For Upright Freezers nine Frnnnminl CahJ Dl r I r--- "vwiivmiwHi i vvu i iuii vini OR 3-5518 our rricei berora Buying fi , s Birdwyt Foodi Von Dint Meats A APPLIANCE 424 S. E. is- ,3 Ho Cash Needed FOR MUFFLER REPAIRS A NEW MUFFLER MAY SAVE A LIFE... MAYBE YOURS Muffler Replaced 0 Tailpipe Replaced Exhaust System Checked Oaiketi Replaced ALL THIS FOR AS LITTLE AS 2?. per week If your cor fi hard to start or Idles roughly, tho muffler may hovo too much back pressure. Do you have to drive with the windows down to escape strong gas fumeif Don't toko any chances with your life while driving. Bring your car to our com pletely staffed ond equipped repair department and have our trained mechanics check and replace present exhaust system parte All replacements parts ore genuine factory replacements and oil mechanical work Is done undor the supervision of Jim Marr, Shop Foreman. Use your credit at SI Dillord Motor Co. for all your automotive repairs. SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. We Repair All Makes of Cart and Trucks S. E. Stephens & Douglas Sti. ORchard 3-6626 10 Tho News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thuri. July 11, 1957 Communist Party Ouster Hinted Due Deposed Reds MOSCOW Ul The Soviet press hinted strongly here the way is being cleared to expel V. M. Molutov, Georgi Malenkov and I.azar Kaganovich from the Soviet Communist Party. The government newspaper Izvcstia listed various degrees of punishment which can be invoked against party members who plot against the parly's "monolithic unity." I.vestia quoted Lenin and deci sions of the 10th Party Congress of '1921 to show that "plotters against party unity" are liable to punishment up, to and including expulsion from' the lowest ranks of the Communist Party. Ousted In Purge Malenkov, former Foreign Min ister Molotov and former First Deputy Premier Kaganovich were ousted from the party's ruling body in last week's purge. Malen kov, successor to Stalin as pre mier, has been singled out for the most severe criticism. The government paper declared in a full page discussion: "The 10th Party Congress auth orized the Central Committee, in cases of violation of discipline or revival of factionalism, to use all measures of party retribution up to and including expulsion from the party. "With members of the Central Committee this includes demotion to candidate members and, in ex treme cases, to expulsion from the party. Dissension Out "The party cannot tolerate those who do not carry out the will of the majority, who do not place the interest of the party above everything else, who try to bring dissension into its ranks and who plot against its unity." Up to now the party press has been referring to the three and former Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepilov, demoted along with them, as "comrades." This indi cates that however low they had fallen, they still were in the party ranks. Expulsion is an extreme punish ment which would prevent any of the alleged ' antiparty group from participating in any govern ment or party activity. It could even pave the way for a trial for any one or all. State Asks Bids On Hospital SALEM 11 The state Board of Control gave the go-ahead Tuesday for first construction at the new state hospital near Wil-sonville. The board decided to advertise for bids immediately on prelimi nary construction for the hospital to be named for the late F. 11. Dammasch. The board also voted to have MacLaren School for Boys use the Tillamook Air Base camp in the winter to relieve crowding at the institution. Other action included: Permission for the stale nenl- lentiary to sell 118 tons of flai fiber it had stored to Willamette Flax Production of Jefferson. Travel Allowed Voted to send the superintendent of the stale hospital and three start members to a mental health institute in Cleveland (his fall. Named (he new non-ambulatory cottage at Fairview Home after the late Gov. Paul L. Patterson. Voted to establish a1 committee to look into the situation at the state TB hospital. Made two changes in plans for the new dormitory at MacLaren School. Authorized the calling of ap praisals on eight properties in tlu Capitol Mall. Gave permission for the super intendent of the new state correc tional institution and an assistant secretary to visit McNeil Island Penitentiary. Textbook Qualification Left To Private Schools PORTLAND W-Private schools here must carry the entire burden of proving they are qualified to receive free text books from the Portland School Board, its attor ney said Monday night. Grant T. Anderson said the board is not required to furnish books unless each private school is certified by the state superin tendent. If the stale superintendent issues no statement, or if he says he doesn't know if a school is qualified, it means no books, Anderson said. Portland Superintendent J. W. Edwards said the hoard may spent as much as $15,000 on the text book program this fall. Hero Of Korean War To Talk In Portland PORTLAND Wi Mai. Gen William Dean, a hero of the Korean War, will speak hero Saturday at the anniversary ob servation of the Portland Ground Observer Corps. Dean won the Medal of Honor in Korea when he led a bazooka team against Communist tanks. Bucellosis Regulations Approved By Committee SAt.EM 11 Tho slntp Rrnrid. losis Advisory Committee Monday approved regulations aimed at eradication of brucellosis anj ccrlificalion of all Oregon cuun- linu hu utitn it was the first meeting of the new board. 1 , "FRESH and REFRESHING" Flavored in FRF FT c ORANGE LEMON LIME PINEAPPLE RASPBERRY Si. ' V ... ; Cool and smooth going down, these sherbets cap ture the true flavor of your favorite fruit. A family favorite for all ages. They hit the spot for cool sum mer desserts. Serve some Umpqua Dairy Sherbet tonight. Pints -Quarts -Plastic Vi Gallons Let the Umpqua Label Protect Your Table New High-Energy Fuel Adds To Range Of Jets NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Wl -The Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. has unveiled a new high energy fuel it said increased the range of jet engines by 40 per cent. With the new fuel, a company official said, it is possible to fly a B58 bomber anywhere in the world and return without refuel ing. The name of the new chemical fuel is 11EF-2. The base of the fuel is borax, a crystalline sodium compound used as a cleansing agent or disinfectant. The U. S. has huge supplies of borax. Olin Mathieson announced con struction of a 36-million-d o 1 1 a r plant to manufacture HEF-2 at Model City, 10 miles northeast of Niagara Falls. The company said it had already perfected produc tion of the fuel in the pilot plant here. REDS GET PLANE HONG KONG im The Rus sians presented Ho Chi Minh an Ilyushin-14 twin-engine transport in Peiping Monday. The president of Communist North Viet Nam is on a tour of nine Communist nations. Wholesale Prices Rise To High For 21 Months NEW YORK Ufi Good costs as measured by Dun c Bradstreet climbed this week to their highest point in more than 21 months. At SO. 27, the Dun & Bradstreet wholesale food price index com pared with $6.23 the previous week and was up 3.5 per cent from the S6.06 recorded a year ago. 'It was the highest since Sept. 27, 1955, when it stood at SO. 28. The index represents the total wholesale price of one pound each of 31 basic food items. Larceny Of Injured Woman Charged To Man MIAMI, Fla. Wl Warren Young faces a larceny charge in Dade County today after police said he admitted taking $103 from the pockctbook of a woman injured in an auto wreck. Mrs. Ronald Byerly, 20, was in jured when her auto struck a tree last Friday. Her daughter Debbie, 7 weeks, was killed. Investigator Richard 'Gladwell quoted Young as saying: "I was going to give it back, but I've been upset and haven't been sleep ing at night. I just didn't get around to it." FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fischer ' 3; i , Irni Do you really think my work is improving, Mr. Wump? Maybe it's because I'm getting that new girl to do it for me Instead of Anchovy. Circuit Court Complaints Frederick J. Vedder vs. Thomas! M. and Mildred B. Jewell. Seeks in .nlluM 191 11 alh:rl fine (in i promisory note or foreclose mort- gage. ASKS description oi properly be amended to correct alleged mis-j take. I State Industrial Accident Com mission vs. Robert Vernon Hassell, Robert C. Hassell, and Robert Earl Hutchinson, dba Hassell Lumber Co.; Doug Gerow Finance Co.; and Douglas County Stato Bank. Seeks to recover from Hassell Lumber Co. $544.37; asks that lien be de creed valid and superior to any lien of other defendants; and asks foreclosure. Automotive Checkups To Be Civen State Cars SALEM I A mechanical preventive maintenance program, has been developed for all state owned ears, starting with the 1957 models. John F. Richardson, director of the Department of Finance and Administration, said a comprehen sive checkup will be given every 10,000 miles. AF STOPS OPERATION NEUBIBERG, Germany m The U.S. Air Force Wednesday officially closed down operation "Safe Haven II." Under the pro gram 4,G16 Hungarian refugees were flown from here to tho United States. Sea Yarn Answer to rrevious Puiile ACROSS 1 Man-eater of the sea ; 6 These sail the seven seas i 1 1 Bed canopy :13 Englishman 14 Feminine appellation 15 Revolve 16 Feathered scarf 17 Sheep's bleat 19 New Guinea seaport 1 20 Coin in an Oriental 1 seaport 21 Mariner's direction 22 Perches 23 Stiiren 26 Puerto 27 Dry, as wine 28 Wand 29 Feminine name 30 Dutch uncle 31 Scatters, as hay 33 Animals 36 Sea eagle 37 Chum 38 Summer (Fr.) 40 Islet in a river 41 Blackbird of cuckoo family 42 Small horse 43 Sli-ps liv lences 46 Spotted 49 Bulllighter 51) Kmbellishc 51 Flout 12 River in England DOWM 1 Pierces with a weapon 2 Demigods 3 Athwart 4 Route tab.) 5 Sight 6 Theatrical sign 7 the deck 8 Kind of type 9 Spud " 10 Dirks 12 Girl's name 13 Scottish hillside '.8 Tree 22 Lateral parts 24 Stage hispcr 25 Communists 31AIRI TARlo CjOPA ARE UNUl OREL SEAROTTERDAM s RPj.N en ons RANL-OT aIT A n A S J A " P O E cle N T E R .LXULJI. SElIL ATE5 E H ETEARi.E 6C It E J w E CIIEIE R T H 1 5 T L E O R A L A R N O OTO A "Ue T E E 5 MIS 26 Italian proviace 28 Staggering 31 Demigod of the sea 32 All 33 Prohibit 34 Bridge holding 35 Island 36 Near. Middle and Far 37 F.l . Texasi 39 Excrete 44 Sheltered side1 45 Make a mistake 47 Worthless . . table scrap 48 Sailor ! 12 IS 11 15 I 6 17 IB I? IB ii 5TJ p" - ib -7Trris fi iT" !l ISi 3H 135 . ST" 51 1 1 I'M M ML I vc-""Tttgi"'. I " PARDON M&...CWJ Y AFRHID IT sSTnar.m mr, uiiZ7m OlSAPPEASED YEARS YOU POINT OUT MARK. ) NOT HcHB. IN f Wfm -VAC1 FACT, I WA5 IU AU A' RAUA r-2iuci HP I EA5V. tV6 60T TO - . "4 LOOK FOX I JSF flT 1 a,, R&lnfl M f BUT I MUST finohiwimavbs I CAN IU6 C0fA6 ALL THS I HELP V0U! IN TED 1)IAT Trt CCCi UlAAl 7- ''MASKHAtA' I9i'h, NtA S... 'S 1 U.S. ffofiV''''!'i-T. WHVNorLUBE ir) 'wftr downtmer-- ' There's a FuMMy onskomd , VTT , TOUIELF AMD ME LP UWDLR.- ' LOOKIM& GIZMO THOUGHT- LETS V. ' . SAVE THE LOOf PAL , SIDE--- ' 1 NE(6R NOTICED TAKE ir DOWN I Lf " FOB. A MORE YOU TAKE A .BEFORE TOTHe- V 'IWjts J worthy cause l.-jry-z:- uhdir W-K r . araoe ytfryzlJxSttA V "Vwo . woo' y j. mi&' 1 A WORK SUIT FOK kl FDR TOILING IM THE i CORNFIELDS . I FDR TOILING IM THE A K CORN FI ELDS- jj-rr I (-'THATMEAHS An GITS TO (XIBACK HOME.?-) to. BUT FOR THIS ONE. A FULL DRESS SUIT, A DOZEN) LOUNGING SUITS, AND AM OPERA HAT T n (7HAT MANS) BUTFO'WHUr? S. Y BELIEVE ME. I hVTCC CUR LI L CM KCAV THE HE HAS, THE Bio vvu rvivr s iTinN l. UA i nww i nter GOT AUAV.' JK HE GOT ENOUGH I HOPE HE HAS.' Wt 'rA COME AFTER AMI n I Ad IF "lOU AINTe'OT feNOUGH I Y HEY, LOOk.! V V-"Jt7 BELIEVE ME, I HOFt V .': rA ""J WOMEN RluHT HfeRE AT HOME, 1 VOURLIlOL' THE HE HAS, THE Bio J'u " ? WLPC AT5 YXl VSOTTA BklMlS IN ANOTHER ) WILDCATS JM CUE5TION l5,H5 LUNK... I JUST st?,'- 1-lk.E, WIT" VVti.L, AN' A IMIOR , SCRAWNY LI'L J GOT AWAY.' JK HE GOT ENOUGH I HOPE HE HAS.' Jf&t i'S I'LL WILDCAT M.U K OC THINS lO BOOT.' f " ,r y1 1 h STEAM LEFT TO fc ,ri '?, M x&sJm wfsxm fM! o ; '!." J 10 L tVO-KvVCO ..'VU " I I im SO5y DtA -MtJci I li .jJ it Avr k.c Pi' (what pay .7rK-v.HA;rwJ ten collars -bov msaf . (TFm,i,-.