By JIM VANCE, Sporti Editor "You see, the ball hit one phase of the circuit the primary cir cuit; that is it caused an inter ruption it was re-fused." Alright daddy, we interjected. The guy might have added "man" at the end of that little spiel and we'da bought the whole thing. This was the electrical man at California Oregon Power Co. making sense out of that power cut off Friday night at the ball park. As he explained it, we had a little short. All of which means that one phase of a 4,000 volt primary circuit was hit which in turn was knocked into another phase of another circuit, causing a short. What then took place was an interruption of the fuses that feed the circuit to the lights. Re fused, man. No other part of town was af fected the power man said. About 750 fans filed out of the scats. About 600 followers showed up a', the I'rineville game Monday which brings on the thought that tot?! attendance for six regular season home appearances by the Lockwood Motors machine now totals approx imately 4.250. For an area that has never been able to support semi-pro baseball or for that matter never has gone overboard in regular attendance other than for professional wrest ling, we're hitting pretty well now. The Douglas County people have gone all out for the ball club. Possibly the proof that local tal ent can make good and the fact that sometime soon the new base ball park may be ready coul I mean a revival of semipro ball. Althea Gibson Captures Opening Clay Court Win CHICAGO Wimbledon cham pion Althea Gibson, determined to win her first major U.S. tennis title, put on a rousing perform ance yesterday in the first round of the National Clay Courts Tour nament. The lanky star from New York City breezed past Lois Smith of Glenvicw, 111., 6-0, 6 0, with grim determination. The lack of confidence which has usually plagued her in big tourna ments in this country was gone. Top-seeded Herb Flam, the de fending champion from Beverly Hills, Calif., and second-seeded Vic Scixas of Philadelphia will play for the first time today. Ashly Cooper, the No. 1 foreign seed from Australia who finished second to Lew Hoad at Wimble don, decisively defeated Barry Walraven, Omaha, Neb., despite a lack of clay courts experience, 6-2, 6-1. Pay Television Dampens Dream SAN FRANCISCO W Some shocking discoveries have upset the mayor's rosy dream of throw ing out the first hall for the 1958 season opener of the National League Giants here. The pay-television system which was supposed to lure the New York Giants to the West Coast will cost from 30 to 60 million dollars to install in the San Franciscu Bay area, Mayor George Christ opher ruefully reported Monday. And, he said, the job of install ing the cables and circuits for the Skialron television by wire system will take three to four years. The cold farts on cost and time come from Mark Sullivan, presi dent of Pacific lclephone & Tele graph Co., who also observed that the 30 to 80 million dollars was not forthcoming immediately. In other words, the money isn't in sight. "This is very discouraging for us who want major league base ball here next year," the mayor told newsmen after advising them of Sullivan's report to him. Reporters asked whether the planned 1(158 shilts of the Brook Ivn Dodgers to Los Angeles and the New York Giants to San Fran cisco depend on setting up pay-to-watch televising, the mayor re plied, "I think so. For tlie Dod gers it is, anyway." The complaint often was that too many ball players naa to De import ed to be competitive. That may oa true at any lime, but at least the interest is here. OR IT MAY BE that Roseburg is exclusively a junior legion base ball town. The pros and semipros, it has been proved may times, just don't sell everywhere. Only time will tell. TAKE A LOOK at an athletic equipment catalog of fifty years ago points out a recent spalding sports story and you will be astounded at the simplicity of con struction of baseball gloves .and milts. It is no wonder that the players of today make catches and plays that dwarf the feats of many of the famous old timers. Fielding averages are up too. in 1907 the Chicago Cubs led the Na tional League in fielding with a .967 mark compared with the .984 mark of the Cincinnati Rcdlegs as of July 4, 1957. And, it's the same story in the American League, ine .965 figure of the Chicago White Sox fifty yars ago gave them a four point edge over the Detroit Tigers. So far this season, the rap idly improving Baltimore Ori oles are showing the way with a 986 percentage. Individual figures of today and fifty years ago also point up the great impovement in fielding in the past half century. 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tues. July 16, 1957 Carole Jo Kabler Is Tied For Fourth In Qualifying Round Of Western Amateur W L Pet. 2 0 1.000 i o 1 0 1.000 1 0 1.000 1 1 .500 1 2 .33.1 0 2 .00(1 0 3 .000 Churchmen 1st In League TWILIGHT LEAGUE I,SW City Drive In Vets All-Stars Mark's Oakland Christian Church Kens Cleaners V. S. Plywood Christian Church picked up their first win in the second half of Twilight League Softball action with a 7-5 win over winlcss U. b. Plywood in a game played on the Vets diamond Monday night. Holding a safe 7-0 lead going into the last inning, the Christian Church had to dig in and stop U. S. Plywood, two runs short of at least a tie. A three-run rally in the last oi the first inning gave the church team a lead it held throughout the game and two runs in each of the third an fourth gave them a lead of 7 0. Ton batter for Christian Church was Ralph Weiss with 2 3, while three Plywood members had at least two hits II. S. Plywood Christ. Church Borcher and Bates Yeske. WP: Moon. LP: Borcher. 000 000 55 5 3 302 200 x 7 8 0 Moon and Transpacific Yacht Race Finished After 1 1 2 Days HONOLULU Wl - The 83-foot cutter Barlovcnto, skippered by Frank Hooykaas, of La Canada. Calif., sailed past the Diamond Head finish line Monday night, the first official entry to complete the grueling transpacific yacht race after ll'i days at sea. The winner will be determined on a handicap basis. The Class A Barlovento's elapsed time for the 2,225-milc race was 11 days, 13 hours, 2 min utes and 46 seconds. The record for the Los Angeles Honolulu race, set in 1955 by th Morning Star, is nine days, 12 hours and five minutes. The Nam Sang, a 66-foot cutter, was reported about seven hours behind the Barlovcnto. The Orient was third. U. S. BOATS WIN VANCOUVER. B.C. W-Yacht owners from the United States took top spots in all classes dur ing the weekend in the Interna tional Power Assn.'s 26th "annual predicted log race. The two-day race began at Ta coma, Wash., and ended at Brock ton Point here. You couldn't run into a post inside a Timhcrib building if you tried to. There aren't any. In fact, there's nothing inside these durable arch-topped buildings except ltWr usable space which you can get at the lowest com of any equally permanent and handy structure. Hie Tiniberib rafters which frame the buildings are engineered for rugged farm service. They arc pre-cut, pre-fittcd and prc-drilled to go up fast, even with regular farm labor. Available in several designs, in clear span widths from iZ to 60 feet. If you arc thinking about a building for machin ery or grain storage, or a barn, loafing barn or util ity building, sec us now about the unmatched econ omies of Timberih. Another engineered product of Timber Structures, Inc. Robison, McCoy and Brown Dealers, Contractors & Builders 1731 N. E. Stephens ORchard 2-4072 CAROLE JO KABLER . . . 4th in medal. Sports Calendar TUESDAY BOWLING: Mixed scratch dou bles, 7:30 p.m. SOFTBALL: Y M C A Church League: Church of God vs. Naz arenc, Riverside School, 6 p.m. Twilight League: City Drive In vs. Kens Cleaners, Vets diamond, 6 p.m. Ump'iua Valley League: Hanna Nickel vs. Myrtle Creek Lions, Mvrlle Creek, 6:30 p.m. TRAPSIIOOTING: Winchester, 7 p.m. WEIGIITLIFTING: YMCA, 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY BOWLING: Three-man teams, 7:30 p.m. ARCHERY: Douglas Yeomen, T p.m. PAL CLUB: Winston, Douglas High. A-- k Yesterday's Stars By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PITCHING Jack Sanford, Phillies Stopped Cardinals 6-2 on five hits, strik ing out seven, for his 12th vic tory that hoisted the Phils into the National League lead. HITTING Charlie Neal, Dodgers Hit two home runs and drove in three runs as Brooklyn walloped Mil waukee, 20-4. OMAHA Wl The Pacific Northwest, which sent a teen ager to win the women's Western amateur golf championship last year, has two of them among the 32 qualifiers who swing into match play Tuesday for the 1957 title. Carole Jo Kabler of Sutherlin, Ore., fresh from winning the Pa cific Northwest Golf Assn. wo men's amateur crowa last week at Spokane, tied for fourth in Mon day's qualifying play. She fired a 75 over the par-7J Omaha Coun try Club course. The Northwests other qualifier, JoAnne Gunderson of Seattle, shot a 78. Miss Kabler, 19, was matched against a tournament veteran in Tuesday's opening round. She went up against Barbara Mclntire of Toledo, Ohio, who shot a quali fying 83. Miss Gunderson, 18, drew Joyce Benson (84) of Atlanta, Ga. Medalist honors were won by Barbara Romack Porter with a 70, which equalled the record low medalist score in the 57-year-old tourney made last year by Anne Quast of Marysville, Wash. Miss Quast, who went on to win the championship, isn't defending this year. She is recuperating from a recent illness. Lockwood Motors Takes 14th, 15th Victories In Sweeping By Prineville Roseburg Lockwood Motors, Jun- 'went to second on a walk to Bert r American Legion baseball team rrewing. ivTZtWxZ and 15th wins ; Wayne Blackwood , then lined a I 7T fcMLifW i. l or,..'. mmJn TRIPLE DEAD HEAT Joe's Pleasure, George Tanjguchl up: Leaful, Billy Harmati in the irons; and Challenger Tom, .Willie Shoemaker aboard, hit the wire at the same instant in a six-furlong dash at Hollywood Perk, Inglewood. Calif. It is the third triple dead heat in American racing history. Husky Grid Staff Intact; Susick (?) SEATTLE I Jim Owens, University of Washington football coach, had his five-man staff of assistants back to full strength Tuesday with the addition of Dick lleatly, a 1952 graduate of the University of Oklahoma. Heatly announced his resigna tion Monday as assistant grid coach at Iowa State College to become backfield coach for Owens' offensive units at Wash ington. After graduation, Heady served four years in the Air Force, re turned to Oklahoma as freshman football coach in 1956, then joined the Iowa State staff last Febru ary. Owens' other assistants are Tom Tipp, Chesty Walker, Beit Clark and Pete Susick. Whether Susick will remain here si ill is in doubt. He is considering a return to Marshfield High School at Coos Bav. Ore., where iiis teams were I a power in Oregon prep compe tition. Sacramento Gains On Portland With Split Bill At Vancouver PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Pet. GB San Francisco Vancouver San Diego Hollywood Seattle Los Angeles Portland Sacramento 57 38 53 40 53 41 53 42 51 47 44 47 33 59 32 62 .600 .570 .564 .558 .520 Vh .484 11 .359 22 'A .340 24Vi from gaining on the Seals, who dropped a 5-2 series last week 10 Hollywood. Roger Bowman won his second: fifth failed to strike out a game of the season in shutting and walked two P'ca. up'"e IV "1". ,h. sincle into left field followed hy 15-2 and 9-4 in non-league games , urc . - played on Finlay Field. Hiney Add1 With Ron Beamer throwing ij Sn,ithi in wjnning his third game two-hitter at them in the first game Uje season agajnst two losses, and Allen Smith a three-hitter in anowed the three hits, struck the second game, Prineville could ( t'eint and walked seven. Catch manage only six runs during 'ne,ing Snliln jn the second game was whole evening. j chuck lliney, up from the peewee The first game of the night, j;team, who did a good job holding five-inning game, started with on(0 smith's curve balls. Hiney Roseburg batting around in each I m three times at the plate walked, of the first and second innings to groun(iej out to the first baseman take a 12-0 lead and then adding . an() was roBbed of a base hit on a their final three in the last of the fjne pay DV the Prineville second fourth. , baseman. Walks to Beamer and John Liv- Bill Eswine with 1-1 was the top ingston, two Prineville errors and batter in the second game, while hits by Byron Baker and Mac Me- Hatfield. Bissonnette and McClel Clellan gave Roseburg a 5-0 lead ian all had 1-2. at the end of the first inning. - Blackwood was top man for Prin- In the second inning walks to ville with 1-1 followed by Neece John Arana, Wes Young, Livings- and Bonney, both with 1-2. ton and Don Wells, plus a hit bats-1 First Game: m, , , man and a single by McClellan j Prineville 002 00- 2 2 5 along with three errors gave Rose-; Roseburg 573 0 -15 6 0 burg seven runs and a 12-0 lead.! Boycr, Blackwood I (2) and Love- Prineville picked up their only .Ifnd; Bmer McClarty (5) and two hits ana tneir two runs in me -- - ., top of the third inning on walks to p' Je.. Lp' K I a it unni rnp insmiJ iiill-ii- " 1 ,;nnin. V,,, (Zona Rnnnpv ' Pi' Boyer. er, and singles by Gene Bonney and Wayne Kee. McClellan's Triple Three hits in the fourth inning gave Roseburg their final three runs of the game, with a triple Dy McClellan the top hit of the inning. 1 McClellan with 3-3 and four runs , hatted in was the top batter fori Roseburg followed by Baker with 2-3. Livingston also had 1-1 and i scored three runs Prineville 000 044 3 4 Roseburg 340 2x 9 5 0 Blackwood and Loveland, Frew- ing (2); Smith and Hiney. WP: Smith. LP: Blackwood. Phils Look Down From High Perch the the PHILADELPHIA 11 For Beamer as the winning pucner irsl time in over three years, in the game struck out seven ana ! Philadelphia Phillies looked down walked only one, while Lee Me-i0n the rest of the pack from first i.any, who reiieveu Dcaiuei m i pace today, and a cluD executive "'"" said, Ihe tront otlice is just as surprised as any fan. Philadelphia s decisive 6-Z vi Monday's Result Sacramento 7-2, Vancouver 0-6 3 3U I 4 lout the Mounties in the opener in the second tame of the nieht. I on four hits. Morrie Martin, nnlv a four-run rally in tlie last!.. ..... ci i nis rarHinai picked up his ninth win in the inning by Prineville kept them iast niht Dushed the Phillies ou Irom bfcng shut out as smith pitcn-, top by nat a gamc, the first headed the National By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS So you think Sacramento has squatter's rights to the Pacific Coast League basement: Well, brother. Vancouver and Portland know different. Two weeks ago Manager Tom- second game. Kal Segrist led the Vancouver attack with four hits and Owen Friend belted a two run homer in the third inning. Fewer Homers Speaking of homers, a survey shows the PCL isn't the slugger's league it was last year. With 11 ed a three-hit game, not allowing thev'' a hit in the first four innings. As in the first game, Roseburg jumped off to a quick lead with three runs in the first inning on only one hit, a single by Hatfield, plus an error by the Prinville mv Heath's struggling Solons weieled. That's a 22 per cent cut. lO'i games out of seventh place. I Steve Bilko, the Los Angeles 25'i out of first. They've gained first-sacker who belted 55 homers only a game on the league lead- j last year, still leads the pack ing San Francisco Seals, but oniy j with 27. And the Angels have the two games now separate them1 club lead, 88. They produced 130 from seventh-place Portland. during the same period a year A douDleheader split witn van-1 ago. couver Monday. 7-0 for Sacramen to, 6-2 for the Mounties, gave the Deathmen a 5-2 series edge. The gloomy for Vancouver week kept the second-place Mounties Sports Calendar Minor Leagues By THE ASSOCIATED TENNIS PRESS PCA Opens DAYTON, Ohio ifl The Pro fessional Golfers Assn. opens its 39th championship tournament to morrow without the assurance there will be a defending cham pion. Jack Burke Jr., winner of the PGA and Masters championships lust year, planned to try out an injured left arm today and decide whether he will be able to start. "I ,lnn'l c iinv ine in toin out there and playing just for ap pearance s sake, ne saiu. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Rochester 7, Montreal 1 Havana 7, Columbus 3 Richmond 6. Miami 2 Only games scheduled AMERICAN ASSN. League All-Stars 5, Wichita 4 TEXAS LEAGUE Houston 4, Oklahoma Cily 3 Dallas 5, San Antonio 2 Austin 4, Fort Worth 0 Shreveport 13, Tulsa 5 SOUTHERN ASSN. Atlanta 6, Birmingham 4 New Orleans 10, Memphis 2 Mobile 6-3, Little Rock 2-8 Chattanooga 11, Nashville 3 GLEN COVE. NY. Herb Flam of Beverly Hills, Calif., the nation's second-ranked player, won the Nassau Bowl invitation grass courts tennis championship, I beating Dick Savitt of Last Orange, N.J. 6-Z, 4-6, 6-3. fi-2. CHICAGO Ashley Cooper and Neale Eraser, Australian Davis Cuppers, won opening matches in the national clay courts tourna ment. GOLF OMAHA Barbara Romack Porter from Sacramento, Calif., shot a 3-under-par 70 to equal the women's Western amateur tourna ment qualifying record. INCORPORATED SALEM Articles of incor poration Monday included the Wallowa Lake Yacht Club, Enter prise, mm profit, by Wilfred Dag gett. Robert A. Tippett and I.orin M. Ricker. Yost Beaten PORTLAND I An unknown ousted Walker Cupper Dick Yost from the Portland city golf tour nament in Ihe first round Sunday. Don Eshleman, 29. unknown to tournament golf, beat Yost the tourney favorite one up. Yost was erratic throughout and col lected 12 penally strokes. The two halved Ihe par 3 sixteenth with 7s. The Seals lead the PCL in hit ting with a .276 club average. Rudy Regalado, San Diego third baseman, has the lead in batting with a .375 average. Frank Kellert of San Francisco and Seattle's Joe Taylor are tied for the runs-batted-in lead with 65. Only three games are sched uled Tuesday night: Sacramento at Seattle, San Francisco at Port land and Vancouver at Los An geles. Monday's shortscores: First game 17 innings): Sacramento 100 220 27 11 1 Vancouver 000 000 00 4 1 Bowman and Barragan; Ilout teman and C. White. Second game: Sacramento 000 200 0002 7 1 Vancouver 102 200 Olx 6 12 0 Bridges, Coen (5) and Barra gan; Martin and Atwell. League since May 18, 1954. And at that time they shared the lead with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Beaming proudly, Phillies Gen eral Manager Roy Harney said: "The front office is just as sur prised as any fan in the standi at the heights the club has at- tteamcr ana itatiieia. a single Dv --u,.i ii , n,,i nr ni9v McClellan and doubles by Smith ers feol ,hey are just as good as and Larry Bissonnette. i anv of the five contending teams, i T.hplf'na' tw. ru"s came in the; Wilh tne hllslle displaying last of the fourth on walks to Ted now an the fact that we're out of kolbcrg and Beamer and twoiour Hitting slump, we'll be in there Prineville errors. ,n ,h , in ine lop oi me nun ana iinai weeks completed, the musclemen ratrhnr have driven 478 baseballs out of Thev sHHpH four mnrp rnn in the park. Last year, at the same i the seennd innine on walk inifL ; inning for Prineville, Jim Neece Teh vacillating Phillies were five games behind after a five- led off with a single, the first hit I gamelosing streak just two weeks ti mi- game iui imcvillC, ailU Fight Cancelled Olympic King's Camp Joined By Former Champ Marciano PORTLAND W Cancellation of the July 23 heavyweight fight between Charles Powell, San Di ego, Calif., and Jeff Dyer. Spring field. Mas., was announced last weekend bv Bobby Evans, promo ter. Evans said he called off the bout after learning Dyer suffered an eye cut in an Eastern bout last week. Powell, formerly an end with the San Francisco 49ers professional football team, will be featured on another card next month if Evans' plans work out. Ring Record By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK Frankie Ippo lito, 139, New York, stopped Tom my Salem, 136, Cleveland, 6. SYDNEY Billy Hester, 161, Australia, stopped Ramon Fuentes 16m, Los Angeles, 9. TOKYO Somdcz Yongtrakit, 145, Thailand, outpointed Jiru ago. Since then they ve caught fire, winning 12 of their last 14 games and 9 of their last 10. The man who deserves much of i the credit is right-hander Jaclc Sanford, who hurled a five-hitter last night for his 12th victory against two defeats. He has the most wins in the league. I The 28-vear-old Wellesley, Mas Mass Swim Attempt Slated For Aug. 4 VICTORIA, B.C. on - The sec ond annual mass swim attempt! Vnc f -,T,i ,L "S i, on the Juan de Fuca Strait, F, ; rookie ha-s pitched the Phillies inLo swimmer's tareet since im u ' second place three times this sea- Emeralds Lose To Seals, 5-3 swimmers target since 1933, is, scneauiea tor Aug. 4. At least five distance swim mers will be challenging the 18.3 mile body of water for a lop prize of $5,000. Entries close Monday. The Junior Chamber of Com merce organized the first mass EUGENE, Ore. Ufi Joe dor swim last year, with a $6,000 ! don's "homecoming" had nothing prize list. About 12 swimmers en-to mar it Monday night as his tered but none went the full dis-1 Sa" Francisco Seals hammered tance. The winner was Ben Laugh 1 out a 5-3 win over Eugene of the ren of Victoria who stayed in the I Northwest League in an exhibi longest time. ition baseball game. The prize list has been upped Gordon, who has his Seals at to S10.000 this year. First prize the top of Ihe Pacific Coast for a completed swim will be $5.- League, was honored at the game. 000. Second, third and fourth i In attendance were members of places for the full swim are worth I his 1035 University of Oregon $2,500, $1,500 and $1,000. Thejbaseball team. He went on to amounts will be halved if no one major league fame from the Ore completes the swim and prizes I gon campus, will be awarded on the length of Albie 1'ierson hit leadoff home time in the water. runs for the Seals in the first and Definite entries this year are!third innings. Sal Taormina also Sawada, 140'i, Japan, 12. (Orient Laughren. Amv Hiland and Paul homered for San Francisco in the welterweight title) Herron of California. Douglas Ri- third. Carl Hutzler led Eugene's TYLER, Tex. Cleveland Wil- vette. Vancouver. B.C., and Bruce seven-hit attack with a double liams, 205, Houston, stopped J.D.I Holmes, an Army corporal in Vic-1 and two singles. (Wildman) Marshall, 195, Shreve-ltoria. Several other swimmers San Francisco 202 001 0005 11 1 port, 2. jhave requested entry forms. TUNEUP SEATTLE i.n The Rock is going to try and make Pete Rade niachcr roll. Rocky Marciano. retired, un beaten heavyweight champion of Ihe world, moved over the week end into the comer of the Yakima Valley amateur who hopes to de throne the present king of the heavyweights, Floyd Patterson, here Aug. 22. Promoter Jack Hurley an nounced Saturday that Marciano will join Itadvniacher July 22 at his Lake Huston training camp just outside of Columbus. G.v, and then come west with him for his final 10 das of prepping for the title fight. Hurley said Marciano volun teered hit services to Rade inacher, the Olympic G a m e s champ who will start at the top in his first professional fight by getting a crack at the crown. The title bout, in Sicks' base ball stadium, is contingent on Patterson's successful defense of his championship against Tommv (Hurricane) Jackson on Julv 29 When Marciano moves west with Hademaclier to his lssa quah. Wash., training ramp the Brockton Blockbuster will be re turning to familiar haunts. Mar ciano worked out as an unknown with several Tacoma fighters while he was stationed al Ft. Lew is during World War II. He began his climb to the top after military service. Hurley also announced that plans for closed circuit, theater television of the Patterson Raile macher field had been cancelled because of the time zone prob lem. There will he no telecasts or radio broadcasts of the fight, which now has been scheduled for 10 p m. PST. Hoad Debut Victorious FOREST HILLS. N Y. f Lew Hoad. who turned pro right after he won at Wimbledon for the sec ond straight year, began to earn SAN Francisco in - F r e d : New Toll Taken Rogers, 31-year-old warehouse shipping clerk, tuned up Sunday i SACRAMENTO 11 California is for the Strait of Juan de Fuca going to levy a new tax on fight by swimming 16 miles up S a n i promoters this one on the nro. Eugene 000 100 0203 7 1 McCall and Tornav: Hodges, Tanner (4), White (7) and Gau-thier. Francisco Bay in 7 hours, 33 nun utes. Rogers plans to try for Ihe $5. 000 prize in the Strait of Juan de Fuca competition next month. Ihe IS mile strait separates Wash motors' receipts from the tele- some of the $125,000 Jack Kramer ,,,, from Canada'. Vancouver same as the lew now imposed bv iun wL poMponed is giving him over the next two isiand. the slate oss gae receipts ' Julv 2 P P vears by crushing Flank Sedgman s mciins. im FIGHT POSTPONED LOS ANGELES itf Cisco Andrade has postponed his come back battle with former world casting and broadcasting of box- j lightweight champion Wallace ing and wrestling matches. (Bud) Smith, blaming a hand in- The tax, authorized in a hilljured in training, signed yesterday by Gov. Knight, i The fight, scheduled for next come to five per cent the i Thursday at Ihe olvmnie Auditor- Monday to Sunday, 6-3. 6-4. 6-4, in the Tourn ament of Champions. Pro King Pancho Gonzales made his debut in the tourney hy turn ing back Tony Trabert, 6-3, 3-6. 11-9. 6 3, while Ken Rose wall whipped Pancho Segura, 6-3, 6-2, 6 8. 2 6, 13-11. MEET OPENS CHICAGO Jf Althea Gibson of : New York City, the newly c r o w n e d Wimbledon champion. ' seeks her first major I S. tennis title when the National Clay Courts i Tournament opens today. DUST OILING no job too small or too large! roseburg fuel oil servici OR 3 8155 HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local or Long Distance 18S8 N. E. AIRPORT ROAD Ph. OR 2-2671 Consolidated Freightways, Inc. Mac Wood has joined the Swing to Swept Wing! See Moe for o new Dodge, Plymouth or lit Choice Uied Cor at BARCUS Oorf YOUR DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER N. Stephen! at Garden Valley Rd. Phone OR 3-5566