.s ... ..... .... .,.v.v.., .. ..jV-. i - ; ; V v x H ; COMPLETE BIBLE COURSE The Revs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Belfiore, formerly of Roseburg, will graduate Sunday from a 5V2-month course at the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, South Lansing, N.Y. The school is operated by the governing body of Jehovah's witnesses. Belfiore was a circuit supervisor in charge of 20 Jehovah's Witness con gregations in Douglas County. HOUSE PAINT SPECIAL Reg. 6.25 Ext. White 4 95 gal. Coloreraft Paint & Wallpaper 626 SE Cass OR 2-2251 "i bin. Wilt tt Post Olfici A Brief Case . . . But Important TODAY'S SOARING values plus a lack of insurance know ledge are confusing many property owners as to how they'll stand, in case of dis aster. If you're not sure of your insurance protection, don't take a chance. Check up now! Call on Roy 0. Young & Son INSURANCE Dial OR 3-6671 733 S. E. Cast Street ROSEBURG, OREGON Wiring 622 S. E. Jackson Son Of Tenmile Family Gets Lead In Musicals Gordon Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howard of Tenmile, as left a New York stage show I temporarily to take the ieads in Kiss Me Kate and Song of Norway" for two weeks in Sulli van, III. His role at the Magnifi cent Theater in New York will be kept open for him. His wife is remaining in New York. Howard will take their daughter to visit his wife's par ents in Gailsville, 111., according to correspondent Mrs. Walter Coats. Umatilla County Has Large Yield Of Wheat PENDLETON if) Umatilla County - whcatmen, reporting yields as high as 60 bushels to the acre, said this week it is quite possible the county this year may have the largest bushels-per-acre wheat crop in its history. Barley harvest is pfetty well completed in south and west Pen dleton areas, where yields have been excellent, averaging a ton to an acre. In the Pilot Rock and Echo areas the wheat harvest is better than 50 per cent completed. With the exception of the so called smut areas, where wheat- men report indications of heavy inlestatinn, the outlook is opiums. tic. Quality of the wheat that has been harvested is far above average. Record Exports Cut Down On Huge Wheat Surplus W ASHINGTON on Record ex ports have cut the big wheat sur plus from 1,033.415,000 bushels a year ago to 905,240,000 at the end of the marketing year July 1, th? Agriculture Department reports. 1 lie decline was about 12Va per cent. Barley slocks were listed at 128,228,000 bushels compared wilh 117,096,000 a year ago. Material W Box Lamp Holders Ut 7i lt Porcelain. Keyless style, each llW Chain rV FLUSH WALL SWITCHES 17r 11 r Single Pole. Brown, each Malt IVORY ' Flush Wall Receptacles 17f 71f For those extra outlets. Brown, each .. I f I IVORY " I 14-2 R0MEX WIRE Random lengths. Per foot 12-2 R0MEX WIRE Random lengths. Per foot 4" OCTAGON R0MEX BOXES with Clamps. Each BOXES, FLUSH WALL For Switch or receptacle. With clampl, ea. ... R0MEX STAPLES Box of 25 now only MANY OTHERS Savt on quality wiring supplies for that remodel ing or repoir job. Set ui now for these mid summer specials. Phone OR 3-5521 Former Elgarose Man Succumbs By THELMA HANSON Word has been received that Otto Staron, a former resident of El garose, died this month at a Med ford hospital following a heart at tack. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wooton and daughter, Dixie, returned home Sunday after a two-week vacation in California. While there they vis ited with Mrs. Wooton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Weaver of Leucadia, Calif., and other rel atives. Dixie left Monday for Camp Myr- tlewood near Bridge, where she I will be one of the counselors for the 4-Her's this week. She will return ! Saturday. Mrs. Larry Steel left Wednesday for Gladstone Park, near Portland, where she will attend the Seventh- day Adventist camp meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Fnswald Norman of Merril, Ore., were weekend guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sand and Mr. and Mrs. David band and families. Visits Station Joe Sand spent the weekend with Kernan Turner who is stationed at the Big Camas Lookout this sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Durch and family of Seattle, Wash, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lucas and Mrs. Ada Durch and Carman and Larry Cooper of Elgarose this week. Fallout Danger To Fish And Deer Is Discounted SACRAMENTO, Calif. Wl An official of the California State Fish and Game Department said Thursday it "is conceivable a per son could get a pretty good dose of radioactivity" by eating fish taken from waters containing ra dioactive snow runoff. But Frank Bragg, F k G in formation officer, said there have been no reports of radioactive fish being found anywhere in Cali fornia. The State Public Health Depart ment had reported that snot checks disclosed "a level of radio activity higher than standard in Sierra snow runoff at Lassen Park in Lassen County, Donner Summit in Nevada County and Gold Lake in Sierra County. It said the radioactivity came from fallout from Nevada atomic tests. Bragg said the department's di sease and food habits laboratory also discounts the possibility of danger to deer and other wild life from the radioactive runoff. But he said if the runoff fell into "relatively quiet waters where there is an accumulation of algae thee is a possibility of fish becoming radioactive." Dr. Malcolm Merrill, stale health director, said the radioac tive runoff would not be danger ous unless "a person were to drink the runoff waters over a period of months." Texan Is New Veterans Affairs Assn. President GEARHART llfi Charles Mor ris, Texas director of Veterans affairs, is the new president of the National Assn. of State Di rectors of Veterans Affairs. He was elected Wednesday at the close of the organization's an nual meeting here. Serving with him will be: Mar vin Russell, California, vice presi dent; James L. Crider, Tennes see, secretary - treasurer; and judge advocate. Next year's convention will be held at Springfield, III. Specials . 4c Cr w V 28c 27c 19c Little Relationship Between Lung Cancer And Smoking Seen By Yale Pathologist By B. L. LIVINGSTONE WASHINGTON W Two uni versity medical men said Thurs day that statistics suggesting a cause-and-effect relationship be tween smoking and lung cancer are unsupported by proof. They were Dr. Harry S. N. Greene, chairman of the Depart ment of Pathology of Yale Uni versity Medical School, and Dr. Ian G. MacDonald, clinical pro fessor of surgery at the Univer sity of Southern California Med ical School. They testified before a House Government Operations subcom mittee whose chairman, Rep. Blatnik (D-Minn), said at the start of the day's hearing that the tobacco industry has been "conspicuously absent" from the inquiry. The subcommittee is studying the effects of smoking and what degree of protection is afforded by cigarette filters. Blatnik said the industry has been invited to testify, but de clined to send representatives. "To date, the cigarette indus try's response to all of these charges has been, in effect, 'no comment,' " Blatnik said. Greene, the Yale medical school man, said "the question of a casu al relationship between tobacco smoking and lung cancer has been a persistent issue for a num ber of years." He tesiificd: "The statistical and experimental investigation of this issue have not succeeded in confirming the suggestions of a casual relationship." He said experiments with smoke tars that produced cancer on one CAT IN A CUP If 6-months-old Sparrow, part Persian and part alleycar, looks like he has a big head and big ears, it's because he does. His own er, Mrs. Harry L. Keckler of Sacramento, Calif., said his ears they looks like sail boats' grow every day but the rest of him doesn t. He sits easily in a teacup. Parents Ask To Visit Prisoner Of China Reds LYNN, Mass. li The parents of an Army civilian employe, held prisoner by the Chinese Iteds since 1 1)52, have asked the State Department's permission to visit hini. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fecleau said the fact that the State De partment lias offered to change its policy regarding visits to Red China has raised their hopes of seeing their son, Richard, 2'J. He has been held as a spy since his plane was shot down while en route from Korea to Japan. Mrs. Fccteau said Red China's Premier Chou-En-lai save them permission to visit their son three years ago, but a State Depart ment ban on travel to that coun try has prevented them from do ing so. ' A modern pharmacy! Our up-to-date pharmacy and our prescription specialists combine to give you the best modern scienceas to offer to better your health. Let us fill your prescriptions. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS on 635 S. E. Jackson St. strain of mice failed to produce cancer at the same rate on other strains, and failed to produce any cancer at all on mouse lung trans plants. He said that in view of the ereat difference of susceptibility even among mouse strains, it would be absurd to translate the findings to man. Cireene added that in some ani mals cancer has followed applica tion of sugar and olive oil, "but the interpretation of the experi ments has been that something was wrong with the animals rath er than that the materials were cancer producing." itreene said acceptance of the theory that the incidence of lung cancer is increasing may be more apparent than real due to increased publicity and "propaganda." ureens also contended that man's envirement has changed, and that environment agents like polluted atmosphere, industrial hazards and others "pertain di rectly to the lung." He challenged what he said were "discrepancies" in statisti cal iindmgs that strongly suggest a conclusion contrary to that drawn" by researchers. Reynolds Metals Wins Re-Hearing In Fumes Case SAN FRANCISCO I - The Reynolds Metals Co., which lost a damage suit stemming from op eration of its aluminum plant at Troutdale, Ore., Wednesday won a re-neanng ot uie case. Paul Martin, his wife, Verila, and their daughter, Paula, sued the company and won a verdict for $38,290 for injuries they said thoy suffered because of poison ous fluoride gasses released in the air by the plant. Two members of a three-iudge panel of the U. S. Court of Ap peals which heard Reynolds' ap peal, recommended to Chief Judge Albert Lee Stephens that tne tun conn sit tor a rc hcann; of the case. However, whether the case will be reheard by the entire seven active judges of the court or only a panel is yet to be decided. The Martin farm was about a half mile from the Troutdale aluminum plant. The Martins lived there from September, 1946 until November, 1950. he company said in seeking the rehearing, that the affirming decision of the Appeals Court es tablished an "unprecedented lia bility and that the decision had "far reaching effects on a basic industry." The company added that the Appeals Court "has branded the making of aluminum an inherent ly dangerous activity in all cir cumstances, regardless of wheth er it is in fact dangerous." Woman's Ashes Will Be Divided For Burial LANSING, Mich, im The ashes of a Lansing woman will be divided and buried in two sepa rate resting places one a dog cemetery. Miss Mary Ellen Blaich, 92, a dedicated dog-lover and former rooming house operator who died Saturday, specified the burial ar rangements in her will. Her body will be cremated and half the ashes buried in the fami ly plot at a Dansville, Mich., cemetery and half interred with her pet dog in a humane society pet cemetery at Lansing. She was an enthusiastic garden er, a baseball fan who could quote all the hatting averages and a pet lover. She has no known family survivors. 1 FUNERAL HELD OREGON CITY W Funeral services for Miss Nan Cochran I were scheduled in Oregon City Thursday. j She was the daughter of Oregon City's first mayor, Hiram Coch- f ran. A newspaper woman in Ore Ron Cily for many years, she died 1 Tuesday night. ORchord 3-7415 1, , t t 3 I v! W l. TEDDY TAKES PEN IN PAW with the Oregon Shakespearean Festival small .print is Angus L. Bowmer, producing director. The two are seen together as Lounce and his dog Crab in "Two Gentlemen of Verona," directed by James Sandoe, one of the five Shakespearean plays being offered each night in Ashland during August. Fairmont Club Closed For PORTLAND Wl The Fairmont Club on N.E. Weidler street here is closed for a year. Circuit Judge Martin W. Hawkins put an abate ment order against it Tuesday in what Dist. Atty. Leo Smith said was the first such closure for gambling in the county's recent histbry. Smith said he sought the abate ment at the request of Mayor Terry Schrunk, who said there had been many raids there. Named in the abatement were the orders of the properly, Helen Green Chase and Ward Chase, and the club operator,' David Nance. n 53 Buick 4-dr. Radio, Heater and Dynaflow 898.00 50 Buick 4-dr. Radio, Heater and Dynaflow 348.00 52 Ford V-8 2 dr Radio and Heater .00 51 Ford 6 4-dr. Radio and Heater 398.00 53 Pontine 4-dr Radio, Heater and Hydramatic 898.00 Frl. July 26, 1957 The Newi-Revlew, Roieburg, Ore. 7 I itdwiiiiV'ftBfear; to sign his actor's contract Translating the Year By Judge LOCAL PEACHES Red Havens 0 Rochester! Early Crawford's Corn--Tomatoes--Plums Blue Lake Beans for Canning Harvard Aye. Fruit Stand ETHEL MABLEY, PROP. r 51 Buick 4-dr. Radio, Heater and Dynaflow 498.00 51 Chev. 4-dr. Radio, Heater and Power Glide 398.00 51 Ford V-8 2-dr Radio and Heater 448X0 50 Ford V-8 2-dr Radio ond Heater 348.00 50 Pontine 4-dr. Radio, Heater, Hyromotic 298.00 l BETTER BUY NORTH STEPHENS AT THE BIG Shefferman, Son To Be Witnesses In D. Beck Case SEATTLE I Nathan Sheffer man, Chicago public relations consultant, his ion and his book keeper were listed Wednesday as prospective witnesses before the federal grand jury investigating income tax returns of Teamsters Union president Dave Beck. The Seattle Times said Sheffer man,, his son, Shelton, and book keeper, Mrs. Florence O u s k a, were reported enroute from Chi cago to testify before the grand jury which resumes sessions at Tacoma Monday. Shefferman testified concerning Beck's affairs before the Senate Rackets Committee, which re ported more than $85,000 of union funds were channeled through the Chicago man's office to pay Beck's personal bills. The Times also said the grand jury has subpoenaed more than 30 business and union associates ot Beck for its reopened inquiry, Tha same grand jury previously in dicted Beck on charges of evading $56,000 of income taxes for 1950. When the jury convenes Mon day, the paper said, it will con sider evidence concerning Beck's income tax returns for years since 1950. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Household guogft Inlaid LINOLEUM TILE AO ftft 10x12 Kitchen, Only AO.UU Buy On Out Easy Term! UAnrnu floor covehihc lUUDtRIl H0US- 0F CARPEIS 3IS S. E. Oak OR 3-4371 50 Buick 2-dr. Radio, Heater and Dynaflow 268.00 51 Chev. 2-dr. Radio and Heater 498.00 51 Ford64-Dr. Radio, Heater and Overdrive 448.00 52 Ply'th 4-dr. Radio, Heater and Overdrive 498.00 52 Merc. 2-dr. Radio, Hoater and Mere-O-Matie 698.00 CLOCK LOT