4 14 Tlit Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ort.-Sat. July 20, 1957 Community News Items Mr. and Mrs. L. F. DoKab and amall son wera attending to busi ness in LaGrande recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Forrttt or this city have left for Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. to spend several days attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walton of this city left Thursday for Coos Bay to spend a few days visiting relatives and enjoying a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Btllows have returned to their home in Itoseburg, following a trip to Port land, where the former attended an insurance meeting. Mrs. S. A. Wahoviak has returned to her home in Tacoma, Wash., following two and a half weeks here visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I'. Kidder, and family, on SE Chad wick Street. Special Summer Ratal NOW ON SAWDUST and Planer Ends We Deliver To Your Horn Peeler Core Oak Slab Planer Ends Dry or Green Roseburg Lumber Co. OSborn 9-8741 FIRE: OR 2-2644 POLICE: ORS0633 MONEY: OR 3-6668 664 S. I. Stephens, Roseburg f v I WHY BE SICK? You'va not triad everything until you ito DR. SCOFIELD X-RAY CHIROPRACTOR J minutoi from town on Ritlo Rongo Road Dial OR 3-5133 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins and daughter, Linda, and son, Kenton, of this city spent the weekend at Diamond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Borgorion and son, Lee, spent a couple of days this week at Depoe Bay en joying an outing. Mrs. T. B. Virdtn, Mrs. S. L. Kidder, Miss Gertrude Hast and Mrs. Itoy Bellows have returned to their homes in this city, following several days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fout and children, Kuskin, Jeanctte and Richard, enjoyed a week's camp ing trip into Idaho and now are back at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kidder and children, Robin, Phyllis and Nancy, spent Sunday in Grants Pass visiting two former college friends of the former and their families. The group held a picnic at the park there. Mrs. Ronald Cavlns has relurneJ to her work in the business office of school district No. 4 following a vacation trip with Mr. lavins and their two children to points in Washington, where they visited rel atives. Mrs. Amelia Thompson of Mer- rimac, Wis. and Miss Patlie Zanto of Barbaboo, Wis. left Thursday for Las Vegas, Ncv. by bus, after which they will take the plane for Wisconsin, following a visit in nose burg with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dy- sert. Mrs. Thompson is a sister- in-law of Mrs. Dysert and Miss Zanto is a niece. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Randolph of Medford, formerly of this city, have been spending the week at their summer place on the Jwtn Umpqua. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Svenson (Barbara Randolph), and three children, Karen, Marcia and Kenny, spent the weekend here vis iting them. They plan to return here later for a vacation. Members of the Hayloft Squares who were in Cottage Grove recent ly to attend the dedication of the Starduster's new square dance barn included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Josh, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coxcy, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collison, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Tiny Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards and Gene and Carolyn; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farn wnrth and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lo gan. Miss Myrna Marstors was among the high school band members par ticipating in the Regatta festivities in Astoria during the weekend. Gordon and Stanley Tool are spending the weekend in Eureka visiting their mother, Mrs. Ernest Tuel, and younger brother. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ellison and daughter. Miss Donna, and son. Robert, have returned to their home in this city, following a week's va cation in San Francisco. Laurie Malonoy of Portland is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Airs. L. F. Parks, and children, David and Judy. She and Judy are planning on attending Camp Fire Girls camp at Tyee together next week. Mrs. Tod (Blanche) Rierson, who has been in Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene the past two weeks, is recovering satisfactorily from major surgery. She is well known here having been employed as custodian at Senior High School. Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Curloy) Reynolds returned this week from a vacation spent at Diamond and Sparks lakes. They were accom panied on the outing by Mr. and Mrs. Mel Stricklett of Portland. Miss Karen Stricklett returned here with them for a two-week visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos R. Fisher of Junction City have announced the birth of a daughter on July S at Eugene. She has been named Kharyl Lynn. Maternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of Chilloquin, and Mrs. Norman Fisher of Roseburg is pa ternal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sanislo and the latler's mother, Mrs. Grace , Osborn,, have as housegucsts Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Osborn and sons, Nicky and Larry, of Granger, Tex. They arrived Monday and will be here two weeks. Osborn, who is su perintendent of schools at Granger, is a brother of Mrs. Sanislo. Miss Camille Robertson of this city and her grandmother, Mrs. II. P. Conn, anil aunt, Mrs. Martin Schneider, drove to Eugene Fri day, where the former made ar rangements for entering Univers ity of Oregon this fall for her jun ior year. Aliss Robertson was grad uated in June from Stephens Col lege in Columbia, Mo. They were accompanied back to Roseburg by Jean Lee of Formosa, who is at tending summer sessions at Uni versity of Oregon and who was a roommate of Miss Robertson it Stephens. CALENDAR OP EVENTS tomorrow SATURDAY JULY 20 Buckoroo Square Dane Club, barn, all dancers invited. Serving committee: Mr. and Mrs. Arwell Muetzel; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Mundt; Mr. and Mrs. Hon Noel; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Northcraft. Old Time Danco Club, KP Hall, Rose St., dancing at 9 p.m., visit ors welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous. 7:30 p.m., .InnLfunn fur nmra iiifnr I malion call OR 2-2755. Evorgroon Grange Old Time Dance Club, 9 to 1 p.m., grange hall. Membership open to public, visitors welcome. Hsyloft Square Danco Club, 8 30 p.m., Preschcrn Barn. All dancers NEW PLANT GROWTH STIMULANT Gro-Fast 2 n rUlt tft Mtalttf I dtlMHlMrl $1 39 Pint Nowf . . , the new wonder for mula that makes your plants grow fait, mora beautiful, doop groan leavas and mora aract stems. Amaiing "Gro-Fatt" with Gibbarollis Acid. Scianca tor years has known that Gib barollis Acid wot 0 phtno manal plant growth tubttanco. But It couldn't bo produced In sufficient quontitioi. Aftar In tonsa study and roasaarch, sclontiitt coma up with a pra ctical, offactlva form of this plant growth stimulant. It's tho laitart horticultural find. Spactocular results hovo btan raporttd by leading horticult ural end agricultural tciantiltt. Rom buihat bloomed and shot up to twica their normal height, garanium plants to J- Just Spray the Stems or Foliage Full Pint Size Treats Up to 400 Plants Ready Mixed Easy To Use Contains 10 PPM (10 Parts Par Million) foot giants. African violets grow mora arect, produced lovely, health, mora pointed leavel. Houto and garden floworl, ornamentals, troo teed linge, oven turf grasiel re spond mora vigoroullr to the flrrt traotment of Gro-Foit. Juit spror it on foliago or tho stems and tea how fait they grow. Gro-Faif with Gibbaral line ! making revolutionary horticultural newt. It's not a hormona , , , not a tertititar ... but a culluro grown in a liquid medium similar to the process uiod in production of antibiotics. Stop at Pay Lett today and buy Gio-Foit ... taka it homo and try if . , , you'll lea tho difference in your plants and floweri. invited. Serving committee: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bates: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Welt. Ladies bring sand wiches. Rice Valley Community Card party, pollock lunch following. Ev eryone invited. Eagles Auxiliary cooked food sale, 9 a.m., front of Penney's. as benefit for Boswrll Springs Crip pled Children? Hospital. Yoncalla Methodist Church WSCS, abaked food sale. Prnhslel lUiilding, proceeds for redecorating parsonage. Miscellaneous showor for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Steel, .Melrose Grange. 8 p.m. Steel home recently burned down in Elgarose. SUNDAY JULY Jl Riddle Rebokah's and families, old-fashioned picnic, noon. Games and swimming. Bauer's place on Gaiety lit., lanyonville, bring own table service. Western Wranglers Saddle Clnh 1 p.m., Thompson ranch at C.len gary. MONDAY JULY 51 Douglas County Water Resourc es Advisory lommitlee, county court hearing room. 7:45 p.m. Business end Professional Wom an's picnic, home of Mrs. Myrtle linker, 1729 Harvard. 6:30 p. in families mid guests. Bring covered dish, own table service. Navy Mothers Club picnic, 7 p.m. I'mpqua Park. Knights of Pythias, Pvlhias Hall, regular session, 8 p m., refresh mcnts. Timber City Chapter of S w e I Adelines. Inc., ott and Ricketis Music Store balconv, 8 pin. Hayloft Square Dance Club S.I-vani-cd class, 8 p.m., Preschern Barn, Dude Sibley, instructor. All square dancers invited. Women of the Mooso, Moose Hall on S. Stephens, 8 p m.. business. Valentine Chapter 98, OES, Myr lle Creek. AAUW board of directors, 7:4.1 p in., chamber of commerce. Roseburg City Council, 7:30 p m.. city hall. Roseburg Jaycoot, 6 30 p m.. Hotel I'mpqua. IF YOUR COPY OF THE NEWS-REVIEW I HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6:15 P.M. TREES FURNISH employment for many members of this community. Some work in trie forests . . . others In tlte milli, processing the timber rop . . . other eitiiens rely for their livelihood en the trade furnished by the people employed by the forest products industries. Burning trees hurt all of ui. A blase which eonsumes growing timber may destroy the pay envelope of every member ef the community. Burned trees create no trade or employment. Help keep fire out of the woods. If we work together we can lick Forest Enemy Number I. Keep Oregon Green! REMEMBER . . .One tree will make Millions of matches One match will destroy millions of trees This advertisement sponsored by the following firms of Douglas County Robert Dollar Lumber Co. U. S. Plywood Corp. L & H Lumber Co. Smith River Lumber Co. Wilbur Lumber Co. Douglas County Lumber Co. Umpqua Plywood Corp. Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. Stomar Lumber Co. Harbor Plywood Corp. Roseburg Lumber Co. E. C. Whipple Lumber Co. Sun Studs, Inc. Martin Bros. Container and Timber Products Corp. Western Battery Separator Co.