Yanks Advance Lead To 6 A ; Cards' Lead Cut To 'A-Game NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct.GB St. Louis Milwaukee Brooklyn Cincinnati Philadelphia New York Chicago 62 41 .602 62 42 .596 H 5S 44 .573 3 58 46 57 48 45 60 36 66 36 68 .558 4'i .543 6 .429 18 .353 25'i .346 26a Pittsburgh Sondiy't Results New York ?-2, Cincinnati 6-3 (1st game 14 innings! Chicago 6-3, Pittsburgh 0-2 (2nd game 11 innings) Philadelphia 5-1, St. Louis 4-4 (1st game 12 innings) Milwaukee 9, Brooklyn 7 Saturday's Results Brooklyn 7, Milwaukee 1 St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1 New York 5, Cincinnati 4 (It in nings) Pittsburgh at Chicago, postponed, AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet, GB New York Chicago Boston Detroit Cleveland Baltimore Washington Kansas City 69 34 62 40 5B 47 50 52 50 53 50 53 39 66 36 67 .670 .608 6'i .544 13 .490 IS'i .485 19 .485 19 .371 31 .350 33 Sunday' Results New York 5-6, Cleveland 2-5 Chicago 11, Boston 6 Washington 8, Detroit 4 Baltimore 5, Kansas City 0 Saturday's Results New York 5, Cleveland 3 Boston 8, Chicago 7 Washington 4, Detroit 3 (17 in- nings) Baltimore 7, Kansas City 6 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Enos Slaughter, 41, the hustling "Country Boy" who is Ihe oldest active player in the American League, is showing the younger New York Yankees how the game is played. Five hits in Sunday's double vic tory over Cleveland boosted Slaugh ter's lifetime total to 2,301 in a ca reer dating back to 1938 when he broke into the majors with the St. Louis Cardinals. Slaughter's single tied the score and his three-run homer off John ny Gray sewed up the 5-2 first game. After Jerry Lumpe's scratch pinch sihgle had tied the score in the ninth inning of the second game, Enos came through with a looping single to center, that gave the Yanks their eighth straight 6-5. The sweep stretched the Yan kee lead to 6Va games over Chi cago which battered Boston pitch ing for 19 hits and an 11-6 deci sion in a single game. Cleveland dropped into a fifth-place tie with Baltimore 19 games off the pace. The Orioles handed Kansas City its seventh -straight defeat 50 on Billy Loes' five-hitler and Wash ington thumped Detroit 8-4 as the two clubs set a Griffith Stadium record with seven home runs. Braves Beat 8rooks While Slaughter was strutting his stuff at Yankee Stadium, his old St. Louis mates saw their National League lead reduced to a half game. After bowing to the bril liant relief pitching of the Phillies' Harvey Haddix in the 12-inning opener 5-4, the Cards won the sec ond game 4-1 on Lindy McDan iePs steady nine-hitler. " Milwaukee moved within a half FIRE: OR 2-2644 POLICE: OR 3-6633 MONEY: orSL 464 S, E. Stephens, Roseburg k JT f LAWNS WITH VI I ;M LESS WORK yj '$t Sumhin Brand Hi-PreJt fjt cawee "'ii Moss ' d'tferent . . , lag -' toncentreied , . . franular, C TIME -Js Aoolii eaiilv by mreod- i ViAO t "'Tm " kf hnni, Stayt map U "K " WRIV put; ,, blow owoy. Jffft.y ff MONEY fc EP"I 5 timet "'""j' I Tot,:- 'jo BUY WHERE LgpJ-f YOU SHARE $fpf IN THE SAVINCS Phon OR 2-2483 fcCi2SST W, Woihiniroii or i t. Trock J lobf, OrfO f FREE PARKING AT i game of St. Louis by holding off a late Brooklyn spurt tor a 8-7 vic tory with the help of homers by Eddie Mathews, Dei Rice, Johnny ! Logan and Henry Aaron. I Cincinnati split a pair with New York, losing the first in 14 innings ! 7-6 when Willie Mays hit two honi jers. ami a triple. The Redlegs ; pulled out the second game 3-2 on TED WILLIAMS , . setting hot pace. Seattle Boxing Tourney Ends; Portlander Wins SEATTLE t Handsome, rtirv.ha'irp Hlllp Hav Pm-fv, nil San Jose, Calif., who had to jump to tag lanky Jose Rigores of Cu- i ba, was picked as the most color ful fighter of She Internationul Amateur Boxing Tournament; which ended here Saturday night, j Perez, a serviceman fighting on i the Hawaiian team, whipped Ri gores in the 112-pound finals to take one of the 10 diamond hetis awarded to the champions of the weight divisions. Mexico's Jorge Garcia, Im pounder who won his country's only international title, was picked as the outstanding fighter. Willie Noel of Canada, eliminated in the early rounds, was named most courageous. Chosen as the outstanding bout of the entire three-day affair was a bhstering 165-pound battle in the finals, in which Tony Pascua of Hawaii edged on! the American AAU cham?, Alex Ford of Youngs-1 1 CT town, O. railed Slates which had seven) 'Terry Long with 3-4 was the tup fighters m he finals and torn: ; bMtr gr Driim followed by Sha--three titles. Hawaii and Cuba also 0seB witb 2.j Kor Oakland, winning three titles each, placeu c!arit L ong was the ieadi ng batter second and third, respectively. wy(, 2-4, Mexico, wmi one cfiiiinpioitsinp, 0,,,-lh (-.i fifth rhin ,,,. ,.,., .,.., " Sixin ami japim sevemfi. Kesturs oi me cnampioiismp : bouts: I 178 pounds Willie Richardson, Portland, Ore., defeated Lindy Lindmoser, Canada. The St. Louis Cardinal 1957 ros ter included four Smiths Robert ;., Bobbv Cene. Harold Rand SmTh ind C.M h as A! j Smith. Jon Ilaaven, North Dakota iter, holds the Loyola of Chicago, neimiousc s " i .,,,u,, . points m one game. , ... ,. ... , . iiuuc udiiic is un5M miw i rtnst hobolhall ri, !,! Thou f irvt oldest basketball rival. They first met in 1908 and have played 73 times. THE FARM BUREAU a six-hitler by rookie Vicente Amor, Chicago climbed out of the cellar by beating Pittsburgh twice 6-0 be hind Moe Drabowsky and 3-2 on Jack Liltrell's pinch double in the Hlh, spoiling Danny Murlaugh's debut os Pirate manager. Slaughter drove in four runs off Gray while Whitey Korti rolled to his seventh win on a six - hitter. Alter Tommy Byrne blew a 4-1 load in he second game, it was Slaughter's hit that finally hung a 10th defeat on relief man Bob Lemon. Williams Hitting .38? Although Mickey Mantle had five hits in the doublchearter, sending his average to .368, he still was far behind Boston's Ted Williams who moved up to .389 with three singles in four trips against Dick Donovan of Chicago. Donovan went all Ihe way for the fourth straight time to win his 12th despite 14 Boston hits. Loes' shutout was his fifth vic tory over Kansas City among his 11 wins, lie struck out eight and didn't walk a man, lioy Sievers failed in his attempt So break the American League hecord that he tied Saturday by .lilting homers in six consecutive ! C'imft ttmvpvpr iVlp linmos Wilt Boiling, Rocky Bridges and Kddie Yost of the Senators and Bill Tultle, Ray Boone and Al Ka Itne of the Tigers homered. In the National, Ihe Cards eight game winning steak was snapped by Haddix when Larry Jackson walked in the winning run in the 12th. McDaniei helped his own cause with a freak double that dropped near home plate and led to the ftrsl Card run when Al Dark tripled. The bonus pitcher nursed a 2-1 lead until the eighth when two singles and Granny Hamner's two-base error let St. Louis pick up two more off Curt Simmons who had just replaced Warren Hacker. Warren Spahn, who seldom works against Brooklyn, faced the Dodgers for ihe first time since June 5, 1936 to put down a late rally. i Drain Silk Sox hAvtinff fln loflfl mjhh TIMBERETTES LEAGUE W L Pel, ,,.., Oakland 4 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 Myrtle Creek tit'een Yoncalla The Drain Silk Sox moved closer to the loop lead in the TimberetU's Girls Softball League with a 13-4 win over league-leading Oakland in a game played on the Drain Uelu Saturday morntn Never behind, the Drain team scored three rims in the last of the first inning, added a single run ia the third, two in the fourth and seven in the fifth to win the game easily In the big fifth inning for Drain J"s an,d lw0 ak-1,iLmli en,ors riiH afl fho rfn matrix iififh tha L-ot." in .jnr :y"ldUU Iflt 020 0 4 5 a Dram 301 270 x IS 14 ?, Kcnlev and Ross- Johnson and weaver, WP: Johnson. LP: Kenlev. Woman Swimmer Fails In Straits Attempt- VICTORIA, B.C. Myr Thompson, 22-year-old San Kran- ,L TZ I Miss Thompson made an ex- cen-,!1?"?!, J6;h.0:UI ..,3 raU Vancmlvpr ,s)aml from Washington State's Olympic Pemii- SUa m tne second annual mass jswim behveen victoria and Port Anseles, Wash. The swim has ,,, mafi nnlv three times uCen IIlHOt OIIIV Uli It linn s. Just as the California girl was close enough to the Washington shore to see people on the beach on Ediz Hook at Port Angeles, the Iticle turned and started to carry ! her out to sea and away from her goal. , College Atl-Stars Grid For Friday Tiir CHICAGO The College All Stars return to work MomSav ; afler a Sunday holiday to finish i preparations for their Friday night football date against the New York Giants at Soldier field. So far, progress in the Ail Star camp has been moderate but Coach Curly Lamhean has hopes that his team's balance will bring on a victory over the National Football League champions, j After studying movies of prevl l otis workouts, Lambeau plans to ' make several changes which will ; aid his aim of upsetting the f It ! ants. Lambeau did not indicate what changes he will make. ROSEBURG flit ttmiutu """"CXV ! V 5 PROUD AND SMILING is John Wiiverding of Roseburg, shown here with ors umdentifiead young lady offer winning the A-trophy dash for the first time in his facing career Saturday night at the Roseburg Speedway. He also placed sixth in the A-moirt event to round out a good everting of hardtop racing. (Dick Gffmars). Art Pollard Ekes Out Close Win In A-Main Hardtop Race Art Pollard with a iasf-mtmttei B-maitt event; I, Johnny Bar dash won the Amain event at the Iron, H, (37 , 2. Ansel Dewey, CB, Roseburg Speedway Saturday night, edging out Jim Standiey by about six feet is one of the most thrilling finishes seen on the local hardtop track m several weeKs. t or ttie past live weens uianniey and Pollard have been alternat ing wins in the A-maia event, wtth first one and then the other taking home the top prize. A not-too-ciose third was Whitey Dage. Standiey. driving car No. ii. is the point leader of the season fol lowed by Pollard in ear No. ST. Top winner in the B-maui event was Johnny Barron of Roseburg driving car No. 37 followed by An sel Dewey of Coos Bay in car No. 30. This was the first B-main event win of the year for Barron and the first time in several weeks (hat a Roseburg driver has won the B-mam event. Winner of the A-trophy dash, for the first time in several years. was John Wilverding of Roseburg in car No, 8 followed by Foliard in second place. B-trophy dash winner was Russ Warner of Coos Bay in car No. 32 followed by Bill Appleby, also of Coos Bay at car No. 64. Races are again scheduled for next Saturday night with the time trials slated to start at 7 p.m. and the races at 8 p.m. Results: A-mairt event: 1. Art Pollard, R, (87). 2, Jim Standiey, R, (221. 3. Whitey Dage, R, U?. 4. Bill Metxger, R, (&&. S. Jim Cumming, R, (36), Fighter Of Month Awarded Patterson NEW YORK m Floyd Pat terson's tenth round technical knockout of Tommy (Hurricane) Jackson won "Fighter of the Slonth" honors for the heavy weight champion and dropped the Hurricane from the top contend er's position. Eddie Machen, undefeated Red ding, Calif., puncher, was pro moted to the No. 1 spot in lha latest Ring Magazine ratings -e-leascd Friday. In another change, light heavy weight champion Archie Moore, preparing for a title defense against Tony Anthony, was drop ped from the heavyweight list and replaced Isy Alex Mifeff, undefeat ed Aruentine better. Sftteff was given the 10th position as he mafie the elite list for the first time, There were wholesale changes in the we!terwei2ht division where former champion Kid Gavtlan rf rst race attse Mutmomah Cotm Cuba and veteran Gil Turner of Fair. 'as sstspenrfed from the Philadelphia moved hack into the ra a FPlfr ranltings, Gavilan, bv ttpsettmg 8 hoard of Stewards took the Mexico's Caspar Ortega, won the fct?on, ftlcrI rP eimmtssion 10th place. Turner gained the ninth trotteologijt Dr Wil tsm Todd re peg fiv whipping Del Flanagan oft ported that the horse showed ci pi 'il!.ff..n uj (temnien 'from fifth to eighth. Hudson Cub Marches Pro Team Selected PORTLAND, Ore. tfi A pro fessional team of 10 golfers, fire from Oregon and five from Wash ington, was selected Saturday to play in the annual Hudson Cup matches at ftleatora, ore,, sept. against the Northwest's top amateurs. The pro team wil! consist of Eddie tlogan. Rave Kiiien and Bob Diiflen of Portland. Bob Me Kendrick of Oswego, Bunny Ma son of Salem, ,!oe Greer of Yaki ma, Bill Welch of Tri-CiSy, Kay jttansbcrger af Seattle and Chuck iCongdon and Al Keldman of Ta- eosna. Named alternates were Larry Lamberger of Porfiand, Harold West of Kugene and Joe Stelger of Spokane. The 10 amateur golfers will be selected later. Three amateur title winners are automatically mem bers of the learn. They are Bill Warner of Spokane, Pacific Northwest amateur champion; Bob Kidd, British Columbia cham pion: and Ad Huycke of Portland, t Oregon titlist. RCA World's Chompionthip RODEO SAT. & SUN, 2:30 P.M. Bigfim Rodeo At It'i Bejt! Adult) $1 00 Kid 50 t Ustt 51. JO DOUGLAS AUGUST 22 to 25 (30!, 3, Bill MeCait, CB, (22). i Bill Appleby, CB. (Uh 5. Jim Thornburg, CB. (27), A-tronfty dash; I, John Wilver ding, K, (6). 2. Art Pollard, R. (87), 3. Bill Metzger, R. (89), 4. Roberts, P, (5gl, 5, Ray Arthur, R, (17). B-trophy dash; 1. Russ Warner, CB, (32). 2. Bill Appleby. CB. f. X Bill MeCaii, CB, (22). t. Grant teero, K, (zbj. Glendale Loggers Drop 6-5 Verdict ROGUE VALLEY LEAGUE W 8 5 5 4 3 3 1 L Pet. It 1.000 Medford Cave Juneiioti Talent .Kt5 ,558 ,40tt ,429 .375 J25 Glendale Butte Falls Camp Whits grants Pass Glendale Loggers fell deeper into i fourth place in the Rogue Valley naseuatl league as they absorbed their second loss is a row, this time to Talent by the score of 6-5, in a game played at Talent Sunday, A single ran in the last of the ninth inning for Talent gave them the win after Glendale had tied the score with four runs in the top of the seventh inning. Glendale scored a single run in the top of the sixth inning on a dou ble by Ray Munyon and infield out and then added their four rims in the seventh to fie the score. Sin gles by Tom PresUanni and Bill Walton, a double by Troy Reynolds and two latent errors gave Gtett' dale their four runs. In the last of the ninth inning tne winning run was scored bv 1 al- ent on a triple by Gene Parent, the third of the game for Talent, ami a game winning single by Pete Louon. Munyon with 3-4 was the top Glendale batter followed by Walton with 2-4. No Talent batter collected more (ban one hit m the game Glendale i t 4 5 8 2 Talent 206 (KM 0016 6 2 Brown, Mousehaw (5) and Sfus- yon; Fitch and McAbee. WP; Fitch. LP: Mosehkau. Horse Owner Suspended At Muitnomah Co, Fair ,.Dr-cll.,, , . &RE&HAM Wt - I L. Barnes, f Harney Star, the. horse .n Thnrsday s traces oi a stimiitam Barnes was penalized on a charge of failing to guartf his horse before the race. He denied any wrongdoing. The $400 purse was impounded, subject to redistribution. Retting returns are not affected by the action. Before you take year vacation take this first steps Phone nearest agent ef Farmers insurance Group sk him to check your peiieie t be sure joti're adequately wttred against H hazards So J'OHF 31" your home your business your Income your life Yon can get ihe greatest, widest coverage in insurance history for every imaginable pent at stantia! savings in cost from yro tfft . mteit n wstNtss SEE CLARENCE V. DeCAMP DISTRICT MANAGER 1601 S. E, Stephens OR 2-2618 Portland PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE S( W i. Pet, San Francises Vancouver 69 7 6S 51 6 S2 K 52 62 57 5 78 T4 7S .560 .. ,5S2 Hollywood bait Dtega Seattle ,521 g'.i Los Angeles Portland; Sacramento .74 14 a 26 .JTffSfWi Sunday Hollywood 4-5, San Francisco I T Vancouver 3-1, San Diegs 2-9 Seattle 6-S, Lss Angeles S-S Portland 2-4, Sacramento t-l Sturday Rjiiil'j San Francisco S, Hollywood T Portland 2, Saeraiaents 1 Seattle 11, Los Angeles ft San uiega at v attcouver, postponed By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Portland finally won its first dsubleheader of She year, and climbed out of the Coast League cellar Sunday with a 2-1 and 4-2 victories over Sacramento, It was the first time the Port- landers have won both gamea of a twin bill this season. The result left Portland a half game ahead of Sacramento. Portland defeated Mute Coen of Roseburg in the first game, 2-t, pausing a loth defeat sa coen against 2 wins, Coen pitched well, but was the victim of a first- inning error, when the Sacra mento infield basted away doubleplay halt, opening Use way for bath Portland runs. Coen blanked Portland thereafter. He gave up only three hits and struck out nine men. Seattle also swept a double- header, downing Lss Angeles, 6-J and 8-7, San Francisco held first place, but other clubs chanced position. San Francisco maintains it tottr-Baiue Pacific Coast League lead Monday, but changes mark the rest ef the standings. Vancouver knocked San Diego sttt of second place by winning twice Sunday 3-2 and 1-0, the Padres tumbling to fourth. llollvwsod bung on. just o s e percentage point behind second place Vancouver, by splitting s uair ef extra-isming games with Satt Fraacssca. The Stars wsit a 12-isning first game 4-J white the Seals took a scheduled seven-in-nmz niehtcao T-6 in nine innings. Joe Frazser s nut somer or me season aceauaiea sor au mee Vancouver runs and the f t r t game victory ever San Diego, HautHse taartie neamon ana Padre Hank Agmrre dueled tor eight scoreless timings in the nightcap. Doian Nichols replaced Agtitrre on the moumi atter mree Mountie stogies to the ninth and Yesterday's Stars By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BATTING Knos Slaughter, Yanks Col lected five hits in double win over Cleveland 5-2 and 6-5 boosting his major league total to 2,301 tuts. Hit three-nm homer to sew up opener and wan second with ninth- mmng single, PITCHING Harvey Haddix, Phillies Tamed former St. Louis mates with 62-3 shutout trmtog of relief pitching in first game 5-4 Philadelphia vie-' torv in 12 innings. He allowed only one hit and struck sttt IS. Ring Record By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOLLYWOOD, Calif. Pautls Arastearf, 131, Los Angeles, out pointed Laura Saiss, m, Mexies, M MUSKEGON Mich. Kenny Lane, 135, Muskegon, outpointed Teddv (Red Topi Davis, 137, Hartford. Gens.. 10. TOKYO Hirssht Okawa, tffli, Janan, outpointed Ifideto Koba- yasbi. 1S2!A, Japan, 10. MKXICO CITV Roberto Gar cia, i25Vi, Mexico, outpointed Guillerme Medina, 128, Yenestie. la, 10. : Seven current er past Michigan State athletes took part in the ;I95 Olympic games in Melbourne. natevcr Happens I have the hesi possible protection nearlj sub r ,JltiJll.l.lWJ J. X Man. At. 5, 1937 The Nwt-Rttt Rsttbgrg, Ore, 9 Sweeps Ktefcels tleliverwl a wild pitcis sss 2-2 emmf md let Frailer score the gattte's bms tally, BUI Causion's pinch double drove in Carlos Bensier astd gave Hollywood the wtftttssg edge m tlss 12-oming opener at San Francts- es. The Seals' Marty Kewtgh had homered is (be eighth, tytog the esant at 3-3. Bob Garher detsvered the gopher ball but gqt credit far the victory, then was charged w f t ft the second game lass after reliev ing In the fifth. Lea Ktely, taking ever for the Seals to the eighth of the extended stghtcap, Botched Sutherlin Finishes 2nd CASCADE LEAGUS W L Pet. Dexter II 2 ,818 Satherlin to 5 ,76 Csbttfg ! t Cottage Grovt S 6 J9 MeKenzie 6 6 .WW Junction City I 5 MS Cteswelt ft 10 .890 Sutherlin ended ft regular sea son play in the Cascade baseball league with a close 94 wist over Csttaee Grave in a earns played on the Cottage Grove field Sun day, The win tor Stttberlto puts them fe second place in the standings with a IQ-S record agamsf the mark ef first place Dexter, who had a we Sunday, Winning pitcher in the game was Bill Qerdtog, while the loser was Leon Hayes. Sutheriin took a lead m the seeemo mmm ana was nev er behind, although Cottage Grove scored five runs to the seventh in ning to narrow the gap. tadtne tsafler in the same Satherlra was Cart Bay with 2-S followed bv Ntib Beamer Willi 2-4. Sutheriin 023 820 HO 9 10 S C. Grove ' 001 000 520 S 1 3 : Oertltog and Beamer; Hayes Wyant (il md Smith, WP: Genimg. LPr ffayes. Sports lit Brief B THE ASSfKSATED PRESS GOLF CHICAGO Ronerto de Vicen- m. Mextes Utt, sttet a m isf a ,M-hole total of WT and a 4-stroke lead t WO All Amefteaa pro Usurnament, Jackie Pung let the women ores wfta a ztst. HBB8HEY, Pa. Pen Ks&tg, ItuttanaBotis, won tiie Natiaaat Public Links title wih a 8 and 5 vii'issy ever Gene Tuvtry, BaRas. BA5)ta!,i. fJiilCAGO Bofcby Bragan was Eire-i as manager of the Pitts twrBh Ptrates and ippiaeed fcf TENNIS BOSTON United States d? feated Bra?.ii 5-t ift the finaii s tfte Bavis Cap's Monli AtBentaaj Zone competition. I SOUTHAMPTON, N Y. A5 tsaiia's Soy Emersar led 'V:.i'. net Rerei, Alamed f, ',altf., 18-S, j 1-9 v?hen i-ain fsreest (I'jsf panemettt ' of tlteir title match tn SieRdov' Chsb Tournament. KALAMA200, Bm. A a n ftaiseits, Brooklyn, won - tne nn-t btBbl iaa.it title ssai Kilt BiMl,! L-Jolta, Calif,, totk the fray s ehssjptonship. SWIMMIHG PHiLABELPltlA Frank Me-S Kinnev Jr.. useetf the tmlfanapo-; Its A.C, !o the team title w uie national AAlf championships wilh a record smashing periormsnee in tiie 100-meter backstroke and recortf-matehmg time m tne aw meter backstroke. Dick Hanley, Betrott A,t, and George Breen, Buffalo A.C, also scored dottbies, Tom Wilson of the Les Angeles Rams led the Matisoat Feetball league in kickoff returns in 1958, lie earnest 15 retains for 477 yarns. ATTENTION POULTRYMEN! Now, In AH UMPQUA Brand LAYER FEEDS TERRAMYCIN Definitely proven in actual nrhe-farm use, it mil , , , 1 Extend period of high egg production 2, Improye normal egg production 3, Improve feed efficiency 4, Improve fertility mi haiehabiiity W hivti t4d& TERRAMYC1N to our Uying feedt it no mcroctc m price to our customers, If you want to prevent that "Summer Slump", iim UMPQUA BRAND Ltyr Feeds wtth TER RAMYCiN, Douglas County Flour Mill tint Sr, Between Oak & Ct Ptent OR 2-2641 Twin Bill his ITtb triumph against three tosses. Frank Ketiert'a bases-loaded drive off the left field watt de cided the finale for the Soate, Ttes Stars ruined pitcher Bob, Cha fcates' debut by shelling hint for five rons is the first inning and another in the seesnd. The parent Boston Kea sox sent t-nasales to Saa Francisco last week to net ster the Seals fettering pitching staff. Bob Alexander scattered seven hits to the Scions in winning th opener and proving that the Beav ers' two flrst-Bsstng russs were at! be needed. He fanned: eigist and gave up his only ran in Use fifth on a watie and: a double. Portland's Ltiis Mareses tied the Bighteap 2-2 with as, inside the park homer. On tea chase, Ai Heist ran into the cenferfieH nee and the ball hit him sa the noggin. Frank Csrswett a tws-wfi pinch single with the 6gs load ed won the contest for Portland, Lss Angeles ooeses boat mantes against Seattle with three-ran first innings, but the Rainiers couJdttt be held, A fsur-run Rainier explo sion in the seventh was enough to take the first game. Hat Sevan homered far the winners in both contests and led the nightcap at tack with four rans. Asget eenterfiefeter wssajr Wad started mfo the stand for a heckler after he sfraek ai in the second game but was restrained by Coach Jackie Warner. On Saturday, Saa Francises beat Hollywood 9-T, Seattle took Lss Angefes and Portland edged Sacramento 2-1. Sss Diegs nd Vancouver were rained eat. The tineseores: t First game; Portland 200 099 0082 S 5 Sacraments Ooa otj aaat 1 4 Alexander and Bottler; Coen and Barrggan. Second game; Portland . 800 m 04 7 t Sacraments 00120(181 S I : Kaiser, Shore S and Bottler; Stanka sod Neah Announcer To B Given Comeback Chance Or CES NEW YORE m Veteran sports attitotmcer Ted Busing wilt feavs a chance to make a comeback. Tise Csiameis Brsadcastissg Sys tent attttotmced it has signed hint to a mw contract, effecttvs Msa slay, Httsing, suffering from a brain tninor since ISSt, fesd dropped at alter S5 years in radio, Bat Pasadena, Calif., he said he's im f roving sow and his, eyesight i etter, CBS said the Sfr-veer-eid snnoe- er will do color on football and horseracmg at the otitset. Has tog first joined CBS in ISZJ. LOOKING FOR A BUY IN CHILDREN'S SHOES? I Gcos jhaas. It' 3 ton$-run 1 PAVi'S A SAVES g3 MONEY