8 Tbt Newi-Ritw, Roieburg, 1 Community News Items j Mr. and Mrt. Ruiitll Betti and children returned Friday from Den ver, where they spent two weeks with relatives. Mn. Edgar Sitten who is with the 1'yramid Insurance Company in Aledford, is spending the week in Roseburu at the Hotel Hose while attending to business. She ii the mother of E. 1'. Silton of this city. CARNIVAL NOW SHOWING ROSEBURG Opposite Fair Grounds Auspicet American Legion, Post 16 LIVE PONIES THE LARGEST SHOW PLAYING THE WEST COAST 15 BIG RIDES 15 10 BIG SHOWS 10 KIDDIE LAND VISIT rha mammoth gay-way of light and eights truly a fairy-land of wonders sur passing the nights of old Arabia! Follow the Twin Search lights to the Showgrounds a modern room air conditioner is easily and inexpensively installed ... k dehtmidifies and filters toe air removing excessive moisture, dtt, dirt, and pollens cleansing the air of mtpleattant smoke and odors ... it provides the exact temperature you want in your home automatically ... with modern home tr conditioning, you sleep better, feel better, look better, live better! TO PROTECT YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR DISPOSITION ... IV t BF TIM S Ort. Wd July 17, 1957 a i a r. . n nn,i i,.., Imrs, a. w, wuriiiin aiiu uuuv las Deeanne visited relatives in Seattle during the last of the week. i Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Coopor of 487 MS Kusseil, enjoyed i trip to Crater Lake and Bend over the weekend. Miss Eltaner Wilson of Yakima, Wash., is here as the houseguesl of Miss Charlotte Hyre, member of the Douglas County Library staff. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Purcall and family have been enjoying a week's vacation at various coastal lanes. I'urcell was on vacation from his I job with Oderkirk's Distributing i Co. i Mrs. E. P. Sitton went to Eu gene Tuesday evening to meet the Shasta Daylight and bring her husband back to Roseburg. Mr. Sit ton has been working in Califor nia for the last couple of months. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hagadorn of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Blue of Sioux City, Iowa, spent the weekend in Roseburg visiting the Hagedorns' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don ilagedorn, ' and small daughter, Jennifer. Don lis a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Blue. Attending the International Chris tain Endeavor Convention of the First Christian Church all week in Cortland last week from the First Christian Church of Roseburg were Sabra Dnrath, Jean Lesher, Mari lyn Martin, Bob Caudill, Lynn Caroll, Carolyn Bibler, .Jonetta Smith, Darlene Carew, Darlene : and Melissa Hill, Grace Clausen, ! Alice Paulson and Judy Christen ' sen, with Margaret Buchanan and Duane Howell as advisors, and the Rev. and Mrs. Newell Morgan, teachers. The Morgans were ac companied by their daughter, Paula. Preceding the week in Port ' land the Morgans made a trip to South Haven, Kansas, to spend I their vacation visiting friends. The Rev. Mr. Morgan formerly served the Christian Church there. The VODKA of VODKAS There's a (lifVcreiica in vodkas and it'i a diflcrencs worth knowing. Driest of the dry! Qmrnoff THE GREATEST NAME IK VODKA 10 MOOr. DIJIILltD IIOII GRAIN. (DIVISION OF HFUBUIN). HARTFORD. CONN,. FOR A HSPPIER, lm ,7 V 1 T .S f'tia' ai-. .F.c... -.Mar SEE YOUR FAVORITE APPLIANCE DEALER Mr, and Mrs. Bruct Elliott were in Eugene Sunday to attend the wedding of Lt. Gene Henry, a for mer local resident. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Bunch and son, Merle, of Lebanon, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hanson and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dal.n.y, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hess and Mrs. Flora Hess of this city enjoyed the week end at the Delaney cottage at Siltcoos Lake. Mrs. and Mrs. William Payne and family of this city are enjoy ing their vacation in Greenville, S. C. Visiting the former's relatives. Mr. Payne is a coach at the high school here. Mr. and Mrs. Jtrry Ounagan and children, Ronnie and Vickie, have left for their home in Stock ton Calif., following a visit here with Mrs. Dunagan's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ged des, and family, on SE Lane Ave nue. Mrs. Flora Harvay and Miss Car ol Trimble are leaving Saturday for Montana, where the former will go on to Missoula. She has been granted a two weeks leave of absence from the Douglas Cun- ty Libraty in order to help con duct a Workshop at the University of Montana on the selection of ma terials for children and young peo ple in libraries. Mist V. Vivian Logsdon has been appointed to serve on the budget committee of the Rebekah Assem bly of Oregon for the coining year. Going from Roseburg Rebekah Lodge No. 41 to Sutherlin Satur day night for the reception honor ing Mary Barker, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, were Mrs. Fred Goff, Mrs. J. B. Bailey, Mrs. J. Earl Pickens, Mrs. Reba Hartley, Mrs. V. T. Jackson, Mrs. Frank Poole, Mrs. J. L. Saunders, Miss V. Vivian Logsdon and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Damn. lt. PIERRE SMIRNOFF FtS U.S.A.. FRANCE. ENGLAND. MEXICO H HEALTHIER FAMILY... AIR CONDITION! Tha following rodio and teltviiion programs art printed as a frae public lervica tor Nawi-Raviaw reodors. All progrom listings are published as received from the raipactiva tta tioni. The Nawi-Ravitw dolt not accept reiponiibility tor variation trom original tchedulet furnished thii nawipoper. KRNR 1490 KC Remaining Hours Today 5 00 Edward R Murrow 5:15 Miuical MomciiU 5 30 Texaco SporU Final CBS 5:45 Frank Goat CBS 5 55 We thr Tomorrow 6 00 Robert Trout. Nw CBS 6:05 Timbertratl News 6:15 Lowell Thomiv -CBS 6:tO Sport News CBS :i5 Amo N Andy CBS 7;00 Easy LutcninK 8:35 Timberlrall Newt 8:00 Easy Listening 8 :jO Robert Q. Law i CBS 10:00 CBS Newi 10::0.1 Rusty Draper Show 10:30 Muiie To Dream By 11:00 Sign Olf THURSDAY, JIILT 18, 1.T 6:00 Sign On 6i01 Fint Edition Ncwi 0; 05 Dawn Patrol 6:25 News And Weather 6:30 Timber jack Jamhore 7:00 Timberlrall News 7:05 Weather Roundup 7:10 Sports Roundup 7:15 Way of Life 7:30 Frank Cost, Newi CBS 7:45 Harry Babbitt CBS 8:00 World News 8:10 Down Memory Lane 8:40 Northwest Highlights 8:45 Ticket Tunes and Topics 9:00 Nora Drake CBS 9:15 Ma Perkins CBS 9:30 Young Dr. Malon CBS 9:45 Road of Life CBS 10 00 Man About Town 10:15 Second Mrs. Burton CBS 10:30 Ringo 11:00 Wendy Warren, News CBS 11:15 Backstage Wife CBS 11:30 Helen TrentCBS 11:45 Our Gal Sunday CBS 12:00 World News 12:15 Meet the Artist 12:30 Timbertrall News 1:00 Arthur Godfrey CBS 12:45 Polka Time 2:30 Houm Parly CBS .1:00 H in go 3:30 Fool in Around with Records Elmer Young, who was recently discharged from the VA Hospital ill Portland, is reported to be get tinx along nicely at his home here. Mr. and Mrt. James E. Judd, owners of Judd's Furniture store here, have returned from Seattle, where they spent the last week at tending the Furniture Market. They stopped over the weekend en route home in Kugene to visit their son and daughter-inlaw, the Rev. and .Mrs. Newell Morgan, and daughter, Paula. Vivian Pasmore, employe of the Roseburg Lumber Co., Miss Carol Trimble and Miss Charlotte Hyre. members of the Douglas County Library staff, and the latter's house guest, Miss Eleanor Wilson, of Yakima, Wash., enjoyed a trip Saturday to Gold Beach, where they took the mail boat trip up to Agness and back on the Rogue River. New Pocket 'Telephone' Introduced By Company AIAENTOWN, Pa. iPi A pocket "telephone" was put into service in the Allentown-Bethlehem area here by the Bell Telephone Co. It is actually a transistor radio receiver about the size of a cig arette pack. The carrier can do signaled from a central switch' board that he is wanted. Then he goes to a telephone and dials a i pre-arranged number. j A special operator will handle i the calls. She dials a number which transmits a radio signal. within an eight-mile range, to the requested receiver. The signal ac tivates four reeds in the set, emit ting Bell says, "a pleasant whistle." AIR CONDITION! K P I C Channtl 4 Roseburg Remaining Hours Today 4:30 Guest Book 4:00 Big Roundup 5:45 The News 5:50 Sports Headlines; 5:55 Weather Report C. 00 Superman 6:;j0 Telephone Time ABC 7 00 Whirl birds 7:30 Life With Elizabeth 8:00 Kraft TV Theatre NBC 9:00 This la Your Life NBC 9:30 Sheriff of Cochise 10:00 Texas Rasslin 10:30 The News 10:55 Tonight NBC THlKKDAV, J lit 1, 1MT 11:00- Matinee NBC 12:00 Queen for A Day NBC 12:45 Modern Romances NBC 1 :00 Comedy Time NBC 3:30 Truth or Consequences NBC 2:00 The Movies 4:30 Four-Thirty Date 3:00 Big Roundup 5:45 The News 5:50 Sports Headlines 3:55 Weather Report 6 00 Range Rider 6:30 llawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans 7:00 Best Of Groucho NBC 7:30 Dragnet NBC 8:00 Dr. Hudson 8:30 High-Low NBC 9:00 Lux Video Theatre NBC 10:00 Request Playhouse 10:30 The News 10:35 Tonight NBC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8 00 The Happy 0bay Show 6:25 News 6:30 Happy O'Day Show 6:53 Weather Summary 7:00 News Highlight!! 7:03 The Happy O'Day Show 7:25 News 7:30 The Happy O'Day Show 8:00 News HighllKhit 8:03 The Happy O'Day Show 8:23 Featurescupe 8:30 The Jim O'Neil Show 9:00 News Highlights 9:03 Tiie Jim O'Neil Show 9:25 Community Calendar 9:30 The Jim O'Neil Show 10:00 News Highlights 10:03 The Lucky Logan Show 10:25 Newi 10:30 The Lucky Logan Show 11.00 Newi Highlights 11:03 The Lucky Logan Show 11:25 News 11:30 The Lucky Logan Show 12:00 News 12:03 The Lucky Logan Show 12:25 News 12:30 The Lucky Logan Show 1:00 News Highlights 1:03 The Happy O'Day Show 1:25 News 1:30 The Happy O'Day Show 2:00 News Highlights 2:03 The Happy O'Day Show 2:25 Community Calendar 2:30 The Happy O'Day Show 3.00 News Highlight. 3:02 Jim O'Neil Show 3:25 News 3:30 The Jim O'Neil Show 4:00 News Highlights 4:0:t The Jim O'Neil Show 4:25 News 4:30 The Luckv Logan Show 5:00 News Htghllglu.i 5:02 Lucky Logan Show 5:25 Sport News 5:30 The Lucky Logan Show 6.00 News Highlights 6:02 Lucky Logan Show 6:25 News 6:30 Lucky Logan Show 7:00 Sign Off 200 Children Selected To Creel- Skelton's Son MADRID Two hundred Spanish school children have been selected to greet young Richard Skelton when he arrives in Mad rid, organizers of the Demonstra tion oof Faith announced here. Richard, y year-old son of co median Ked Skelton, is suffering from leukemia, a form of cancer. Skelton is taking the boy on a tour to show him as much of the world as possible. (08) KBES-TV Channtl 5 Mtdford Remaining Hours Today 4-00 Shenfii Posie 4 30 Uncle Bill's Show 9:00 Religion In th New 5:15 Doug Edwards And Tiw News 5:30 Man to Man 5:45 Your T V Weatherman 5:60 News 6:00 U.S. Steel Hour 7:00 Cisco Kid 7:30 Life With Elizabeth 8 00 The Millionaire 8 30 I've Got A Secret 9:00 American Legend 9:30 The Big Picture 10:00 Readers Digest 10:30 News 10::i5 Lawrenct Welk 11:35 Sign Off TIM RSDAV, JtLY IS, 19&T 10:45 Devotions 10:55 News 11:00 NBC Matlnea 12:00 Brighter Day 12:15 Secret Storm 12:30 Edge of Night 1:00 Comedy Time 1:30 Truth or Consequences 2:00 Its Fun To Reduct 2:15 Gateway 2:30 Strike it Rich 3:00 Feminine Fancies 3:30 World Passport 3:45 Search for Tomorrow 4:00 Hin Tin Tin 4:30 Uncle Bill's Show 5:00 Gateway 5:15 Doug Edwards and the Ktwa 5:30 Ore Cal Panorama 6:15 Your TV Weatherman 6:20 News 6:30 Gateway 6:45 Pappy Coleman 7:00 Groucho Marx 7:30 Clima: 8:30 Sheriff of Cochise 9:00 The Playhouse 9:30 Dick WalKh and Hi Friends 10:00 This Week In Sports 10:15 World Passport 10:30 News 10::i5 This U Your Life 11:05 News & Sign Off KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Billboard ' 4:15 Frank Hemingway MBS 4:30 Tello Teat MBS 4:43 Sam Hayes MBS ' 4:35 Bub Greene MBS 5:00 Music 5:2,1 Heidelberg News 5:30 News Report MBS 5:45 Flying A Sports 5:50 Traffic Jam 6:00 Fulton Lewis MBS 6:15 Music 6:30 Bob Grant News 6:45 Farm Bureau Exchange b.M Logger's Weather 6:35 Kraft News MBS 7:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 7:05 Bill Brundige MBS 7:15 Rhythm At Random 7 25 City Market News 7:30 Gahgbusters MBS 7:55 Headline Edition MBS 8:00 Beaver Baseball 1000 Horatio Hornblower 10:30 Mostly Music 11:00 Tomorrow's Headlines MBS 1103 Mostlv Musle 11:30 Sign Off THURSDAY, JULY 18. X85T 6 00 Dawnbusters 6:25 Flying A Sports 630 City Market News 6:35 Farmer's Weather 6:40 County Agent 6:43 Music 7:00 Frank Hemingway MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:45 Local News 7:50 Garden Tips And Tune 7:55 Music 8:00 Cliff Engle MBS 8:15 Melody Mills 8:30 Haven Of Rest MBS 9:l0 Kraft News MBS 9:03 Fnrm Bureau Exchange 9:10 Music 9:30 Lady's Choice 9:43 Are You Listening 10:00 Newspaper Of The Air MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 Morning Melodies 11:00 Kraft News MBS 11:05 Gabriel Heatter MBS 11:10 Stork Club MBS 11:15 Queen For A Day MBS 12:00 Town Crier 12:05 Music 12:10 Flving A Sports 12:15 Mid Day News 12:30 Greet Your Neighbor 12:45 Market Reports 12:50 Game Of The Day MBS .1:00 Billboard 3:30 Kraft News MBS 3:35 Bob & Ray MBS K0IN-TV Channel 4 Portland Remaining Hours Today S:M Mr Friend Flick 8 iJO Mr. Weatherman fl:lM Sportirene 6:10 News Parade 15 Red's Gang 30 Sheriff of Corhise 7 00 Vic Damons Show 8:00 The Millionaire 8 :t0 I've Got A Secret 900 Studio 57 9 tO Death Vallev Days 10:00 History Mystery 10.10 Citv Desk 10X5 News Wire 10 40 "The Lonesome Trail" THlRSfMT. JI'I.T 11, TOO Panorama Pact fid 8:00 Valiant Lady 815 Love of Life 8 :tO Search for Tomorrow 8 45 Guiding Ltht 9 00 Crontute News B IO Stand up 9 .10 As World Turns 10 00 Our Mm Brooks 1010 House Pariv 11 00 The Btf Pavoff 11 .10 Bob Crobv Show 12 on Brighter Dav 12 15 Secret Storm 12 .10 Ede of Night 100 Garry Mono Show 1 :to Arthur Godfrey 2 .10 KUIN Kitchen .1 00 Strike It Rich 3:30 Blork-Biuter (juls 3:45 Armchair Theatre Movie Showrimt WKDNFMIAY. JI'I.T 17, IBM INDIAN THKA1KE - On romplrtf show Itm-tlnf t 7:30 Doors 7 13 "Th Prince end the Showgirl" at 8 OA onh . STAH1.ITE DRIVr.tN - Buck' nifM All our mr can hold admitted for Just one bufk Mun From The Ala mo ' B 27, 11 37. "South Sea Woman" 10 13 PINE DRIVE IN "D-Dav. The Sixth or June a u. 11 20 -The Court JM- r, 10 .12 Till USD AT. Jl I T l. 1M7 INDIAN THEATHE Curtain at 7 10 Doora open 7 IS "Tha Prince and the show Girl" at R 05 only. STAR1.ITE DRIVEIN Johnny Tr. nln 8 27. 1137. "Ghoat Town ' 10 14 PINE DRIvriN "D-Dar. Tha Sluh of June ' fl 22. 11 20. "The Court Jest er " 10.13 CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGE NO OBLIGATION Taitt all standard Radia and TV tubas now In mm. USE OUR SELF-SERVICI TV DEPARTMENT Opan trom 9 to 9 trary Dav CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. APPOINTED SALEM Lee E. Caldwell Portland representative of the United Steelworkers of America, was appointed by Gov. Holmes here to the Port of Portland Coin mission. He succeeds Clell Harris, aUi a Portland union official. Hams resigned to join the federal Medi ation Service in Washington, D.C TOMORROW AT 1 pm THE CHILDREN'S THEATRE PRESENTS Rob't Louis Stevenson's "LONG JOHN SILVER ON TREASURE ISLAND" CinemaScope - Technicolor plus- 3 STOOGES COMEDY 3CART00NS "King Of The Rocket Men" iplus: FUN ON THE STAGE WATERMELON EATING CONTEST FOR THE CHILDREN mm NOW thru FRI HERE'S MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT AT IT'S BEST! ROBERT TAYLOR RICHARD TODD Dana Winters Ed. O'Brien in CinemaScope - Color "D-DAY, THE SIXTH OF JUNE" The Day The World Held It'i Breath! PLUS DANNY KAYE CLOWN PRINCE OF COMEDY'S "The Court Jester" Vliro Vision - Technicolor itsadateT We'll See 'Yo At Our Big Mid-Summer Dusk To Dawn Show SAT!! Delightfully Naughty . . DARINGLY SAUCY . . jTf VOK CURTAIN JfZ f'J&Wm T6NIGHT Sow l-V I r"i CCAItrrrsM . 4 . 1-v ' J " " i V ' ' AND AS WE I yfr, frlZfit1 H SAID BEFORE f lJVl 1 "EVERYTHING?" f? J WnX? WW 41 - M Marilym Monroe As showgirl with the sliding shoulder-strap, Laurence Olivier Ho never shoold have seen her show--he never, never should have seen her later! The France and the ShowSirl NOW thru SUNDAY Thundo thru Saturday "GUN FOR A COWARD" ifar ring Fred MocMurroy, Jeffrey Hunter end Janice Rule, plul Mickey Raaney and The talking mule, in "FRANCIS ; IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE" Endl Tonight "SILVER CITY" ond "STRATE GIC AIR COMMAND" OR 2-379! l.BWW!li!tWllJ "Buck Nite" Tonite! $00 All Your Car $l00 I Can Carry I "SOUTH SEA WOMAN" plus "Man from the Alamo" THUR-FRI-SAT Run Johnny Run! The exciting story of fighting youth who lived adventure's greatest hour ! Walt Disney PRESENTS Johnny Tremain color by TECHNICOLOR ADDED THRILLS .-nr IIUAttO IntU UNillD IIIiti BLUSHINGLY TOLD IN TECHNICOLOR r--i.- iiraav ADDED TREATS BUGS BUNNY at "All BABA BUNNY" LATE NEWS EVENTS