The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 10, 1957, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Tht Newi-Review, Roseburg,
Japanese Court Procedure
In Cirard Trial Near Copy
Of That In American Courts
TOKYO W, The Japanese trial quest of defense attorneys whowith the line 32 years, died Satur-Iplaces will be in Canyonville, An
nf Specialist 3.C. William S. (iir- want time to strengthen thtir'day. He was born in St. Louis. Ichor and Galesville precincts, ac-
arrt in the death uf a woman metal
cor i-niioKinr i !Mid tn be heldltrials involving foreigners, addi-
in a nandsome mouern coun wnicn
could be transplanted intact to any!
American city with one import
ant exception.
There is no place for a jury.
That single omission is the big
difference between Japanese and
American court systems since
U.S. occupation authorities impos
ed sweeping judicial reforms after
World War 11.
Those reforms:
1. Shifted the burden uf proof to
n. j..f i
is innocent until proved guilty.
2. Removed the courts from po -
The consensus among foreign
observers here is that L. S. serv-;
icemen and civilians accused of
violating Japanese laws have re -
reived fair trials in Japanese
courts. Sentences generally have
been lighter than terms meted out
ny u. a. nuiiv ii-m.i., ...
American civilian courts for simi
lar offenses.
Complaints Registered
Critics of Japaneso (rials have
two major complaints
Hearsay evidence, legally in
admissible in U. S. courts, is fre
quently admitted by Japanese
...i i . . t-ini., rnr
too long, with brief hearings in-A copy of the indictment is de
tcrspersed with long recesses. livered to the defendant, at which
- , a ! point he may open negotiations
Hearsay? Japanese judges not ' h proscculor t0 be admitted
only admit hearsay evidence, they ! ,0 )ai 'Un(lcr Japanese law the
accept gossip, rumors and wit- prosecutor is not COinpclled to set
posses' opinions, said one Amer- j, am (1 nQ arra,B(tt
. J B ' ,T"l a iir ii
"There aren't rules of admissible
evidence as we know them."
As for the IcOgtOy trials. Japa-1
nese jurists say my uf tOe era:
receoes are ifliQlnO at tiaj!
.lioxuR Ibiotbxoi JraJtODi, 71, at
1rPwrti t'KHti, cbOLol ill. CwjmafkOii
COW. Bfe uoti mavM, to talb
4g(r W Vtk, .bury ft mm,
0rtc iwiy wwjc'Ji to Khvfftt i'urtje
OCr sm iuxWt V. dDUtoooK, ton
otH(r Kroi'obi.lfaVtte; Httti tea I
teftto 1lt)bMHst, KfyiKA t'on'xVt, wdsoa.
e fts? fcAt6ei !S4i'majj
jSf fi)xw$ jmoirip
0s6 w 0 jAAcooa dlacn!a0)r DaciootMi-
Pottoo am
IF' Tod. ebadie tfaioriiM ft. 9gcia7
oprfMD fKg pwseoM. . XTjOOoai
OLjon. fiS- twcoxanOAb i;)0 ugi
Tn kbi (woyrrtt-a Trunin fnfYYlnni
cyj, m tawasi" moi to oh dxocosp-
toStfo o femfikny Ana- ttOJ o!
J"oKk loid bj.v sibmm' to a
UPpoooooJ' ok bxtnnoQriuiM. I
Ca), riuOGOOUtO
wb ptrcrrutfDwd
Bali iSrooiln. I rccxcWTOOJ s ib$ooo-
IQf&a a, flcaa-li' criowtud racwd.
'qawx iccioiKcv ovfl cntna- b b ej ,
l oa a coayi oaca. cama 6t
ilSOvan to taiani 1
IO' bcO. a givioa I'hi'ora.iO a
fortor revow Cj his rnnvictnfB
iCOB a prcoorly settled record
is necessarily one for stale courts
HarUn) added
.fid i"1 I J..l.'KT!XBn rtrp nrrn
Bokad by
Ore. Mon., June 10, 1957
cases. They point out that, in
; iioiidi muc u
lation of all testimony
The trials of Americans in Ja
pan normally extend over many
weeks and some have continued
for more than a year.
Alio Like U.S. Custom
Here is how Japan's legal ma
chinery functions, whether t h e
case involves a Japanese or a
Police investigate and submit
their evidence to the Japanese
nrucuraiui . vi nusctuiui,
who is
a' 7',e procedure i , fco
' 'e ,a'"? cne,,ru" " ,0"0W
i issue an indictment or refuse to
f jndjct m wnjch case (he suspect
5 jree
j An American, prosecutor,
1 ralller ,han ,ndicting, can file a
j lnm!i cnarRe wnlcn n0us a sus.
j , ()r action Dv a grand jury
j()r (ir a prt,,minarv hearing. A
...., iiii-v a so can indict inae-
If the Japanese prosecutor is
sues an indictment, the defendant
has no alternative but to stand
trial unless the indictment is with'
drawn, which happens fairly fre
quently. There is no grand jury
and no preliminary hearing.
no nea rraignmv
at which a pica is made.
Bail usually is fixed by a ivilo
! in the UnitcO Stales, fgvmaa'y to.
I I hp liaiR irf nrrabroffihotf.
Tkirf nrp a iurv ti-Us ia
Jattoj. PridD CBB m tbK badpei
re-',,. j triniH Had I'm jxluff
tbrevaalixei ia aoea toba'act ino-t
flu win caw kmy sarcey rod vraxri)
.ttooas vcU .. on ewk tfta.
At the vattEog sMtaoaa ot a iqpm
toy u trul Has cbebaodrocd. bors tin;
anCmloxMal wool ami at Itoflt time
toj dA-P w4iK it a tueq&. it.
,Qoe61 em. raDL'jaaH-taO)' tboi JQa-oV fta
icaw (i tuDunnd by ft kooo rtwioi
to invnal aWJoMjofs to p)ftpoMe
Aattt iniut cbSttae p
noon As toataaonao, iaEaxuoifA by
tt proticatoii. T4ok nvAOWiQ
Amuaxvn pnuontoe. KttfSV ntbot
.hnsiHi Kflce Van evnftUEW touutt
OjKSacomow nuo wrcf cbAiy nenfo
toroiol tfti US'. Cuhn.
W" wo loimis by tbi gm-erami.
Suae- ft (a, Qio Diouek aMd Sn
jury ftxt by KlAnrtwn iuiim Ht
mxrc&oaa, fiMOa tbK btttfd. t
oil ay vroanttTtnj tnoloi a) fta
ft maw cftuw ss bwb CaxoiEft
erittgtDoonM p- Of ta OieCAOB
So Rmnteat.
to 4jia itf ffi tjJJl, hi) au4.
01 to yftwaa taauip4ax)T" dj
Cmw md fbro "voccy nidrMDA Kccay
' onxxoi to) farrbnJ mil cb
DNxani van courv tuj kxidv uuv
ftoi fntfr cfflocu troxg) w
Mmfl d tiHU . . ."
Gw rtjca Oatb nni cnantiigii 1
A and Haaaog od a
ion ot via toria pW up u I
:odi' to' On? Bxowoo Of U(M
ftorfomJd m bnfl..
tanno'DXtDC (to
dulpirt K0i
, iCDtawcntu to tin 814)
not next
Icootai 4
r b(q
al the K
' Three tracts involving j
,,i.oani icei ana apraWi a. s.w.-
i, nui . n,
smooth, soft bulk iaion. like
1 ,1
tlut of frcvli fiuit anJ vcyctjWcs, lidps
jour family siiv plrasinily tcgulir. Buv a
loaf today. Seven days till will convmie you!
ST. LOUIS (tf-Paul J. Nef, 72,
I board chairman of the Missouri
1 Pacific Jiailroad who led it out
of the longest major railroad
I bankruptcy reorganization in the
I nation's history, and associated
piTTsni'nr.u nMi nrn..
,L bennett, 43, retired Army sci-
enlist and the first associate ofdoroth, both of Azalea, have filed
Dr. Jonas Salk in the development fr the three-year vacancy. Robert
of the Salk antipolio vaccine, died i Proctor has filed for the four-year
ing, 62, author, illustrator, and
lecturer, sometimes called the
"Poet Laureate of Hawaii," died
yesterday. He was born in King
fisher, Okla.
DENVER Claude K. Boett
chcr, 82, widely known Denver
financier and one of the richest
men in the West, died yesterday.
He was born in Colorado.
Sroorjacb Upset Sends
Eisenhower To Bed
(Continued from page one)
with the statement I made earlier
that there is no indication that this
digestive upset is related in any
way to the President's recent op
eration or to his heart attack."
A reporter quoted Secretary of
State Dulles as saying at the capi-
tol that Eisenhower's stomach up
set was due to his having eaten
some blueberry pie.
Hagcrty said Kiseghower d i d
have bl(8'Jerry i(e SuftSlay, hut
tat be was unalii; to say t8etOer
it was a coetribitiag, facUr to the
Prcstt's illoss.
A w.'sBai asktS no K&- li-,b9MA-
)to. ae itmrnst ki
d natniit "rco, lis visit
:oa'l tfan LSI Srataa koit
mtttOMWs iroooa too tag cafrosr.
"I'm afiaii ," Wnooaty r
fibii, MM ton rtua. Ha, Prrazbog
iiKmt bid bjoai tmofe "iiw ir
ro&" ioovl.
Reef Hwooty jrvjDjaa i anztcoi't
part it Kbit naf" wma wosa
bMog dewftry aw' ' to ctetayv'
1iaftKrts btttlbcunA pa ' tm ax
Hrvacvuni Stum ia ttm tvmrooL's
ifawt cb&. Kxtf ha Rdd Ejxxoxam
o bra bJS OMQi) gcim mm
mriifaum ninwa tn hnrmH, unlnu
Bstmte ilxianSsav At tb Snjato acxt
dyM to bortnn Uxfi. to rnfc
Hcna poor ia the SonUk
AJaimjaxBV Dimaiwrratic Skoki
Sditrttojaa, muJ Uiil JlaunnJ
OWV boat! fau Rmmbllaams "mumri
f ttcor ambaxd MwoiiJ bw ltU
TO tc usail WSBtt flHHW
Nii CxAocru f See
It Ow iob Tomorrow
VAsnjKGTow - a
tcuaa Koasi ,aad
FKCtn to , Prwariwnn tauuniiDW
SbaJO sttOxmiaa. mdmirai iia I
nanadia the Pwoiiliiirt, winBtw 1
u a mmtty ticam of pxsqwctiw
utttrt atcoffwiot. earn yrum Htxao
amwH a tuj oipitqj to prewclB
rrm tb Gemnti t tt
"flTaao (asa tcaJ I JtAtr(i 4 eqli)
o ntxoottHCb ujBtet, A oro'k ww
SflB toitl rvpnxtBU "VFTutn ffi
Pvsuiata Tux e cold 0 9 HWTOMcft
vpua a or a flattwat ttumm." 1
cn ai ft inieacb to oixr'
atft 9 roaratu tfchndolto ojt uxvji4i 1
Ocut oob Qua, eVoiOs antk of warfo
am n ho capital offin itority. I
up wot ok am jjpi: fluty tfO) tusffji
VftfcdL Jdye4 CfQMB
iutaiiirri.rfi 4s
jrm. Tv-vi. - r.uufJt
oxoccn'rai tt-1
Hrt-aT lam ttuStffflr? .tf
, aiajonrtl c&Aaa ito.1
0iwfiff tf otyanxaa.
ot" llixfj) Sow, Sill Siaaw)-.
down maj wary Datwpam
RotfottgHtiflto And CrtHrt;
To Bd FoHturqd Qnoitto
Koxlr Qavn Judy Stro.le al
?rpry. Jupy tat l St..
mirg anu iaoi y uuria of Oak-1
land, will be featured guests to-,
niKht at the regular meeting of i
lot ftoftburg Junior Chamber of ;
loiumerce. ,
The Jaycces were In charce of
the selection of the queen and h-r ton S Kisenhower, :i7, Johns Mop
Cl'11'1' kins I'niversitv pi esulent. hospital-
The dinner meeting will start irnl with what a preliminary diag
at 6:30 p.m. at the Hotel I'mp- noma showed to he a kidiiev in
qua. The agenda also includes the fection A university spokesman
showing of a special rodeo mo- said Kisenhower became ill late
lion picture. ' Saturtlav.
Summar Retti an Planer tne'i ana!
Canyonvitle To Ballot
On Directors June 17
Canyonville School District will
vote on the annual school election
June 17 from 2 until 8 p.m.
Voters will elect three new school
directors to fill vacancies for three
four and five year directorships
and cn three budgets. Polling
..mviin. m H.i.n. Huirif
, elerk
. . ........... vv
noccn i.uniey ana ueorse uen
vacancy and Richard Rasmussen
the five-year vacancy. Proctor
Conley and Rasmussen have all
served as interim members of the
board. 0
Voters will also vote on a gen
eral budget of $54,608.88 over the
six per cent limitation, a $1,327.59
cut below the budget defeated on
May 10. The cafeteria budget of
$6,603.28 for installing and operat
ing a school cafeteria for one year,
is a cut of about $4,000 from the
defeated budget. The Anchor
School budget of $8,009 32 is the
same amount as was previously
defeated, and is the cost of open
ing and operating the Anchor pre
cinct school for a yea,', reports
Virginia Proctor, News - Review
Dillard Mao Feared
Drown end I rj N. UmfHQa
(Continued from page one)
i ion was not learned by state po-
lice. Purcival had just crossed theo
river, ana tne tnird man was on
the south bank of the river. The
sheriff's office later picked him
: UP-
Vickers was seen beilh? spt
over aut a six-foit falls in rapids
btt'ow tit; site of the capsiztjg.
Sarbara Kcr, Aoscburg, saii
s)u sa'f tin; stag m t curreat
K'n' tin falls. I to disa(Dar
aboat 2, Mo fft nistrwiol frno
u4oae tbs boat upmA.
Pefare sad Vickwrs ne a )Si'o
tf rubjgvr beats, nrtrin te his aAn- bK fell ati tbs fcta.
EaogMrjus. Bjgri, 5, Dvwftu
Sw(MoWI PtWlb
KUGINE IA A fi f ieo-aiii
Batumi boor dctcs3f StDizbf aAwi
ildnJjeoxs ora boat and fattou
oxxo a faniajn mimmjag jad at
a rwaaiaani tbxn ao cms i a
JXtlKnrwn, sum a7 au. tnj m.
Oxr aid ItotBpdl oj( Sagiema.
bldmnfBx to aare bs Gu vita
artriHd patpmttxnn end: teoooV
eotov vAUa rata.
State pcobire aaid aonbaa
apramri a tbB pyifete svunmiss
pool heboid tiw nxubam at Kca
aid Snefttftroon. a Efl-mo bnito
rami, in rtae Rtr Bml d at rart
nam ojt EngwiB. Tin finerutraoa
vuyt) nut at home.
Tee Tuiiai and sxustia bov bid
apprentrf eiuniiud the tenoa b
bwh of tbs pool and 0w ilcDxv
eO tarf tea into rtan sunt
pnlSbas atott. Tta aOaa bw rojinial
anfHXMS ft rivtd to nommxai bitp.
but ttu) Kt.uil bjorr bad beuo
to am vtttev 10 to u arojnrujc tito
tx 4l n ftmmt 4j 4is fglhw:.
I Carpenter Union;
Grab Under tnauirv
(Oartzzmcii tans pnjw 4Ui
Hurt owpow mnluidn t ro (8
FncoJt 8. IVrmro.oJ , njtemationid
" proadait and bviuinrtO' of ttu
Km. b hmaiflBd bj' U9 taduuMcp
oia am"rvi
C1aipmaa: liauj trij it HutcB
menntiaaJ pmtdait' a the
orficmaar, and O. Wtflimo Eimtr,
wman Tine prvasiixo, per mb
oonwed SJannor to axj li 4
Tecud tncctk ncetnmt.
vWrotun ttar i3 tcrresUZA
tanadi cbutt lliApom an 9
BJaio boa yvia reread a toMl ot
MJ.1 IXmi ttm SMd of tadomx
pwros w akgo cto oj-
(h brad, bar eal ttu maner
Vcv dkSKufted a o ntcnal oit
j greatest 00 ClhjfQxmnn 'e osats.
lloato n lii.o vecoazn. nxiJ '
I Gttr. vex trnttcn to lt Acttesoiv
UliBrowo, COjutr mtA Wo tarcojQD
ftxsbtpr (flXttmb) mrft' arato ott
ditrtoa n ccnuroit(D OT tftes
Y. i- ,
fftmxii, r optraon
lm- w B',a "o itpare
rneHnen? !0e
evy ajJBKiw-
J83'.. T W
"" ft'on . rm8 '
aj ins fcstui. ay pub.
I Altll U KMOty Viy Scf
"owcr'j woWsoio ousn, t)i6 ae.
stmtti ,o aanuvy, "tmuiiv
h,'Vs 0' tf,
m,i .lame C SSwt, S
repoer, fcwTWit just
fine as first anniversary M
eration approacnev
BA1.T1.MORK i.r-Kurther test!
were ii'hi-.liili-,t tmlao fr iir Mil
400 4 600 cu. ft.
Hospital News
Mercy Hospital
Surgery: Kenneth .Mead, Rose
burg. Medical: Mrs. Delbert Baker,
Tenmile; Mrs. Billy McClure, Oak
land; Mrs. Grady Cain, Winches
ter; Mrs. Hurdman Hurley, Mrs.
Maude Stevens. Roseburg; M r s.
Lillian Van Kimmell, Amarillo,
T Onha Dattilnl,
Texas; Robert Pettijohn, Winston.
Edwin Castor, Mrs. Eva Lewis,
Mrs. Larry Piekarski and baby,
Gregory Paul; Mrs. Robert Morg
an and baby, Rodney Eugene,
Roseburg; Michael Fowler, Cath
erine Jean Steele, Myrtle Creek;
Mrs. Claude Talcott, Mrs. W. F.
Price, Glide; Mrs. Ernest Palmer,
Oakland; Mrs. Harold Martin, Rid
dle; Mrs. Lloyd Moyer, Robert
Owens, Sutherlin; Mrs. LeRoy Wel
don and baby, Gerald Lonnie, Win
ston; Forrest Soloman, Winchester.
Douglas Community Hospital
Surgery: Carl Christensen, Rose
burg; Mrs. Floyd Curtis, Oakland.
Medical: Mrs. Clarence Marsh
all, Oakland; Ervin Hcrriges,
Glide; Mrs. Richard Hensley, Mrs.
George Warren, Sutherlin; Mrs.
Malcolm Moreno, Eugene; M r s.
Benjamin Schmidt, Mrs. Robert
Clark, Mrs. Kenneth Neves, Mrs.
Richard Swanson, James Murray,
Mrs. Kenneth Bathke, Mrs. Robert
Tjomsland, Muriel Altman, Elijah
Ollivant, Mrs. Gerald Bernheisel,
Mrs. Ronald Herman, Roseburg.
Bert Austin. Mrs. Warner Good,
Elaine Chartier. Mrs. John Brint
nd baby. Janet Maybelte: Mrs.
David Harem, Jackie Holland,
Mrs. Loren Johnson ed baby,
Kerry William: Elmer Young, lts
West, Mrs. Williae) HodSes, Willis
Fritts. IKrs. Floyd fi. Aigule.
Crow.etr, Mrs. ti'intb Bergermx
and baby, Sheryl A; Mrs. iJonaM
Duicai aiti babe, Jffii f Jaa;
Diraa Schs, rs. lVrai Iiad
by. La!a Delc, tobur; Allot
Bwll, litttto: Lexa. Kavtbtt, Gkn
4ab; Mrs. Hear Harris, DiUnrd;
.Vrs. Cbarlbi Vrraaa saai bnb.
Carkb Lee. Swbwba: Clarton
TwvU:, flr. ViHsB CA'tocom,
Bttfttf-fctta Accept" fiM
Ta j(kd festiifali tMtf
Imngteo Coftmtr d bjt ivare
iKXOad rf aoxiby group t the
tjatiiaA Bow Jatfirfel tbs mot.
Vmi as raveiTed tuUy tbaat
fflw Ltaa-E8, Sherd's Uamxtwl
at rod, has roc-aToJ a bid to enter
ten' mxmrd&d toita foari m tbs
ttftaaArxm ouv-nodn d (b p-and
ftorftl purasfaa Juxna li.
Tbe goard movj( trf coiar bso
en and puris. Tbs fnnr nabat
of the luard hare umnctrted tiai
"ull attend. Tby are DnrcnbT CoJ
biw. Oerifmia Skerlnrit. Jucoit
VuVxm and AJleaa Ffteeafaan$ii.
KaiTner, it was amwunmd 1 1
ltaweimrg Huisfate of PteK Cet
Dm ami Bnsw Cayp wavdi gwe
titupBtn m Van pm acti;.
tn fire Ar U CirawfSe
G8AJSDE, Ctnt ta Tank
ptsiptle otted in ftr tjcbirb etnqtil
tttraqtb tn raoaaa elf haxnxs hire
eiof ttcaa7. Tm otaen ,af
tord tatnxn bnt jumped to saSetf
fraxo s tfkfctmri - CUksp btfctrooxo
Tbe nrtmu: Jccft?pb I . CnuV
tre, T. a rUred bisaa!; bis
1K. Fbara3ji, alntJ: and
rtusr griranaoa, Konni looruoo,
luus wta) wtnsed tjwi Ram
to' prrts, Cbnf BcucRrffvni) e
Untie and Sins. Aomin Duorwagwh).
ftotb tpere rramtetl o "ee.tijfec
tor'' canflaiD nj St ioycv'
ScoWed Husband Kilt
f flmitjr Of 5. ttirtwelf
TOStXVTW oijr ajd 4T-
feo-ai4 eSHCtrwiacBi fcdtol bw WiXft,
psnonai and two thltrrea Testep-
6e bevasuw tha pak'eatx xad vxo
abiBrto (a trauar M4 ffM
Hi b&.
Afty IJb ctroAtjiisi jiaccys Jxlie
ID. Sam bar ratooud tu r into ijd
btitxs aimioMW etui Ivflcd 6jjo
ecu". 6 epos 9 asgd?
ejfate onavr.
Pofin wuri Sax to iiQtpwxoxty
tDOii m 1 ? ntrS pxpte 0-aro Km QiiijOJ
and bJMjttened tn slectnaj p
BI, iir. and Or J ft Ota Sao
etxo 4r , ftoi isrrw!;4 n 4Xar?
fttni ft ad sb lea. 1. Vto b
aTrjurgled (us wiia; iagtsna
necat o trui
O OTOttlrjD f iXhiltK TtlO)
PuftTi jsn j. Vu. n
K,i IWVm. .. twl.rrm
vb9 vornjn araco co bc
tJiuKd. fmxa3 fiixKtoJ
-O tto daoii at t 6ji iet-.
S "uS?1 ,? "Kan fif
, ' '5 '? ' ffl M
from a fishing trip and a srxrcO
was started Saturday nignt.
The brother-in-law. Dr. Krank
SnuiiMin?. said Power had stif-
fered from a heart ailment.
m niMm ni'i u
AF Reserve Officers
Visitors At Local Unit
j Major R. A. Forbes, information
'service and recruiting officer;
Capt. John Childers, assistant
i training officer; and Donald R.
Henimingway, liaison officer from
the 9091st Air Reserve Group, Med
ford, were recent visitors at the
weekly training classes at the
9415th Air Reserve Squadron,
The officers conferred with the
staff of the local Air Reserve unit
Ion the latest training and informa
tion service procedures.
The specialized training flight of
the locai unit was led by Capt Steve
M. rowier. ine non-commissioneu
officers' flight continued its leader
ship training study under Maj. Guy
L. Lutz.
The local unit meets Wednesday
at 8 p.m. this month at the Air
Reserve center, 16H W. Harvard
Ave. Information may be obtain
ed from Sgt. Richard Camfield
there or by telephoning OR 3-7584.
Boat Accident Takes
Lives Of FoOr Persons
DAHLGREN, Va. 11 Virginia's
worst boating accident of the yenr
claimed the lives of two men, a
woman and a boy yesterday.
Eleven members of a family
fishing expedition were heading
for shore in a 20-foot houseboat to
escape worsening weather.
The boat was within 200 yards
of the beach when Joe Miller, 7,
stumbled over a railing and tum
bled ft' to eight-foot-dceg Wti-s of
Machadoc Creek.
In quick succession, th chiefs
father Melvi Milter, 32; ."Cittfer's
sister ?rs. PauliO Hctickiw. 35.
ad kar kusbaof Vao, 9, anion i
te tl res?. !
All drore! bil r.UVvw it)
tbe bolt, inclitliot Hirer's wife;
and their cabur tarts caa,
threw out U fvvnri.
A1MINGT0H t 7b Paf
Apprapr'ijl.uBxi Comairtto wts it
has eut 31 mHam iaUi'S oboeBQw
tio tbe Haue ia the eibt anul
XBxjn&y boJJs on vbxt4 it 'ed.
Tn ,1xuit4 b yet ta aort an
fow of tben, iwrd tb exnDufte
.",0" bos oat t esnpinad wx
en tb dfeiw aransr kail, rbitb
tbe MouoS cut I'i ko-fttcm tioiLiB
hcrov PpewEbeat K jsteninjpo r
anewte. Th Senxte mxoniitteB racaixms
hti'in0.s tmiiv cm requeue lbt
H restan ,S1, 000,000 of th do
fWrsB eut.
In tbs boutts i Bx ttxntttcd to
f otoa EQ UteB bes nt t V
lei af ,M,0OI),tW0 from Fcseo
bmrer's trarliet reaaesup tut tte
yiaor start 004 Jar 1.
Ta Visit Unifad Sfat
lAVDON le-Tbs Mewe Circa
irtft n,T Qmen EiaafaeJ-o U exu)
heir bxwio-ori, Prinit Pbiiip, dl
vaxt tbs tajwd States te ety tU;
in Ce-Mjw.
(juoimo artoTtmuJ sjumcia tN
l.itral nsspw' Mr Soo
cmriopaBiaest stid f miel
conpu wa M'teaid 5SDtb axase
t,ry eEurntams at jaimestovti,
Ve., Oct. 1 aftyr gonj to Cemtn
i. It ctttled they iH begm three?
(u Ttafl to Wuhmgva next
day u attests of Proaicm end
ttr. Humdmvtr and later mr
t frrbxji tiTD to Sae Fras
ran cd tlanegii. Tbs tisO tfl
etui Oil. tl, 0 pstpei ea-td.
Glendatar Lifcrairy Branch
Cortducrin ftflading' C!(6
Aj ipiecisl iarcntife to enmoxcv
reaxlco, lbs QendAis Cioxxae
towi hyenrb in nov rfflnrcartcag
e readca rbxb fay caibii-eii.
ti ecb boaA b ram Dieted. cfti
Gr3 jcofic?tmg vab lbs piM VxD
repeat cm tbe boot to ths iKiranxs.
mil the rS0 in them cms unit
aS m paper o cna b-e ai. ea?b vtzt
a WDewJ. W(ura exgbt booKs ha TO
bus read mA reparid an. mt
tntm r.a be nnnpiets. cuicV ffls 9JJ rereif a nytjotoats
fcevorftatB t &iroiliil6 bjtoaywjtt,
STV. Bob ltoTtjL Cos bttrJof w
I ijftioag ore tbao S30 boot per
I rmMuj tn reader befan utiiool Va
e tared (to lh etuoouv. U s bv
ttB-i-et ttt Gfurti VxD. go tasJt
: tltw etkioxwy. rtfparc earrtpond
1 (B (Xnt. txoejd Sax,
Clendafe 0S Conduct i
Annuat Memorial Moot1
&tendU eoxfter of tta 0u
Sf af iwimt Stm- held 0 rp
anl oxentccnai meztctu rexeme.
They ve assisted oy taerr
etxesr. tojomcicr af rtts 1,'urnailfc
?ooa tofbw. tftto fewened ttie
fct t tb rbns at trie, Etce.
tctTtffXs; as'tsasnuxss u ticr?l$
fl cil. I. S S oWejono eyejt
6rok mto wxia baaxf tmcct
bv le.'il AOAma. S to esie tooc
ll kttrWn a (0SJ ffOt OTttO
fixtuiOs. olit tae toxteil 0:t
wall for (Mod aeOre, iOimti r-
ported. 0
- o '
State Wild Life
Group Re-elects
2 Roseburg Men
BEND I The Oregon Wild
life Federation, at its annual
meeting here Sunday, re-elected
Bruce L. Yeager Roseburg, pres
ident. Another Roseburg man, Charles
S. Collins, was continued as execu
tive vice president.
Carl B. Ramsey, Milton-Free-water,
was named secretary and
R. M. Groves, Lebanon, treasurer.
The 12 vice presidents are Maj.
H. C. Tobin, C. C. Schenk and
Chet Hogan, all of Portland;
Claude Cox, Lebanon; Franklin
Lew, Baker; Francis Stokesberry,
Bend; Max Moore, Hood River;
Gene Hanson, McMinnville; Tom
Forrest, Broadbent; Howard Had
ley, Albany; Woodrow Groom,
Milton-Freewater, and Ray Vin
cent, Creswell.
The federation voted to ask the
state Game Commission to de
clare a special buck deer season
between Sept. 28 and Oct. 23, with
the last three days of such a
season open to shooting of either
sex. Its recommended closures of
Central Oregon this year for
antlerless d;r, and proposed a
bull elk season for Oct. 26 through
Nov. 17.
Speakers at the tie(ifM meet
ing included Jack Bintord, chair
men of the slots tYoKT Resources
Board: 8lnir .McClure, statft
Grange nester; aiai Icqs Breifa,
notional vita pisiUBt te' ttu
Wildlife; 1'tdtnation.
Mum InoQEarjrj, RaiiiH)
The Uispys Lions Club ti" Vest
liw was yraclwoaeal t'ne oat
slaniia tlu a the yea it Zd
1 (LkuvUs Cowily) si e
Iter tbs veefeaxd at I to loagfenr
Wowglry Club.
ru ae tbe iijWibl af tb o
cml wttoiisBtuai eaJ irwcc, Ktaet
njj. Iraiey iht. onVets 0 batb
tbs Luni aori aaxiliar; wm in
texied dwbx tbs mtuxf by Co
tTrt Got. ViUsog fioccfois and Brt.
Jdcot'aeV feature of tbs evQuag
tbs ouamohi 0 Veyns itf". ?afc
ctcy es "oulatendxn Lam of lbs
J"" to tbs Lmpq fbo.
To 0Bznd ocat tbe eTRuaa, perert
allextxiitsce pxjxe ere prMaKeif te
10 Lions lor) itrar Lrir Unn, tad
tbs Umpn-ue Unne tonkas ttll
iwtiiel K Ifapiy ftn- bxcu lbs
ra t bwiuaj obempiDxxsiup. &e no
be? 1 nf tb Veaxo ai-e: 9t.m
SrbraEctev, dtrom Ctbsoo B i 1
TbetcbCT, gjs taau emit Haroitl
Monthly f ottsiort Sooat
t $1 OOt Cailifornia flan
HftCBEoJEVro -Ths isscn
bly bsj kuttcaicd a, aji-ecs vitb
the benaM that CitUianiia's aid
ftgs pewaneiv sirauid bt gor an
Ued an iocems ot 100 e mantle
Tns lower hmae sjatttt'day iw
.texted a coeccd mente vritten otto 9
Scum bitt by the Wiv
KieaiK Committeai lhat wmi'td r
cpture pmiDni'i to sKow ictimi
need to receire tie ft-tt M0. Tab
present cei&s cm aid j pBD
cans ii to 1 BMBlb,
The bail pxipasw gTHntbo$ pen?
tiancrt us lo $11 aaoAosnl eeca
UKUHb ar vbslever pm'.itm ct tfcao)
needed ta bring bis toiad inrome;
from itaxs id and other aui're
ta 200.
food FouaAim; KiW XZ,
50 Other l Honpifal
T.4 PLAT, AFgcntina t fnnd
oawtmaxg tbes killed 12 porsj-o to
Lit P""le. lleaJtb axitbartiur tr
wonpulatag twad) eds af cdners
&At ataibi pcvreuJagfe of tbs
ttartd upp4y of aa antitovio.
Fite persosy v Bos prt J Lcti
man af them ia into luogs-a a
result nf tbs pcoaomng o ihutcd
to erottcd pimieBtcof screed, tn at
(.ct flat resuranogv
M3tj?a1:Ur4Bcyifrtl Jicffo'tatflT Co.
today wjaouaccd plans to tai tid
otnr tccut cjdied tain losniaxes)x
too Dl CD) -lis) TnacrcubST.
Tits asxsamt's v iiDA it can
tUmiift 1U TPtlX COKCfK at co t im liar mi co
tgrucKsjt at tor mouse wsi Qxx
Birt erdxtranJ tpnrcs fianc o-
Idiot, fll
Jftmo (com
-4f OMTf&O j&UUVt- f.
Rites For Roark
To Be In Idaho
The body of Thomas Edwin
Roark, 58, Roseburg, who died
Friday in Grants Pass, will he
shipped to Kuna, Idaho, for fun
eral services and vault interment.
Roseburg arrangements are being
made hy the Chapel of the Roses.
Roark, who lived on Northwest
Beacon Way in Roseburg, had
been in Grants Pass seven weeks.
He was employed as a mechanic
! for Josephine County.
Ila ,nP hn,n ll,n,li 1J I 900 I
Boise, Idaho, and came to this
community 13 years ago. e was
preceded in death by a daughter,
Theda Elva Bronson, in 19j0.
Surviving are his wife, Cieo of
Roseburg; two sons, Thomas Ed
win Jr. of Roseburg and Michael
Dale in the U. S. Marines, station,
ed at Palms. Calif.; one daughter,
Charlotte of Roseburg; and a
The body was removed from
Grants Pass to the Chapel of the
12 CBUO SmttflMtt
Qt To BeaVer Boys'
(Continued fro 16 page one)
James Edin, sponsoifd bg 1. 00
qua Legict) post.
Artur FraOm, 1$, Biddfe High,
ScDpol saeior, son of ArUtur T.
Fraae. spiftOneS ? LBPi L
St'8 pceit.
Grady Gaalke It, Days Ci fik
HicU oxi junior, tffi C tM
Ga;. MH9I'B b.t t'ajj 6ist
lejrf; Oamdttr c" Coamacca.
().. LjIjs. 17, lctcte a) fel i j)H
VamJ taiior, an of taw l.iies
., sanxa ed bv BtG033brg) Siba
b Crab.
LVtt' tcCbilla, 17. Cecnac
Veins Nigb Sebsgil hxt-, tab 6V
Jena ifcCbillea, sjeamrtA by
WaJtar Xayanhia, 1, Gleajjftl
Hi jo .ViraoJ Kknaai', em ctf Vb,a
lccodris ,Vj-., jOTcOT id b Utorj1
cput Dau T.
Joia SubrataU. If, Ghttb HigS
.Vboui iomai'. aan 0 Jape Sai)r
tiedl .V.. sorcasatied by Witbb S
louK Ttar. If. Sbtbsrcrtt
Hitb .Izbml jattuor. can Si' flase
Tayan'. saauiia'fll by Vco5B7c Ve
abm peal.
CORVAU.fS fas 50 boy
tt'tesrbaj tbs eajmA! Bewer
ftoye Siftis vena te JUL t'lf ajB
ret late tfemday as u of lbs
early pitams of low (ftboaafixQ
U'aAoin protgreca.
Tm vtQ ebart cauaJi afflcei
Tuesday and etats arTiaa Tfiurav
d. kuaiyajalton cot tbs ssde
crfftoers rill bs held a SatKtb bk
rpftoi'J oeiiwaibas Friday.
T&a aonmal aeim. aptuTsnrcd
y tbs AoxTwin Lefbn, apwied
Sunday MiM. tipeaitei'a were Dao
iieBactB. f'cffHid, cheirmaa for
the Legion; Carl Willie ma. Cco
raui mKfcyor: and K. B. lann,
rieao g 4iE uuau-iiUon d Urvjott
Stats CaLbsje.
Yawrh Cenler Meain
Stated tamght AC 7:30
YcmlB Center ofRei ami rep,
resBOHOivcs vill meet tcmbtnl t
f:M at ttba Yautb Cenvei-. Thit
ntesttat is open ta cahBr imgresi
vo psraxtoa, arpartlmi ta PuJ
Pittgoralri. preairieirt.
I'm center ha sshxduted m
Bancs VrUay from to 11:SD p.m.
A band has art yet been instated.
totap con tsi ovcMcivd E Otettins
o cot end lsaiicdso in ycfcr in
surance prcaiortatoi oa bfttt ooid
eri by ccfhoiltinQ S8M 9AIL
S. 6. Boo, ftottburfl. CfcroertiTiirV
alter van hov o chance to V
jrx ova raur inwrntu cayoaa
ott cruffi cru'cg e e
ayo twd epy tto of ctrvmoj
n -sit ptout co no etitoB l
otBttlO SO Cdr OVk fOli
nijrR'. Pcpt vvVn, roar icutw-,
:i aaVics ano deb t coll tt-
oclc can fcjano
Cfl r.cjrinRi
rHONE OS 9-8741