t Inspector Looks Over Commission Work At Hatchery Hi MRS! ARTHUR CEI DV Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoke of Mil waukie, Ore., were among several business people at the ldleyld Lodge on the North Umpqua last week. Hoke, an inspector for the State Game Commission, was here to inspect new buildings and new house for the resident superintend ent at the Rock Creek Hatchery. Othars Visit Others at the lodge were: L. W. Smith of Vancouver, Wash., with the Bureau of Public Roads, and Lynn Roseberry of Portland. Rose berry, with the Bureau of Land Management brought his li-:nl,.r ! house to the lodge motor court to oe used as an office. He and his wife will be in the area a month. They have rented the DeHahn house on Lone Rock Hnad Recent vacationers at the lodge weie; nir. ana Mrs. u. w. McAn- iMWmwIWMi I How About Your Vacation This Year? For the family thai hai bd wrttrr. VaWftllotil r rral lirutilrm. To lake a trip, hi i rarnitlnx. iir a vltlt to rrlcnij. nr rrlalKn nrrirnta .urh dllfl cultlft thai man Umt- 1h taxation la fP""." .nnt inbPn for the child who ha Mi tifrl wMMnt habtt. racallon Mm meant on It additional "I t,'!ln"' nc.rtW.lv. too! tclllfcnl SATITK4I nif to end the hcd-wctllna ha hit. qiilrklt and wIIt, Uirt bT tot tbclr owa rhlldrra. For FREI Information, without bllqatloa, juit call day or nit , . , CA 3-0452 r mall coupon j" NITf'DRI CO. "! 1224 S. W. Morn,oa Portland f, Or9on j Addrnt I City Ao didn't w,t th w bta. I tee . ! j: 'Doffon it, lhy invitad mm t9 fa inely and family of Portland; Wal Iter Oliver and Curtis Roberts uf Atherton, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Hall of Burbank, Calif. The Halls are in the area for a month's 1 stay. I Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hicks and I son moved from Winchester and have leased the two-bedroom cot tage at the Metcalf Court. Hicks is the new eighth grade teacher at Glide Junior High. Visit From California Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magness were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magness Jr., of Sacramento, Calif. Joe Sendelbach returned last week after spending five months at Mesa, Ariz., for his health. Mrs. Sendelbach and two sons, met him at Lake Hyatt to have a three-day vacation before returning home. The Sendelbachs own the ldleyld Lodge and Trailer Court. GOOD OLD DAYS? LOS ANGELES l.fl Like to think about the good old days be fore smog in Los Angeles? If so, you'll have to go a long way back. A man named J. R. Cahrillo once noted in his diary that al though he could see the mountains ringing the Los Angeles basin, the valleys were obscured by smoke from Indian fires. The date: Oct. 8, 1542. Shredded Fenders Result As Wife 'Scares' Hubby I.OS AGRt FS 11 Vi-rf nf shredded fenders posed a piob-l lem Tuesday for body and fender j men, the Los Angeles police, and i t Me man and woman whose trou bles led to a bang-up auto chase. Police say it'll be up to Robert Smallfield whether to file charges against his ex-wife, Wilma, 42, for the miles-long chase in which she smashed into his new car eight times with her heavy, 1949 sedan. Smallfield, also 42. seemed in clined to forget things. "She's in enough trouble already" he said after the glass stopped tinkling Monday. And though police booked ; her on suspicion of assault with 1 a deadly weapon, they don't think it 11 stick unless hmalltield brings charges. Mrs. Smallfield said she "just wanted to scare him" because of his attentions to another woman. "I didn't want to kill him," she said, tearfully. "You can't under stand how much I love him." Galesville PTAers See Travel Film Wed. Aug. 7, 1957 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 13 ASKS SPECIAL COIN PORTLAND ( A request to the federal government for a spe cial coin honoring the state's 100th birthday anniversary be minted has been announced by the Oregon Centennial Commis sion. The slogan "Pioneers to Power" will be suggested for the coin, said the commission. USE OUR Convient Lay-Away USE OUR Convient Lay-Away Twill Slacks for BOYS WOOL FLECK car coat The cozlett, smartest, and most durable coat ever. De signed with a snug Orion pile lining and wristlets. Ex citingly detailed with gay Tyrolean trim, a aunty tab on each sleeve. In rich black, only. Sizes: 8 to 1 8. Come choose. sieeve. in 16 90 Colorful Wool PLAID SKIRTS Newberry $0 ?8 low Price SIZES 22 to 30 Bock-to-School fashions Predominating colors bright red wash & wear Some with pleats Poth with side zipper sanforized plaid Flannel Shirts l Full-cut flannel good look ing style. Made with satin double yoke, a handy pock et. Many smart plaids. Washable. Small, medium, large. Uii Ikon 1 tkrinkoft Blended Denims ONLY 2.98 High Quality At A Very Low Price Waist Sizes 26-32 0 Charcoal. Lt. Blue. Brown 4) Styled with tapered legs 0 Sonforized Smart Styled 2 Side, 2 Hip pockets ) Zipper Closure 10 oz. Weight S&le! Misses' Sizes 34 to 40 MAZET 0RL0N CARDIGAN ONLY $ Soft Pink Blue Beige Turquoise While Beautifully feminine in lightness, color anu nyre V Push-up Raglan Sleeves Resists moths, mildew and perspiration 100 Hi-Bulk Virgin Mazel Orion 398 m save splash design, heavyweight JR. CORDUROY PANTS Regularly 3.98 u;ur t 3 Bouffant SLIPS S.M.L. Many popular colors including lilac. 1st quality Reg. 1.98 PANTIES Special buy Sizes 5-6-7. Yellow, white, pink, blue. Rayon acetate. WHITE TWILLS Sanforized. Sizes 6-18 The lastest style in school wear. Newberry's Low Price Sound saving price on rug ged slacks for sports or school wear. Quality made with well-fitting elastic waist and zipper fly. Com plete with cuffs. Sanfor ized. Sizes 6 to 12. Ull than I. iKrlnk WOOL JACKETS Smart looking red plaids Hip length. Quilt lining. Use our law-away plan. Sizes 14-16-18. $ IU 3$. $2.98 $9.90 Use Our Convenient Lay away plan. A 729 S. E. JACKSON ST. Air Conditioned Comfort By MRS. C. B. FOX The last tialesville PTA meet ing was highlighted by a trawl film at the school. Fifteen people were present. Building Fund Hurt A fund-raising dinner at the Azalea Grange Hall, sponsored oy the Azalea Community Church, failed to draw a big attendance because of illness in the commun ity. Very little was cleared for the building fund, for which pro fits were earmarked. .Mr. and Mrs. l,eorge ttenuc- roth and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd France both of Azalea, drove to the coast via Highway 42 recently, spent the night at Port Orford, then returned home through Cres cent City. Sam Osepian, proprietor of the Azalea Grocery is in the Vancou ver Veterans' Hospital where he has been undergoing diagnosis and treatment for the past three weeks. Mrs. Osepian went up to visit last weekend and was sched uled to return this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hod Smith visited with their son, Don, at Empire and went clamming recently. They brought home their grandchildren, Cheryl and Rodney, to visit. Visits Parents Roderick Head, of Azalea is vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head, and his grandpar ents, the George Wendcroths, while on leave from the Navy. He ar rived home from boot camp July 26, and will return to his new as signment in Seattle Aug. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Booth drove to Phoenix recently and stayed to help their grandson, Roger Fowl er, celebrate his 10th birthday. Bridge Replacement Scheduled Near Tyee The Bureau of Public Roads will replace a bridge for the Bureau of Land Management on Tyee Road near Klkton., Bids on the job will be opened in the BPR offices in Portland Aug. 20 at 10 a.m. The job includes m acres of clearing, 6.800 cubic yards of ex cavation, 51 cubic yards of con crete, 8.600 of reinforcement steel and other small items. TOOLS MISSING A tool box containing $150 worth of tools was reported stolen .Mon day. E. F. Goodwin Sr., Camas Valley, informed the sheriff's of fice the tools had been taken from his house and had been missing since Saturday. FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fischer "( kte'i'u i! 111 oil You interrupt us so fast, Mr. Wump, that our coffee break isn't even a bend! Chilly Weather Hits New York, East Coast NEW YORK I The mercury dropped to 57.8 degrees at 5:50 a.m. Tuesday two-tenths of a degree above the record low for the date in New York City. The record low for Aug. 6 was 57.6 in 1934. ' The chilly weather was attri buted to a cool mass of Canadian air covering most of the eastern half of the United Slates and ex tending as far south as northern Florida. Temperatures in the 40s were reported during the early morn ing in upstate New York and in New England, and the mercury plunged into the 30s in some mountainous areas of central and western Pennsylvania. PINCH HITTER TOLEDO, Ohio Wl William L.: Gardner, 34, of Toledo, showed up too late to take his driver'! license examination recently. ' When his application was given to State Highway Patrolman Merl ; Blay a few days later the officer ', didn't think he looked like the same man. He wasn't. Questioning disclos ed he was Roy L. Bryson, 41, who had agreed to take the test for Gardner, who cannot read or write. Ironically, Bryson previously had; been convicted three times for driv ing without a license. He couldn't' pass the test either. Municipal Judge Frank W. Wiley sentenced Bryson to six months in the workhouse and fined him $200. Men and Women Answer to Previous Puzzle DOWN 1 Always 2 'This of tears" 3 and Essex 4 Knee or elbow 5 Boleyn 6 Centaur 7 Before 8 Fasten 9 Redact .0 Century plant 11 Nick 17 Bellowed 19 Music drama 25 Pravers ACROSS 1 Adam and 4 Eyre t Fashion expert, Edith .4 Jean Jean 13 Unique man or woman 14 Unemploye 15 Biblical prophet 16 Trimming 18 Changes city plans 20 Group of eight 23 Unspoken 21 AoDroDrlatu . meaa 22 Western state 24 Baseball's Ruth 26 Russian monarch 27 Health reson 30 Opposed 32 Football player 34 Keep 35 Fancy 36 Fire residua 37 Misplaced .39 Individuals : 40 Simple I4t In addition 1 42 Unsoiled ;45 Holy wa. ; 49 Paused 61 Communist 52 Architect, Robert 53 French novelist 54 and Mom 55 Greek letters 56 Formerly 67Furtive BIBITlSlvl ISITIAUia lIE-levIl'SST 5p7ne stre w 5 " o r biaiwki lAIRIOIW sMalfl uipB sorci IeImIeIr ge"e eImIeIpI ffi R A T 5 RBl-L N O O B JC ' P Iglellsll I L E E N H C fBl tbaBe -gwtxtSTEl 26 Caruso, for instance 27 Flags 28 Masculine nickname 29 Greek war god 31 Soundless 33 Lights 38 Battlefront part 40 Cripple 41 Check accounts 42 Informal talk 13 Spartan queel 14 Jacob's brother (Blb. 46 Soaks 47 Allot, as cards 48 Singer, Nelson . 50 Malt beveragl I 12 I) I h IS k h I li I? 'U In" ii ij r- g i! 7 B B li"-2i vr if- 1-1 1 rp r-sr frp-jr v r sir 3 ST S! 51 55 3 s! n n i i i i i i i i I r i i 7 HILE MARK'S rl CHAUFFtUK IJ WMT 110 THE 8 CAR, MARI6 1 WD M FCK fiWCKLV u4. J-ku.-U THEY'RE- "TOO EASER 10 06T ClHEM LEAVIW& ti SERVIICB I YOU'LL GO ASM0R6 IM THE T I THOUGHT VOU'O I . ME OUT OF TOWN FASTI ID U POOR AROUNP THE- COHUBX.. LAUNCH THAT BN6S A PTOM-1TRY TO STOP WE While kuks , K fptlI h.MHI-fi theysaipteo I LT W6e W0ARP' f 0K9 '2 .9SKW. rnit WWK wiu-rewwusHr I - 'W I "stom guess i Wnll ' ' tyW?h$ TO TOWN IM THE- L ;. le-fiC m WR0US1 a "Tll gajiuil f , . TMF EAMGCR. Ti-IAT OUGHT l 1 ME AMD MY BIO MOUTH.' ) Savs to pur To DistouR- TOMK I xv -, , xr-cSI Your, food up A(A Anv H-' m I V f$S stzj V 52U1 s QUI OF REACH OF yf FURRV , Jd&J I kF AyWAS, W I fil?Ifrri?lMMT ) M-YES-U SHE WAV EE EVEN X. SHE FlGGERS.EFAH " I WlWAMT S PES'ScVo "S V WE V OLDERN THET PORE ) I MARRIES VO; SHE KIN 1 I in HiCW VOVW-MirSrv ) LOaS OLE SOUL J MARRY YORE PAPPY. J T mps ARRV 2, W-M,G HTY r NEARLY ) , V SO, WHY NOT LETS s JJC T J OOHFASOR YEH.J4CX.. r J PRETTY caao NOT BAP ALL RltiHT, NOUB'ii:LF; I ALL RIGHT, OOP.' cMOM.vai YOU MAKE A -. rf' GUV5, 1 !KH TO CATO-t UP WITH THAT .1 MP e-T 1 MAY B6 WE CAN bum A Slug Of SOWBELLY j AM' REAN3 . TOFF EM. J . YEH. ONHOP EM 0s-' x-v?S 1 THINK JUST TUKNFP vj"v?. ' THFVVE I ABOUND... AN' . Si, V SEFN UW IS POINTIM' a v" I H, ITS GOODTOGLTl I ( 1 MISSED YOU SO TOOAy-J-(HOME TO MY LITTLE I THOUGHT C YOU ALL Ti Aft fw- J OOYOUPEALiy ) LOVF ME r YOU THAT MUCH, ) I KNOW t'AGWOOQ STOP-LOOKING '"' IN THE PANVHILE yZS YOU'PE MAKING V Mm small amount will ho