FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES go fast THROUGH WANT ADS . OR 2-3321 Services 1 3 ACME ROOFING ALL TYPES roofing, colored rock: also siding All work guaranteed. 308 S E. Oak. OR3-H255. " Rototilling Service . rguson tractor with blade FRANK BEEBE. OR 3-:i7.i8 Baby & Child CareTl MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY S14 S. E. Kane. Care by the hour, day. Special unit for children under 2 yean of age. Slate inspected. OK mmi BABY SITTER'S Association. Call OR 3-4187 WILL DO BABY SITTING m"y home daM or evenings. OR dayi. Work Wanted 15 EUROPEAN CHEMISTS seek immedi ate employment. 2 young chemim re cently from Germany seek work in chemistry in metal industry or any other chemical labratory work. H. and J Jung, c-o Wm. Ziedrich. Phone Camas Valley 706. TRUCK for hire. Short and long loggers with stakes, lumber trucks. Franco Trucking, OR 3-0967 evenings, and OR ;i-7Dfo jays. GARDENER. skilled. 11.30 per hour. On 3-;BH. CARPENTER Construction, any type. References. OR 3-8020 after 6 p.m. DRESSMAKING. alterations. Pickup and deliver OR 3-7914 IRONING in my home. OR 2-2448. Instruction 1 6 Lifetime Security Telegraphers Or Station Agents Urgently Needed I want lo talk to 10 men. 18-35. who are interfiled in permanent employ ment with railroads as telegrapher! and agents at a wage from $350 per month and up. Jobs walling. WE TRAIN YOU tP.,n(n u-nt nni interfere with pres ent job. If sincere, ambttioui and in good heaitn, write nox w, ew-- view. y MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS on any in- utrument at uu mctcem musn. OR 3-3202 Loans 17 CASH TODAY $25-$50-$100-$300-$500 UP TO $1500 1. BORROW ON YOUR SALARY. Em ployed people in all lines of work may qualify for a salary loan. 2. BORROW ON CAR OR FURNITURE. Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Loan Co. paid for or not 1. SPECIAL PAY DAY LOANS. $25. 50 or more loaned until "pay day or longer. Pay only for the actual number of days you keep the money. $25 COSTS IBo for ONE WEEK Phone For Your Loan Rennte Secinit, Mgr. 423 SB Jackson Ph. OR 3-4478 FREE PARKING Andy's Chevron Station 2 doors north- Family Finance Corp. Opposite Junior High HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO KS00 ON AUTOS, TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up io 24 monthly payments Life Insurance on loam at imall cost 12 S. E. Washington OR 3-5277 ' MONEY IN A HURRY a"i0. to 12.000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION IS S. E. OAK OR 3-4494 Pacific Finance Loan IW4 S E. Stephen, nR. ?.w??8 Financial 19 WANTED About 18000 on Roseburg real estate. Want to pay 100 per month for two ear, then pay off halam-e. Wnie News-Review Box 497 CAN ue some GOOD discounted contract. OR 3-6091 or OR 3-6193 For Trade 21 WILL TRADE modern fur nished home, lot 70x:i00 ft. garage with 2 livable rooms, for 33 ft or larger trailer home. Sutherlin. 3002. ifl,5BUICK CENTURY hardtop, radio, heater. 29.000 miles. Will trade equity for older c.iror? Phone OS9-8f04. TRADE VERY desirable lots. Brook side, for a dirt moving cat. H. A. Dunn. Camas Valley. TO TRADE 1941 Pontlac for rifle, or rill, sell for S30 OR 3-61H2 TRADE furniture for 'mall, modern trailer house. OR 3-.W47. Fuel 22 Sawdust Blower hervlre or Dump Wood Dry Oak Uree Slab Kiln Dry Planer Ends Gr or Dry Peeler Cor Summer prices on planer ends, sawdust. Roseburg Lumber Co. SAWDUST Rlower and dump Mil. I. ENDS, drv or green peeler rnrt. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 3fll4 NE Douglas OR 2-1324 RED DIAMOND FUEL CO "J KILN DRIED planer end, oak wood. A-k shout mmmtr rates on planer ends. OR .1-.VW2 DHY oak wood. Call OR 34741, I Fruits & Vegetables 24 BLUE LAKE canning beans You pick. Sre sign at oulh end Green bridge, j Winston. FW Hnffmeister i FOR SALE Cucumbers, reannah!e. j J E. Kingrv. Coies Valley Road. Wil-, bur OR J-.W2.I LOCAL peaches. Graventein apples.' plum, and vegetable. Harvard Ae nue Fruit Stand. Mrs Mahle , OWENS NURSERY"" A FRUIT "STAND. , Dillard Rendy now. local sweet corn,' torn a toe, neaches. cucumbers, etc j fEI)HAVEN pearhes.j ou pick. Bill . TlDjon.GrdenVai!ey. FOR new tnmetn lug, apple bovet and cantaloupe rratei. pione OR 3-e724 , HERCHFR S DILLRO MARKET eel Red Haven peachee are ready mw.i Fruits & Vegetables 24 1 ARP BEAUTIES are now ripe. Taking orders for canning peaches. Golden Jubilee, Rochester, Slappy, Hale Hav ens. Improved Elbertas. WiU notify when ready. F G. Ewens, Garden Valle OR 3-7H. EDEN ACRES for canning beans. Ore gon Giants and Blue Lakes. Also, lo cal peaches for canning. Place your ordem now. Phone OR 3-8834. LOCAL tomatoes, peaches and plums for table use, canning and freezing; yellow transparent and Gavenstein ap ples at Hercher'a Dillard Market. BEANS Blue Lakes7Oregon Giants, Kentucky Wonders. You pick. M. O. Knapp, Garden Valley, 2 miles past Country Club. 1 PEACHES for canning! freezing, and slicing. Forrest Fairacres. Call OS PEACHES. Red Haven and Rochesters. Phone OS 9-8839, Ed Thiele, Civil Bend Cemetery Road. FIGS are ripe. 841 SC. Fullerton (for merly 2.131, Ford St-. OR 3-4227. Livestock 26 SHEEP TOP PRICES paid for sheep and lambs of all kinds. We ara In tha market 12 months out of tha year, as we are alwaya here. ALSO BUY WOOL and mohair. Douglas Livestock Market OR 2-4071 Sutherlln 3380 Myrtle Creek 3144 SCHRICKER & INDA LIVESTOCK AUCTION Sutherlin, Oregon Ph. Sutherlin 2144 Oakland 2854 Sat. July 27, 12:30 P.M. 3 Loads of butcher cows and heifers, 1 load of mixed year lings, some good milk cows, bulls, veal and baby calve. Fat hogs and weaner pigs. Extra nice lot of registered Suffolk rams, some extra good registered Suffolk, ewes; also Co lumbia yearlings and rams. Last week's runs of lambs and ewea about 1300 head. The price was steady throughout the sale and we expect another good run of feeder lambs, breeding ewes, old ewes. Re member a good market for any amount, plenty of buyers attending the sale. Bring them in. COMMISSION 3r. over 500 4 Under SCHRICKER St SCHRICKER St O. TRIPP, G. A. BROWN. INDA SON. Managers Auctioneers Ringman Weighmaster Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY , Route 1. Box 352B Bun. OR 3-632. Eve's OR .,-3233 GOOD, young gentle registered Here ford bull. Blacky built, well marked, or trade ror older bull. H. Conn. OR 3-6423. Wool Growers Wool and mohair received daily. Nich ols Store. Brockway. OS 9-8907. WANTED Sheep and cattle of alt kinds. Top market price. Darrill W Ray. Ph. Sutherlln 3380. WANTED Sheen and cattle all kinds. W A. Blackert. Ph. Myrtle Creek. 1ZTA.V ALWAYS IN the market for sheep. Top prices paid for wool. OR 2-1051. A1 Brown. FOR SALE Sheepmen attention! Scotch Shepherd pups from good work- inn mock, i-nonc autnerun jzvi. 1 YEARLING Suffolk ram; 5 early Jan. Suffolk rams, Reasonable. Ph. evea Rivrue creek ie:,8. Oscar Weeks. 20 REGISTERED and purebred Suffolk ewes and bucks. A. Heussner, North Myrtle creek Road. Ph. 2332. FOR SALE, about 35 solid mouth ewes and 12 yearling ewes. Phone OR 3-7604. WANT TO BUY horses, cattle, live- stock of any Kind. Phone OR 2-363.. Suffolk rams. Oakland 27G7. Harold crouch. WANTED larnbpasture WA.' Black ert. Myrtle Creek. Phone 127-X-5. MEAT TYPE weaner pigs. Milk goat's ana i duck, uk a-iona. THREE year old Palomino gelding, OR 3-4735. FIFTEEN head feeder lambs. OR 3-3908. COLUMBIA bucks. OR 2-3B60 C O R R IE DA LE rams. OR 2-3991. Hay, Grain & Feed 27 FOR SALE Alfalfa hav. First cutting. Mountain grown. Quality guaranteed. Tulelake Growers Association. Tele phone 71301, Tulelake, California. 11 TONS good lotus" hayS25-tonTdR n-.tgoo. MOWING. Taking, and baling. " OR 3- 6R37. Poultry 28 BUTTERMILK for Slock and Poultry Keed UMPQUA DAIRY OR 2-2638 "BABY AND STARTED CHICKS PONTON HATCHERY 974 W Harvard. OR 3-3526 WANTED TO BUY poultry. eggs, wool and cascara. Poultry received nn Mon days and Tuesday only. Ph OR ,1-43ai. Roseburg Poultry Co. 729 SE Spruce. rOR SALE " " N." Hrwns7ot4,Box lrtfkV Roseburg. HENS. 0R 3-363L YOUNG DUCKS, cheap. OSV-3387T Rabbits 29 RARBIT FERTILIZER. RL 4, Box 1530 OR 2-2710 Pets 30 PUREBRED Boxer puppies Husky. highly intelligent, from long line of champions, 7 week old. 1016 W. RidgevieOR .V72B7. BEAUTIFUL A.KC. registered Weimar- aner female puppy. Sacrifice pnre. .tu.lR Follett Ave., Newton Creek. OR 2-1826 FINGER TAMED baby parakeet and Tov Fox Terrier puppies. Putmsns. OR 3-8B04 SIAMESE KITTENS. OR 3-6958, after .1:30 i FOR SALE Small male Chihuahua. Phone 3644,Oakland 6dUGLA9 COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal ShelterOR 21907 POMERANIAN puppies. 172 N. E. Ala meda. OR 2-3220 BABY parakeets, 3 miies south. Burt on'l OR 3-8122 DALMATIAN pupa for ale. Little Riv er Grocery. Mrs CW Conner GEHMAN SHEPHERD puppies." regis tered and pedigreed OR 3-34.3 TO GIVE AWAY, half Siamese kittens ltfiONWGarden Valley Blvd WILL SELL thoroughbred Eng!l.h bull". dog to good home. forS2.1OR 2-2224. KITTENS"' to' give away. OS fl-3fi.3.V FRFEklMens OR2-ll75 GLFNGARY Bag !eKennels OR 3-3791 PEKINGESE STUD service OR .V509I. TV Sales & Service 31 USE WARD'S MONTHLY TERMS TO REPAIR your TV set. Ward's has a full line of parts, tubes, plus expert servicing- An honest, quality Job at fair price Phone for detail MONTGOMERY WARD Roseburg OR 1S5SS Building Material 32 ROOFING 1 - 1 119 lb 43 colon. ISO sq. OUTSIDE WHITE paint. 2 III (9 30 CH1PWOOD plywood, 12 30 sheet, V," SANDRAN floor covering COLLINS 10-year electric hot water haat er, 42 al., 469 30 WALLPAPER, r,f. 11.35. now T3e STAY-ON .hake paint, 14 39 OLYMPIC slain. Sherwin-Williams. Pab. ro paint and products, Dutch Boy paint and producta SCRAP, 30. In trade COPPER, No. 1, 21c lb. In trade Robinson Bldg. Supply Open Sunday Ph. 21B2 Sutherlln CORRUGATED ROOFING 28 (a. falv. ' 10' 12' sheets. Roseburt Supply Co., 403 N.E. Win- chestcr St. OR 3-4481. 1X8 ihiplap, 330 and up. Lumber Salea . OR 3-7362 IN SUTHERLIN - Oakland, try Ml Scott Retail Yard. Pb 3737. Sports Equipment 34 Quit Wishing, Go Fishing Salmon Harbor Sports Trollers Charter Boats Rose Klk Capt. Jim Brittson Capt. Dan Keefe Adventure Capt. Don Bull PHONE CRESTVIEW 1-321.1 WINCHESTER BAY. OREGON SCUBA DIVERS Compressed, Filtered AND Purified Air underwater lalvaae service, tank and dry suit rentals. Wally's Air Compression Service At Salvage Route 3, Box 1840 Military Ave. Roseburg. OR 3-6846 24 hour emergency service. EVINRWDE DEALER. Isham and Im perial boats and kits. Used motors. Supplies and paints. Rod St Reel Trail er Sales. 1145 W. Harvard. OR 2- 2242. STARCRAFT aluminum car top boats. QUIK-n-EASY carriers. Also. Burch craft car toppers. HOD AND REEL TRAILER SALES. 1145 W. Harvard. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS ff bought from us, we Install free if gun is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store, Rose burg ELGIN "14 ft boa ftr a7ler. Turn "lights . used very little. $U9.50. Phone 3653 Sutherlin. LIVABLE CANOPY, fits most pickups. Has bed, table, stove, clothes closets and built-lns. OS 9-8(193. 14' BURCHCRAFT BOAT AND trailer. OR 3-6448. 12 FT. Aluminum boat with new7', HP motor. u& -B(i!P.l. . USED GUN sale. Sure we trade. Ump qua uun .More. 16 FT. MARINE plywood skiff, $100. OR Z-3BUI. Appliances 35 Guaranteed Used Appliances Westinghouse automatic wisher $70 00 Westinghouse clothes dryer .). The twins l:9.9H MW Refrigerator 69. R3 Combination gas and wood range as is .13 00 Apt. size range 45.00 BARGAIN APPLIANCE CENTER 631 S E. Rose OR 3-332.3 ' AcroM from Shroeder's Furniturei RENT an automatic washer from Horn a Appliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. OR 3-331S. Sewing Machines 36 ELECTRIC SEWING machine for sale. OR 2-1429 PFAFF automatic sewing machine, take over payments. Ph. OR 2-1071. For Sale Misc. 37 7 MONTGOMERY Ward refrigerator I ".3; 8 'Philco regngerator. like new H5; Kenmore electric range, $63: Rop er gas range, $65; both In excellent condition. Complete metal shower stall $.12. 15' Traveleer camping trailer, $303. Electric lawnmower, $35. Call ORJ-14,lfl. CAFE EQUIPMENT grUl7Vburner and hood, air conditioner. 3-way stain less steel sink. Glass showcase. Com bination cash register and adding ma chine. Will sell separate or all to gether.Phone Oakland j(644. SEE the top rated Eay combination washer and dryer. Just 27" wide Regular $479 9.1. now just $ ((18 88 and your old washer. Terms. Kier Crooch Plumbing St Appliance, 328 S E. Steph ens. OR 2-3364. REPOSSESSED IBM model 10', cu ft. automatic defrnit Crosley refrigerator for balance of contract Bob Horn, Horn's Appliance, OR 3-3518. 424 S. E. Jarktnn. SHOP famllyclothlng"neeils it" home. Ph. OS 9-5509 Style, quality, savings, convenience. Lav awav blanket spe cial. M. Chernck, Minnesota Woolen Agent. KD-10 KITCHEN-A ID automatic dish washer, excellent, $163, Rotary lawn sweeper, nearly new $19 George Chiiri-hlll. f.lirlat Rmiir Si I Inn f:V I 8-3201. SUPER RALDA 80mm F2 9 Rhoden stock, full snc plus delayed action shutter. 1 - 1-300 and B. 2'x2' on 120 with case and flash attachment $75 Phone OR 3-B440 before 3 HAVE purchased new Phllco-Bendix Cus tom Duo-matte have for sale Hendlx Duo-ma tic. Terms Bob Horn, Horn's Appliance, OR 3-3S18. 424 S. E .Jack son REPOSSESSED Admiral 21 " consols TV. New guaranty for balance on con tract. Kier Crooch Plumbing St Appli ance, 528S E. Stephens OH 2-33H4. NEW 13 ft Westinghouse "freewr. Or $244 93. Trowbridge Electric. 62 S E. Jackson SAVE $l30Apexdishw'aiherfloor"'mo del. Was $.159 93. now just $209 93. Terms Kier Croorh Plumbing St Ap pliance. 528 S E Stephens OR2-3'f4. f.YT WESTINGHOUSE 21" tablemodel TV. $139 93 Trowbridge Electric, 622 S E Jackson PATIO screened panels, like nnw. In cluding door. Total 22 ft, 7 ft. high. OR 3-6322 HAVE for safe". I26'"semi-V tvat New Iv refmlshed. Excellent condition. OR 2-42VI LATE model apt sire range. fit 93. Trowbridge Electric, $23 S E. Jack son l"SET STATIONARY tubs and brarket, $10. 1 set portable stationary tubs, 10OH 9-M22 40'' DELUXE " Wetlnghoiisrrange. t esr old 61M01, New $-34 93 Trow bridge Electric, 122 S L Jactteon. For Sale Misc. 37 Guaranteed USED Appliances At Carter Tire Co. Terms -266 S.K. Stephens OR 2-2689 Save $250 GENERAL chest, complete unit, double sink, refrigerator and ranga. Was $549.95 Now Just $299.95 Terms Kier Crooch Plumbing & Appliance 328 S E. Stephens OR -Jia4 Youngstown Sink Special CABINET sink In all sites starling as low aa SU9.93. Terms. Kier Crooch Plumbing & Appliance 528 S E. Stephens OR -i:l4 Schwinn Bicycles TRADE -your old bike In on a new Schwinn. pay balance in 8 months. Foreign bikee have no trade In value. Al'a Bike Shop. Between Dairy Queen and farm Bureau. OR 3.4024 Back-to-School Sweater Lay Away at The Style Shop 50c Holds each sweater of your choice until school. The Style Shop 61S S E Jackson. OR 3-5015 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES SALES PARTS SERVICE Used bicycles and motorcycles. BECKWITH CYCLE CO. 2928 W. Harvard MIDSUMMER SALE New lavatories. ga .95; new stool and tank. $27.50; large garbage cans, $4.75; cot pads, S.l M desks, chests, end tables, living room sets, propane tanks. Guaranteed paint. S2.f)5 gal. Wag's Furniture. Winston. FOR SALE Nearly new shop tool. complete witn tame saw. ju iaine. horizontal and vertical drill press and sanding disc. Will sell for $130 and $200 with planer attachment. 1339 Brown Ave., West Roseburg. HEREFORD BEEF, cut and wrapped. us.DA. choice 43c. u.s.D.A. good 42c. U.S.D.A. standard 39c. not graded 37c. South Stephens Market, OR 2-9164, evenlngs. OR 2-1B70. WANTED Rellablparty to take over payments on repossessed Phllco refrig erator and Mont rig elcctrie range. Bob Horn. Horn's Appliance, OR 3-5318. 424 S E. Jackson. TREVA'S CERAMIC STUDIO, large as sortment of green ware, new matt glaz es, p tints, general supplies. Classes each day Come, have fun. OS 9-5133. Nextto Winston Lorkera. FOR SALE 16 ftT Glass showcase. 1 shelves and 8 sliding back doors. Can be dismantled for moving. For par tlculars write Box 726 Sutherlin. NEW 1036 Bendix Super-fast'hieh air flow. Low-heat dryer. In the crate, at $109.95. SAVE $100. Bob Horn, Horn's Appliance. OR 3-531 C. 424 S E. Jackson USED appliances, ranees, refrigerators. etc. Taken in on trades. Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer Sales, N. Highway 99 at Winchester Bridge. 25 CU. FT. Amana freezer, very good conaiuon. S.123. I erms. Bob Morn. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-33 IB, 424 S. E. Jackson. NEW and used meat cases, reach-In refrigerators, soft Ice cream freezer. Bergeron Refrigeration. 1410 SE Ste phens. USED 12 cu. ft. Tyler freefer. $110. $11 down. Bob Born, Horn's Appli ance. OR .1-3318. 424 S. E Jackson. Appl i a nee. OR 3-3318. 424 SE. Jackso n . WE ALWAYS HAVE A fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep-freeze at wholesale prices. Win ston Lockers. THRIFT grade 8 fL, 2x4's. 4c each, or $7 per thousand. On orders of 2000 It. or over. $6 thousand. Keller's Mill, Nort h Stephens: TOP SOIL from new pit. GTiiuine. heavy river loam; clean, no rocks, easy to handle. To get the best call Charles KeelyOS9-3117. WATER COOLER, "used few times. Steel trailer. $75. 6" Mall power saw, $28. Colliers Encyclopedias. $70 1716 N.W. . Lvl, Calkins. SIX YEAR crib and mattressriike new, $:0. Baby bathinelte. $6 50. 2 iron fold ing cota. $8, 2 metal twin bedsteads a ndrnat tresses $20 OR 2-12.12 M W GARDEN" f RACTOR'witrTiawn and cultivator attachments, and larger sickle. 85,2448 Harvard. O KEEFE & MERRITT automatic gas range with griddle Excellent con-ditinn.JtJBORS-aoW TWO 6 to 8 year size cribs and one mattress, like new, $18 for crib and maltress, 9Jor crib. Ph. OR 3-503B. TWO POWER saws7 one 8" heavv dutv Skll $60. 1 almost new 7" saw, $30. Call 4142 Myrtle Creek. HOUSE trailer, needs repairing-but lai very good buy at $225. Phone OR 3 3446: OR2-U70 after6 WE HAVE a complete line of frozen food containers for your deepfreeze or locker. Winston Lockers. WINSfON"sandandrsvel.-"uilhed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil OS9-849.'i. W ATKINS- PRODUCTS. I ViTmiles East on North Umpqua Highway. C L. Bihhv, OR 2-1486 ONE Skill pool tableT" cheap Phone OH3-77f7: FOR SALE like-newt horwasher, 175. TermsOR 3-3833. BEAUTIFUL large blond record cab inet. $RO. OR 2-1394. KIM BALL-HEED organ, excellent con dition Ph.eve. M.vrtIeCreeJc 1636 USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. Umpqua Gun Store. FENCE pickets nd posts."" Cedar or" fir. All Siies. OR 3-7030 USED GUN sale. Sure we trade, Ump qua Gun Store 23,iU."FT. cliesi-type-freerer."OR 2-38m DROP LEAF'table wlth4 ehsirs"-Blue rocker. C'e!lOR 3-.H69 FOR SALE Indian motorcvcle.'good conditlon. $100. OR 2-3440. filfU.'S 24" bicycle, 112. OR 3-4425. 434 N ECasper. , HOSE davenport, floor lamp, mahogany table and 4 chairs Call OR 3-8340 WIISON tennis racket; amateur radio equipment OR 3-3170 PORTABLE foOL"rhestrxTlx'lSlnch. e. Call OR 3-4fi87. ; BASSINETTE complete with skirt, $7. OR 2-U49 ASHLEY' WOOD hVater, large sire. Like new OH3-3340 FRIT jars and misc. dishes. 863 S f Flint OR 3-3424 Ft LLFR BRUSH OR--T9t GIRLS" bicycle." W' 1048 W. Fair haven. SINftLE 'stationary tub $10 OR 2-3433. Musical Instruments 38 SPINET PIANO. Will seerlflrt for quick sale; In this locality. Cah or terms. Write Tallman Piano Store. Inc., Salem. Oregon 120 RASS Francinl accordion, like new Call OR 3-4.146 after S PM. 1162 NE Alameda WANTED t.'.jed piano. In good con dition Mrs Jack Do. le. OR 2-7024 FOR tfAI.E 1946 WENTWORTH trwin log trailer.Call Dimlrk. OR 3-44e Flayer piano. 27s. or 3-1B24. I Farm Equipment 39 PLASTIC PIPE Ideal For Irrigation Price Per Hundred Ft t" :12c !'" ttl Me V Sll.700 I1," $.121100 1 " 118.04c 1 " 148 Wo Fitting. Roseburg Supply Co. 403 N.E. Winchester St. OR 3-4481 Kosaburr Logging Equipment 41 Heavy Equipment 805 Another PAPE' Special! AS OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY! Two CLETRAC Tractors For ONLY $5,000 CLETRAC Tractor 1. . Engine is in lop operating condition. Master clutch In fair condition, trans mission and steering clutches are good. All brakes are In good shape. Rollers and Idlers 65V, sprockets are excellent. Rails and pads are In fair to good condition. PLUS: CLETRAC Tractor I. En sine tn fair condition with steering clutches and master In good condition. Rollers. Idlers and sprock ets, are In good shape. Final drives need some re pair. This Is Our NEW Money Saving Package Deal! Both Machines For 0XLY $5,000 And Are Located In Roseburg. Servlnf Industry 'of It Years With Dependable Equipment and Business lntegrityl PAPE' BROS., INC. Your CATERPILLAR Dealer Eugene Roseburg Coqullle CATERPILLAR CAT Our Motto BOHEMIA type hoom built by Albion Machine. Will fit or l yard snovei. Douglas Machine & Welding. OK 3- 3444. SKAGIT BU-r.Q yardcr complete with rigging. Also l'w yard Osgood shovel, 200 Cummins engine, Crane boom. Both bargains. OH 3-7477. MY $1610 equity in lfl.17 Ford F-00dfor sale for lifOO. 700 miles, never hauled a toad lost haul. 5-speed main. 2- speed axle, flat bed, custom cab. n:2.ix 20 10-ply tires, lots of other extras. Ph. OS 9-RH41. Timber & Sawmills 42 Electric Motor Sales and Service All Sire Motors Power tools Grnr units ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVIC1 COMPANY 1 Mile So. of Fairgrounds New Highway or n-4:ioi Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and stumpagA In large or small tracts. Dayi Ph. 24.11 Riddle or Myrtle Creak 3268 evenings. WANTED Lng - rou mi lumber HUB HTM HER CO. OR 2-1:18.'. EVENINGS: OR 2 1209 WANTED Short log hsuling for truck and single axle trailer. Phone OR 2-:U21 evenings. except Friday. WANTED Logged over land end tim ber land Write Box 202 News-Rsvitw. Trailers 44 Something NEW UNDER THE SUN See the All New ' Golden State Today! Canadian Birch paneling throughout. Spacious living and dining room. Deluxe range with window oven. Famllv sire refrigerator. Reliable manufacturer. COMPARE GOLDEN STATE For Low price and High Value. Maximum living at minimum cost RAINBOW TRAILER SALES 1 Miles north on old highway At Winchester Bridge Licenced Bonded Hauler! Open Eve's At Sundat OR 3-fl4f4 IDEAL RUPREME-VICTOR ROD Ik RF.ffL SIESTA All sire" IT to 4V Alan Evlnrude motors; Isham and I perlal boats and kiU; boat equipment ana painu. ROD St REEL TRAILER SALES 114.1 W Harvard "R S-M4 BEAUTIFUL I9.VI American 41 ft. Like new. Will trade 2'm equity for clear trailer or pickup. OK 3-:m. USED TRAILERS for sale" lowdr payment. Inquire space No I, Nebo iraiier rarn, mil nr. nifpnrni SELL "or trade 21 houe trailer, for power saw, livestock C. D. Garren Shoestring Road. Riddle SALE OR TRADE for smaller trailer, our qu!tv In 40 ft. I -bedroom trailer. Spare F-1.1. Nebo Trailer Court REAL' BUY " w 'trsiler. 1x14' pr room: also awning. lop condition, un I l-.VWiS IFOR RENT Vacation trailers Rod I At Reel Trailer Sales. 1145 W Harvard. ir "TRAIIR houe.Al condition. OR .1-7000 TWO WHEEL trailer. OR I TIBfl Stop! ., You May Find Just What You Art Looking For' On This Page. Trailers 44 Columbia - Leisurehome Melody Hom 143 J-Bdr t :15. Spartan ABC Geer 1-2-3 Bedrooms to 50' Supplies, etc. EARL E. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. IflBO N E. Stephen, OR SEE DALTON KENSKU.L FRONTIER UNIVERSAL NASHUA TERRA CRUISER COMMODORE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1 1(13 NE. Stephens OR J-221 VACATION the "SIESTA" way. Davenn- bed doubles living space. The best 13 (L Trailer on the market. Rod and Reel Trailer Sale, 114.1 W. Harvard TWO WHEEL trailer (or sale Excellent nape. 1724 N. K. Klamath. Trucks 45 SPICER Authorized Distributor AND Drive Line Headquarters Steel log truck reaches. Fire tanks. Aberdeen stakes. Cups and saucers. Expert welding and machine work. Douglas Machine Cr Welding FOR SALE - 1947 Ford short logger lumber truck combination with stake bunks and tag axle; 3 speed Brownie, 3 speed Eaton. New rubber, new re built motor. With $40 a day, 4 hour job; cash, write P. u. Box ia, Roseburg or Ph. OR 3-6967 evenings. 1952 FORI) single axle logging truck and trailer. Would take car in trade. Contact John Pfaff, South Myrtle Route. Myrtle Creek. SELL lH.t4 FORD T-800 112 Boogies, pow er steering, with Pierce trailer, or wilt trade for income property. OR a-itiwi . 1951 CHEVROLET ton truck. 24 ft. trailer house, used for utility trailer. OR 3-RS:t4. Automobiles 46 BILL STOCK'S Top Value Buy of the Week 1957 DeSoro 4-dr. Radio, heater, automatic transmlsilon. power steering, power brakes. 2 tnne blue and white with color sweep. 4000 actual miles. A new car at a used car price. Come In and drive this Desoto before you buy. remember it's a yeara ahead. 1933 DeftOTO VB 4 door sedan. Ra dio, heater, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission. All the rest. One of the finest riding and driving cars on the road today. Two to choose from .... S10f 4n. 1934 DODOE ton pickup. Thi our is in new condition. Spe cial rear bumper with buillin tall lights and turn indicators. . Folding canopy. It's a real cherry. .... WM dn. 193.1 CHEVROLET 210 2-door. Heat- er. motor rebuilt. New paint, new tires, Lota of miles left In this one 246 dn. 1953 CHRYSLER Wndor Deluxe t door. Radio, heater, automat ic t ran m (Minn, power steer ing, power brakes. A real fine family car IM' dn. 1931 NASH Rambler Station Wagon. Radio, healer This goes hv all the gas stations SiaS dn, 1930 FORD Vft 2 door. Radio, heat er. While wall lire, dual ex haust Very good condition throughout . .. 6146 dn Real Buys in Work and Transportation Cars Full prir. I 19M FORD 4 door. Runs good I0.1 199 FORD V8 4 dr. Vary food mlr I prica ia 1949 CHEVROLET Club coup, 17.1 I9U STUDEBAKER US IBM PLYMOUTH Club C.iup.. Vara- good motor 93 Bill Stock Motors 1.138 S F. Stephens OR 1-8M1 Open Til 8 Evenings ROAR With 5ka Rose Motor Co. JULY CLEARANCE USED CARS Reduced Prices '33 FORD Victoria Hardtop 3.1 CHEVROLET 4-door Bl Air, R At H, Auto Trans. '32 CHRYSLER Saratoga, new palnl '30 ton pirkup, 4 speed as Is, 1300 '90 ', ton pickup, 4 apeed, reduced price Rose It Lane Slreels OR 2 -3:101 Continental Motors Hillman Sunbeam Rapier Triumph Authorized Sales & Service Also j Parts, motor repairs, body and fender j tepairs. (all OR 1 IVta AiA H R t.ana 1 191AtTT'K'AH "with 200 Cummins. IBM I WT.ST COAMTFH th 271 Curnmins. both with trailers. Call 324 Canyon vtlle IflVI FRKNt.'ll Renault 40 -V miles per I gallon, white sidewailt. radio, heater. SHI or trade OR ,l-4!flO i C'l'KAN liVI OLOSMOHII.K. 1 owner, private party. WHY Cll OR 2-1411. ! lt3 PLYMOUTH Suburban, newly over hauled OR.1-.l17 ti.M RlllCK Roadmaster Rtvlera. OR GOOD '49 Chevrolet. OR 1-151 Fri. July 26, 1957 Tht Nwi-Review, Roseburg, Ora. 13 Automobiles 46 BARCUS 56 DODGE Club ssdin. Power Flue. 13.000 actual miles .... 2191 54 MERCURY Montclalr Hardtop, driven only 14.000 miles. It's real ly bharp, and loaded with ex tras such at: power steering, power brakes, power seat, pow-e- lubrication, Merc - O - Matic. R St II, and padded dash This cai sold new for over $4000. It's a rtal bargain for only 3381 '36 PLVMOUTH 6 Club Sedan. Push button drive, absolutely in top condition throughout ... 1608 36 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door. heater, overdrive, an economy car 1698 '36 PLYMOUTH V-8 Club Sedan. Power flyte. It's Just like new ... 1998 34 CHEVROLET sedan. Radio, heat er. Reconditioned motor. Finish and Interior extra nice. .u 1198 53 PACKARD Deluxe sedan. Ultra matic, R It H. Power steering and Power brakes. Truly a lux ury car for only 898 '33 BUICK Super hardtop. Dynaflow. radio and heater. Spot. eta Inside and out. 1298 '32 OLDS 98 Convertible. Hydrama tic. RAH. brand new top, with leatherette interior 898 '32 CHEVROLET Fleetline 2 door R St H. Powergllde. Extra good condition. . . .... .. . 698 31 DODGE club extra clean coupe, R St H, '31 MERCURY Sport drive. R St H coupe, ovar ii . ; '51 PONTIAC sedan. Hydramatie, R & II 399 '91 CHEVROLET convertlbla. Radio and Hcalar 49S. '31 PLYMOUTH s.dan R.autirul ' light blue finish with matching Interior. Extra clean 44B JO PACKARD Deluxe sedan. Ultra naatic. R&IL Extra clean 298 50 H1LLMAN Minx sedan. Depend able and economical 148 50 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon 198 Trucks & Pickups '97 C1IEV , Inn pickup, driven only 4.'too miles, Just like new. SPECIAL 1898 38 DODGE 'v-8 pickup. 4-speed trans., heavy duty bumper, like new 1798 U DIAMOND T Model 5ft) dump truck. Complete with 5 yard bad and hoist. Heady lo haul 1198 'fl CMC pickup, 4-spped trans. Ex tra food condition 398 BARCUS Op en Eves & Sun H. ltephens at Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-3, IAS Easy Rank Terms I at its finest is what you'll en j joy when you put your family j in one of these clean, safe used cars AUo p nur liMing on pick ups and jeeps. 1933 HUDSON Wsap. 4 Dr. Radio Heater and Overdrive 893 1032 HUDSON Commadore dramatic (A fin 1032 WILLYS Aern Lark. 2 llr equip- I , ped with Overdilve, Radio and ! "4 CHF.V. panel. Good motor and rub Healer .... 343 ber. I IO-.fl WILLYS Station Wagon, 4' Wheal Dr. 1033 Witlvs Slatio Wagon, 4-Wheel Drive 1034 CHEVROLET Panel, 14 Pasi 1 ton. 1934 WILLYS Station Wagon, 4 Wh. Drive 1033 CHEVROLET Pickup, t T .... 1034 WILLYS 4 Wheel Dr. Pickup 1030 WILLYS Jeep .. 1931 WILLYS Jeep - 1033 STUDFRAKER 2 Dr Hard! Commander. Radio. Heater Au tomatic Trans. Veiy Clean 1785 1 Riverside Motors 9H8 NE Stephens OR 3-74.14 WANTED Clean Used Cars and Pickups will pay cash nn the barrel-head Keel Motor i;rd Car Lot Open evenings 'til 9 Sundavs from 10 'til 3 ft E Stephens OR l-.TOflg 8:t3 1033" CHEVROLET pirkup ' ton long wheel-base, custom rab, 4-tpeed trans minion Heavy duty bumper, heavy dulv 8-plv Urea. This pirkup Is In fine shape for that Jh Less than 18.000 miles Priced to sell. Call 4142 Myrtle Creek '33 MERCURY Monterey 4 door. All accesiortes Owner leaving, mut sell this week. Make offer. OR 3-740.1. !.(.! h E Lane 5:i 'i Ion Ford pirkup Excellent con dltion. Consider anything of value for equity 12 miles out 42 Highway, Star nt itui MH, Winston I03.i ' "ftB" OLDS convertible Fieta Ev- rellenl condition. Inquire at 2439 W. Harvard Ave STt'DERAKER 1030 Champion Clean. good paint Job. Runa good. 1323. OR 2-:i.vw ECjIITY 107 IeSoto Low mileaaV .New rar ronditmn rnone im ,i-ninn 137 RiTICnT Super, fully equipped; rea sonable. OR A-8.100 Automobiles 46 QDI3 No Down Payment On Approved Credit 1953 FORD Fordor Idn ... 1193 1933 CHEVROLET Tudor Sdn 1398 1935 CHEVROLET Bel Air Fordor 1893 1935 NASH Rambler J-dr -.IMS 1934 MERCURY Monterey 4-dr 1293 1933 FORD Victoria . 10M 1933 FORD 4-dr eedan 393 1933 FORD Club Coupe 795 1931 KAISER Tordor Sdn. 4 295 1931 OLDSMOBILI Fordor 145 1931 MERCURY Tordor Sdn 473 1931 FORD Convertible, mechanic's special 113 1949 FORD Club Coupe 293 1947 OLDSMOBILE Fordor Sdn. 73 Trucks & Pickups 1933 Ford Taf axle Lumber Truck 2393 1931 FORD Short Logger dual drive with Bunks and Stakes .. - 1693 1933 DODGE 4 Wheel Drive Pickup 1893 1947 CHEVROLET Van Body 93 1948 FORD Flatbed Truck - (93 No Down Payment Gn Approved Credit Lock wood Motors Your Friendly Ford Dealer Two Big Lots 14.10 SE STEPHENS, OR 1-14(1 Cor. Rosa Oak SI,. OR 3-8334 Open Eves 'Til 8 Monday Through Friday Aten & Phillips Quality Used Cars 1038 rORO rsirlane Victoria epc. Radio. Heater, Ford-O-Matic, power steering, premium lirei. Special 2 tone Rose and white. 1-owner. 1939 "V-8" DODGR Sierra Sta Wgn passenger. Heater. Power fllte, ted and white, t-nwner. 19W OI.DS "88" Holiday sdn . 4-dr , radio, heater. Hv-matlc. PR Big engine. Like new. Low mileage. 1 - owner. Sp. 2-tone blue. Save hundreds. 193 PONTIAC V-8 CeteMna cpe Radio. Iieater, Hy-maHe Red end whlt. Like new throughout. Low mileage. 1 - owner. 1033 OI.T1S "88" HiMday rpe. Rsdio. '.eater, power hrattes. btg en vine. Sp 2-tnne Premium tires. Dual exhausts. 1933 PONTIAC V-8 Catalina cpe Ra t. o. heater. Hv-matie. Sp. ?-tnne. While wall tires. Low miliage. 1 owner car. 1033 ronn V-8 FaiNine 4-dr. Sdn. ILidio, heater, overdrive. 2-t .ie blue. Kxcellen. rcrd't'on through- out. 103 rilRVROI.RT V-8 Helair 4-dr, tl.ito. heater, .l Van. Prii-ei to sell quirk. 1933 MERCURY V-8. ndio, 1 Or Sedan. overdrive. Ctrsn throughout. 1934 RUICK V-8 Special Hardtop epe. fladlo. heatar, Dyn-fto Dark, green over light green. W. Wall tires. 1034 MERCURY V-8 1 dr. edn. Ra dio, heater. Runa fine. Hy. I 1931 OLDS Super 88 4 dr sdn Ra SftS din. heater, Hy-matie. Good through- . out. 1933 FORD V-0 Fairlane t-dnor. Rsdio, I heater, Ford-O-Mattc, 1 owner, low miles. ; 1031 CIIEVROLRT 4-door sedan. Radio and healer, runa good - special this week S:t30. 1940 CHEVROLET Fleetline 1 - drmr, 1403 1 Radio and Heater, runs fine - soe- i cial this week. S193. 1193 1 193.1 CHEVROLET ?10 2-dnor, 8 ev' 14R3; Inder, heater, Powergllde, like new i throughout. ,. 803 ,. 993 Aten & Phillips I i:i2 SE. Stephen- OR 2-3421 1048 OLDS 6 Radio and heater. Perfect rondllion. low mileage. 1 owner. Foe 'i ton pickup. 1 mile south of Suther lin on old Highway 09. Phone Oakland 2IM io'3.1 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE hard lop sport coupe. Black and white. Nice shape. Radio and heater, autn malic transmission. V-fl motor. Priced to sell. Call 4142 Myrtle Creek 1934 PONTIAC Star Chief CustonT'cat alina, R V II, w.s.w.. tinted glsM, rnwhide .teats, exrellent condition. 11430. Call Mvrtle Creek. 3I3J. Personal 48 YOUNO WOMEN of any talth needing ronridentlal advlca mar contact MNa Prultt, Calnolle Charille,. 27 W. Broadway. Eugene.Or.fon DIl-.Kta. LOOK- "July" only- 1c Sale' Stark Mlracla dwarf and regular fruit trees, shrub,. Resident representative. OR .1.VI2I after .1 flAINCI TO THE Air Feir In Portland l.nral pilot needs ride Sunday July 2th. OR 2-40H.1 evenings. Aii'OtfOI.IC'S ANONYMOUS 249 S. E Jackson. Tuesdays, Saturday, t PM HAVEvacanViea aTTlrandvlew Cart Home, state licensed. The Best ol Lara OR l-ftol. Lost & Found 49 I rnl!NO Slamew eat. OR f-oot tftef I 4 pm.