f 8 The Newi-Reviaw, Roseburg, Santa FeCun Tote r Wins SANTA KE. N..M. I There was a deathly silence as the four gunslingers, hands poised above their pistols, stood faee to face in a rodeo arena. Suddenly, their hands flashed down and the guns seemed to leap from the holsters. The silenre was broken by Ihe roar of gunfire. Bill Reust of Sanla Ke slipped bis smoking gun back into the holster. He had proven ha was the king of the gunslingers. Even though outdrawn and out shot, the other three managed lo walk away from the gunfight with out a scratch. The gunslingers were using cap pistols and shot against the slop watch and not each other. Reust, the winner, is 10 years old. The second-place finisher, I.ars Henderson of Los Angeles, is 9. It all started when Lars and his 11-year-old brother Eric appeared on a television show demonstrat ing some new cap pistols. The boys were touted as the fastest on the draw. The Santa Kc youngsters, from the stomping grounds of Billy the Kid, cried, "Draw and prove it, Podner." Janice Nicholson, 12, the second member of the Santa Ke gang, finished third and Eric was last. Oakridge Construction Workers Go On Strike OAK RIDGE, Tenn. W A la bor dispute idled approximately 900 workmen on construction jobs at Oak Kidge's three atomic energy plants Monday. An Atomic Energy Commission spokesman said production work ers at the plant ignored picket lines and reported for work as usual. The spokesman said the dispute started last Wednesday when 58 carpenters walked out. They were joined Thursday by a small group of millwrights. One informed source said the work stoppage was caused by a union jurisdictional dispute involv ing the carpenters. But Carpen ters' Local 50 business agent Gene Los in ah denied this. An AEC official said there was no major construction work under way here. NOW SHOWING July 16th to July 21st Inclusive CARNIVAL ROSEBURG Opposite Fairgrounds west COAST SHOWS Sponsored by American Legion Post 16 DARE DEVIL MOTOR DROME RIDERS 15 Big Rides 15 10 Big Shows 10 FUN HOUSE Follow the Twin Search Light! to the Fairgrounds The World's Most Honored Show SMSPt Plcoie Do Not Moke The 197 Mile Tnp Te See Vr'J"1' This Show Without Orderinq Seott In Arfonce. VV& W Wr trr j-dl'' -4 52 Bf Picture Award, MICHAEL TODD'S and World-Wide .ip-H3 WEEK! " DAVID NIVEN fyW rl,PW CANTINFLAS c ' ROBERT NEWTON jjj p" Ar1j$ 1 SHIRLEY MacLAINE 4 OVJ CIMwT Featurine 44 -Cameo." Star m , ,, , tlCHNICOlOr . SHU UOUI MOMFUT mm s i ritiMN. i,om u,.ci.k.,cb, win ;,', ,H ,M nana p.rt.,... ... VIRNI O.f.clfd b W.CHAIl khOIMSON M aMBVvaaBB "i. Ill Sit till 11 K. I .j,-.. j. i. Parker's ".' i" BROADWAY n. m inm . ... . Mr.. only Oregon Showing ' j 0 ,,,,. Ore. Tues. July 16, 1957 TO SEARCH THE STARS The niw radio telescope at Jodrell Bank. Knc. i ready for use d urine the Internalional Geophysical Vear. Trie 2.000-(on Instrument, straddled on two supports which run on circular tracks, can detect stellar signals from any angle in space. 1,800 Carpenters To Co On Strike POCATEIXO, Idaho Itfl Kigh teen hundred carpenters union members go on strike in southern Idaho Wednesday morning, an of ficial of the Kiicky Mountain Dis trict Council of Carpenters an nounced Monday. Virgil Tullis, council executive secretary, said the strike wouid be general, starting at 8 a.m.. i-x- Iceul for the Boise local, some maintenance workers at the Atom- jic Kngergy Commission's National Keactor resting Million and some other minor exceptions. Tullis said the strike is for high er wages. The union, he said, originally asked $3 per hour, plus health and welfare benefits. Contractors olfeied a pay in crease of 45 cent per hour, spread over 32-monlh period. The present pay scale is $2.(5 per hour. Tullis said Ihe dispute is in the hands of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, but there are no further negotiation meet ings scheduled. The strike will cover all of Ida ho south of Elk City. Tullis said the heaviest concentration of men affected is in the I'ocalello-ldulio Kalis reactor station area of east ern Idaho. Included will be work ers on Idaho Power Co.'s Brown lee Dam project. Tennessee Editor Cited For Courage CARBONDAl.K, 111. I Horace V. Wells Jr., editor of the Clinton Cl'enn.i Courier-News, received Ihe 1 S.r7 Klijah P. l.ovejoy award for courage in Journalism Mon day. Wells accepted Ihe award, a lironze plaque honoring an Alton (111.) abolitionist editor killed by a mob in 1837, at a third national conference of weekly newspaper editors, sponsored by Southern Il linois 1'nivcrsity's journalism de part menl. Dr. Howard long, department chairman, said Wells devoted him self to the principals of law and order while "subjected lo the scorn and abuse of a large ele ment of his community." Clinton was the center last year of a Negro-white clash over school integration. Some WK) Tennessee National Guardsmen finally moved in and reslored order. Marijuana Cigarettes Bring Fine, Sentence EWGKNK :V - Ito.k 'n roll musician Kdward James Silvers Jr., 2!l, of the Fats Domino hand, was given a six-mpnlh suspended j.id sentence and a' $2M fine Mon day when he pleaded guilly in Lane Circuit Court to illegal pos session of a narcotic drug. Silvers, of Kansas Cily, Mo , was arrested last Wednesday after a deputy sheriff m plain chillies said he had purchased some marijuana cigarettes from Silvers with marked money. The musician had played for a dance here the previous night Willi Kats Domino's band. The district attorney's offk-e said a charge of selling narcotics is Mill pending against Silver, hut he is being permitted lo rejoin 'Ihe Domino hand, al Seattle. Vacationers From Clendale Attend California Wedding By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Mr. and Airs. Carl Anderson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hone, all of Clendale, returned last week from Southern California and Nevada. They left here July .1, visiting at Al llamra. Calif., with Anderson's parents, then driving on lo San Di ego to the Coronado Naval base. They were present for the Navy wedding of Ihe former Darla Joyce Hone lo Carl P. (Lucky Kalcone at Ihe Balboa Baptist Church July 7. The couple were married May 30 in Tia Juana, Mexico, hut repeti tion of the ceremony was neces sary because the Navy does not accept Mexican marriages for pur poses of allolnient. After (he wedding the (Herniate parly relurned home via Yosemile National Park and Virginia Cily, New They also visiled Heno. Baby Girl Born Mr. and Mrs. James Doss of Quines Creek, near Aalea, are Ihe parents of a 4 pound II ounce haby girl, Maria Jean, horn at 1:40 p.m. July 4, at Josephine Hos pital in (Iranls Pass. The Lester Crofts, the Bill Croffs, and (he Jim Croffs, all of Azalea, spenl (he recent holidays al Dia mond Lake. They reported a good catch of fish. Sam Gregory of Glendale was brought home from Sacred Heart Hospital in Kugene by ambulance last week. Gergory is reported to be in fairly critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Henry LaPralh en joyed a visit las( week from Mr. and Airs. Everett Pulnum, friends from Inglewood, Calif. Kenneth Brady of (juines Creek, Washington Sister Leaves After Visiting In Melrose By NETTIE WOODRUFF ! Air. and Airs. Charles Carlisle 1 and children, of Kennewiek. Wash.. I spent last weekend at Melrose with .All's. Carlisle's sister, Airs. Karl ! llofman, and family. Guests Arrive I Spending (wo day Ibis week with Mr. and Mrs. (ieorue Williamson and family were Mr. and Mrs. lioberl Yokum of Portland. Mrs. Yokum is a nieee of Airs. Wil liamson. Mr. and Airs. Iloyee Busenbark spenl last weekend in K.UHene vis iting their daughter, Mrs. A. R. Wheeler, and family anil also lo Sweet Home, where they saw their new a re a I grandson. Richard Al len Wheeler, son of Air. and Mrs. Marvin Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and small son, Riokie, have returned from a week's vacation trip lo Los Aneeles, Calif., where Ihey visited Mrs. Aynes Van-Ornum. Al Compton they spent some time wdh his brother, Leslie Johnson and familv. I Walter Kruse spent two days this week at the coast deep sea fishing i Mr. and Mis Arthur llerrman spent a recent day al Loon Lake. Niece Visits Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart and family visited fur sewral days this week at Kurt Dick. Calif , with annus relatives. Their niece, Sara ('addis, accompanied them home for a visit. Mrs. Harry Troedel returned this week for a visit with relatives in who returned recently from a Port laud hospital, is reported confined lo his bed at home but making steady improvement. Horn From School Nolan Tanner of Quines Creek returned home recently. He has graduated from a year a( (he Norlh weslern Business College, receiv ing a diploma as junior accoun(an(. Lee Mill of Portland visited with his parents, (he George Mills, re cenlly. Mrs. Ar( Gaedecke and children lef( last week from St. Paul, Alinn. to visit her mother, Airs. Esther Paiilus. The Rod Smith and Bob Head families spenl several days fishing at South Twin Lake and Crane Prairie Lake. Mrs. Virgil Camion of Starve out Creek underwent major surgery recently al Josephine Hospital in Grants Pass. Marten Yoder. new Glendale school superintendent, moved from Days Creek to Glendale last week. They have moved, temporarily, into Ihe large S. Vaughn house near the Vaughn .Mill on Old Highway !)!), un til the district-owned superintend ent's home in Glendale is available. Air. and Mrs. Ted Clark, Air. and Mrs. Kred Wrighl, Air. and .Mrs. Dale Wright and her parents ol Kuecne, Air. and Airs. Jim Alize, and Air. and Airs. Pat Alize were among Glendale parlies who spent the July 4 holiday al Fish Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Peterson and two children who visited before the Fourth with his sister. Mrs. Dud Ross and family near Glendale, relurned las( week and will stay until July 17. ; Kallhrnok and Oakland, Calif. She i accompanied her granddaughter, ; who had visited here, to Califor- ' ma. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Deardorff of Kerndale. Wash., made a short visit this week with his niece, Mrs. James Loiisimioul. and family. I Mrs. Almme .lacobson. Kuiu'iie, I and formerly of .Melrose, is visilinu j here with Airs. C. A. Coffell and j other friends. I Mrs. Kddie Hlanchard and baby ! daughter of Klamath Kails arrived I Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and Airs. J. K. Conn, and to ac I company them to Kugene Sunday j to attend the wedding of her cou ! sin, Marvin Robertson. BUG-EYED EiRhl-ycnr-otd Michael Marecak. of Denver, Cnlo , may be a botteitW hunter with a cockeyed technique, but bis unorthodox methods are in. variably crowned with success. Subtly luring the tinwat v in sect nolo bis nose. M,k,. stares Ihe Highly creatine into sub mission and then with a quick swish of his handy net another butterfly winds up m his col lection. CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGE NO OSUGTIPN Tn all irondord Rod.o and TV tubal new in via. USE OUR SELF-SERVICE TV DEPARTMENT Opan (torn 9 to 9 Ery Dor CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. 1 fir :3r-:e ! ? .-L.lf I ' ' top Movie Showtime TLKSDAY. JILT It, JVT INDIAN THEATRE - CIoimJ Tonifht Keopen Wednesday with Mariln Mo nro and Laurfiice Oliver in "Th Prince and th Show Girl." STAR LITE DRIVEIN "Dramlnp Girl" 8:27, 11:14; "Rock All Night" 10 04 PINE DRIVEIN - "Saniano" 8:27-12:37 "Carounei" lo:i2. WKDNKSIMV. JIXV II, 1957 INDIAN THEATHE Reopen tonight. Marilyn Monroe In "The Prince And The Show Girl" at 8:05 only. STARLITE DRIVEIN 'Buck- night. Alt your can can hold admitted (or Juat one buck. "Man From The Ala mo" 8:27, 11:57. ' South Sea Woman" 10:13 PINE DRIVEIN Final showings "San tiago" 8 27. 11:14- "Cirou-M." 10.27. LOCAL NEWS Mr. end Mrs. J. F. Byrd of this city left Sunday for Grants Pass to attend the Spanish W:ar veter ans convention. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Derrig of this cily left Sunday for Seattle to enjoy their vacation and to vis it relatives and friends. Dr. Orto Schsefer, director of professional services al the Rose burg Veterans Administration Hospital, was in Portland Friday on official business. Jeanne Ann Knudtson, daughter of City Councilman and Airs. James Knudtson of this city, is reported to be ill of mumps and measles at their home on SE Douglas Street. Hooieguests in Ihe Emanuel Johnson home recently were Airs. Carl Johnson, Portland; Air. and Airs. Walter Mygren, Port Angel es. Wash.; Kathryn and Kathleen Lupro, Raymond, Wash.; Airs. Frank Lamborn and daughter, Lin da, from Olympia. Mrs. Agnes Goodmanson of Lem mon, S.D., is spending the summer months in Roseburg visiting at the homes of her sons-in-law and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ker ber, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bourne and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie From dahl. Mrs. C. A. Coffell, Melrose, left Sunday morning for Vista. Calif., where she was called by the death of her mother. Mrs. Anna Blom- strom. She will be gone about a week. Airs. Blomstrom. who lived in Roseburg a number of years ago. was 92 in June and had been in failing health for some time. I Word has been received that Mr. and Airs. David Burks, who have been in Germany the last ! year, where Ihe former is station- ; ed Willi the U. S. Army, will re turn lo Roseburg in August when Mr. Burks is discharged from ser vice. Airs. Burks is reported to 'have taken a large number of in teresting pictures and historic I scenes of Europe during her stay there. ! Mr. end Mrs. Cass Buckingham : and daughters. Aliss Dianne and Aliss Sandra, left July 4 for a va i cation trip to California. En route i south they slopped to pick up Air. I Buckingham's mother. Airs., Rose Buckingham, who was visiting in ' Klamath Kails, and who acconipa j nied lliein to her home in Bur j bank Calif. The Biickinghams went to Los Angeles. They visited ! Forest Lawn, Griffith Park. Reno. and returned home via the coast route and the Redwoods. Mr. end Mrs. F. A. Watkins of this city drove to Grants Pass Sun day and joined Ihe hitter's father, sister and a friend, L.E. Stennett, Airs. F.. Townsend and Lee Wal (Icii. all of Ashland, and her brnth- : er and sisler-in law, Mr. and Airs. A. J. Stennelt. and their son and daughter-in-law. Air. and Mrs. Robert Slennetl. and children. Cheryl and Gordon, of Crescent Cily. calif. The group enjoyed a family picnic in the park at Grants Pass. Harvey R. Wells of Roseburg went to Portland Saturday to meet his daughter. Susan, and her hus band. Alonzo Sherman, and their children, Bruce and Dale, of Wash ington D C. The Shermans arrived in Seattle Friday and visited friends and Willi her uncle. Harry Baird. and cousins, Lucille Adair and Doris Vincent. They boarded Ihe midnight train for Portland Saturday and arrived there Sun day for a day's visit with her brother, Frank Wells, and his family. Air and Airs. Lawrence Goode of Grants Pass slopped al the Wells home in Rosehurg Sun day and upon learning of the Sher mans pending arrival, stayed to see them. Susan and Mrs. Goode have been close friends since meeting 19 years ago while Susan was employed in Salem Mr. Sher man is an alytical statistician for the Deputy Chief of Staff Comp troller Departments of the Air Force He is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force Reserve. The Shermans have not visited I here for two years. They plan to j remain here until the last of July j and a number of trips have been : planned by Ihe Wells family for' litem during their vacation. WINDOWS BROKEN Sheriff's deputies were a s k e A Monday hv Mrs. .1 T Ward- well. Rt. 3 Bo 1190. lo keep watch the Wardwell's new home half-mile from Melrose Road She said the house, still unoccupied, has had six window panes smashed this week. MAJOR TEXACO SERVICE 776 W. Military and Hiway 99 ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AT KELLEY'S MOTEL ORchard 2-1007 STATION HOURS Open 5:00 A.M. io 12 Midnight Owner! Robert H. Mijor RADIO Tin tuitwiif ririii t4 telMUiM f tii iiw i are inattl it i fret aubic timet fir Niwi-ltniM reitfm. AH P'i irant intinit in puhlitbel it ricuvcd trim tht ri tieetivt tutiim. Tht HcwtRtiiew lui nt acceit rt tiianlility tif tliistita ftia iiMl icbelulft Uruifttl tin atwtiiicr. KRNR 1490 KC Remaining Hours Today 5:00 Char in Collingwood News 5:1ft Lowell Thomas 5::itt Texaco Sport Final CBS 5. 45 Frank Gobs. Nwi CBS 5:55 Weather Tomorrow 6.00 Robert Trout. New CBS 6:05 Timbertrail Newt 6:15 Dinner Muiic 6:;t0 Sporta New CBS 6::tft Amoi 'N Andy CBS 7:00 Easy Listening .8-55 Timbertrail Newi 9:00 Easy Listening ::) Robert Q Lewii CBS 10:00 CBS Newt 10:05 Rusty Draper Show 10::tO Music To Dream By 11:00 Sign Off WEDNESDAY. JILT 17, 1M 6 00 Sign On 6:01 Early Morning New 6:05 Dawn Patrol 625 Newi And Weather 6;30 Timber jack Jamboret 7:00 Timbertrail New 7:05 Weather Round Up 7:10 Sports Round Up 715 Way Of Life 7:30 Frank Goss, Newi CBS 7:45 Harry Babbitt CBS 8:!0 World New 8:10 Down Memory Lane 8:40 Northwest Highlight 8:45 Tickets Tune and Topic 8:00 Nora Drake CBS 9:15 Ma Perkins CBS 9:30 Young Dr. Malone CBS 9 45 Road Of Life CBS 10:00 Man About Town 10:15 Second Mrs. Burton CBS IOi.IU Ringn 11:00 Wendy Warren. New CBS 11:30 Helen Trent CBS 11:45 Our Gal Sunday CBS 12:00 World News 12:15 Meet The Artist 12:30 Timbertrail Newt 12:45 Polka Time 1:00 Arthur Godfrey-CBS 2:30 House Party CBS 3:00 Ringn 3:30 Fool in' Around with Record KOIN-TV Channel 4 Portland Remaining Houra Today 4:1 Mr. Moon 4::t0 Cartoon Tim 4:45 Red Dunning 5:15 Doug Edward. Nwi 5:.'iO Name That Tune 6:00 Mr. Weatherman 6:05 Sportscene 6:10 News Parade 6:15 Bed'a Gang G:'M Private Secretary 7:00 To Tell the Truth 7 :.'10 Spotlight PlavhoUM 8:00 $64,00u Question 8:;io spike Jones Show 0:00 Code 3 9::to Phil Silvers Show O:00 Stat Performance I0:S0 City Desk X W::(5 News Wire 10:40 ' Smiling Ghost" WEDNESDAY, JILT It, It 57 TOO Panorama Pacific 8:00 Valiant Lady 8:15 Love of Life a::iO Search for Tomorrow 845 Guiding Light 9:00 Cronkite News 0. 10 Stand up iV:tO A World Turn 10:00 Our Miss Brooks 10::t0 House Partv 11:00 The Big Payoff l:;to-Bob Crosbv Show 12:00 Brighter Day 12:1. Secret Storm 12 :to Edge of Night 1:00 Garry Moore Show I ::i0 Arthur Godfrey 3:3ft KOIN Kitchen 300 strike It Rich 3:30 Blork-Buster Quit 3:45 Armrhair Theatre KYES 950 KC MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ft 00 The Happy OTy Show 6 25 News 6:30 Happy O'Day Show 6:55 Weather Summary 7:00 News Highlights 7:03 The Happy O'Day Show 7-25 Newt 7:30 The Happv O'Day Show 8:00 News Highlights 6:03 The Happy O'Day Show 8 25 Featurecope 8 30 The Jim O Neil Show 9:00 News Highlights 9 03 The Jim O'Neil Show 9 2.1 Community Calendar 9:30 The Jim O'Neil Show l():Ou News Highlights 10:03 The Lucky Logan Show 10:25 Newt 10;io The Luckv Logan Srow 11 00 News Highlight 11:03 The Lucky Logan Show 11:25 Newi 11:30 The Lucky Logan Show 12 0 Newt 12 03 The Lucky Logan Show 12.25 Newt 12:30 The Luckv Logan Show 1 00 Newa Highlights 1 03 The Happy O Day Show 1:25 News 1:30 The Happy O'Day Show 3:00 Newt Highlight 2 03 The Happy O Dav Show 2 25 Community Calendar 3:30 The Happv O Day Show 300 News Highlight 3 02 Jim O Neil Show 3:25 News 3 30 The Jim O'Neil Show 4 00-News Highlights 4.03 The Jim O Netl Show 4 25 News 4 30 The Luckv Lngsn Show 5 00- News Highlight 5 02 Luckv Logan Show 5 25 -Sport News 5 ;tiv The Luckv Logan Show fl ih News Highlight 6 OJ l.tickv Logan Show 6 25 New 6 to -Luckv I-ogsn Show 7:00 Sign Off MACHINISTS RETURN EIT.KNE turned lo work 'George Alyrmo here, following settlement of a Machinists re Munday at the and Son shop a compromise six-week strike. a Emil Alvrmo. co-owner of the machine shop, said eight out of the 18 employes who had been on strike since June 4 were hack at work Mondav. Operator! Don D. Major KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today 4 OO Billboard 4:15 Frank Hemingway MBS 4 30 Tello Test MBS 4:45 Sam Hayes MBS 4 55 Bob Green MBS 3:00 Music 5:25 Heidelberg News 5 30 News Heport MBS 5:45 Flying A Sports 9-50 Traffic Jam 6:00 Fulton Lewis MBS 6:15 Music 6:30 Bob Grant News 6:45 Farm Bureau Exchange 6:50 Loggers Weather 6:33 Kraft News MBS 7.00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 7:05 Bill Brand ige MBS 7 15 Rhythm at Random 7 25 City Market New 7 30 Treasury Agent MBS 7:55 Headline Edition MBS 8:00 Beaver Baseball 10:00 Adventures of Scarlet Pimpernel 1030 Mostly Music 11:0(1 Tomorrow's Headlines 11:05 Mostly Music 11:30 Sign Off WEDNESDAY. Jl I V 1. HAT 6:00 Dawnbusters 6 23 Flying A Sports 6:30 City Market News 6:3j Farmers Weather 6:40 County Agent 8:45 Music 7:00 Frank Hemingway - MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:43 Local News 7:50 Garden Tips And Tunes 7:55 Munic 8:00 Cliff Engle MBS 8:15 Melody Mill 8:30 Bible Institute-MBS 9:00 Kraft News MBS 9:05 Farm Bureau Exchange 9:10 Music 9:13 Carnation Milk Time 9:30 Lady's Choice 9:45 Are You Listening 10:00 Newspaper Of The Air MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 House Party 11:00 Kraft News MBS 11:05 Gabriel Heatter MBS 11:10 Stork Club 11:15 Queen For A Day MBS 12:00 Town Crier 12:05 Music 12:10 Flying A Sports 12:15 Mid Day News 12:30 Greet Your Neighbor 12:45 Market Reports 12:50 Game Of The Day MBS 3:00 Billboard 3:30 Kraft News MBS 3:35 Bob & Ray MBS I KBES-TV Channel S Medford Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Gateway 4:30 Uncle Bill's Show .1:110 Sacred Heart, 5:l.i Doug Edwards & Tht Newi .V;tO Name That Tune 6:00 World Passport 6:15 Your TV Weatherman 6:20 N'ewn 6 -HO Whirl y bird s 7:00 To Tell the Truth 7 :.10 Spotlight Playhouse 8:00 $ti4,000 Question 8::i0 Spike Jones i:00 Mv Little Margie 9:.l0 Phil Silver's Show 10:00 Desti ny I0:H0 Newi 10:5 Sign Off WKBNKsn AT, Jt'LT 11. t1 10:45 Devotions 10.35 News 11:00 NBC Matine 12:00 BrlKhter Day 12:15 Secret Storm lT.:ta EdKe Of Niifht 1.00 Comedy Time 1:30 Truth or Conwquenrei 2. Its Fun To Reduct 2:15 Gateway 2:;i0 Strike It Rich J 00 Feminine Fancies 3:0 World Passport 3:4.1 Search For Tomorraw 4- 00 Sheriffs Posse 4::i0 Uncle Bill's Show 5:00 Religion in the New 3:13 Doug Edwards And The Newt 5:30 Man to Man 5:45 Your T V Weatherman 5- 30 News 6oo U S. Steel Hour 7:00 Cisco Kid 7:.f0 Life With Elizabeth g 00 The Millionaire 8 ;tO I've Got A Secret 9:00 American Legrnd 9:30 The Big Picture 1000 Renders Digest 10:30 News 10:3,1 Lawrence Welk 11:35 Sin Off KPIC Channel 4 Roseburg Remaining Hours Today 4 30 Four-Thirty Data 3 00 Big Rounaup 5:45 The News 5 50 Sports Headlines 5:55 Weather Report 600 KPIC Calenaar 6 30 Robin Hood CBS 7 00 Festival of Stars NBC 7 30 Men of Annapoln 8 (0 Meet McGraw NBC 8 30 Summer PlavhouneNBC 9 00 Nat King Cole NBC 9:30 Star Performance 10.00 Code 3 10 30 Heidelberg News Dek 10:35 Tonight NBC WKDNFSDAT. Jl I T 17, 18, IT 11 00 Matinee NBC 12 00 itieen For A Day NBC 12 45 Modern Romance NBC 1 Oo Comedy Time NBC 130 Truth Or Consquences NBC 3 00 The Movies 4 10 -Guest Book 5 00 Big Roundup Y45 The News .V ,10 Sports Headlines 5 .35 Weather Report 6 00 Superman to Telephone Time ABC 7 00 Whirh birds 7 .:o-l,ife With Ellrabeth R 00 Kraft TV Theatre NBC 9 (X) This la Your Life NBC 9 30 Sheriff of Cochins in no Texas Raishn 10..0-The News lu 3.1 Tonight NBC LAST TIMES TONIGHT! Alan Ladd "SANTIAGO Gordon MocCrea 'Carouiel' WED thru FRI ROBERT TAYLOR RICHARD TODD DANA WYNTER-ED O'BRIEN D Day 6th Of June CinemoScope And Color PLUS DANNY KAYE as "The Court Jester" ViitaVition . Tachnicoler GET READY fOR THE BIG ONE DUSK TO DAWN SAT! CONTRACT AWARDED SALEM i ''he slate "'S": way Commission Monday awarded a gradins and paving project in Coos County to Sig Anderson of North Bend. . The contract, for S23,37, is for 13 mile near Ihe north end of the McCullough Bridge over Coos Bay. Wedneidoy Only BUCK NIGHT SI. 00 Per Co Hood" "SILVER CITY" storring Edmond O'Brien, Yvonne DeCorlo and Borry Fitzgerald, plus "STRATE GIC AIR COMMAND" Ends Tonight "THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGH TER" and "TENSION AT TABLE ROCK" THIS THURSDAY AT 1 P.M. THE CHILDREN'S THCATRE WILL PRESENT AN UNUSUAL SCREEN ATTRACTION! Rob't. Louis Stevenson's "LONG JOHN SILVER ON TREASURE ISLAND" CinemaScope Technicolor PLUS 3 STOOGES COMEDY 3 CARTOONS "King of the Rocket Men AND FUN ON THE STAGE! Watermelon Eating Contest DOORS 12:30 Children 20c OR 2-3701 Ends Tonite "DRAGSTRIP GIRL" and "ROCK ALL NIGHT" WED is BUCK NITE! $ $ $ $ $ GLENN FORD as "THE MAN FROM THE ALAMO" COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR PLUS BURT LANCASTER with VIRGINIA MAYO as "THE SOUTH SEA WOMAN" THURS: WALT DISNEY'S "JOHNNIE TREMAINE" Plu, "GHOST TOWN" Laurence Olivier The Prince and the Showgirl (Every, thing?! Delightfully Naughty AND Blushingly TiMH ,n Coloi starts TOMORROW! Jnclicut 0,l.fld 3-6537 THEATRE CLOSED TONIGHT? so "A Countries I 1