H FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES go fast THROUGH WANT ADS. OR 2-3321 Help Wanted 11 Parts Manager Experienced. Salary and bonus. Barcus Sales & Service DODGE - PLYMOUTH Ph. OR 3-53te BETTER than average weekly earning. National food company needs ambi tious, young, neat appearing man with car. Must be able to start work im mediately If selected. Call OR 3-6363 Saturday 9-U: weekdays 5-6 MAN WITH CAR GOOD WATKINS LOCALITY ABOVE average earnings for qualified person. 800 family food, vitamin end cosmetic route. Credit arranged. Abo part time openings. Write J. R. Wat kins Company, ;JW)3 Brooklyn Avenue, Seattle 3, Washington. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES We have PROMOTED men in the Port land area with backgrounds in the furniture and appliance business to executive positions of responsibilities and high Income. Their SUCCESS has made us desirous of 2 more men with similar experience. Call OR 2-11B1, Ext. 29 for details. WANTED Full time housekeeper. Take charge of large home. Two adults. Off Sundays. Live tn. Apply in person. References required. George West, 646 S. E. Rose COLLECTOR, part time work, evenings and Saturdays. Must have dependable car and be bond able. Write Box 306, News-Review, stating qualifications. ELDERLY housekeeper for elderly lady. Live in OR 3-7781. Services 13 EXCAVATING Roads built and rocked, mill ponds cleaned, etc. By Hour or Contract Fill dirt, river loam, shale and crushed rock for sale. EQUIPMENT RENTALS Cats Shovel Trucks C. P. TALLON OR 3-4040 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mileage: tree estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. OR 3-3336 1980 N.E. Stephens ACME ROOFING ALL TYPES roofing, colored rock; also tiding. All worn guaranteed, ouu &.t,. Oak. OR 3-8235. Rototilling Service Ferjtuson tractor with blade FRANK BEEBE. OR 3-37:18 BULLDOZING. leveling, ditch or post hole digging, plowing. Top soil and gravel, dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Goetz, OR 2-1432. fWMP REPAIRS. 24 hours service. Mfl ler St Cox Sales and Service. OR 2- 3381; night calls. OR 3-7389 or OR .1-3739. REFRIGERATION SEnVICE, domestic and commercial. Available on call any time day or night. Ph. OR 3-5518 or O R 3-4fi.',2. CARPENTER Remodeling. n w homes, financing. Free estimates. Jack Rountree,OR 3-4944. SEPTIC TANKS pumped. For quick service, call KM Sanitation. Phone OR 3-7470. DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keely. OS 9-3117. SHOP IN GREEN. General repair, weld ing and fix-It. Experienced. 2332 S.W. Castle St. Ph. OR 3-4687. Hoofing, siding, repairs Herb Dorman, Hoofing Contractor. 1033 N.E. P o t. O R 3-434 1 . PAINTING, paper hanging. James Wheeler, Jr. 1609 NW Mulholland. OR 3- 74!)! ROOFING. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent - Pn- OR 2-1371. PAINTING and paper hanging. OR 3- 4240 CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS. Reason able. W. J. Lane. OR 3-3948. CARPENTER work. Small Jobs reason- able. Smith. OR 3-8111. iltlHLBURT'S Plumblof. Any type. Ph. vrAt, sutherlin. VVtZLL DRILLING. Licensed contractor. Ph OR 2-3043: Myrtle Creek 2.i;3. PAINTING, carpenter. Call Wright OR :!-f747. CP "ITNT work of all kinds. Free est. niaies. OR 2-4292. DRESSMAKING and alterations. . Ph. OR2-1429: RAWLF.IGH PRODUCTS we deliver. OR 3-4934. Baby & Child Ca7e"14 MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY. 914 S. E. Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special timt for children under 2 years of age. State inspected. OR 3-8361. BABY SITTER'S Association. Ca II OR 3-4187 Work Wanted 15 TRI CKS for hire Short and long log gers with stakes, lumber trucks. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967 evenings, and OR 3-7378 days. RELIABLE-"baby sitting, light house work, ironing. OR 3-4518. W AS H I NCfA N D rough dry; also Ironing. OR 2-3693. B A BY SITTING, by day or evening. OR 3-6971. CARPENTER Construction, any type. References. OR 3-S020 after 6 p.m. DRESSMAKING. alterations. Pickup and deliver. OR J-7914 GARDENER, skilled. SI. 50 per hour. OR 3-3368: IRONING in my home. OR 2-2448 Instruction 16 STEEL GUITAR lessons given at your home. Phone, wire or write to Leter Woods at Jo Ann's ApartmentJ. 4209 S. W. Carnea Rd., Roseburg, Ore. for appointment. OR 3-7947. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS on any In trument at Ott Ricketts Music Store. OR 3-3202 Loans 17 CASH TODAY $25-$50-$100-$300-$500 UP TO $1500 l BORROW ON YOUR SALARY Km ployed people in si) lines of work may qualify for a salary loan 1 R onflow nN CAR OR Fl'RNMTURK Your furniture or automobile make I excellent security at Local Lran Co. ' paid for or not I PPPCIAL PAY DAY LOANS ? CM) c more loaned unhl "pay da" or longer. Pay only fnr Ihe actual number of dais you keep thi money S3 C05TS I8e for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan LOCAL DAN o Rnnf 423 SE Jackton Strana Vgr Ph OR a-w- FREE PARKING Andj-s Chevron Station 2 doon north. The First Lesson To Learn In Sellino Is T Use Classified Ads 17 Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO $1300 ON AUTOS, TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE L'D lo 24 monihlv naumanta I Life Insurance on loans at small cost 729 S. E. Washington OR 3-5277 MONEY IN A HURRY $50. to $2,000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 613 S. E. OAK OH 3-4494. Pacific Finance Loan 664 S E Stephens OR 3-4668 Financial 19 WANTED About $6000 on Roseburg real estate. Want to pay $100 per month for two years, then pay off Joa lance. Writ e News-Review Box 457. CAN use some GOOD discounted contracts. OR 3-6091 or OR 3-6193 For Trade 21 WILL TRADE New Geier counter for S. St W. K38, .337. power mower or tiller. R. P. Mast, 499 Sterling. OR 2-2284 evenings. TRADE ECJUITY in "place mile west Sutherlin for 33 ft. or 40 ft. trailer. Call Sutherlin 3614 SELL or trade equity in house, lor trail er house. Call Sutherlin 3793. Fuel 22 SawduSt Blower Service or Dump Wood Dry Oak Green Slab Kiln Dry Planer Ends Gr. or Dry Peeler Core Summer prices on planer ends, sawdust Roseburg Lumber Co. SAWDUST Blower and dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1 524 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO KILN DRIED planer ends: oak wood' Ask about summer rates on planer ends. OR 3-3082. DRY oak wood. Call OR 3-4741. Fruits & Vegetables 24 PEACHES, tree- ripe. Rnchesters now, Crawfords, Slapples. Hales and im proved Elbertas later as they ripen. Six miles south on old 99, cross Win ston bridge and turn left Vi mile. H. R. Harrison. PEACHES, Hale. Haven and Golden Ju bilee ready now. Other varieties as they come. Picked, or you pick. F. G. Ewena Fruit Stand. Opposite Garden ValleySchooL EDEN ACRES. No. Umpqua Hwy, for canning beans. Oregon Giants and Blue Lakes. Also, local peaches for canning. Place your orders now. Phone OR 3-8R34. HERCHER'S Dillard Market, Burbank, improved Rochester, Red Haven, Golden Jubilee peaches now ready for canning. Also yellow Shiro plums and Gravenstein apples. CANNING peaches and a varletyof fresh vegetables. James Gardens. OS 9-3264. South end Green bridge. Win ston. turn left and go 1' miles. HALE HAVENS, Burbanks. Crawfords now ready for canning. Plenty of lo cal tomatoes and sweet corn. Harvard Ave Fruit Stan d . CANNING PEACHES, Slappies and Bur banks. Picked or you pick. Phone OS 9-8839 Ed Thiele, Civil Bend Ceme tery Road. AT peak of quality for canning and freezing, Rochester, Hale Haven. July Elberta. Burbank peaches. Forrest Fairacres. OS 9-86RB. PEACHES Rochester!, Red Haven! S3 bushel. Big Bend Road, Garden Valley. Call OR 3-4502 venlnga. Moore's Nursery. WHILE they last. $1 Fuchias, 89c. Rose burg Natural Foods, 508 N.E. Win chester nTcE;RAVENSTETn apples, S2 od a box. O. G. Rogers, Vi mile south of Lookingglass Store. BEAN'S and pickling cucumbers, you pick. Tomatoes. M. O. Knapp, Garden Valley, 2 miles past Country Cluh. FOR SALE Cucumbers, reasonable. J. E. Ktngry, Coles Valley Road. Wil bur, OR 3-3623. LOCAL peaches, Gravenstein apples, plums, and vegetables. Harvard Ave nue Fruit Stand,Mrs. Mabley. OWENS NURSERY Ac FRUIT STAND, Dillard. Ready now, local sweet corn, tomatoes, peaches, cucumbers, etc. GRAVENSTEIN apples. Bring boxes. $1.50 bushel. No Sunday sales. Curry Estate Jilrs Anna L. Wright. HAVE '49 Pontiac STcxcellent condition Wilt trade for camning trailer. OR 2-1071 or after 6, OR 3-6145. flGS are ripe! 84. s!e! FullVrton. 'Formerly 233 Ford'. OR 3-4227. BEETS and cucumbers. Carl Schmidt, Garden Va 1 ley . HIMALAYA blackberries are ready now. OS 9-8892. FOR new tomato lugs, apple boxes and cantaloupe crates, phon OR 3-6724. HIMALAYA BLACKBERRIES $1 00 gal- Ion. OR n-64.15. except Saturday. STRA WBERRrES. you "pick, or" picked on order OR 2-3B4Q. HALE HAVEN penche. you pick.-Bill Tipton. Garden Valley. GRAVENSTYlNnrpplearcfoMtnTphone OR 2-.1203. Livestock 26 Douglas Livestock Wilbur, Oregon EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR Thursday, Aug. 8th 50 head good quality Hereford cows. 2S head stter calve 2.1 head heifer calves. 1 load fat veal 1 load canner cows 2 good Hereford bulls. 200 feeder lambs 1 lot good Several lots ages ewe. Don't Forget Sale every Thursday 12 noon Phone OR 2-4071 FOR SALE quarter hor-e stud colt, dark bav 2 cm eld. 920 pound Sired bv Aaron Slick. NO. P-42372 Out of Whirl Girl NO. U4Y AIo, 1 2 hon single axle hnr- trailer. Route 1. Box 74V OR 3-78.;4 after PM FOR-SALE", one Welch gelding pony, S ear, 1133. Homer Spurlock. P O. Bit 24 Ca.niasa.l-v WANT TO BUY hor.es, tittle, lin stock of any kind Phone OR2-3fi Suffolk rams. Oakland 277. Harold Crourh MEAT- T Y PE Veaner -tig's. Milk goad id I hue OR V7CM sis I FOLK rams. Lute Patter ion. OR 2-3f , COLUMBIA bucks OW i-OJWO COR R! ED ALE rams OR 3-3M1. Try Wont Ads! Low Cost and quick result. Loans Livestock 26 SHEEP TOP PRICES paid for sheep and lamb of all kinds. We are in the market 12 months out of the year, as we are always here. ALSO BUY WOOL and mohair. Douglas Livestock Market OR 2-4071 Sutherlin 3:S80 Ui rtle Creek 3144 BUTTERMILK For Stock and Poultry Feed UMPQUA DAIRY OR 2-2638 Cottle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route 1. Box 352B OR 3-63X1 F.ve'i OR 3-52.13 Wool Growers Wool and mohair received dallv Nlch ols Store. Brockway. OS 9-8907. PASTURE for-about2fsheep wanted in exchange for work, J. R. Heyer, Oakland. Oregon. FOR SALE or trade", gentle saddle horses, any size, any color. 1918 Len- rd Road. Grants Pass. WANTED Sheep and cattle of aU kinds. Top market price. Darrill W Ray. Ph. Sutherlin 33B0. WANTED Sheep and cattle all kinds. W A. Blackert Ph. Myrtle Creek. 127X3 ALWAYS IN the market for sheep. Top prices paid for wool. OR 2-1051. Al Brown. WANT TO BUY 5 to 8 year old saddle horse, suitable for 12 year old girl. Ph. Riddle3342. CUSTOM SHEARING. OR 3-3784. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 MOWING, raking, and bilinf. OR 3- 6037. FIRST CUTTING lotus hay, also grass hay. Cheap. OR 3-8626. Poultry 28 WANTED TO BUY poultry, eggs, wool and ca&cara Poultry received on Mon days and Tuesdavs only. Ph. OR 3-4331. Roseburg Poultry Co. 729 SE Spruce. Rabbits 29 RABBIT FERTILIZER. RL . Box 1580 OR 2-3710 Pets 30 FOR SALE Fox Terrier puppies. 2 miles up Smoestrlng creek on Kiddle Canyonville Road. A. C. Simmons. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907 PUPPIES to give away. 1619 S. E. Mill 5t. FOR SALE registered Beagle puppies, 3 weeks old. OS 9-3283. BABY parakeets. 3 miles south. Burt on's. OR 3-8122. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, tered and pedigreed. OR 3-5433. regis- FOR SALE Toy Fox Terriers. Canary singers. Cheap. OR 3-4675. BLA CK Labrador pups. OR 3-8844. GLENOARV Beagle Kennel s0 R 3-3793 KITTENS TO GIVE AWAY. OR 3-8318. TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT RADIO. TELEVISION, HI-KI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD. OR 3-5553 Building Material 32 ROOFING 3 - 1 213 lb. 45 colors. 9 50 sq. SELF-SEALING 3-1 shingles, regularly $12.50 sq., now 10.60. OUTSIDE WHITE paint 2 gal $5 50 CHIPWOOD plywood, $2 50 sheet. ',4" SANDRAN floor covering COLLINS 10-year electric hot water heal er, 42 gal.. 9b.3U WALLPAPER, reg. $1.35, now 75c STAY-ON shake paint. $4 55 gal. OLYMPIC stain. Sherwin-Williams. Pab co paint and products, Dutch Boy paint and products SCRAP, $30. In trade COPPER, No. 1, 21c !b. In trade Robinson Bldg. Supply Open Sundav Ph. 2182 Sutherlin CORRUGATED ROOFING - 28 ga. galv 8' r 10' 12' sheets. Roseburg Supply Co., 403 N.E. Win- Chester St OR 3-4481. 1x8 shtplap, $25 and up Lumber hales OR 3-7362 ' IN SUTHERLIN Oakland, try ML Scott Retail Vrd. Ph 2737 FOR SALE used brick and other materials. Phone OR 2-2710. Sports Equipment 34 Authorized Evinrude Dealer Iham, Imperial, Burchcraft, Starcraft aluminum boats Trailers, carriers, pa ml etc. Used motors Rod & Reel Trailer Sales JH3 W. Harvard USED GUN sale. Sura wi trade. Ump qua Gun Store. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS ff bought from us. we Install free If gun is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store, Roseburg They'll Do It Every 7 chjDoe-could u PLEASE BE OUR GUEST I SO SPEJKEI? NEXT MONTH at our ladies civic Club" luncheon ? Comes the bis DJy JSDCOME5 "WE JUD6E VMTM A WELL P'JEP4ED TJLK' SO WHO ME JPo ? MEM -MEM-VSHO, MO ?? TP TO Tip 6Ll, . .-.cji .t.iDl te 'A Sports Equipment 34 SCUBA DIVERS Compressed, Filtered AND Purified Air underwater salvage servlre. tank and dry suit rentals. Wally'i Air Compression Service & Salvage Route 3, Box 1840 Military Ave, Roseburg. OK 3-6846 24 hour emergency servlca. Quit Wishing, Go Fishing Salmon Harbor Spo Dorts Trailers Charter Boats Rose Klk Capt Jim Brittson Capt. Dan Keefe Adventure Capl. Don Bull PHONE CRESTVIEW 1-321.1 WINCHESTER BAY. OREGON SPECIAL PRICE all boats and used motors on the lot. 1145 W. Harvard 300 SAVAGE rifle, like new With rase and box of shell., (83. OR 3-1397 Sewing Machines 36 VIKING TRADE-INS dinner poriame ,vi New Home porlahte with reverse stitch Many other trade-ins to choose from SEWINC MACHINE CLINIC 833 S. E Cass OR 2-1071 TAKE OVER contract on sewing ma- cnine. per montn. UK 3--t44H. For Sale Misc. 37 Montgomery Ward Clearance Mechanics Tools Master Combination Wrenches size 5-8" size 11-16" 50 50c 5.ic 73c Short Box Wrenches size 58"xV 40c Master Long Box Wrenches 40c 4"c fiOC 80c 9-16Mx5-8" 15-16"xl" Master Open End Wrenches size 58"X'V 4Tc size 1316"xV fi.ic size 1516"xr' 7,'ic size 1 l16"xl 18" 90c Groove lock 10" pliers $1.25 10" Lakeside Crescent SI -IS 22-pc. Socket Set $11.25 H-pc. Socket Set $10.00 14" Pipe Wrench $2.00 USED BEND IX Duomatic. excellent rnn dition. Horn' Appliance. 424 S E. Jack son. OR 3-o318. SERVELgas refriBe7ator8cufl."Slin. Horn's Appliance. 424 S. E. Jackion. LIMEbOAKdinetfe"sel perfect-$1V Also large easy chair. $20. Might trade. 1145 W. Harvard. WINSTON Sand""and Gravel. "-criMhed rock, reject gravel, bar run and lop soil OS.84;t. WATKINS PRODUCTS, l'a mtl'c East on North Umpqua Highway C L. Blbby.OR 2-UH6. CHROME high chair, $12: wardrobe chest. SIS. Both for $23. 0.1 1 W. Union. OR2-I482 USED GUN sale. Sura we trade. Ump qua Gun Store 74T HEATRESEA T s7Vlf o id i 7ig"c hairs Will tellvery reasonable. OR2-.ini6 CABINET radio-phonograph. Call OR 3-81 38. NECCHI sewing machine, almost new. Take over payments. OR 2-1071 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS, Betty Shcldon. 4fl3 NW Sweetbrlar. UPRIGHT piano, reasonable. Phone OS 9-8419 INDIAN 45 motorcycle. Excellent rondi- tion 19.-. OR 2-3440; 1247 N.W. Elian. USED GUNS, bought aold and "traded. umpqua Gun ntore. GOOD-SCHOOL-clothesgirls aiie 12 ' Phone OR 3-353L t BABY bathlnette. swing, stroller, crib I nd maUreM.JIflOOSW Carnes Road. PORTER CABLE 7" saw. $13. OR 3 1122 ELECTRIC raiige,$13.12'4MoBliei USED DOORS and windows! OR 2-2710. FULLER BRUSH. OH a-UOL Time 7 n THE filRLS WOULD BE ' WEVE BEErJ - O HOrJORED-4N0 YOU RE SUCH A WOMOERFUL CDFilk'FR... rULr t l HOPING AHD LJ J TRUSTING M0 W Tn v V Proving you'o A.fl J . AaccsRT- rj I . - " " x".. 1 . v : Vf1' vl I me most pressima --"y mo.' wslla vn,;. r ,1 m "I'A PROBLEM confronting 17Ti wo.uK"NT I Ar frt immM For Sale Misc. 37 Schwinn Bicycles TRADE your old bik. In on a new M'hwinn, pay balance In 8 monins. foreign bikes have no trad. In value. Are Bike Shoo. Between Dairy Queen and 1'arm Bureau. OH 2.W2J "motorcycles bicycles SALES PARTS SERVICE Used bicycles and motorcycles. BECK WITH CYCLE CO. 2U2a W Harvard 49 B DlCK convertible, '50 'Ford conver tible. '56 model power saw 3l HP. motor, air compressor, spray iun car ries 200 pounds pressure. '48 Ford parts. 16 cu. ft. deepfreeze for salt or iraae. u noun. RECONDITIONED Wringer washer. Maytag, Speed Qtu'en, Norge, Coro nado. Sears Roebuck. $2.1 up. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. CHIN A WARE Beautiful 93 piece iet of Noritake china Place setting for 12. Purchased 7 yean ago and never been un-crated. Priced very r?aon able. Ph. OR 2-2309 ask for Lynn. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped U.S. DA. choice 45c, C.S.D.A. good 42c, U S D A standard 39c. not graded 37c. South Stephena Market, OR 2-9164, evenings. OR 2-1870 DEER RIFLE. Wtnrnester model 70. 30.06 with Weaver K,V. scope. Ex cellent condition. Also Mark -5 Mer cury motor, excellent condition. OR 2-42.16. TREVA'S CERAMIC STUDIO, larye as sortment of greenware. new matt glaz es, p lints, general supplies. Clase each day. OS 9-5133. Next lo Winston Lockers. Commercial firing. SHOP family clothing needs at horn. rn. Ob U-5.WD. style, quality, savings, convenience. Lay away blanket spe cial. M. Cherrick, Minnesota Woolen Agent. NEARLY NEW Zenith refrigerator, nearly new 21 table model T.V. net, '49 Nash, good work car. See Lyle Wil mat, Rt. 1, Box Lit, Rifle Range Road: after 5 p.m. MOVING TO ALASKA, must sell furni ture by August 13th. Gas stove, dav enport and chair, unfinished dinette table, bedstead, springs and mattress. OS 9-5443. ONE. SWEDEN soft ice cream machine. A-l condition, air cooled. One, Bas-tian-B leasing soda fountain, almost new. Inquire at the Lone Rock Mar ket. Glide. ELECTRIC double oven Admiral range with revolving spit. Also Kenmoie mangle. All in excellent condil.on OR 2-3P66. 1541 N W. Kcnsey Ro.id. USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc. ratten m on trades, come out ana mal;e a deal. Rainbow Trailer Sales, N Highway 99 at Winchester Bridiie. FOR SALE Tune clock complete with sard racks and rards. $DO, Niel sen's Saw Ac Manufacturing Co., Rt. 4. Box 95. Roseburg. NEW and used meat cases, reach-In refrigerators, soft ire cream freezers. Bergeron Refrigeration. 1410 SE Ste phens. THRIFT grade 8 ft. 2x4"s, 4c each, or 37 per tnousand. on oraerx or jwhi ft. or over. $6 thousand. Keller's Mill, North Stephens. TOP SOIL from new pit. Genuine, heavy river loam; clean, no rocun. easy to handle. To get the best call Charles Keely. OS 9-5117. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. $5 month and up. OR :t-.v8. SALE OR TRADE Almost new double oven electric range, deep well cook er what have you? 1145 W. Harv ard. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen. No rnota or weeds. Ralph Fisher. Winston. OS fl-B49:i. DE JUR 8MM movie camera. F 2.7 with case; like new. OR 3-3212 after 6 p.m. 3 SPEED record play-r and radio, $35. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR .1-5318. ELECTRIC range: refrigerator: wash ing machine. All hi good condition. Ph. OR 3-0271. 44 S E Kane. MATCHING Hotpoint washer and dryer sol, both $173 Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. .IrksonOR3-3.-18: OCCIDENTAL gas ranrie, ud 3 weeks, $.120 new, now $183. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-3318. Musical Instruments 38 UPRIGHT piano. Sr. at 6.1B N. E. Jarkson after 5 p.m PLAYER piano-S273. OlTj-IHMT Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal For Irrigation Price Prr Hundred Ft ' S R.32c 1 V 27 one V sil.7Rc 1 1 a" $:annc 1 ' $18 fl4c 2 " U9 me Kitting- Roseburg Supply Co. 40.1 N.E. Winchester St OR 3-44AI Roiehiirif Stringer's Implement Co. 1590 N E STFPMFNS ST Phon. OK 2-4:1112 Al.'THOFtlZF.n Al.t.lS-CHALMF.RS SAI.ES-SF.HVICE BILL RICH.MAN FRANK STRINGER OWNERS TWO II G. CLETRACS. 20 MODEL CAT. FARMALL CI S WITH MOWER FORD 50 WITH WAGNER LOADER. TWO N FORD TRACTORS 214 PI LL PLOW. TWO OFFSET BISCS TWO PULL TYPE TANDEM DISCS Umpqua Tractor Co. 7.1,1 S E. Pin. OR .11117 By Jimmy Iktlo Weil-" iwe UDIES SEEMeO TO IV4NT HIM SO MUCH, JU06EV SAO ME'D B THE(?E- Logging Equipment 41 D-2 CAT with blade and drum 11200 Also lines, block and end hooks for A frame. Inquire Wallace Wilson, St mile west of Fairgrounds. BOHEMIA type boom" built by Albion Machine. Will fit or 1 yard shovel. Douglas Machine it Welding OK 3 3444. TD-14 CAT. blade and winch. Excep tionally good shape. New rolls. Set to appreciate. S4.2.10. OS 9-3313. SHORftdG" TRAILER-OR 2-3934. Timber & Sawmills 42 Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and atumpage in large or small tracts. Daya Ph. 34.11 Riddle or Myrtle Creek 3266 evenings. WANTED Logs rough lumber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-3365 EVENINGS :OR 300 WANTED Short log hauling for truck and single axle trailer, pnone OK 2-3121 evenings, except Friday. FOR SALE, approximately 'j million feet with sawmill. OR 3-7795 after 7 pin. WANTED Logged over land and tim ber land. Write Box 292 Newi-Rtview. Trailers 44 New Location Special 2 or 3 Bedroom 45-Ft. Great Lakes Mobile Home Special For 1 Week Only $4695 Completely Furnished AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR: Airstreom Aristocrat of Travel Trailers Thi The Fabulous Angelus Trailers nf Distinction for those who want the very best Great Lakes The only nam. you nerd to know when jou think of MOBILE HOMES Roadmoster Built to win. . .Without, Withinl MOBILE HOMES Trailer Sales (Successor lo Winchester Trailer Sales, Across from Barcus Sales & Service) 4!ll N. K. Garden Valley Bvd. Phone OH 2-3756 Something NEW UNDER THE SUN See the All New Golden State Today! Canadian Birch paneling IhrnURlinut. Spacious living and dining room. Deluxe ranqe with window nven. Family Hire refrigerator. Reliable manufacturer. COMPARE GOLDEN STATE For Low price and liiKh Value. Maximum living at minimum cost RAINBOW TRAILER SALES S Mile north on old highwiy 99 At Winchester Bridie I.icrnied Bonded Haulrri Upen Eve's & Sundaj OR -644 ROD & RKEL TRAILKK SALES IDEAL VICTOR - HOD St REEL SIESTA FIREBALL ALL SI7.F.S vacation trailer for rent Also Evinrudt motor! and boali. 1H3 W Harvard Ph. OR l-:i:t42 VACATION the "SIESTA" wav. Usvrn'n- hed double llvlnjr spare. The best 15 ft. ira Her on the market. Rod and Reel Trailer Salea IMS W Harvard MOUERN"35 ft. 2 bedroom trailer home. Tandem wheel, electric raki, bath room, etc. All birch Interior. $I67S. Call Victor IP-2.I2H Yoncalla. 9M HUDGER 27 ft. modern and very gnnd condition ROD Ac KKKL TRAILER SALES 114!. W Harvard PAN AMERICAN l-brdnmrn tmtderi trailer 10.1.1 model. Mimt t aold bv Aug 10th. Call office of Kada Trailer Court. USED TRAILERS for -.ale low down payment. Inquire tpare No I , Nebo Trailer Park, 2071 N E. fctepheni. SALE OR TRADE for irnaller trailer. our equltv In 4o rt. l-wdronm trailer, Space F-n, Nebo Trailer Court SPECIAL PRICE ud 37 modrU, IT and 13' vacation trailer. IMS W. Har vard. ' FT. TRAILtR Cur or furniture trade' Phone OR 2-?Hfi4 .15 FT. I-REDROOM Arifel.i. trailer home, excellent condition. OR 3-5W01. Stop! You May Find Just What You Are Looking For On This Poge. SI DILLARD MOTORS Authorized SIMCA Dealer The world's greatest automobile value in both four and eight cylinders. Up to 40 miles per gallon. All Body Styles Priced From $1795 SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. . LINCOLN.Mr.IICt' BY - SIMCA Douglas at Stephens Ph. OR 3 6625. Tuei. Aug. 6, 1957 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Trailers 44 Columbia - Leisurehome Melody Horn US -Bdr l.nuj.1 Spartan ABC - Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to SO' Supplies, clc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1SR0 N E. Stcphtns OR 3-.TI.U SEI DAt.TON UNIVERSAL KENSKILL NASHUA FRONTIER TERRA CRUISER ALJO COMMODORE Jim McKee Trailer Sales I16J N E. Stephens OR 1-4231 Trucks 45 FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock, dump truck or what have you? 1948 International truck and trailer. New motor, stakes and rubber. Phone Suth erlin 2948 or IMOY f955 CHEVROLET ton pick-tip. .1 peed transmission; 10,000 actual miles. Like new condition, OR 2-1887 after 3::t0 p.m. Automobiles 46 i No Down Payment On Approved Credit 1939 FORD Oelux. rordor Sdn ... U9S 1S33 CHEVROLET Tudor Sdn 1393 1934 MERCURY Monterey 4-dr .... 1293 1933 FORD 4-dr tnUn 893 1931 KAISER Tordor Sdn.- 293 1931 MERCURY Fordor Sdn 473 1931 FORD Convertible, mechanic'. apecial 123 1949 FORD Club Coup. 193 194T OLDSMOB1LE rordor Sdn. It Trucks & Pickups 1933 Ford Tag .xl. Lumber Truck 2393 1931 FORD Short Longer dual drlv. with Bunki and Stakei 1693 1933 DODGE 4 Wheel Drlv. Pickup 1S93 1947 CHEVROLET Van Body U3 No Down Payment On Approved Credit Lockwood Motors Your Friendly Ford Dealer Two Big Lots 14.:0 SE STEPHENS Cor. Roue St Oak Su. Olt 21441 OR 3-6X14 Open Eves 'Til 8 Monday Through Friday ROAR fc-V with &SSF Rose (fiMt Motor Co. JULY CLEARANCE USED CARS Reduced Prices '3.1 FORD Victoria Hardtop '33 CHEVROLET 4-door Bel Air, R St H, Auto Tram. '32 CHRYSLER Saratoga, new paint '30 ' ton pickup, 4 apetd at It, $2K) '50 ton pickup, 4 apeed, reduced price Rose St Lan Streeta OR 2-1,101 Mi CHEVROLET Station Wagon. Radio, heater. V-8, overdrive. 4H CHEVRO LET 2 door, good work car, 41.M). '4! Htiirk 2 door Mike offer Mav tw cm at Flo (i n (.lam Shop. (.Hrdcn Vnllev Junction. Ph. OR ;i-H4(14. alter H OH 3-n4 FOR SALE ''50 Ford 2-door. '34 motor. new upholatery, need minor' ad I ail ment t. See 3 nulca south Dillard, at Fruit Stand. EXCELLENT "lBH Chevrolet r and 1M2 lluirk. Moth fully equipped. Mint iiMl quirk. 1842 NE. Fremont. FOR SALE - '47" Ford. bidv m" good condition, motor needa repair l0. call Olt ;-7tiHfl 19.W "CHEVHOLEt convertible. T r i d e equity for older model car in good condition, or will tell. Stitlitrlln :i02 1957 BUICK" Super, " fully aquipped'rea nnable ORJ-H.:(M) CLEAN 19.1.1 OLDSMOniLE! I owner, private party. UX Call Olt 2-Ml I. '51 PONTiAC 2 - "doorrsellor trade for livestock. OS B-.Vl!ifl. SELL EQtfltYln"tU3fl Buick hardtop for rih.OR 2-33.M GOOD to Chevrolet. OR 2-I.VW mm Automobiles 46 BARCUS 56 PLYMOUTH 6 Club Sedan. Puah bution drive, absolutely in top condition throughout 160t M PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door. healer, overdrive, an economy car ... 1890 '56 PLYMOUTH V-8 Cluh Sedan, Powerflyte. It'i juat like new loot "55 PLYMOUTH Club aedan with overdrive. One owner car in top condition .... . . 13(1(1 '54 CHEVROLET aedan. Radio, heat er. Reconditioned motor. Finuh and interior extra nice. . 11SS '55 PACKARD Deluxe sedan. Ultra malic. RAH Pawir iteerinf and Power brakei. Truly a lux ury car for only BOS '52 CHEVROLET Fleetline 3 door R St H. Powerglide. Extra good condition. . 5RS '31 MERCURY Sport coupe, over drive. R St H 398 '31 PONTIAC 8 aedan. Hydramatle. R St H 308 '31 CHEVROLET convertible. Radio and Heater 40a. '51 PLYMOUTH edan Beautiful light blue finish with matching interior. Extra clean - 448 '50 PACKARD Deluxe icdan. Ultra- matic. R&H. Extra clean 398 48 PONTIAC aedanette. Good mo lor . 9R '48 Buick Convertible, good motor .. $98 Trucks & Pickups '37 CHEV ' ton pickup, driven only 4.100 miles, juat like new. SPECIAL 1791 '36 DODGE V-8 pickup. 4-speed trans., heavy duty bumper, like new 1798 '53 DIAMOND T. Model 530 dump truck. Complete with 5 yard bad and hoiit. Ready to haul. ... 1198 BARCUS Open Eves & Sun N. Stephana at Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-55B6 Eaiy Bank Terma '36 PONT Star Chief Cat Cpe. Pow er steering. Power Brake. Rea sonable $750 Dn. 35 MERCURY Monterey. 4 - dr. Merc-O-Matlc. Powar brake Exceptionally nice fftOO Dn. '55 FORD FAIRLANE Sta. Wagon V-8. 4-dr. Ford-O-Matie, lookt and runa like new .... $700 Dn. '55 BUICK Spec. Riviera Cpe. One of our very bel We'll wheel and deal on this one ... $700 Dn. '53 CHRYSLER Windsor V-8. 4-dr. Panel Shift, one owner, Lonl Blue. Nice . $M0 Dn. '33 FORD Fairlane V-8. 4-Dr Forri O Ma tic. Sharp. Make jour bid $350 Dn. '34 BUICK Spec Riviera Cpe Beau tiful In maroon and Ivory. w-w tires . .. . . $.100 Dn. 53 PONT Chieftain Dlx. 4-Dr. Ilv dramatic. One owner, local. Ton condition $,IM Dn 53 WILLYS Atd Are- 4Dr Econ omy car. Overdrive. Workman' pecial $175 Dn. "40 DODGE roron-t Club Cpe. One owner. Far above average. Full Easy Budget Terms At "BIG WHEEL" Phone OR 2-1041 346 S E Stephen WANTED Clean Used Cars and Pickups W will pay caih on th, barrel-head Keel Motor t'cd Car Lot Oprn evening, 'til 9 SundftM from 10 '111 .1 SnS S C. Slephena OR 3-. I9M STUDKHAKKR Dlrkup Vcrv (oori nhape and tirH, 37H.V 194(1 Packard rniu-emhle, 30B S. . Jackion. OH 2-U21I Ul.TO KOliD 6 cycllnflrr. Ph. OR 3-39:10. or arm at 113 E. Pleanant 8t. Personal 48 VOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing confidential advice may con tart Mm Pruiti, Catholic Charttle. 2711 W. Rrnadway . Euirn, Orrgiiti 01 -.1A42. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24.1 5. E Jacknon, Tuudayi, Saturda.M I PM HAVE VACANCIES at Grandvtcw Cara ilmnc. Stile licenird. Tin bent of cart. Alio private rooms. Oft 3-tt:i02 WANTED rid from tilangary or Krllcv-fl Korner to noMnurg. working 1 PM tn 0 PM Call OR 1-30.11. Lost & Found 49 LOST Pithing and ramping qmp m nl July Jflth, 1'mpqtia rivr nf Slrnmbfut Reward. Call collect Dl 3 , ta.il Eugfna. Notices 51 X WtLL nt h raipAmtblt ff itif rthtt other than my own, frtd Oat ruing.