Crown Zellerbach Corp. Earnings Sharply Down SAN FRANCISCO I TTie Crown Zellerbach Corp. Thursday said its net income (ell 24.8 per cent in the first six months of this year while its sales advanced two per cent. The firm reported It had earn ings of $18,776,000, a drop of 6.2 million dollars from the first six months of 1956. Net sales, the firm said, were 227.4 million dollars, a gain of some 4 million dollars. Paper and paperboard produc tion rose 23,552 tons, the firm said, but noted that production of some paper machines was curtailed. In the first half of this year, net income per share of common stock was $1.31, compared to $1.76 for the same period of 1956. Island Group ACROSS 1 Island (roup. the - Islands 7 They formerly were known as the West Indies 13 Interstice 14 Charlotte . is their capital 15 Divisions of the calyx 16 Household 17 Worm 18 Russian storehouse 20 Indiana (ab.) 21 Parable 23 Latin American country 26 Wifeot Aegir (myth.) 27 Gaelic 31 Wings 32 Shout 33 Young salmon 34 Obligation 35 The dill 36 Drink made with malt Alaskan city 40 Commanded 43 Mrs. Johnson 46 Embellish 47 South by West (ab.) 30 Regal residence S3 Song bird 34 One who runs away to marry 33 Revolved 36 Chargers 37 Frozen rains DOWN 1 Flower container 2 Angers 3 Corded fabrics 4 Common gazelle 5 Sicker 6 King of Pylos 7 Moisten 8 Persian prince 9 Feminine nickname 10 Biblical name 1 1 Symbol 12 Pay attention lo 19 Miss Gardner 21 They lie east of Rico I 2 I! W L I ft II I) U b 111 b s i? it il 5 ps 1 1 1 r 11 1 a B1 B 1 frj-i p) T "" 7T, T" a - -flllp I p w H I w a r a & g 5 ?! I I I I I I III 111 - 6UT I LL REVISE BESIDE, I'D Y S0RKV.THI & I BUT! WE- MUT Tl MAY NOT T I THIWK YOU'LL m THMIFFEUR WILL DKIVeW lr FTER SEEING LIKE TO SEE MY LAST CHMJCe TtO-J HURRY TO USE- THW I WANT TO AFTER. MUSS MURKHMA TO THBAIK-l THOSE PAPERS THAT . WARIE OFFl J FOR WEEK TO L- WAKE YOUR.I INTERVIEW II SIUB WU SOME- C f PORT. WRBB. WAIT WhTlS t V CLEAR UP YOUR V. HELP REVISE IT! , ftl FLIGHT, MISS V ANYWAY" NEW FACTS. LETS I ThFV KEfP jags I NOW THERES TME UPTOW ANVAGtf LIMIT MERE? Lotta ) JOIN THE , busv, Too FT. . outfit for me meNSO n gear ARMY' fcfc-7xrr-NL,5T s 1 i -"lrt i'-- A wA I SfV& 9 uir lr i mm "Si jT3lf Vx ( ?? "DID VO' JEST . N 'TAlN-TNICErHURTAf .V V 1"LZV ' GAL'S FEELIN'S BV V '!Jl Z&TPl J SV (N MENSHUNIN" SHE I V)V W K 7, fZ STTI F-r tr ' (yf-H NOW VVWERE I CAN THINK t - TH HECK PYA OP A BF.TTTR f OH.OH' WONMUG'SX SUPPOSE J OUESTION h BEEM MONv;FYlN5 I WE ARE? 1VIAN TVUV,T' WITH THE TIME- f9tv :i.",:":Hhi" 1 ii i.ii MJHY ISNT Mv) -J MAMMFR IM III -THIS Di?WE? ) -' "3 WHERE ITS Vf-V supposed f rT tJr m Transfer Due By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON The Rev. C. 0. Tremain was guest speaker last Sunday at the Umpqua Sunday School. He has been pastor at the Cala pooia Free .Methodist Church for the past three years. He will he transferred to Klamath Falls this month, however. Junior Boys Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Ben Amerson en tertained junior boys of the Sun day School class with a parly at their Milwood Drive home recent ly. Activities included swimming and a weiner roast. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Murphy and children, Mrs. Emma Lansing, Answer to Previous Punlt 3 p Tc upkT adoaWka ri ph et" ote OlpCAROL- I N 7Z? IiS?IIiv5S SPAOHBTT I Sy? GU I U C? E R A BIBIE A3a PESNTURE PERT OEAANN HRSE ETS GEE 22 Farther away 23 Father 24 Ardor 25 Unusual 28 City in Nevada 29 Wretched district 30 Otherwise 36 Vipers 37 Lion 38 Mistakes 41 Sped 42 Register 43 Uncloses (poet.) 44 Seasoning 45 Century plant 47 Solitary 48 Internal decay in fruit 49 Marries 51 Mimic 53 Island (Fr.) T?E S NO ) .,11 EFFICIENCY "S. APOUND Hpe..l THING? APE RUN WROnS LAit.- rail t - wtr-i For Minister Mr. and Mrs. Jack Liles and chil dren and Mrs. Ulga Liles, all of Umpqua; and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lansing and son of Cottage drove drove to McCready Springs Satur day for a picnic and swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Liles, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fickes and Mrs. Olga Liles drove to Winchester Bay re cently to deep sea fish. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCarty and daughters of Los Angeles have been guests for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Swine hart and family. They are going on to Washington but will stop in Umpqua again on their way home. Mary Kamp, Peggy Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. B. Fergerson drove to Portland this week to attend the i wedding of Miss Kamp's niece, Jo Miner. GRANGE TO PICNIC The annual Glide Grange picnic is scheduled Sunday. Aug. 11, at Susan Creek Stale Park. Invited are members, their fam ilies and friends. Those attending are asked to bring picnic lunches and table service. The grange will furnish ice cream, coffee and soft drinks. FROM NINE TO FIVE Certainly I suffer from sunburn worse than you do, Hysteria. There's more of me. WHAl S HAPPtNLD TO OJRGIRL FWENP OOOLA1", WHERE'S SHE? s! YOU THINK THE GOLD COW, I'D WORTH ALL THE VfJ??' S?5H!P LLf THEV '.Z'.tJ-t:' " m H H W J OONTVAJOOVABjri7De7p7n I j ,1uwi14jjHlilJ'' I SOMCDAV VCXl'LLGtr . y f j! MARIEOANO I NOV, THAT ) 'I MvE A MOM6 )r.mti. .. r WAS AN m mmm rm TocSau SATURDAY AUG. 3 Hayloft Square Dance Club, 9 Sni . , l'reschern Barn. Ladies ring sandwiches. Serving com mittee: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penu, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lemon, Mr and Mrs. Art McGhehey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jellison, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Pitt. All square dancers in vited. Grange Lecturers' Jubilee, 3 p.m., Riversdale Grange. Buckeroo Square Dance Club, 1 p.m., Buckeroo Barn. Serving com mittee: Mr. ana Airs. Joe t-nnce, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Radford, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Radford. John Rand and Mary Lou Stafford. Old-Tim Dance Club, 9 p.m.. Knights of Pythias Hall on South east Rose Street. Visitors wel come. pid-Time Dance Club, 9 p.m., Knights of Pythias Hall on South east Rose Street. Visitors welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 p.m. 245 SE Jackson St. For informa tion call OR 2-2755. Evergreen Grange old time dance club, 9 a.m., grange hail. Visitors welcome. By Jo Fischer ( THET BROKE BAT PRCWES SS V. VO' MUSTA HI T ME ON TH' J ? HAID.'.'-THASS VJHVAM S I DIDN'T NOTICE NOTHIN." J ... -HMD Ast SVSHTS inomorrow SUNDAY AUG. 4 Conn family reunion politick pic nic, noon, Umpqua I'ark in Rose burg. Those attending asked to bring table service and beverage. Douglas County Historical So ciety annual picnic, 1 p.m., Krinel Brings home near t'anyoiiville. Brockway School third annual picnic, 1 p.m. politick, luncheon, Douglas High School. Elgarose Comfort Club potluclc picnic. Umpqua Park. Members and friends invited. Coffee and soft drinks furnished. Wilbur Methodist Youth Fellow ship at Walter Crosier home. Meet at church at 2 p.m. for transpor tation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill to celebrate golden wedding annivers ary at open house at home of son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Churchill, Rice Valley. Gold Star Mothers annunl pic nic dinner, noon, Veterans Admin istration Hospital recreation park. Momer requested to bring basket lunch, table service. Special treats will be arranged for men of the hospital attending. MONDAY AUG. S Veterans Administration Volun teer services advisory committee. 7:30 p.m., VA Hospital recreation building. Douglas Camera Club, 7:30 p.m., Episcopal parish hall in Iloseburg. Featured in the special program will be W. Kirk Braun, technical and sales representative of Syl vania Electrical products. Refresh ments will be served. Oregon Cheese Cooperative or ganizational meeting, 2 p.m., Doug- as County r airgrounds. tor in formation call Lloyd Sconce at OR 3-405S. Roseburg First Methodist Church SDecial meeting to hear about re tirement plan in Rogue Valley Manor, 7:30 p.m., churcn. 1. 1 . i Ml iL' a ivniynn or riirima, a ji.iu nmems oi rvinias nan. Timber City Chapter of Sweet midlines, nil., o p.m., uiv auu Ricketts Music Store. Hayloft Square Dance Club ad vanced class, 8 p.m., Preschern Barn. Glendalt City Council, 7:30 p.m., Cily Hall. Sutherlin Junior Chamber of Commerce. 7:30 p.m., scout hall. Canyonville Junior Chamber of Commerce, 7:30 p.m., City Hall. Oakland Firemen Stop Crass Fire By EDITH DUNN The Oakland Fire Dept. was call ed out Wednesday afternoon to put out a grass fire just south of town between Martin Bros. Container and Timber Products Co. and Highway 235. Back From Vacation , Mr. and Mrs. James Barker, their son and two daughters, have returned from a vacation in Wash ington, Yellowstone Park and Salt Lake City. They visited at ijeallie and Chehalis in Washington. They were joined by Mrs. Barker s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bena, who acenmn.'inicd them to Yellow stone and Salt Lake City. Mrs. David Wicks and Iwo chil dren of Pasadena, Calif., are vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Chirsitc. Friday, Capt. Dav id Wicks flew over in a jet plane from March Air Force Base near fasauena lo saiem. rrom Salem he returned lo Cottage drove bv bus where he was met by his family and Mr. and Mrs. Christie. Sunday, the group, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanson and family of Wilbur, held a picnic at Chrno weth Park. In the evening, Ihey all drove to Salem where Capt. Wicks boarded his plane for the return to March Field. Cots To Nebraska I Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Jesse left Tuesday by , Mumhy and son. Bobby; Mr. and plane for Grand Island, Nob.. lolMrs. George McCall and Mr. and visit her mother, Mrs. Everett! Mrs. Ted Williams and son. Jim Ilerndon. and her sisters. Mr. and my. The evening was spent in vis- Mrs, wiuara are leaving inisimng week on a trip also, im-y win drive to I.os Angeles where they will he joined by Mrs.'s sis ter. They will go on to I.ubock, Tex as, for a visit with Mrs. Lee's par ents. From there, Ihey will go to Grand Island for a visit. Willard's mother, Mrs. Jesse, will ac company them back home. BIRTHS Mtrcy Hospital BF.AMKR To Mr. and Mrs Virgil K. Beamer, I'O Box 624. Oakridge, July .10, a daughter Debra Ann; weight 7 pounds 9' a ounces. AI.I.KNDF.R - To Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Allender Jr., Box 545, Winston, July 30, a son, Steven Arthur; weight 7 pounds 9'4 ounc- iiakks Tn Mr and tin Hit. man C. Hakes, 170 E. Club, Hose-! burg, July 31, a son, Darwin! l.lovd: weight 7 pounds. i CLIFTON To Mr. and Mrs. Orville C. Clifton, PO Box S5S. Mvr - tie Creek, July .n, a daughter, Pa - '"''7 7 1' ounces DhW to .Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dew, Box 315 Winston, July 25. fr Kureka. Calif., to visit with a son. James Kugene; weight 7 ln(m (or , tew WP(,k, The Kraft pounds S ounces. j mpyPrs's had been visiting with GLASS To Mr. and Mrs. Ken-1 the Landers and other relatives nelh Ray Glass, .1045 NK Porter, the past three week's. Roseburg. July 25. a daughter. I Molly Jean; weight 7 pounds 8 Dii, . t- pre,,n niinrm moore To Mr. and Mrs. Her- man II. Moore, Sutherlin, July 26, a daughter, .Sue Ann; weight 5 pounds 3 ounces. JIAI.L To Mr. and Mis. Hob- ert A. Hall. IU. 1 Box m. Hose- burg, July 26, a daughter, Join Ann; weight 5 pounds 13 ounces. r, - 'K",r' T. I? "r- : .. I t V a J .j6!S, Myrtle Creek, July 2H, a daugh- ter, Cynthia Lynn; weight 7 pounds 6'1 ounces. Tl if MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER TAKES PLACE IN YONCALLA Miss Jean Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott, was hon ored at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Leslie Chapman and Airs. J mi Whipple at the Chapman home in South Yoncalla Saturday afternoon. Miss Scolt will be mar ried Aug. 17. A large umbrella was suspended from the ceiling over a beautifully decorated table where the many gilts were placed. Large bouquets of varied pink gladioli were used in decorations. Games were played and Mrs. Tim Ellis sang "Sweetheart" and "Sweetest Story Ever Told," ac companied by Mrs. Felix Latham at me piano. Mrs. Latham also played a piano solo, "Nola." After opening the many lovely gifts a large wedding cake beau tifully decorated wi!h pink rosebuds was served. Sirs. Gates served punch and Mrs. Echlin served cqf- lee. Those present included Miss Scott, Mrs. Gates, mother of the bride groom elect; Mrs. Nellie Simmons, his sister from Springfield: Mrs. Ben Emery, Dr. Lydia Emery, Miss Hollyjean Dupper, Mrs. Russell Scott, Mrs. Blythe, Mrs. Mildred Whipple and daughter, Mrs. Jean nie Lee, Mrs. Tom Wallace, Mrs. Tim Ellis, Mrs. May Snider, Mrs. Ruth Edes, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Made lyn Cool, Mrs. Helen Clearman. Miss Sharon Timmons. Mrs. Per nilla Kirkelie. Mrs K. Whipple, Mrs. J. Doefler, Mrs. Echlin, Mrs. Felix Latham, Mrs. Chapman and Miss Bonnie Bowman. Those sending gifts unable to at tend were Mrs. S.acy Adams, Mrs. Jean Cowan, Miss Susan Cow an, Mrs. Dorothy Loyd, Mrs. Bean Conaway, Mrs. Helen Abbott, Mrs. Zee Thompson, Mrs. Perrv Smith, Dolah Nutt, Mrs. Everett Curtis Mrs. Bessie Gasser and Mrs. Del bert Dickey. ii.hiai mk.n- uei n j BY FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB The Melrose Friendly Hour Club held its annual picnic Sunday aft ernoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. F e n n. Following a basket dinner, the young people went to the river and the rest spent the time visiting. Enjoying the day were Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Conn, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Coffell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fenn, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bly, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fenn, Mrs. Anna Coffell, Charles and Kenneth Bly, Gloria and Billie Miller, Sarah Brown, Sandra Radecki, Sylvia, Donald, Virginia and Ernest Fenn, Joset and Tommy Candle and Donna Vickie Benedict. The next club becting will be with Mrs. Norma Fenn and will be a dessert luncheon Aug. 14. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HONORS MRS. DeCAMP The Melrose Missionary Society nosied a birtntiay party Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Amy Seely in honor of Mrs. Effie Dc Camp of Roseburg, who is a house guest of Mrs. Seely for several weeks. Mrs. DeCamp receiv.-d cards and gifts on her 88th birth day. Lovely refreshments were serv ed to the honored guest and to Mrs. Seely, Mrs. W. McComas, Mrs. Don Isacson. Mrs. J. R. Fenn. Airs. W. F. Boncbrake, Mrs. Rose Teagarden, Mrs. Arthur Buckwal ter, Mrs. Ralph Krohn and Judy; Mrs. Adolph Doerner, Shelly Docr ner and Tammy Thompson. RICHARDSONS HONORED ON 34th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Bob Myers and daughters, Karen and Tammy, en tertained Saturday evening at their home in Melrose at a dinner party honoring Mrs. Myers parents, Mr and Mrs. C. I.. Richardson, who were celebrating their 34th wed ding anniversary. Guests included Mr. and Mrs Elgarose 4-Hers Picnic This Week By THELMA HANSON The Klgarose Mountaineers 4-H Stock Club held a picnic at the i forks this week. Twenty-eight peo pie attended. Visit Sandt ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson o' ; Portland visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sand and familv. While here they attended; ! ttie 11. S. Cheek funeral'. They re turned to their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I'hill Hess and Ihe latter's sister, Mrs. Dora Bruce, visited Sunday with Miss Ruth An derson, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Racklund and Mr. and Mrs. Sjogern. Mrs. Theltna Sunriberg and her daughter attended Ihe high school P"-" held in Drain Sunday, Miss Barbara McCulley who hsd been visiting with Donna Sundberg I returned to her home In San Fran- i "ulr ul'" m" t- i - i.-: - .. ,'"" i ,u.,bi..r Mr." and" Mr,"" Henry" Tanners! left Friday with her grandparents, ir ir r u k'r,fim.r m a i i v i wi v w 1 1 v ii Need Seen At Days Creek A public meeting to discuss the organization of a rural fire dis- trict at Days Creek will be held1 on Tuesday, Aug. 20, in the ichool " a jm- , .... ... A need for fire fiiiht inn fariti .... nnintfi V 7 I .h n - V- u meeting of the Dayi Creek Mens Club. Dinner will ba served pre- i ceding tha public meeting. Sat., Aug., 3, 1957 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. IS LEGAL NOTin TO CREDITOR All prtoni havlnf claim atralnit th itai of Lortmo Krancli Knny, da caftd, now pending in thm Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for Ooug- lai uounty, probate Department, arc hereby notified lo prcaant lh same, ver ified at required by law, to the under signed at the office of William D. Green, Jr., attorney, Douglaa County State Bank Building, Koteburg, Oregon, within aix vbi monini rrom the date nereoi. Dated and flnt DUbliihed thla 37th day of July, 1957. Myrtle Wilson, Administratrix with the Will annexed of the Es tate of Lorenzo Francis Ktnney, Dereaied. William O. Green, Jr., Attorney for the Estate. NOTICE OF FINAI, SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under signed Executrix of the Will and Estate of HARVEY E. EWENS, Deceased, hai tuea ner final Account in tne circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and said court has fixed Tuesday. Aueuat 27, 1937, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. In Court room "A" or the Circuit Court In the Courthouse, in Roseburg, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said Final Account and for tha settle ment thereof. KATHRYN EWENS, Executrtx of the Will and Estate of Harvey E. Ewens, Deceased, NOTRE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the Cir cuit Court for Douglas County, Oregon, by order appointed the undersigned ad ministrator of the estate of Harry Eu gene Gilvln, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are to present the same, verified aa by law required, to the undersigned at Bernau & Wilson law offices. 219 U.S. National Bank Building, Roseburg, Oregon, with in aix months from July 13th, 1957. IVAN PICKINS. Adminis trator of the Estate of Harry Eugene Gilvin, De ceased. NOTICK TO CRBDITORS All persona having c-lainu againit tha citate of Clifford n. wandell. Deceased now pending In the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby no tified to present the same, properly veri fied, to the undersigned at Umpqua, Oregon, or to Geddes, Telker. Walton 6t Richmond. 433 S.E. Kane. Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, which U July 20, 11)57. II.1A TELLER, Administratrix of the Estate of Clifford H. Wandell, Deceased. Mrs. McClintock Hostess To Christmas Club Mrs. L. E. McClintock entertain ed the Christmas Club at a charm ing 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper Thursday evening at her attractive home in Laurelwood. Koses formed a pretty decorative motif for the occasion. Covers were placed for M r s. O. M. Berrie, Mrs. H. C. Church, Airs. Clair K, Allen, Mrs. J. K. Wharton, Mis. S. G. Palmer, Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. D. B. Bubar, Mrs. Kenneth Qtune and the hostess, Mrs. Mc Clintock. Sewing and vis ting were cninv- ed during the pleasant evening hours. REUNION AND PICNIC HELD AT CANYONVILLI A family reunion and picnic were held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Aker Sr. July 25 at Canyonville. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Strong from Myrtle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Strong and grandson, Jamie Gillam, and Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Strong, all from Milwaukic, Wis.; Mrs. Lloyd Zikmund, Ord, Neb.; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Smith and family from Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slarkuck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Starkuck and Philip and Bonnie Calhcart, all from Myrtle Creek; and Rusty Aker from Riddle. PARTY AND LUNCHEON HONOR RUTH ANN RYDER Itulh Ann Ryder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ryder of Hucrest. celebrated her fourth birthday at a party and luncheon Monday. Following a morning spent play games and opening gifts, lunch eon was served on the patio. The Indian theme was carried through out the party and in the table dec orations of red and yellow. Rubber tomahawks were given as party favors. Guests were Becky Willhile, Con nie Willliite, Cynthia Butler, Jill Barker, Jeff Barker and the hnn oree's sisters, Alice Jean and Glen da Lee Ryder. FAMILIES ENTERTAINED AT PICNIC ON SUNDAY Beta Eta Chapter of Epsilom, Sigma Alpha, of Sutherlin held its annual picnic Sund.iv at Singleton Park entertaining their husbands, families and friends. Those enjoying the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Bud Holm, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mullin, Mr. snd Mrs. Calvin Cllmnn, Mr. and Mrs. Em ery Hunloon, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Blakelev, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hollopeter, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Culver, Mr. and Mrs. James Snackman, Mr. snd Mrs. William Kenwisher and their families. MISS WULFF HOSTESS 'j WEDNESDAY PARTY i Miss Judy Wulff hosted a house hold party at her home Wednesday in Melrose having as guests Mrs Amy Seely, Mrs. Clyde Kcnyon Mrs. carl woodward, Mrs. hari llofman and children; Mrs. Keith Conn and children; Mrs. Norvel Conn, Mrs. C. F. Wulff and chil dren; Mrs. C. L. Garrison, Mrs. W. E. McComas, Mrs. Don Isacson, Mrs. Leonard Cooper, Mrs, M. M. Manning and Mrs. J. Maddox, who presented the games and demon stralion. Miss Wulff served delicious re freshments. ..DOUBLE BIRTHDAY PARTY AFFAIR OF MONDAY The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Swinehirt near Umpqua was the scrrie of a very happy double birthday party Monday evening for their twin sons, Chuck and Joe. It watt for their loth birthday and they received many wonderful gifts. Games were played and refresh ments were served to Pat Murphy, Diane Coffey, David Hoadman, Hill Murphy, Janice Smith, Billy Bob Miller. Carolyn Rippstcin, the honored guest, their parents and Mr. Kin Rinnstrin. AkllJ1,A1 BeillJlrtlJ CONN ANNUAL REUNION i PICNIC SLATED FOR SUNDAY The Conn family annual reunion P'MllC Will be held at 12 noon l;mpqua park Sunday Those tending ara to bring their own bla service and beverages. LEGAL CITATION CASK NO. SMt- . IS THK CIRCUIT COURT OF . THI STATE or OREGON IN AND FOR DOUGLAS COUNTT ' IN Tilt MATTER OK THE ESTATE OF HART niKL, DECEASED -TO: ANNA ERICKSEN; ANTHONY ERICKSEN; STATE Or OREGON, ACTING BV AND THROUGH ITS STATE LAND BOARD; STATE OP OREGON, ACTING BY A NO' THROUGH ITS ATTORNEY GENER AL; AND ALL PERSONS UNNAMED OR UNKNOWN HAVING OR CLAIM-' 1NG ANY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ESTATE AS HEIRS, DISTRIBUTEES OR OTHERWISE! GREETING: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE Of OREGON; You are hereby cited and re quired to appear in Courtroom A of the Douglas County Courthouse In Rose burg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock A.M. on the 28lh day of October. 1037, and show cause, if there Is any, why the facta should not be found and the rights of heirship and distribution to the above entitled estate decreed as set forth and prayed for in the petition of Henry E. Newzell. the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of said estate. ' wMch is on file herein and la dated July 11. 1937. Further, each of you are required to appear In said Circuit Courtroom at aald time and file answers setting up your respective claims of heirship, owner ship or interest in said estate. Said petition prays the Court to as certain and declare the rights of all persons to said estate and all Interests therein, and to enter a decree that de fendants Anna Erlcksen and Anthony Erickien are the only heirs at law and next of kin of the decedent Mary Die!, now and at her death, and that the net assets available for distribuUon be divided between them equally. WITNESS the Honorable Charles S. Woodrlch, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for Douglas County, with the Seal of aald Court af fixed hereto this 13th day of July, 1957. -s-Charles S. Woodrlch Circuit Judge (SEAL ATTEST: -s-Chas. Doerner County Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of uougias appointed Administrator or tne F-state of FLORITA MYRTLE BRYANT, deceased. All persons having claims against h? estate aro notified to pre sent the same, verified aa required by law, to me undersigned at tne law of fice of Donald S. Kelley, Attorney at Law, Douglas County Plate Bank Bids'., Roseburg. Oregon within six 16) months from the date of this notice. Dated August 3. 1937. OLIVER E. BRYAMT. Ad ministrator of the Estate of FLORITA MYRTLE BRY ANT, Deceased. NOTICK OF FINAI. SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Administrator has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Douglas County his final account in settlement of said estate, and Tuesday, September 3. 1937, at 10 o'clock a.m.. In Circuit Court Room A, In the Court House in Roseburg, Douglaa county, Ore gon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, If any, to said final account, and for the aettle ment of said estate. Dated August 3. 1937 HERMAN BAUER. Administrator of the Estate of MARGARET M. BAUER Deceaaed. SUMMONS ' No. 20S.HI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF ORECIOV FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY ALLENE CALLAWAY. Plaintiff. , HENRY CALLAWAY. Defendant. To: HENRY CALLAWAY. Defendant. IN THE NAME Or THE STATE Or OREGON, You are he-eoy required lo appear and pnswer :hj Ci.mplatn fliid ecalnat you in the abive entitled Ccurt end cause or. or before the expiration of four i4l weks from the date uf tn& first publication of tint summons upon you; and if you fall to appear and an swer. Plaintiff for want ther-.-of will ip ply to the Jourt for the relief nravej for In her Complaint, a succinct oUtc-' ment of which is as follows; For a decree divorcing Plaintiff from Defendant absolutely; Award ing the care, custody and control of the minor children of Plaintiff and Defendant to Plaintiff; and For such other and further relief aa tn the Court may seem equitable. This summons is published by order nf the Honorable Chas. S. Woodrlch. Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered directing publication nf this summons once esch week for four 141 weeks In the Ro.ieburg News Ravlew, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Douglas County, Oregon. Date nf first publication tha 10th day of JULY 1937 ROBERT M. STULTS Attorney for Plaintiff Room 320 Pacific Building: Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICK Of FINAI SETTLEMENT Notice In hereby given ttut Augiut 13, 1M7, il the hour of 1:30 o'clock p.m.. Pacific Standard time, tn the Circuit Court Room in the Courthouie, Rolbur(, Douglai County, Oregon, hai been fixed an tha time and place for hearing ob jection!, if any, to the final account filed by the undersigned In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglaa County, Eva Lee Weber Executor or the Last Wilt and Testament of Andrew H. Weber, Dereaied Fred Groea Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Andriw H. Weber, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITOR All persona having claims against the estate of John Harold Ferguson, Deceas ed, now pending In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Douglat County, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to tha un dersigned at Roseburg. Oregon, or to GedricR, Felker, Wal'on At Richmond, Roseburg, Oregon, within aix month! from the date of this notice which la July SO, lfl!i7 HELEN LANDER A JEAN WATERMAN Co-Executrlces of the Last Will and Testament of John Harold Ferguson, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL RSTTLEMRNT The undersigned, executrix of the ee tate of Arthur E. Bert, deceased, haa filed in the Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon for Douglaa County, the final account of her administration, and aald Court has fixed Tuesday, August 1.1. 1057, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, as the time, and the Circuit Court Room In the courthouse In Roseburg, Oregon, as the place, for hearing objec tions. If any, to said final account or t the settlement of said estate. Dated, July 13, 1fM7. MINNIE BERT. Executrix of the Estate of ARTHUR E. BERT, Deceased. NOTICE Or JTNAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the undef ined. Administrator of the Estate of Harry Close, deceased, haa filed hta fi nal account, and the court haa appoint ed Friday. August S3, 10ST at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon In Circuit Court Room "A" in tha Courthouse In Rose burg, Douglas County. Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing objectlona lo aln account. Date of 1st publication July SO, 1857, DONALD S. KELLEY, Administrator Of the Estate of Harry Clote, deceased NOTICE TO CREDITOR All persona having clalma against the Estate of Maud Hagan. deceased, are hereby notified to present tha same within aix months from the date of thia notice at the offices of Oeddes, Felker, Walton At Richmond, 435 S.E. Kan Street, Roseburg. Oregon. Dated and first published July 27, 1057 SHIRLEY CALHOUN, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of MAUD HAG AN, deceased. NOTICE OF fINAL REARINO NOTICE HEREBY is given that Mon day. August 10, 1057, at the hour of 10 00 am. in the Circuit Court Room In the Courthouse tn Roseburg, Douglaa ! 7u;,7"H1..7.:n- "h".'".."."'.' County, Oregon, haa been fixed aa the at, any' m the final account Med by ihe at - undersigned m the above-entitled Court. ta - Swu"" Co7BthU Estate f I noah s. cornutt, Dec a 14.