The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 02, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The News-Review, Roteburg
CHARLES V. STANTON, Editor and Manager
ADDYE WRIGHT, At. But. Mflr.
Member of the Associated Press, Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, the Audit Buroau of Circulations
Ktereitnte bf WES1M10LLIDAT CO., INC., Watt la N Tark, CfcleM
a FranolM. Lt An ltU. PerlUnt. DTtr
Published Daily Except Sunday by rho
News-Review Company, Inc.
UBSCBIPTION BATES U Orn Br Ball Pet Tear, IIX.M; Hi mmlbi, 18. Mi
three moot hi, I8.1B. Oetild Orto ?t Mall Par Taar, tlS.OOi its manlha,
IT.Mt tbraa vaolha, ISM.
Br Nawa-Savlaw Oarrlar Par Taar. llS.Qe (lo no), laaa thaa 7,
par month, $1.55.
Bntarad aa ttoond claaa maltar Har 1. tt!0, al Iba sail afflea a
Baiabarg, Oragon, endcr eel at March t. 1S7S.
By Charles V. Stanton
A used or new car deal can be transacted as cheaply
and favorably in Roseburg as anywhere in Oregon, accord
ing to Bruce Priest, a resident of Camas Valley.
Priest reports that he had heard numerous tales of
special bargains to be obtained in other towns.
Driving his trade-in car, and carrying a check with
which to make cash payment on a new car, Priest said he
visited new and used car markets all the way north to and
including Portland.
He was offered about as many "deals" as the number
of dealers contacted. The trade-in price was juggled up
and down, but, all told, one offer was about the same as
another and none was better than the one made in Rose
burg. Returning home he bought a new car from a local
Priest's experience is not unusual. Many other people
have been enticed to shop elsewhere for various items of
merchandise in the belief that better bargains were to be
found "on the other side of the fence." If all were to tell
the truth, a good many would report, I believe, that they
did no better, if as well, than on the Roseburg market.
Many Excuses Heard
We hear many excuses for shopping in other towns:
Roseburg stores haven't a big enough stock to provide de
sired selection; prices are too high; clerks are too slow;
rourfpsv is birkincr. and others.
Visiting in Eugene some time ago, I asked some of my , 'fec "n j m"rer
friends there why they had gone to Portland on a shoppingTejnno0l;nc'"mnt"s0Jllaeel'b"v
trip. I heard exactly the same excuses I hear in Roseburg I ii. Ferguson, chunman of the
when someone explains why he
sume Portland people make the same excuses when they
go to Seattle.
Obviously no store in Roseburg can afford to stock as
much merchandise as is on display in one of Portland's
large department, stores. On the other hand, Roseburg
stores have an exceptionally fine selection for businesses
operating in a city of this size. Prices, are most definitely
in line forced into line, if for no other reason, by com
petition. Because we are in a labor short area (when things are
i. mal) retail business hasn't always been able to com
pete with industry in wages. Some merchants have found
it difficult to keep their places staffed with trained and
experienced sales personnel. Consequently shoppers oc
casionally have a legitimate gripe that they have not re
ceived fast and efficient service, have not always been told
that something not in stock would, be ordered gladly, nor
have they always been politely and courteously thanked for
their patronage by harrassed, inexperienced clerks.
There are, I know, exceptions to all these things I have
listed and on both sides. I have mentioned various sit
uations simply for the purpose of example. As either a
buyer or a seller you can add your own.
I have a great personal dislike for buy-at-home cam
paigns of the type which try to shame people into patron
izing their local merchants. Campaigns which educate are
commendable. Too often in the past, I fear, we have used
the shame technique until, like the cry of "wolf," we have
nlicnaled attention. Furthermore, it always seems to me
that when merchants appeal to a sense of shame they are,
in a measuro at least, admitting failure in the field of com
petition. Entitled To Credit
Rut there is good reason to point to the benefits of buy
ing at home.
Every dollar spent in trade channels circulates through
many hands before it is finally retired. But it doesn't cir
culate through our hands when we spend it in other towns.
We want a business district in Roseburg as big and as ef
ficient as the size of our community warrants, but we can't
expert that kind of a business section when our patronage
goes elsewhere. ,
Hut it isn't all dollars and cents. Who supports our
Chamber of Commerce? Who heads civic activities and
charitable work, the various fund-raising drives? Who
contributes to every worthwhile project in the community?
To whom do we run when we want prizes for non-profit
contests? Who carries the load of community advertising'
and uplift? "
When we have a person performing all these functions:
as a representative of each and everv one of us. we at
least owe him the courtesy of letting him show us what hp1'"'" of 16 checks, cashed
has to offer. We also owe him n little tolerance. And we i 11,,,'ok(:lorh" lo"'""' fnel!(1'
t ,i t i , . , , , , . . , . .Nathan Shefferman. i lucago la
should have as much interest as he in making this a bet-j borrelations consultant, were ap
ter community. The more dollars we keep in circulation ! paronlly being taken up
the better will lx our community. The jury is presumably probing
Perhaps there are occasions' when we can shop else- i J! "'.''' ln'i'e '",x 1ttfir m"i
.j ., . .. , .. , , 1 . 1 1050. Heck has pleaded innocent
wneie with a little more satisfaction and perhaps an ad- to pn.vlm mdictment charging
vantage of a few cents not counting our travel costs, i him with income tax evasion for
Hut we're sacrificing a good many pennies in taking nion-1 l!,5fl- , ,
ey out of local circulation and we are handicapping t h e 1 ,1 'V ' ..Juh Tad.ftfroin
growth of our business district in exact proportion to tlir,:100 ' $"' ""'"d $M-"")'
amount we spend elsewhere.
I agree with Mr. Priest that, if we'll look around, we'll
find that, for the most part at least, we can get bargains
at home just as good as we'll find elsewhere.
Negotiators Agree To
have agreed on
o S rt'iil hiiutiv
. .....
"S. mi iin-c ,n'l- ill, III
International Woodworkers of
America members at the Deer Mnpire, were recessed yesterday, ers. stevedores and emploves of
Park Pine Industries, il was an- Ziman said no meetings had railway, steamship and air line
nounccd here. ,ocn ,(.u.(.-d between the IW companies
The agreement, which will he and Ohio Match Co of Coeu'r "" " l"'0,,,"r'' ,nM w
voted on bv members, included ri'Alcnr, where 3f0 workers are o-i co.mlin.iled transportation union
only minor changes in other parts strike, and the l.afferty Transpor- ro"llry'. """a told a re
nf the contract, said Karl Niinz, talion Co., where 30' tug boat p"1r,"' i, . . , . .
district president of the IWA. operators are out Hoffa. Detroit vice president ot
The Deer Park plant ,s a sub-, " !,h', ''"V.T. f .k-1" ?'
W, 'rXV'"-. 1 PAYMENT FOR OVERPASS clt'ttcrLlotl
ir" gme, V'wVck' I()Im.ANn , A of , . Transit
Meanwhile, federal Mediator ,$.'.1,000 to the Oregon Highway union combine would be one or
l.ouis Ziman laid he would be in Commission for a new overpass the first things he would seek if
Standpoint. Idaho, Thursday to ,il approach to the city oo was ap- he is elected to succeed Dave
in on talk! between-the IWA and proved Wednesday by tin Port- Beck ai president of tha giant un
pack River Lumber Co. land City Council. .ion.
Ore. Frl., Aug. 2, 1957
bought out of town. I pre
Wage Increase
Negotiations between the union
....j i. . ...
,,,,(,(, laion, union em-
. ,
l".v m(,re loan 1.1X10 in the Inland
'Hard to Read
Lumber Company
Merges With
St. Regis Paper
TACOMA ii With the stock
exchange effective Thursday, the
St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co
hoard of M. Kegis.
Stockholders of SI. Paul and Ta
coma will receive 450.UO0 shares
of St. Hegis common stock now.
and an additional maximum of
400.000 shares in the next three
years, in exchange for the 15.000
outstanding shares of St. Paul and
Tacoma stock, he said.
St. Paul and Tacoma has been
an important source of supply for
the St. Hegis pulp mill here, sell
ing its output of fir and hemlock
wood chips to them for pulp man
ufacture. Organized in 1888 by Chaunccy
St. Paul-Tacoma also manufac
ture! and distributes fir plywood,
kiln dry hemlock lumber and fir
lumber. Now headed by Kverelt
K. Griggs II, it operates a ply
wood mill in Olympia and a saw
mill and drying kdn in Tacoma.
Through the merger, St. Hegis
acquires control of 13.1.700 acres
of fir and hemlock timherlands
owned hv St. Paul-T a c o m a, of
which 33.000 acres are old growth
timber. The acreage is located on
the western slope of Ml. Rainier
in Pierce and Lewis Counties ap
proximately 40 miles from the St.
Hegis kraft pulp, paper and board
mill and multiwall bag plant in
St. Paul-Tacoma also has avail
able to it for purchase timber lo
cated on an adjoining 29.800 acres
owned by the United States, the
state of Washington and the
Northern Pacific Hallway.
Dave Beck Denied
Right To Travel
To Havana, Cuba
TACOMA i.f Federal Judge
George II. Boldt denied Thursday
a request hv an attorney tor
Teamsters boss Dave Heck seek
ing permission for Reck to travel
to Havana, Cuba, for a day lo
"complete some negotiations "
Government attorneys opposed the
Judge Roldt said he saw no rea
son to change his mind about al
lowing Heck to leave the t:nited
States. Heck, indicted on an income
tax evasion charge, had previous
ly made an unsuccessful bid for
permission to leave this country.
In Thursday's renewed grand
jury investigation of Heck s af
Hoffa Would
Seek Combine
R. Hoffa said Thursday that if ne
is elected president of the Team
sters I'nion, as he expects to be.
he will seek authority to organize ;
a nationwide transportation union
or federation.
.1 ll'llli'llll in ll.,lluil IIIIIUIII
0f this tvpe would include truck
A combine of transport unions
With That Light
Apparently Harmless Little
Resolution Seen As Threat
To Reclamation Program
ently harmless little resolution to
I authorize a $5,000 siudy at Klam-
ath Falls. Ore., has been sent
back to the House irrigation sub
committee as a possible threat to
'the nation's reclamation program,
j Introduced by Rep. LTIman (D
iOre), it would authorize the ap
propriation and direct the Secre
tary ot the Interior to determine
jlhe best means of eliminating the
hazards within the city of Kla
jmath Falls, Ore., caused by a ca
nal under the jurisdiction of the
bureau of Reclamation.
It was returned to subcommit
tee after the full House Interior
Committee Wednesday, by a 15-7
show of hands, approved a sub
stitute proposal to authorize sim
ilar studies on all canals, laterals
and ditches under the Depart
ment'! jurisdiction. A study al
lowance of S3. 000 for each project
was included in the substitute.
The action brought a warning
from Chairman Kngle (D-Calif) and
Rep. Savior (R-Pa) that it was
adding costs which could break
reclamation's back." Kngle said it
was because of such "constant
Gov. Holmes Asks President
To Relax Tight Money Plan
SALEM i Gov. Holmes ask
ed President Eisenhower Thurs
day to relax the "tight money"
policy and to liberalize the fedenl
payment standards.
The governor, in a letter to the
President, said the federal finan
cial policies have depressed Ore
gon's lumber industry. Many mills
have closed and others are faced
with long closures, Holmes said.
The letter said:
"As the largest producer of
lumber in America. Oregon is de
pendent on the lumber industry
for fully 25 per cent of her total
economy. The lack of new housing
construction during the past few
years has seriously depressed the
price of lumber.
"Mills which attempt lo borrow
operating capitol to continue op
erations find themselves face 10
face with the same tight money
policies which initially gave rise
to their serious need for credit.
The resulting conditions are be
coming more serious at an ad
vancing pace.
"The over all picture of finan
cial distress, lowered payrolls,
unemployment is swiftly ap-
Senate Finishes
Action On Bills
WASHINGTON if The Senate
completed congressional action
Thursday on compromise bills pro
viding funds for the Defense and
Agriculture Departments for the
12 months thai began July 1.
It put aside the civil rights hill
temporarily to act on the appro
priation bills.
Passage came on a voice vote.
The bills provided $3.1,759.850,000
to operate the armed forces and
$3.6titi.S-t4.7.,i7 for the Agriculture
Action came after an hour'i dis
cussion and a detailed explanation
by Sen. Russell (D Gai. floor man
ager (or the farm money hill.
With these out of the way the
civil rights measure was back be
fore the Senate as it has been for
nearly four weeks.
The Senate action sent the bills
to the White House.
HAVANA. Cuba President
Fulgencio Batista suspended con
stitutional guarantees throughout
Cuba for -45 dats Ihursdat
The suspension followed demon
strations Wednesday in S.iuti.Ho
de Cuba The anti government
demonstrations were timed lo coin
cide with a msiI of I S. Ambas
sador Farl E. Smith.
So Far Away"
j loading of reclamation projects"
that "reclamation is in the worst
shape of my 15 years" in Con
i sress.
Hep. Sisk (D-Calif) has support
ed lllman's original proposal on
grounds the federal government
, had a reponsibility to assist the
community. He described the sub
stitute bill as completely irrespon
sible. Rep. Rhodes (R-Ariz), who of
fered the substitute, said he did
so on grounds the government
should treat all communities
When Savior finally moved
that the matter be returned to the
subcommittee, only one or two
voices were raised in objection.
! Ullimm's original proposal.
'which passed the Senate last year
jwas prompted by the existence of
an open canal through Klamath
Falls which has been the scene
!of 26 drownings in its 38-year his
tory. I ITIman said he believed the gov
ernment "as a big brother and
having built the canal" should put
up the money and make the study.
He said local interests don't have
engineers and other needed facil
ities. proaching the critical stage. I am
hopeful that your administration
will move immediately to lower
Ihe down payment schedule under
FIIA permitted by the recently
passed iy;7 housing act.
"This can be of extreme im
portance in preventing further
deterioration of the housing situa
tion this year and should permit
plans for substantially increased
level of spring housing starts
next year."
Veterans Dept.
Restricts Farm
And Home Loans
SALEM. : The state Veter
ans Department Thursday began
restricting its farm and home loans
to veterans to about 80 per month
because it is running out of mon
ey. During July, Ihe department
made 586 loans for a record total 1
of $5,583,850.
The department finances its op
erations through issuance of bonds.
Tha constitution limits the total
amount of bonds to 81 million dol-'
lars, and this limit was reached I
three days ago. j
However, the Legislature has i
submitted an amendment to the
people to permit an additional -to
millions worth of bonds. This j
measure will be on the general i
election ballot next year.
The Legislature this year in- j
creased the limits on the amounts
that can be loaned to each veter
an. This fact, plus the general
shortage of mortgage money, has
caused a big increase in the de
partment's loan business
Since the higher loan limits be
came effective April 10. the de
partment has loaned $15. 112.850 to
l.BL'8 veterans.
This was l' millions more than
was loaned in all of 1956
The new policy means that most
loan applicants will have to wait
many months to get their loans
PORTLAND . - A disputa be
tween the Teamsters I'mon and
the T C. Wildish Construction Co
of Kugene was settled Thursday
after three dats of negotiation's
at the Associatid General Com
Iraclors of orrnon uflice, Bi'.!
Harding of the AviC said
The Teamsters walked off the
job and threw up picket lines
July 17 to enforce their demands
for higher pay for some $500.0O0
worth of municipal improvement
projectj at Eugena. (
Power To Sway Outcome
Of Legislation Revealed
In 3 Issues By Eisenhower
Naws-Rtviaw Corrtipondtnt
WASHINGTON The overwhelm
ing power of the president to influ
ence the outcome of legislative
battles on Capitol Hill has seldom
been so clearly demonstrated as
last week on three of the most bit
terly fought issues facing Con
gress. In each case Hells Canyon,
federal aid to education and the
civil rights bill the outcome fol-1
lowed the course indicated Dy
President Eisenhower.
The Hells Canyon bill was killed,
after passing the Senate, in the
House Interior Committee where
a solid wall of Republicans, aided
by two Democrats, blocked it from
being sent to the House. The rig
idity of the GOP position was due
to White House pressure to vote
against Hells Canyon.
The aid to education bill was
more complicated, because Eisen
hower had said on several occa
sions that he favored federal as
sistance to local school districts to
help solve their overcrowding prob
lems with new schools. He sent
Congress a bill to provide an aid
program. I
Democrats wanted to provide a I
larger aid program, so the result;
was a bill that was a com pro-1
mise between the two. After the
bill was reported out of the House
Education Committee, the Repub
lican leaders took a poll and found
a majority of the GOP congress
men opposed to passing the school
On the day the bill was up for a
vote last week, Eisenhower had a ,
conference with GOP Leader Joe
Martin and authorized him to say
that he wasn't happy with some
parts of the school bill but prob
ably wouldn't veto it. i
The effect of this indication
from the White House that the
president wouldn't be sore at the
Republicans if they ducked out on
the school bill was quickly observ
ed. When the vote came to kill the
bill, 111 Republicans teamed up
with 97 Democrats to burv school
aid. With the 126 Democrats who
tried to pass it there were 77 Re
publicans. Every Northwest law
maker supported the bill.
Civil Riqhts Test Faced
The civil rights bill voting was
along similar lines; although the
bill itself is still being debated,
one vital amendment has been
adopted lo vvhitth down the ef
fectiveness and scope of the bill.
As it came to Congress, the civil
rights bill was entirely the product
of the Justice Department and a
vital part of the Eisenhower pro
gram. By turning on the pressure
in behalf of it. the White House
succeeded earlier this session of
Nez Perce Tribe
Permitted To Fish
Above Bonneville
SEATTLE I The Nez Perce
Indian Tribe was told this week iis
members would be permitted to
fish commercially in the Colum
bia River above Bonnewlle Dam
during the spring and fall salmon
The Nez Perce contended they
were inadvertently omitted when
Washington and Oregon fisheries!
and game officials agreed to let
members of the Yakima, Umatilla
and Warm Springs tribes fish
commercially above Bonneville.
.Meeting with Washington fish
eries and game officials here
this week, spokesmen lor the Nez
Perce pointed out that they were
"treaty" Indians like the other
"The officials were most cour
teous and apologetic when they
discovered their mistake." Rich
ard Halfmoon. president of the
Nez Perce Tribal Committee,
I'nder the terms of the agree
ment, members of the Nez Perce
Tribe and the other three tribes
involved are exempted from the
ban against commercial fishing
above Bonneville, although their
commercial fishing must be done
only when the commercial season
is in effect below the dam.
The fishing rights of the Nez
Perce, the Warm Springs, the
Vakimas and the L'malillas on the 1
Columbia have been guaranteed
by I' S. treaty. I
Halfmoon said Oregon fishery
officials have also assured the;
tribe that state w ill include the i
Nez Perce in its agreement with I
the other tribes.
Among those meeting with Half
moon and the other Nez Perce !
spokesmen were lido Moore, state
fisheries director, and John Biggs,
state game director.
ASHLAND .n Mrs. Harriet
Ambrose observed her birthday in
Ashland on Wednesday. She is
Do Your Child's Shoes
Get longer wearing
Red Gooso Shoe.
Built better to
wear longer, save
you money.
AT rji
ihui sj
getting it through the House with
out any of the amendments spon
sored by southern Democrats aim
ed at cripping the bill.
When the Senate debate got hot,
and southerners attacked in great
est strength, the president began
to express doubts about the bill's
part III, by which integration of
puDlic schools might have been en
forced. I
Sen. William F. Knowland, the
civil rights leader and the Sen-1
ate's Republican leader, fought in
vain thereafter to prevent part
111 from being emasculated. The
Senate voted 52 to 38 to trim this
section of its authority. Joining the
sponsors of the amendment were
18 Republicans whom Knowland
can usually keep in line but who
defected this time.
As several congressional observ
ers put it:
"If the president had gone down
the line for the school bill and civil
rights as strongly as he did against
Hells Canyon, it would have been
a different story."
The results indicate that a pres
ident can usually get pretty much
what he wants when he is as pop
ular as Eisenhower, and that when
he doesn't want it very badly he
doesn't get it.
. . .to rent in Winston with a buy -available
at termi of your own choosing. Two
bedroom, tile floored house, located on
a large lot priced at only $5500.00, so
you can afford some redecorating. Make
an offer.
Summer Rotes on Planer Ends and
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