The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 25, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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By J. R. Williams
Real Estate 1
Apts. For Rent 4
10 The Ntw-Revlew, Roieburg, Ore. Thura. July 25, 1957
Lane Democrats
Protest McKay
EUCENE Wl Appointment of
Douglas McKay to be chairman
of the United States-Canadian In
ternational Joint Commission was
protested Wednesday by the Lane
County Democratic Central Com
mittee. In a telegram to President
Eisenhower, signed by Mildred
Russell, chairman of the commit
tee, the group said the appoint
ment is "prejudicial to the best
interests of the United States and
of the Pacific Northwest in parti
cular." Other Democratic organizations
around the stale have taken no
such action, although C. Girard
Davidson, state national commit
teeman, said Wednesday morning
the appointment "is a slap in the
face to the people of the twin
west." McKay left for Washington
Wednesday morning.
15 Persons Art Killed
In Machinery Accidents
SALEM (A Fifteen persons
have been killed in Oregon in the
past five months while operating
farm machinery, state Labor
Commissioner Norman O. Nilsen
reported Wednesday.
He said there were S3 such acci
dents during the period.
Half of the victims received
serious injuries. Most of the acci
dents were overturning of trac
Hired Construction,
Doaglas County. Ore ion
SEALED bidi will b accepted by the
(jouniy oun oi uougias county, ore
on, at the Courthouse In Roseburg, Ore
gon at 10:00 A M., Friday the 2nd day
of August, 1957, for construction work
on the dedicated street as follows;
in the Falracres Subdivision
The work involves approximately 1140
feet of grading and rocking and sur
faced with 2 inch Class a, Asphaltlc
Concrete, 20 feet wide and with neces
sary drainage installations.
No bids will be considered unless ac
companied by cash bidder's bond or
certified check for an amount equal to
at least five percent iflJ of the total
amount of the bid.
Contractor shall furnish satisfactory
bond for the faithful performance of the
contractor tn the full amount of the
contract price
Plans, Specifications, Forma of Con
tract, Proposal Blanks and full Informa
tion for bidders may be obtained at the
Office of the County Engineer, Court
house, Hose burg, Oregon.
The right Is reserved to reject any or
all proposals, or to accept the proposal
deemed best for the County.
V. T. Jackson, County Judge
Frank Ashley,
County Commissioner
Huron W. Clough,
County Commissioner
The undersigned will receive sealed
bid up to T::tO p.m. on August 2, 11157,
for comprehensive liability Insurance
covering the City of Winston, Oregon
for the following coverage:
$100-200,000 limits on bodily Injury
liability and 10,000 properly dam
age, as such terms are compre
hended In the Insurance business.
The City operates a Plymouth po
lice car, a Ford pickup, Allls Chal
mers road grader, a sewage disposal
plant and sewer system, and main
tains city streets, parks and other
city improvements.
Additional Information for preparing
bids for Insurance may be obtained from
the undersigned at the office of the
City Recorder, on, Oregon, or by
calling Osborn B-8433.
In addition, at the above time and
place, the undersigned will receive seal-
a Dias inr tn purchase of a one-man
gasoline engine powered sludge pump
having the minimum specifications to
pump at lestt 30 gallons per minute
with a .10 foot head at 14 lbs. pressure,
a l'i Inch Intake and outlet, and self
priming The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids for Insurance and for
the pump.
By H. J. Klevc, City Recorder
Portland Markets
PORTLAND lift Butteifut
Tentative, subject t o imnu'iliate
change Premium Duality, deliv
ered in Portland, SO-KI cents per
lb; first quality, 57-60 ; second
quality, 52-55.
Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk
cubes to wholesalers Grade AA,
93 score, 5'JVi; A grade, 92 score,
58'4; B grade, 90 score, 57;
C grade, 89 score, 55.
Cheese To wholesalers Oregon
singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 51b loaf,
Eggs To retailers Grade AA,
large, 52-54; A large, 48-50; A A
medium, 44-45; A medium, 42-44;
A small, 27-29. Cartons, 1-3 cents
Eggs To producers AA large,
45-47; A large, 40-42-j; A medium,
35-37 ti; A small, 21-25'.
Live poultry No. 1 quality,
f ob. Portland Frvers, 2'a-4 lbs,
24'; light hens. 9 11 at farm;
heavy hens, 12-1.1 at farm; old
roosters, 7-9
Turkeys To producers I. i v a
weight fryers, 27-28; young hens,
25l on eviscerated basis.
Babbits Average to growers
Live whites, 34-4'i lbs, 23-29; col
ored pells 4 cents less; old does.
10-12, few higher. Krosh killed
fryers to retailers, 59 64; cut up,
Wool Nominal, clean basis, .
blood, 1.15-18; " blood, 1 25-27; j
blood. 1.40-45; fine. 1 45 55.
Wholtsal, Drttttd M,ati
Beef carcasses Steers, choice,
500-700 lb, 41.50-44 00; good, 39.50-
42.00; standard, 35 00 39.00; com
mercial cows 29 00-34.00; utility
2S.0fl.33.; canners and cutters,
28 00-31.00
Beef cuts (choico steers) Hind
quarters, 51.00-55 00, rounds 45 00-
49.00; full Joins, trimmed, 72 00
80.00; forequarters, 33.00 35 00;
chucks, 35 00 37.00; ribs, 48 00
55 00.
Lambs Spring, choice prime,
41.00-42 00; good, all wis, 37.00
40.00. Pork carcasses Shipper stvle,
320 170 lb, 34.50 36 50.
Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12
lb, 59.00-63.00; shoulders, 16 lb
uunu, oj.w-di.uu, ri 111, MUU-
Al On frncli hult, II Ifl II. iu.ui 1
Slab bacon All wti, 56 00-65.00.
Veal and calves good-choice,
ill wis, 35.00-45.00; standard,
Fresh Product
Onions Wash. Yellows, 50 lb sk.
Classified Section
Advertising placed from within
Rnseburs: trad area
Minimum charge to: any on ad la Mc
doy per word 5c
dGyt per word
dovs per word
days per word
days per word
days per word
Lint od, per line a day
Lint- ad, repeat insertion, per day 9c
Line ad, per line, per month 2.35
First insertion, per col. inch $1.60
Repeat insertion, per col. inch .80
1 col. inch per month $20.80
National Classified Advertising
25c per line, no repeat rate
5c per word, no repeat rate
11:00 A. M. day previous to publication
DP TO S::t0 A. M.
If vour advertisement sowars incorrect
ly, notify us Immediately. W will not
be responsible for more than one In
correct Insertion. Such responsibility U
limited to refund of price paid or cor
rect Insertion of advertisement.
Real Estate 1
Always See ... A Realtor
It will par you .
be s:ut
be safo
Look for this EMBLEM
It means DEPENDABLE Real Estate
counsel. Only REALTORS dis
play thU Emblem. Yes ... It
will pay.
Always Sea A Realtor
INCOME PROPERTY consisting of 3-
duplexes completely furnished. Also,
older type 4-bedroom home in good
condition. On 1-acre, free soil front
ing on 2 streets and the river. Walk
ing distance from town. Lots of room
for more rentals. Owner will take $4,-
500 down, balance terms, or make
cash offer, inquire 124 Mosner.
SMALL 2-bedroom house and lot. Trade
traight across for good late model
pickup. j block So. of Community
Hall, Winston, Ore. White house with
pink shutters.
TWO BEDKOOM. modern house, com
pletely remodeled. 3 blocks from 'in
nose itoiei. a real nuy at oju. tau
OR 3-8.100.
BY OWNER Cilkim load area two
bedroom home on 7uxioo lot. rire
placa, utility room, attached garage,
tool ahed. Should go GL OR 2-10U4.
NICE - 2 bedroom home on 1 acre.
Best location In Qreen district. Save
SIMM) by paying $3,000 down, balance
easy. S'i Intereat. OR 3-34U4.
TWO DOUSES. 2 bedroomi, not mod
em. Approximately I acre each. Near
Tenmlle Grade School. $2,300 and $:!,-
OOO. OS 8-BUIie.
$750 DOWN 2 houses on 21. acre!.
o DiocKa irnm main atrcet anu 3 diocki
to U.S. Plywood. Good Industrial prop
erly with an Income. OK 2-3444.
EUIIITY In 2-Uedrooiu home $700. Fire.
place, electric heat. t acre In Susie
Anna tract south of Kelley a Korner.
Call OR 3-3730 after S.
COMMERCIAL lot (50x138' approximate
ly! lor aale on tV. Military Ave.
Cloverlaaf, $13,Sl0. News Kevlew.Box
SE L L OR TRAD E for Eugene property,
charming suburban home, SVt rooms,
modern. Large lot, flowers. Cash or
equity OR 2-3423.
WILL TRADE equity In ibedroom
house, for house and small acreage,
or take good trailer, car or truck. HI.
Ilox2us, Coos Bay. Oregon.
SEVEN and one-eighth acrea near
Glide, on paved road 2 email houses
on property, on 3-11030.
SELL or trade taf Eugene house. 8
room house. Winston. Essential fur
niture. OR2-3423.
foR SALE or trade 3 bedroom home
In Winston Corner of Kotiertson and
Darrell. $400 down. OS 0-5257.
SECURE your dam and water rights.
Jim uaugherly, the engineer. 1'hune
OS 9-HII.I4.
foil SALE OH TRADE for two-bed
room home tliree-liedrooni, nw.-r,
modern home. 15114 S.W. Kcniln.l St.
WEST WINSTON new 3-bedroom home
Has everything. Extra large lot. Terms
arniugi-d. Midway Street, OS 9-II4II0.
fo TRADE - equity In 5-room house
and lot In Winston, for equity In house
in Hosc-luirg. OS 9-H022.
$II.IK EQUITY In ranch for S4.000. Sell
ing due InJIInns. UK 3-5IUH).
CHOICE lota attloliilng Hu-Crest srhooi.
utllltlesln.OR 3-4738.
RENTAL west oMlosrhurg. wrile H. A.
Koether. Box jMW. Merlln. Oregon.
FORTY ACRES, house, barn. 4 miles
west Wilbur. $4!KHI. OH 3-S743.
WANTED TO BUY Cabin on Hit M irth
Ulnpout. OH 3-8389
NKWKH 2-bedroom. 2 blocks"froin"Green
School. KHA terms. IMiont OH 3-541.V2.
$3,700 . 2-nedromn house, weslslde. Easy
lerme. oh a-.i4H.
med. 2.25 50; lge. 2 50-75; Calif.
Whiles. 3.25 50; Yellows, 2 25 50.
Potatoes Calif. Long Whites,
100 lb sk. best, 3 75-4 00; fair, 3 35
50; special marks, 4.50-5.00; No.
2, 2.75-3 75; special marks. 2.75-85.
Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, new
crop, baled, f o b. Portland, 26 00
I'niiTi ami in 1 Muh 1 1 iih..
sainuie oau; led steers and heii-r
fully steady; cows weak-50 lower;
load average choice fed steers
25.75; few mostly choice steers
25.00-50; good steers 23 50-21 50;
standard steers 20.lHI-22.5tl; load
average choice 790 lb fed heifers
24 00; two loads mostly good fed
, ni-iirn j.uu; Mamiara neuers
! :i ihi.? mi- 1 t i.,.i iP.i
I heifers including few voung stand
lard cows 19 00; utility and com
' mercial cows 14.50-16 50; canners
'and cutlers 11.50 13(H), heavy cut-
' - w is.uv, uiiuiy onus 11. JO
19.00. Calves salable UK); choice veal
ers 22 00 23 (Hi. few to 24.00; good
vealers 19 00-21.00; stand.ird 15. So
la 00- omul snH -li.i. ljl.tiin IK
(daughter calves 20 00 22(H).
Hogs salable 3(H); trade moder
ately active, weak-25 lower; sorted
No. 1-2 butchers 24 .00 25, few lo
24.50; mixed grade lots 23 00 75:
sows 16 0! -20 (HI.
Sheen snNhle RiH) cnritio lumli.
slrnlu-5 hiiilior' a.v.ifkl Y..I.
eluding part load central Oregon
spring lambs 2100; oilier choice
spring lambs 20 50; mixed good
and choice 19 50-20 00; good spring
ers 18 .50-19 00; good and choice
feeders 16 50 17 50; cull to good
slaughter ewes 3 00 6 00.
Real Estate 1
Roseau rg Realty
r Insurance Co.
1 ACRES crop land with fine modernis
ed home and lots of A-l outbuildings,
beautiful lawn, flowers, and shade
trees. $10,300.
GARDEN Valley Road nice 3 - bedroom
plastered home. It has attached ga
rage fenced yard, nice landscaping,
and good garden. About 'i acre of
land. 110.500.
1,000 ACRE ranch with 200 acres of
cropland. About iw acres oi grain
yet to cut. SO tons t chopped and
baled hay Is now in the big fine new
harn which has all steel roof and
full concrete foundation. Included is
a complete set of new machinery In
cluding combine, tr-Titora etc. 200
ewes with lambs. 17 Herefords. Grass
is knee deep and the ranch is only
I tlf stocked. Price, including ha.
It rain, machinery and livestock is
Oi-0 at about 120,000 down. A going
ranch with lot of income yet this
SMALL neat 2 bedroom weKtfl'de liorr
with extra vacant lot. (3500 at 1300
down. Near bus line.
& Insurance
OR 3-3344
Gardens Galore
PEACHES, apples, prunes, plums, apri
cots, berries; wonderful garden soil
Almost 4 acres. Comfortable, roomy,
2-bedroom home with fireplace, pailo.
Garage with large workshop, oversize
utility. Large room out back for guests
or 3rd bedroom. Economical living.
Priced at $12.00. Accept other prop
erty or trailer house as part.
No Comparison
NEARLY 1400 sq. ft. of new Ideas.
Loads of brickwork, ceramic tile
bath, separate tile shower, tile kitch
en with built-in range and oven. Ma
hogany everywhere you look. Large
windows in every room. ' bath off
kitchen. Perimeter oil furnace. Iawn
In. Lei us show you this dream house
for fi:i,!50.
Dogwood Drive
MR. Federal GI don't let this one
pans you by. It Is the neatest, cozi
est, 2-bedroom home In one of the
best locations to come along. You ll
fall In love with it the minute you
drive bv and ft can be yours for
only $250 down. Price $10,250, or $830
down FHA.
S. W. Carries Road
NEARLY NEW. quality - built 3-bed
room home, liardwooa floors, plaster
ed, rotnan brick fireplace, separate
dining room, patio, attached garage
Ceramic tile bath. Large lot. on paved
road. Only $11,500, $2000 down, or good
Slat or Fed. Gl.
Trailer Trade
A NICE, 2-bedroom home in north Rose
burg, neat as a pin, and quite roomy.
$tt:UH), fully furnished, or $U.roo unfur
nished. Very nice fenced yard, extra
atorage room, and carport. On sewer.
Home and Income
THIS 1-year-old home has a full day
light bOrttMiient. On the first floor It
has a beautiful, natural kitchen, din
ing room, living room with fireplace,
2 bedrooms and full bath. In the biine-
nient there is 1 be tl room, parly room
with fireplace, bath, utility room and
shop. At the back of this beautiful lot
along Deer Creek sits another 2-led
room rental, bringing In S.W mo. The
total price la only $l.i.uuo.
Tf you have a well-built, 3
bcri room home that can tie
sold for $10,000 or less, en II us
today. We need your listings.
Penn's Real Estate
320 N W Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-TJ07
Evening and .Sundays
Bob and Betty Penn OK 3-8406
$5750 Full Price
W0 DOWN, month. Attractive one
.xuu ooin nuiuern nnme. w in. ion.
Bleached mAhogany bedroom unite,
living room rug. chairs, tables. Roper
gas range, breakfast set. Maytag
washer. Utllltv room, laundry trays.
OH :i-H.WR.Owner.
3 Bedroom Brick Home
N IT Alt JoHcuh Lane School. Lovely flag
sione fireplace. Oak floor t, gna wall
furnace, ample built-ina in kitchen and
bath Table top gas range. Carport.
Storage room, $UIKM) cash or
with good terms. OH Jl-IMB. Owncr.
WINSTON, on UlvUinn Street, l-hed-room
home just completrd, on large
lot. lii ge rooms, tile bath, ftteplace,
picture window. Large closet ., hard
wood floors Fully insulated. Large
ultltly and glassed tn back porch, at
tached garage. Electric heat Write
R A. Mc Entire, Route 1, Box tWE,
Riddle. Oregon.
Priced To Sel
5 ROOM HOUSE. 2 bedroonu. large liv
ing room with fireplace, full baement
with fireplace, economical oil furnace.
Equity at a sacrifice, pajmenta leM
than rent large lot well ta ml scaped,
paved ntreet and sever. H.t4 N. K. Lin
coln t)H ;i-7.Vll
IN H.tCHKST ..-bedroom horneTl ' bath.
Extra large living room Lot of closet
and storage Hpace II ant wood floors,
brick wall fireplace. Extra large ga
rge Fence! back yard Priced for
quick ala at JlVSOo Term. See al
IMS NW Almond. OR 3 HH-i
TWO HFOHOOM home and lot. fitl W.
I.allf. Cash sealed bids. See house after
.1.10 p m. Bids to be in by August 3th
Any or all bid may be rejected Send
bid to O. I'lumer.. 17H5 NW, Pa
tricia. riM'H MKmtOOMS, 2 . buthi. Large
living room and d I tunc room. Hard
wood floors. iarage in full cement
basement. Utility room Corner lot
Lots of shrubs and Iruit trees. Oood
neighbors. OR 3 -.12,16
MOOKRN 2-lMMlroom home. Large clo
sets. Attached Carage with extta stor
age. Fenced yard. ftill landscaped
On sewer and paved street 1W hao
with terms. N . r aiimont. OR
SELL or trade for trailer house, equity
in .T bedroom house, furnished or un
furnished. Lot with )' frontage Suii
ahle for small business location In
Winston OS 311.1
ONE BEUHOOM home en I acre Kl v
er. treses and lovely lawn. City and
well water Will take low down p.
nient to reliable people, or. modern
1 ttedroom trailer tS JM707
TWO BEDROOM, moiiern home. J)ea.
eld. .1 miles north. Attached gsrage,
lot AKJid Veiy good value. xtl.v.
HX down. McAne.iev Real f.tite.
OH 2 32M. or OR J-71.10
tilHEK LOTS on sewer tn good '"loca
tion, newlv decorated. 5-bedtoom home
w ilh plenty of shade and fruit tree
A hat gain at $tiM0 072 Nsh. OR
LA HCE 4 twdroom older home, full
basement. Oil furnace, l'i balh Con
venient to shopping center and school.
W til trade for property in Kelso.
Washington OR ,1-iHM)
THhr'E HKUHOOM HOME f "acre ot
Und, rieek More laud if wanted M.
H.Xi, terms call OH 1-ltUJ after
8 o'clock. Will take trailer house in
fl.HIT. and one half acres with"new
mX.t2 ft livahle house. Oulsute Cltj
limits. East of Winston Communilv
Bldg 14 in - H OW down tamnt.
Douglas Parker. . I
lIUU Miili'"!"! HI j 1 1' I J J FIXEP SOU A SAMPWICH THAT'LL J.J lllV I'1 'll llll I
f I'illf HELP VOL! GET VOUR STREWSTH ! Ill " '"'Mil '
' ll BACK. IM A HURRV.' THERE'S A flj'1
Real Estate 1
SEE THIS 4 BR home with den. living
rm, lge dining rm, well-planned kitch
en, utility, balh, 2 brs and den down,
2 brs up, attached garage, lge lot in
lawn and garden, sewer and city wa
ter. Good G.I.
home, carpeted living rm, beautiful
fireplace, picturesque kitchen and din
ing rm, 2 brs, bath and shr, lge util
ity with bull tins, garage, freezer rm,
and shop. A lovely home just $9,500
with $l,;i00 dn.
VERY NEAT 3 BR home fireplace, love
ly kitchen, lge dining area, bath and
shr, carport with storage and storage
rm, fenced yd, reasonably priced $12,
0O0. Fullerton Realty
& Insurance
72.1 N E. Stephens Dial OR 3-1172
Cool and Solid
FIVE ACRES country estate with love
ly 4 bedroom home. The grounds are
amply planted to choice shrubs and
trees. The house has a certain charm
that lends to its' beautiful setting. Its
many features such as two complete
baths, oversize rooms, oodles of slor-
age, fireplace, help tn make this
home an outstanding buy al $21.00(1.
Let's talk terms.
3 Bdrm Ranch Style
2(,B DOWN will buy for the Federal GI
this home on sewer and paved street.
Home about :t years old. Come in
and let us show you this excellent
buy. Full price $9,500. Act now. $im
Nearly New
TWO BDRM on over an acr of land,
about 5 minutes from town. A good
State or Federal GI $7,950. Full Price.
Country Living
With City Convenience
ACTION NOW will place you in the
best buy. 3 bdrms. and family room
home, l's baths, 2 fireplaces, wall lo
wall carpeting in LH. Well arranged
kitchen haa dishwasher and vent fan.
Located on an acre of good garden
soil. An abundant supply of good well
water, lovely lawn and trees. Full
price $1 1 .(t(H). Let us help you with
terms. Ideal for State Gl loan.
ORCHARD 3-5340
916 S E. Washington Ave
between Jackson & Main)
Eve. At Sundays
Al Hoffman OR a-.VHW
Millard or Marion Magness OH ,1-3017
On The River
AHPROX 3 acres with river frontage
and 600 ft. irrigation system. Family
orchard. Unfinished 3 bedroom home
with fireplace, now liveable. Some
materials go. Traclor and equipment.
1'avement all the way.
514 Acres
CLOSF, to town. Large modern home.
Good barn and other buildings. Lots
of pasture springs. All utilities and
good fences. Yearly pavments on
$lti..100, balance. $10,000 Down.
SOUTH Eastern Oregon acres. 00 Ir
rigated. This acre.ige is of the best
obtainable in an irrigated district of
good farms and production futures
will bear out its value. 2 homes Kiiuip
inent of all kinds in perfect condi
tion, may he included in a purchase
contract Ranch price SHH.OOO. 2ti ,
down. Balance over IS years.
$1,000 Down
IT WAS a pleasure to inspect and list
this different 2 bedroom home on
Douglas St. It is different because:
The color contrasts are perfect. The
fireplace so perfectly separates t h e
model kitchen from the living room
and includes a dming area, and be
cause the large utility room t as
easily accessible as the living room
and has more storage than you could
use and because you ha.e a walk-in
insulated cooler room in the garage
and a workshop, and because you can
move in for such a low douti pay
ment and pay the $Hi.tO Kslance at
only $MJ per mo. plus 3 . Taxes $34.
$500 Down
3 BEDROOM modern and practically
in lurnnnea lor stov. rturr.
Real Estate
13 W Harvard
Ph. OR 3-70-13
Charlie Pratt
OR 2 -U57
OH 3-7043
Harry Winter
LARGE family home Corner lot. J bed
room piu U2V familv room .or 4th
HKUROOM'. Cedar cathedral ceiling
oer living, dining and kitchen area.
Beautiful Roman brick fireplace. Rath
and half Separate utilm r.vrn. stor
age, room, carport and patio If no Id
In Al'(;rST l.Mh. ALL F'OGUVM UK
APl'l.lANVf'S will b imMudrd Hnh
Wahrr, relrigerator. mnge and freez
er Cull price. $18 Oi-O Ow net. OH
FIVE CNIT. furnished apt hou
BOxtlO lot. Zoned for busint- 2
fioin cit center Lovely aid. sit
trees. Apartments als renu
Good Income. Owner, OR J-14.UI
Real Estate 1
Quant Realty
Jos. L. (Joe) Quant, Realtor
S. E. Roseburg, Ramp Rd.
3 BEDROpM home near the new East
wood school. Living room with fire
place, kitchen with lovely birch cabi
nets. Utility room, hardwood floors.
Forced draft oil furnace, patio, gar
age and carport. Lovely lawn, flowers,
shrubs and berries. Will consider good
trailer house as part payment. Price
$13,500. Goad Terms.
3 BEDROOMS, very large living room
with circ. fireplace, nardwood iioors,
plastered and 100r'p insulated. Bniltin
appliances. On two lots. Full price
Fairhaven District
2 BEDROOM home on paved street and
city sewer. Has living room with fire
place, oil furnace. This place is well
This is a very good buy at $10,500.
Terms. Good G.I.
2 Acres on South
Umpqua River
MODERN 2 Bedroom home with river
frontage on So. Umpqua river. Choice
river bottom soil. 15 large walnut
trees, also fig. apple, peach and
cherry trees. Large garden. Small
barn, chicken house, garage, and cov
ered patio. Price $11,500.
Ph. OR
CHAS. F. MUM BY Ph. OR 3-7.108
G. F. REYNOLDS Ph. OK 2-1H.15
Valley Real Estate
5 Bedrooms $7,950
J7.V) DOWN. Walking distance. Don't
5 Bedrooms $14,000
APPHAISED at 114.000. A dandy. Trades
1100 Acres $60,000
250 ACHES plow. Excellent sheep and
catl le ranch. 2 sets modern improve
ments. 10 springs. Might trade some.
115 Acres $24,000
A BEAUTY. Dandy 3 bedroom home.
Alwut 70 acrea valley plow. Ideal for
dairy and poultry. Clear low priced
home considered.
950 Acres $75,000
CENTRAL, Oregon alfalfa land. 2H0 Ir-
tem and tractor goes. Trades might.
Cheapie $30 Down
UNFINISHED home. $2.;W0. $;tr per mo.
Car or trailer house trade considered
but not seriously if overpriced.
Valley Real Estate
PHONE ORchard 3-4053
Pocock OR 3-B2M
O. F Sconce Sutherlin 2ti65
Salesman & Broker Scone OR 3-3H62
For Real Estate
SPECIAL South Side 4 BR 1",
baths, fireplace. Close to Row School
and swimming pool, beautiful kitch
en, tots of room. Price $15,000. have
FtIA committment. Immediate pos
se ".i on.
ONE BEDROOM Home Fullerton St
Paved, on sewer, ntc kitchen. Vtil
itv room, rlo.e In. Full price $3,150.
Ideal for older couple.
104 ACRES, barn, no house. Elgarose
area. 21' A cultivated, good fenc
Plenty of springs. $7,000 with $2,000
CLOSE IN 3 Bedroom home. l' baths,
fireplace, large living room, separate
dining room, basement with sawdust
furnace Fine view. Paved st. sewtr
Price $14,000. Already financed.
40 ACRES. New I BR home, all till
able, rental houe. good Ktrn. family
orchard, set-up i,.r xi hen. $21 OOO
yuiet place to live with nice outlook
Earl and Gladys
Wiley, Realtors
Phone OR 3-3462
Jim Bevan OR 3-89f!.
Roland Springer OR 3-.if0.l
ARE you living in Roseburg and work
ing south of Winton' Here is an
opportiyuty to have at lovely a hone
as rnn in Roelmrg m a quiet ne gi
Nrhil in Wmtion Plea-!it v ic .v
frixn all iie of tins brand new. wn
well built ;t iH'.iroom home God leel
lot. On seer and city water ImUuiet
all featuifi den red in a home to be
proud of yet the full price is oni
$ll.00. Below f HA appraiu) Shou'd
easily go state Gl Kor appointment
to ee call OS or OH 3-.lo7.t
TWO BFUROOM. modern home Flee
1 trie wail hft ii--..n s.wi - v
I down OR S.-40H. 1
Real Estate 1
Oerding's Real Estate
MODERN, 3 bedroom In Glide. Has
kitchen. Liv. room - din room comb.
Bath. Large utility. Gas furnace. Wa
ter. Elec. Phone; Carport. Full price
$9500, $2000 down, bal. $63 mo.
DANDY clean Lunch - Fountain and
Variety Store. Wonderful location.
Parking. Good clean stock and fix
tures. Price $J00O olus Inventory.
GOOD, modern 2-bedroom home. Close
in. Has liv. room, tin. room, kitchen,
bath. Full basement. EIcc. heat. Lrg,
garage. Paved street. Sidewalks. Se
wer. Shade trees- Full price only $7,-
500, $1000 down, bal. $75 mo.
$500 DOWN for a 2-bedroom home with
din. room. liv. room, kitchen, bath,
utility room, plus garage with 2 extra
rooms. This home is close in. You
can't beat the price. Owner trans
ferred. Full price only $4000, $50 mo.
APPROX. 10 acre gravel bar located
on the river. Near highway. A very
good location. Full price only $2500.
$1250 Down.
ABOUT 3 acres on Little River with a
3 room house. Bedroom, liv. room,
kitchen, bath. Fireplace. Trees. Ber
ries. Water right from Creek. A good
place to live Price only S4000, $500
down. Bal $00 mo.
3-BEDROOM house and 2 acres. Small
barn. Poultry houses. Garden. Fruit
Close In on a paved street. Price only
$8750, $1000 down. Bal $75 mo.
Oerding's Real Estate
BIB S.E. Cass Avenue
Phone OH :t-0:J26
Roseburg. Qreuon
The House
That Jack Built
In a communilv of executive and
professional men.
Mr. Executive, here is a home of dis
tinction, with 2.000 sq. ft. of expert
workmanship wfih charm and conven
ience. Three bedrooms, 1 la baths. 27'
. living room with fireplace, formal din
ing room, tile entrance hall, family
room with fireplace. A beautiful all
electric kitchen with birch cabinets
and ceramic tile counter tops. Patio
with fireplace and brick planters. Dou
ble garage with electric door and stor
age Csibinets. Exterior Is brick and
Mason it siding. Lawn, landscaping
and sprinkling system it in.
What more Is there to ask fort
$JI.80O. Will consider trade.
General Contractor
ITY. Original own
er s heath forces
sale of attractive 2
bedroom home for
only $5lt50. Complete
furnishings except
refrigerator includ
ed at this price. &.00
down, payments les
than $50 a month
Act Quick - Call OR
NEED 4 Bedrooms?
This newer home is
priced for below re
placement cost at
$10,950. A generous
GI loan at 4',f int
with payments of
only $66 a mo. can
be assumed by the
new owner. Call to
day for an appoint
ment. 3.
DUPLEX. Excellent
Westside location, i
bedrooms and dou
ble carport. Wonder
ful neighlohood. In
come SlfiO per mo.
Price $16,000 Would
consider trade for
TRADE. Do you
have a small acreage
with a 3 bedroom
home that you would
like to trade for a
iiife 3 bedroom In
West Roseburg '
Neat and clean And
well landscaped
Pru-rd reasonably at
12 000. Owner has
tpprox. a $4,500 equi
ty Short Realty
floC S E Ca Ave Dial OR 3-5514
Eveniti(is call Stan Short.OR 3-8009
THREE bedroom hon.e 'one is in base
ment l in nice district Hardwood
floors throughout Lots of closet space.
Forced air heat lo all rooms. Street
and sewer aesments pa:d. Large
fenced backward wi.h shade trees
CItie to store and Fullerton and
Catholic schools. 16.16 W Brown Ave.
WANTED TO BUY One acre or over
sized lot unimproved land in Green
district. An where wet of Carnes
Ro.ul Mint le in seuer and w .tier
din net and on paved road Immedi
ate Stale price .News Review
B.x 4a
BEAU TD U L. new 3 bedroom home,
p!.terr.l. Roman brick fireplace, elec
tric heat. bru-K front T;le b.iti. hard
wood floors, birch cihitift 17U0 q ft
floor space Was 17.i. now $14.l0
Call OH 2-a.w before J p m or OR
3-3185 after J p m
West Side
IDEAL home in ideal location, 3 bed
rooms. Family sized living, and dining
rooms. Tailored kitchen. Large gar
age. Cement drives. Good size lot with
shade trees and high fenced back
yard. Quality built home. Can be fi
nanced. We will be proud to show you
this at $16,500.
OWNER leaving state. Has cut price to
rock bottom. Furnished, 2 bedrooms.
Large front room with s good view.
Kitchen is large. Bath and utility. On
sewer, close to school. $5550 with $1000
down bal. $0 month.
CUTOVER ground good grass land, has
three room cabin, nice all year
spring piped to the house, would make
a sheep ranch while the timber is
growing. In the heart of the hunting
country, good investment at $2500, it's
a bargain.
TWO bedroom home, can be three, re
decorated, fenced in back yard. 2
blocks to grade school, close to
markets. Large lot, paved street and
sewer. Owner is transferred and will
sell for $9500. Terms. Let us show you
this one.
Byers Real Estate
423 Ballf St
PH OR 3-74U3
Doug Warren OR 3-40(16
Glenn Byers OR 3-74HB
Close To Schools
IDEAL for children. Older -type. 4
bedroom home, full bath, family room,
utility shed, wired for washer and
dryer. Lots of pure deep well water.
13 acres, 1 block west of Kline St.
off Garden valley Road. $7950, tome
terms. OR 2-1 12.
$200 Down
To A Qualified G. I.
NEWER three bedroom home on large
acre lot south of Roseburg. At
tached garage. Fireplace, large ward
robe closets. Excellent view. $0,750.
Call Dick Stevenson OR 3-4020, eve
ninga call OR 2-8744.
Movers 1-A
'til You See Flegel
OR 3-4436
Flegel Transfer Si Storage Co.
Agents For
Bekins Moving & Storage Cu.
Business Opportunity 2
For Sale
WELL established new and used furni
ture store in fast growing commun
ity. Long term lease, 'ow rent. Ideal
set-up for man and wife. Will sell for
inventory. Write Box 466 News Re
view Well-Esrablished Market
For Sals
VICINITY Roseburg. Large volume,
low overhead. No competition. Long
lease. Excellent opportunity for live
wire. Write News-Review Box 495.
$ti!HW cash will get you$225 montii
NET PROFIT, with little effort. In
vestigation invited. Write Box 4!)0
HIGHWAY frontage, north Stephens.
iUXloo lot. Used cars etc. Call OR
2-11122 after 6 o'clock. $6,500 or less
for cash.
FOR SALE or trade 7 unit furnished
and equipped apts. and motel at Mill
City, Oregon. P. O. Box 604, Mill City.
FOR LEASE, small rcstaurantln-west
Roseburg. In operation. Very busy.
OR 3-7493.
Rooms For Rent 3
Hotel Umpqua
For Permanent Guests
ous home cooking. Plenty parking
space. Board and room $20 00 week.
S miles S. on old Highway 09. Ph.
OR 3-7947.
HOTEL GHAND. OR 3-4471. TV in lob
by; baths on each floor. Hot and cold
water each room. Reasonable rates
by wee k or month
HOTEL ROSEBURG, TV. Cafe, parking.
Reasonable rates. 513 S.E. Lane, OK
2-9 192:
ROOMS with or without private bath
close in. 508 Spruce at the foot of
LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms.
i doe in. uiihties paid. in per week;
parking space. 525 Lane St.
SLEEPING rooms for men. Clean, conv
j fortable. close ln. 302S.E, Pitzer.
ROOM and board, $75 month. Inquire
I 162B JIden Lane.
LIGHT housekeeping room, everything
i furnished. OR 3-54H0.
LARGE, front sleeping room, close In.
. OR 3-6302 or OR 3-35 IB.
BOARD and room for elderly lady. Ex
ccllent food and care. OR 3-5294.
SLEEPING rooms. 605 S. Moaner. OR
I 3-7237.
446 N E. Jack-
SLEEPING ROOMS, or room and board.
Reasonable rales. OR 3-5003
SLEEPING ROOM. 732 S E. Jackson,
next door to Penney's. OR 3-3328.
FURNISHED, quiet sleeping rooms.
$22.50 per month. OR 3-5940.
ROOM, f2.3S"E. Douglas.
Apts. For Rent 4
THREE ROOM apt. with bath, no uttl.
i ities, $:t5 mo. Cloe to city center.
C.iIlOR 3-iH3 or OR 3-6091.
CLOSE IN furnished apartment.
Reannahle rent 846 S.E. Brock way.
OH 3-6110.
NEW large unfurnished 1 bedroom apart
ment Stove and refrigerator. Call OR:
3-H445 orOR 3-6130 j
CLEAN, redecorated unfurnished apts. i
1 bedroom. 1645 W. Harvard Avenue.
Phone OR 3-0022. !
TWO ROOM, furnished apt, electric'
refrigerator, all utilities furnished. $45
mo. OH 2-29 j
FURNISHED APT $45; unfurnished
apt. $40. Kav Apt.. 421 S E. Main.
Te. OR 3-7945
apartment. New kitchen. Electric heat.
Off street parking. OR3-J410.
FURNISHED desirable one bedroom
apartment. Near hospitals. Adults. OR
THREE room furnished apartment.
Adult l.lS OR 3-4J61 .
FURNISHED and unfurnished apart
menu AdulU647S E Flint.
FURNISHED or unfurnished apt. walk-
ing distance. OH 3-4547.
SMALL FURNISHED apartment close
in 1132 SE Main.
THRKE BF.DROOM. furnished ot. at
Looking: last. $45. mo. OH 3-7SoJ.
UNFURNISHED duplex 3 rooms and
hAthCI OR3-.i076after3 p m
SMALL furnished apartment suitable for
I or 2$32 M).OR 3-.W76artej3 p m.
JAKGE 1 bedroom furnished apt, 3 bloc Its
from town OH 3-7028
ONE bedroom furnished apt. 853 S E
Sheridan. Apt. 4. OK 2-2,170
FURNISHKD" and unfurnished 2 - bed-
riKiin apis, on bus line OK 2-244
TWO. 1 - iMuiroum lurni'hed aptrtnienn.
One upstairt. $45 month OR 3-.1574
LARGE room furnished apartment.
OH 2-12.9
FURNISHED 2 and 3-room apt. Close
to town 12.VJ S T. M.ll
COMPLETELY modern new 'apartment
Partly furnished In Winston OS 9-8446
rrHNISHrDPARTMFNT '$,15 month
3 miles south. OR J-7t47.
NICE. CLEAN, 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apts.
at the TODD APTS. (Westvue Court,
Winchester Court. Terrace, and Vista
Homes Apts.) Equipped with ranges
and refrigerators: some with auto,
washers, dryers anr heat supplied.
Some furnished. Rents start at $"0.
You should at least look at these apts.
before you rent. Ph. OR 3-4340, or OR
2-1503, or OR 3-563L
Kohlhagen Apts
ADULTS OR 3-8244
Oakhill Apts.
TWO bedrooms. Radiant heat. Hot and
cold water and garbage service fur-
n lined. OR 3-4J40.
MOTEL UNITS All electric With
kitchens. Sia and $24 week. Linens,
utilities fur Dished. Winchester Motel
(Old Highway 99 N At Wuv:heuter
NEW ATTRACTIVE 1 - bedroom apart
ment. Modern, close to Fullerton
School. Very desirable for working
couple. Available approx. August loUi.
OR 3-6046.
LARGE, modern. 2 - bedroom apt. In
west Ro&eburg. near schools and hos
pitals; equipped with Disposal; hot
water heat and water furnished. No
pets.PhOR 3-8287.
THREE room furnished. Close in. Wa
ter, garbage service furnished. Adults.
Phone OR 3-3581 between 0 AM and
7:30 PML :
MODERN . FURNISHED apartments for
adultg. Eastside. Ample storage and
parking. $50 and $65. Phone OR 2
1577 or OR2-1283:
ATTRACTIVE, bachelor apt., furnished.
Private entrance, in very modern
bldg. Located on E. Douglas. OR 2
1577 or OR 2-1283,
CLEAN, furnished apt, 4 rooms and
bath. Large closets and storage space.
Heat, water, garbage, garage. Adults.
$75. OR 3-32 1 8
CLEAN furnished apartment. 3 - rooms
and bath, close in. Adults. 1014 S.E.
Pine. Apt. 4.
ONE BEDROOM apartment. Washer,
dryer and stove furnished. Close in,
near Rose School. OR 3-474L
SPECIAL, furnished including all utili
ties, 1 bedroom apt. Close in, private
entrance. OR 3-8529.
APTS for rent (D $65; 2 $40. Gar
bage and water furnished. 1303 S.E.
Pine St.
ATTRACTIVE 5 room furnished apt.
Garage. Close in. Adults. 1332 S.E.
FTJRNiSHED 1 bedroom apt. Utilities
paid West Hill Apis. 2S17 W Harvard.
Houses For Rent 5
LARGE 3 room modern furnished cabin.
Nearly new 7 ft. refrig'ragor. Gas
cooking and hot water. Clean and neat.
Water and garbage disposal furnish
ed. $48 per month. Behind Dale's Cafe,
No. Umpqua Road. Hartz Cabins.
PhoneOH 3-3308
NEWLY modern 2 bedroom home with
fireplace, living room, dining room
and kitchen. Hardwood floors. Vene
tian blind;. Full basement. Oil fur
nace. Garage. Close in. Reasonable.
OR 3-3216.
ONE BF.DROOM, modern home on
LuoJcniKKla'vs Road. Winston, complete
ly furnished including auto, washer
and dryer Water and garbage dis
posal furnished. $65 month. Adults
onlyCS 9-8643.
FR E E RENT-"- 8-room housef bed -rooms
up. 1 down. Stove furnished
for doing minor repairs, painting and
general upkeep. 15H1 Hope. Turn at
15K3 J)ouglas. go 2-blocks up hill
SMALL 2 bedroom modern house, 3
mile west from Oak and Jackson.
Approximately 3 acres. Room for
chickens, rabbits and cow. $55 per
month OR .1-3575.
IN GLIDE -- Two bedroom" house:alM
one bedroom with oil burner
and wood range. Both wired for elec
tric range, both good water supply.
Ph GV 6-3350.
FURN1S HE D 3 - room C uplex. 7 bi oc k s
from P.O. Hot and cold water, garb
age disposal furnished. Adults. S45 per
month. Inquire 124 Mosher or call OR
TWO BEDROOM housT unfurnished.
Near Joseph Lane School Nice dis
trict. $63 per month. Williamson .Real
Estate. ORJM.;02
IN DILLAKD-Nice duplex. newlydec
oraied living room and kitchen. One
bedroom. Electric range. Good loca-
tion. $45. OS H-B823.
IN IJILLARD Furnished I bedroom
house. $50. Furnished cabin $40 Cab
in without kitchen S25. Twin Springs
FULLY MODERN furnished stiidiocot
tage for rent. Suitable for couple or
single man. Electricity, water and
garbage included. Phone OS 9-8434
ater 5 PM
TWO BEDROOM houe cIosein$60
per month. Will rent to persons with
1 or 2 small children 876 NE. Wal
nut .P h o ne OR3l 1 40
UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home-Plenl
ty shade and water. Just outside citv
limits. Available now, $50. Rt. 4. Box
1515. OR 3-3840.
ONE bedroom furnished house. Close
in. $55 month. Water, garbage serv
ice included. You pay electricitv. gas.
1 chijdacceptable. 173 S E. Lane.
LARGE furnished 2 family house, one
bedroom and four bedroom apart
ments. Entire house $70. 1508 S E
Lane St. OS 9-5653.
TWO BEDROOM modern home. Butane
range and refrigerator. 1561 Hope Ave
nue. Turn at 1583 Douglas, go 2 blocks
FOUR ROOM modern house, wfredfor
range and dryer. $45 month. Phone
OR 3-5924.
SEVEN room modern plastered home.
D B. Boone. Route 1, Box 155. Rifle
Range Road.
TWO"" BEDROOM duplex, carport. Ap-
phances. 841 W. Fairhaven St, OR
NICE 2 bedroom house torrent. $75.
Big yard, attached garage. 5 miles
south.RoseburgRealty. OR 2-3344
TWO BEDROOM furnished" house." In
quire 753 W 'Ballf, or call OR 3-5449
after4:30 PM.
T W O bed roo m home." $25 month. W ill
trade furniture for debt free trailer
ornice car. OR 3-69B7 a f ter3 pin.
NEWLY DECORATED furnished 3-rooin
house. Nice district, OS 9-8434 after
5PM .
$60 clean, modern 4 room and hath.
unfurnished Within walking distance
of town. Adults. OR 3-7359.
RENTALS - l 2. 3 and 4-bedroom
units. Families with children only. In-
come limns. 902 W. Stanton St.
FURNISHED CABINS by week. $10and
up. Old Highway 99, 3 miles North. Pa
5lfleMtelPhone OR 2-3742.
CLEA'N four room furnished" house" No
drinking, no pets. 1263 S. E. Stephens.
TWO BEDROOM unfuFmihea clean,
modern house in Winston. Oil heater;
fenced yard. OS 9-fl45fi.
DUPLEX ncarGiide7on' NoTtiTTpqua
Highway. Clean, furnished 3-rooms
and bath 1 child permitted. OR 3-6HH8.
CLEAN THREE ROOM duplex ""good
location, across from Model Market.
Winston. OS 9-8402.
CLEAN, roomy one bedroom hoiTe,
partly furnished 152.1 S E Sanford.
pt,onR3-70(S0. Archie Currier
THREE brdronm furnished house. Close
in OR3-.i410.
LAHGE house southeast of town. O R
3-BF.DROOM duplex. WeTuideTViaTbR
FURNISHED cabin S milri south. $3.
OR 3-7:.47
S M A LL H O U S EW e -It Ro seurg Phone
416 Camai Valley before 8 am
MODERN house in Glide - Deer Creek
district OR 3-5859
u.y: at UKOO.v fur--5hfd house.
r. .-viiisner tail uk 3-2.0
TH REE bedroom modern hnu-ieinDiI
lard $65 month. OR 3-5003
SMALL 2-bedroom. furnished house "west
tide $60 OR 3-4614 or OR J-H2O0
MODFRN .15' 1 bedroom trailer, $31 OR
3-4614. or OR 3-0200.
MODERN suburban 2 bedroom" home
O,onville area OR 3-4726
NICE clean 2 brdroorn" house Garalie
'W Inquire 2n22 W. Sherwood Ave.
COMFORTABLE 2 "bedroom houe. $60.
Inquire 2. ;2 W Sherwood Ave
UM UKN 1SHED ,i house cto
totown 1256 S E Mill