The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 22, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Th News-Review, Roieburg,
Complete with
Detergent ond
Advertising Mor
eno I
$100 CASH
Ph. OR 2-3956
17.111 : J
Pacific Bldg.
cleaner. . . wliiter washes !
I automatio fa
ga S At
. water Jjj fBSK
j heatey j
The hotter the water, the cleaner, the ' ' I f
wrrtW ttw wash. Laswdry espcrft recofn- cF tj
mend 150 to 160 degree m automatic I Wjf
washers far thorough oSrt removal, one- (' iV ll 1
ten destnctioii and speedier soap or sLI I f I I
detergent action. That's why choree of the j ;!!)
tight water heater is Mt so important ., . I ( I' 1 I J
only a modern gat water heater it fast j ifl j " '
enough to match a really modem, auto- y I! JJ I
marie taandry. Co gaaf Yoa get more, yet I jlljjff
i pay lew when yoa bwy, itntal and aae. I
SEC U$R ' '
Be prepared for the chance of a liletime Dur
ing this great sale you will be able to buy a
complete play wardrobe ot a fraction of the
regular price. Shop now while selections ore
43pY Swim Suits
Ore. Mon. July 22, 1957 1
Local News
Cerey Hopkins has been spend
ing the past two weeks in Eugene
with the George Hopkins family.
Mrs. Robert Harris and son.
Jimmy and daughter, Nancy, weie
al Diamond Lake Sunday. Jimmy
will spend the week at YMCA
Camp. Mr. Harris, who had been
j working on the family property
there tor several flays, returned
home with his wife and daughter.
Houichotd guage Inlaid
10x12 Kitchen, Only O.UU
Ru On Out lilv terml
or rim
1 J. 'I J.I I.'' 'J A i J :1'IJ;M-1 .1 ATJ
ORchord 3-7526
it Bermuda Shorts -
Stare Berry Producers
'Said In Need Of Pickers
GRESHAM I More pickers
are needed in ripening fields of
raspberries, blackcaps and boy
senberrics here, the Oregon farm
labor office said here.
Some berry growers, the office
said, reported that their pickers
were leaving them to work in
bean fields, where the harvest
now is in progress.
Bean pickers are paying a mini
mum of 2Mi cents a pound. Some
berry growers are paying up to
seven cents a pound.
KINGSTREE, S. C. i Kings
tree school children who recently
enjoyed three days of legalized
hookey because of a flu epidem
ic had to make them up after all.
They had to go to class on three
different Saturdays.
1 1
ym y--'vt mmm y?p? vt -vwrn' f"-""m'
' t',ifck
SHIRLEY MANSKE, Glide, .was presented with the Women
of the Moose $350 nurse's scholarship by junior graduate
regent ofthe Roseburg chapter, Mrs. Curley Craig. Shirley,
who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manske of
Glide, graduated from high school in 1956 and has been
employed as a nurse's aide in a local hospital since her
graduation. She will start her training ot Sacred Heart
Hospital in Eugene in September. The scholarship is given
in the form of tuition.
Oswego Student Enrolls
Early For Dog's Sake
High School honor student is go
ing to enroll at Lewis and Claik
College a month early this fall so
his seeing eye dog can get used
to the campus.
The boy is Ralph Middleton, 17,
a blind student who plans to train
for the ministry after completing
his studies at the college.
Aliddleton got the dog a month
ago in Hollywood on a trip spon
sored by the Portland Machinists
Robin Hood Band
On 27-Day Tour
The musical young Robin Hoods
are coming to town!
Embarked upon a 27-day lour of
West Coast cities from Los Ange
les to Vancouver, Canada, this
famed and colorful 70-piece youth
band, sponsored by the Indepen
dent Order of Foresters, will ap
pear at the fairgrounds in Roseburg
mi the night of July 30 al 8.
Uniqu Program Planntd
Under the direction of David,
Baskerville, nationally - known
composer - conductor - arranger,
the boys and girls, ranging from
11 to 20 years of age, will present
a unique musical program.
They use their own staling, light
ing and costuming, highlighted by
a spectacular "Band-o-rama" in
which color movies thrown on a
screen in the background are syn
chronized with the music. All ar
rangements are written especially
for them.
Their appearance is as striking
as their music. Attired in flaming
orange and forest-green Robin
Hood costumes, created for the
group by Hollywood movie design
ers, they seem to ha stepped
right out of the pages of medieval
But their music is as modern as
tomorrow. They even provido their
own self-propelled electronic sec
tion on parade.
Maiorttto Stars
Among the featured performers
is pretty Harlie Judy. 16-year-old
champion drum majorette of the
western United States.
The present tour is the longest
and most elaborate ever made by a
group of this kind. Despite their
youth, these are expert musicians
who have won scores of trophies
in open competition.
Some months ago Calofornia Gov.
Goodwin Knight was so impress
ed at a performance that he or
dered a special Governor's Trophy
to be presented to them.
i.f--f w v.
Program Teaming Crosby,
Sinatra Slated By Gonzaga
SPOKANE iP Gonzaga Uni
versity said Friday it will produce
an hour-long live television pro
gram starring its favorite son,
Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra
from Hollywood on Oct. 13.
The program over the Columbia
Broadcasting System is sched
uled to introduce the new Edsel
automobile of the Ford Motor Co.
School's Part
The Very Rev. Francis E. Cork
ery S.J., Gonzaga president and a
university classmate of Crosby's
here in the 1920s, said the school's
part in the show amounts to
"packaging and selling the show".
Gonzaga personnel won't be
actually involved, however, in
technical phases of the production.
Father Corkery said the idea of
Gonzaga producing the program
originated in a "brainstorming
Numbcr 13, usually associated
with bad luck, proved to be
good lurk omen for (ierti Daub,
19, who won Miss Germany
title at Badrn-ftadrn.
Choose your Back-To School wardrobe now and
SAVE! Drastic reductions in quality fashions
designed to make you the smartett dressed on
the campus,
81 Val's
820 S. E.Cass Ave
-V Phone OR 2-2404
Student Exchange Program
Outgrowth Of WW 1 1dea
NEW YORK itf Long before!
the Yankee Doughboys arrived j
over there in World War I, a
group ot American volunteers,
driving battered ambulances, plow
ed through the mud of bloody bat
tlefields in ,France and Flanders.
louay, some 4U years ana iwo
wars later, this ambulance serv
ice has grown into an internation
al organization bringing young
sters of many lands together as
Rttaint Namt
As an ambulance corps, found
ed in 1915, it was known as the
American Field Service. It retains j
that name in its new role: teach-j
ing democracy and friendship to
the world s teen-agers.
Heading and directing the world
wide activities of AFS today is
Stephen Galatti, 68, who was one
of the first volunteer ambulance
drivers in France.
He went to France in 1915.
The experience taught him that
national barriers meant little be
tween people thrown together in
common defense of their lives and
The lessons in international
found their way into the literature
of the AFS. A service phamph
lct says: "Daily person to person
contacts between people of differ
ent nationalities promotes interna
tional understanding, respect and
Can Crush Doubt
Galatti and the AFS believe that
session" of university regents and
other Spokane residents. He said
the group has been seeking a new
means of assisting the university's
Crosby, who grew up here and
attended both Gonzaga High
School and the university, has do
nated most of the money for the
new Crosby Memorial Library on
i the campus. It will be dedicated
this fall.
Two Firsts
Father Corkery said the Oct. 13
show will be the first time that
Crosby has appeared as a master
of ceremonies on a live network
program and his first appearance
with Sinatra in a live telecast.
"At the present time we do not
know how much the university
will realize from (his financial
venture," he said. "Whatever
funds are derived from the uni
versity's part in the presentation
will go to further our long-range
development program."
A Gonzaga announcement of the
production gave no other details.
Northern State Ranchers
Named To Wool Assn.
from Salem, Portland and Pen
dleton have been named to the
top offices of the Pacific Wool
Growers Assn.
Ronald V. Hogg. Salem, was
elected president of the associa
tion. He is a Marion County
rancher, who also is president of
the American Hampshire Assn.
The two new vice presidents are
I.ou Levy of Pendleton and R. A.
Ward of Portland.
New board members include
Clvde Story. Goldendale. Wash.;
Fl'ovd Edwards, Albany. Ore.;
Robert Campbell. Chehalis,
Wash.: and C. M. Hubbard, Junc
tion City, Ore.
HONG KONG ift President
Ho Chi Minh of North Viet Nam
will visit nine Communist coun
tries. Radio Hanoi said the Red
leader would visit the presidents
of North Korea. Czechoslovakia.
Poland, East Germany, Yugosla
via, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria!
and Romania. The date of depar-j
tore was not announced.
. , ,
such contacts can crush the doubt
that suspicion between nations.
Whea AFS founder, A. Piatt An
drew of Salem, Mass., died in 1935
Galatti took over the presidency
of the service. "We were just a
small veterans organization, with
no particular aims," he explained.
Then in 1939, with war again
near in Europe, the ambulance
service was revived, operating in
the African desert, France, Bur
ma and Italy. When World War II
ended, AFS had some 5,000 vol
unteers. "But we did nothing more than
anv other veterans organization
until 1946," Galatti said. "That
year we had a reunion in New
York. I talked about the idea of
giving teen-agers i n Europe a
chance to see Americans in our
homes. The reunion meeting voted
to take on the program."
Galatti retired from his business
activities in 1954. and has devoted
his full time since then to the field
"I think," said Galatti, "that
the proof of how our program is
working lies in the fact that these
European youngsters themselves
were the ones responsible for
changing our program into a two
way street."
By two - way street, Galatti
meant that American youngsters
now are going abroad each sum
mer to live in foreign homes,
while foreign teen-agers are coin-
NEA Tttopktlo
Barbara Noeggerath, 17,
waves to the crowd at Sa
linas, Calif, after being
chosen "Sweetheart of the
California Rodeo." Barbara,
now living in Saratoga,
Calif., came to the U. S. with
her parents from Germany
in 1947. She has since be
come an expert rider and
ranch hand.
Fred Allen's Estate Set
At More Than A Million
CHICAGO I The estate of
comedian Fred Allen was placed
at $1,341,421 in an inheritance tax
return filed in the Cook County
clerk s office here.
Allen's will (was filed in New
York City, his home, but the tax
return was filed in Illinois be
cause he owned three paroels of
property in Illinois valued at $62,
980. The return placed the fed
eral tax at $141,411 and state tax
at $K!5.
Allen left his estate in trust for
his widow, Portland Hoffa. He
died March 17, 1956 at the age of
VIENNA l Radio Budapest
said Saturday the Hungarian Ed
ucation Ministry has ordered the
reintroduction of compulsory
courses in Marx-Lcninism in Hun
garian universities. Abolition ot
the Marx-Leninism classes was
one of the demands of Hungarian
students who were among the
leaders of last fall's revolt.
ORchard 3-4596 1929 N. E. Diamond Loke Blvd.
Pick Vi ond D?livery Service
ing to the United States.
The total number of students,
both foreign and American, in
volved to date in the AFS pro
gram is roughly 6.000 about equal
ly divided between American and
Functions In 30 Countries
The exchange program now func
tions in 30 foreign countries. The
number of exchange students is
increasing each year.
A total of 749 An erican students,
chosen from third year high school
classes, are abroad this summer or
on their way to spend two sum
mer months abroad.
Now in the United Slates, in
homes Ihroughout 44 states, are
767 foreign students. The foreign
students arrive each year in Au
gust, attend an American school,
live in an American home and re
turn at the end of the following
July to their homes abroad.
Students participating in the ex
change program contribute toward
their transportation. The average
cost to each American student for
a summer abroad is $650; the av
erage cost lo each foreign student
for a year in the United Stales is
about $950.
These funds are applied solely
to transportation costs. Living ex
penses of all students, both Amer
ican and foreign, are borne by the
families with which they stay.
Other funds come from contrib
utions by private citizens and the
State Department, which helps
maintain AFS overseas branches.
Student Gifts
Made By Elks
P. Young, 19, of New Castle, Pa.,
and Jerry D. Harris, 17, of Kear
ney, Neb., were announced here
as winners of the Elks National
Foundation's most valuable stu
dent awards.
Each won the 1957 compelition'i
top scholarship of S1.000.
Second place scholarship awards
of S900 each were presented to
Joyce Wong, 17, Stockton, Calif,
and William Paden, 17, of Pasa
dena, Calif., at the 93rd Grand
Lodge convention of the Elks.
Sixty-seven college scholarships
amounting to S37.100 were given
out by the Foundation.
.Miss Wong, June graduate of
Stockton College high school, is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chee
Wong, owners of a Modesto meat
market. She will enter the Univer
stiy of California at Berkeley, will
major in mathematics and plans
a teaching career.
Charles A. Miller III of Green
wood. Miss., and Nancy Louisa
Babel of Phoenix, Ariz., won 51,
000 savings bonds as outstanding
youth leaders.
Foreign Youth Will
Visit Oregon Farms
Oregon farm families will plav
host lo six youths from everseas
countries next month under the In
ternational Farm Youth Exchange
program. The six are expected
to arrive at Oregon State College
August 16.
Miss Adarech Nalna and Miss
Shakuntala Sarnaik will come from
India; .Mohammad Arbab and Na
rayan Sarkar, Pakistan; Chaim
Rosenthal, Israel; and Carlos Har
ley. Costa Rica.
Following orientation at OSC, the
visitors will travel to variout parts
of the state and live with farm
families for six weeks. Before re
turning home, they will go to
Washington, D. C. for an evalua
tion period with members of the
National 4-H Foundation staff.
Mrs. VVinnifrcd Gillen, stale di
rector of the IFYE program and
state extension agent, says the pur
pose of the farm youth exchange
program is "to help others learn
more about home and family life
in the United States and other coun
tries as a basis for better world
Singer Tommy Sands, a virtual un
known until a few months ago,
has signed movie contract that
could pay him $100,000 a picture in
six years.
My Cottons
come back
Or count they do! That's btcaut wi
clean thtm thoroughly but gtntly ond
than carefully RE-SIZE thtm to they i park
new again. Don't loind houn
waihing end ironing your fine cortoni.
Have more time for fun. Send thoie cot
torn to ut right now.
Don Glenz'