Cost Of Living Index Goes Up, Records Reveal WASHINGTON I The gov ernment's cost of living index bounced up another one-half of one per cent in June to its tenth record high in as many months. The increase, reported Wednes day by the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics, means that some 650,000 workers in the electrical manufac turing, aircraft, trucking and con struction industries will have their pay increased by from two to four cents hourly under contracts geared to the consumer price in dex. The spendable earnings of fac lory workers and the buying pow er of their paychecks also turned upward slightly in June, causing the first rise in "real earnings" since last December. The buying power of the aver age worker's weekly paycheck had been declining all this year because of price increases and shorter working hours. In June the trend was halted at least tem porarily. The Bureau said spend able earnings increased by about 1 per cent or 65 cents weekly. Food prices were reported to have jumped 1.4 per cent from May to June. That was the major factor in the advance which car ried the consumer price index to 120.2 per cent of the 1947-1949 average. MODEST MAIDENS TrUtourk Kt4tttd V. g. Fitwt Ofli The cost-s of all accidents in the United States in 1956 were enough to provide three shots of Salk vac cine for every person in the world. 7-25 "He smokes Buch expensive cigars. Every smoke rinfc costs' a dollar;" Chinese Claim Spiestanded HONG KONG lPI Peiping Radio claimed Wednesday that five Chinese and a Korean trained V For Upriaht Freezer? plus Economical Food Plan Dial OR 3-5518 Check our Prices before Buying a Birdve Foods Von Dine Meets HORN'S APPLIANCE vj, i . I. Jackson J by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as spies were land ed in May and June 1956 on the Shantung coast. The broadcast said three died in the landings and the other three were sentenced Tuesday to prison terms ranging from one to seven years after a public trial at Tsinan, Shantung province capi tal. Peiping said one of the casual ties poisoned himself when ar rested, one fell into the sea and was drowned and the other was killed resisting arrest. The broadcast claimed the men were trained on Okinawa and were equipped with pistols,- radio transmitters and forged papers. It said the heaviest sentence seven years went to the Ko rean, 1m Lion In, who, it was charged, had also smuggled six groups of spies into North Korea and four groups into Manchuria and Shantung. Warren States Americans Hold To Pilgrim Creed LONDON (M The American Bar Assn. opened a week's meet ing in London today with Chief Justice Earl Warren telling the British hosts that the Pilgrims' Mayflower Compact is "still the core of the American's creed." British jurists took part in the (opening) ceremony with 3,000 American lawyers in historic Westminister Hall, for centuries the seat of the chief law court of England. The bar association's an nual convention is being held in two parts this year, in New York earlier this month and now in Lon don. In his speech prepared for de livery at the opening session, the U.S. chief justice said the May flower Pilgrims "covenanted to combine themselves together into 'a civil body politic, for their bet ter ordering and preservation' to enact 'sun (just and equal) laws . . . from time to time, as shall be thought most meet. ..the general good of the colony.' ". . . We, in all parts of Amer ica, have tried to keep the faith with that compact. And except for the deviations occasioned by the frailty of human nature and the fallibility of the human mind, we have pursued a steady course to this day. "It is still the core of the Amer ican's creed and our concept of 'government of the people, by the people, for the people." Program To Improve Lumber Loading Set I Thu"-,Jul 19S7-Th '" rr Syndicate Offers Low Bid On Dam Washington, Some 300 of the i nation s leading lumber manufac turers, retailers and other distribu tors are about to launch a pro gram designed to bring about greater automation in the han dling of lumber from the saw mill to the retail level. Sponsoring the effort are the National Lumber Manufacturers Assn. and National Retail Lumber Dealers Assn. Mortimer B. Doyle, executive vice president of NLMA, said the program will "seek to develop lumber at the sawmill so it can be loaded and unloaded from rail road freight cars by cqinpletcly mechanical means." Could Cut Costs Doyle explained that this could "cut the handling costs of both retailers and manufacturers and, at the same time, reduce the damage sustained by lumber and wood products during shipment." Most lumber shipped by rail today is loaded and unloaded piece-by-picce with hand labor. Although fork lift trucks and other vehicles are used to move stocks from the sawmill to freight cars and from freight cars to the stor age bins of wholesalers and retail ers, considerable time and manual labor is required to transfer the lumber to and from these vehicles BPA Announces Low Bid For Big Clearing Job PORTLAND OF! the Bonneville Power Administration announced Tuesday that an apparent low bid of $217,863 for clearing and con struction of the 26-mile Big Eddy DeMoss transmission line was submitted by the Key Construc tion Co. of Tacoma. Power for Sherman and Gilliam counties in north-central Oregon will be provided next May by energization of the 115,000-volt line and substations. The counties are served by the Wasco Electric Co-operative, the Columbia Basin Eelectric Co-operative, and Pacific Power & Light Company. FREEZE KILLS 33 SAO PAULO, Brazil uTl Freez ing temperatures have killed at least 33 persons so far this week. The Bureau of deaths reported Wednesday the victims were poor persons who have been sleeping in the streets. This is the Brazilian winter season. LvhvIj NOW AT Live in comfort . , . live outdoors ond enjoy every relaxing minute. Now you can enjoy the finest in Outdoor Furniture at lower than ever prices from Judd's. Our entire stock of Outdoor Furniture is now being cleared at prices you'll enjoy as much as the furniture you buy. Regular 17.95 13 QC ATTRACTIVE SARAN SETTE, metal frame I J. 7 J Regular 14.95 Q QC COMFORTABLE SARAN SETTE, sturdy frame 7.7 J Regular 4.95 3 QC RATTAN TUB CHAIRS, use indoor-outdoor J .7 J Regular 14.95 7 QC FOLDING BUTTERFLY CHAIRS, Saran plastic cover I .7 J Regular 16.95 14 QC FOLDING CHAISE LOUNGE, Woven Saran, metal frame .... 7j Regular 42.50 Simmon's 27 Cf INNERSPRING CHAISE LOUNCE, Plastic cover J ' '7) Regular 39.50 Simon's OA CA INNERSPRING CHAISE LOUNCE, sail cloth cover JT.JW Regular 59.50 4Q Crt LAWN SWING, duck cover, metal frame 77.JJ Regular 9.95 A QC FOLDING PATIO CHAIRS, black and green T.7J FOLDING SNACK TABLES, all metal 2.95 Buy on easy terms at Judd'i. Make small down payments, pay balance in 12 months with no interest or carrying charge. 435 S. E. JACKSON ST. OR 3-5415 and cars. Advantages "Packaging the lumber at the sawmill that is, using steel strap ping or wire to hold the pieces to gether in a unit should eliminate the need of loading and unloading lumber-conveying vehicles and railroad cars by hand, Doyle emphasized. "Another potential advantage of this system is that it should min imize damage during transit." About Aug. 1, sawmills cooper ating in the program are scheduled to begin test shipments of pack aged ol- "unitized" lumber to re tail dealers and other distributors throughout the country. Professors To Probe Pickle Picking Process EAST LANSING, Mich. W -Professors, pretty perturbed, have promised to probe for practical progress in the problem of picking a peck of pickles. Toward this end, Michigan State University has received a 12.00J grant from the cucumber industry for basic research on a mechanic al cucumber harvester. Pickle growers are finding it in creasingly difficult to hire hand labor for harvesting cucumbers. WENATC1IEE iP-Jtocky Reach Dam Builders Inc., a syndicate of five contractors, was apparent low bidder Tuesday at $52,13,078 for completion of the dam, on which the syndicate already is do ing preliminary work, The Chelan County Public Util ity District, builders of Rocky Reach on the Columbia River up stream from here, said the bid was on an alternate plan for river diversion during dam construction. The svndicale bid $55,004,824 on (he PUD engineers' diversion plan. Both bids were well below the FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fischer iTTSVi JMfr'C,l K ( PUD's revised estimate of $81, 267.000 for finishing the hydroelec tric project. A previous estimate of $55,250,000 was exceeded by all bidders at a bid opening last month. All had to be rejected un der slate law, and a new bid call issued. The Rocky Reach syndicate i. made up of L. E. Dixon Co., San Gabriel, Calif.; Arundet Corp., Baltimore; llunkin-Conkey Con struction Co., Cleveland: Ameri can Pipe and Construction Co., l.os Angeles, and Guy F. Atkinson ;Co., San Mateo, Calif. Morrison-Knudsen Co., and Mer i ritt-Chapman and Scott also en Itercd bids in Tuesday's opening. Gone Fishin' Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 1 trout 5 New England tood Ush 8 fist 12 Krosls 13 Exist 14 Century plant 15 Encounter 16 Light brown 17 Sports enthusiasts 18 Man's name 20 Musical dramas 22 Winged 24 Seaport (ab.) 25 farm tool it ei anew 28 Mimic 31 Antelope 3 Sharp 4 Royal Italian family name J Farm animals 6 British money of account 7 Indicate 8 Secure 9 Having wings 10 Hebrides island ' 11 Not as muc 19 Pilchards 21 Insolent 23 While 24 Caterpillar hair CIOIP CjR'Elw IIOIA r A0 H6EARGO OUATTe WPTE e r j t r e a a p see T J Tv ST B M . . f E R T " pTHg AMERA AOjN(5 STALLPR 1 N ? eTr me u cT pToyfHMu OIL. E 5 " S N S E R 0E G S" MEDS STE 30 Makes mistakes 32 Symbol tor nickel 34 Aonamese weight 44 Spanish 45 Wicked 46 Irritate 47 Indolent 49 Proportion 50 God of love 39 Ester of oleic SI Presently acid A month ago we bought a statue of Cupid for a bride and we'd like another one to replace it. She threw it at her husband. S3 Peremptory 35 Oriental gateway 38 Tardier 37 Reverential fear 38 feminine appellation 42 Seniors (ab.) 43 Girl's name 44 Color 48 Fish in lake, sea or 53 Eager 54 Onager 56 Italian, river 57 Building part 58 Golf mound 59 Implement 60 Toward the sheltered side .il Bitter vetch 62 Domestic slave DOWN 1 Citrus fruit 2 Genus of taples 26 Biblical weed 40 Right line 28 Lawyers (ab.) (ab.) 29 Equal 41 Disorders 52 Burrowing animal 55 Weight of India nnrr is 11 p i n u w i,, it i! Pi is n 5 r- 7 s- !T" I'll a--r ' ' 1 1 il IB Ut, I 3 128 11 1)0 5 a :r; ""?-" !j ST 5! 5T -irv5-t 5i I I I I g I I I I n p I, n "iS b iso isi is: 5! srsf s V 5 B ts TfTria W I'll IrHelS.tEPL BUTIWII WELL, THIS e ITS' RI9K.Y, MMie'. H6 WW I'lA P0SIT1U6 fcRKl 3Dr WHKT! HE'lL GET "-W AHEO to awit m?u m,o in think vou'O &po56 ww daughter was iu a cab the whoie stow VSCAKBO PIDW'T WEEDl ITL HE DENIED IT TO EX.P056 HltA FOB. AMVWAV1 OIK MAKKMAM IS WITH THAT NOSY REPORTER JOCK! WE fAUSf J JOCK BAKLEE'S- LK5 TO V AVOID HELPING W0W11. WHAT HE 11 WANTED FOR flUESTIONIUS WHO INTERVIEWED VOUtySTOP HIM BEFORE THROW YOU OFF TH& IN THE MURDER OP HIS OLC " VrrrTC V HE U5ES ITLr ril " EV0 s AMD HAVE YOU HEARD WMAT THEY'RE" SAYING ABOUT BAZOO? VEAtJ,. I, r HIS TYPE c. A Det.i6Hry1 n ir-v r Thank" fioot.ii: W"tE A RUE' EESEKVEO y I ' NDIVIDUAL, f NEVER. FRECKU5 I Do AWV- MMe, To INTEREST" WOSC ZANDER. ELLAS' He's been lALrtlNtj AND A HALF I'LL BET YOU IT NOT JUNE GETTING ALL THIS ENTIOM LIE'S NOT TALKINVeiEPuirrl ffcr -fl ' ?' 93 TUF SMCAN i fJ I SOURQRAPE.'.'-YOue S I TASTE ISABOMINABLE" ) 0--?. S2 I MCME THE FLOWERi lO . V. . . I M. at L IHC I I- ru I f K y . r , - . . m i v j p I'M NOT OOIN3 TO UBT VOU RUIN THAT BOVSUFE.'.'-IWAS A &OV ONCE, MV6ELF.'.' - V BOY AM I - ,r HAPPY TO y 6EE THAT ,V LIGHT Out' 10 A FLUKE IN TIME-MACHINE OPteWlON, OOOLA FINPS Hik' i'.F M L ALONE IN A. LAKE, PLAINS I IV.E COUNTRY. . BUT H-FOWE I GO BAKHING IN THI-RF. t WANT A GOOD loo: AT WHO OR WHAT IS AROUND gSbV THAT LKiHi; 4W.V , HNW! VHaiT WL I CAN Mtk ;.'f,,T Ml r " , . X ' V-." 5. o - THO'if ( hiccup1;-) 'i'vV vHAT M .. V ( NEFDS IS J IS Hi LLXJK.OEAH-HEBES THE -7 NEW SUIT AND HAT v, I BOUGHT TODAY" '". f1 . -'i j - 'in t? "i: if YOU CURED ! MV HICCUPS .. . BUT YOU GAVE ME f; iw XJt; '4 '