10 Tht Nw-Rviw, Roieburg, If Your Paper Hat 6:15 P.M. Dial DANCE Every Saturday Night 9 PM--1 AM AT THE EVERGREEN GRANGE Music by Lloyd Powell and the Stardusters Formerly of the K. P. Hall in Roieburg COME BRING THE FAMILY mm. At LINDY'S TO THE MUSIC OF ART AND HIS OREGON DRIFTERS Listen to Chuck singing his new songs SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE To The Music of Douglas County's No. 1 Dance Band TOM EDWARDS AND THE TMMffi THE COUNTRY'S MOST COLORFUL BAND Melody Mountain Barn It's The Timberjack Jamboree Listen to KRNR 6:30 A.M. Mon. thru Sat. 3 to 4 P.M. Saturday Afternoon and 9 to 11 P.M. Saturday Evening Attention All ELKS 1 m DANCE SATURDAY, July 27 9:00 TO 1:30 P.M. Jack Foster's Orchestra MIDNIGHT SUPPER SERVED I illinium lllllllllllllll'iillllllllllllllllllllllilll No. 1943 MYRTLE CREEK ELKS FOLLOW THE TO THE LEGION HALL In Enjoy The New Dance Dance to the Music .AND HIS KIAMICHI MT. (Douglas County's Most Versatile Dance Band) Every Sat. Night Everyone Welcome Sl.Oo PER PERSON i"r in union Km KFIHT IAIUR0AT Or. Sot. July 27, 1957 Nor Arrived By OR 2-3321 SAT. NITE CROWD n no. ivtj J Sutherlin Floor 0 14 of BOYS Pk Local News Mitt April McGee of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, arrived in Koseburg by plane Thursday to spend a couple of weeks visiting Miss Nancy Stewart at the home of the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart, in Laurel- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Guerre and son, Bill, expect to leave this week end for their home in Bakersfield following a week's visit here with Mrs. Guerra's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hagan Jr. and family. They also visited Mrs. Guerra's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry llagan Sr., in Melrose. Mrs. Gordon Funk and son, Billy, have left for their horn, in Glen dale, Calif., following a visit here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cooper. Mrs. Funk has been here for two weeks and Billy has been staying with his grand parents for the past six weeks. The visitors also spent some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Niekens. Mrs. Kunk and Mrs. Nick ens are cousins. Mrs. B. G. Fenwick and her daughter, Miss Judy Kelly, have returned home following a seven week motor trip to Oklahoma. They visited in Stroud with the former's grandmother, Mrs. Nellie llickey, and also saw relatives in Okla homa City and Tulsa. Kn route home, they stopped in Los Angeles to visit relatives. Returning to Roseburg for a visit was Mrs. Fenwick's nephew, Jerry Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward and chil dren, Mike and Cindy, of Clare mont, Calif., have left for Baker, Ore. and Spokane, Wash., after spending a week in Roseburg visit ing relatives and friends. At Baker they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward Sr. and will spend several days in Spokane on business, after which they will return to Clare mont. They are former residents of this city. ,TS CIRCUS TIME TODAY is at m ROSEBURG FAIR GROUNDS TWO DAYS ONLY JULY JULY 27 s 28 TWICE DAILY 2:15-8:15 P.M. Roseburg SHRINE Club Presents the All-New 1957 PRODUCED BY TOM PACK'S CIRCUS Featuring all thot is sublimely spectacular and surprisingly sen sational including the Incompar able . . . DICK CLEMENS Tha Master of oil Wild Jungle Beasts with a cogeful of natural enemies of the Jungle Depth. Trained beyond belief! The Unpredictable, Audacious Imperor ond imprest of the Clouds . . . THE SIMRU DUO Daredeviltry unexcelled atop a 24 inch disc . . . 120 teet obove ground. The Spine Chilling Dossier Bro thers The Mouricios . . Juggling Perfectionists The Flying LaVolls . , , Incredi ble Aerial Artistry Dolly Jacobs' Doncing Elephants Nicolin's Highly Trained Chimp ontees The Interpid Named. It . . Perch Botancing Marvels The Arture Family , , Reckless Aerial Comedions Count Eduardo . . . With the Cor of Tomorrow The Apei of Grim Thrills Bub bling Over with Variety , . . Laughs . and Surprises Get Tickets NOW from any Shrtner or at Shrine Office, 116 S. E. Cass. AdulM $1.20 Children .30 Reserved Seats 80 Box Seats Incl. tax . $1.30 BOYS GIRLS! Ask your merchant for FREE SHRINE CIRCUS TICKETS' Ml Tho following rodio and television program! art printed at tret public servica tor Newi-Review rttoders. All program lilting! art published ai received from tha respective sta tions. The Newi-Review doe not accept responsibility for voriatton from original schedules furnished this newspoper. KBES-TV Channel 5 Medford Remaining Hours Today 8.00 Jimmy Durante e ;iO Two "or The Money 7.00 Gale Storm Show 7 :tO SRO Playhouse B:00 Your Navy 8 (0-Hih Low B OO Woild paiiport 10.00 Newi I0OS Chtcijro Wrefttlin 11:00 Saturday Dat 12 00 Newi and Sim Off glMJAr, JI'I.T II, lft.tt 12 00 Youth Want To Know 12 10 Zoo Paradt 1:00 Frontier! of Faith l::iO Thu if Tho Lifo 2:00 Gateway 2 .10 College Hour 3.00 Disneyland 4:00 Face The Nation 4:.'IO World Newt Roundup 9.00 The Last Word 5 10 Thia la The, Aniwer 6 00 Gateway 6:1.1 Dan Srnoot Show 6.10 Mv Favorite Husband 7:00 Ed Sullivan Show 8:00 G E Theatre 8 :j0 Alfred Hitchcock 9: 00 The Web 9.10 Dr. Christian 10.00 Weekly Newi In Review 10.1.1 Gateway 10:10 Liberare 11:00 Newi and Sifti -Off MONDAY, JULY 59, 1951 10:45 Devotiona 10:55 News 11:00 NBC Matinee 12:00 Brighter Day 12:15 Secret Storm 12::tO Edge of Night 1:00 Comedy Time 1:.10 Truth or Consequencee 2:00 It Fun To Reduce 2:15 How Christian Science Heals 2:30 Strike it Rich 3:00 Feminine Fanciee 3-.IO World Passport 3:45 Search for Tomorrow K P I C Channel 4 Roseburg Remaining Hours Today 5 .10 Disneyland 6 :iO Rin Tin Tin ABC 7 .00 Liberace 7:.'tO People Are Funny NBC 8:00 Geo. Sanders mystery theatre NBC B:rtO Dollar A Second NBC . 9:00 Encore Theatre NBC ! :.IO Arivrnture Theatre--NB3 10:00 Lawrence Welk- -ABC 11:00 Saturday Cinema ! M M) A T, JI'I.Y 1M IMO-Watch Mr. Wlrard-NBC 12.00 Youth Wants To Know , 12:.t0 Zoo Parade NHC I 1:00 Frontiers of Faith NBC I 1:110 Outlook NBC I 2:00 Public Interest 2:15 Sunday Matinee ; 4.00 Championship Bowling i 5:00 Meet The Press NBC 3::i0 Cowboy Theatre 6::iO Film Shorts ! 7:00 Steve Allen NBC I 8:001 Led 3 Lives ! fl:.'tO Destinv- CHS ! fl:00 The Web NBC I :iO Father Knows Best NBC 10.00 Sunday Showtime I MONDAY, JULY It, 1057 ll!:O0-NBC Matinee NBC 12:00 Queen For A Day NBC j 12 45 Modern Romances NBC J 1:00 Comedy Time NBC l:,m Trui h of Consequences NBff 2:00 Double Feature Movie Showtime KATI RDAY, JVl.T tT, IfllVT INDIAN THEATRE Matinee 1 p.m. Complete evening shows fl:55, 9:15 "CJunfighl At The OK Corral' 1:;10, 7 12. 9 .17 STA11LITE DRIVE IN "Untamed Youth" 8:22, 11:45 "Beyond Mamba :." 10 09 PINE DKIVKIN Martin and Lewis "Hollywood or Bust'" :., II 26 UiigH Bunny's "Cartoon Hevue" 10.22 SUNIiAT, JI'I.T 28, 1957 INDIAN THEATRE No Matinee One Complete Show Starting at 7::t0. Dnors 715 "(iiinfight At The OK Corral" at 8 05 Onlv. STAHLITF DRIVEIN "The D 1 " Drill liistructon H 22, 12 oh "Paris Does Strange Things" 10::i5 PINE OKI VEIN - 2 Terrific John Wavne Hits! "The Fighting Sea bees" 8.12, 11:5ft "Flying Tiger" 10:1.1 DANCE OLD TIME DANCES with Old Time Dance Club Every Saturody Night, 9:00 1:00 K. P. HALL Best music ond floor Refreshments served HARD TOP RACES Direct From Rote burg Spdwoy Track 9:30 STARTING AT TONIGHT Brought To You Br BRENT'S EXCHANGE AND MYER'S OIL Your Signal Oil Dcaltr RADIO-ACTIVE KRNR i-XSVtj' v (- A KRNR CiMOgS PRESENTATIONls KRNR 1490 KC Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Allan Jackson CBS News 4:05 Timbertrail News 4:15 Game Commission Bulletin 4 30 Texaco Sports Final CBS 4.45 Frank Cos. News CBS 4. 15 Weather Tomorrow 500 Editor's Assignment CBS 8:05 Dance Music CBS 5:30 CBS Sports News 5:35 Indictment CBS 6:00 Dinner Music 6:30 CBS News 6:35 FBI in Peace lb War CBS 7:00 CBS Radio S porta 7:15 Gil Henry CBS 7:30 The World Tonight CBS 8:00 Top Tunes 8:30 Gil Henry CBS 9:00 Let's Dance 9:30 Speedway 11:00 Sign Off. SUNDAY, Jl'LY 28, 15T 8:00 Sign On 801 News CBS 8:15 Salt Lake Tabernacle CBS 8:45 Washington Week CBS 8:55 Weather U.S.A. iCBSl 9:00 Real Estate Hour 12:00 Wool worth Hour CBS 1 :00--Robert Z : nut News CBS 1:05 Round and Round Society CBS 2.00 Sacred Heart Program 2:15 Music on Deck 2:30 String Serenade CBS 2:55 CBS News .1:00 The Last Word 3:30 Face the Nation CBS 4:0(1 Gem Of Melody 4:30 CSS Newsroom Sundav Desk 5:00 Stan Freberg Show CBS 5: 30-Hollywood Music Hall CBS B:0O Sez Who CBS (-30 Gunsn-okc CBS 6:"i5 Weather News 7:00 Suspense CBS 7:30 Mitch Miller CBS 8:10 Radio Sports CBS 8:30 The World Tonite CBS 9:00 -Jnhnnv Dollar CBS 9.10 CBS Radio Workshop (CBS) 9:55 News Nitecap 100O Sign Off 5 00 Charles Collingwood Newa 5:15 Uiwell Thomas CBS . S'.iO Texaco Sports Final CBS 5:45 Frank Goss, News CBS 5:55 Weather Tomorrow 6:00 Robert Trout Newt CBS 605 Timbertrail News 6:15 Dinner Music 1 6 '30 Sports News CBS 6 35 Amos N Andy CBS 9:00 Classiral Music 9:30 Robert Q Lewis CBS 10:05 Rusty Draper Show 10:30 Music To Dream By 11:00 Sign Off 5IONDAY, JI'I.Y -', 1957 fl-OQ Sign On 6 01 Early Morning Newi 8:05 Dawn Patrol 6:25 News And Weather 6 30 Tun Iter jack Jamboree 7:00 Timbertrail News 7:05 Weather Hound Up 7:10 Sports Round Up 7:1.1 Morning Music 7 30 Frank (Joss. News CBS 7:45 Harrv Babbitt CBS 8:00 World News R:in Down Memory Land. 8-40 Northwest Highlights 8:45 Tickets. Tunes and Topics 9 00 Nora Drake CBS 0:15 Ma Perkins-CBS 9:30 Young Dr. Malone CBS 9:4.5 Road Of Life CBS 10:00 Man About Town 10:15 Second Mrs. Burton CBS 10:30- Ringo 11:00 Wendv Warren. News CBS 11:15 Backstage Wife CBS 11:30 Helen Trent CBS 11:45 Our Gal Sunday CBS 12:00 World News 12:15 Meet The Artist 12:30- Timbertrail Newt 12:45 Polka Time 1:00 Arthur Godfrey CBS 2.30 Home Party CBS 3 00 Ringo 3:30 Foobn' Around With Records KYES 950 KC 4 00 News Highlight 4.24 Nt?ws 4 10 Lm-kv Logan Show 5.0-News Highlights 5.02 l.urky LoKnn Show 5; 25 Sports News 5:30 Lucky Logan Show ti 00 -News Highlights (i 02 l.m kv Logan Show 25 News 6 Id I.iifkv Ixigan Show 7:00 - Sign Off SfMlAV, Jll.T 18, 195T 7 00-Stgn On 7 03 Wako up to Musla 7.25 Nr-wi 7 30 Navy Show 7 4 Giles t Si; 8 Oil 8 lu ll 25- Nrws Highlight! -Wiiks up to Musla -News -riirintisn Brotherhood Hour -News Highlights -Hi osdway Showtlmo -News - Hroadway Showtlmo -News -Broadway Showtlmo -News -Hroadway Showtlmo Local Church Servieei -Top Ten Of Tho Week -News -Top Ten Ot Tho Week -News -Sunday Rambling! - New -Sunday Rambling -News - Mu mc that Endures Muve l et Thero B Light - New -Old Fashioned Revival Hour News -Chowder March in' A Debut In 8 ;o fl 00- ip.i- 11 ti :in lo nfl 10 o;t 10 2"- 10 0 11 00- 11 o.- 11 25- 11 :io- 12 00- 12 01- i no - I lU - l to 1 45- 2 0 -2 01- :i oo - J 0,1- lety Meetin S 21- tl) More Chowder 4 oo- -Ne- ie Chowder 4 2 4 10 s m .1 ot- 5 JS 5 ;o ( tW S o.t is 2- k ;o- 4. on -New s - Mote Chowder -News -'ut Easy Listening - Nev s -.lust Fasy Listening -News -J im Easy Listening -New Senior Prom - Forward March -Sign Off PILOT IDENTIFIED ATsnil, Japan Tht Navy' idem if icd Friday the pilot killed in the era-ili of Fury jet Thurs day as U. ( j g.t Thomas A. Blind, of Caspor, Wyo. He was killed when his jet fight er crashed while attempting to make an emergency landing at Atsugi Naval Air Station after a, flameout He was with Squadron j Y2 aboard the earner Lexing ton docked lit nearby Yokosuka Naal Hase. CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGE NO OBLIGATION TeiH oil itandord Radio and TV tubtt now in uia. USE OUR SELF-SERVICE TV DEPARTMENT CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. 0n (rem to f tvary Day KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Houri Today 4:00 Mu.lc 4:13 Newi MBS 4:30 Record Merry-G-Round MBS 5:00 Bandstand U.S A. 5:30 Kraft Newi MBS 5:35 Banditand USA 5:45 Flying A Sporta 5:55 Music 6:00 Western Caravan 6:30 Bob Grant Newa 6:45 Sporti Flashes MBS 6:50 Logger's Wearher 6:53 Mu.lc r 7.00 Happy Valley Cowboys 7:30 Mu.ical Wheel ol Chance MBS 7:55 Local News ROO Beaver Baseball 10:00 Word Of Life MBS 10:30 Mostly Music 11:00 Tomorrow's Headlines 11:05 Mostly Muilo 11:30 Sign Off St'ND AT, JULY St, l9f 7:30 Sunday Breakfast 800 Wings of Healing MBS S::,0 Back To God Hour MBS f 9.00 Radio Bible Class MBS 9::iOVoice of Prophecy MBS 10:00 Headline Edition MBS 10:05 News MBS 10:10 Sports Flashes MBS 10:15 How Christian Science Heala MB 10:i0 Frank and Ernest MBS 10:45 Bill Cunningham MBS 11:00 Across the Blue Pacific MBS 11:15 Those Who Served 11:.I0 Marian Theatre MBS 12:00 Variety Time ,1 12:10 Flying A Sporta J 12:15 Good Citiren . 12::iO Mid-Day News 12:45 Game of the Day MBS .1.00 Sports Flashes MBS f 305 Local Newa .1:10 Show Time 3:50 Hawaii Calls MBS 4:00 Family Theatre MBS 4:,10 Revival Time 5:00 Guest Star 5:15 Christian Celebrity Ttmo 5:30 Lutheran Hour MBS 6:00 Music 6:20 Logger! Weather 6:25 Flying A Sports 6:.'!0 News J 6:45 General Sports MBS 6 55 Sports Flashes MBS 7:00 Lombardoland USA MBS 7::(0 Gospel Hour B.'IO Beaver Baseball 9:45 Dateline & The Bible MBS 9:55 Headline Edition MBS 10:00 Hour of Decision MBS A 10:30 Wings Of Healing MBS 11.00 Tomorrow'i Headline 11:05 Passport to Dreami 11:30 Sign Off MONDAY, JULY M, lftf 6:00 Dawn busters 6:25 Flying A Sports 6:30 City Market News 6:15 Farmer's Weather 6:40 County Agent fl 45 Alarm Clock Club 7:00 Frank, Hemingway MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:4.5 Local Newt 7:50 Take Ten 8:00 Cliff Engle MBS 8:15 Melody Mill 8::t0 Bible Institute MBS flOO Kraft News MBS 9:05 Farm Bureau Exchange 9:10 Music 9:15 Carnation Milk Timo 9::,0 Lady's Choice 9:45 Are You Listening 10:00 Newspaper of the Air MBS 10:15 Tollo Test MBS 10:;i0 Mouse Party 11:00 Kraft News MBS 11 05 Gabriel Heatter MBS 11:10 Stork Club 11:1.5 Queen For A Day MBS 12:00 Town Crier 12:10 Ftvmg A Sports 12:15 Mid Dav News 12:.t0 Greet Your Neighbor 12:45 Market Reports 12:50 Game of the Day MBS 3:00 Billboard 330 Kraft News MBS 3:35- Bob & Ray MBS KOIN-TV Channel 6 Portland Remaining Hours Today 400 Off to Adventure 4:15 Hollywood Park Racea 4 45 Showtime for Mon 5:15 Featurette 3 . to The Buccaneers fl 00 Jimmy Durante Show 6:30 Two for the Money. Shaw 7:30 Two For The Sloney Hiw Ciiinsmoke 8:30 Jimmy Dean Show 9 00 Soldiers of Fortuns 9:30 Whirl) birds 10 00 News Wire 10.05 "Fighting Seebees" John Wavne. Susan Hay ward, and Denis O'Keefe St'.NDA Y Ji:i.Y U, IBM 1 1 .10 Faith For Todav 1200 This Is the Life 12 30 Children's Gospel Hour 1:00 Lamp Unto My Feet 1:3ft Armchair Theaier 2 00 This Is the Life 2 30 Armchair Thealro 400 Face the Nation 4'30 World News Roundup 5 00 Last Word 5:30 You Are There. 6 00 Lassie fl 30 My Favorite Husband 7 00 Ed Sinllvan 8 00 G E. Theatre 8 .10 Alfred Hitchcock 9 00 J64.000 Challenge 9 30 What s Mv Lint 10 00 News Wire 10.05 Little Giant" MONDAY, Jll.X : 4 IV-Mr. Moon 4 3fi Cartoon Tims 4 45 Red Dunning I Ml OFFICERS REELECTED SKATT1.K t. All officers of the t'nitt'd Garment Workers of America were reelected Thursday to five year terms. The union has 7-VOiM) members engaged in the mens garment industry in the United States and Canada. The reelection was by unani mous vote of the 100 delegates attending (he annual meeting which closes Fridav. n i BV at-""""'"" BUS Now Available At lU 1 1 III ' lYl II 1 1 1 I Lars Model Redstone Rocket Reported Fired MISSILE TEST CENTER. Cape Canaveral, Kla. i A rocket, believed a late model Kedstone, wa fired at 11:19 p.m. Thursday night, The Miami Herald reported. Spectators, lured by search lights, assembled on the beach south of Port Canaveral. They watched the big rocket rise almost straight up into the night skies, spewing flame, the Herald said. Jndicm ORihcid 3-6537 Ends SUN! Compter Showi Tonir 7:00 9:13 0n Completo Show Sunday At 7:30 Doors 7:15 A RHONDA JO JOHN FLEMING -VAN FLEET-IRELAND starts WEDNESDAY PAut Dfiiir,i ; THEATRE CLOSED MONDAY and TUESDAY TONIGHT: "UNTAMED YOUTH" PLUS "BEYOND MAMBOSA" OR 2-3791 SUNDAY YOU GIVE HIM Weeks Later He Gives You Back a Marine! NOBODY KNEW HE HAD A GIRL- NOT EVEN THE GIRL! I l 'DRILL INSTRUCTOR DON . JACKIE UN MONK' . :jiNIA DUBBINS LOUGHERY McCARTHY LEWIS GPfGG INGRID BERGMAN r, V ' TECHNICOLOR c , ALWAYS 2 COMPLAIN ABOUT TRACK ' PORTLAND im Washington County Dist. Atty. Francis Link- later has askeu tne circuit court to abate a quarter midget auto racing track southwest of here. I Linklaler said property owner in the area have been complain ing about noise from the track, where one-cylinder cars are oper- ! ated by children from 4 to 12 yean iold. Sundav1 "THE GREAT MAN" storrinj Joie Ferrir, Deon Jogger nd Julio London. plus Mouroon O'Horo, John fortyrho ond Tim Hovey in "EVERYTHING IUT THE TRUTH" Ends Tonight "GUN FOR A COWARD" ond "ISTANBUL" Sunday thru Tuesday "WRITTEN ON THE WIND" starring Rock Hudson, Lauren Bacall, Robert Stock ond Doro thy Malone, plus Dano Andrew, ond Joan Fontaine in "BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT" Ends Tonight "ROCK, PRETTY BABY" ond "CURUCU, BEAST OF THE AMAZON" Gates Ends Tonite! Martin and Lewii "Hollywood Or Burt" Plus Bugs Bunny Revue SUN-MON-TUE THE ACTION SHOW YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!! 2 JOHN WAYNE 2 HITS! Action In The Air! 'THE FLYING TIGERS' PLUS Action On Land! 'FIGHTING SEABEES' . . . Thru Tuesday A BOY. . . and Twelve MEL FERRER MM. CARTOONS! i i n t M, CBS RADIO