12 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Sat. July 27, 1957 Clendale Jeweler Closes, Takes Oyer Riddle Club By MRS. GERALD B. FOX IJeanetta and Loretla Sconce, all of Glendale, are camping in Stay- Steve Kadas closed hu Jewelry business in Glendale recently and moved to Riddle where he is now operating the Sportsman's Club. The club was formerly owned by his brother, Louis Kadas, who was killed in an accident recently, t Stain,. SI, Din Fred -Stein, 81, of Grants Pass, father of Ed Stein of Glendale, died Saturday morning at the Merlin Sanitarium of a stroke. He had been at the sanitarium recovering from a previous stroke. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Hall Mortuary in Grants .Pass with interment at the Granite Hill Cemetery. Stein was born in Delino, Minn and had lived in Grants Pass area for 48 years. He is survived by his widow, Louise; two daugh ters. Mrs. Marion Folger of Port land and Mrs. Harvey Isham of Grants Pass; one son, Ed Stein of Glendale; and seven grandchil dren. Don Brady of Quines Creek, near Azalea, underwent surgery last week at the Providence Hospital in Portland. Brady was making a good recovery, so his wife returned home Monday, only to receive phone call the following morning to the effect that her husband would have to undergo immediate further surgery. Mrs. Brady left shortly after the call from the hos pital. Her mother, Mrs. Edith Kin kaid of Roscburg is at the Brady home, caring for the children. Aleta Older of Wolf Creek; Mil lie Fotheringham, Alice Lee and Boys Of Woodcraft Win Camp Prizes By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK A total 32 boys and 10 adults at tended the Boys of Woodcraft en campment near Dorcna Dam last weekend. Represented were boys from Ve ncta, Suthcrlin, Roseburg and Win ston. Supervising were: District Manager A. W. McGuire and Larry Miller, both of Winston; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Upright of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samson of Suthcrlin. Winners in their order in contests conducted at the camp were: Fishing Roger Walligg, Suther lin; George Brown, Winston; Mike Grauf, Sutherlin; Neal Holland, Ve- neta; mine ha lien, autherlin; Don Mincher, Winston. Marksmanship Larry McCord, Sutherlin; Rodney McCord, Suther lin; Roger Walling, Richard Sum mer, Sutherlin; Jackie Tanner, Ve ncta; Ken Ward, Sutherlin. Suther lin was first, Winston second and Veneta third In the team competi tion. Fly tying Marcus Mann, Suth erlin; Roger Walling; Dusty Kings ford, Suthcrlin; T. Ray Mincher, Winston; Greg Klng.iford; and Al len Grauf. Archery Larry McCord, Suth erlin; Rodney McCord; Jake Gra bow, Sutherlin; Roger Walling, Richard Summer and Dusty Kings ford. Swimming Charles Wasner, Sutherlin; Keith Smith, Sutherlin; Rodney Upright, Roseburg; Bobby Diehl and Keith Smith, Sutherlin; Tommy Tanner, Veneta, and Bill Pulley, Winston; Don Killitz, Ve neta; Jerry Strong, Suthcrlin. All those named won prizes. Many Relatives Visit Glendale By MRS. GERALD B. FOX The Scther family of Glendale had a family reunion last weekend. Truman Sether, brother of Carl and Olgcr of Glendale, and his daughter, Mrs. Pheba Dickey and two children, all of Seattle, arrived on Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Carrie Chapman, a sister, from Vortland. On Saturday, another brother. Victor Sether, and his wife from Medford joined the group. The Victor Sethcrs returned home on Sunday, but the rest of the party remained till Monday. Also present for the reunion were sons of the Glendale brothers, Carl and John Sether and his wifo and son, Dan ny. Enttrtaln R.l.tivei Mr. and Mrs. Rex linger enter tained relatives at their home for Iwu weeks recently. They included Mrs. llager's niece and husband, Mr. and .Mis. Thomas Ogle and their two children of Wichita, Kan., who brought with I hem Mis. lla ger's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hall of Mackvillc. Kan. While they were here, Leo llager, the son of Maurice Hager Ar ,-i..n.i..i i.;. t .. i Wertzel of San Diego, came io vis-l"s it. They found work at the Hates Mill at Merlin and are remaining in the area. Liliput Theater New Attraction Tim I.iliput ThenkT, billed as "tlie smallest tlu-utcr in (he world," has boon added as a day tine attraction at the Ashland Shake.speato festival during Au gust. The miniature production is op erated by Hugh Kvans, brother of actor maunce r.vans, ana rraiiKi .. Bray. The theater include! cur- i nuf kwAcf rn Omhan tamed boxes, chandeliers, intricate i, ""l"1 UrJn, hunting, i revolving stage, cen- r lumbers Granted Raise ery, and sound equipment. Hun dreds of tiny figures, operated on' t'OOS BAY (a Plumbers have wands at stage level, portrav I.ili- .been granted a l.Vcent hourly E tit's characters. The show has ' wH increase under a new con een running in San Francisco for lrflrt 'Kd with the Southwestern several months. j Oregon Master number Assn. During the festival, the I.iliput I The increase bungs the scale Theater will be installed on the lo " hour for journeymen Mara in the ground floor of Ash land's City Hall, Repertory per formances of 4,A Midsummer Night's Dream," "The Beggar's Opera," and "The Mikado" will be staged daily al 10:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. ton taking parl jn tne bean nar. vest Rex Sconce of Glendale is now working in Riddle. The family will move soon, probably to Canyon ville, to be nearer to his work. Visits Port Orford Mrs. Velma Edson of Glendale is spending this week visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ira Tucker at Port Orford. John Harbour returned to Glen dale from Alaska on Saturday. His brother, Don, and family, had also returned from Alaska a few days before. Mrs. Lorcn Bartle of Glendale was scheduled to enter a Eugene hospital this week for a checkup nre iminarv to suriiery. Mrs. llazle McPherran of Quines Creek drove to North Bend last weekend, to take her granddaugh ter, DeLores AlcPherran, who had been visiting her, home to her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Warden Leg 0( Elkton Man Amputated By ARIEL HUBBARD Harold Jliggens of Elkton was operated on last week at the Sam Jackson Hospital in Portland. His leg was amputated just be low the knee. Mrs. iliggens reports he is improving rapidly. Dancari Picnic The Umpqua Hillbilly Square Dance Club picnicked last Sunday at the Drain park. After swim ming, games and a picnic, me members danced on the tennis court. Lloyd Friday s mother, M r s. Pearl Friday, of Fresno, Calif., is visiting the Friday family this week. The next meeting of the Kellogg Grange is scheduled Aug. 7. It will be the quarterly birthday supper. After the business session, Eugene Fisher will show pictures of his recent trip to Washington, D.C. Fisher was also featured at the Inst meeting. He explained a school bill. At that meeting, the grange voted against having a booth at the county fair. Elkton Volunteers Fire Group Forms By ARIEL HUBBARD Elkton has a new volunteer fire fighting group. The group of young men has been organized under the direction of Fire Chiet Phillip Ryan and Asst. Chief Al Stacks. Membera of the volunteers will meet once each week for drill practice. A scrap metal drive is currently under way to help finance the cost ol helmets and jackets for the vol unteers. It will also help buy new equipment lor the fire truck. Anyone having scran metal has been asked to call JU 4-3610. The metal will be picked up. A cutting torch has been made available for those pieces too big to load or haul. Grange To Visit I he Kellogg Grange will visit Riversdalc Grange Aug. 3. The home economics club will present a play, 1 lie Backbone of the Family." Mr. and Mrs. loin my Thompson and family were guests at the Ar iel Hubbard home this week. Jim ( nnnon is in the Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene recover ing from surgery. Viiit Rtlativai Mr and Mrs. Herbert Andrews of Ohio and E. W. Andrews of Portland visited relatives, Mrs. Al- foril and Mrs. Wlllna Higgens hi Elkton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Crisman of Medford recently visited the Leo Crismans in Elkton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston and family of Gresham were also re cent visitors at the Leo Crisman home. Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Cris man arc sisters. jacobys Return From Vacation By BEVERLY CHRISTIAN Mr. and Mia. Harry Jacobv and daughters have returned to their home on t isher Road after a two week vacation. They went to Yel lowstone Park and Salt Lake Citv. They visited relatives at Ouches ne. I'tah. mid Laramie, Wyo. Returns Horn Jeannetlo Tucker has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Spancake. on Fisher Road. She accompanied Dr. and .Mrs. George Lenci and four chil dren on a trip to Santa Barbara, i am., wncre uie licncts visitoil Par',ls They made the trip !"' !"""" n(l Wl'r" K""9 ("r weeks Mr. and Mrs F. A llolley went to Meitlonl Friday. They returned on Saturday with their daughter, Marcia, who had been visiting rel atives there. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sims and fam ily spent the weekend in Medford. Their daughter. Donnea, remained at Riversdale as a guest of Kathv Uurkhart. The Itiversdalo Sunday School Youth Group members traveled to Tri City lat Sunday where they had been invited to present the services for the young people a the Conservative Baptist Church plumbers. They have received the new pay scale since April 15, but employers had balked at signing a contract. The new agreement affects plum be rs in the a re a tie t w ee n Florence and Brookings. Classified Section Real Estate 1 Always Sea ... A Realtor it win par you . . be safe be sure Look for this EMBLEM II meant DEPENDABLE Real E,tat counirl. Only HKALTOHS dis play thu Emblem. Yea . . . It will pay. Always See A Realtor- ARE you living in Roseburg and work ing loulh of Winston? Here is an opportunity to have at lovely a home a any in Ronrhurg in a quiet neigh borhood in Winston. Pleasant view Irom all sides of this brand new, very well built 3 bedroom house. Good level lot. On sewer and city water, includes all features desired in a home to be proud of yet the full price Is only $ U,fX)0. Below FHA appraisal. Should easily go State GI. For appointment to see call OS 9-5256 or Ort2-3r7... INCOME PROPERTY consisting of 2 duplexea completely furnished. Also. older type 4-bed room home in good condition. On 1-acre, free soil front ing on 2 streets and the river. Walk ing distance from town. Lots of room for more rentals. Owner will take $4, 500 down, balance terms, or make cash offer. Inquire lZMokher WINSTON, ori Division Street. 3-bed-room home just completed, on large lot. Large rooms, tile bath, fireplace, picture window. Large closets, hard wood floors. Fully insulated. Larue utility and filnaaed in back porch, at tached giiruKc. Electric heat. Write R. A. McEntire, Route 1, Box 88 E, Riddle, Oregon. BARCAIN FIVE UNIT, furnished apt. house, BOx 110 lot. Zoned for business. 2 blocks from city center. Lovely yard, shade trees. Apartments always rented. Good Income. Owner. OR 2-1438. BEAUTIFUL, new 3 bedroom home. plastered. Roman brick fireplace, elec tric heat, DricK irom. iiie Dam, nara wood floors, birch cabinets. 1700 sq. ft. floor space. Was 17.0oo, now $14,000. Call OR 2-2.1UU before 3 p.m. or OR 3-3185 after 3 p.m. IN HUCREST 3-bedroom home. J'.i bath. Extra large living room. Lots of closet and storuge apace. Hardwood floors, brick wall fireulace. Extra large ga rage. Fenced back yard. Priced for quick sal at SI 5.500. Terms. See at 1525 N.W. Almond. OR 2-14U3. FAMILY ROOM, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, iarge utility, birch cabinets, fireplace. Large garnge with guest room and storage room. Fenced Inwn, cement driveway, covered breewtwny. In west Winston, J514:500.OS-5213. 10 ACHES aTl fenced; livable, 3-room house, no bath. Good well. School bus. RFD, phone, county road. SMOO, small down payment. OH 2-2251 or OK 1!-7150. $300 DOWN, balance $27h(H) for older 2 bedroom home. Utility room, large work shop in rear. Near school and bus line. Gas range and oil heater in cluded. OH2-i;i75. TWO BEDROOM house and lot. 65H W. Da I If. Cash sealed bids. See houe after 3 30 p.m. Bids to lie in by August 5th Any or all bids moy be rejected. Send bids to O. Plumer. 1785 N.W. Pa tricia. FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 - baths. Large living room and dining room. Hard wood floors. Garage in full cement basement. Utility room. Corner lot. Lots of shrubs and fruit trees. Good neighborsOH 3-32JB, MODERN 2-bedroom home. Large clo se Is. Attached garage with extra stor age. Fenced yard, fully landscaped. On sewer and paved street. $H,!50 with terms, 15U3 N.W. Fairmont. OK 3-8202. SELL or trade for trailer house, equity in 3 bedroom hoiue, furnished or un furnished. Ijot with IK)' frontage. Suit able for small business location. In Wlnston. OS -Sli3. ONE BEDROOM home cn I acre Flow ers, trees and lovely lawn. City and well water. Wili take low down pay ment to reliable people, or. modern 1-bedroom trailer. OS tt-8707. THREE LOTS on newer in good loca tion, newly decorated, 5-bed room home with plenty of shade and fruit trees. A bargain at $11500. 672 Nash. OR 2-27H0. LA HI ; K 4 bedroom older home, full basement. Oil furnace. 1 "t bath. Con venient to shopping center and school. Will trade for property in Kelso, Washington. OR 3-8430. THREE HKDHOOM HOME. 1 acre of land, creek. More land If wanted. $, 950. terms Call OR 2-1022 after 6 o'clock. Will take trailer house in trade SMALL 2-iedroom house and lot. Trade lira i Kill across fur good late model pickup 'j block So of Communitv Hall. Winston, Ore. Whit house with pink shutters, THREE" HF.DHOOM house, west side Winston Double garage. I -room cabin. Take late model pickup for down pay ment, full 42-17. Sutherlin. TWO HEDROOM .modern house, com pletely remodeled 3 blocks from The l(.e Hotel. A real buy at iU50. Call OK :i-K.Mi(l IW OWNER Calkins Road area two bedroom home on 70x150 lot. r i place, utility room, attached gamut-, loolshed. Should go Gl. OH 2-Uh4. NICE 2 ttedrnom home on 1 acre. Bet location to Green district. Save $1500 bv palng SJ.jmHI down, butane easy. V interest. OK 3-:i4!4. TWO HOUSES, 2 bedrooms, not mod ern. Approximately 1 acre each. Near lenmtle tirade School. f2.Mii and f.t. 000. OS t)-H(iXl $750 DOWN ahuseon2 ' aacrrV fi blocks from Main sheet and 3 blocks to l! S. Plywood. Good mduolrlal prop' erty with ho men rue OK 2-:444 EQI'lTY in J bedtiwmi home S7tW. Eire plaee, electric heat 1 1 acre in Susn Anna titu't south of Kllc's Korner OH OR .t-:t7.m after 5. COMMKKCI All lot ittWLW approtni;it-. l lor mile on tv Military Ave, Cloverleaf. i:i..VK New lie iev Ilox 4!ttt. SELL OH TRADE tor Eugene property. charming sumirnau home. 5' roomi, nnHlern. L.n k" lot, flowers. Cash or equtiy. tK 2 -.142.1 WILL TRADE euuilv to 2-bedroom house, (or houc and smatl acreage, or t,k good trailer, car or truck. Rt. 1. H. 2ii2,Coot Hay. Oregon Sr. KN and one eighth acres near Glide, on paved rond 2 small houses on propert . OH :t -ttO.tfl SELL or trade for Eugene home. H room house, mston. Essential fur niture, OK 2-141 FOR SA1.K or trade 3 bedroom home in Winston Coi tier of HotxrUon and H;iricil, S40 down. OS K-52.7. SECt'HK your dam and water nwhi Jim Paugherty, the Engineer. Phone on HIUH FOH S.VI.K " oKTHAltK " for" two bed room home three bedroom, tvw-r, modern borne l.M4 S W K end. til St TO TRADE eouily in 5-room house and lot in Winlon, for equity in house in Koscbtirg OS -(Ui.!2 TWO HKDHOOM. n..ternhimeFlr trie he.tt carport fslT.sfl. $7,V down OK 2 44 MODKHN 2 bedroom h.tie.l Vre Hitihuav 42. tHHl cash IVan Dwighl OS i2 FOH SA1 F or tra.te. equity" in" starter hoixr OR 2 XMtt CIUMCK lots adioinirig Hu-Cret school untitle in. OK .1-4I. HI i HFNTM, VicTt of "Hoebmg. write "it. A. I Hrther. Hot 20ii. Merlin, Oroti. FOHTY A t ' K F v house ham 4 miles uest Wiltiui. MilHt OH .t-K?4J LOT toill!UI, NORTH I'ln-rd"";.) Terms. OK 3 Tha First Lesson To Learn In Selling J Use Classified Ads Real Estate 1 Help WE NEED a good ranch now running 5oO to 1000 head of cattle wnn gooa buildings. This must stand close in spection is our buyer la coming all the way from the East. WE FOUND IT THREE brush free acre on a private road, on the North Umpqua. Great big oak trees for yard shade. 4t7 feet of river, and two homes. One small and one most tastefully and complete ly furnished, even to the original can vasses on the walls. The knotty pine interior blends with the surroundings perfectly. A lillipullan barn, gleaming white for the pony or cow. S 13,100 lull price. Cash. CARDEN VALLEY NOT ON the river but a wonderful sub urban setting with about 2 acres of good toil and unlimited water for the Irrigation system. All fenced. An ultra modern home with fireplace; paved, covered patio and separate hobby building. $12,500. Assume !H00. FHA. $75 month. WESTS IDE. IN ITS own different setting we offer a 3-bedroom home that is Just more attractive than average because of its distinctive appearance, arrangement. and unusually low price for the value offered. 114.900. Full price. $500 Down YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! 3 bedrooms, basement; fireplace. Walk to town on pavement 3,W0 full price, 1st come, Kt serve. WINTER Real Estate 535 W. Hnrvnrd Ph. OR 3-7043 Evenings Charlie Pratt Harry Winter OR 2-1127 OK 3-7043 Colonial Family Home 2300 sq. ft. of living area. 4 bedrooms. den with fireplace. Large living room wnn ii rpjace. separate d in in g room. Doors off living room, dining room and den to covered patio. Barbecue fireplace in shady backyard. Attached garage. Large utility. Beautiful yard and garden. Appraised $1 4.750. Will sell at $12,900, $l.r;O0 down, balance like rent. Price Reduced THIS brand new 3 bedroom home is one of Hoseburg's best buys. The original price was ifil2.!00, now you can buy it for $11,500. It has mahogany kitchen, lamiiy room, fi replace. Double lava tones in tile hath. All the extras that make It a fine f.imlly home. Low down payment to a GI. $500 Down HERE Ls a home for large family. 4 bed' rooms. Modern, neat and clean. New roof and siding. Lot fiO xlOO' Tile in kitehen and bath. Price SR950, $70 month. Come take a look. Cozy 3 Bedroom $KO0 DOWN will buy this comfortable home on paved street and sewer. Large living room witlt hardwood floors. larue Kitchen, lull bMh. utility, car port. Close in. See it today. Price 500. Beautiful Setting THIS 2 year old 3 bedroom home Is Just the place to relax and enjoy life. Large carpeted living room with full wiiil of brick and paneling. Very at tractive kitchen and dining room. At tached garage. A choice lot along Deer creek, i'rice i:t,500. Penn's Real Estate 329 N.W Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3367 Evenings and Sundays Bob and Betty Penn OR 3-8408 Roseburg Realty Gr Insurance Co. 7 ACRFS crop land with fine moderniz ed home and lots of A-l outbuildings, beautiful lawn, flowers, and shade irees. shi.duu. GARDEN Valley Rond nice J - bedroom plastered home. It has a Inched g, ragu fenced yard, nice landscaping. and good garden. About 1 acre of land. $10,300. 1,000 ACHE ranch with 200 seres of cropland. A limit UK) acrei of gram yet to cut. SO tons if chopped and haled hay is now in the big fine nc-.v barn which ha all ieel roof and full concrete foundation. Included is a complete set of new machinery in cluding combine, in -tor etc. 200 ewes with lambs, 17 Herflords Grass is knee deep and the ranch is oulv 1 j.lf slocked. Price, tnc I tiding h i , fcrinn, machinery and livestock is S.Vi. IHU nl about S.'O.IXH) down. A goi! l-.inrb with lota of Income yet this iiinimer SMALL neat 2 - bedroom we-turny ho,i, with extra vacant lot. $.'i.VK) at MH) down. Near bus line. Roseburg Realty Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 2-3344 "OVR SERVICE DiiKSN" COST IT PAYS' 1,700 Acres RAISE cattle, hcp, Christmas treev timber. Now c.irr ing 40O ewea, could le greatly increased. 2 hou.ie larqe new hum, plenty of ttock water On couiitv road for 3 mile Short drive to Ritseburg. mostly by pavement Priced verv low at lets than 120 an acre Hetter Hurry. Umpqua Realty 2tH) N E Stephens St OR 2-.W71 WEST SIDE Pleasant District VFRY NICE tut nxm home, with spare Itedroom in basement. Hardwood (loom tlirouKhoiit; spat' 10111 closet; pUMM--ed: inMilitted ri'itmic: Venetian Minds, forctil air heat oil fumacei 71 xl40' lot, with shrubs, sh.ute trees, lnwn and g.irdeit space. Sewer and street assessment raid Ne.ir schools ami store. 1 block to bus line lt.38 W Hiown Ave OH 2--4.M $5750 Full Price Furnished J.V0 DOWN, H month ttracm one N'ditvMii modern home uv.t,m Bleached niahognny bedroom utte. living rom run ch.ir, Ul.r, Roper M ratine. Ire4k(.tt set i.i w aher I'tiht. room, laundry lia . OR :t rt.MM Ow ner 3 Bedroom Brick Home NEAR Joseph Lane School Lovelr fl.ig sione I irrplace O ik tluoi , g.n , .til fuinace. ample built-in 10 kiti')i-n and lop m raiiKe tm-,-it afr 01 itli "d tC! Tils 'K Ov Priced To Sol i ROOM HOUSE t bedrooms, large llv tnn to. hi with firrplace, full lvsrment Wiih (urpKice. nvnKinii'iil oil (uuis.c. F.puty mi McrtLce. p? meius le ttian rent Ijii n lot well Isndcaped. p-ned neet d tewer. H.I4 N. E Lin coln. OR J-7.VO. j Real Estate 1 i Crowded?? SEE THIS 4 BR home with den, living rm, Ige dining rm, well-planned kitch en, utility, bath, 2 brs and den down, 2 bra up, attached garage, lge lot in lawn and garden, sewer and city wa ter. Good G.I. EAST SIDE ' DELIGHTFULLY COZY well - built home, carpeted living rm, beautiful fireplace, picturesque kitchen and din ing rm. 2 br, bath and shr. Ige util ity with built ins, garage, freezer rm, and shop. A lovely home Just $9,500 with 91,300 In. WEST SIDE VERY NEAT 3 BR home fireplace. love ly kitchen, lge dining area, bath and shr, carport with storage and storage rm, fenced yd, reasonably priced 112,- 000. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 723 N E. Stephens Dial OR 23173 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Cool and Solid FIVE ACRES country estate with love ly 4 bedroom home The grounds are amply planted to choice shrubs and trees. The house has a certain charm that lends to its' beautiful letting. Its many features such as two complete baths, oversize rooms, oodles of stor age, fireplace, help to make this home an outstanding buy at (21,000. Let's talk teniu. 3 Bdrm Ranch Style 2 DOWN will buy for the Federal GI this home on sewer and paveti street, Home about 3 years old. Come in and let us show you this excellent buy. Full price $9,500. Act now. $181 down. Nearly New TWO BDRM on over an acre Of land, about 5 minutes from town. A good Slate or Federal GI $7,950. Full Price. Country Living With City Convenience ACTION NOW will place you hi the best buy. 3 bdrms. and family room home, l'i baths. 2 fireplaces, wall to wall carpeting in LR. Well arranged kitchen has dishwasher and Vent fan. Located on an acre of good garden soil. An abundant supply of good well water, lovely lawn and trees. Full price $11,600. Let us help you with terms. Ideal for fat ate ui loan. ORCHARD 3-5340 916 S E. Washington Ave. (between Jackson 8c Main) Eve. & Sundays Al Hoffman OR 3-5SR3 Millard or Marion Magness OR 3-5017 Quant Realty Jos. L. (Joe) Quant, Reoltor S. E. Roseburg, Ramp Rd. 3 BEDROOM home near the new East wood school. Living room with fire place, kitchen with lovely birch cabi nets. Utility room, hardwood floors. Forced draft oil furnace, patio, gar age and carport. Lovely lawn, flowers, shrubs and berries. Will consider good trailer house as part payment. Price $ Li, 500. Good Terms. REAL VALUE 3 BEDROOMS, very large living room with circ. fireplace, hardwood floors, pliistered' and 100 Insulated. Bull tin appliances. On two lots. Full price $1 2,o(H). Fairhaven District 2 BEDROOM home on paved street and city sewer. Has living room with fire place, oil furnace. This place is well lfinHiiiiul inI Lst-U no it anH i.lan This is a verv nood buv at S10.5O0. I Terms. Good G.I. 2 Acres on South Umpqua River MODERN 2 Bedroom home with river frontage on So. Umpqua river. Choice river bottom soil. IS large walnut trees, also fig, apple. peach and cherry trees. Large garden. Small barn, chicken house, garage, and cov ered patio. Price $11,500. OFFICE 12.17 W HARVARD AVE. Ph. OR 2-.I20H EVENINGS CALL CHAS P Ml'MHY Ph. OR 3-70(1 C. F. REYNOLDS Ph. OR 2-lH:r JOE QUANT PH. OR 2-4142 Valley Real Estate 5 Bedrooms $7,950 $7M DOWN. Walking distance. Don't wan. 5 Bedrooms $14,000 APPRA ISKD at $14,000 A dandy. Trades considered. 1100 Acres $60,000 2.0 ACHES plow. Excellent sheep and cattle ranch. 2 sets modern improve ments. 10 springs. Might trade some. 1 55 Acres $24,000 A BEAUTY. Dandy 3 bedroom home. Alwmt 70 acres valley plow. Ideal for ilairy and poultry. Clear low priced home considered. 950 Acres $75,000 CENTRAL Oregon alfalta land 2H0 ir rigated All could be. lrrm.it ion s li tem .uid tractor goes. Trades might. Cheapie $30 Down UNFINISHED home. $2,330 $.t,1 per mo Car or trailer house trade considered but not seriously if overpriced. Valley Real Estate 1117 SE STEPHENS I PHONE ORchard :,-4iV... j FVFMMiS PHONE SALESMEN: i Poeock OR 3-R2H I O. y Sconce Sutheihn 2t;.:. Salesman At Broker Scone OR 3-;iitbJ This Week's Best Buy MOVE RIGHT Into this well constructed, 2-hr home tooted across old Hwy sn from Chrvst.ihte Tile Plant. Hardwood floors, electric heat, tiled bath, na tural finish kiU'hen builtins Inmlatrd, plastered 5 ,r nld l-arge lot All thm can be our for onl $7,350 full HANDY REALTY nil 3-.VPH Harvard Ave at Pilgcr Hucrest LARGE fanili heme Corner lot, S bed ro.M p. u Hx.'s1 fanuU room mr 4th ItniRooM'. .dr othedral crtlnig ot .i ins. dmmg led kitchen area Hcantitul Ki'-n.m Prick fireplace Hath "d h.;f ciarme imliH room, stor age, r'tn. c.uport ar.d pan If hi AUGUST IMh ALL FRIGID 1RK AIMM.l NUf i will te included Dih w n-tw-r. if (i n-i ator. range and freer er Full p t ,-. $H. rtm Ow ner. OK $200 ' Down To A Quilifu-il (',. I. NFWER thie lN.irHm home on Urge li 're lot huuh of Roehurg At tached gat axe t (replace, lame ward r.'tv clsfi, fxcelienl View i 7..H U.iii l)u k ,pH!jin OR 3-4H2rt, nm c.i;l OK .J..H744 N ' V. K a bed loom J blockvs'from Green Sch.vl. THA te rns. Plione OK 3-.W52 Real Estate 1 WILEY'S For Real Estate SPECIAL South Side 4 BR. l'i baths, fireplace. Clo to Rose School and swimming pool, beautiful kitch en, lots of room, Price (15,000. have f HA committment. Immediate pos- Kwion. ONE BEDROOM Home Fullerton St. Paved, on sewer. Dice kitchen. Util ity room, cloe in. Full price $3,10. Ideal for older couple. 104 ACRES, barn, no house- Elgarose area. 20A cultivated, nood fencei.. Plenty of springs. $7,000 with $2.000 1 down. CLOSE IN 3 Bedroom home, l'i baths.! fireplace, large living room. seDarute dining room, basement with sawdust furnace. Fine view. Paved st, sewer. Price $14,000. Already financed. 40 ACRES, New 2 B R. home, all till able, rental house, good barn, lamilv orchard, set-up for WOO hens. $21,000. Quiet place to live with nice outlook. Earl and Gladys Wiley, Realtors ROSE HOTEL B1.DG. Phone OR 3-34G2 Jim Be vans OR 3-fiflR5 Roland Springer OR 3-3903 The House That Jack Built In a community of executive and professional men. Mr. Executive, here is a home of dis tinction, with 2.000 sq. ft. of expert workmanship with charm and conven ience. Three bedrooms, l'.a baths, 27' living room with fireplace, formal din ing room, tile entrance hall, family room with fireplace. A beautiful all electric kitchen with birch cabinet and ceramic tile counter tops. Patio with fireplace and brick planters. Dou ble garag.with electric door and stor age cabinets. Exterior is brick and Masonite siding. Lawn, landscaping and sprinkling system It in. What more is there to a.sk for? $31,800. Will consider trade. JACK MATH IS General Contractor I OR 3-5497 SHORT REALTY G I. OPPORTUN ITY. Original own er's heath forces sale of attractive 2 bedroom home for only $5050. Complete furnishings except refrigerator includ ed at this price. S:t00 down, payments less than S50 a month. Act Quick - Call OR 3-3534. 2 kt . 1 . NEED 4 Bedrooms? Thic non-op i. uriced for holnw r.l placement cost at $10,'j.iU. A generous GI loan at 4Vi int. with payments of only $66 a mo. can be assumed by tha new owner. Call to day for an appoint ment. DUPLEX. Excellent Westside location, 2 bedrooms and dou ble carport. Wonder ful neighbohood. In come SI60 per mo. Price SI6.0O0 Would consider trade for home. 4. TRADE. Do yoU I THREE LARGE rooms, completely fur have a small acreage j Dished Water and garbage service with a 3 bedroom) paid Only SiiO. Clear View Court. 3C25 h-ime that vou would i Stephens. "North of City Drive In like to trdde for a M:irket ValieyReal Estate. OR 3-4055. nice 3 bedroom In TWO ROOM" furnished apartment, or 3 West Hoseburg? room unfurnished apartment. All ,-seai ana clean and! well L-apcd. Priced rea $12,000. Owner has approx. a $4,500 cqui- 806 S.E. Cass Ave Dial OR 3-5334 Evenings call: Stan Short. OR 3-HOOt Boh Di.-hman. talesman OR 2-.f "14 :L A. "Bud"" Nelson, aleman OR 3-6759. West Side IDEAL home In ideal local, on, 3 bed rooms. Family sized living, and dining rooms Tailored kitchen. Large gar age. Cement drives. Good sie lot with shade trees and luh fenced back yard. Quality bu.lt home Can he fi nanced. W will be proud to show you this at $16,500. NORTH OWNER leaving state. Has cut price to rock bottom. Furnished. 2 bedroom. Ljrge from room with a Rood view Kilihen in large Ra'h and utilitt On sewvr. clo-e lo school. S.Wu) with illiuo down bul. Siio month. 206 ACRES Ct TOVER ground good grass land, h.is three room cabin, nice all year spring piped to the house. Would make a sheep ranch while the timber is growing. In the heart of the hunting country, good investment at $2500. it s a barca m FAIRHAVEN DISTRICT TWO bedroom home, can be three, re decorated, fenced in back yard, 2 blocks to grade school, close to markets Large lol. paved street and newer Owner is transferred and will sell for $9500, Terms. Let us show you this one. I I i Byers Real Estate 421 Rallf Sf Ph OK 3-74 Evenings OK 3-74HH WEST SIDE Closv To Schools mi.AL for children Older' -t pe. 4 - i , r"mi' rooni- drer lits of pure deep well water, Short Realty l.i acre,. 1 block west of KMne St. ' - -r 1 " ocms n" 2t FT TR MLtR hm.se. gnl for eoup of t.arden alley Road. $7s50. tome, l-th -l-111,1 x,r 11 P m , or hachel.-r. Untane -tove and rcfriK term OR SMALL furn-.shed apartm-nt m table fori era'or 151 Hpe Ae Turn at lU'.t i I or 2 $.:2 Hi OR ?-MKf after .1 pm.j Dnisl.i. . 2 hiock u. hill OiUU UOWn FAIRHAVEN DISTRICT hi' me. concrete foond.il: arid attarhrd garage A high fciit'e f.-r pi w dry ihiidien $t 1 51 HkK ! .1 eennm- OK - 3 bedr.iom n Oil heat r umpietelv pjw and sa(,-!v ef i.-scnstm OK FISH FKOM VOl K OWN U Ki'K YAKO n the North I'mpqua K.nu li vi le home with extra Lit ve com bin.' u n lt mg room and kitchen. 2 tedrooms. 2 baths, hit of binltirw. ln cl.iscu Fireplace, automatic fmcesi air heat m eei' r.-om Oiid w ll LaiuKca .1 !oi tnve flood lae Fh.'.'e avai:n;e. Near grocer , txcellent TV recep'.ioti. : Private owner eilmg at below brii-r ti pn.e Write P. O Bs' 85, Roseburg Real Estate 1 ! LEASE OPTION attractive 2-bedroom home on fc..-siMie i. i-arge ioi, uiuucu. possession. $3500. OWNER TRANSFERRED and must sac rifice this nice, a-bedroom home. Hardwood floors, furnace, attached garage. Large lot. well-landscaped. Guod, Federal GT with 2'i down. Priced to sell at $10,900. Sophia Stone Realtor 1613 W. Harvard OR 2-12H3 Evenings Call Price Cut To Sell LOVELY new 3 bedroom houe. Fire place, baseboard electric herft Lola of builtins and walkm closets. Cuver.-d patio, carport. Must be seen to be appreciated. Sherry St. West Winston OS 9-8704 DONT MAKE A MOVE1 'til You See Flegel LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV 1NG OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR 3-4436 Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. Agents For Bekins Moving ft Storage Co. Business Opportunity 2 Well-Established Market For Sale VICINITY Roseburg. Large volume, low overhead. No competition. Long lease. Excellent opportunity for live wire. Write News-Review Box 405. HIGHWAY frontage, north Stephens. 50X101) lot. Used cars etc. Call OR . w;c- 1Qr'""v"J"' ..... t 2-1822 after 6 o'clock. $6,500 or less I LookingBla Road. Winston comptete for cash furnished including auto, washer FOR SALE or trade 7 unit furnished and equipped apts. and motel at Mill City, Oregon. P. O. Box 604, Mill City, Oregon. FOR-LEASE, small restaurant in west Roseburg. In operation. Very busy. OR 3-74U3. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Umpqua REASONABLE WEEKLY RATES For Permanent Guests JO ANN 'SBOA RD ING HOUSE. Delici ous home cooking. Plenty parking space. Board and room $20 00 week. 5 miles S. on old Highway B9. Ph. OR 3-7947. HOTEL GRAND, OR 3-4471. Ty in lob bv. baths on each floor. Hot and cold water each room. Reasonable rates l by .eek or month- HOTEL ROSEBURG, TV, Cafe, parking. Reasonable rates. 513 S E. Lane, OR 2-!) 1 112. ROOMS with or without private bath close in. S08 Soruce at the foot of Washington. LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. Utilities paid. SID per week; parking space. 525 Lane St. J SLEEPING rooms for men. Clean, com- fortable. close in. 302 SE. Pitzer. - . . 1 ROOM and board, $7o month. Inquire Eden Lane., i i LIGHT housekeeping room, everything turmsned, ok ;;-oy-iu. LARGE, front sleeping room, closa in, OR 3-6302 or OR 3-3518. BOARD and room for elderly lady. Ex cellent food and care. OR 3-:.2i14. SLEEPING rooms. 3-7237 605 S. M os her. OR HOUSEKEEPING room. 446 NE. Jack son SLEEPING ROOM. 732 S E. Jackson, next door to Penney's. OR 3-3328. FURNISHED. quiet sleeping rooms. S22 .r.0 per month. OR 3-51140. ROOM. 1213 S.E. Douglas. I Apts. For Rent 4 Moves furnished Clean and close in. S40 Call OH ;:-;i4fil or OR 3-7016. FI LLY MODERN furnished studio cot !t for rent Suitable for couple or single man Electricity water and gar bage included. Phone OS 9-8434 after FURNISHED ATTRACTIVE 1 .bedroom dun lex View windows, carport SK5. 1 mile p.Tst Nielsen's Grocery. Hwy, 99 So Adults. OR 2-1438. ONE OH 2-bedroom, furnished or un furnished apt. Also 2-bcdrooni duplex. Prices fromS40 to $65. OR a-12JU. FURNISHED 3 room apt" Water and garbage service furnished Garden Val- 1 - Blvd at 1433 NW Fairmont. ATTRACTIVE bedroom apartment. A dulls. For Information, call 374 c Mia ht. LARGE modern, furnished cahin painted and clean, $55 Happy -alley Road. Rt 4. Box 425. CLEAN furnished apartment. 3 - rooms and bath, close in. Adults. 1014 S E. Pine. Apt 4. ONE" BEDROOM apVrtWnt. Washer, dryer and stove furnished. Close in, ncr Ru School. OR 3-4741. APTSfir"rentiiT"$ti5: ai $40. Gar- bane and water furnished. 1303 SE. Tine SI ATTRACTIVE 5 room furnished apt. Garage. Close In. Adults. i:U2 S E. Douglas. FURNISHED 1 bednTom apt. uYilftiei paid West Hill Apis. 2til7 W. Har vard . THREE ROOM apt. with bnth, "no utlN it ics, $.;5 mo. Close to citv center. CaM -?.H 3-6113 or OR 3-60'H. CLOSE IN" furnished apartment. Ren onnl-'e rent. E46 S E. Brockway. OR 3-6110. CLEAN, redecorated unfurnished apts. i 1 bedroom. lt45 W. Harvard Avenue. j Phorie OR 3-6022. ' 1 TWO ROOM, furnished ant . electric refrigerator, all utilities furnished. $45 i n o OR 2-260 FYk7sHED APT $43; unfurnished apt. $40. Kav ApU., 421 S E. Main. Te OR 3-7SH5 LARGE "UNFURNISHED 2 - bedroom apartment. New kitchen. Electric heat. Off street parking. OR3-3410. FURNISHED desirable one bedroom apirtment. Near hospitals. Adult. OK THHFE FURNISHED and unfvi H-d F Fi Ft KNlSHFD or unfurnished "apt. walk". ii'S di-tance OR 3-41-17. SMALL FURNISHED apartment clo . m 1132 S E Mj THREE BEDROOM, furnished aot. at i ... . - -AKtlE 1 N l-(v.m fur-hrd apt. 3 blocks OU 3 -I ONK t-d'ts.-n fnrtvKvl" ;ut. H.Vt SF S' er.dm. Apl 4. OR a 2H70 Ft KNlstini and iinfunusl. d 2 - bed-!-.... n .t( 1- w bi.s I t,,. uK 1 HH TUi . l--.i, . Ir,,..,.j rti.l:!rn.-nt's ...ill!: L;lt i.sl.cd upai LA vtY. t room iu tnt a-.-( FrKNISiu.D"2 ;t'!(f"l r.vn Vpl. Ulosr t . tow -i 1"" S E Mil COMPI.FIFI V im..!.-rti n.w" bp ir--.."t Pa l.v t n : :.. ..,.,, , rs.' Fl HMSIIrll AP.ltTIr $.15 mm-.th. 5 miles s- uth OK .t-7'47 NEW, lame. I -bedroom apt"OR3 :iw"l Apts. For Rent 4 nice. CLEAN. 1. 2 and 3-bedrooin apts. at the TODD APTS iWetvue Court. Winchester Court, Terrace, and Vista Homes .Apts.i Equipped with ranges and refrigerators, some with auiu. washers, dryers an-' heat supplied. Some furnished. Rents start at $"0. You should at least look at theie apts. before you rent. Ph. OR 3-4340, or OR 2-1503, or OR 3-5631 Kohlhagen Apts LANE &- JACKSON STS. MODERN. REASONABLE RFNT ADULTS OR 3-8244 A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" Oakhill Apts. TWO bedrooms. Radiant heat. Hot and cold water and garbage tervice fur nuhed. OR 2-4W MOTEL UNITS All electric. With kitchens. $18 and $22 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel Old Highway B N. At Winchester BridgeJ LARGE, modern, 2 - bedroom apt. in west Rosehurg. near schools and hos pita Is; equipped with Disposal; hot water heat and water furnished. No pets.PhOR3-K2ti7. THREE room furnished. Close in. Wa ter, garbage service furnished. Adult!.. Phone OR 3-3581 between 9 AM and 7:30PM. ATTRACTIVE, bachelor apt., furnished. Private entrance, in very modern bldg. Located on E. Douglas. OR 2 1577 or OR 2-123. CLEAN, furnished apt, 4 rooms and bath. Large closets and storage space. Heat, water, garbage, garage. Adults. $75. OR 3-3218. Houses For Rent 5 WINSTON ONE UNFURNISHED. 2-bedroom; also nicely furnished l-!)edroom house. Near Douglas High. Electric heat. OS 9-5iUl or OS 9-5549 evenings LARGE 3 room modern furnished cahin. Nearly new 7 ft. refngragor. Gas cooking and hot water. Clean and neat. Water and garbage disposal furnish ed. $48 per month. Behind Dale's Cafe, No. Umpqua Road, Hurtz Cabins. Phnnn flR :i-:rtUH - ,w tt u posal furnished. $65 month. Adults only, us m-bmj. FRtE NT 8-raom house, 3 bed ip, 1 down. Stove furnished room' for doing minor repairs, painting and general upkeep. 15H1 Hope. Turn at 183 Douglas, go 2-blocks up hill. IN-GLIDE Two bedroom house; also one bedroom house with oil burner and wood range. Both wired for elec tric range, holh good water supply. Ph. GY 6-3330. IN WINSTON 1 bedroom home fur nished and modern. With garage. $47.50 month. Call at 1013 S E. Pine in Rose burg, or phone OR 3-H505. NICE M 0"DER N 1 - liedroom duplex. Stove, refrigerator, water and garbage service furnished. $52.50 month. OR 3-3139. AVAILABLE August l'ltn. store building, 2 doors south of Penney 's on Jack son. iFormerly Fashion Center) OR 3-:t:;28. TWO BEDROOM house unfurnished. Near Joseph Lane School Nice dis trict. $65 per month. Williamson Real Estate. OR 3-4302. ! UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home Plen- I r snaae ana waw. ju-i ooisiae cn limits. Available now, $50. Rt. 4, Box 15I5. OR3-3tll0. LARGEfurnished2 "family house, one bedroom and four bedroom apart ments. Entire house $70. 1508 SE, Lane St. OS 9-5653. TWO BEDROOM modern home. Butane range and refrigerator. 1581 Hope Ave nue. Turn at 1583 Douglas, go 2 blocks upJiill. TWO bedroom house, wired for washer and dryer. Green district. S65 month. Ph. OR 2-2K52 TWO BEDROOM partly fi-rntshed. 3rd house on right Tokay Street in Win ston. S05. FURNISHED 2-bedroom house. $0. Fur nished 1-bed room house, $50. 2812 Jay St; FOUR ROOM modern hou.se, wired-for range and dryer. $45 month. Phone ORjl5l24. SEVEN room modern plastered home. D B. Boone, Route 1, Box 155. Rifle Range Road. TWO BED R OOM 'd u plcx. carport. AiT plinnces. 841 W. Fairhaven St. OR 3-7.mie ves.OR3-f62."idavs. NICE 2 bedroom house to rent. $75. Big yard, atiached garage. 5 m:les south. Roseburg Realty. OR 2-3344. TWO "bedroom home, $25 month. WiH trade furniture for debt free traitr or nice car. OR 3-6IU7 after 3 pm. S60 clFan. modern 4 - room and bath, unfurnished. Within walking distance of fjwn. Adu'JSR J;":t:i RENT A LS ' 1 2T 3 "an d 4-bedroom units. Families with children only. In come limits, !K)2 W. Stanton St. FURNI S H EDCA B IN Sby w eekTf 1 0ird up. Old Highway 99, 3 nyles North. Pa cific MotePhone OR 3-3742. CLEAN four room furnished house. No drinking, no pets. 1263 S. E. Stephens. OR2-3270. DUPLEX near Glide, on North Umpqua Highwav. Clean, furnished 3-rooms and bath. 1 chiUi permitted. OR -!. CLEAN THREE ROOM"duplex. good location, across from Model Market. Winston. OS9-H402. ATTRACTIVE, 1 -bedroom. unfurnished house, $56. Inauire 2KB Chestnut or phone OH2-lK36 after 5 P M. FURNISHF.Dduplcx with garage, 4 miles south on pavement, $50. OR 3-4666 NEWLY redecorated. 1 bedroom duplrx near Joseph Lane Junior High. OR 2- 2H3R W A LKING DISTANCE 2 bedroorn furnished house; clean. Adults only. OH 2-2440. TWO BEDROOM modern house, partly furnished. $65 month. OR 3-7432. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. OR 2-42.T7 LARGE house southeast of town. OR :t-:w72. 2-BEDROOM duplex. West side, dial OR 3- 1.522. 5 miles south. S-5. SMALL HOUSE. West Roseburg. Phone 416 Camas Valley before 8 a m. ONE BFDR 66 : 1 furn r- h e d h ou s e . " 5 1 4 S E Mosher. Call OR 2-2i!70. THREE bedroom modern house in Dil- ard $'13 month. OR 3-5603. NICE e'ean 2 N'droom house. Garage. S'itt Inquire 2iV22 W. Sherwood Ae. COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom house. $60. Incjuire 2H22 W Sherwood Ave UNFURN'tSHt'D, 3 bedroom house cl to Jown 1216 S E Mill TWO" BEDROOM" H0USE.0R"2-4287 Trailer Rentals 6 TRAILER HAVFN hai a spacious lol for ou in Koseburg's newest, most modern pai k. luts of concrete, stor ace lockers, propine gas to each space Good laundrv facilities, yiilet and orderlv Old ih north to 4! N E S;erIn ALAMEDA AVE TRAILER COURT has bus service bv court entrance everv :to minutes First At 7 2o am. la-t fi to p ni Ciiurt has paved street, cement torches W'-ii lichlcd at nich; I) .re i. clean Rea on at- le rates. OR S 5.:i N W Al.uncda Ar WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod- ern ip.i .es Paved around Shade trfes S!!l mnnth. Highway 99 N l W.nche -:er llrulpe O.'-E sPAUE- a! IVidTaTTrTulTrHpj rk. Modn n, c '.is, in ( :'v center All l;.iw.; A.lu.'s liil Diaiin.'id LaUi R.-t f'n-M- ' Mum HN .'a l-l--dit-itni" trailer, tR .i-U-14, or OR 3 -Woo Misc. Rentals 7 nUTKS OK CARS fr rent ShTi 1 'ng ir iw. Re Hue henul Co. PR OK 3-7412.