M Tht Nw-IUlw. Roiaburg, Or. Wd July 31, 1957 Egg, Poultry Workers To Voro On New Wagei PORTLAND Hi E(f? and poultry workers in the Portland area and Western Oregon will start voting next Monday on wage settlement retro-aetive to June 1, Charles J. Mentrim, Seattle, union representative, said Tuesday. Mentrim. international vice president of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Work ers of America, said the union's wage committee voted to accept the settlement Monday night. But terms of the settlement will not be revealed until the locals have voted, he added. The negotiations involved be tween 600 and 700 worners. Richard Morris, Portland attor ney reoresentinB the Oregon Egg and Poultry Dealers Assn., one of three employer groups uivoivea .n LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL. PROPERTY Notice to hereby given that under and pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for Douglas County duly made and entered of record In the matter of the estate of Ralph Hutch in ion. deoeaaed. authorizing t h underiianed aa administrator of said estate to sell the real property herein after described: NOW. THEREFORE. I Donald 8. Kel ley, administrator of the estate of Ralph Hutchinson, deceased, will at the office of Donald 8. Kelley, Attorney at Law, pouglae County State Bank Bids;., Hose- Durg, uregon on ana aner me ora amj of September, 1997 offer for caah in hand, or on credit, at private sale and aubject to. the confirmation by said court, the following described real prop erty belonging to said estate: The South one-half of Lot 36 and South one-half of the South one-half of Lota 24 and 25 of Doerner's Addition to Eden Orchards, according to the official plat thereof, now of record In the office of the Cleric of Douglae County. Ore Bon. Donald I. Kelley, Admin istrator of the Estate Ralph Hutchlnaon, deceased M. A. No. Oregon 04906, District Land Office, Portland, Oregon July 11. 1957. Notice is hereby given that R. C. Shipley, Morria F. Ship ley ana nonert A. ampler nave ' made application to the United States for Mineral patent for the Hard Times lode or quarts mining claim situated in the Green Moun tain (unorganized) Mining District in Douglas County, Oregon, all un der Mineral faurvey No. 920 for lands described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at corner No. 1 of the Hard Times lode, from which the quarter section corner ot sections Jl and 12, T. 33 S., R. i W.( Willam ette Meridian. Oregon (same be ing the SW corner of the NWV4 of said Sec. 12), Dears 5. w aegrees 57 W.( 1529.66 ft. distant; thence N. 63 degrees 22' E. 1449 ft. to corner No. 2; thence S. 11 degrees 47' E. 600 ft. to comer No. 3; thence S. 63 degree 22' W. 1449 ft to corner No. 4; thence N. 11 degrees 47' W. to corner No. 1, the true point of beginning of this description. Location notices as fol lowsall in "Official Mining Rec ords" in Douglas County, Oregon; Hard Times, Volume 11, Page 135; amended location, Volume 1 1 , Page 378. Th Forgetmenot Lode claim (unpatented) presumably ad ioins tht easterly end of the Hard Times Lode, but does not conflict with it. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the mining ground so herein described for which ap plication for patent has been nane, a re hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law, with the Man ager of the Land Office at Port land, Oregon they will be barred by the provisions of said law. Irving W. Anderson, Manager. SUMMONS No. 5(1(174 IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT or TH STATK OF OltKOON FOR TH roil NTT OP llOUtll.AS FEDERAL NATIONAL MOHTdAQM ASSOCIATION, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MAURICE R. THOMPSON, and also ail olhar persons and pi rites unknown claiming any right, title and interval tn the real property described and the unknown heirs of any deceased defendanla; Defendants. TO: MAURICE R. THOMPSON: and also aU other persons and parties un known claiming nny right, title and in terest In the real property described, and the unknown heirs of any deceased defendants, Defendants IN THE NAME Of THE STATE OF OHRGON: You are hereby required to appoar and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within four weeks from Die dale of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, Plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for a Decree of the above entitled Court that the plaintiff have the relief prayed for in the Com plaint herein, to-wit: That an Interlocutory Judgment and Decree be made and entered herein requiring the defendants, Maurice K. Thompson, and also all cither persons and part lee unknown claiming any right, title, and inter est, and the unknown heirs of any deceased defendant. In and to the following described real property sit. usled in Douglas County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 4. niock 7, First ftuhdivMon of Cloverdale Addition to Hoe burg, according to the plat on tile in the ofdee of tlte County Clerk of Douglas County. Oregon. lnKether with all Improvement thereon and the hereditaments and appurtenances, and all rights thereunto lie longing, or in ait -wie apMrfaining at the time of the execution of the inortgiiKO foreoloard upon by the plaintiff, September IS, lWt, and there after, and reversion and rever sions, remainder and remainders, rents, Usuet and profits thereof, and all plumbing, heat Inn and lighting fixtures and equipment attached at the time of the mak ing of said morlKAKe. or there after attached to and used in connection with said premises, 1n redeem from the United Stales Marshal's Sale of aid property to the plaintiff, and that aurh redemp tion le made wtthtn turn lime as the Court aball deem reonsble in the manner and mode provided for by the Matuiri of Ormon for the re de nipt ion by a Hen creditor from the aale of rral properly on execu tion, and in the event of the failure of the said defendants so lo redeem said re I property, that a final Judgment and decree le made and enteied by the Court In the alove entitled rase barring and foreclosing all of the light, title, claim and Interest of the defendants, Maurice H. Thompson, and also all other per sons and parlies unknown claiming any right, title and interest, and the unknown heirs of any deceased de fend an is. in and to the above de scribed property, and each of them. and f.ir kiich other and further relief aa the Court nia deem orooer and riiUtlanie. This Summons la published bv Order of the Honorable Charles g- Woodrich veniber. and hich the sho e named. Judge Of Ihe alHive entitled Court, made Ifendanta Winston Mills. Inc. Jav and entered on the 2Hh day of June, Mrk Lumber Co, Inc. and Commercial' 1H37, directing publication of this Sum- mons once each wek for four ronae-j rutlv weeks in the Roeburg News He-' view, a new p per poniuned in and of general circulation in Uouglaa County Dale of first publication: July 3. 137 Dal of Lat publuattuir Julv Jl, HtM, UtWr.Y H PAI.MrH, Attorney for Plaintiff 4(ll PMiock Block. Portland 3, Oregon poet Office Addr the negotiations, declined to com ment on the union announcement until he was formally notified of the union s action. LEGI0NAIRE5 TO CONVENE EUGENE Ifl Oregon Ameri can Legion delegates will gather here next week for their 39th annual department convention. Between 1,000 and 1,500 dele gates are expected. The Rev. Bernard W. Cerdon, national Ley ion chaplain, will give the opening address Thursday morning. Tne convention will con tinue through Saturday. Aug. 10. Sidney George, Kugene, is the general convention chairman. LEGAL NOTICE or HI! KHIKF'H iiALK In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglaa, C, No. 19781. DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK, A Hanking Corporation, Plaintiff, vi COMMERCIAL LUMHKR SALES, INC. A Corporation; WINSTON MILLS, INC. A Corporation; JAY-MARK LUMHER CO., INC., A Corporation, et al, De fendants. Hy virtue of an execution issued out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 30th day of July, 1037, based upon a Decree rendered and entered in said Court on the 2Mh day of July, 1057, In favor fof DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK, a Banking: Corooralion. commanding me to make sale of the louowing: To satisfy the sum of (37,627.00, to gether with Interest thereon at the rate of fl per annum from August 3, 1036, until paid, the following de scribed premise, to-wit: Tin, West half IW'J of Lot Four (4) and all of Lot Three (3) In Plat "A" of MILLER'S DILLARD SUBDIVI SION, as the same appears on the plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, excepting from said Lot 3 the Westerly three 13) acres thereof, heretofore convey ed to Willard Laurance and Mary Vi vian Laurance, his wife, and also ex cepting a strip of land 14 feet wide along the weet side of Lot 3 hereto fore reserved by S. C. Miller aa a roadway, all in Douglas County, Ore gon. Also the Southerly loo feet of the East half of Lot 4, Plat A. Miller's Dillard Subdivision, Douglas County, Oregon. To satisfy the sum of 1223,000 00. together with Interest at the rate of " per annum on the sum of (22, 600.00 and .' per annum on the urn of S202.SOO.OO from May 10, 1050, until paid, together with the further sum of SMI 7.35 for Insur ance procured by Plaintiff, the fol lowing described premises, to-wlt: BEGINNING it i IV, x 30" pip from which the South quarter Sec tion Corner of Section 2d, Towrwhtp 28 South, Range 8 West, Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County, Ore gun (Southwest Corner of John Dil lard DLO bears South 1 degree 07' Wfest 20 0 feet: thence North TO degrees 57' East 235.0 feet parallel to the southerly boundary of a fore men t J oned Section; thence North 0 degrees 02 Enal 650.00 fet; thence South H9 degrees MT West 223.0 feet to the westerly boundary of the South east Quarter SE'., of aforesaid Section 29 and John Dillard D.L.C.; Thence South 1 degree 07' West 050.05 feet along said Southeast Quar ter and DLC line to the place of beginning. All being within that par cel of land conveyed by S. C. Miller to Ana Cobb as recorded In Volume XI. Page 337, Douglas County, Ore gon, Deed Records, ALSO the Went hair of Lot It. Plat A. Millers Dillard Subdivision, Doug las County, Oregon. ALSO BEGINNING at a point In the north boundary of and North S de grees 00' West 204 3 feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 12, Pint A, Miller's Dillard Subdivision, Douglas County, Oregon: thence South 5 de grees Of)' Wont 544.5 feet parallel with the East boundary of aald Lot l'l; thence North S3 degrees 00' West 120 feet parallel with the north boundary of said Lot 12; thence North S degrees 00' West 344 5 feet fiarallel to the east boundary of said -ot 12 to the North boundary there of: thence South 85 degree 00' East 120 feet along the north boundary of aald Lot 12 to the place of begin ning. In said Lot 12, Plat A, Millers Dillard Subdivision, Douglas County, Oregon. ALSO BEGINNING at the Southwest .corner of Lot 3, Mlller'a Dillard Sub division Douglas County, Oregon, front which corner a l' Inch iron pipe bears South 5 degrees 05' West 1 53 feet, thence Norlh five degree 05' Eiipt 73 0 feel along the West boundary of said ImI 9 to a 1'4 Inch Iron pipe; thence South H5 degrees 00' Ea-t 12 0 feet to a , inch iron pipe and 639 5 feet to a I1 Inch Iron pipe in the Eml boundary or said tol 5: thence South 5 degree 01' Went 750 feel along said East boundary to the Southeast corner of naid lt 5. from which a IS Inch iron pipe hear South 5 degrees ni' West 1 73 feel; Hience North H3 de grees 00' West 651 feet ilong the South boundary of said Lot 9 to the place of Iwginnliig. Together with the full and froe right and liberty for Commercial Lumber Sales, Inc., its successors and as slgna, and their agents, servants, ten ants and occupiers, and each and every other person or persona for the benefit of is Id Commercial Lu lu lu r Sales, Inc.. ita succeora and assigns, from time to time and at all times hereinafter mentioned at its will Mid pleasure and for all purposes, to use and travel for pass age as a means of ingress and egress to the hereinabove described lands, to crom over, in and along with vehicles and alt kinds of con veyances over a slnp of land more particularly described as follows, to-wit BEGINNING at a Inch Iron pipe In the south hue or the dedicated road and South H4 decrees 39' East 300 0 feet from the West boundary of Ixi l 5. Plat A. Miller's Dillard Subdivision, Douglaa County, Ore gon, thence. South 3 degree 0.V Vrt 3HI S feet to a inch iron pipe In the north boundary of a 1 12 acre tract a Ion a the south side of said lt 3. thirnce South R3 degrcei (' East 12 0 feet along the said bou mi sty to a ' inch iron pip; thence Norlh 5 degrees 03 Eat 3HI 2 feet to a inch iron pip in the South tine or said dedicated road; them- North H4 degree 5W Weet 12 0 feet to the place of beginning. Win nil in said Lot 5, Plat A, Miller's Dil lnrd Subdivision, Douglas County, Ore gon. ALSO The West half of Ut Tour and all of Lot Three, tn Plat A, Millet's Dillard Subdivision, Douglas Counlv Oregon, excepting from said l.ot 3 the Westerly three CI) acre thereof, heretofore conveed to Willurd Laur ance and Mary Vivian Laurance. his wife, and also excepting a strip of land 14 feet wide along the west side of Lot .1 heretofore reserved hv S t. Miller as a roadway, all in Douglas County, Oregon, Also the Southerly 100 fct or the Taut half of It 4, Plat A Miller. Pit lard Subdivision, Douglas Count), vi r sou In addition tn the ln mentioned ; ins aid property shall he so hi to sat- tfy further the 300 00 a! Plaintiff's reaioiMhle Attorney's (era audi tor numilll inmIi and ilxhin emeiils i herein incurred In the sum of I4 40 and; NOW THKrV-FOHF.' "by" v'riue 'of said 1 execution and Decree and m ivim.H. 1 ance with the command of said writ I will on the 2vth dav of Auauit, lw.17, at: 1000 am at the South Front Door of in ifut.fiaa i oumy v ouri M.m in Hie- iMirg. Don alas Count , Oregon, sell auction aitd .object to redemption. I to the highrst bidder for eah in hand. 1 the right, title, and lnirret h hirh a"" nanwHi Defendant Wm.i.n. Mills, Inc. had on ths 3rd day of No- Lumner Males, Inc. had on Mas 10 Id.tfl, '"d which all of said Drfendsnts had on July 137. the dale of aid Decree ami iiicreaiier naa in and in lle aK.ve present the same, proper It Verified, to described real property or anv part Ihe undersigned At He!urg. Oregon, or port, on theteof to salnTr said Fxe.u- or to tieddra. Felker Walton a. Kuh tlon and Decree and Inleiesl. roats and mond. P O Bos W7. K.xebdig Ore aecrumg costs , gt.n. wtlhin six month from Ihe dale Dsted at Rosetmrr Oregon I of tht notice which ta July .11. lws7 '" mcreaiier naa in and in lite a this .ilst dav of Juh lt1T. 1 IRA C HVHO Sheriff of Douglaa County Oiegon. Classified Section Real Estate 1 Always See ... A Realtor It wlM par you . be safe be sure Look for this EMBLEM ' It meant DEPENDABLE Real Eatat couniel. Only REALTORS dia plar Ihto Emblem. Yea . . . tt will par. Always Sea A Realtor Roseburg Realty & Insurance Co. 7 ACRES crop land with fine moderniz ed home and lot of A-l outbuildings, beautiful lawn, flowers, and shade trees. glu,3UU. GARDEN Valley Road nice 3 - bedroom plastered home. It has attached ga rage lencea yara, nice .iiuM.-npiu, and good garden. About 'a acre of land. 10,500. 1,000 ACRE ranch with 200 acres of cropland. About 100 acres oi grain yet to cut. 30 tons of chopped and baled hay U now In the big fine new barn which has all steel roof and full concrete foundation. Included is a complete set of new machinery In cluding combine, trie tors etc., 200 cwea with lambs, 17 Herefords. Grass la knee deep and the ranch la only half stocked. Price, Including hay, grain, machinery and livestock Is S55, 000 al about 120,000 down. A going ranch with lota of Income yet this summer. SMALL neat 3 - bedroom wests'de horen with extra vacant lot. (5500 at S300 down. Near bus line. Roseburg Realty Cr Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 3-3344 "OUR SERVICE DOESN'T COST IT PAYS" This Week's Best Buy MOVE RIGHT into this well constructed. 2-br home located across old Hwy OU from Chrystallte Tile Plant. Hardwood floors, electric heat, tiled bath, na tural finish kitchen bulltlni. Insulated, plastered. S year old. Large lot. All this can be youra for only $7,330 full price. HANDY REALTY OR 3-3436 Harvard Ave. at PHger FOU SALE BY OWNER Small, 2- bedroorn home, clove to Vet a facility, on Crouch St. $S45u. Small down pay ment, or trade for car or small house . trailer. Balance on sales con tract, $I5. mo, including &? interest. OR 2-2712. FOR SALE 3-room duplexes partly furnished. Can easily be made Into one family home. !,000 cash or (3,300 terms siiuo down 940 month. iXH'ated at 510 1st Ave., Sutherlin. Inquire 1st road south Grange Hall, 3rd house on left. BEAUTIFUL, new 3 bedroom home. plastered. Roman brick fireplace, elec tric heat, brick front. Tile bath, hard wood floors, birch cabinets. 1700 sq. ft. floor space. Was $17,000, now (14.000 Call OR 2-2360 before 3 p.m. or OR 3-31A3 after 3 p.m. FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 - baths. Large living room and dining room. Hard wood floors. Garage in full cement basement. Utility room. Corner lot. Lota of shrubs and fruit trees. Good neighbor. OR 3-3236. TRADE 2 lota Mar Dana Homenltes for car of equal value. Sal price (f)30 each lot. Inquire at 1st road south of Grange Hall, 3rd house on left. Sutherlin. ONE BEDROOM home cn 1 acre. Fliw. ers. trees and lovely lawn. City and well water. Will take low down pay ment to reliable people, or, modern 1 -bedroom trailer. OS 9-8707. Call eves. LARGE 4 bedroom older home, full basement. Oil furnace. 14 bath. Con venient to shopping center and school. Will trade for property in Kelso, Washington OR 3-6430 TWO 2-bcdroom houses, not modern. approx. 1 acre each. Near Tenmlle tirade School. (2300 and (HO00. OS EQUITY in 2-bedrooni home (700. Fire place, electric heat. ' acre In SUsie Anna tract south of Kelley 'a Korner. Call OR 3-3730 after 5. N K'E - 2 bedroom home on 1 acre. !!e.t location In Green district. Save (1300 by paying (3,00 down, balance eaiy. 3' Interest. OR 3-31)4. (750 DOWN 2 houses on 2'fc acres. 6 blocks from Main street and 3 blocks to U S. Plywood Good industrial prop erty with an income. OR 2-3444. SELL OR TRADE for Eugene property, r Harming suouroan nome, 5'. a rooms, modern. Larue tot, flowers. Cash or equity. OR 2-3423. SEVEN and one-eighth acres near Glide, on pved road. 2 small hous on property. OH 3-tHKW. SELL or trade for Eugene houxe, S room home, Winston. Essential fur- nilute, OH 2-3423. FOR SALE or trade 3 bedroom home In W union Corner of Hoheitton and Darrell 40 down. OS U-323T. SECURE your dam and water rights Jim Daiigherty, the Engineer. Phone OS 0-WU4 MODKHN 1 bedroom home. 1 acre Highuav 41. (tMKX) cash. Dean Dwiqht. OS H-V!4a 00 ACRES and 3 bedroom house. Spring water and lots of cord wood 10 milrt mil, Dlxonvill Area. (I2,3("3, would hade Ph. OH 3-4H33. fllHEE 'BEDROOM "house. weM sld Winston. Double garige, t-room cabin. Take late model pickup for down pay -ment. Call 42M7, Sutherlin OWNKH leaving - mint sell at once. Small home, but veiy neat Total Rrice (23(H). small down pament with .t lance on terms OH 3-4"42 eves TWO BEDROOM, modern turn, com plete! v remodeled J blocks frc-m The Hose Hotel. A real buy at (tktM). Call OR 3-H3O0 NEWER 3-ti'droom. 1 blocki from Green School. FHA terms. Phone OR Ft'R SAL L .?r qmty ln 'a'" . h"uw .m EQUITY in 9 acres, river frontalis. 31 tmlr west of How burn 3-47tO CHOICE lots adjoining lfu-Crt school, 'utilities in. OH 3-47.ia. .NT1' "TV ! W'urg7"wrltHA. . m",n'r mos ae sicrun, uir(. FORTY ACHKS. house, barn 4 miles wet Wilbur. (4 "00 OR3-g74S. iTtvr imw imi " N'ttRTll Priest Hot! Terms. OR 3-WW LEGAL' NOTICK TO rRKPIIORI All persons having claim against the elale ot Ai thur lmg, Deceased, now pcniling in th Circuit Court of Douglas l(umti. iHrnoii are herettv n.itifie.1 t, DAN D W FATHFHr ORtV Fxeeutor of the last U;ilj And Testament o( Arthur. Long, Deceased. I OUT OUR WAY SkVZ EXPLORIKJG you've A ( TH' HOLE CAVEO t f J BUSTEP MY CINCH N ) IK) OKI ME BUT I i WHAT WAS THAT AWFUL L if THINK SOU KIN PULL li .1 V yAW POWKI THERE? 'It ' J ME OUT OF IT IF I m ' -"'K. VOU MAKE YOKE S k AA 1 ' ItaIo ) Real Estate 1 SHORT REALTY 1. G I, OPPORTUN ITY. Original own er's heath forces sale of attractive 2 bedroom home for only $5050. Complete furnishings except refrigerator includ ed at this price. $.100 down, payments less than (30 a month. Act Quick Call OR 3-3334. NEED 4 Bedrooms? This newer home is priced for below re placement cost al $10,950. A generous GI loan at 4'j7e int with payments of only $(J6 a mo. can be assumed by the new owner. Call to day for an appoint ment. DUPLEX. Excellent Westside locution, 2 bedrooms and dou ble carport. Wonder ful neighbohood. In- me $160 per mo. Price (16,000. Would consider trade for home. 4. TRADE. Do you have a small acreage with a 3 bedroom home that you would like to trade for a nice 3 bedroom in West Roseburg? Neat and clenn and well landscaped Priced reasonably at (12.000. Owner has approx. a (4,500 equi tj. Short Realty 80S S E. Cast Ave. Dial OR 3-3334 Evenings call: Stan Short, OR 3-8000 Bub Diahmaii, salesman OR 2-31!'4 . A. "Bud" Nelson, salesman )H 3-6758 Colonial Family Home 2300 sq. ft. of living area. 4 bedrooms. den with fireplace. Large living room with fireplace. Separate dining room. Doors off living room, dining room and den to covered patio. Barbecue firrpmce tn shady backyard. Attached garage. Large utility. Beautiful yard and garden. Appraised $14,730 Will sell at (12,900. (1300 down, balance like rent. Price Reduced THIS brand new 3 bedroom home Is ono of Roseburg ' beat buys. The original price was (12.H00. now you can buy It for (11.300. It has mahogany kitchen, family room, fireplace. Double lava tories In tile bath. All the extras that make it a fine family home. Low down pament to a CI. $500 Down HERE i a home for large family. 4 bed rooms. Modern, neat and clean. New roof and siding. lot fiO'xioo' Tile in kitchen and bath. Price (8930, (70 month. Come take a look, Cozy 3 Bedroom (BOO DOWN will buy this comfortable home on paved street and sewer. Large living room with hardwood floor. larg kitchen. Full btth Utility, car port C lose In . See it tod a v . Pr ice (tiV0. Beautiful Setting THIS 2 year old 3 bedroom home Is Just the place to reUx and enjoy lire. Large carpeted living room with full wall of brick and paneling. Very at tractive kitchen and dining room At tached garage A choice lot along Deer Creek. Price (13,300. Penn's Real Estate 324 N W. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-330 Evenings and Sun-lay a Bob and Rcttv Penn OR 3-6408 WEST SIDE Pleasant District VERY NICE six room home, with spare bedroom in basement. Hardwood floors throughout, spacious clottets: plaater ed: inulaird ceilings; Venetian blinds: forced air heat 101I furnace'. 71 140' tot. with shrubs, shade trees, lawn and garden space. Sewer and street aemenis paid Near schools and store. I block to bus Una. IfvM W. Brown AvtR 2-2431 Price Cut To Sell LOVELY new 3 bedroom house. Fire place, baseboard electric heat. lxts of butltins and welkin close is Covered patio, carport. Must be seen to b appreciated Sherry St. West Wiruron OS 9 S76 Clow To Schoolf. IDEAL for children Older -type, 4 bedroom horn, full bath, famllr room, utility shed, wired for washer and dryer. Lota of pur deep well water. 13 acres. 1 block west of Kline St. off Garden valley Road (7930. some tentt. Will consider less with option to buy OR (-1132 SMALL I -bed room hous and lot. Trad straight acrv foe good late model pickup ' block So of Community It all, Winston, Or. While house tth pink, ah u l tare. HEROES ARE MAPE-NOT BORM Real Estate 1 Young's Best Buys IT'S NEW. 3 bedroom home. Lot 85 x 90 feet. Fireplace in living room. Comb, dining rm. and kitchen. 3 bedrooms with large closets. Bath. Plumbed and wired for automatic laundry. Hard wood floors. Fully insulated. Metal window frames. A real buy at (12,500. G.I. or FHA financing. CALKINS ROAD district. Large living room. Dining room. 3 bedrooms. Kitch en with lots of storage space. Bath. Utility rm. 2 car garage. Attractive and liveable home. Price (10,500. Fi nancing with G.I. or FHA. ANOTHER good value. Three bedrooms. Living room, dining room, kitchen with all metal cabinets. Automatic laundry. Bath. Attached garage with storage room. Nicely landscaped. Nice patio. On sewer and paved street. ! Priced (10,900. Eligible for financing. THIS IS two bedrooms, with large liv ing room and den. Comb, dining- room1 and kitchen. Bath. Garage with utility space. Forced air oil heat. Insulated. Garage with storage room. (11,000 with good terms. JUST a smalt down payment and rea sonable monthly payments buys a 2 bedroom home. Lot ou x loo ft. on cor ner. Fruit and nut trees, grapes. Modest home at total price of (3300. Immediate possession. See this now. ANOTHER nice little 1 bedroom home. Bath. Good lot. Total price is (4300. (500 down will handle. Possession now. This la a real buy. Roy 0. Young &Son, Realtors Kenneth J. Dresser. Salesman Office Ph. OR 3-8671 - Res. Ph. OR 2-3B96 733 SE. Caas Avenue - Pacific Bldg. HOG RANCH 9 ACRES, 40 acres irrigated, seeded to clover and grass. Modern cottage, out bldgs. Family fruit. Irrigation sys tem included at (14,500. Terms. CHOICE 42 acres on the river, seeded to clover. This Dillard bottom soil will grow anything. It Joint Roseburg Lumber Co. below Dillard. Hlway frontage. Wonderful homesltes. It's priced to sell. FIVE acre of Dillard soil on the river It's tomato and melon ground. (1000 down. LOVELY clean 1 bedroom home. cone. fdn. H.W. Floors, freshly painted in side and out. Large garage, nice yard. (230 good terms. It joins the new creamery on Stephens St. FOR SALE or trade. Modern 3 bed room home on Jackson St. Wants acre age, Melrose area preferred. 500 FT RAILROAD frontage. The same on Stephens St. Excavated. City sewer. Close in. Wonderful Industrial prop erty. Priced to sell. May do some trading Or take good contract or mortgage as part. Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor 1647 SS Stephen Phot OR 3-8378 280 ACRES IN THE HEART of the hunting country. elk and deer plenty, mostly cutover, some pick-up timber, a few acres can be cultivated. Orchard, apples, cher ries, berries, 1 hunting cabins, can be good sheep or rattle ranch, (t)730. Small down payment. South NFAT and clean two bedroom home Modern, car port and shop Owner will take trade for his equity, trailer house, or? Price cut to (4730. Glide District 10 ACRE fenced. S miles out, good pasture. Unfinished, but livable five room houae. Bargain buy at S4230 Small down paj ment and (30. month. Byers RealEstate 431 Ballf St Ph OR 3.74 Evening Doug Warreo OR 3-40M OR 3-76B Glenn Bvcrs Make an offer OWNER moving and must sacrifice th nice 2 -bedroom home on large lot and ewer This home is very clean and attractive with ceramic tile tn kitchen ami bath. Onlv (.hXi down and balance like rent Owner atking (4!30. WFSTSIDF t bedroom home, fire place, plastered. Very modern. Good Gl, (10,000. Sophia Stone Realtor ' 103 W Harvard OR 1-12A1 Ivaiiinf, Oil 01J ORJ-M7 Priced To Sell t ROOM HOI'SC I brdrooma. lar llv. uif rtxirn lth fir.pia.. fuU tMennt with firtplav-. cnomical otl furnar. Equity at a acnfti'. panirnt, lew than rnt Lara, lot well landicape.l, pad ttreet an.t wwtr. J N. K. Ln Oln. OR J.IJJt. By J. R. Williams vJhiWlLUAM, W Real Estate 1 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE ' Country Living Could Be The-Difference IT'S fine to be able to have all the weekend to fish, hunt and swim. Now, let us tell you how much better it is to have the security a small acre age can give you with part of the time you have to spend on one of those long week-ends. We have EIGHT lovely homes with from 1 acre to 20 acres included. Sure, some have planted pasture, orchard, truck garden soil, river frontage, shade trees- and nearly every feature desirable. We work lots of trades on property and perhaps we can work a trade for you. There can be no bet ter investment than good real estate that will help you provide for your family. See us now. We will cooper ate 100r' tn help you work out the financing. Time is of the essence of your living. 1. Older 4 Bdrm home, 1.7 acres of bent of free garden soil. Fully mod ern. Just (10,300. Terms or trade. 2. l'a Acres on Umpqua River. The! 3 bdrm. home is nearly new and! very modern In design. Look at this i for (u.aoo. 3. 1 Acre, lovely new 3 bdrm. home, 2 fireplaces, l'i baths, family rm., good water supply. Just $11,000. 4. 1 77-100 Acre. Brand new 3 bdrm. home. Built-in oven and range, na tural finish beautiful kitchen, fire place, forced air furnace. Owner will trade for Eugene or Springfield, property. (14,000. Gelling price. Terms. S. 1 Acre of river soil. A home that' Is planned for the future aa well as the present. Many, many built in features, ceramic tile in kitchen and baths, 3 bdrms., built-in oven and range, lovely mahogany panel ing in living rm, massive fireplace, wall to wall carpeting. This is a sensational home and a rare buy at (15.900. 8. 3 Bdrm. large older type home re cently remodeled, good well with plenty of water. 4 acres more or less for the grass eaters. Chicken hse, htirn. All for (12,500. Come In and talk terms. 7. Mr. GI 2 down will buy this big acre and lovely 2 bdrm. Home priced al $7,930. Or will sell on contract. ; Let's talk terms. 8. Ranch Style 3 bdrm. with 3 acres on the river. lts of nice trees. A home you will enjov entertaining your friends at (23.000. Let's talk terms or trade. ORCHARD 3-5340 MS S E. Washington Ave. (between Jackson St Main) Eve. & Sundays Al Hoffman OR 3-3363 Millard or Marion Magnesa OR 3-5017 Valley Real Estate Nice 3 Bedroomer PARTY ROOM Den. Utility room. 1 baths, fireplace. Corner lot. Westside. Plenty home fer (12.WK). $500 Down S50 Mo. 2-BEDROOM. furnished, insulated home only (4.600. Deep lot fronting pave ment. Nice ahrubbery. Big garden. Hucresr School Dist.v SCHOOL aint for sale. It's 2-bedroom home for only (7.150. A good home. Garage. Rosea, flowers galore, wal nuts, nhade trees, fruit trees, grapes and a big garden. Full Price $5,500 LOT 307x55 Two bedroom home Real pretty roses, elc. Bl garage and util ity. (500 down. Valley Real Estate 1117 SE STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-4053 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: Pocock OR 3-82-9 O. K. Sconce Sulhrrlin 2HH5 Salesman A Broker Sronce OR 3-3862 Hucrest LARGE family home. Corner lot. 1 bed-1 room plus 14x25' family room tor 4th i BEDHOOM'. Cedar cathedral ceiling over living, dining and kitchen arras I Beautiful Roman brick fireplace. B.ith and half. Seoarate utility room. tor-1 ae. room, carport and patio. If sold by AI GCST 15th. ALL FRIGIDAIHE ' APPLIANCES will be included Dlh washer. refrigerator, ra:ige and freer er Full price. (1(000. Owner. OR 3-8550 4-Br. Home VERY FINE condition inside and out Living rm., k itrhen -dining rm , bath. 2 brs dn , 2 up. Utiiitv. ihl garage, lovely yard. le shade trees, surfaced st . city wa'er. May trade for I Be 2 hr. wettde or 3 lr home A real buv at .iW, Don't waiL See this soon. Choice 1 BR MOMS, charminj living rm , fire p.aiY. Ige. dinette, k itchtn-break tat nook, tub and shr , attached garage, beautiful fenced yard (14.500. Good terms to reliable party. Spacious WFSTS1DK 3 br. home, living-dining rm , fireplace, oil heat, nice bath, hsndv kitchen, garage and port , Ige lot. st and sewer pd A ver coiy home tn nice district for (10.SO0 Fullerton Realty Cr Insurance 13J NI Stephene Dial OR I-31T1 Real Estate 1 River Frontage 467 FEET of the North Umpqua and two homes completely furnished. Ideal for a hideaway with access to boating water. You could not dream up a more secluded, private road, tree shaded, sandy beached, more modern, model home for two with a rental or guest cabin on the 3 acres alto fur nished. Please believe me, this U a good one. (13.900. F P. Present mtge. (4tt00. 5 Bedrooms FOR 2, or will take good house trailer. This home is a new modern type with a 14 x 26 living rm., complete with fireplace, reception closet and tele phone room. A most modern kitchen with a lawn and flowers, backyard view. An extra large utility room leading to the attached garage. Above the garage is Dad's workshop with access to one of the 3 upstairs bed rooms and these are large as are the two on the main floor. All except the workshop are plastered and clean. Front lawn of course. Enough? Not yet. To keep down the food bill, there i an extra lot of good free soil for a garden and we dead ended the street for the kids' sake. (13,900.. 1st mtge. (7300. 214 Acres RIGHT in town. Good garden soil. Some fruit trees. Two old homes and 1 cab in. Rental income at present is (NX) per mo. $7500. F.P. S1200 down. You'll be surprised how close in this is. 1 Vi Acres ON PAVED road. One bedroom modern home. Complete chicken set up. This is ideal for a retired couple. (7300. (1500 D P.. $500 Down (4300 Fun Price. 2 bedroom modern furnished. (50. mo. on balance. WINTER Real Estate 335 W. Harvard Ph. OR 3-7043 Evenings Charlie Pratt OR 2-3127 OH 3-7043 Harry Winter INCOME PROPERTY consisting of 2- duplexes completely furnished. Also older type 4-bedroom home in good condition, on l-acre. free soil front ing on 2 streets and the river. Walk ing distance from town. Lois of r;iom tor more rentals, uwner will xuKe M, 500 down, balance terms, or make cash offer. Inquire 124 Mosher. WINSTON. Brand new 3 bedroom house. Everv nice-home feature. Good GI. $11,900. Below FHA appraisal. OS 8- 5236 or OH 2-307H. movers 1-A DON'T MAKE A MOVE' 'til You See Flegel LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV ING OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR 3-4436 Flegel Transfer St Storage Co. Agents For Bekins Moving Storage Co. Business Opportunity 2 Well-Estoblished Market For Sals VICINITY Roseburg. Large volume, low overhead. No competition. Long lease. Excellent opportunity for live wire. Write News-Review Box 405. HAVE excellent location for garage, welding shop, parts store. Will con struct a0'x40', 40'x50 40V100' bldg. on old Pacific Highway, close to major activities. Call Ray Lehman, OR 3-6193. evenings OR 3-0091. FOR LEASE small restaurant in West Roseburg. In operation. Very busy. OR 3-7493. CLEAN sleeping 1003 S E. Pine. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Umpqua REASONABLE WEEKLY RATES For Permanent Guests JO ANN'S BOARDING HOUSE. Delici ous home cooking. Plenty parking space. Board and room S20.00 week. 5 miles S. on old Highway 09. Ph. OR 3-7947. HOTEL GRAND. OR 3-4471. TV in lob by: baths on each floor. Hat and cold water each room. Reasonable ratts by week or month- HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, parking. Reasonable rates. 513 S E. J Lane. OR 2-9192. f ROOMS with or without private bath close In. 508 Spruce at the foot of Wa shingto n LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. Utilities paid, $10 per week; parking space. 523 Lane St. SLEEPING rooms for men. Clenn, com fortahle, close in. 3Q2S E.PH ifr. R"oOM and board, (75 month. Inquire H.28 Eden Lane. LIGHT housekeeping room, everything furnished. OR 3-5940. LARGE, front sleeping room, close In. O R 3-6302 or O R 3-33 18. BOARD and room for elderly lady. Ex cellent food and care. OR 3-32114. SLEEPING rooms, 605 "Mosher. OR 3-72.17. HoOsEKEEPING room. 448 N E. Jack son. SLEEPING ROOM. 7:S2 S E. Jackson, next door to Penney 's, OR 3 3328. FURNISHED, quiet sleeping rooh"ii. M2 50 per month. OR 3-5940. Room .i 213 s e . pou g u s . SLEEPING ROOM. 340 S E. Pine. Apts. For Rent 4 CLEAN furniihed' apartment. 3 - rooms and bath, rluse in. Adults. 1014 S E. Pine. Apt 4 APTS for re ni i$i 3"; 2 Hi 4n G a r- b.iiie and water furnished, l.ioj s E. Pine St ATTRACTIVE 5 room furnished apt. Garage. Close in. Adults. UJ2 SE. Douglas. THREE RbOM-aptwith bath, no util ities, 5,15 mo. Close to citv center. Call OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. j CLOSE IN furrmhed apartment, j Hi'atonaMe rent. 846 S E. Brock way. ' OR 3-6110. . NEW large unfurnished 1 bedroom apart ment. Stove and refrigerator. Call OR 3-H445or OR 3-6L10 CLEAN, redecorated unfurnished apts. 1 bedroom. 1645 W. Harvard Avenue. Phone OH3-6022 TWO ROOM, furnished apt , electric refrigerator, all utilities furnished. S45 mo. OH 2-2fiOi. LAtUlE I'NFl'RN ISM ED 2 - bed room apartment. Now kitc'ien. Electric heat. Off street parking. OR 3-3410. FrHN'IMlF.i) and" unfurnished apart ments AdiiIts47S EFiint. Fl'RNISHED or unfurnished apt. walk ing distance OR 3-45M7. SMALL FIKNISIIED apartment clone 1:1. IM2 SE Ma. iv TURFE BEDROOM, furnished apt. at UiokinKpt;at. (45. mo. OR 3-7:.3 VNM HNIsuill)" duplex "3 rooms and bathCall OR 3-.-076 after 3 p m SMALL furnished apartment suitable for 1 or 2. (o2 W OK .i-307taf le r 3 p ;n. ,ARGE V bed room furnished apt, 3 blocks from tnwnOR j-702. Fl'RNISHED and unfurnished 2 - bed room apts. on bus line OR I-244A LAHGE3 room furnished apartment. OR 2-V29 COMPLETELY modern new apartment. Prtu furnished. In Wtsjiton OS -a f W O ROOM furnished. AduTtr 34 S E. Pine 6 bedroom furnished apt. 15"W S E Lene. in rr.r OS 56.13 TWO room fumistied art ncV.ifl.ni utll- Hies. OR .1-7154 or OR 3-422 Apts. For Rent 4 NICE. CLEAN. 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apt, at the TODD APTS. iWestvue Court, Winchester Court, Terrace, and Vista Homes Apts. I Equipped with ranges and refrigerators; some with auto, washers, dryers anr heat supplied. Some furnished. Rents start at ("0. You should at least look at these apts. before you rent. Ph. OR 3-4340, or OH 2-1503, or OR 3-363 L Kohlhagen Apts LANE Sc JACKSON STS. MODERN. REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-8344 "A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Ookhill Apts. TWO bedrooms. Radiant heat. Rot and cold water and garbage service fur- nitied. OR 3-U4Q. FULLY MODERN furnished studio cot tage for rent. Suitable for couple or tingle man. Electricity water and gar bage included. Phone OS 9-8434 after 5 p.m. MOTEL UNITS AU electric With kitchens. (16 and (22 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel (Old Highway 99 N. At Winchester BridgeJ LARGE, modern, 2 - bedroom apt. in west Ro&cburg, near schools and hos pitals; equipped with Disposal; hot water heat and water furnished. No pels.Ph OR 3-8267. LARGE .FURNISHEb 2-bedroom flaL Water and garbage service furnished. Private yard. 885 NE. Cedar. OR 2 1046. THREE room furnished. Close in. Wa ter, garbage service furnished. Adulu. Phone OH 3-3581 between 9 AM and 7:30 PM. ATTRACTIVE, bachelor apt., furnLshed. Private entrance, in very modern bldg. Located on E. Douglas. OR 2- 1 577 or O R 2-1283. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, or 3 room unfurnished apartment. A I I stoves furnished. Clean and close in. S40. Call OR 3-8461 or OR 3-7016. FURNISHED ATTRACTIVE 1-bedroom dunlex View windows, carport. (65. 1 mile past Nielsen's Grocery. Hwy. 99 S o A d ult s . jO R 2-1438. ONE OK 2-bcdroom, furnished or un furnished apt. Also 2-bedroom duplex. Prices from (40 to (65 OR 2-1283. ATTRACTIVE I bedroom apartment. Adulis. For information, call at 374 SEElIa Sr. ONE BEDROOM .apartment. Washer, dryer and stove furnished. Close in, near Ruse School. OR 3-4741. SMALL, furnished cabin. $35 month. Walking distance to town. OR 2-2404. Houses For Rent 5 WINSTON ONE UNFURNISHED. 2-bcdroom; also nicely furnished 1-bedroom houue. Near DmiKlas High. Electric heat. OS 9-3681 or OS9-;;r49 evenings. LAHGE 3 room modern furnished cabin. Nearly new 7 ft. refrigerator. Gas cooking and hot water. Clean and neat. Water and garbage disposal turnisli ed. $48 per month. Behind Dale's Cafe, No Umpqua Road. Hartz Cabins. Jhone OR 3-3363. C & H COURT under new management. 2 neat apartments. 2-bcdroom modern with gar;.ges. Unfurnuhpd Clo.se to school, stores and church. Wilbur area. Call OR 3-6"tyl evenings or see at west end of new Glide cut-off road. TWO SMALL neat one bedroom houses. Green district. Unfurnished. Newly dec orated. Available Auijiist 10th. Prefer winking couple or ten'.-hers. Call OR 3-6,l!fl evenings or inquire at 2243 S.E. CaslleSl. SMALL, unfurnished house, close Hi. Suitable for working couple or 1 person Garbage disposal and water furnish ed. No children. On bus line. $32.50. OR 3-7;tl6. TWO BEDROOM house, westside. Elec tric heat, wall-to-wall carpet, fire place. Lots of built-ins. Available Aug. Mlh. Phone OR 3-4548 or OR 3-8334. NICE, large. 1-bedroom duplex:range. refrigerator and heater; water and garbage service furnished. Couple only. O R;M305. NICE MODERN 1-bedroom duplex. Stove, refrigerator, water and garbage service furnished. $52.50 month. OR 3-3139. AVAILABLE August 10th. store building, 2 doors south of Penney 's on Jack son. iFormerly Fashion Center) OR 3-3328. TWO BEDROOM house unfurnished. Near Joseph Lane School Nice dis trict. (65 per month. Williamson Real Estate. OR 3-4302. TWO bedroom house. Basement, wood furnace. 5ti5 month. References requir ed. 1416 S. E. Douglas. OR 3-5163 be fore noon. SUBURBAN HOME with cement base ment and furnace. Fireplace, newly decorated, nice yard. Reasonable. OR 3-5H59. CONVENIENT modern duplex for cou ple. Living room, dining room, kitchen. Private bath. Warm basement, room for hobby work. 1402 S. E. Mill. FOR RENT $50 per month, small, clean modern 2-Dedroom. Adults. No dogs. See at B70 N E. Willow or cMl OR 2-1740 after 5 p.m. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE .across - from t.reen hchool. 560 per month. Call OR 3-4020, evenings. OR 3-8744. MODERN. 2-bedroom duplex, unfurnish ed. ater and sewage paid. 2 blocks from Joseph Lane School. OR 3-5922. FOUR ROOM modern house, wired for range and dryer. (45 month. Phone OH 3-5S124. ONE bedroom duplex. Stove and refrig erator furnished. 731 Ivan btreel, or call OR 2-3042. NICE 2 bedroom house to rent. S75. Big yard, attached garage. 5 miles south. Roseburg Realty, OR 2-3344. $60 clenn. modern 4 - room and bath, unfurnished. Within walking distance of town. Adults. OR 3-7359. RENTALS 1, 2. 3 and 4-bedroom units. Families with children only. In come limits. 902 W. Stanton St. FURNISHED CABINS by weckT(10atid up. Old Highway 99., 3 miles North. Pa cific Motel. Phone OR 3-3742. CLEAN four room furnished house. No drinking, no pets. 1263 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3270. CLEAN TI I H EE ROOM duplex gocxl location, acrosR from Model Market. Winston. OS 9-K402. ATTRACTIVE" I-bedToonT unfurniidtrd house. Hi Tn quire 2H6 Chestnut or phone OR 2-lEiyti alter 5 P M. TWO !JVDKOOM house, furnished-Near L,in.- Rock Bridge. Glide. Call GY 6-;:io. CLOSi: IN. small. 2-bedroom h'us with eiec.rie ratine a id heater. Couple onlv, Cj!1 OK ::-4.!05 ONE BEDHOOM houe,fu.rni4hcd "or ' un fit mi- he -I Ve-v reasonable lo adults. Phmie or 'U7:;;i4. UNFUHNISHKD 2 bedroom hmi.se in Wwiston. Viet trie heat Wired for wash crand dryer. OR 3-527 TWO bedroom unfurnished house, newlv iii'c-i rjtr,! Hard wood floors. Large lioorv I.;irge ard OR 3-7219 CN E .V. JHOOM coTtngeT" unfurnished C'.te in. Adults onl. 1X2 S E. Cobb i F(jU ft lirdrociTu furni-hrri house, (55. ."o-l V Lane OS 0-.Hir.,t f'AO PEDitOOM un!urnihcd house, $55 month Phone OK .1-4140 NICE clean 2 N-drnnm house Oarage. I r. oil' re "'?2 W Sherwood Ave COM FORT A ULE "2" oedroom" hou" In- f 111. re 2::2'J W Sherwood Ave ONr; furnished and 1 unfurnished house. Call or ;i-.vu:t UNFi:RNIHFD 2 iiedrroitT Close to Hoe School OR 3-;,-,Url THREE" U' DHOOm" ""unfurnished hnue near hi; .re, flmr.-t : fH 3-i'.4o. TWo" RFUHOOM h.ie" T4'V.jst" Ballf. ;n per month OR 3-34t. LAK(;E hi'use southeat of town. OR 2-HtDFOOM duplex, WesLside. dial OR .i-f.-'ij." Fi'PNISHrb cabin-5 miles-south-(25. OR .1-7 '-'7 SM M l " MOUSE We7t RiebuVg Phome 41H Camas Valley before 9 am. Trailer Rentals 6 WINCHESTER TRAILER PAHK. Mod e. n spa, es Paved croundi Sl trees, lid month Ilighwa 99 N st Wincheiier bridge ONE SPACE-a'. Central trail r P art . M.leTl, rl.if.cst to ci'v centr. A 1 paved Adul's ivil Diamond Lane Bivd. Phone 3-4i:-