House leaders mora tune to sound out sentiment and consider compromise proposals. For the time being, no attempt will be made to send the meas ure to a Senate-House conference to resolve differences with the bill which the House passed 286-126 on June 18. The House bill, close ly following administration recom mendations, is broader in scope and more stringent in enforce ment provisions. House Republican leader Martin of Massachusetts added substance to reDOrtR that Prpsirfonl: F.tenn. (lower may call Congress back into special session unless he gets a measure he feels he can sign. Eisenhower has objected parti cularly to a provision added by the Senate to require iurv trials in all criminal contempt cases in the federal courts. Martin told newsmen that if Congress finally passes a bill which fails to meet Eisenhower s specifications he would personal ly recommend that the President veto it and call Congress back in November to try again. Speaker of the House Rayburn of Texas, spokesman for the Dem ocratic House majority, said he would have a statement Friday on what he thinks should be done. 11 was expected the House would decide then what action to take. There was backstage maneu vering to line up supporters for a compromise which would limit the jury trial amendment to cases involving only the protection of voting rights. Backers of such a measure roundly criticized the jury trial provision, Dut tney helped supply the votes for Senate passage of this first mil of its kind to go through the Senate in more than 80 years. KP Drum And Bugle Corps To Appear in Eugene Today Forty girls in the Kniclits of Pvfh. ias Drum and Bugle Corps were scheduled to participate in the state American Legion convention parade at Eugene this afternoon. The band was to make three ad. ditional appearances and possibly four. Besides the parade, which was at 3:30, performances are to be made at tile Bon Marche De pigment Store between 7 and 8 p.m., on the lawn in from of the Veterans Memorial Building after the department store appearance ami in ironi or ine auditorium at the Lane County Fairgrounds about S p.m. It is not known definitely wheth er the band would make an appear ance about 2 p.m. in the vicinity of the Eugene and Oshurn hotels. The Eugene appearances mark the third trip for the band this summer. The band appeared in the Portland Rose Festival, Douglas County Rodeo parade and at the Elks state convention at Coos Bay. . Last time the band was at Eu gene was for the University of Oregon - University of Idaho fool ball game. Aug. 24, the band will appear at the Shrine football game in Portland. Mrs. Edith Ott's Arraignment Set The arraignment of Mrs. Edith Ott on a charge of second degree murder will he delayed until prob ably next week, according to Dist. Atly. Avery Thompson. She will be arraigned before Cir cuit Judge Carl E. Wimberly on his return from a trip to Eastern Oregon. The Douglas County grand jury Monday relumed the indictment, which had been rephrased after a demurrer to the first indictment had been sustained by Wimberly. Mrs. Ott is charged with alleged ly causing the death of 22-month-old Wendy Kay Ott, a Korean or phan she had adopted. New Livestock Director Appointed To County A new livestock officer for west ern Douglas County has been ap pointed by Robert J. Steward, di rector of the State Department of Agriculture. Steward said Al Hosack, Forest Grove police chief since 1953, also will serve western Lane, Coos and Curry counties. Continuing to serve interior Douglas County will be Guy Hughes, who Uvea at Medford. The printing industry of Lot Angelci lays it is now possible to prints odt smelling like re lated food products. We trust this innovation will be ignored by manufacturers of imburger cheese. fi r n Levity "qct Kant By L F. Reizenstein