f FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES go fast THROUGH WANT ADS .OH 1 2-3321 Services 13 EXCAVATING Roads built and rocked, mill ponds cleaned, etc. By Hour or Contract Fill dirt, river loam, shall and crushed rock (or tale. EQUIPMENT RENTALS Cad Shovel Truck! C. P. TALLON OR 3-4040 Septic Tanks Cleaned No mileage: free estimate! ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph OR 3-3336 1080 N.E. Stephen! ACME ROOFING ALL TYPES roofing, colored rock: also tiding. All work guaranteed. SOS S.E. Oak. OR 3-8253. Rototilling Service Ferguson tractor with blade FRANK BEEBE. OR JWI7M ftJMP REPAIRS. 24 hours service. Mil ler St Cox Sale and Service. OR 2-:i58i; night calli. OR 3-7389 or OR :i-U73. REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial. Available on rail any time day or night. Ph. OR 3-3918 or O R .1-4632. CARPENTER Remodeling. new homes, financing. Free estimates. Jack Rountree. OR 3-4944. Baby & Child Care 14 MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY. 914 S. E Kane. Care by tha hour, day. Special unit for children under 2 yean of age. State inspected. OR 3-8361. BABY SITTER'S Association. Call OR 3-4 187. Work Wanted 15 OFFICE man with varied experience desirea position in or near Roseburg. Ha tome lumber experience. Write L. G. Streft, Box 123. Silverton, Ore gon or phone 3-56:t3 Silverton evenings. TRUCKS-for hire. Short and long log. grrs with stakes, lumber trucks. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967 evenings, andOR 3-7378days. RELIABLE baby sitting, light house- work, li-oning.OR 3-431S. WVSHTNGAND rough dry; also ironing. OR 2-36J13. BABY SITTING, OR 3-6971. by day or evening. WANTED Ironing in my home. Done right. OR 3-4594. GARDENER. skilled. 11-30 per hour. OR 3-3363. CARPENTER Construction, any type. References. OR 3-8020 after 6 p.m. DRESSMAKING. alterations. Pickup and deliver. OR 3-7911 Ironing in my home, or a-2M8. Instruction 1 6 TILE CLERKS, BOOKKEEPERS, Sten OGRAPHERS NEEDED. Get ready quickly for a well paid Job. Learn tn your home at low cost. Send Name, Phone, Age, Address for information TODAY. Box 303. News-Review. Government-jobspay well. v prepare you In your home at low cost In pan Civil Service examinations. Send Name, Phone. Age. Address for full information TODAY. Box 304. News-Review. STEEL-GUITAR lessons given at your home. Phone, wire or write to Lester Wood at Jo Ann' Apartments, 4209 S. W. Carnes Rd.. Roseburg, Ore. for appointment. OR 3-7947. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS on any in strument at Ott Ricketta Music Store. OR 3-320?. Loans 17 CASH TODAY $25-$50-$100-$300-$500 UP TO $1500 l. BORROW ON YOUR SALARY. Em ployed people in all lines of work may qualify for a salary loan. I BORROW ON CAR OR FURNITURE Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Loan Co. paid for or not I. SPECIAL PAY DAY LOANS. $23. $50 c more loaned until "pay day" or longer. Pay only for the actual number of daj a you keep tha money. 123 COSTS 18a for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan jOCALIOAMia Rennia SecantL Mgr. 423 SK Jackson Ph. OR 3-447$ FREE PARKING Andv'a Chevron Station 2 doors north. Family Finance Corp. Oppoiite Junior High ROMI OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO 11500 ON AUTOS, TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up to 34 monthly payment! Life Insurance on loan! at email eo!t T S. E Washington OR 3-3377 MONEY I.N A HURRY sv) to t2.noo COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL riNANCE CORPORATION IIS I. K. OAK OR 3-4404 Pacific Finance Loan M4 I t Stephana OR 3-M Financial 19 WANTED About $6000 on Rueburg real estate. Want (o pay $100 per month for two ears, then pay off balance Write News-Review Box 4B7 CAN ue some GOO D discounted contracts, OR 3-6091 or OR 3-6193. For Trade 21 FOR SALE or trade for car. truck or? Equltv in 5 acres in Winston Section. on biack-top road Excellent location. Eavtirni on balance OR 3-57.19 WILL TRADE- New Geiger counter for S V w. K.ut, :i57, power mower o'it "'" I TRADF. EQUITY In place mile we.t , Su'herlln for 3S ft. or 40 ft. trailer. Call Sutherlin 3S14. I Fuel 22 SAWDUST ain.I. ENDS drv or ereen oeeler core. UY AND FRANCES OILL. Fl'EI. i 1814 NE Dougla! OR 3-1.13 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO j KILN DUIFD planer end. oak wood A.a about .uinmer raiea on planer eod. OR 3.3Q81 j DRY oak wood Call OR 3-4741. ' 22 Sawdust Blower bervtce or Dump Wood Dry Oak Green Slab Kiln Dry Planer Ends Cir or Dry Peeler Core Summer price on planar ends, sawdust Roseburg Lumber Co. Fruits & Vegetables 24 PEACHES, tree ripe, Rochester now, Crawfords, Slappies, Hales and im proved Elbertas later an they ripen. Six miles south on old 99, cross Win ston bridge and turn left mile. H. R. Harrison. PEACHES, Hale, Haven and Golden Ju bilee ready now. Other varieties as they come- Picked, or you pick. F. G. Ewena Fruit Stand. Opposite Garden Valley School. EDEN ACRES. No. Umpqua Hwy, for canning beans. Oregon Giants and Blue Lakes, Alio, local peaches for canning. Place your orders now. Phone OR 3-8834. HERCHER'S Dlllard Market. Burbank, improved Rochester, Red Haven, Golden Jubilee peaches now ready for canning. Also yellow Shiro plums and Gravenstein apples. CANNING peaches and a variety of fresh vegetables. James Gardens. OS 9-5264. South end Green bridge, Win- ston. turn left and no l' miles. NICE G RA VENSTE1N apple. $27oo a box. O. G. Rogers, mile south of iootinggiasa store. BEANS and pickling cucumbers, you pick. Tomatoes. M. O. Knapp, Garden Valley, 2 mtles past Country Cluh. ROCHESTER PEACHES, you pick. S3 per bushel. Call OR 3-4502 evenings. Moore's Nursery. FOR SALE Cucumbers, reasnnahla J. E. Kingry. Coles Valley Road. Wil- DUr. UK 3-362.1. LOCAL peaches. Gravenstein aooles. plums, and vegetables. Harvard Ave- nue rruit Mand, Mrs. Mabley. BURBANK "leaches for eannimr Ph OS 9-8839. Ed Thiele, Civil Bend Ceme- tarv Koad. OWENS NURSERY St FRUIT STAND, Diiiard. Heady now. local sweet corn, tomatoes, peaches, cucumbers., e tc. SWEET corn by the dozen. Limited Kupoly. M. O. KNAPP. Garden Valley. BEETS and cucumbers. Garden Valley. Carl Schmidt, HIMALAYA blackberries are ready now. OS 9-8893. FOR new tomato lugs, apple box and cantaloupe crates, pnon UK 3-872. Livestock 26 SHEEP TOP PRICES paid for sheep and lambs of all kinds. We are In the market 12 months out of the year, as wa are always nere. ALSO BUY WOOL and mohair. Douglas Livestock Market OR 2-4071 Sutherlin 3.180 Mi Hie Creek 3144 BUTTERMILK For Stock and Poultry Feed UMPQUA DAIRY OR 2-2638 Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Rout 1, Box 332B Bus. OR 3-6323 Eve's OR 3-3235 Wool Growers Wool and mohair received dally. Nlch ols Store. Brockway. OS 9-8907. FOR SALE or trade, gentle saddle horses, any size, any color. 1918 Len ard Road. Grant Pas. WANTED Sheep and cattle of all lunas. ro p marttet price, uarrill w Ray, Ph. Sutherlin 3380. WANTED Sheep and cattle all kinds. W A. Blacken Ph. Myrtle Creek. ALWAYS IN the market for sheep. Top prices paid (or wool. UK z-iuai. Brown. WANT TO BUY 5 to 8 year old saddle horse, suitable for 12 year old girl. Ph. Riddle 354 Ph. OR 3- WANT TO BUY horse, cattle, live stock of any kind. Phone OR 2-3636. Suffolk rams. Oakland 2767. Harold Crouch. MEAT TYPE weaner pigs. Milk goats ana l duck, uh .1-loon SUFFOLK rams. 2-3969. Lute Patterson. OR BEEF Cow and calf for sale or trade for table saw or jointer etc. OS 9-3302. COLU MB I A buck s. OR 2-3860. CORRIEDALE rams. OR2-3991J CUSTOM SHEARING. OR 3-3784. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. First cutting. Mountain grown. Quality guaranteed. Tuieiake l.roweri Association. Tele- phone 7130 1, Tulela k e .C a 1 1 f ornl a . MOWING, "raking, and baling. OR 3- 6357 FIRST CUTTING lotin hay,, also grass nay. .neap. uk -Bt. LOTUS hay, $20ton7o R "38722 '. Poultry 28 WANTED TO BUY poultry, cess, wool and cascara. Poultry received on Mon days and Tuesdavi only. Ph. OR 3-4331. Roseburg Poultry Co. 729 SE Spruce. Rabbits 29 RABBIT FERTILIZER. RL 4. Box 1530 OR 2-37 IP Pets 30 1 PART Pekingese and Spitz, female 1 TOY Terrier, female RED Cocker Spaniel, female 4 months 1 BLACK Cocker spaniel, female, reg 1 AIREDALE paed female. rg RFD Cocker Spaniel, male, 9 months DALMATIAN Male. 2 years 1 PART Springer and Llewelyn setter, spayed female DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY OR 2-j7 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Social Animal ShelterOR 2-3907 Pt:pPIESto"giva away. 1619 S. E. Mill St FOR SALS registered Beagla puppies, 5 weeks old. OS 9-52B3. BABY parakeets. 3 miles south. Burt on'i. OR3-fll22 GERMAN -SHEPHERD pupnlr, regis tered and pedigreed. OR 3-34,1.1 GLENGAHYBaleKenneli OR 3-3793 m I ft 0m TV Sales & Service 31 EXPERT R4.DIO. TELEVISION. HI-FI RFPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD. OR 3-S33I Building Material 32 CORRUGATED ROOFINO - l ta galv 61 - 8 10 - 13' sheets ehe.ter St OR 3 4461. lxl ihlplap, 123 and up Lumber Sllee 0R 3'1M1 rf SUTHF.RLLN - Oakland lr Mt 'roy Retail Yard Ph 377 FOR Mil used brick anetothef matertala. Phone OR 1-3710. Fuel Building Material 32 ROOFING 1 1S lb. 43 colon. ISO iq. SEI.r-SEALlNG 3-1 ihln(lei, regularly fia.w aq., now flow. OUTSIDl WH1TI paint. 1 ral tJ SO CHIPWOOD plywood. 13 SO iheel, 1." SANDRAN floor eoverinf COLLINS 10-year electrle hot water heat er, u gat., ftia.ao WALLPAPER, re 11. 39, now 75e STAY-ON ihake paint, 14.33 gal. OLYMPIC ataln. Sherwin-Wllliami, Pab- co paint and product!, Dutch Boy paint and product! SCRAP. 30. in trade COPPER, No. t. Jlc lb. In trade Robinson Bldg. Supply Open Sunaav Ph. 2182 Sutherlin Sports Equipment 34 SCUBA DIVERS Compressed, Filtered AND Purified Air underwater aalvage ' lervire. tank and dry auit rental!. Wally's Air Compression Service Salvage Route 3, Box 1640 Military Ave. Ro!eburg. OR 3-6816 24 hour emergency eervice. Qyit Wishing, Go Fishing Salmon Harbor Sports Trollers Charter Boats Rose Elk Capt. Jim Brittion Capt. Dan Keefe Adventure Capt. Don Bull PHONE CRESTVIEW 1-33H WINCHESTER BAY. OREGON Authorized Evinrude Dealer Isham. Imperial, Burchcraft, Starcraft aluminum boat! Trailer!, carriers, paint! ete. Used motor! Rod & Reel Trailer Sales 1145 W. Harvard TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS - bought from ui. we InKtall free if gun 11 factory drilled. Umpqua Gun more, noseDurg USED GUN sale. Sure we trade. Ump qua uun htore. SPECIAL PRICE all boat and used motor! on the lot. 1143 W. Harvard. Sewing Machines 36 Repossession NECCUI zigzag portables. Sews on hut tons, makes buttonholes, monograms, darns and embroiders. Sold new for $309. Can be had for balance of con tract. No down payment. OR 3-6.m NECCHI-ELNA SEWING CIRCLE 731 S. E. Stephens VIKING TRADE-INS Signer portable $.19 V) New Home portable with reverse stitch M .10 Many other trade-ins to choose from SEWINC MACHINE CLINIC 833 S. E. Can OR 2-1071 REPOSSESSION ELNA Supermatic. like nrw. Make buttonholes, sews on buttons. Blind stitches and makes hundreds of stitches automatically. Has open arm for darning. Weighs only 17 lbs. Can be had for balance of contract. NFCCHI-ELNA SEWING CIRCLE 721 S. E. Stephens OR 3-6;125 MW sewing machine in Mahogany cab inet. In excellent condition. Priced rea- s-i:iable.OR3-548f; TAKE O'ER contract on sewing ma chine. $4 per month. OR 3-4 HH. For Sale Misc. 37 USED GUN sale. Sura wa trade, Ump qua Gun Store 74 THEATRESEAs7linro"rdTn"gha7ri. WiiJ iellvery reasonable. OR 2-3916 CABINET radTo-phonogi aph. Call OR .V6138. DAVENPORT In very good condition. $50. 313 W. Chapman DAVENO and chair In good condition. $30OR 3-7612. 1935 FRIG1DAIRE 12 ft upright deep freeze, like new. OR 3-4575 after 5 p m. NF.CCHI sewing machine, almost new. Take over payments. OR 2-1071. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS,"" Betty Sheldon. 4B3 NW Sweetbriar. ACOUSTICOtf "hearing aid. Good condl tlon. Reasonable. 4831 N, Siephcns. TWIN bed: record player; 2 cameras. OR 3-5180. UPRIGHT piano, reasonable. Phone OS 9-8419. USED GUNS, bought aofd and traded. Umpqua Gun Slore Ft L L ER BR U S H0 R-1 a BABY RACCOON. OR 2-1888. USED DOORS and" windows. OR 2-2710. They'll Do It Every . ...: 0ww( 404 Tirtf 7VE M-tTLO M-4T TO ew- 4mrf : -V f nd ujiur c-rnuziOft... A-r vlE Mr.l .7 .1 Vurf9 sA ' NEXT BREdK.SEE VMST THE ) ! I iJj"P4S-h aoocHe3TB4 Boys wiLLrt4vey j' jj yfif 1 ''"-S,, e.l llll'r"Ti T MlMUTES AoolJ- TlEr, COMES ,"-l KMOrVWMSOBI ' I TC, 4 ?lrrnrr.& "ME TIME TO (?& fgV J j b. 'jTm d& P4v the Im ' WSrl 'mm where's be6? s d&swJ MS For Sale Misc. 37 Schwinn Bicycles TRADE your old bike In on a new Schwinn. pay balance in 6 months. Foreign bikes have no trade In value Al's Bike Shop Between Dairy Queen and Farm Bureau. Oft l.iQXi ""motorcycles" bicycles SALES PARTS SERVICE Used bicycles and motorcycle. BECK WITH CYCLE CO. 2!28 W Harvard Save $161 NEW 1938 Frigidalre Imperial range and Cyclamatic refrigerator. Regular &16.90 now $673. Terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance 648 S. E. Rose COMBINATION range, refrigerator and double link, all in 1 unit. Regular price $579.99 now SPECIAL AT $299.95. terms. Kier Crooch Plumbing Appliance. 528 S.E. Stephens. OR 2-3364. 'b'bUICK convertible, '50 Ford conver tible. '58 model power saw 3't HP. motor, air compressor, spray gun car ries 200 pounds pressure. '48 Ford parts. 16 cu. ft. deepfreeze for sale or trade. OS 9-5418. RECONDITIONED Wringer washer. Maytag. Speed Quen, Norge, Corn nado. Sears Roebuck. $25 up. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-3518. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped. U S.D.A. choice 45c, U.S.D A. good 42c, U S D A. standard 33c, not graded 37c. South Stephens Market, OH 2-9164. evening OR 2-1870. TWO-tLEMENT hot plate: FrlgidaTfe double oven range; Frtgidatre deluxe ironer; Kelvinator refrigerator; dou ble bed, springs and mattress. AH in ttoodcondition OR3-3957. TKEVA'S CERAMIC STUDIO, large as sortment of green ware, new matt glar es, p tints, general supplies. Classes each day Come, have fun. OS 9-3133. . Next to Winston Lockers. SHOP family clothing needs at home. Ph. OS 9-5509. Style, quality, savings, convenience. Lay away blanket spe cial. M. Cherrick, Minnesota Woolen Agent. MOVINCTTO ALASKA, must sell furnf ture by August 15th. Gas stove, dav enport and chair, unfinished dinette table, bedstead, springs and mattress. OS 9-54 lit FOR-SALE 16 ft. Glass sho weasel shelves and 8 sliding back doors. Can be dismantled for moving, For par ticulars write Box 726 Sutherlin. USF.D appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc. Taken in on trades. Came out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer Snles, ' Highway 99 at Winchester Bridge. NEW and used meat cases, reach-In refrigerators, soft Ice cream freezers. Bergeron Refrigeration. 1410 SE Ste phen. W A LWAYS HAVE A fine selectioiTof meat available for your locker or deep-freeze at wholesale prices. Win ston Lockers. THH1FT grade 8 ft.. 2x4's. 4c each, or $7 per thousand. On orders of 000 ft. or over. $6 thousand. Keller's Mill, North Stephens. TOP SOIL from new pit. Genuine, heavy river loam; clean, no rocks, easy to handle. To get the best call Charles Keely. OS 9-5117. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. $5 month and up. OR 3-5)18. SALE OR TRADE Almost new double oven electric range, aeep well rook- - er what have you? 1145 W. Harv ard. GOOD used gas ranges, starting as low as siu.93. Kir Crooch Plumbini v Appliance, 528 S. E. Stephens. OR SAVE S35 Youngstown :t6" double bowl ".ink cabinet. Terms. Kier Crooch Plumbing & Appliance. 528 S. E. Steph en'. OR 2-.164. USED HAMILTON dryer, reconditioned. Just S69.03. terms. Kier Crooch Plumb ing & Appliance, 528 S. E. Stephens. OR2-3364. DICTAPHONE set. Late model, com plete and In good working order. Rea sonable depreciated price. Phone OR 3-4033 during weekdays. R" E POSSESS 0il,rA d m i raPeon-o leT V . new guarantee, for balance on contract. Kier Crooch Plumb'ng and Appliance. S23S E.Stephens.OR 2-.04. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever sen. No ronta or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-8493. 3 SPEED record player and radio, S35. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. '55 NORGE refrigera.or-frcc7.er. well taken care of. SLID. OR 3-4)121. or 1480 SW Mulholland Prive Apt. A. MATCHING IlotpntwliTh'randdrver net, both S173. Hern's Appliance, 424 S. E JacksonOR 3-3:.18. ONE-WHEEL new trail-r. Can hVaeen at 1748 N.E. Commercial, or call OR i 2-3381 afler3 p.m. I OCCIDENTAL gaV Vanpe. ued 3 weeks. $:i20 new, now $185. Horn's Appliance,, 424S. E. .Tackon.OR 3-..518. USED BENDIX buomatic. excel lenTroi,- dition. Horn's Appliance. 424 S E. Jack- son. OR3-35l. SERVEL gas rcfrrgerato"r, Btu. ft$lio. Horn's Appliance, 424 S. E. Jackson. OR 3-3518. LIMED OA Kllinette set pi rf ec t$ 1 5 . AUo large easv chair. 20. Might trade. 1145 W. Harvard. FAR MALL cub tractor with attachments S6O0. Also 16 ft glass bottom boat SR0 OR 3-3641. WE HAVE a complet line nf fro7.n food containers for your deepfreeze or locker. Winston Lockers WINSTON Sandandraveirjrmhed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top sotlr)S9-849:t WATKINS PRODUCTS. 1 '4 mils"EaM on North I'mrmua Highway. C. L. Bibby. OR 2-14R8. Musical Instruments 38 ALMOST new Svmphonii 120 has ac cordion. Cot t-lM, will sacrifice. OR 2-WW0 UPRIGHT manVSe"tat""e:mN" C. Jackson after 3 pm. WANTED Used piano, in good ron ditlon. Mrs. Jack DovIp. OR 2-292 PLAYER piano." 8275rOR "2-1B24 Time m i mm eat- mini ertne r : I 1 iC: Ft.W5X If fil!JJU 1 't u Farm Equipment 39 plastFc PIPE Ideal For Irrigation Price Per Hundred Pi H S S.;t2e IV 17 OOe SU.76C l'.i" S.'t2.00e 1 " 11B.64? 2 " S40 BOo Fitting! Roseburg Supply Co. 403 N.E. Winchester SI OR 3-44S1 Roseburr Stringer's Implement Co. 1380 N. E. STEPHENS ST. Phone OR 2-4JD2 AUTHORIZED ALLIS CHALMERI SALES-SERVICE BILL RICHMAN FRANK STRINGER OWNERS Logging Equipment 41 Electric Motor Sales and Service All Sire Motor! Power tool. Gear unit! ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE COMPANY 1 Mile So. of Fairgrounda New Highway OR 3-4:101 D-2 CAT with blade and drum $1200 Also lines, blocks and end hooks for A frame. Inquire Wallace Wilson, 1 mile west of Fairgrounds. BOHEMIA type boom built by Albion Machine. Will fit J or 1 yard shovel. Douglas Machine St Welding. OR 3 3444. SHORT LOG TRAILER. OR 2-3954. Timber & Sawmills 42 Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and stumpage in large or small tracu. Days Ph 2431 Riddle or Myrtle Creek 3266 evenings. In British Columbia 100 Million DM hum-grade cedar logging show, ten to fifteen ears. Logger r quired who In financially responsible to supply equipment and buy out ex luting assets. References. Write Box 50:,, Newi-Hevtcw. WANTED Logs rough lumber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-33H5 EVENINGS: OR 2-1209 WANTED Short' lot! hauling for truck and single axle trailer. Phone OK 2-3121 evenings, except Friday. WANTED Haul for rhorl logger HtVa) Have stakes. OR 3-3911. WANTED Logged over land and tim ber land. Write Box 292 News-Review. Trailers 44 $945 THIS WEEK ONLY 15 Ft. Shasta Trailers Vacationers Hunters JUST 3 LEFT Rainbow Trailer Sales I Mile! North on Old HiKhway At Winchester Brirtee Llren.ed Bonded Hauler! Open Eve'a and Sunday! OR .-I-84Q4 "SEE i DALTON I KENSKII.L FRONTIER ; ALIO UNIVERSAL NASHUA TERRA CRUISER COMMODORE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1182 Nf Sleohem. OR J-4221 ROD & REKL TRAtLKH SALES IDEAL - VICTOR -- ROD & REEL SIESTA FIREBALL ALL SIZES vacation trailer (or rent. Also Evinrude motors and boats. 1145 W Harvard Ph. OR 3-:t:i42 FOR SALE: My equity in a 1937 model 41 ft. Golden State Kit house trailer, 11200. balance on trailer J7:i.ti4. (iiti m month. Will take furniture as part pa menL See trailer, 3 miles southwest of Riddle nn Glenbrnok Loop road. Ricky Powell, Rt. 1, Box 41 an lime VACATION 'theSlESTA"wav Davenn hed doubles living spare. Tha best 15 fL trailer on the market. Rod and Reel Trailer Sales 1J45 W Harvard 1 953 B U DG KH 27 ft. modern and very good condition ROD St RKKI. TRAILER SALES 1145 WMIarvard j PAN AMERICAN 1-bedrnom modern trailer 1933 model. Must be sold hv Aug. 10th. Call office of Kada Trailer Court USED THAILERS for sale low down payment Inquire apace No. I. Nebo Trailer parte, 2ni n r.. Mepnens. SALE OR TRADE for smaller trailer. our equity in w It. l-nenroom trailer. Space F-I3.Nehn Trailer Court FOR SALE 1958 15 ft. Shasta trailer. 5th houfe lefl. Branlly Drive, Wln slon. R II. Harris SPECIAL'PRICB "used,!I7inndeU.V and 15' vacation trailers. 1145 W. Har vard. W A N T E D - - " " La I am oil e l u sed i v sca t ion trailer. Will pay reasonable price. Call MvrtleCreek. 34!13. 27 FT. TRAILER Car or furniture Irade? Phone OR 2-?H4 195.1 21 Ft. Fleetwood' trailer house. S15O0. OR 2-2266 35 FT. 1-IIKD ROOM A n gelu t ra I le'r home, excellent condition OR 3-5mU. 27' TRAILER hou-e, Ale on d i t i o n O R 3-7009. By Jimmy Hatlo Ml?. EE BE, TV! E OUT-OP-TOWM BIG SHOTM4KES A ei?4MDST4ND plav of buying the &4mdsome REFRESHMErJTS- Trailers 44 New Location Special 2 or 3 Bedroom 45-Ft. Great Lakes Mobile Home Special For 1 Week Only $4695 Completely Furnished AUTHORIZED DEALERS FORI Airstreom The Arutocrat of Travel Trailcra The Fabulous Angelus Trailera of Diallnction for thoae who want the very beat Great Lakes The only name you need to knnw when you think of MOBILE HOMES Roadmaster Built to win. . .Without, Wllhlnt MOBILE HOMES Trailer Sales (Successor to Winchester Trailer Sales, Across from Barcus Sales & Service) 491 N. E. Garden Valley Bvd. Phone OR 2-3756 Columbia - Leisurehome Melody Horn (43 3-Bdr IU93.' Spartan - ABC - Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to 50' SiiDplics. etc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 19finN E Stephen. OR3-33.10 FOR SALE trailer house. IBM model. 33 ft. 3-bedroom. full bath, like new inside and out. Will take good furni ture, smaller trailer nr car ai down pament. See on Canyonvilte-Riddle Road or write LeRoy Soeteber, Ht. 1 Box 1.11. Riddle. Trucks 45 SPICER Authorized Distributor AND Drive Line Headquarters Steel lof truck reachea. Fite tank!. Aberdeen itakei. Cup. and saucers. Expert weldmi and machine work, Douglas Machine & Welding OR 3-J444 1.11! N E. Diamond Lake Blvd. SMALL oil tank delivery truck 3-375 gallon tanks, Tothelm meter, reel, 100 ft. 1" hnse, new motor in truck. Can be bought for S430 Gerrrtsen Bldg. Supplv Co. Phone OR 2-20.16. FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock, dump truck or what have you? ID4H International truck and trailer. Nrw motor, slakes and rubber. Phone Suth erlin 2S49 or 3463. 1931 CHEVROLET ton truck. 24 ft. trailer house, used for utility trailer. OH 3-83:14. FOR SALE or trade, lfl.13 Ford ton pickup. Make offer. OR 2-2266. Automobiles 46 R0AR With Kose Motor Co. JULY CLEARANCE USED CARS Reduced Prices '53 FORD Victoria Hardtop '53 CHEVROLET 4-door Bel Air. K fe R, Auto Trans. '52 CHRYSLER Saratoga, new paint '50 ton pickup, 4 speed a Is, 9200 '50 a ton pickup, 4 speed, reduced price Rote St Lane Streets OR 2-3301 NEARLY completed '27 T Roadster 0. rails; '51 Lincoln VB, H grille, large radiator, many ipare pails, '49 Indian Chief, ban and rUers tn good shape hut needs front cylinder and pi' ton 1,; '40 International cab in good shape sell or swap lake Sruha nr what have you Rest offer takei Phone Sutherlin 2712 days. 2815 eve- SPECIAL 1949 PONTIAC 2-door in excellent con dition. Must see to appreciate. Priced to sell in a hurrv Phone from 9 to 5 .K), OR 2-1071, evenings OR a-8145 '55 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, Radio, heater. V-8, overdrive '49 CHEVRO LET 2 door, good work car, 8150 '40 Rulck 2 door Make offer Mav h een at Flovd'a Glass Shop, Garden Vailrv Junction. Ph. OR .1-4444, after 5 OR 3-6464 19.11 STUDF.RAKKR ptckup Verv good shape and tires. 87V5. 1944 Packard convertible, 1295. 308 S E. Jackson. OR 2-1B22 IMS MERCURY Monterev 4 door. AU acreaaories Owner leaving, must sell this week Make offer. OR 3-740.1. I.t:t6 R T. Lane 1955 CHEVROLET convertible, trade aqultv for older model car In good condition, orw(II sell. Sutherlin :.26. STUDEHA KER, 1950 Champion."" Clean good paint Job, Runs good, 8225. OR s-.t.vin fOR SALE Very good 1950 Aulln edan. Good motor and tires, 8175 caih Phone OH 3-7.W4. 56 VOLKSWAOON.' Radio, windshield washers. Cash. 2 miles aoulh on oid Hwy. 99 across from truck scales. FOR SALE "47 Ford7 boiv in good condition, motor needs repair 8fl0. Call OR .1-76B9. 19:t0Mndel A wVth spar parts. OR 3-M61. ton SALEJoDodg'. Good work rsr I'iO OR .1-54:15. 1U4W PONTIAC," radio and" heater." Good rubber. Phona Oakland 2179 1957 BUICK Super, fully equipped, ra onabla OR 3-6.:00 CLEAN IBSI OLDSMolULE. I owner, private partv.8tf95.Call OR 214H I92LYMOUTH Suburban, newly over hauled OR 3-.1SI7 1951 HARI.EY DAVIDSON, newly over hauled Good looking OR 5-6:48 (5oOD '4T Chevrolet OR 2-1334. Sat., Aug., 3, 1957 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 15 Automobiles 46 MMSm No Down Payment On Approved Credit 1935 FORD Deluxe Fordor Sdit 1193 1933 CHEVROLET Tudor Sdn 1395 1933 CHEVROLET Bel Air Fordor 1693 1933 NASH Rambler 2-dr -.1093 1934 MERCURY Monterey 4-dr 1393 1933 FORD Victoria 1093 1953 FORD -dr sedan 93 1933 FORD Club Coupe 793 1931 KAISER Tordor Sdn 195 1951 OLDSMOB1LE Tordor 4S 1951 MERCURY Fordor Sdn 473 1931 FORD Convertible, mechanic'! ipecial .... 125 1949 FORD Club Coupe . 393 1947 OLDSMOBILE Fordor Sdn. 75 Trucks & Pickups 1933 Ford Tag axle Lumber Truck 2395 1931 FORD Short Logger dual drive with Bunk! and Stake! . . 1693 1955 DODGE 4 Wheel Drive Pickup 1895 1917 CHEVROLET Van Body 895 1948 FORD Flatbed Truck 693 No Down Payment On Approved Credit Lock wood Motors Your Friendly Ford Dealer Two Big Lots 1430 SK STEPHENS OR 2-1441 Cor. Rose a Oak Sta. OR 3-6334 Open Eves 'Til 8 Monday Through Friday Bill Stock Top Value BUY OF THE WEEK 1955 PONTIAC Custom Star Chief Catalina. Radio, healer, auto matic transmission. Power steering, power brakes, power windows. All leather Interior. Don't miss this one . f399 Dn. 1958 PLYMOUTH VB Belvedere 4 door hardtop. Radio, heater, an ion) a He transmission. All the extras. . 699 Dn. 1955 DeSOTO Flredome 4 door. Ra dio, heater, automatic transmis sion, power leering, power hrakes. A leal Top Value ueri car .... 809 Dn. 1954 DODGE 'i tnn pickup So clean it could be sold for a new one . 365 Dn. 1953 CHEVROLET 210 door. Heat er. Motor rebuilt. New paint, new whllewall tires 248 Dn. 1953 CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe 4 door. Radio, heater. Automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes. New 2 tone paint. Lots of comfort here .... 365 Dn. 1951 NASH Rambler Station Wagon. Radio, healer. A leal gas saver 1H5 Dn. Don't foi'Ki't to come in and ask about our Inn JjoSoUi s.ile. 15 per rent discount on all new bf-Sotos in stock plus a liberal trade-in on your present car. It's your chance lo be driving the best for less. BILL STOCK Motors Used Car Lot PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Sedan .. $1598 ; BI'ICK Special 4 dr. Haidlop I Power steering Power brake Exceptionally clean 2696 1958 RUICK 4 Dr. Kpacial. Haidjop Full power .... 2598 j 1954 RUICK Century Hardtop . . 1696 j 1951 RI'irK Super Standard Turn ! 4 Dr. Nice car 599- 1954 NASH Rambler 4 Dr Sedan. I Makes Into bed. Hal overdrive 11981 1949 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. dan .... - 198 1 1958 PONTIAC 4 Dr. and 1 Dr 996 1952 PONTIAC ChielMa.n 4 Dr. St 1 dr ... 898 j 1951 FORD V-8 I Dr. ... 498 t 1958 FORD ton 4 ap. Pickup .... 1598 1953 CHEVROLET 1 Ton Crummy 1298 Used Cars From The Big Umbrella Ml It liepncn OR 1-9399 mm 1956 ( 1958 Automobiles 46 BARCUS 'M DODGE Club sadin. Power Flite. 12,000 actual miles SIM M PLYMOUTH 8 Club Sedan. Push button drive, absolutely in top condition throughout lMi M PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door, heater, overdrive, an economy ear 1891 M PLYMOUTH V-8 Club Sedan, Power flyte. It's just like naw H 1998 '55 PLYMOUTH Club sedan with overdrive. One owner car In top condition 130 34 CHEVROLET sedan. Radio, heat er. Reconditioned motor. Finish and interior extra nice. . 1198 53 PACKARD Deluxe tedan. Ultra matic. R At H. Power steering and Power brakes. Truly a lux ury car for only . ... 898 '52 OLDS 98 Convertible. Hvdrama tic, R dc H, brand new top, with leatherette Interior 898 '52 CHEVROLET Fleetline 2 door. n v m rowergl.de. Extra good condition. . apj 51 DODGE club coupe. R i. H. extra ciean 498 51 MERCURY Sport coupe, over drive. R Si H 398 '51 PONTIAC 8 sedan. Hydramatlo. n at m , jog '51 CHEVROLET convertible Radio and Heater 40a, '51 PLYMOUTH sedan. Beautiful light blue finish with matching Interior. Extra clean 448 '50 NASH STATESMAN custom 3 door. Overdrive, reclining seata 248 '50 PACKARD Deluxe sedan Ultra matte, R4H. Extra clean 301 '48 PONTIAC aadanettt. Good mo tor W '48 Buick Convertible, good motor ...898 Trucks & Pickups '57 CHEV ' ton pickup, driven only 4300 miles. Just like new. SPECIAL . IBM 58 DODGE V-8 pickup. 4-speed trans., heavy duty bumper, like new .... 1798 '52 DIAMOND T Model 520 dump truck. Complete with 5 yard bad and hoist Ready to haul. 1188 BARCUS Open Eves & Sun N- Stephens at Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-5568 Easy Rank Terms Particular People 58 PONT Star Chief Cat Cpe. Pow er steering. Power Brake. Rea sonable (750 Dn. j 55 MERCURY Monterev 4 - dr. Merc-O-Matlc. Power brake Exceptionally nfca 6O0 Dn. 55 FORD FAIR LAN I Sta. Wagon v-a. 4-or. f ord-o-Matic. look and rune like new .... 8700 Dn. '55 BUICK Spec. Riviera Cp. One of our very best. Well wheel and deal on this ona . 700 Dt 55 CHRYSLER Windsor V-6. 4-dr. Panel Shift, one owner. Local Blue. Nice .... . (600 Dn. 'SJ FORD Fairlane V 8. 4-Dr. Ford O Malic. Sharp. Make your bid . . 85S0 Dn. '54 BUICK Spec Riviera Cpe. Beau tiful in maroon and Ivory. w-w tires . .. .... 1500 Dn. 'S3 PONT. Chieftain Dlx. 4-Dr. Hy dramalic. Ona owner, local. Top condition . . 8350 Dn '53 WILLYS Aero Ace. 4-Dr Econ omv car, Overdrive. Workman's special $175 Dn. '49 DODGE Coronet Club Cpa, Ona owner. Far above average. Full price W8 Easy Budget Terms At "BIG WHEEL" Phnna OR 2 1041 546 S E. SUphanj WANTED Clean Used Car and Pickups We will pay cash on tha barrel-head Keel Motor Used Car Lot Open evenings 'HI 9 Sundavs from 10 'til 5 8,15 S R. Stephens OR l,Wv6 EXCELLENT 1952 Chevrolet and 19U Ruick. Roth fully equipped. Must sell quick. J.B42 N.E Fremont. '30 OLDS BB 2-door. Excellent body, mo tor, rubber. Many extras. OR 3-6546. Personal 48 YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing confidential advlca may contact Mii Pruitt. Catholic Charities. 278 W. Broadway. Eugene. Oregon Dl 5-.1641. ALCOHOLIC S " ANONYMOUS. 245 P r. Jackson, Tuesdays, Saturdays 8 PM HAVE VACANCIES at C.randvtew Car llnmf. State licensed. Tha best of cara. Also private rooms. OR 3-8302. Lost & Found 49 LOST Femat Irish aattar naar CitT parit, sutherlin, Sunday, nnirfl. ph. 28.10, Buinerun.