12 The Newt-Review, Roscburg, Ore Mon. Aug. 5, 19S7 Business, Pinched By Tight Money And Sluggish Sales; Now Looks To Washington By WALTER BREEDE Jr. NEW YORK Wi Business, pinched by tight money and slug gish sales, looked cautiously to Washington this week for reme dial action. Chances of an early turnabout in the government's monetary pol icy seemed slight. Price increases (aluminum up 4 per cent, tires up 3 to 5 per cent, hogs at their highest level in three years) ap parently ruled out any drastic changes now. Indications were that the pres- ent anti-inflation policy of letting interest rates Seek their own level. and not pumping up the credit and money supply, would con tinue. But there were broad hints, of government aid from other quar ters. Biggest splash was created by news that the federal government had earmarked nearly three bil lion dollars for road building in the fiscal year starting next July. The money will go to the states. Lion's share about two billion dollars will be spent on a 41,-000-mile network of limited access superhighways. Home builders eagerly awaited word that the government would lift the present five per cent in terest rate on mortgages insured by the federal housing adminis tration. For some time now, bankers and other lenders have shied away from government-backed mort gages with fixed interest rates. They have been putting their money into other loans where the return is greater. Interest on t'HA loans can be hiked to 5'4 per cent under the Criminologist Named Head Of State Institutions By Washington's Governor (ADV FOR USE AT 7PM PST.and Parole Assn., who termed OLYMPIA W1 Garrett Heyns, 66-year-old Michigan criminologist was appointed director of the Washington State Department of Institutions Saturday uy tiov. Kosellini. lleyns, a veteran of 20 years experience with Michigan penal in stitutions, has been warden of the Michigan State Reformatory at Ionia, since 1949. Heyns will take over his new position the end of August, succeeding Thomas A. Harris, who resigned last October. The post has been handled since then by an acting director, Dr. O. Lee Sandritter, who presumably will return full-time to his regular po sition as superintendent of East ern State Hospital at Medical Lake. When the new director steps into the $20.000-a-year job, he will be faced with a recent record of turmoil at various institutions, in cluding investigations of personnel and food conditions at Western State Hospital and a disturbance at the (ireen Hill state school for bovs at Chehalis. His daughter. Mrs. Ralph II. Rudeen of nearby Laccy, said he has been through similar situa tions in Michigan. (iov. Kosellini said Heyns had been highly recommended by lead ers of national correctional associ ations, including the executive di rector of tho National Probation Wedding Ends Hospital Stay Of 15 Years For Paraplegic CHICAGO, (B A wedcliiiK has , divorced. Kosler and his first wife rnded a 15 - year stay in Cook: were divorced after he was hos Coiinly Hospital for Cornelius pitalizpd. (Hud) Koster, victim of a 1 1942 1 The new Mrs. Koster. a tele nuto mishap that crushed his phone company supervisor, first sumo mid cost him both leus Koster has lain on his stomach for most of the 15 years. But Fri day he sat up in a wheel chair anil exehanued ninrriuKu vows with Mrs. Joseph Masterson, 40. 11 was a memorable day. "I'm the happiest man in the world." Koster said. It was also, coinci- dentallv, Rosters :isth birthday Koster has had 21 operations j since he entered the luopital. Me ; . ... - 1.1 ruui - ... I li .is iri-nti-u n'.ru ?ihms hi tiuii Iht pain nnd will continue to take ' injections of morphine every three hours. In two operations, surgeons re-j moved Hosier's leijs. After lona practice, he can sit up in a wheel- i hair a fent lie first ncromplish I'd only (Mtihl clays iiko. liolli Hosier and his hriilo are Mare rarolo Board Will Rcviow Sentence SAI.K.M I - The stale Parole), Uns is a 14 per cent deerease Hoard will review in November ! '''"'J1 'b 2.P'.2".U reeeived from the hfe prison sentence of Much limber sales the previous year. 'Aiiliemonl. one of three brothers i N iwl T- ll,'i,l, "' lhl' snul. who dvniiiniled a Southern Pacific However, the total feet sold last mail tram in 1K'3 year was only fi per cent under The cases of Huch's older j""-' Previous year's total, brothers, twins Uav and Hoy, will' Heath said the slump in the not be up for review nt that time. 'I'linbor market was responsible Warden Clarence (Madden has fr the drop in salts, advised the parole board that: lliilth's adjustment has been "ex cellent." lie is a linotype operator and for a limit lime he was editor of the prison niai:;i7inc. Iluith was 19 at the time lie and Ins brothers dynamited the train. Four men were killed in the robbery. j I LAYING UP TANKERS SAN FRANCISCO - Tho Mimary noa iransponauon mtv-i Hntii .ilumlna lo ottinalf al ,;.! of ' , eT-., ,T ro.irV . ! "'I1 t . ""rl,y un tn! nd- Ur r" " . .-.r I ' ' j. . 7 ---mo b.u ICO Mlrt MllUHlay t IS ia.ll U,, ,It. ,.., f that pn.MlHTS Mate ol O.ea.m Mr DomtUs f,.v. Xo-um 7.' J 1, I J'm Da-rt 7 the" ' Kn pCV NewlVWedS Attention .r'zTfoTlTp Thry are (ho Ksnnnhia. IVlM-1 i,,lMll ,,:,n are Iumiik nu.lt fur , :' r'lmeV f'.. e :rrien..,11" r7-;7 aches near Tenmtle7p:e.,tr of wa7 ---0 WWn Furnished , Trlr: i, T iVn" or 2l'' He Hull Javk and Iut io I ,u ,r of C auat.a. , 1 1l " 'i Ar I.HV-UU tilt for our Of them Tile SloiV UVI Ihe Winrrs U .'!""- ?!""". '""'". " '""' i..n, wilh.n I ,ToS .'i":1' ln '"" !r..,n hoppint wnl.'r in Win.lon. OR ! TWO HOO.M turn.Vliod. AjIlU. 3 it tvill hp at Olympia, Wash. T li e fifth will Ko cither to Olympia orjhia i housing act signed last month by 1 ii. 1 . - ricamcm i-.inuiuiuwci . Voices plumping for a bigger dose of government help to busi ness were heard in Congress this week. A joint congressional economic subcommittee announced plans for a series of full-dress hearings. Heading the agenda will be a dis cussion of federal spending a study of how government-financed projects can revive the lagging business boom. The aircraft industry, hit by fall ing defense orders, scheduled fur- i ther cutbacks. Boeing Airplane , Co. will reduce its Seattle and Wichita payrolls by several thou sand. further layoffs loomed in the lead and zinc mining industry. The Office of Defense Mobiliza tion announced it will stop buy ing lead and zinc for the strate gic stockpile in a few months. Many producers had hoped the program would continue for a year or longer. On the civilian front, auto sales fell below earlier expectations. Healers, striving to whittle down an Aug. 1 inventory of 775,000 brand new cars, stepped up their sales promotion efforts so m e gave away ponies and air condi tioners with each 1957 model sold. Their problem is to clear out the 1957's before the 1958's go on sale two or three months from now. Taken as a whole, the nation s business was far from bad this week. Total activity was close to a record hiiih. But the boom lacked much of the zip and bounce that many businessmen had been used to. And there were some who said it was more than just the usual summer letdown. lleyns one oi me clearest uiniR ing men in the institutions field." Kosellini said: "One of the problems we faced in making the appointment was my own wish to name a Wash ington man to fill the position. However we found the slatulory requirements for institutional ex perience eliminated many of our able, qualified administrators and that we were unable to find a Washington man outside the State Department of Institutions. "We fell it desirable that some one outside the department be ob tained for the director's post to insure a fresh and objective view of our institutional problems." Rosellini said he had discussed lleyns' appointment with some of the members of the Stale Advis ory Committee on Insilutions, before-making the selection. lleyns, who 'was in Olympia about a week ago. is a former di rector of the Michigan Depart ment of Corrcclions, Probations and Paroles; a former director of the Michigan Department of Adult Correction, and former head of the Boys' Voralional and Training School ill Michigan. He is a former high school and college teacher and holds a doc tor of philosophy degree from the University of Michigan. He has held several offices in nation al professional associations and has acled in an advisory capacity to federl government agencies. saw Hud eii;lit years ay.o when she came to Ins ward at the hos pital to visit her sin, John, a victim of rercbral palsy. "1 liked Hud the day I met him in lillil," she said. "1 thought: 'what tremendous courage!'" The couple moved into a new five-room brick home in a Clnea K suburb after the wedilinK. The house has ramps for Hud's wheel- chair. U.i.. , - l.A . ....... 11,11 a juu 1 1 11 i piiniplruica Manufacturing Co., j i tinn thai employs hauthcapped men ,0 Cr C. Coof Bay Wagon Road Timber Sales Told I l'OIU'l.ANI) Timber sales on Oregon & California anil Cons sih.ml' .212 m ihe past vear, ihe ',",1Ta;! nf .ManaKi-nu-m said Princess Margaret May Visit Canada Next Year TORONTO, t The Toronto Tolocram said in a dispatch from Ottawa Saturday Ihat Princess Margaret will visit Canada for the fnsl time next year. sMrr of the (JuVrn will' Ko lo schnltiU'd to visit Hriti.sli i'uluin- in July, prob.ihly Ktnn hy : OUT OUR WAY V ff?Y J NO, I NEVER NOT ME.'TH' ) V,'"Y KIM LEAVE- VERV PAV I JWJ&Wf MY PA'S HEALTH SET A PAIR OF -HW I IS BAP AW I'LL I LOWS PAWTS ON ) f'-SiPiV'-y': HAVE TO GET V THESE LESS ) V. i " ' A JOB IW TH' THEY'LL BE yMlVt'v-'fV SHOPS E(? V WIWSS.' , 1- -JsE? ' HE AMP I HE'S SURE HE MISSEP SOME PAEAPISE ii,lilM t , BECAUSE HE HAP TO STICK iwoflll I'r.rt AWPSEIMP... vrWW TC''' V s AM SURE MprPi$ s . I RASSEP rt SOMEWHERE HTw'',Vl', 4 . FAR BEHIWP. it'.? hr r Wn. Iw tm Pt V, p1( Of Congressmen Urge More Shipbuilding Share For West WASHINGTON Wi Two Wash ington Iluuse members urged Fri day that congressmen from 11 Western stales try to obtain a larger portion of government shipbuilding, repair and conver sion work for West Coast ship yards. Reps. Pelly and Tollefson, Wash ington Republicans, have asked Hep. Hill (R-Colo), dean of the 11 Western states delegations, to help arrange for consideration of the proposal by Western congress men. They requested that represent atives of tile stales go on record in support of Pacific Coast ship building and that the Maritime Administralion and Navv be urged to pay particular attention to the problem. i Shipyards in other areas are busy," they wrote Hill, "but Pa cific Coast private shipbuilders have not been successful in secur ing adequate contracts to keen employed and the necessary pool f ..i.;n...i V. Ul SMllfU ItllJUl eASCIIUitl lUr a ', moniiizatinn base in the event of ; war. A joint letter calling attention to the situation and asking united support for additional West Coast ship contracts also has been sent by Sens. Magnuson and Jackson Washington Democrats, to sen ators from other Western stales Sluggish Lumber Market Continues Kl'fiENE - Random I.eneths. the KiiEcne weekly lum ber market news letter, said Sat urday the sluggish lumber mar ket continues, but a downward trend in prices seems lo be. temp orarily at least, slowed with pos sible sinns of leveling off." Further price drops are ex pected, however, unless the de mand pace quickens to absorb production. (Ireen fir mills reported a low and limited flow of business with pricing highly competitive. Kven studs, which held to firm prices recently, showed a weakening trend as the marketable volume increased last week. Although pine sales have slightly exceeded production for the pas', several weeks, a wide range of price was reported. Plywood prices dropped to a new base of $H8 a thousand for quarter-inch Al) stock last week. Pcmnnd for sanded stock showed prices have taken another drop, the letler said. LEGAL NOT HE OK SAl.K On the 4th ilnv of SpnlmiilN-r. al the hour of 1000 o'clock A.M.. at the (runt door of the Court llou-e at o-- ....... uIM iiiH, uirK.m. i will rtl- ier lor air and siH t auction lo the "ih'ii - m uuUUt for ca.ii. in foiiowm " r , " tm,rty; HeUHiniiiK al a point on the Vet side of the OAtC Hit runt uf Hay ;u to cli.nni. smiih of l!-e .North l-nim il.try hue of W II Wion utxl wita Di iiBlb'U Utnd t'laun No. 4.V m 'I'm. -hfthip 2.1 South. Ilanite fl West, vl ich 14 a stone 7 x 9 x 1 uvhe.-t ill the Southeast corner of the I.iiuN i wned hy I'ynlln l,tt"luse from ci'inci running then? North H." de K:te 3V Wrl alnt the Mtulheilv line of itaid Crill;i l.rClu e lan.l a ntniie on the West uie nt Section 15 from which 4 Mack oak Mi niche m diameter Ivm North 2)1 deiire Kit ( link dutant and ma iked NIU thence Sou in Ivtween Seetnm l." and Hi. 10 M ehainn to the north n 1) line of the lnU owned t 11 W. Carter and Hife, thenee K.t.t 24 44 ehainn aiotiK the northeitv line of the saul 11 W farter Kind, thenoe South 2& Kant H .t. cli.un a Ion 4 mil e1eily hnr of caul I'arter Lrid; ttienee R.it :M 14 rii.iun aloof v.nd i'jiler'a noithi-ilv iie to the U11I tide of Raid OA 1 Hll riKht of w.n. theme North l.t d.arrei (V' t".t alonK the i.iiii lAtO eluiniH to Hie )l.u e of U'ninmnK. all Ij inn in Sx c tion 1.-. A 10 bruinnlni at pom! 14,10 chain North of the quarter tee I urn corner Itetw-een Section l and to, l'own hip 2 South, Kance .t Wet. run ninR thenee North lt 18 chum to a point V i ehains South of the Nm th rat rot nvr of Se.-tion Its then.-e South 4 denxee Wr-.t 9 7.t eh. una, theme Sooth IS It chains, theme Kat t 70 ehaint to the place of le gmnuif . an 1 mi in Section !(: All of the kUivp Itmn In Section 15 and Itl, ToutwMp 2.1 South. Kantfe & Wei. Willamette M-ridtan. IKmcUt I'ounty. Uieiion Tonether with the p pur lr nance 1 hereunto tlonimf 11) MaiKart Kmnutt rw of Vit p IVimt v ;'iitilictiim' A i) i s iuS7 Di of L( Publication, Auntist 2tt, i - Classified Section LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertising placed from within Koneburir trade area MininSum charge to: any one ad U 50c CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word 5c 2 days per word 7c 3 days per word 9c 4 days per word 1 1 c 5 days per word 12c 6 days per word 13c Line ad, per line a day 18c Line od, repeat insertion, per day 9c Line od, per line, per month 2.35 DISPLAY ADVERTISING First insertion, per col, inch .. $1.60 Repeat insertion, per col. inch 80 I col. inch per month $20.80 National Classified Advertising 25c per line, no repeat rate 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW AIS 11:00 A. M. day previous to publication fWNCKU.ATlONH VP TO M:H0 A. M. ADJUSTMENTS f, vn1l, ,Hu.rllmi.nl annAara lnpni-rA. iy. notify m imnndiateiy w w.u not be resoonsible for more than one in correct insertion. Such responsibility is limited to refund of price paid or cor rect insertion of advertisement. REFUNDS HIT, I, NOT RE HELD MOItR THAN 60 DATS Real Estate 1 Always See ... A Realtor (t will pay you . . . be sure be safe Look for this EMBLEM It means DEPENDABLE Rpal Estat counsel. Only REALTORS dls ply this Emblem. Yes ... It will pay. Always See A Realtor FOR SALE or for rent, 4-hcdroum home with 3 acres; IB miles south of Rose burg on old highway tin. Interviews the week of AuguM 5th At Hnuoli Poa Hunch. Kftitul references required. THREE BEDROOM house in Winston hmith Slopes District. Electric heat, fireplace My emiity S5O0. balance onv. ahle at $dt muth Including taxes. In surance, us H-outu. LEGAL Noriri or Sams For aale bv ten led hid the follou-inn described property located tn the town f witistim. County of Uouala. State of Urettoii, to-wit: Itie easterly 150 feet of the following described real prn(ierlv: Lot Three M, Block Two i2t, Sukudorf Com Junction Villi Traetn. according to the official plat thereof of record and on file In the office of the County Clerk of IlouKia County. Oregon, lesa an Kleven ill foot enaement oil the South tide for road purpose. nouuids iouniv, Oregon. l'rojKTty ronviiis of a sit room mod ern home located on a IM X 111 lot Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, and utility. Attached gnr jige Two fireplacen located just off Konald Street in Winston. S;ile wil! Ite hy sedled hid. Envelope rontnimng bid must be plainly marked. "Sealed Hid " Ple.ise refer lo 1.-74UI-K In all correspondence. A good and nuf ficient Ih.iuI or certified check for ten 1 10' , 1 percent of hid must accompany bid. KiKht is reserved to reject any and all bids Property u,u e old ' as w " Minimum price 11 seven thousand five hundred 7MHtiX) dollar. Minimum ac ceptable term ten 10 ,t percent down, eighteen UH' tats to pav balance on contract. Interest will 1 charged at the rate of fie .V. 1 ()er cent per annum on unpaid Kt l.i nee 1 Hull will le opened In th office nf the underiignetl on August 12, at 3 OU i P m Hate of First Puhhea'kw: July 15. UM?1 Date o( l.it Publicati.'ti: August 3, 157 liHIECl'OH OK VE1FHWS- AFFAIRS State Finance Biiildiiif SaU-m. Oregon Mil II TO t HI IMTOKt Notice is lu n-b i-u tluii the under sinned has Ivmi appointed as adminis UatriX of the estate of Ira Helgerson. decea'd All persons hv inn claims against the said wl.iic nr notified to present the .anie. vei ifuii km required bv taw, t. the undersigned at Roxm fl. United States NmumuI Hank Building, in Howhutir. Oregon, within six months from ihe date of this notice Dated this 2Mh day of Jutv. 1QT A V MOIIH Administrator of the F.Mjte 0f Ua Helgerson, decerl months from i)i .,. Dated this 2Mh day of Jtilv. 1.7 j A V MOHK Administrator of tt feuta of Kslph Kslwrd I luasher, deceased. By J. R. Williams Real Estate 1 . WESTSIDE Pleasant District VERY NICE six room home, with spare bedroom in basement. Hardwood floors throughout; spacious closets; plaster ed; insulated ceilings; Venetian blinds; forced air heat toil furnace i. 71'xUO' lot, with shrubs, shade trees, lawn and garden space. Sewer and street assessments paid. Near schools and stores. 1 block to bus line. WM W. Brown Ave. OR 2-2451. Hucrest LARGE family home. Corner lot, 3 bed room plus 14x25' family room lor 4th BEDROOM). Cedar cathedral ceiling over living, dining nnd kitchen areas. Beautiful Roman brick fireplace. Bath and half. Separate utility room, stor age, room, carport and patio. If sold by AUGUST 15th. ALL FHIG1DAIHE APPLIANCES will he Included. Dish washer, refrigerator, range and freez er. Full price, JlO.OOu. Owner. OR 3-8559. INCOME PROPERTY consisting of 2 duplexes completely furnished. 'Also older type 4-bed room home in good condition. On 1-acre, free soil front ing on 2 streets and the river. Walk ing distance from town. Lots of r.iom for more rentals. Owner will take S4, 500 down, balance terms, or make cash offer. Inquire 124 Mosher. Winston FOR SALE OR TRADE new 3 bed room home and 1 furnished 1-bedroom home. Will consider modern trailer house as part down payment. OS !)-5(illl days, OS 9-5.r4 evenings. Immediate possession ot 1 home. BEAUTIFUL new" 3 bedroom hoTiie, plastered. Roman brick fireplace, elec tric heat, brick front. Tile bath, hard wood floors, birch cabinets. 1700 sq. ft. floor space. Was $17,000, now $14:000. Call OK 2-2369 before S p.m. or OK 3-3185 after 3 p m. W I LL SELL MY equity in 40 aires '20 timber and IS tillable. Well, spring. 3-bedrootn modern house. $t.2UO equity for S2.5O0. Also furniture. 2 miles West of Suthci an, corner Plat M and Duke Hoad 54l'N." E MEADOW LAN E" N i r"e3-bed- room, brick. Oak floors; fireplace; gas furnace: range: ample built-in; car port storage. SIOOU down. Bahtnce at $75 per month inc. taxes, etc. OR 3-8551. BY OWNER, income property for sale, close-in, overlooking city. Residential district. Suitable for 1 or 2, man and son or son-in-law. Home for each with Income. Furnished or unfurnished, rea sonable. Due to age, OK 3-321 ti. 1WO bedroom home. 75x100' lot, topJ balance $2!)50 at month. See at 1746 S. E Starmer St, Roseburg, Oregon. Write V. C. Hashargen. -4022 N.Loina. Hosemead. Calif. ONE bedroom home, nearly finished 3 acres. City water ind sewer. 3 miles north of town. OR 2-M10 or can be seen at 61S N E. Housley. Very low down pay ment, $50 month. LOVELY home in fine nemhborhood. Close to schools, overlooking city. 2 large bedrooms, large living room. 1 nf room, kitchen and dinette, tire- place, large cedar closet, finished garage. Good terms. Phone OR 2-2tt!ll. $200 Down WESTSIDE 2-bedroom cottage with at- tacnea garaKe and new high fence for safety of children and privacy. City sewer, etc.. $6150. $65 uer month. Call Dick Steventtoil. OR 3-4020: eve- . mugs OK 3-744 ! BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED. 6 room home on two larirn lot rimlca inn. i tion in Charter Oaks. Wall to waU carpeting, fireplace, glassed In patio. Must see to appreciate. Owner. Shown by appointment. Ph OR 3-6776. BY OWNER Calkins Hoad area two bedroom home on 70x1 50" lot. Fire place, utility room, attached garaxe. tool shed Full price $7500 Will sell equity at discount or t ike small down. OH 2-1()1 FOR SALE - 2-bedroom house, river front awe. large fireplace, newlv Dins- )ZZ-JJ?C.MU, 1,1ull;-1J1"- ,.fvel' nrd,i and garden. Cah takes the buv of the year or $nmk), terms. OR 2-2H.W ONE BEDROOM home cn 1 acre. Ft liv ers, trees and lovely lawn. City and well water. Will take low down pay ment to reliable people, or. modern 1 -bedroom trailer OS 9-8707 Call eves. LARGE 4 bedroom older home, full basement. Oil furnace. l bath. Con venient to shopping center and school Will trade for property in Kelso, Washington OR 3-fl4."0 TWO BEDROOM modernhoue".com pletely remodeled 3 blocks from The Rose Mntel. A real buy at $6S;0. Call OH 3-rt.ViU FoH SALE - Vet Winston" tedrooni home Has everything Extra large loi t eitm artanged. Midwaj St , OS 9 84J16 TWO bedro.tm house, walking distance to town Will to Mall c.iruet In liwnir I ttHim Greenhouse, neatly laudscapej. I lias heat UK 2 IHH7 TWO tedimm modern house Cost $3500" Will sell SXMK) cash U'j miles out N. Umpqua Hoad, Box lny.R-8. Win, Bear dcn TWO 2-bedroom housea, not modern, approx. 1 acre each Near Tenmtie tirade School. $JX0 and $-t000. OS 9 HWNJ $7N1 DOWN 2 h.Mises on 2 !"k blocks from Mam street and 3 blocks to r S Plwood liood induttrta! prop ertyw ith an Jncouie OR 3-3444 SELL or trada for Eugene h.uise! 6 room house. Winston. E-sntial fur niture. OK 2-3423 NEW a -bed room hout, plastered In- uiaten vestsme OK FOR RENT with optlon"to buv. a bed room homt In Dillard. OS 9-H4.VI. Real Estate 1 Roseburg Realty & Insurance Co. Close In Westside DON'T MISS thii sturdy, well-kept, handsomely carpeted and decuraled 2 br. home if you are trj inf to locate near the hospitals or Hh School. It's expandable if you nerd a 3rd br. On paved street, sidewalk, and city sewer On the rear of the large lot is a neat furnished cottage which is producing a nice little income, freed at 11,5ihj. Reasonable terms can be arranged. CLEAN Weitslde 2 br horn wiln garage and 20x20 workshop. 2 lots. $35JU. You name the terms. ON PAVED street near Umpqua Ply wooo 2 br. home witn douole uaiane and patio. $6400. 350 down. 5ri in - teres t. NEAR City Market. Todd built roomy 2 br. plastered home with big inside utility room and attached garage. His fenced yard. $10,000 at about Sl.uuu CAFE doing good steady business from both city and tourist trade. Plenty cf room for expansion or possible ..dub. Has customer parking space. A real buy priced at about hi If the value of the good equipment and improve ment. PLEASE COME iN OR WftiTE Instead of phoning for information. CITY center roomy 2 br. home with extra glassed-in hobby room or den, and part basement. Economical suw dust furnace. Newly redecorated in terior. Only $.1300 at $5oo down. CLOAKES FERRY vicinity This 3 br. plastered home has a separate dining room, large kitchen, and fireplaces in both the big family room and the liv ing room. 90 x 100 lot. $12,000. FHA or GL Roseburg v Realty Cr Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 2-H344 "OUR 6ERVICK DOKSN'T COST IT PAYS" 4-Br. Home VERY FINE condition inside and out. Living rni., kitchen-dining nn., bath, 2 brs. dn.. 2 up. utility, dbl. garage, lovely yard, lge shade trees, surfaced St., city water. May trade for lge. 2 br. westside or 3 br. home. A real buy al $y,000. Don't wait. See this soon. Choice 3 BR HOME, charming living rm fire place, lge. dinette, kitchen-breakfast nooK, tub and shr., attached garage. Beautiful fenced yard. $14,500. Good terms to reliable party. Spacious WESTSIDE 2 br. home, living-dining rm fireplace, nil heat, nice bath, handy kitchen, garage and port., lge. lot, at. and sewer pd. A very cozy homo in nice district for $10,500. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 723 N. E. Stephens Dial OR 2-3172 HOG RANCH 8 ACRES. 40 acres irrigated, seeded to clover and grass. Mode, collate, out bldgs. Family fruit. Irrigation sys tem included at $14,500. Terms. CHOICE 42 acres on the river, seeded to Clover, this Dillard bottom mil will grow anything. It joins Roseburg Lumber Co. below Dillard. Hiway frontage. Wonderful homesites. It's priced to sell. FIVE acres of Dillard soil on the river. It's tomato and melon ground. $1000 down. LOVELY clean 3 bedroom home. cone. mil. r- w. rioors, irestuv painted in- side and out. Large aarate. nice vard $H250 good terms. It joins the new creamery on Stephens St. e vim mw. or trade. Modern 3 bed- BWk!,u" r acie- "!M0 FT RAILROAD frontage. The samel on niepncjt.s st. excavated. City sewer. Close in Wonderful industrial nrnn. Wonderful IndiiKtrint rr. trridiniPrinrl li,Se" i' do sonie mortgage as part. Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor 1667 SE Stephens Phot OR 3-8378 . j Valley Real Estate 1 W- t r Lease With Uption $61 DOWN. s;tt per month. $1,765 total price. Home Jest aint been took care uv or iintsned. City water. Electricity lt3 The Answer i nrnnonvr t,h h.,itt i . i. r- t-i U. n" . "v, ' . ' acre on Flagg St. Best lncatin there is for children. A real home too. Price $9,300. Low down payment might work. 40 Acre Hideout PERT NI finished home under big shade treos. Good water. Try $3,495. $195 uiMvn. per mo. lis a uiddy. TArt Fnr Tho Mnow -.- ' ' ' ,v ,T,wy ' o compact two bed room homes on two acres of go id garden dirt. Fruits and hemps !t.u chicken house. $11,000 for Imtn This : only 55,500 each $1,500 down, J Valley Real Estate 1117 S.E. STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-40.3 ivwwui ftiu.b SALthMEN: Pocock OR 3-R2."fl O. F. Scone Sutherlin 26i.l Salesman At Broker S, ronce OR 3-3862 i Hot Spot 'frontane on eornVr nf M-U w,r. ' Paved lot. small frame office Suitable ' for car lot. trailer or boat sales. (- flee or clinic building A sood inve-- I iimmi oppnriunii LEASE BY FOR SALE OR Roseburg Realty & I insurance Lo. VMPQl. HOTFT. LOBBY HE.M.TOfS "Our Service Doesn't Cost It P.ivs. !- . -r- i- rnce v.ur 10 ieil LOVELY new 3 lied room house. Fire- place, ba.se Ivard rlectrie hejt 1., of builtms and walkin closets Cover d patio, c.rpotl. Must b seen to be appreciated Sherry St, West Winston os !S7t;4 "Priced To Se ROOM HOVSE a hrdroonu. larire Hv- ii'K rwm sun nrepiace. lull basement "quity at a 'sacrifice. Pawnenis less than rent. Larse lot we' I landseanod. ', pard street and sewer. t,14 .S. E. Lin-1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Irrigated t (arm at Va. Orrxm iftn n,... n.n BloomtrMI a-r., hiihw.v !,,., i o" si"". ti. 1 Real Estate 1 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Low Down Payment ' DID it ever occur to you that pamenl- on a home are a form of saving. have several homes that low down payments will be accepted, with monthly pa menu li-w rent. These homes will sell quickly, so make to day your day of action Call us eve nings if its inconvenient for you to drop by during the day We work the swing shift, all dav, or the "Hoot Owl." Call us anytime. 1. HANDY MAN? 2 bdrm. wests' le close in, sewer, needs some paint, nails, boards, etc. 'JiQ. S3o0 down, balance 75 per month. 1 2. 2' DN. Federal GI Wesl- ido 3 bdrm, j paved street, sewer, $9500. About $200 down. I ! 3. 4 BEDRM. close in $400 down. bat. : 575 per month. Total pries $8,400. Act quick on this genuine baigain. .4 3 PDRM. ranch style. S10.900. Let's i talk terms. 1 S. 4 BDRMS all on one floor, ranch el ie, oak floors, piaster sewer, paved st. S10.9O0. Loh make an of fer on terms. 6. 10 ACRES River Bottom Soil. Choice 2 bdrm. home, near'y 5 acres of walnuts, balance good berry or gar den ground. The equipment is in eluded. Just $17,000. Owner will con sider nice Roscburg home in trade. ORCHARD 3-5340 916 SE. Washington Ave. (between Jackson & Main) Eve. it Sundays Al Hoffman OR 3-53H3 Millard or Marion Magness OR 3-5U17 Income Property SALE OR TRADE FURNISHED apts. -1 blocks to city cen ter. Possible $450 per month income, $5000 down, or will take house or con tract as down payment. Ph. OR 3-B759 afrer 5 or weekends Movers 1-A DON'T MAKE A MOVE' 'til You See Flegel 1 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV. INO OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR 3-4436 Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. Agents For Bekins Moving ' Storaae Co. Business Opportunity 2 SERVICE STATION for lease in Win-slon-Dillard area. This is a modern two-bay unit pumping good gallonage. Excellent opportunity for local man having minimum amount of capital to invest. No prior experience neces- sary, thorough training provided. Con tact Shell Oil Co., 1578 N. E. Airport RotJ0OR 3-6654. HAVE excellent location for garage, welding shop, parts store. Will con struct 20'x40 40'x")0', 40'xl00' bldg. on old Pacific Highway, close to major activities. Call Ray Lehman, OR 3-6193. evenings OR 3-6091. PLYWOOD STOCK for sale, $500 down. balance $2500 on terms. News-Review Box 507. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Umpqua REASONABLE WEEKLY RATES Fur Permanent Guests , JO ANN'S BOARDING HOUSE. Delict- N'S BOARDING HOUSE. Delict- home cooking. Plenty parking ous nome cooKing. nemy paring cireen School. $60 per month C space. Board and room $20.00 week. 0R 3-4020. evenings OR. 5 miles S. on old Highway BO. f - OR 3-7947. HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, parking. ROOMS with or without private bath ; ' "a-mngton. LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, clo-e In. Utilities paid, $10 per week; ! nark ins suat-e. 525 Lane SL hotel GRAND Lowest rates. Hotel : services. SLEEPING rooms for men. Clean, com-1 Un table, close in. :02 SE. Pitzer. ROOM and board, $.5 month. Inquire ICW FHon l.:mr 162S Eden Lane. UGHT housekeeping room, everything. furnished. OR ;t-j!40. LAKGE, front sleeping room, close In. OR 3-6302 or OR -518. BOARD and room for elderly lady. Ex- ccllfnt fnod and care; OH 3-52!)4.; SLEEPING" rooms. 605 S.Mosher. OR HOUSEKEEPING room. 446 N.E. Jack- son. SLEEPING ROOM. 7:!2 S.E. Jackson, next door to Penney's. OR 3-3328. FURNISHED, quiet sleeping rooms. S22 0 per month OR H-5940. rqqmi213s E'poucias. SLEEPING ROOM. 340 "s'e. Pine. Af- Zm Da yl f APTS. TCI K6nT "t NICE APARTMENT. FnrnLshed or un furnished. J-rooms and tile bath. Nice view. Water, garbage and washing fa cilities. S47.50. 2660 N. E. Stephens. IN WINSTON, furnished 1, 2. or 3-room modern apartments, Utilities paid, $10 week and up. Phone OS 9-8919, Baker's Trailer Park. ATTRACTIVE, bachelor apt., furnished, private entrance, very modern TWO ROOM furnished apartment, or 3 room unfurnished apartment. A 1 I stoves furnished. Clean and close in. S40 Call OR 3-H461 or OH 3-7016 ONE BEDROOM, clean parti; furnish- Sui tattle for couple w 1th small hi Id S.' pa rate from house. 647 W. .it ton. OH 2-40 U MODERN 2-bedroom duplex, unfurnish- i..ine scnuoi. UK .i-.rtz. , NICE 3-room apartment, mostly fur-' mshed including all appliances. Ph. i OH 2-2547. ; j CLEAN, redecorated unfurnished apts. j Phone OH' 3-60:22. ' ' I 1 and bath, close in. Adults. 1014 S K. I Pmf. Apt APTS for rent il Sfi5: 2i S4-i Gar-1 h-iC and water furnished. 1303 S E. st i ATTRACTIVE rrnim furnished apt. j IS;, C,- 'n Adu,,s- 1;!''2 S'E'j n.HHa. . j THREE ROOM apt with bath, no utll- f ittrs, ? 3 mo. C lose to citv center. C.i it OR 3-61!3 or OR 3-60SI i CLOSE "lN - furnished apartment.! H.-.vorr.Me rent. 4ti SE, Drockwav. i ! OH .1-6110. NEW larce unfurnished 1 bedroom apart-j men: moc and rsingeraior. can UK 3-443 or or ..lu) ' " t- 1 1 ?. 1 b'trnoin apartment ..!u;t Fur information, call at 374 S V Ella St. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Washer, diver ami stove turm-died Close in. -,ir Row Sihool. OK 3-4741. SMALL, furnished cjh:n." rnonTh. . Waikmif instarut- to tnwn OH 2-24;'4. KVliNISHED and unf .irmshed apajt-' me-ts Adults6l7 SE Flint. Fl'HNISHFD or unfurn.Ou'd apwallt UK distance OK 3-4'- 17. SN.IALk. - KlLi'I'sA,FD Partment cIom - '" Mim, THREE BEDROOM, furni-hed apt. at 0Nr bedrcnmi furnished apt. 52' B Lan. in war OS o v;- i two imn lurni,d ! w:1-n"tttiT. . or 3-ti.v, ,? ' UI" 1 Apts. For Rer.t 4 WINTER IS COMING. Are your utility bills too high? The Todd Apts. have 1, 2, 3 bed room apts. with heat, water, garbage, sewer and yard service provided. All have appliances and some completely furrmhed. Rent starts at $W). Phone OR a-4J40 or OR 2-1503 or OR 3-5.; to see one of the Westvue Court, Ter race. Winchester Court. Vista Home or Q3khtll Apts Kohlhagen Apts LANE & JACKSON ETS. MODERN. REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" AVAILABLE ABOUT August 15th. ultra modern 1-bedroom apartment. Lovely backyard, patio and barbecue. Fine neighborhood, close to Fullerton school, a natural for teachers or young couple. Come take a look. Call OR 3-6040 for appointment. APARTMENT with view. 4-rooms. bath; newly decorated. Completely furnish ed including heat, water, garbage. Rea sonable. Near shopping center. 1923 S. K Main. I MOTEL UNITS - All electric. With kitchens. Slti and 22 week. Linen: utilities furnished. Winchester Motej 0 Id Highway U9 N. At Winchester Bridge.) LARGE, modern, 2 - bedroom apt. in west Roseburg. near schools and hos pitals; equipped with Disposal; hot water heat and water furnished. No pets. Ph OR 3-8207. RENTAL west of Roseburg, write H. A. Roether, Box 200, Merlin. Oregon. Houses For Rent 5 WINSTON " ONE nicely furnished 1-bedroom house. Automatic washer; carport. Close to Douglas High. Water paid, rent $55 n.o. OS 9-5U81 days, OS 9-5549 eve- r.mgs. LARGE 3 room modern furnished cabin. Nearly new 7 ft. refrigeragor. Gas cooking and hot water. Clean and neaL Water and garbage disposal furnish ed. $48 per month. Behind Dale's Cafe, No. Umpqua Koad. Hartz Cabins. PhoneOH 3-3368. C & H COURT under new management, 2 neat apartments, 2-bedroom modern with garages. Unfurnished. Close to school, stores and church. Wilbur area. Call OR 3-6U91 evenings or sea at west endjif new Glide cut-off road. . TWO SMALL neat one bedroom houses. Green district, Unfurnished. Newlv dec orated. Available August 10th. Prefer working couple or teachers. Call OR 3-6LU1 evenings or inouire at 2243 S.E. Ca st leStj H O U SE o n highway in Winston, next to Glen's Grocery. Not modern, has hot water. $35 per month. Has electric stove and table. Contact Ellis Cabs. K1S. E. Cass.Ph.ORj3-C655. TWO BEDROOM house. westside7E fer ine heat, wall-to-wall carpet. Fire place. Lots of built-ins. Available Aug. Hth.Phone OR 3-4348 or OR 3-8834. NICK, large, 1-bedroom duplex, range", refrigerator and heater; water and garbage servire .'urniUied. Couple only. OR 3-4305. after 4 p.m. NICE M O D E R S' f- bedroom duplex. Stove, refrigerator, water and garbaue service furnished. $52.50 month. OR AVAILABLE August 10th, store building 2 doors south of Penney's on Jack son, i Formerly Fashion Center) OR 3-332B. TWO BEDROOM hous unfurnished. Near Joseph Lane School Nice dis trict. $65 per month. Williamson Real Estate. OR 3-4302. 1, 2. 3. and 4 bedroom homes. Income. limits. Families, also single elderly 61 or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St" OR 3-6548. THREE room furnished. Close in Wa ter, garbaqe service ,'urnished. Adults jt'';oneOR 3-3581 between 9 AM and F 1 ' It N J S H F. D 2 bedroom home for reVt West Po.;eburg. Attached garage. 732 TWO Kt'DHODM "fimi'jF , Green School $60 Her monfh Ca'li 0NE bedroom duplex." Stove and refriiN erator furnished. 731 Ivan Street, or can UK 2-:itJ42. ".. c a ucuroom nouse to rent TO oig yarn, attached garage. 5 miles -'Voseburg Realty, OR 2-3!!44. $60 clean, modern 4 - roonrTand "bath".. unfurnished. Within walking distance nf town. Adults. OR 3-7359. FURNISHED CABINSjweeir$l6nd up. Old Highway !)U, 3 miles North Pa- i mi.- kmci. r-iione UK J-2,42. dnnkfni! no nit i-jk-i v c, L or 2-i-70 Stephens. CI FA THHFF cVuSt :,Z i . . . ,u Kioa ... an..,!, across irum Model Market. ' inston. OS 9-K402. rt i ii(ALiit, 1-bedroom. unfurnished house, -s.,6. Inquire 2ii6 Chestnut or plume OH 2-1(016 after 5 P.M. CLOSE !N. small, 2-bedroonV house with electric range and heater. Couple onlv C;iIlOIt 3-4305. UNFURNISHED bodroorn hoii.sern Winston. Electric heat. Wired for wash erand dryer. OH 3-5C27. TWO bedroom unfurnished home newlv decorated. Hardwood floor?. Large floors. Large yard. OR 3-7219. ONE BEDROOM house. carport7f7r ptace. Can furnish kitchen and utility nmm. Ca!tqH3-n:t47. Adulu only. Fl'KXISHED 3-room duplex." ideafnF teachers or working couple. Walk in ".stance, oh 3-7318 after 4. TWO BEDROOM furnished' hoeNo tinnkers. Will acini i -hii nt ONE BEDROOM houTe, unfurnished U irpf!irdryer. CaiIOR 3-3259. P'J.T1Y0,fyR:iISHi:D 2-bedr"oom house. tJK 3-8117. TWO bedroom unfurnished houe $63 month. 045 Mill St. T W O -B E D R O 6 M h o u s e73 3 2 iN7frS I enh" ens. umai.i. jonr,V7 L ' : : ...--L...inwK,i uirr.isnort hnuse and t. See 853 S, E. Sheridan. AdI. S FOUR bedroom furnished house $55 l.'.OH SE. Lane. OS !l..,6.-:i. fHHEE"'EEDHOOMunfurnishrdWse n'.ir business district. $80. OR 3-841,0. L'Vif;J; hOUSe (,lhC.1it of tOWTL OR 2-BEDHOOM duplex. West side, dial OR OR 3-7947. UNFURNISHED 2-'il4(t 3-bedroom house. OR rT-- r--r Clo-e to'town. 1256 S E. Mill . . .. nlill iLMiiii aoarimeiitt T,,HE? BFDK09M "honie". Unfurnishcn! :NFlRNlSHEb 3-bedroom house. Close Trailer Rentals 6 TRMLER HAVEN has a spacious lo, for you in Roseburc's newest, most modern pa:k. Lots 0f concrete stor age lockers, propane cas to e k apice. Ooods laundrv facilities Quiet ni' .orderly. Old W) north to 4iW N E. - r,,'A ALAMEDA AVE TRAILER COl'Rfha"s 'erv ice by court entrance every 'wi minutes ..,-,v HL , rf tl m ,at 6 .10 p ni Court h.,j p;ivrd streets cement porches WVil huh tod at ...hi tjutct, Keasonahle rates. OR 2 14'i -'.HI N W Alameda Ave WINCHESTER THAIU-.R PARK.'"Mod. em spaces. Paved grounds. Shade , 1 n Hignway B9 N. a.t Winchester Drtd ONE SPACE at C-nlral " fTIiiV.T" Modern, rloes to Ci'v renter. Ali H.vd Ph--.r,e J-41'6 tT CLE AN. modern tratlrr Pa'tm if d loi Ker, quiet court Adults. OR Wise. Rentals 7 fRt'CKS OR I AHS for i t: i Upc Hn j OK 3-7412 Business Rentals 8 c. ' .. ." . . . . Bi'll I'M- , ' "n"r" B,", s' 'vi ' Brd I O