The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 07, 1957, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Tho Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Wed. Aug. 7, 1957
Rooms For Rent 3
Houses For Rent 5
J. R. Will
In the Circuit Court of th Stale of
Oregon for the County of Douglas, Case
No. 19781.
A Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, v.
A. Corporation: WINSTON MILLS, INC..
A Corporation; JAY-MARK LUMliKR
CO., INC., A Corporation, t al, Da
fend anli.
By virtu of an execution lasued out of
the above entitled Court in the above
entitled cause, to me directed and
dated the 30th day of July, 1937, bawd
upon a Decree rendered and entered In
said court on the ifinh day of July
1957, in favor of DOUGLAS COUNTY
b i ate hank, a Man King uorporauon,
commanding me to make sale of the
To satisfy the turn of $37 ,627. 00, to
gether with Interest thereon at the
rate of 6 per annum from August
3. 11)56, until paid, the following de
scribed premises, to-wit:
The Weit half (W"a of Lot Four '4
and all of Lot Three 13) in Plat "A"
SION, aa the same appears on the
plat thereof on file and of record In
the office of the County Clerk of
Douglas County, Oregon, excepting
from said Lot 3 the Westerly three
Mi acres thereof, heretofore convey
ed to Wlllard Lau ranee and Mary Vi
vian Laurance, his wife, and also ex
cepting a strip of land 14 feet wide
along the west tide of Lot 3 hereto
fore reserved by S. C. Miller as a
roadway, all In Douglas County, Ore
gon. Also the Southerly 100 feet of the
Kait half of Lot 4, Plat A, Miller's
Dlllard Subdivision, Douglas County,
To satisfy the sum of 1225,000 00,
together with Interest at the rate of
6'o per annum on the sum of $22,
500.00 and 3 per annum on the
sum of S202.500.UO from May 10,
Jfl6. until paid, together with the
further sum of $8,417.35 for Insur
ance procured by Plaintiff, the fol
lowing described premises, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a 114 x 30" pipe
from which the South quarter Sec
tion Corner of Seotlon 20, Township
2B South, Range 6 West, Willamette
.Meridian, In Douglas County, Ore
gon (Southwest Corner of John Dil
lard DLC bears South 1 degree
07 West 20.0 feet; thence North HO
degrees 57' East 233 0 feet parallel
to the southerly boundary of afore
mentioned Section; thence North 0
degrees 02 Eart 059.60 feet; thence
South 69 degrees 56' West 223.0 feet
to the westerly boundary of the South
east Quarter (SR'4) of aforesaid
Section 29 and John D I Hard D.L.C.;
Thence South 1 degree 07' West
659.65 feet along said Southeast Quar
ter and DLC line to the place of
beginning. AH being within that par
cel of Jand conveyed by S. C. Miller
to Asa Cobb as recorded In Volume
3D. Page 337, Douglas County, Ore
gon. Deed Records.
ALSO the West half of Lot 12, Plat
A, Millers Dlllard Subdivision, Doug
las County, Oregon.
ALSO BEGINNING at a point In the
north boundary of and North 85 de
grees 00' West 204.5 feet from the
Northeast corner of Lot 12, Plat A,
Miller's Dlllard Subdivision, Douglas
County, Oregon; thence South 5 de
grees 00 West 544.5 feet parallel
with the East boundary of said Lot
12: thence North 85 degree 00' Went
120 feet parallel with the north
"boundary of said Lot 12; thence
North 5 degrees 00' West 544.5 feet
parallel to the east boundary of said
Lot 12 to the North boundary there
of; thence South 85 degrees 00' East
120 feet along the north boundary of
said Lot 12 to the place of begin
ning. In said Lot 12, Plat A, Miller's
Dlllard Subdivision, Douglas County,
ALSO BEGINNING) at the Southwest
corner of Lot 5. Miller's Dlllard Sub
division Douglas County, Oregon,
from which corner a m .Inch iron
pipe bears South 5 degrees 05 West
1 55 feet, thence North five degrees
05' East 75.0 feet along the West
boundary of said Lot 5 to a 1'4 Inch
iron pipe; thence South 85 degrees
00' East 120 feet to a Inch Iron
pipe and 639.5 feet to a 1M Inch
! iron pipe In the East boundary of
' said Lot S: thence South 3 degree
01' West 79.0 feet along aald East
boundary to the Southeast corner of
said Lot 5, from which 1" inch
Iron pipe bears South 5 degrees 01'
West 1.7ft feet; thence North 85 de
grees 00' West Cil.6 feet along the
South boundary of said Lot A to the
place of beginning.
Together with the full and free right
and liberty for Commercial Lumber
Sales, Inc., Us successors and as
signs, and their agents, servants, ten
ants and occupiers, and each and
every other person or persons for
the benefit of said Commercial Lum
ber Sales, Inc., Its successors and
assigns, from time to time and
at all times hereinafter mentioned
at Its will and pleasure and for all
purposes, to use and travel for pass
age as a means of ingress and
eK reus to the hereinabove described
hi nils, to cross over, in and along
with vehicles and all kinds of con
veyances over a strip of land mora
particularly described as follows,
BEGINNING at a Inch Iron pipe
in the south line of the dedicated
road and South 64 degreei 3fl" East
3000 feet from the West boundary
of Lot 5, Plat A. Miller's Dlllard
Subdivision, Douglas County. Ore
gon, thence South 5 degrees 05' West
."ml. 2 fret to a Inch iron pip in
the north boundary of a 1.12 acre
tract along the south side of said
ImI 5. thence South 85 degrees 00
East 12 0 fret along the said bound
ary to a 3 inch Iron pipe; thence
North 5 degrees 05' East .VII. 2 feet
to i Inch iron pipe in the South
line of said dedicated road: thence
North 84 degrreit 5tt' Wcat 12 0 fret
to the place of beginning, being nil
in said Lot 5. Plat A, Miller's Dll
lard Subdivision, Douglas County,
ALSO The West half of 1,ot Four and
all of Lot Three, tn Plat A, Millers
Dlllard Subdivision, Douglas County
Oregon, excepting from said 1-ot 3
the Westerly three 13) acres thereof,
heretofore ronveyrd to Willsrd Laur
aure and Mary Vivian Laurance, his
wife, and auto excepting a strip of
land 14 feet wide along the West side
of Lot 3 hrretofore reserved by S. C.
Miller as a roadway, all in Douglas
Count v, Oregon.
Also the Sou l her It 100 feet of the East
half of Ixit 4. Plat A. Miller's Dil
l.i rd Subdivision, Douglas County,
In addition to the atKtve mentioned
sums said property shall It sold to sat
isfy further the Mini of $7,300 00 ax
Plaintiff's reasonable Attorney's fVt'i and!
for Plaintiff's cost and di'-hiirwiiirnl .
herein incurred In the sum uf U 40 and j
tiie cost of and upon this w ril i
NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said
execution and Decree and in coniph- 1
ance with the commands of Bind writ, I
will on the 2Mh dav of August. 157. at i
10 00 am. at the South Front Door of
the Douglas County Court House In Rose
burg, Douglas County, Oregon, sell st
public auction and subject to redemption.
In the highest bidder for cash tn hand,
all the right, title, and interest which
the a I wive named Defendant Winston
Mills. Inc., had on the 3rd day of No
vember, lli'tfl, and which thr above named
Defendants Wt niton Mill. Inc , Ja - 1
Murk Lumtter Co , Inc., and Commercial
Lumber Sale. Inc. had on Mav 10, 14"V6. i
and which all of said Defendants had on:
Julv 2W. 1937. the date of said Decree
and thereafter had In and tu the ilxivr
described real property or any psrt
or portion thereof to satisfy said Exccu- I
tion and Decree and interest, costs and
accruing rnftt.
Dated at Roseburg. Oregon
this 31st dav of Julv. luM.
Sheriff of Douglas County,
Japan To Ask U. S.
For Guided Missiles
TOKYO, I The Japanese
cabinet reportedly decided Tues
day to ask the United States for
Ktiided missiles In the fiscal year
beginning next July.
Government sources said the
U.S. Defense Department will be
asked for:
Kquipment for lO.OiK) foot sol
diers to be recruited in the next
12 months. Honest John and Dart
guided missiles, tanks, two de
stroyers, 30 KHtiD jet fighters. IK
KK8B reconnaissance planes and
16 C124 transport planes.
Classified Section
Real Estate 1
Always See ... A Realtor
It will par you .
he safe
be sure
Look for this EMBLEM
It mil DEPENDABLE Real Estate
counsel. Only HEALTOKS dis
play this Emblem. Yea ... It
will pay.
Always See A Realtor
$200 Down
WESTSIDE 2-bedroom cottage with at
tached garage and new high fence
for safety of children and privacy.
City sewer, etc.. $0150, $65 per month.
Call Dick Stevenson, OK 3-4020; eve-
n i n gs0 H 3-8744.
THREE bedroom house. Large lot. Elec
tric heat. Fireplace. Separate dining
room. Wired for washer and dryer.
Attached garage. South of Kel ley's
Korner. 9750 down, $75 month, or less
down If OI. OR 3-6461.
home on two large lots. Choice loca
tion In Charter Oaks. Wall to wall
carpeting, fireplace, glassed In patio.
Must see to appreciate. Owner. Shawn
by appointment. Fh.OR 3-6770.
BYOWNER Calkins Road area two
bedroom home on 70x150' lot. Fire
place, utility room, attached garage,
tool shed.' Full price $7500. Will sell
equity at discount or take small down.
OR 2-10U4.
SALE or trade, new 2 bedroom home.
Fireplace. Take '55 - '56 car or pick
up clear. No loan on house at present.
See Calvin R Smith 3rd house on
right, take street behind Shell Serv
ice Station, Dlllard, Oregon.
TWOSMALL houses, l'a acres, at Myr
tle Creek. Sell or trade for property
close to Eugene or Springfield. A. W.
Davis, 998 North 0th, Springfield,
phoneHlveralde 724H2 after 5 P.M.
FOR SALE 2-bedroom house, river
frontage, large fireplace, newly plas
tered. Spacious built-ins. Lovely yard
and garden. Cash takes the buy of
the yeur or StilWQ, terms. OR 2-2858.
LARGE 4 "bedroom older home, full
basement. OH furnace, m bath. Con
venient to shopping center and school.
Will trade for property In Kelso,
Washington. UK s-ulw.
THREE BEDROOM house in Winston.
South Slopes District. Electric neat,
fireplace. My equity $500. balance pay
able at monm mciuuing wi in
surance. OS 9-5UB3.
SMALL 2-bedroom home and lot. Trade
for good late model picK-up. wniie
house with pink shutters. Located Va
block S. of Community Hall, Winston.
house. Low down payment, or win
lease with option. 1040 S.E. Roberta,
OR 3-5127 after 3.
TWO BEDROOM, modern house, com
pletely remodeled. 3 blocks from in
Rose Hotel. A real buy at $0850. Call
OK 3-8500.
FOR SALE West Winston, new .1
bedroom home. Has everything, &xtra
large lot. Term arranged. Midway
St., OS 9-848B.
TWO bedroom modern house. Cost $5500.
Will sell I'-ilKXf cash. KVa miiri oui n.
Umpqua Road, Box 199-B-8. Wm. Bear
den. TWO 2-bedroom bouses, not modern,
approx. 1 acre) each. Near Ten m ue
Grade School. $2500 and $3000. OS
$750 DOWN 2 houses on 2ls acres.
a mocks from main street ana a diocks
to U.S. Plywood. Good industrial prop
erly with an income, utta-j-wi.
farm at Vale, Oregon. 97 acres. Nor
man Bloom fe Id t across highway from
Union Oil Station. Myrtle Creek.
S"eLL or trade for Eugene house. 8
room house. Winston. Essential fur
niture, OH 2-3423.
SECURE your dam and water rights.
Jim Daugherty, tne engineer, rnone
OS 9-H0;t4.
80 ACHES near Trnmile, plenty of wa
ter. Wallace wnson, nine west oi
FOR SALE 2 bedroom house. 2 lots,,
wired 220; 1 block West Community
Hall. Winston.
THREE bedroom house, would consider
late model house trailer In down pay
ment OH 3-71H7.
VIEW lot for sale. Close In. 729 lCl.
small two bedroom house. OH 3-8074.
DTjPLEX APT for sale! $500 down. Call
OR 3-6950 after 5 1' M.
M A. No. Oregon 0!K)6, District
Land Office, Portland, Oregon July
1, 11157. Notice is hereby given
that K. C. Shipley, Morris F. Ship
ley and Robert A. Shipley have
made application to the United
States for Mineral patent for the
Hard Junes lode or quartz mining
claim situated in the tireen Moun
tain (unorganized) Mining District
in Douglas County, Oregon, all un
der Mineral Survey No. SKO for
lands described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at corner No. I of the
Hard Times lode, from which the
quarter section corner of Sections
II and 12. T. 33 S K. 5 W.. Willam
ette Meridian, Oregon (same be
ing the Sv corner of the NWi, of
said Sec. 12), bears S. til! degrees
57 V., lMSIM. ft. distant: thence
N. 63 degrees 22' K. 114H ft. to
corner No. 2: thence S. 11 degrees
U' K. two ft. to corner No. 3;
thence S. 63 degrees 22' V. 1-149
ft. to corner No. 4; thence N. 11
degrees 47' W. to corner No. 1,
the true point of beginning of this
description. Location notices as fol
lowsall in "Official Mining licc
ords" ill Douglas County. Oregon;
I lard . Tunes, Volume 11, Page 135;
amended location. Volume 11,
Page 378. The Forget nicnot Lode
claim (unpatented) presumably ad
joins the easterly end of the Hard
Times Lode, but does not conflict
with it. Any and all persons claim
ing adversely the mining ground
so herein described for which ap
plication for patent has been made,
are hereby notified that unless
their adverse claims are duly filed
according to law, wilh the Man
ager of the l and Office at Port
land, Oregon they will be barred
by the provision-, of said law.
Irving V. Anderson. Manager.
All primiii. hftvit.K claim. th
r.tittr uf Arthur llfcra-tnt. now
IK-iulinf tn the Circuit t'iMirt .if UouiiiMS
r'mint, Orciton. ai tirrrhy to
ptmrut the .aim-. iroierl vrnri.l. to
lti umlrr.iKtifM at Hi.turK. Orrfon,
ur ti, r!krr. Walton . Ki.-h-in.tnd.
P O IWi VT7. I!rtwi(. Ore
imi, within six month, from th data
uf Ihia nutlc which u Jui .11. !"7
Han n w KATiiriiKimn
rx-cut,.r of tho Ijl.t Will
Anil Tf-.tMttMMtl of Arthur Urcralrtl
Real Estate 1
Quant Realty
Jos. L. (Joe) Quant, Realtor
West Roseburg Homes
W. Ballf Street
3 BEDROOM home with 3 baths, large
living room with fireplace, kitchen and
breakfast room, garage and utility
room. Lovely front lawn with lots of
flowers, shrubs and trees. Has good
garden spot with grapes and small
orchard. All fenced on paved street
and city sewer. All assessments paid.
lh block from city bus line. Price
fll.SOA. Good terms.
W. Hazel Street
3 BEDROOM home, plastered and Insu
lated. Living room with fireplace, elec
tric heat, hardwood floors, Utility
room and bath. On 9fixioo ft. lot. Love.
ly lawn, flowers and shade trees. Well
worth selling price ilJ.vao. uooa ui.
W. Brown Ave.
3 BEDROOM home, living room, kitch
en and separate dining room. Bath
and utility room. Lawn, flowers, and
shrubs. All fenced. On paved street
and city sewer. Close to schools, mar
kets and city bus line. Price f 10,1
Good terms. $2,000 down.
Ph. OR 2-320U
CHAS. T. MUMBY Ph. OR 3-7.108
G. F. REYNOLDS Ph. OR 2-1835
Hot Spot
frontntfe on corner of Hicks Street.
Paved lot, small frame office. Suitable
for car lot, trailer or boat sales, of
fice or clinic building. A good invest
ment opportunity. FOR SALE OR
Roseburg Realty &
Insurance Co.
"Our Serviea Doesn't Coat It Pays."
GROCERY, MEATS and General Mdse.
Old Est. Proven money maker. Man
and wife handles. Major gus vol. 3-bed
room living quarters. Guest cottage,
Includes real estate and all going con-
cern fixtures at appraised price of
4,uuu. Terms 5HOOU down PLUS In
ventory of about $7000. if you want
NET PROFITS. . . buy this one.
Lee Jones Realty
433 W. Military Ave. OR 2-2511
Priced To Sell
S ROOM HOUSE. 2 bedrooms, large liv
ing room with fireplace, full basement
with fireplace, economical oil furnace.
Equity at a sacrifice, payments less
than rent. Large lot well landscaped,
paved street and sewer. 934 N. E. Lin
coln. OK 3-753 1.
Newlyweds Attention
$250 Down Furnished
ATTRACTIVE one bedroom modern
home. Nearly new. Nicely furnished.
iftiO mo. inc. taxes, etc.) On block
from shopping center in Winston. OR
By Owner
OWNER being transferred. Will sacri
fice older but nice 3 bedroom home.
Living room, dining room. Attached
garage. Utility, bath and Mi. Across
street from school and one block from
bus and children's playground. Un
furnished 9ti750. Furnished $H5.10. Ex
cellent terms, or lease by year.
Ph. Pit .l-7.ri72 for appoint men t
Price Reduced
BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home bursting
with ceramic tils and birch trim. Fam
ily type kitchen anv woman loves.
Was $17, MM), now Jl.VWO Consider Sa
lrm home or trailer house in trade,
or will lease. Call OR 2-3U1B between
JI and 9 p in.
Starter House Wanted
OWNER of modern. 2 bedroom duplex
wishes to trade all or part of equity
for starter house or would consider a
good lot. What hava you. Call OR
Income Property
FURNISHED apts 4 blocks to city cen
ter. Pons ibis $450 per month income.
$fooo down, or will take house or eon
tract an down payment. Ph. OH 3-6759
after 5 or weekends
560 Acres
FENCED and cross fenced Into 6 oas
tureft, AlH.ut 2M acres reeded. 4
good barns, silo, late model home
has 2 Iwd rooms, 2 more could be
added in attic. All ear creek A
very good stock ranch for $(,5o0
l down, We have pome good values
tn larner ranches,
Umpqua Realty
Jlki0N KSlephens St. OR 2-W71
room home and 1 fumUhrd l-bedrmun
home. Will consider modern trailer
house as part down payment. OX (t-.itiiil
da . lis W-.W4H evening's. Immediate
p!tesion of I home
INl'OME PROPERTY coiiBist"ii,gof 2
duplexes Completely furnished. Also
older l pa 4 -bed room home in good
condition. On 1-ai-n. free soil front
ing on 2 streets ami the river. Walk
ing distance from town. U.t of rnr
for more rentals Owner will take
,MH) down, balance terms, or make
rah oiler Inquire 124 Moher.
Ur'Al'TlFt'L," new ;t bedroom ""home,
plastered. Roman brick fireplace, elec
tric heat, brick front. Tile bath, hard'
Wood floors, birch c.ibtnets. 17X tq ft.
floor kpace. Was $17.io0. now $14 000.
Call OR 2 2;iti!l before J p m. or OH
.l-.llttf after A p m
TWO BEDROOM home" fireplace;-all
plastered: tile Kith. Part ha seme ot
with drain Carport; 1-3 i,-re wilh
fruit tree. Beautiful view On paved
road t n We l Winston rt , 9.V nti i c h
below Fit A appraisal. OS B-.W.i
WANTED "TOSEl.L "ortrade for
good small truck, s nice 2 tedroom
home and lr,nr Lot liHHTs all m
nice lawn and (lowers. Inclosed with
new redwood fence A real buv, and
neat as a pin. ijutck possession. OR
541 N E MEADOW l.ANE Nice I bed
room, brick Oak flors, fireplace; t
furnace, range, ample built ins. cir
port storage JtlXhi down Ha lance at
S;y per month inc taxes, etc. OH
UY OWNER, income property fur sale,
eloe-iti, over looking citv - HeM.tem iaI
district Suitable for 1 or 2, man ami
ton or son-in-law Home for each with
income. Furnished or tinfurnnlied, rea
sonable Due to sge.ON .t-.UI
TWO bedroom home. TSxlixv lot.-top
soil Low taxes. ft0 equitv for fl.MV.
balance $.'-M at tM month See st
I'M S. K Stsrmer St.. Roseburg.
Oregon Write V C, Itasbargen, 4022
N Loins. Hosemead. Calif
ONF. bedroom home, nearl finished 3
acres. City h sler ind sewer. 3 miles
north of town OR 2-lwio or can he
seen at 010 N E Housley Very low
down p ment. $.V) month
LOVELY home in fine neighborhood
Close to schools, overlooking city 2
lat ge bedrooms, large living room,
dining room, kitchen and dinette, lire
place. Ii g cedair loset. finished
gat age. UvhkI terms. Phon OR 2 iHi)l.
Real Estate 1
Low Down Payment
DTD it ever occur to you that payments
on a home are a form of savings, w.
have several homes that low down
payments will be accepted, with
monthly payments tiki rent These
homes will sell quickly, 10 make to
day your day of action. Call us eve
nings if Its inconvenient for you to
drop by during the day We work the
swing; shift, all day, or the "Hoot
uwi.' call us anytime.
1. HANDY MAN? 2 bdrm. weslsfde
close in, sewer, needs same paint
nails, boards, etc. S-50. $300 down,
balance $75 per month.
2. 2ri DN. Federal GI WesUidc 3 bdrm.
paved street, sewer, $WjOU. About
3. 4 BEDKM. close In $400 down, bal,
i'J per month, total pnes $8,400.
Act quick on tnis geuuina Bargain.
-1. 3 BDRM. ranch style, $10,900. Let's
X.11K. terms.
5. 4 BDRMS. all on one floor, ranch
sl l, oaK floors, plaster, sewer.
pavea su siu.aou. LeL mate an of
fer on terms.
0. 10 ACRES River Bottom Soli. Choice
2 bdrm. home, neax'y 9 acres of
walnuts, balance good berry or gar
den ground. The equipment is in
cluded. Just $17,U00. Owner will con
aider nice Roseburg home in trade.
. ORCHARD 3-5340
918 S E. Washington Ave.
I between Jackson & Main)
Eva. & Sundays
Al Hoffman OR 3-!ttf.3
Millard or Marlon Magnets OR 3-5017
Four Bedroom
PLUS INCLOSED sleeping porch. Walk
ing distance of town. Large living
room, dining room, kitchen - nook.
Bath. Use as 2 bedrooms down and
3 up. Basement, sawdust furnace.
Near school. City water, sewer and
street. All for $8,500.
VERY COZY 2-bedroom home. Street
and sewer paid. Living-dining room,
fireplace, bath, handy kitchen Utility
garage, carport. Large lot. $10,500.
THREE BEDROOM home, nice district.
fireplace, nice kitchen - dinette, util
ity tub and shower, carport, lots of
storage. Fenced yard. Priced right at
$2S0 Down
WHY RENT? Balance $40 per month
mvuig room. Kiicnen - ainette, wired
for range and dryer. 2-bedrooms,
shower bath. Full price $3,900.
Fullerton Realty
& Insurance
723 N. E. Stephens
Dial OR 2-3172
A BUSINESS opportunity compels this
We.sLoide owner to give away a large
pari of his actual Value of his beauti
ful 3 bedroom home. This is not the
usual 3 bedroom. It in new. different
and unique in style, arrangement and
location, and entirely suited to the
needs of an executive or the moi
discriminating family. In other words
it Is a darn nice home and you would
like It if you saw it. Call OR J-704.1
now and ask alnnit tt.
IF YOU want a large urban lot With
room to breathe and a J bedroom
n-cdern, all plastered home with built
in dish and clothes washer Colonial
blue and white living room. FirewLice
and forced air oil heat Hucrest
s'.ool. Full price only $11,750. Taxes
t BEDROOM modern on a BSxttt.1, lot with
fruit trees and garden. On pavement.
Oil furnace and fireplace. $1MX) down.
Real Estate
VIS W Harvard
Ph. OR 3-70-43
Charlie Pratt
Harry Winter
OR 2-11 ?7
OH 3-704J
Pleasant District
VFRY NICE ix room home, with spar
liedrnoni in baiement Hardwood f!iHH
throughout, spactout cUnetv plaster
ed, itiftultttrd ceilings; Venetian hiiml:
forced air heat toil furnace' 71t0'
lot. with thru ha. ahade tree, lawn
and garden ipac. Sewer and street
aMruetu paid Near school and
t.i re. 1 blook to but line. l.f W
JttonAvf OH I-MM.
Hue rest
LARC.1C familv home Uornar lot, S bed
room plim l4t.v familv room (or 4th I
HKDHOOM). Cedar cathedral ceiling I
over living, dining und kitchen ie. j
Healthful Roman brick fireplace. H.ilh '
ami half. Separate utility room. tor-
an, nim. carport and pa tut If o!,1 1
b Al'iil'ST 1Mb. ALL FHie.lDMHK :
APPMANfF-S will b Included. Dish-1
washer, refrigerator, range and freei
er Full price, 1.(V0 Owner. OH
FOR HVNT with opli.ntn buv, 2 bed-I
room ho mt in Dillard. OS t-4A.
Real Estate 1
Ideal for Large
Family '
4-BEDROOMS, 2 up, 2 down. Living
rm. 21x22. Large dining room. Over
1900 sq. ft. of living area. Hardwood
floors, electric heat. Approx. 10 years
old. On 1 acre of ground, with won
derful view. Only $200 down to Fed
eral G.I.
Large Colonial
2300 SQ. FT. of exceptional living. Den
with fireplace, 22x16 ft. living room,
4 doors leading to covered patio. Out
door fireplace; pears, apples, berries,
garden. Quiet and secluded neighbor
hood. A real buy at $12,900, with
$1500 down. See it now.
Brand New Home
PRICE has been reduced to $11,000 for
quick sale. This lovely home features
3 bedrooms, family room, mahogany
kitchen, tiled bath with double lava
tories, fireplace, patio, garage. Low
down to G.I. See it today.
1 Year Old
A BEAUTIFUL 2' bedroom home. Liv
ing room has raised hearth full wall
fireplace. Attached garage. Comfort
and ideal living. Beautiful view, near
new Eastwood School. For the low
price of $10,500, only $500 down to G.I.
Newton Creek
A VERY well kept 3 bedroom home,
with fireplace and garage. AH the
fine features these homes have to
offer at $as50, $200 down to Federal
Penn's Real Estate
526 N.W. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-33S7
Evenings and Sundays
Bob and Betty Penn OR 3-8408
Roseburg Realty
& Insurance Co.
Close In Westside
DON'T MISS this sturdy, well-kept.
handsomely carpeted and decorated
2 br. home if you are trying to locate
near the hospitals or High School. It's
expandable if you nerd a 3rd br. On
paved street, sidewalk, and city sewer
On the rear of the lame lot is a neat
furnished cottage vtl.ich is producing
a nice little income. Freed at 11.500.
Reasonable terms can be arranged.
CLEAN Westside 2 b home with garage
and workshop. 1 lots. $5J0. You
name the terms.
ON PAVED street nenr Umpqua Plv
wooa. 2 br. home witn douole parage
and patio. $64O0, $;.50 down, 5 in
terest. NEAR City Market. Todd built roomy
2 br. plastered home with big msidc
utility room and attached garage. Big
fenced yard. $10,000 at about $1,000
down, possibly less to veteran.
CAFE doing good steady business from
botn city and tourist trace. Plenty of
room for expansion or possible jlub.
Has customer parking space. A real
buy priced at about hjif tne value of
the good equipment and improve
Instead of phoning for information.
CITY center roomy 2 br. home with
extra glased-in ho bay room or dcu.
and part basement. Economical sa
dust furnace. Newly redecorated in
terior. Only $5500 at $500 down.
CLOAKES FERRY vicinity. This 3 br.
pi altered home has a separate dining
room, large kitchen, and fireplaces in
both the big family room and the liv
ing room. 90 c 100 lot. $12,000. FHA or
& Insurance
OR 2-.UU
Valley Real Estate
Lease With Option
$8.1 DOWN per month. 11.765 total
price Home jest aint been took care
uv or finished. City water. Electricity.
It's The Answer
4 HEDROOM. Todd built home on about
! t ai-re on Flagg St. Best location
there is for children. A real home too
Pnre W..Vo. Low down payment !
might w ork. !
40 Acre Hideout
PFRT NI finished home under big sh.ide
tree. God water. Try J.MM.'.. ltf.i
down. $40 per mo. It a Diddy.
Two For The Money j
THF.Y nice too. Two compact two bed-.
roA'in homes on two acres of go d ,
garden dirt Fruit. and berries. Big i
chicken house $11,000 for both. Thati
only S.VMiO each $1,500 down.
Valley Real Estate'
PHONE OH i-hard 3-40..1
Poeock OR 3-1I2-
O. F Sconce Sutherltn
Saletman A Broker Sconce UR
Price Cut To Sell
LOVELY new S bedroom hou. fire
place. helK'ard electric heat Lo
of hutttitts and walkin closets Covered
patio. criort. Must b een to be
Sherry St West Winston
OS 9-8764
Real Estate 1
For Real Estate
ALL TILLABLE. New two bedroom
home: al&o rental house. Good barn,
family orchard. Set up for nine hun
dred hens. Nice quiet location. $21,000.
Lovely view. 3 bedroom hillside home.
Close in. l'it baths. Living room with
fireplace. Dining room. Large kitchen
and breakfast nook. Basement with
sawdust furnace. Wonderful home for
family. $ 14.000.
CILITIES. A homey place for two. Two
bedroom cottage. Bath. Oil heater and
newer gas range included. Price $4,750.
home. Living room with fireplace. Sep
arate dining room. Kitchen wilh break
fast nook. Good location. $13,500.
Earl and Gladys
Wiley, Realtors
Phone OR 3-3462
Jim Be vans OR 3-61185
Roland Springer OR 3-3903
The Best "Buvs"
In 20 Years
Can Be Yours
10 ACRES, full bearing Walnut Grove. !
Lower Garden Valley Rd. 446" fronts!
on Umpqua River. Owner says it
grasses $1500 or better every year, j
Plus most desired building site. 1
Total price is just $16,000. $6000. cash '
down and reasonable terms.
30 ACRES, Modern 2-bedroom home in '
rich Garden Valley. See this. All for j
$10,500. $;i000 down and S75 monthly. j
RANCHO home of beauty and rare
quality. An acre of privacy in ex-1
elusive Fisher-Country Club area. Ad-,
justed to $15,900. Negotiable terms.
WESTSIDE the finest we know of in
a new home of highest quality; situ- ;
ated on spaciou site that is "choice " j
Selling below replacement cost. Glad
10 snow. . , ,oy appointment.
Lee Jones Realty i
4X1 W. Military
OR 2-2511
Lou Basset! . Sa!esman. OR 2-3838 j
HOUSE AT 2428 Harvard Ave "for sale.'
To be moved. Sealed bids accepted
until August 15th at 12 noon. Right
reserved to reject any or all bids. R. I
L. Whipple, PO Box 958, Roseburg.
Movers 1-A
'til You See Flegel
OR 3-4436
Flegel Transfer & Storage Co.
Agents For
Bekins Moving Storage Co.
Business Opportunity 2
SERVICE STATION for lease in Win-ftton-Dillard
area. This is a modern,
two-bay unit pumping good gallon age. I
Excellent opportunity fur local man
having minimum amount of capital
to invest No prior experience neces- j
nary, thorough training provided. Con
tact Shell Oil Co., 1578 N. E. Airport
Road.OR 3-6634.
HAVE excellent location for garage. I
welding shop, pait store Will con-:
truct 20 x40'. 40 x.W, 40x100' bldg on!
old Pacific Highway, rlo? to major I
activilie. Call Ray Lehman, OR 3-6193. !
evening OH :,-hOPl. 1
balance $2300 on terms. News-Rev lew
Box SOT.
Rooms For Rent 3
ROOMS with or without private bath '
rlo-te in .W8 Spruce at the foot of
W.inington ;
LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms.
c!u-e in. I'tihtie paid. $10 per week;
parking space 525 Lane St
HOl'SFKFEPl N.r7oom C lose tn. Ev- !
er thing furnished. $23 and $.. 416
N E Jackson. i
HUTFL'gRAND" Lowest rates. Holel !
er ice t
SI.FFPING rooms for men. Clean, com- j
for:ab;e. close in. 3l2 SK Purer j
ROOM and board, $73 month- Inquire
Iti-'rt Eden Lane t
LIGHT housekeeping room, tverythinf
furnished. OH 3-3440. j
LARGE, front sleeping room, close in, i
OR .1-6.102 nr OR J-J518 j
BOARD and" room for 'elderly ladv Ex- j
ceilent f.odand care. OH 3-52V4 j
SLEEP HSU room. 603 S, Mosher. OR
-3-JaJ"- i
HOI SFKEEPLNG room. 446 N .E. Jack-1
son j
SI.FFPING ROOM 712 ?E Jack son,
r.cMdoofto Penney's. OR j
ffob'M 121.1 SEDougl..V
SLEEPING - ROOM. 340 S E. Pin. I
Hotel Umpqua
For Permanent Guests
ous home cooking. Plenty parking
space. Board and room $20 00 week.
5 miles S. on old Highway W. Ph.
OR 3-7!J47.
HOTEL ROSEBURG, TV, Cafe, parking.
Reasonable rates. 513 S E- Lane, OK
FURNISHED, quiet sleeping rooms.
Z2 5Q per month. OR 3-5U40.
Apts. For Rent 4
IS COMING. Are your utility bills too
high; The Todd Apts. have 1, 2. 3 bed
room apts. with heat, water, garbage,
sewer and yard service provided. All
have appliances and some completely
furnished. Kent" starts al $60. Phone
OR 3-4340 or OR 2-1503 or OR 3-5631
to see one of the Westvue Court, Ter
race. Winchester Court, Vista Home
or Oakhill Apts.
Kohlhagen Apts
ADULTS OR 3-8244
APARTMENT with view. 4-rooms, bath;
newly decorated. Completely furnish
ed including heat, water, garbage. Rea
sonable. Near shopping center. 1923 S.
E. Main.
MOTEL UNITS All electric. With
kitchens. $10 and $22 week. Linens,
utilities furnished. Winchester Motel
(Old Highway 99 N. At Winchester
LARGE, modern, 2 - bedroom apt. in
west Roseburg, near schools and hos
pitals; equipped with Disposal: hot
water heat and water furnished. No
pets. Ph OR 3-8267-
THREE room furnished. Close in. Wa
ter, garb.ige service furnished. Adults.
Phone OR 3-35BI between 9 AM and
7:30 PM.
CLOSE IN Two. laree 1 bedroom
apts. Both well furnished. Large clos- I
ets, lots of storage. Fenced yard. OR
NICE APARTMENT. Furnished or un
furnished. 3-rooms and tile bath. Nice
view. Water, garbage and washing fa
cdities S47.50. 2660 N. E. Stephens.
INWINST0N. furnished"!. 2. or3-room
modern apartments. Utilities paid, $10
ATTRACTIVE, bachelor apt., furnished.
Private entrance, in very modern
bldg. Located on E. Douglas. Oft 2
1577 or OR 2-123.
TWO ROOM furnished apartment, or 3
room unfurnished apartment. A 1 1
stoves furnished. Clean and close in.
S40. Call OR 3-8461 or OR 3-7016.
ONE BEDROOM, clean partly furnish
ed. Suitable for couple with small
child. Separate from house. 647 w
Wharton. OH 2-4034
MODERN 2-bedroom duplex, unfur'nish
ed. Neat and clean, tiled floors, water
and sewage paid. 2 blocks from Joseph
Lane School, OR 3-5922
Adults only. Mrs. Hockcnsmilh, Cot-
laRe Apartments, Winston.
NEW. 1 bedroom apt Stove and re
frigerator furnished. OR 2-1980
CLEAN, redecorated unfurnished apts.
1 bedroom, lti-15 W. Harvard Avenue.
Phone OR 3-G022.
APTS for rent tl $65; 2) $40. Gar-
bage and water furnished. 1303 S.E.
Pine St.
ATTRACTIVE 5 room furnished apt.
Garage. Close in. Adults. 1X12 S.E.
fl : R K E R OOM apt. w fth bath, no u tiT
ii ies. $:(5 mo. Close to citv center.
Call OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091.
Brock way.
itearonatve rent. 846 S.E.
OH 3-6110.
1 bedroom
I Adult:
t- r- e... t-.
. .
ONE BEDROOM apartment. Washer,!
aryer and stove furnished. Close in,
near Rose School. QR 3-4741.
FURNISHED 1 - bedroom apartment.
Utilities paid. West Hill Apartments.
2H!7 W. Harvard.
SPACIOUS apartment. Combination liv-;
ins-dining room. Kitchen, bath, large i
hedrnnm flH ll7afi
FURNISHED ant. AduMs. 748 S.E. Jack
son. OR 3-4::61.
FURNISHED and unfurnished
meiits. Adults 647 S.E Flint.
FURNISHED or unfurnished apt. walk
ing distance. OR 3-4597.
THREE BEDROOM, furnished ant. at
FURNISHED and unfurnished7 2 - bed -
room apts. on bus line OR 2-2448.
LARGE n room furnished apartmei
TWO ROOM furnished. Adults. 3i0 S.E.
TWO room furnished apt. including util
ities. OR 3-7154 or OR 3-6422.
FIJR.NTSIIED 2 and 3 room a'paTtments.
Close totown,12r6 S E Mill.
RENTAL west'of Rfwoburfi7 write H. A.
Roether, Box 206. Merlin, Oregon.
Houses For Rent 5
12-ROOM FURNISHED house for single
person or working couple. Close m,
17:! Houck Avenue.
2-BhDROOM partly furnished house. $50
month. See at 20.16 Oswego Ave. If
interested call OR 3-3460.
4-ROOM MODERN house, garage, store
room, g.iod well. 3 miles west of Mel
rose Store. OR 3-7869.
FURNISHED 2 bedroom home for rent.
West Roseburg. Attached garage. 732
j W.Nbo. Phone OR 2-1959.
i TWO BEDROOM "HOUSE across from
Green -School. $ti0 per month. Call
I OR 3-4020. evenings. OR 3-H744.
ONE bedroom duplex. Stove"and refrfg
, erntor fumishetS. 731 Ivan Street, or
, call OR 2-3042.
NICE 2 bedroom house to rent. S70.
Big yard, attached garage. 5 milei
outh. Roseburg Realty. OR 2-3344.
SG0 clean, modern 4 room and bath.
unfurnished. Within walking distance!
oi inwn AUUIlS. UK .W...!!.
FURNISHED CABINS by week. $10 and
up Old Highway 99. 3 miles North. Pa-j
cific Motel. Phone OR 3-J742.
CLEAN f.ur room furnished house. No .
drinking, no pets. 12tiJ S. E. Stephens.)
OH 2-;U70. j
CLE AN THREE ROONI duplex good; '
incanpn, across trom Model Market.
Winston.OS 9-8402.
CLOSE IN. small. 2-!cdroorn house-wilh
electric range and heater. Coupl only.
CaM OR :i-4:i0.1i after 4 p m.
ONE BEDROOM house, carport, fire
place. Can furnish kitchen and utility
room. Call OR jt-S.147. Adults only
TWO BEDROOM furnished house. No
drinkers. Will accept 1 child. OR
TWO bedroom unfurnished house. $63
ionth 945 Mill St,
TWO-BEDROOM house, 1121 N E. Steph-
SMALL 4-ROOM house, semi-modern,
partly furnished H5 month; OR o-J724.
ON E- BEDROOM furnished house and
apt See 8.V1 S E Sheridan. Apt. 5.
THREE BEDROOM unfurnished houe
near business district. $W OR 3-84-0 j
LARGE house southeast of town. OR 72. i
UNKt'H.MSilED. 3-bed7oom house. OR
THREE BEDROOM home, refurnished.
On bus line Canyonville .12titi
ONE" HEDROOM cottage, unfurnished
Close in; adults only 1.1.12 S E Cobb.
TWO BEDROOM H Of SE H t andcold
water $.l5month Phone OR 2-27J1
TWO bedroom home. Cloakes Ferrv
Busline See Jo appreciate OS 9-32;2.
FOl'R bedroom home m Winston. 170
Prmonth OS 9-87J8.
SVAtXfu7nished""house. Clos in, $40
TWO bedroom duplex. Carport and util-
ne uk k-.hui j
HOt 'SE furnished or unfu1ishedT"72
N F yinch-ster j
ONE bedroom partly furnished house
ChMlnul OH 3-7:49 j
TWITE renin, furnished duplex.
N E S:.nens OR 3-7249
ln month. OR 2-2833.
C.reen district. I
LARGE 3 room modern furnished cabin.
Nearly new 7 ft. refngeragor. Gas
cooking and hot water. Clean and neat.
Water and garbage disposal furnish
ed. $48 per month. Behind Dale's Cafe,
No. Umpqua Road. Hartz Cabins.
PhoneOR 3-33ti:
$35 TO RELIABLE tenants cozy one
bedroom house: wired for range;
shower; chemical toilet optional; util
ity shed, 2 porches, garden space.
Near Rote School, bus, super mark
et. 917 Eddy. Call OR 3-5321 after 5.
DESIRABLE 2 bedroom duplex. Auto,
matic washer, dryer, range and re
frigerator. Electric heat. Carport. Lo
cation W. Fairhaven St. Includes wa
ter and garbage. OR 3-7585 after
p m.
C"i H COURT under new management.
2 neat apartments, 2-bedroom modern
with garages. Unfurnished. Close to
school, stores and church. Wilbur
area. Call OR 3-6B91 evenings or see
at west end of new Glide cut-off road.
TWO SMALL neat one bedroom houses.
Green district. Unfurnished. Newly dec
orated. Available August 10th. Prefer
working couple or teachers. Call OR
3-6H91 evenings or inquire at 2243 S.E.
Cast leSt.
HOUSE tn highway in Winston, next
to Glen's Grocery. Not modern, has
hot water. $35 per month. Has electric
stuve and table. Contact Ellis Cabs,
619 S. E. Cass. Ph. OR 3-6655.
TWO BEDROOM house, westside. Elec
tric heat, wall-to-wall carpet. Fire
place. Lots of built-ins. Available Aug.
11th. Phone OR 3-4548 or OR 3-8834.
NICE, large. 1-bedroom duplex, range,
refrigerator and heater; water and
garbage service furnished. Couple
only. O R 3-4305,after 4 p.m.
NICE MODERN 1-bedroom duplex.
Stove, refrigerator, water and garbage
service furnished. $52.50 month. OR
3-3 13
AVAILABLE August 10th, store building,
2 doors south of Penney's on Jack
son. (Formerly Fashion Center) OR
TWO BEDROOM house unfurnished.
Near Joseph Lane School Nice dis
trict. $65 per month. Williamson Real
Estate. OR 3-4302.
1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes. Income
limits. Families, also single elderly ti5,
or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St.
OR 3-6548.
: DUPLEX near Glide, on North I'mp-
qua Highway. Clean, furnished
rooms and bath. 1 child permitted.
OR 3-6988.
2-BEDROOM home, "located near school.
This is the first time to be rented.
OR 3-775C.
i THREE bedroom house with fireplare.
Water furnished. Garden space. OR
TWO bedroom house. 1416 S. E. Doug
las. Basement with wood furnace, $65
mont h. OR 3-5163 or OR 3-3220.
TWO bedroom house. Appliances fur
nished. Can be seen after 5:30. 1229
N- E Klamath
MODERN 2-bedroom home, quiet sur
roundings, excellent well water. Little
Valley Road. S55 per month. OR 3-8744.
AVAILABLE after Augiist15th. 3-bod-room,
2 bathroom home, near Rose
School. Call OR 3-5416.
FURNISHED 1 - bedroom duplex, Wins
ton. OS 9-5175.
Trailer Rentals 6
TRAILER HAVEN has a spacious lot
for you in Roseburg's newest, most
modern park. Lots of concrete, stor
age lockers, propane gas to each
space. Good laundry facilities. Quiet
and orderly Old 99 north to 499 N E.
bus service by court entrance every
30 minutes. Reasonible rates. Weit
lighted at nisht. 581 N.E. Alameda
Ave OR 2-2348.
ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shads
trees. $18. month. Highway 99 N al
wincne3ter Bridge
ONE SPACE at Central Trailer Park.
Modern, closest to city center. All
paved. Adults 1 161 Diamond Lake
Phone 1-4196
ri. i. i.r,rt. , muuern trailer, i-aito
and locker, quiet court. Adults. OK
Misc. Rentals 7
TRUCKS OR CARS for rent. Short or
long trips. Bee Hive Rental Co. Ph.
OR 3-7412.
Business Rentals 8
OFFICE living quarter combination
for rent. Near city center on Jack-
5"'.le.n'al 75 mo Call OR 3-6193
to" HLNT OR LEASE Industrial
?acS' ?4i' Gar?en Valley at
STORE OR office space in nw building,
on Oak St -ntrancg Hotel Umpqua.
BUILDING for rentlcase orsalet
i ,
528 S. E. Lane. Theo Bond. OR 3-4117.
Wanted To Rent 9
ELECTRICAL engineer with Industrial
Electric Service needs 4 bedroom
home by August 20th. Prefer rental
to S100. Ph OR 3-G633days.
TEACHER 'WOULD like 3- bedroom
house for rental or lease-option. Avail
ble August 12. Call OR 2-4303 August
9th or 10th.
Wanted Misc. 10
Highest Prices Paid
For Scrap of All Kinds
3'i milps S. on W)
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for UMd
245S E. Jackson Ph. OR 3-5104
WANTED TO BUY Good usecTfurr.i
WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass
ware, furniture. Jewelry. Priscilla't
Antiques. 247 S.E. Jackson. OR 2-1421.
CALL HARRY'S for t hehi gh "dollar
when you have furniture to sell. Wa
buy. sell or trade. Ph. OR 2-1411.
WANT Registered female Colli pup.
OR 3-7020.
, -, -u- , wwwxj
Help Wanted II
Past experience in bakery route, laun
dry, bread, mill. etc . or experience
in over the counter sales. Must
have definiie responsibilities, be neat
in appearance and good character ref-
' erencesCall OR 2-tliSl, ExLjil.
BETTER than average weekly earning.
National food comoany needs ambi
tious, young, neat appearing man with
car. Must be aide to start work im
mediately if selected. Call OR 3-6561
1 &f"uraav 3;ll:weekdays 5-6.
ABOVE average earnuies for qualified
person 800 family rood, vitamin mid
cosmetic route. Credit arranged. Alo
part time openings. Write J. R. Wat
kins Company. :t!o.l Brooklyn Avenue,
Seattle 5. Washington.
WANTED Full"time houVke7per.
Titke charge of large home Two
adults Off Sundays. Live in. Apply m
peron References required. George
wi rip v u,.
COLLECTOR, part time work, evenings
and Saturdays Mum have dependable
car and be bondable. Write Box 506,
News-Review, slating qualification!
WANT SOMEextra cash to help hubbv
make his pa v menu? Hourly wage
paid to thoce who qualify. Apply Room
21)1 . Dnuglas County Bank Building
High income potential for man will
ing to work I'mpqua Valley Appli
ance. (14 S E Rose
ELDERLY housekeeper for elderly ladv.
Live in OR 3-7781
Services 13
WEIL DRILLING. Liened rontrar'-r
PhOR 2-.t04:t; My.-t Creek j..;.,!
PAINTING, csrpenTer. Call WntntT OR
Cr MT NT work of all kinds. Free em",
iite OR 2-42-2
DRESSMAKING and alterations. Ph.
OR 2-1429.