Sot., Aug., 3, 1957 Tht Newi-Rvlw, Roicburg, Ore. 9 A fV-;Hv M si k fill jfe; VACATIONING AT SUN VALLEY, IDAHO, are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fox and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thorn, and children, Claudia and Bruce. Mrs. Fox is the former Vivian Orcutt of Roseburg and is the daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. A. N. Orcutt of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn and children have returned to their home in Portland, while Mr. and Mrs. Fox are remaining as guests at Sun Valley Lodge through Aug. 9, before returning to Portland. (Picture by Sun Val ley News Bureau). ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. ond Mrs. Ralph M. Church, Winchester, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Lee, to Rich ard P. Turley, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Turley, Jolier, III. The bride-elect attended Uni versity of Oregon and is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She is now secretary to the Douglas County Fair Board. The bridegroom-elect was graduated from Oregon State College in 1950 and is now manager of the Douglas County Fairgrounds. The wed ding has been planned for ear ly fall. ,. ' IPlH I ; v p' : ; 1 f' V.' 1 I V '.Vw.M-.'r . I i . M MIIIIMIIIH. 'I MR. AND MRS. A. E. SHERMAN and sons, Bruce, 9, and Dale, 6, have spent their vacation here visiting Mrs. Sherman's parent,s, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells, ond other relatives. Mrs. Sherman is the former Susan Wells. They Enjoyed trips to Crater and Diamond Lakes, to Agate Beach and to Toledo, where they ottended the 1937 graduating class reunion of Mrs. Sherman. Mr. Sherman is on analytical statistician for the Deputy Chief of Staff Comptroller Department of the Air Force. He is a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve. The Shermans make their home in Washington, DC, and left this week for the East following their vacation here. They were.takeh os far as Portlond by Mr. and Mrs. Wells. (Picture by Clark's Studio). Myrtle Creek Reunion To Be Event Of Aug 1 8 The annual Myrtle Creek reun ion will be held at noon Sunday Aug. 18, at Benlon-Lane Park north of Junction City. A potluck dinnci will be enjoyed at noon. Those at tending are asked to bring a bask et lunch and their own table serv ice. The Joy Powell Dance Studio ot Roseburg will provide a special en tertainment at 2 p.m. Everett Wi mcr of Roseburg is president this year and Mrs. John Wimcr (Beth Bates) is in charge of the enter tainment. Those desiring further information may contact the above mentioned people or may write to Dorothy Dwycr Allen, 7230 SE Fos ter Road, Portland. Mrs. W. H. Carter Is Hostess At Breakfast Mrs. V. H. Carter entertained at a very delightful breakfast at her beautiful home on Harvard Sunday morning having as guests Mrs. Rob ert Creps of Lanakai, Hawaii; Miss Catherine ensnam oi Min neapolis. Minn.: Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray Wilson, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson, Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bechlold. Portland and Mrs. Terrance Fitzgerald and son, Terry, and daughtnr, Kathy. The out-of-town guests were here for the wedding Saturday night of Marcella Wcscott and Thomas Floyd Carter. 88th BIRTHDAY IS CELEBRATED AT PARTY Mrs. Charlie Hummell of Yoncal la was honored at a birlhday party given by Mrs. Noble Snider and Mrs. Cabaness on her 88lh birth day. Visiting was enjoyed. Many beautiful cards and hand kerchiefs were received from Mrs. Mamie Lake, Mrs. Bird Nelson, Mrs. Etta Wallace, Mrs. Ruth Edcs, Mrs. Mary Lambdin, Mrs. Gwen Henderson, Mrs Ann Mathis, Mrs. Sadie Lasswell, the Rev. and Mrs. Austin McGnee, Mrs. Hazel Wright, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Nellie Stenselh, Mrs. Mamie Lee, Cyn thia Lee. Mrs. May Snider and Mrs. l.aura Cabaness. If " m I r;-t. tt 1 ; .1 yf '. , . r s. W - I Pink And Blue Shower Given Mrs. J. Shultz Mrs. John Shultz of Tenmile was guest of honor at a surprise pink and blue shower at the home of Mrs. Elmer Hitchman. NW Har lan Street, with Mrs. Allen Chcllis (Lenella Hitchman) as co-hostess. Prize winners in the games played were Mrs. Shultz, Mrs. Dick erson, Mrs. Jarvis and Zetha Dick erson. Mrs. Shultz received many love ly gifts from those present and from several who were unable to attend the party. Light refresh ments were served. Mrs. Shultz, who is a registered nurse, is head of the college clinic at Walla Walla College, the Scv enth-day Adventist Collcgo in this area. She has served in foreign mission work in India. Ardel Starmer Has Lovely Birthday Party A LliNNcK at rne Hotel Umpqua Monday honored oladys Mctwon, Migh Kriestess ot Ai Zahroh Court of the ladies Oriental Shrine of North America. Making the trip to Portland with Mrs. McEwan were Ruby Morrow, princess of the court, and Doris Dillinger, first ceremonial lady. (Picture by Gladys Gilbert Studio, Portland). I During the evening Mrj. Mc- chairman of the sewing commit AND MRS- WANDS I F.wan spoke to members of the tec. Over 7000 articles were made ENTERTAIN AT DINNER 1 Roseburg club about coming. and given to the hospital last year Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Wands en- "cnls in Portland which include by the Court, tertaincd at dinner Sunday eve- 'he w l .M"1 x?L);""i Roseburg members present wer; nmg at their home having as guests Sept 2, and 28 at the Multnomah Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brooks and liolel- . .j D o ,- u r 1 and Mrs. Edwin Barnes, Mrs. I Work for the Shriners Hospital n"". B- Curtu, H. A. Essel Kliiw and Mr and Mrs. was discussed by Mrs. Morrow, jtrom, William Esselslrom, W. O. Charlrs Kluver and sons, Ricky who is head of the Shoe and Brace Kely. Eugene Krewson and L. and Nicky. Committee, and Mrs. Dillinger, L. Powers. Ardel Starmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Starmer, cele brated her 6th birthday at a de lightful party at the home of her parents on Winchester Street. The table and cake decorations carried out the circus theme ad each guest received a bubble soap clown as a favor. After luncheon was served Ardel opened her many lovely gifts and later games were enjoyed. Covers were placed for Ardei, guest of honor; Glenda Beach, Dav id Croucher, Shirley Hannah, Greg and Gary Quist, Debbie and Diane Reese, Michelle Heidrick, Freddy and Allan Mcrk, Frankie, Kathv and Billy Cardiff, Lynne Smith, Patty Miller, Ryan Sullivan and Hope Hartless. Mothers there be- NDAS ENTERTAIN FOP DAUGHTER ON BIRTHDAY Mr, and Mrs. Isadora Inda, Oak- imiu, enienainea ai a six 0 clock 1 dinner party Wednesday in honor of their daughter, Dcbra, on her first birthday. ! Guests at the Inda home on Metz Hill Road included Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garret and Mr. and Mrs. Boni Yraguen and family of Winchester; Mrs. Felix Samarron and chil dren; Mrs. Clair Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frotscher. Mr. and Mrs. Tona Arana and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, all of Sutherlin; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Inda and family; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Short and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peter son and family: Mrs. Marv Schell, James Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Dot Mugartegui, ill of Oakland. 1 ... -v. 'UK, Hu1 ri;' i6l4 . 31 ivSVT? .i-JrvAlt. " i- t "tr--T, fHA rV f teT ?s ILK f jl it .T. u J ffii .if',-.:. . ?(-j-- y. IN HONOLULU are Mrs. Sally Hilt, right, owner and instructor of the Sally Hilt Hawaiian Dance Studio in Roseburg, and her cousin, Mrs. Bess Leete, left, of Santa Rosa, Calif., who are pictured with Bill Aliiboa Lincoln, one of Hawaii's famous recording artists and hula teacher. The little girls in the picture are dancers in Lincoln's studio. Lincoln and his troup of Hawaiian dancers, musicians and singers have just returned to Hono lulu following a successful European tour. Mrs. Hilt has been taking lessons in the Lincoln Studio for a month. She and Mrs. Leete are staying at the Waikiki Surf Hotel on Waikiki Beach. They report they are enjoying all of the usual interesting things to do in Hono lulu. Mrs. Hilt formerly resided there. (Picture by On Char and Sons, Honolulu). S5 ft, Tf . t j, , ' 1 1 V'lt " 1 ( t 1 .AS 4'1 MR. AND MRS. R. D. LOCKWOOD were pleasantly sur prised Sunday when their family invited friends, to Aldora Park on the Lockwood Ranch in Tenmile to celebrate their goldon wedding anniversary. (Picture by Jack Hill Studio, Camas Valley). CLUB ENTERTAINED BY MRS. MODGLIN Pretty arrangements of gladioli and roses were used by Mrs. Do-' Ward Modglin Thursday evening when she entertained her pinochle; club at her home in West Suth-! I erlin. I For the evening's pinochle play 1 Mrs. Brim won high score, Mrs.- Scehawer low and Mrs. Blakeley the floating prjfe. After the card play refresh- ments were served to the Mes dames Charles Moore, Lylc See hawer, William Blakeley, Charles Parsons, George Brim, Don Ash craft, Arg Webber and Norman Wilson by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the bnme of Mrs. Charles Parsons, Thursuay, Aug. 9. TIM BASKERVILLE FETED ON EIGHTH BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Blayne Flora enter tained at their home at Rocky Point Sunday evening at a dinner party in celebration of the eighth birth day of their nephew, Tim Baskc--ville of Los Angeles. Tim, with his mother, Mrs. David Baskervillc, and his sister, Lark, had been vis iting here for several days at the Flora home. Present to enjoy the evening were Blayne Flora Jr., Shcryl, Lori and Scott Wynn, Dale Wynn, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wynn, Mrs. Basker villc, Tim and Lark and the hot and hostess. A decorated cake was served and the honored guest received many lovely presents. sides the hostess, Mrs. Starmer were Mrs. Ed Cardiff and Mrs. Eugene Merk. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill To Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill will be honored on their 50th wed ding anniversary at an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. Aug.4 at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Church ill, in Rice Valley. All relatives and friends arc most cordially in vited to rail. Mr. and Mrs. Church ill have requested "no gifts." UMPOUA GROVE SI HOSTS AT LOVELY SHOWER PARTY Mrs. Hoeniiller Shephard was the inspiration for a charming pink a blue shower given Monday evening by members of Umpqua Grove M of the Supreme Forest Woodman Circle. Appropriate games were played and visiting enjoyed. Dainty refreshments were served by .Mrs. Beula Gibson and assistants. Many lovely gifts were present ed to the honored guest by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jessie Shep hard of Portland; Mrs. Jessie Thomas, Mrs. Beula Gibson, Mrs. Bess Cornish, Mrs. Robbie Lee Cooper, Mrs. Alice Christenscn, Mrs. Goldie Willis, Mrs. Elizabeth Godfrey, Mrs. Thclma Hatcher, Mrs. Phebe McGuire, Mrs. Agnes Veach. Mrs. Lucy Benson. Mrs. Delia Holm, Mrs. Rosa Heinbarh Lark, Mrs. Gertrude Hess and Mrs. Violet White. The large cake was decorated with gold colored leaves and flow ers. The tables were decorated with baskets of flowers. Mrs. Law rence Lockwood served the cake, Mis. Don I.akcy served the coffee and Mrs. May Sibold of Roseburg served the punch. At five 0' clock a delicious potluck dinner was en joyed by Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, their family and friends. .Members of the family present were their son and dnughlcr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Lock wood, ldleyld; their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lakey; their sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and M r s. Lawrence Lock- wood and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lockwood. Their grandchil dren and great grandchildren pres ent were Carol, Diane, and Mich ael Lockwood, Miss Kay Lakey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay, Lcneta, Donnis and Alen; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C'roy, Dccna and Connie; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dwight, Gregory and Lori; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lockwood and Audrey Jennings. A grandson, Conrad, who is serving in the Navy, and Jimmie and Jean nie. son and daughter of their i grandson, and Mrs. Larry I.oc wood were not present, i Others present were: Mr. and !Mrs Jim Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Melius. Mr. and Mrs. Milfnrd j Pierce. Mrs. May Sibold. Mr. and 1 Mrs Earl Olhvant, Mrs. Louis Diedriih. Mrs. Wayne Hrcitenbul cher, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ('en ters, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. God frey, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Vance, Ellis Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Dean day evening when Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood were presented with a ln,.nl., on, nf ln,,,n fiimiliipa aa Dwight, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter . ni j, n, rmii Coats, all of Tenmile. 8 .-.-j. Sending gifts were Mr.and Mrs. John Rathkey, Miss Dorcna Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Dickovcr, Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin, Mrs. Belle Bobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. George Butts, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ison, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Schosso, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hinch, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. War ren Painter, Mr. and Mrs. War ren Syphcr and Dick Hanson. Roland D. Lockwood and Min nie McCulloch were married at the home of her stepfather and her mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Col lvcr, in Grcsham, June 12, 1907, the Rev. Mr. Barrett of the Meth odist Church performing the cere mony. The Lnckwoods have Heen residents of Tenmile for over 25 years and make their home on the property formerly owned by Mrs. Loekwood's parents. Mrs. Lock- wood's parents were among Ten mile's first settlers having cross ed the plains in a covered wagon train. The lovely Aldora Park on (he Lockwood ranch was named for Mrs. Loekwood's parents, Albert and Dora McCulloch. The family reunion and dinner was held at the park on Wcdncs SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Household guogt Inlaid LINOLEUM TILC )Q ftA 10 1 12 Kitehtn, Only aO.UU ni Qui III 1vit MODERN 1 man rovniN'i HOUIF 01 rctij 1:1 1 r. ni on xw VAN SHOULD KNOW TUU THIS MAN HIS NAME IS ED WYATT HE MAY HOLD THE KEY TO YOUR Lie. Shop Lie. Beouticion PETITE MARIE BEAUTY SALON Cold Wove Oil Permonents. Professional I FA llp Matenols Ustd. O.JW Up Get your carefree permanent now! Stylings, Tints, Trims, Etc. 1695 W. HARVARD AVE. Phone OR 2-4001 Seiti-McToogert Bldg. Mabtl A. Hilda FUTURE FINANCIAL SUCCESS Call or Write ED WYATT REPRESENTING SUN LIFI 0 CANADA DOUGLAS COUNTY ST ATI BANK BUILDING Roieburg, Oregon Phone ORchard 3-8114