Church Activities Local Women Plan To Attend WSCS Coast Conference T.lrs. William Kyssineer o( Rose burg and Mis. Eldon Lej and .Mis. Although Immensely Destructive Atom Is Hope For World's Future By ALTON L. AP Scitnc BLAKESLEE Rtporltr I bloodiest anripH Ocval Pontius of Yoneallj will at tend the Oregon conference ofMeth war in human history : seek and end to tests, all started : tell-tale radioactive atoms made with that secret exolosion 12 years i in atomic furnaces. Radioactive Qnft Haum linht ctr,U AU i lOliaV, iniS Dnei QOZCn yeaiS agO. '""auiuiS viiruic HCdl H "",.?,. r.i' later. West and East stand armed These are worrisome fruits j detecting leaks in oil pipe lines, with atomic weapons which coulJ 'rom the power of the atom. inspecting welds and castings, do obliterate the world's cities and But lint atom also is being con- ing dozens of new jobs. trolled to supply electricity and! Kays irom radioactive atoms : attendance. Satesmen seek a path to disarm make life easier. Several dozen, are coniDauing cancer and other anient. Ordinary folk hope these peacetime atomic power stations awesome weapons can mean an are being built or already operat end to war. Awesome they are. I ing around the world. The atom is A-bombs and H-bombs as vastly I coming to the rescue ot nations magordo. tinting mountains sleep ing unchanged for hundreds of Then in sudden shocking fire and pe.p.'" inry the mountains trembled, blaz ed under the brightest light seen on earth. In that instant, man's future changed irrevocably. Dawn of Ag For this was the dawn of the atomic age, 12 years ago today the New .Mexico desert. Man Glendale Superintendent Attending School Meet Marlen I). Yoder, superintend ent of Ulendale public schools is attending a curriculum study con ference for superintendents on the University of Oregon campus this week. Approximately 25 district and county superintendents are in " i had set off his first atomic ex- Sd:ic!Cistia"ithe new age of atomic powder for auiuuici naming sussiun : 1UQ- Three weeks later more than 78.000 men, women and children died under the atom at Hiroshima. Three more days, and 39.000 per ished at Nagasaki. Quickly, the Service July 21-26 at Camp Magruder near Bar View on the coast. There will be workshops, lead ership training, group discussions, audio-visual aids and a special ses sion designed to aid publicity peo ple of local societies. The press workshop will be conducted by Mrs. Owen S. Cowling, club editor of the Oregonian. Mrs. Chester B. Knapp, New York, assistant to the secretary of missionary education for the divi sion will be a guest and also in struct one of the study courses. Oth er guests will be Marie Conner, missionary to India, and Ella Eis ner, deaconess at Linnton Commu nity Center of Portland. superior to that first Alamagordo explosion as a sleek modern car is to a horse and buggy. Atomic shells for cannon , . . warheads of atomic terror for rockets. . . mis siles that span whole oceans. Fallout Worries Radioactive fallout, the poison ous dust from bomb tests, worrit's and puzzles millions . . housewives and scientists, butchers and diplo mats. Is fallout dooming unborn generations, is it shortening or damaging our own lives? Nations New Grade Sizes For Walnuts Told New grade size specifications for unshelled walnuts and two new grades, mammoth and standard, have been adopted by the state department of agriculture as re sult of a recent hearing. At the same time the Oregon mixed grade was dropped from the walnut ter minology. Some changes in filbert grade standards were considered at the hearing, but these were not adopt ed, according to Frank McKcnnon, plant division chief for the depart ment. The walnut changes are in effect. State inspectors will now grade walnuts on this basis: Mammoth size shall be of a di ameter too large to pass through a round opening 96-64th inch in dia meter. Jumbo size shall be of a diame ter too large to pass through a round opening 80-64th inch in di ameter. Large size shall be of a diameter too large to pass through a round opening 77-64th inch in diameter. Medium size shall be of a di ameter too large to pass through a round opening 73 6 H h inch in dia meter, but will pass through a round opening 79-6tlh inch in di ameter Standard size shall be of a dia meter too large to pass through a round opening 73-6-1 In inch in di ameter. Baby size shall be of a diameter too large to pass through a round opening 60-6-llh inch in diameter, but will pass through a round open ing 74-64th inch in diameter. Walnuts less than 60-641 h inch in diameter are to be regarded as culls. The effect of the changes is to reduce fractionally the size of the jumbo and large grades and in crease the size of medium grade. The tolerance remains at 12 per cent for all sizes. Los Angeles Progressing In Battle Against Smog I.OS ANGELES Wi - The metro politan giant of the West today can claim substantial progress in its nine-year battle against the smog which had threatened to strangle it. The Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District said the smog-producing elements of industry and rubbish incineration have been largely controlled or will be, upon completion of programs now near ing conclusion. This, said the annual report of control officer S. Smith Griswold, leaves only the automobile exhaust as a major source of smog. And auto exhaust, said the AFCD. will be a critical problem for at least another four years. Cost of the antismog battle since it was launched in 1948 was esti mated at $72,770,000 in the report, issued yesterday. Industry has in vested 50 millions in devices to control smoke and fumes. The APCD has spent $10,320,000 on its control program. Research ex penditures bv other agencies amount to $12,450,000. Has the amount of smog actual ly been reduced? There has not been a smog alert so far this year. At this time last year there had been three. There were 10 alerts in 1956, compared wilh 15 in 1955. An alert is called when the amount of ozone in the air reach es .50 part per million parts of air. The ozone content is considered 20,000 Hail Pope Pius In Last Summer Audience VATICAN CITY ( Twenty thousand pilgrims and tourists hailed Pope Pius XII Wednesday in what probably will be his last audience of the summer in St. Peter's Basilica. The 81-year-old head of the Ro man Catholic Church is expected to leave Vatican City Saturday for his Castel Gandolfo summer residence on the shore of Lake Albano, 18 miles southeast of Rome. He will probably stay there until early winter. a measure of air pollution. The APCD said there have been fewer days of heavy eye irritation below alert level this year than in 1956. for and like Britain already hungry lack of cheap or enough coal oil. The atom is driving submarines, faster and farther than ever be fore possible. It soon will power airplanes and surface ships, some day trains too. Atom Benefitting The atom is giving us new and better products. It has saved in dustry millions of dollars through diseases, solving secrets of the human body, radioactive atoms are helping farmers. devising more efficient fertilizers, promis ing more disease-resistant plants. For four years from Alamagor do. America enjoyed an atomic buinb monopoly. I Russia rudely shocked us I awake with her first A-bomb test : in 1949, raced us closely to achieve a super-weapon, the H-honib. ! In 12 years, the United States has detonated 72 A-bombs and 11- bombs or devices, Russia at least 124 and likely more. Britain 10. i Russia scored with the first real I power-producing atomic planl. Marv's Peak Expedition ! Britain is counting heavily on pow - . j in Ann ' "r 'rom Hie atom within a few Expected 10 Draw IU.UJU years. We have more than a doz- m, ,.u I en civilian A-plants rising or plan- CORVALLIS UPi The 12tn an- ncd otwr natjons are tapping the nual Shrine trek to Marys Peak atom for pcacuftil growth. With will be held Ar.g. 4, with upwards natllral fuels facing depeltion, the of 10.000 persons expected to atom is a main hope for tne attend the outing, 27 miles west ' ...nHH's .,. oi nere On Thursday and Friday, the Funds from the event will be turned over to the Shriners Hos pital for Crippled Children in Portland. PROGRESS REPORT MEMPHIS wi Progress Street in Memphis is a deadend street. will join the study group thus com bining their summer meeting with the curriculum conference. The combined conference is sponsored by the State Department of Educa tion, Oregon Association of School Administrators and the University of Oregon. The conference is the third in a current series of conferences de voted to curriculum study for su perintendents which have been sponsored by the State Depart ment of Education. Son Of Local Couple Named To Club Office Lt. Cmdr. Lewis M. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, 2526 V. Alamosa Ct. has neen named secretary of the Laurel, Miss . Ex change Club. The officer is commander of the Laurel Navy Reserve Training Cen ter and he has served 17 years in the Navy. Cmdr. Moore resides in l am el with his wife and three children! Thuri. July 18, 1957 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 9 13 Millions Spent Since f48 To Better Columbia Fishery PORTLAND I Another $1,- 200,000 was spent in construction to improve the Columbia River fishery in the past fiscal year, the federal Fish and Wildlife Service said here. That increased to 13 million dol lars the amount spent in construc tion since 1948 in rehabilitating the salmon runs of the Columbia, regional director Leo L. Laythe said. The program is expected to cost 50 million before completion. He reported: completion of one new hatchery; a start on two new hatcheries and two fishways around impassable falls; numer ous stream clearing projects and the entrance of Idaho into the pro gram. Idaho signed a contract with the Fish and Wildlife Service that will allow the federal gency to begin a study of upper Columbia tribu taries in that state and to install Hiver basin. fish screens in the upper Salmon The five federal hatcheries in the program released more dition to the five hatcheries opei ated by Oregon and the four by Washington in the program. Work started on the $550,000 Cascade Hatchery, to be operated by Oregon, and the $643,000 Beav er Creek Hatchery to be operated by Washington. Site clearance started on a new hatchery on the Kalama River in Washington. Fishways were cpmpleted on the Kalama, Washougal and Wind riv ers and Cedar Creek in Washing ton and on the middle falls of Eagle Creek in Oregon. Construction started on a fish way at the lower falls of Eagle Creek and a fishvay at Elk Horn falls on the Little North Santiam River in Oregon. BOYS WILL BE BOYS KENOSHA, Wis. I A tussla at the local home for aged wound up with a man in his late 70s strik ing a 65-year-old companion with a glass jar, knocking him over a ta ble. The older man, complaining of a than i remark by the other man, said he 37 million salmon in the past year, "wasn't taking that from younger Laythe reported. These are in ad-1 boys." PROSPECTS GOOD PARIS in The French gov ernment has decided to put the brakes on measures to cut down France's wine surplus. The rea son is that the outlook is for greater demand when the Euro- Several pean common market becomes a been ; reality. Since 1953, the government has farmers indemnities for up- vines producing ordinary Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back! Wizard Pure Vinyl Soaker-Sprinkler Holes all way 'round for complete soaking ocverage. Tough vinyl lasts for years, won't rot or mildew. Stand ard brass coupling. Soaks area up to 12-ft. wide. 2X1764 11 3 (HAK0AL T 18-Cube Charcoal and Lighter Fluid Dig 10-11). bail charcoal briquettes plus pint of charcoal lighter. Bin h a must for perfect outdoor cooking. 7ojoo. Reg. 1,58 value! n NO LIE GEORGE, Wash, i hundred cherry trees have planted here in honor of the name sake of this new and unincorpor- paid ated town site. A businessman at i rooting nearby Quincy bought the site so i wines because of a tremendous he could make sure a town of j surplus of wine and alcohol which George, Washington, was establish ed in this area where Columbia River dam projects are bringing rapid growth. RUMMAGE SALE SET was building up. Gamma Iota chapter, Epsilon Sig ma Alpha, will hold a rummage sale Saturday at the Elks Club be ginning at 8 a.m. Anyone wishing FAIR TRADE ROCKY FORD, Colo, iji Farm ers in this area famous for its watermelons have been asked to I plant an extra acre or two this year for the Arkansas Valley Fair .Sept. 5. Ted Ryan, secretary-man-iager of the fair association, esti mates 25.000 tons of watermelons p.m. or call OR 2-l.Vi.i to have it picked up. fair. Double-Edged 37" Grass Whip 9" blode hocks thn toughest gross or weeds! XI470 '2 MISS ROSEBURG ON TV MINNESOTANS TO GATHER A four-stale gathering of ex-Goph- lers. Alinnesotans now living on the Filmed excerpts from the recent west coast, will be held Julv 28 at Hiss Roseburg Pageant will be Jantzen Beach Park in Portland. h, Heavy Duty Brass Nozzle shown on the Red Reynolds Big The Minnesota picnic will draw Roundup show over KPIC-TV to- participants from Oregon, Califor night at 5 p in. The film will be re-! nia. Washington and Idaho for their run Friday evening at 7:15. 'annual outing. mi NEW PLATEAU Ha' March, who attained fame on tele vision's "$64,000 Question'' as a qimmastrr, has leached a new plateau. Hi's tn the movies now a goal he's aimed at since he wa 17. He rehearses a scene here for "Hear Me Good." in which he teams up with Joe K. Rexs. Ross plays Mess Sgt. Ritzik on Phil Silvers' ".Sgr Bilko" TV show. Mirth and Ross play Bioadway sharpies who fix a beauty contest for I gangster'! girl friend ross. 3 Vx lone Fits stondord hose XI 139 jJNIUO Auto Floor Protector Mo Heavy rubber front or back, colon. 2ND 10-14 This Weekend! Only Values to $2.15 Now Only A Dollar (01 470 "Semi-Pro" Baseball Bat Well-turned and bal anced. Assorttd len gths. GU70 JW17" Soft Fiber Wash Mitt cosy cor-washing! Ar lustoble whit strar 3P8M1 'II Flashlight & Batteries Heavy-duty flash Weatherproof and $hockproof. 5J4237.. 1 .mjoo.oi.iwos Heavy Duty Screwdriver; Shockproof plastic hondlei. Blodes 1 '. 4" HI300.1.4.5 Three-Bladed Jack Knife Cotileman'i k n I f with clip, pen and ipoy blades. Ml 443 n Iron Board Pad & Cover Heavy muslin, itain, scorch resistant Por ous. 5J7403 12-ft. Steel Tape Rule Aceurote, easy -read Corrpoct 4H6538 ,1 BUYS ANY TABLE LAMP OR SMOKING STAND IN THE STORE. VALUES TO $18.50. HURRY QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED. 6-12 V. Auto Trouble Lamp Plugs into hghtir soc ket' 12-ft. cord. shield, hook. 216278 Expansion Watch Bands $ Your choice: gold plated or stainless , steel. Ml 181.2 lostorn gluto Corner of Stephens and Cass Streets Phone OR 3-4522 Store Hours 9- 5:30 Croup Your Purchases Use Our Easy Pay Plan!