10 Tha Newi-Revlew, Roseburg, IT-PAYS TO PATRONIZI NIWI-RIVIIW ADVCRTISIRS 1 DANCE OLD TIME DANCES with Old Time Danet Club Every Saturady Night, 9:00 1:00 K. P. HALL Beit music and floor Refreshments served CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGI NO OBLIGATION Tcitt ell standard Radio and TV tubal now In uia. USE OUR SELF-SERVICI TV DEPARTMENT Opan from 9 to Evonr Day CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. CONTRACT EXPIRED; So Leu Franco and the Happy Valley Boys WILL NOT bo at Lindy'l this Saturday. ON AUGUST 3... Dance to tha music of Lou and tha Happy Valley Boys Sutherlin Legion Hall NOW OPEN... The Roadside Cafe On Highway 23S at Oakland City Limit FANNIE M. HAUCHT, New Owner Tha cafe has bean remodeled and new equipment has been Installed. OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK "MEALS YOU WILL ENJOY AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD" FREE COFFEE & DONUTS MONDAY DANCE Every Saturday Night 9 PM--1 AM AT THE EVERGREEN GRANGE Musi by Lloyd Powell and the Sfardusters Formerly of tha K. P. Hall In Roseburg COME BRINC THE FAMILY 12 Noon to 8 P.M. BURTON'S Dinner OPEN SUNDAYS 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. WEEKENDS 4:30 P.M. to 9 P.M. Closed on Mondays Bring tha family Bring your friandi. Arrange far Dinner or Banquets. Privaro room available. BURTON'S 3 Miles So. on Bui, Route 99 FOLLOW THE TO THE LEGION HALL In Enjoy Tha New Donee Dance to the Music $oe powcll .AND HIS KIAMICHI MT. (Douglot County'! Most Versatile Done Band) Every Sat. Night Everyone Welcome SI. 00 PER PERSON f m inrioM isni ivisr iaiusom SI t.et P. K. On. Sat. July 20, 1957 1 Local News 1 Mist Kothloon Mohlhoff is I new employe in the office at Pacific Plywood Co. Paul Morgan has returned home from a week's visit in Portland with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Knabb. Bruce and Jolynn Curry of Junc tion City are visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. Norman Fisher during the summer momns. Mr. mnA Mr.. Chariot Glide of Los Angeles are vacationing here with various relatives including her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman aauee. Paul Jackson Wholesale Co. Is constructing a business building on N.W. Park Street, off Garden Val ley Road. The block building will include an office, warehouse and garage space. Members of the Rosoburg Writ ers Club who Tuesday attended a writers' workshop on the U. of O. Campus were John Verbach, Hilda Peterson, Dr. R. D. Sinclair, Miss Amy Robinson, Jeanetle Worth, Kliza Clayton and Marie Bolduc. The workshop was sponsored by the Eugene Chapter of the National Pen Women of America. Franco i at tha ( House Phono OR 3-8122 CROWD Sutherlin Floor of BOYS MS Its Mr. end Mrs. Trafton Parr and Wanda are back from a four-day trip down the Redwood Highway. Mrs. Dorothy Travis is on vaca tion from her work at J. C. Pen ney's and Is spending some time ui Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Carl Schneider of Kirkland, Wash., is visiting her father-in-law, Adam Schneider, and other relatives in the Roseburg area. Harry Ropp spent a week In Portland attending to businesi and conferring with his lawyer, Ice land Brown, of The Dalles a son of Mrs. G. M. Brown of this city. Overnight guests at the Lynn Hanna home this week were their friends, Mr. and Airs. Charles Knerr and two sons of llermiston. The visitors also spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fingorloi are visiting in Roseburg at the home of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fingerlos. They are former Rose burg residents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoiton left jrriuay to take home their grand children, who have visited here with them. Sherrie Lynn Wheeler will return to Eugene, and Randy and Kathy Pinard reside in Sum ner, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Lydon and children, Kathy and Johnny, who are twins, and Anne, of this city, and Mrs. Lydon s mother, Mrs. 1. II. Ness, and the laller'i erand- daughter, Sherry Ilawn, both of Eugene, plan to spend the next week vacationing at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. John Maads of Klickitat, Wash.; Mrs. Mabel Sam- pie ot lamas, wasn., and sirs. Ben Brown of Winston have been visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Smith. Mr. Meads, Mrs. Sample and Mrs. Brown aro all cousins of Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Clark Loody of San Fran cisco, who has been spending her vacation here visiting her parents, ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jenkins, left 1 Friday for Portland to spend the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam W. Knight and family before returning to her work in San Fran cisco. Mrs. Lcedy, the former Mer edith Jenkins, and Mrs. Knight, the former Lota Hatfield, were in the same class in school together here. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lawton of Eureka, Calif., visited a few days at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. I.awson, and also at the home of 1 his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. anu Mrs. f.kion Howard, and daughter, Linda, on N. Stephens St. The George E. Lawsons had just returned to their home here Monday from an enjoyable vaca tion trip to Canada. En route home they visited relatives and friends in Seattle and Camas, Wash. Irvin Lawson, a brolher of Mr. Lawson, and his wife of Vancouver, accom panied them on the trip. Mrs. Shlrlio Ivorson will return to her work in Tillamook this week end, following her vacation here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith. Her daughter, Sheila, who accompanied her to Roseburg, will remain here for another week visiting her grandparents. Mrs. Iverson was the guest Tuesday eve ning k of Mrs. Jerry Applcbee in Lookingglass and Wednesday morn ing atlended (he Credit Women's Breakfast wilh her. Wednesday, she was a guest at (he Carlton Hall home in Garden Valley. While a resident of Roseburg, Mrs. Iver son was bookkeeper and credit manager for Umpqua Valley Hard ware. ROSEBURG Fair Grounds 27 28 TWO DAYS ONLY SAT - SUN JULY 2:30-8:15 Pm The Roseburg SHRINE Club Presents the ALL NEW Reserved Seats ON SALI SATURDAY SHRINE OFFICE Hi S. I. Com BIGGER! BETTER! MORE THRILLS THAN EVER Amfltfng Arnl AcMtvtmnti Aground , , , Awhl . . Aloft Embclliihtd with Sparkling Span (ltd Trappings . . . Tha Ultimata in Uniqua tntt rtatnmt nt All N.w , . All Difftrant , . . with na advanca In pricti Avoid trending in Lint Buy Tlcktti NOW Adulti $120 Childran .... 50c Riitrvad Stction (Extra) ... 80c Box Stati SI. 20 COMING Tha following radio and talavlslon programs era printed frto public tarvica far Nawi-Roviaw raodori. All program listings aro publishtd at received from tha respective sta tions. The News-Review dees not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. KOIN-TV Channel 4 Portland Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Off to Advanture 4:1ft Hollywood Park Races 4:45 Showtime for Mon 5:15 Feature tta 6AO Th Buccaneers 6:00 Jimmy Durmi Show 6:30 Two for the Money 7:00 Gale Storm Show 7:30 S. R. O. Playhouse B:0O Cunimoke 8:30 Jimmy Dean Show 9:00 Soldiers of Fortune 9::tO Whirlyblrds 10:00 Nftwi Wire 10:05 "Brother Ra4 end a Baby" SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1"T lO.-W World Championship Tennis Final 12:;t0 Children's Gospel Hour 1:00 Lamp Unto My Feet 1:30 Faith for Today 2:00 Th ii li the Life 2:30 Armohatr Theatre 4:00 Face the Nation 4:110 World News Roundup 5:00 Last Word 5::io You Are There 6:00 Lasife . 6::io My Favorite Husband 7:00 Ed Suillvan 8:00 G.E. Theatre 8;.'tO Alfred Hitchcock :00 $S4,000 Challenge 9:30 What's My Line 10:00 News Wire 10:05 "Gamblinf Lady" MONDAY, JULY M, 1UT 4:15 Mr. Moon 4:30 Cartoon Time 4:45 Red Dunning KBES-TV Channel S Mtdford Remaining Hours Today 4:15 Hollywood Park Rose 8:00 World Passport 6:00 Jimmy Durante 6:30 Two For The Money 6:00 Jimmy Durante 6:30 Two For the Money 7:00 Gale Storm Show 7:30 SRO Playhouae 8:00 Your Navy 8: i0 Tennessee rnle Ford 8:30 High Low 9:00 Encore Theatre 9:30 People re Funny 10:00 News 10:05 Chicago Wrestling1 11:00 Saturday Date 12.00 News and Sign Off SUNDAY, JULY It, 1MT 10:30 Tournament mt champions 12:30 Zoo Parade 1:00 Frontiers of Faith 1:30 This is The Life 2:00 Jackson County Public Health 2:30 College Hour 3:00 Disneyland 4:(0 Face The Nation 4:::0 World News Roundup 5:00 The Last Word 5:30 This Is The Answer 6:00 Jill Corey Show 6:15 Dan Smoot Show 6:30 My Favorite Husband 7:00 F.d Sullivan Show 8:00 G E Theatre 8:30 Alfred Hitchcock 9:00 The Web 9:30 Dr. Christian 10:00 Weekly News in Ravle.. 10:15 Gateway 10:30 LI he race 11:00 News and Sign-Off MONDAY, JULY St, 1&5T 10:45 Devotion 10:55 News 11:00 NBC Matinee 12:00 Brighter Day 12:15 Secret Storm 12:30 Kdge of Night 1:00 Comedy Time 1:30 Truth or Consequences 2:00 Its Fun To Reduce 2:15 How Christian Scienoe Heals 2:30 Strike it Rich 3:00 Feminine Fa tide 3:30 World Panspnrt 3:45 Search for Tomorrow K P I C Channel 4 Roseburg Remaining Hours Today S:10 Disneyland 6:30 Hin Tin Tin ABC 7:00 Liberie 7::to People Are Funny NB0 8:00 Geo. Sanders mystery theatre NBC 30 Dollar A Second NBQ -Encore Theatre NBC -Adventure Theatre NBCJ 10 00 Lawrence We Ik--ABC 00 Saturday Cinema SUNDAY, JULY tl, IffSf 11:30 Watch Mr. Wizard -NBJ 12:00 American Forum NBC 12 30 Zoo Parade NBC 1:00 Frontiers of Faith NBOJ 1:30 Outlook NHC 2:00 Public Inter! 2:15 Sunday Matinee 4 00 Championship Bowling 5:00 Meet The Pre NBC 5:30 Cowboy Theatre 6:30 CelebritT Plav house 7:00 Steve Allen NHC 6 001 Led 3 Lives 8:30 DeUnv CBS fl 00 1 he Web NBO 9 10 Father Knows Beat NBC 10:00 "Commandos Strike at Dam, MONDAY, JULY W, ISSt 11-00 NBC Matinee NBC 12:00 gueen For A Day NBO 12:45 Modern Romances NBC 1:00 Comedy Time NHC 1:30 Truth of Consequencea? NB0 2 00 Double Feature Billy Graham Crusade In New York Extended NEW YORK Biltv Graham's New York crusade will b extend ed to Aug. 10. A unanimous decision on xlen sion was reached Friday morning when Graham conferred wilh his team and executive committee at a special breakfast meeting here. CALL OR 3-6655 FOR ELLIS CABS WE NOW HAV AN OFFICE IN ROSEBURG TO GIVE YOU 24 HOUR CAB SERVICE O NEW EQUIPMENT O COURTEOUS DRIVERS PROMPT SERVICE We" ore pleased with your tupport ond would like to thank our many friends who have assisted u in our efforts to get a cab business started in Rose burg. We will do our bast to give you the best cob service possible. Look For The Cabs With The White Top atcC KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Music 4:15 Niwi MBS 4:30 Record Merry G Round M 5:00 Bandstand U.S.A. 5:30 Kraft News MBS 5 :35 Handstand U.S.A. 5:45 Flying A Sport 5:50 Music 6:00 Western Caravan 6:30 Bob Grant News 6:45 Sports Flashes MBS 6:30 Logger's Weather 8:55 Kraft News MBS 7:00 Happy Valley Boyi 7:30 Musical Wheel of Chance M 7:55 Local News 8:00 Beaver BasebaU 10:00 Word Of Life MBS 10:30 Mostly Music 11:00 Tomorrow's Headlinee 11:05 Mostly Music 11:30 Sign Off SUNDAY, JULY II, IB 51 7:30 Sunday Breakfast 8:00 Wings of Healing MBS 8:30 Back To God Hour MBS 0:00 Radio Bible Clans MBS 9:30 Voice of Prophecy MBS 10:00 Headline Edition MBS 10:0.1 News MBS 10: 10 Snorts Flashes MBS 10:15 How Christian Science Heale MB 10:30 Frank and Ernest MBS 10:45 BUI Cunningham MBS 11:00 Across the Blue Pacific MBS 11:15 Thore Who Served 11:30 Marian Theatre MBS 12:00 Variety Time 12:10 Flying A S porta 12:13 Good Citizen 12:30 Mid-Day News 12:45 Game of the Day MBS 3:00 Sport Flashes MBS ;t:05 Local News 3:10 Show Time 3 30 Hawaii Calif MBS MONDAY, JULY St, IB ST 6:00 Dawnbusters 6:25 Flying A S porta 6:30 City Market New 6:3.1 Farmer's Weather 6:40 County Agent 6:45 Alarm Clock Club 7:00 Frank Hemingway MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:4.1 Local New 7:.W Take Ten 8:00 Cliff Engle MBS 8:15 Melody Mill 8:30 Bible Institute MBS 9:00 Kraft News MBS 9:05 Farm Bureau Exchange 9:10 Music 9:15 Carnation Milk Tim 9:30 Lady's Choice 9:45 Are You Listening 10:00 Newspaper of the Air MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 Hons Party 11:00 Kraft News MBS 11:05 Gabriet Heatter MBS 11:10 Stork Club 11:15 Queen For A Day MBS 12:00 Town Crier 12:10 Flying A Sport 12:15 Mid Day New 12:30 Greet Your Neighbor 12:45 Market Reports 12:10 Game of the Day MBS 3:00 Billboard 3:30 Kraft News MBS 3:35 Bob c Ray MBS KYES 950 KC SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1MV 4:00 News Hlghllghu. 4:24 New 4:30 Lucky Logan Show .1:00 News HighliRhts 5:02 Lucky lioan Show 5:25 Spurt News 5:30 Lucky Logan Show fi:00 News Highlights 6:02 Lucky Logan Show 6:25 New 6:30 Lucky Logan Show 7:00 Sign Off SUNDAY. JULY SI, 1BIT 7:00 Sign On 7:03 Wake up to Mutlc 7:25 News 7:30 Navy Show 7:45 Guest Star 8:00 News Highlight 803 Wake up to Musle 8 25 News 8:30 Christian Brotherhood Hour 0:00 News Highlichts 9:03 Broadway Showtime 9:25 News 9:30 Broadway Showtime 10:00 News 10:03 Broadway Showtime 10:2.1 News 10:30 Broadway Showtime 11:00 lcal Church Servicee 11:03 Top Ten Of The Week 11:25 News 11:30 Top Ten Of The Week 12:00 News 1203 Sunday Rambling 12:25 News 12:30 Sundar Rambling 1:00 News 1:03 Mikio that Indure 1:30 Music 1:45 l-et There Be Light 2.00 News 2 03 Old Fashioned Revival Hour 3 00 News 3 0,1 Chowder Marchtn' Ji Debatia Society Meetm S-3.1 New 3:30 More Chowder 4 HO News 4 03 More Chowder 4 25 New 4 .10 More Chowder 5 (HI New 5:0,t Jmt Easr Listening 5-25 Newt 5.10 Jut Easy Listening HO New a o:i Jim Easy LUtenlng 6 21 News 30 Senior Prom 45 Fnrward Marcfc 7 .00 Sign Off JOKE BACKFIRES CHARLOTTE, N.C. LB Pedes trian Clarence Reachem, 38. thought he saw his brother-in-law driving along a street. As a joke, he jumped in front of the automobile. The car, it turned out, didn't belong to his brother-in-law. He was treated at a hospital for minor injuries. KRNR 1490 KC Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Allan Jackson CBS News 4:05 Timbertrail News 4:15 Game Commission Bulletin 4:30 Texaco Sport Final CBS 4:45 Frank Goss, News CBS 4:55 Weather Tomorrow 5:00 Editor' Assignment CBS 5:30 CBS Sport New 5:35 Indictment CBS 8:00 Dinner Munic 8:30 CBS News 6:35 FBI In Peace t War CBS 7:00 CBS Radio Sport 7:15 Gil Henry CBS 7:30 The World Tonight CBS 8:00 Top Tune 8:30 Gil Henry CBS 8:00 Let' Dance 9:30 Speedway 11:00 Sign Off. SUNDAY, JULY 11. 15T 8:00 Sign On 8:01 News CBS 8:05 Musio 8:05 Story Master CBS 8:15 Salt Lake Tabernacle CBS 8:45 Washington Week CBS 8:00 Real Estate Hour 12:00 Woo I worth Hour CBS 1:00 Robert :;out Newi CBS 1:05 Round and Rojnd Society CBS 2:00 Sacred Heart Program 2:15 Muic on Deck 2:30 String Serenade CBS 2:55 CBS News 3:00 The Last Word 3:30 Face the Nation CBS 4:00 Gem Of Melody 4:30 CBS Newsroom Sunday Desk 8:00 Stan Freberg Show CBS 5:30 Hollywood Musio Hall CBS 6:00 Sez Who CBS C:30 Guns moke CBS 6:55 Weather News 7:00 Suspense CBS 7:30 Mitch Miller CBS 8:10 Radio Sports CBS 8:30 The World Tonite CBS 9:00 johnny Dollar CBS 9:30 Music You Want 9:00 Music You Want 9:51 New Nitecap 10:00 Sign Off MONDAY, JULY M, 1B57 6:00 Sign On 6:01 Early Morning Mew 6:05 Dawn Patrol 6:25 News And Weather 6:30 Timberjack Jamboree 7:00 Timbertrail News 7:05 Weather Round Up 7:10 Sports Round Up 7:15 Way Of Life 7:30 Frank Goss, News CBS 7:45 Harry Babbitt CBS 8:00 Down Memory Lane 8:40 Northwest Highlights 8:45 Tickets, Tunes and Toploe 9:00 Nora Drake CBS 9:15 Ma Perkins CBS 9:30 Young Dr. Ma lone CBS 9:45 Road Of Life CBS 10:00 Man About Town 10:15 Second Mrs. Burton CBS 10:30 Ringo 11:00 Wendy Warren. New CBS 11:15 Backstage Wife CBS 11:30 Helen Trent CBS 11:45 Our Gal Sunday CBS 12:00 World News 12:15 Meet The Artist 12:30 Timbertrail New 12:45 Polka Time 1:00 Arthur Godfrey CBS 2:30 House Party CBS 3:00 Ringo WST COAST SHOWS NOW SHOWING Roseburg Opposite Fairgrounds Auspices American Legion RIDES Merry-Co-Round 2 Ferris Wheels Fly-O-Plane Rock-O-Plane Loop-O-Plane Round Up Tilr-A-Whirl Octopus Little Dipper Boat Ride Auto Ride Air-O-Plane Ride Live Ponies HEY, KIDS! Clip this od Good for one free admission at the front gate an special school chil dren's matinee on Saturday, July 20th and Sunday, July 21st, 1 to 5 p.m. ALL MECHANICAL RIDES FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN LAST TIMES SUNDAY JULY 21st Follow the Twin Search- ' lights to the Showgrounds each AT SPECIAL MATINEES CARNIVAL Movie Showtime SATURDAY, JULY t6, 193T INDIAN THEATRE Matineo t p.m. 2 Complete evening shows at 7:00, 9:17. "The Prince and the Show Girl" 1:35, 7:17, 0:37. STAR LITE DR1VEIN "Johnny Tre- maine" 8:27. 11:37. "Ghost Town" 10:14. ! PINE DRIVE IN All star mid-summer dusk to dawn show. Free coffee after midnight i SUNDAY, JULY SI, 1951 INDIAN THEATRB No matinee. 1 boon open 7:15. Curtian 7:30 "The Prince and the Showgirl" at 8:05 only. ' STARLITE DRIVE IN "Tho Halhday Brand" S:27, 11:38,. "The Steel Cage" j 10:11. PINE DRIVEIN "Mr. Cory" 8:22, 12:08 "That Certain Feeling" 10:19. Sunday "THI MOLE PEOPLE" starring John Agar and Cynthia Patrick, plus John Bromfield and Beverly Garland in "CURUCU, BEAST OF THE AMAZON" Ends Tonight "BATTLE HYMN" and "RAW EDGE" Tonight Only GATES 6:45 START DUSK Giant All New Dusk To Dawn SHOW 5 BIG FEATURES CARTOONS, TOO! FREE COFFEE AFTER MIDNITE DONUTS last show AND ALL FOR 65c SUN and MON Tony Curtis Martha Hyer KATHRYN GRANT "MR. CORY" CinemoScopt - Color Plui 2nd Color Hit BOB HOPE EVA MARIE SAINT George Sanders-Pearl Bailey 'That Certain Feeling' TONIGHT: Walt Disneys "Johnny Tremain" plus "Ghost Town" JOSEPH COTTEN 1 :Q0 I WARD BOND BETSY BLAIR i BILL WILLIAMS -and IN thrilling companion ffcatura NEW RULI . GREENVILLE. Miss, (fl Park Director E. M. Ward has set a new rule for the city swimming pool. Women and girls must wear swim caps. Hundreds of hairpins left rusting on the pool floor clog the Dumps and create other maintenance prob lems, he said. Sunday thru Tuesday "MAN FROM DEL RIO", plus Walt Diiney'i "CINDERELLA" Ends Tonight "GUN FOR A COWARD" and "FRANCIS IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE" THE WHOLE TOWN'S COMIN' TO SEE. This Laff HAPPINESS HIT! It's Delightfully Saucy and Hilariously Naughty! THE PRINCE AMD THE SHOWGIRL 2 COMPLETE SHOWS TONITE 7:00 915 Doors 6:45 CURTAIN SUNDAY 7:30 Jttctian ORhard 3-6537 THEATRE CLOSED MONDAY - TUESDAY starts WED! tr BUKT KIRK fe LANCASTERDODGLAS fc .HALWALUSV GUNFIGHTtoe O.K. CORRAL u. ... TFrHNiminn am ft SUNDAY thru TUE! The proud Halliday name was shamed . . . and this was the vengeance that led to the bloodiest father-against-son battle in the South west! VIVECA LINDFORS The exciting real story of DUFFY of SAN QUENTIN . . . THE STEEL CAGE with PAUL KELLY MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN Woltcr Sletak Lowrtnct Titrnty I