' 12 The Newt-Review, kotebiirf. Or. Thuri., May 23, 1957 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Movers 1-A Apt. Per Kant 4 Circuit Judge Orders Speedup In Vice Trials PORTLAND I A Circuit Court judge Tuesday urged the attorney general'! office to pre pare with all possible speed the casei stemming from Portland's year-long vice investigation. Judge Charles Redding said he is anxious to get a "good number" of the eases into court before the inual summer court slow-down and recess. However, at the request of both sides, he moved back to June 17 the starting date of Mayor Terry Schrunk's trial on charge of perjury. Schrunk originally had been scheduled to go on trial Wednes day. In another action Tuesday, Red ding refused to dismiss a false swearing indictment against Port land policeman Raymond Road night on Roadnight't. claim that a county grand jury met illegally when It convened In the state office building here instead of the Meanwhile, the board of gover-i nor of the Oregon Stale Bar said it will meet soon to discuss whether it should suggest nam's of attorneys to serve as special prosecutors in the vice trials here. Protestant Type Of Funerals Gets Rap From Pastor PORTLAND 1 The Rev. Richard M. Kleiner, pastor of the First Unitarian Church here, said Sunday that Protestant funerals are improperly conducted in many cases, and he believes that the ministry and churches are at fault. "It is the function of the min ister to conduct a funeral and it is up to the ministry and the lay people to see that he regains this junction." the Rev. Mr. Steiner said. "The Protestant minister has permitted the undertakers to call themselves funeral direc tors." He Slid that off often families feel that the wishes of the de ceased should be carried out at funerals. "But," he asked, "what If the deceased requests, "She'll be Coming Around the Mountain' be played at the funeral?" He said he also questioned the "value" of viewing the body in the casket. Sen. Morse Says Williams Good President Fodder DETROIT un Sen. Morse (D Ore) said Saturday that Michigan Gov. G. Mennen Williams "would uinv Kioai uiciriii. Morse, whose candidacy on the Democratic presidential ballot has been urged by Sen. Neuberger (D- yil mmiA .Xh nlaal u,.. nan. fectly absurd." but he added that he hoped a "Morse liberal" would win the Democratic nomination. Morse made hia remarka at a Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner here. He criticized President Eisen hower for what he said was "giv ing away a substantial part of our water table to private industry" and said that the President is "being used as a tool" by private power. i.. ' i ,h J"..! I Live whiles, i-4Vj lbs, 23-26; col- d'"Wh.riw,"7eedU nhi. ..!" J2J? fewer men and more technicians.!" to retailers. 59-M; cut up, The draft is a terrific waste of , ine senator ano saia ne wouia men," he said. Senate Committee Will Study Timber Road Plan WAMUNflTON - Son. Mas-1 39 50; st.mlard, 3 00-37.50; com mmon (D-Wtsh) said Tuesday the m.rcial cows. 29 00-35 00; utility. Senate Appropriationg tommitteei M 00-32.00; canneri and cutter, wilt make t close and continuing 27.00-30 00. luriy of tht timber access roadl . ... . construction proKrm. I Bef cul! choict gteersHInd Mattmiion said the committee ?""rtf"' OO." 00; rounds 44 00 has directed the Forest Service -J900: 1 1 lolni trimmed, 5 00 i nrntriH. . ...... .ii io..7 00; lorequa rters. 'M.W 35 00: timbt-r coitracts in which private tiperators construciea access , . . , ,. roads prior to removal of timbr. j -mbs Choice, 45-56 lh. 42 00 The committee. MaKnuson said.!4500: Rood all wts. 38 00-41 00; wants to know how much timher Pnn Umbs. choice-prime. 4800 access road mileae is paid lor 50 Rood, all wts. 45 00-400. by federal funds and how much I 'ork carcasses Shipper style, is being built outside the control 1 lt"0 Ibt, 30 00-32 00. of Congress. ' Porlt cuts Loins, choice, t-12 Th. nvfr'nmi-nt in fforl U lb. 49 00-5.1 00; shoulders. 16 lh paying for both, Magnuson said. uuwn .u"-..wi; sparerins, no because private operators reduce,3000; fr,h nam!. lh. 7 - inem to construct access roads Governor Holmes Pleated With Program Approval fat l.tl an f I 1 : l .Ai.r.. lt1 hut. nuimri Min Wrdnrulay that he is plrasrd that ' so much of his nn.nrim annrnvrd h th Ini.lalur with the Iemocrats in control of only one house. I He said the Letiislatures tax pro it ram "will be of no serious ; rarm to Individuals or businesses in the state " Holmes added "The legislators are to be commended for spend-s inn lh- n-rrviarT lima to do lh.,,. jnh Wfll trn Ihouth it mrant a longer sxsiimi than in an? other tune in Oregon s hiMory.' Tornado Leaves Only Btdroom, Sleeping Man CARKOU.TO.V. Kv. un A neighbor said h hail to awaken John Kirhmond early Wednesday In tell him all of his houM except his bedroom hsd blown away in a small storm, beliried to be a tor-1 nano. I It. I. lh. kufrn..M H which ! Kirhmond was sleeping wai left i oi nis two-story, rite room home iter in, storm dipped into a hoi low near the Little Kentucky Hiv er four miles suuthwe.t oi Car- ruiiion late lueidsy mghl. , .iport of eahew nut products esrnt India mora th.. dollsra (LS) every year. Classified Section LOCAL CLASSIFIIO ADVUTISINO Advartitlnf placed from wltbiB RoHturf trad a . aa Minimum cnarg to: any on add If He CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day fxr word 2 day per word 3 days per word 4 days per word 5 days per word 6 days per word Line ad. Dr lint a day .. Line od, repeat Insertion, per day 9c Une od, per line, ptr month 2 35 DISPLAY CLASSIFIIO First Insertion, per col. Inch $1.60 Repeat inertion, per col inch .80 1 col. inch per month $20 80 NetfeMl Cletilfied Advrt.iff, 25c per line, no repeat rote 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW ADI 11:0$ A. K. day previous to publication CANCELLATIONS LP TO CM A M. ADJUSTMfNTS rur dvtrtu.nunt pp "'TIT?'!; 1 . ""."TL' !,., ui .art ion. ucn ra.pon.ibu.tr u llmiuxl to refund of pric paid or cor rect Insertion advewtleetnent. ErrvnN wri t, not hklo MORI THAN ee DAli Real Estate 1 Always See ... A Realtor It will par you . be sure be safe Look for this EMBLEM It maana DEPENDABLE Kail bull counaal. Only REA1.TOKS plar this Bmbttm. Y. ... IS will a ay. Always Sea A Realtor Portland Markets Wednesday PORTLAND PRODUCI PORTLAND 11 Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change - Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 60 63 cents per lb; first quality, 57-60; second quality, 52 ii. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 49V; A grade, 02 score, B grade, 90 score, 57; C grade, 89 aeon, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf, Uj.Mi,. ,, ... , . . . TV T; J ?-' A I'T.tti, i V""",V rr. A Small, 27-30. CartOnS I'J CCnU Additional. r.ggs To wholesalers-A large, 3J-34',; A medium, 32-MV4: A small, 25-28. Live poultry No. -1 quality, f o b. Portland f ryers, zvi-4 ids, 23Vt; light hens, 11-13 at farm; heavy hens, 13-15 at farm; old roosters, 7 9. Turkeys - To producer - Live weight fryers, 27-28: breeder hens and loms, 25 on oven-ready basis. Rabbits Average to growers wool nominal, clean oasis, h blood, .15-1; blood, 1.25-27; blood, 1.40-tS; fine, 1.45-55. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, Ik ti, ji na. - A ta mi 'rJlltJk, U "37 ; r,bs 4S " 1 Slab bacon-AU wts. 47 00 58 00. I eal and calvei Cood-choire, 1 all wts. 37 00 49 00; standard, , I JJ.OO-44.00 Fresh Produce Onions Ore. Darners, med. 1 riA C . l njt tn . T" . si-l. .. i " -ju. inn n n, 3.50 - 4.00; Or. iMilrrs. I 10-25 HaT No. 1 lr,-n alfalfa, haled f 0 h. Portland. 29 00 M 00 ton PORTLAND LIVISTOCK salable ISO; market active, Kmrr- t w.nston Terms arranged. Mid ally steady to siron. with heift-rs street, ca)) os s-4m recovering Monday's 2i M decline: . , . 11 ......1 n-r ii. i t ' ,,5,. ,. i,7 ,,, t. 11 , 1 . l" utility H..1- k..r. . 1. armind iMI Ihs Kim; runner atul l"r- .cra. s twtroom hou, car. rullrr rows U(-14 0rt; utility 1 J " """" " 'TT ,iiI!'i'L!'.Wfl"1" ,n,i''"'"t MrWi hon-,-w-td. UtllltT bulU 1,. J.,. p.vm.l Will Ira.H lor Calves salable 7V choice vralera' """ ,n " Mlv jteaciy at M00 200: tiwd winstun - Aur.cii... room hom.'. M n0 2fi Oil- ttanri'lirft IS 110 21 Sil 1 rwdrooma dan rnlal tt. tftrs Mom salsMe 2J0: trade active: ni-- . ; . . . . jbutrhrra steady to strong; sorted No 1-2 grades 2100; 1 head !motly No 1 21 25; mned No. I ) 1 ,.ra,l. .orled off No 1. f 1,,J; ,ow 10J00 lht 15?"' M Sheep salable 300: trad moder 1 alely active: spring lambs Heady ,T ,uviii'iji'wrr rrn.iuii .d. ml.rn S Mroun lot. mostly choice i 100 lb spring os j.ti lambs 23 00; good spring lambs i" ai-rm - hooa.-T bam, .7 I2U3O300: deck utility and good!,-'.' "' on j-itm old crop shorn lambs with No. J ' tI7r..?,.,,'S-,..:",Ul c" ' ...ii I. .' OK ' i' 'slaughter ewe 1 00 3 00. I Real Estate 1 Trailer House Owners Register Your Wants In Reol Estate With Us NOW WE have mtftl people who will accept trailan ae trade-ins en gooa a---bedroom homes. Mdgness Real Estate Bit I.E. Washington OR 3-8340 Williamson Real Estate SEE tie before buying your home. farm. business, or industrial ail, au priceo to pleas you. COZY ( room home, very attractive, very convenience, a carport, un not miss seeing this. 3XE this gorgeous summer home on north Umpqua river, boating, naning. a nice beach. AU modern, like new. WE have an lee Cream drive-in doing fine DustneM. uwntr ouu awu. Ph. OR 3-4302 1157 N E. Stephen! St. Sophia Stone Realtor 1 ACRE, with very nloe S bedroom hous. Circulating fireplace, sunken living room. Separate dining room. This home M in a park like setting with a year round stream. A little off the beaten path makes thia an ideal place for children, fairly priced at (HAM. with good terms. 900 DOWN will buy you a very eorn- fortame 2 boo room nom wun an apt. Monthly payments es, total price $ 000. Evenings Call OR S-S43P OR -a Wonted Stock Forms and Business Opportunities WE are carrying on a $3000 out-of-state advertising campaign. We need West ern Oregon stock ranches, retirement homes, dairy farms, general farma, suburban homes and SO new business opportunities. We need good listings to advertise in Kinney's Oregon Farm at Business Catalog. 9 commission when and If sold. Write for copy of eur ISM Catalog. OREGON SETTLEMENT ASSN. Realtors 948 Oak Si. Eugene 2 Bedrooms Plus PanII4 3rd btdroom In full buernnt ilorrv ta m top condition and newly decorated. Ideal kitchen with eating rea. Full iIm dining room. Very de sirable district. Large lot and fully landscaped. Hurry See IhU at once. ISM W. Brown Ave Ph. OR 2-2431. FOR SALE BY OWNER, beautiful 3 bedroom hilltop home. Over 2O00 aq. ft. of floor apace. Lou of picture win dow, .fireplace, forced eir heat. Hard wood floors, double garage and lota of extra detailing by builder. See at ItMT N W. Otie Lane, or call OR J-OOja after ft pro and weekends. FOR SALE 285acre Levenhagrn ae tata on the Umpoua Hiver near ttcott- btirg, Oregon. Sonte river frontage and young, unmerchantable Umber. If tnieroaiea, contact ft uooawin, Attorney, Readaport, Oregon, oa or be- rore saay si. ivsi. OWNER tranaferred. mint eell 3 bed room home. Clectrio heat. Utility room. UoublaT garage end workshop. Make an offer for my equity, and tave all loan coU. 14.1 N.s. Lombardy urive. Kh. UK 3-0328. FOR SAlJt OR TRADE 3 bedroom mod ern house, J acre of land. 34 bearing rruu trees, iota of berries, s car ga rage. Electric heat. Lots of water. On paved road In Dillard, for 3 bedroom home Jn Roeeburg. Ph. OS 9-8770. FOR SALE or trade 3 bedroom du plex in West Winston for 3 or 3 bed room horn In Rcseburg or Winston. Payments only S6-A per month. Rents for over $100 month. Phone OS -5 IS 3 ACRES, modern home, barns, chick en nouses, otner buildlnas. 12 acrea Irrigated, sprinkler system Included. All in permanent pasture. For quick sale. tlJ.ooo with SJ0O0 down. Ph. M73 Riddle. MODERN 1-bed room home on paved treat, sewer, oil heat. Large closeta, utility porch, attached garage with extra storage. Fenced yard W.9SO on terms IVU N W. Fairmont Avenue. OR 3-8202 THREE bedroom home and 3 acrea. 11 2. MO, Lumber for extra building. Trade for highway or city property of equal value, or laws sjfl Housley. OR 3-1K33 afterjl evening or Sunday. THREE bedroom modern house, 2u acrea. t acrea clover, l- scree straw barnea, some fruit Tractor with tm piemsmte. Sw 000. terms. OR 3-JMM MODERN 1 bedroom home In east Roe.! burg S5.S30 Will take IVO cash or ! clear car, trailer or pickup aa down two" acres, "good pameni uh j well and pumo. Livable 4 room houee Small trailer or truck accepted as down payment. OR 3-yoM FOR TRADE tl K equity in 3 bed room house for automobile of equal alue. 3h7 W Harvard Avenue. CaU t)R 3-2.12.1 after 4 J0 p m. OWNER TRANSFERRED - 3 bedroom home t years old. hardwotxl flmtrt fireplace, garage. Large lot for trucks or etra perkir Hanna m tmkitr euroim h,n. Nwton i". : ,n' t?"lty, 7 InMO. Will fiinmdrr vr, hoat or jmxl trailer house as pait down payn 'FOR SALE Building site, 310' front age. 100 deep. Green district. Ph. OR I skill -- TKAUI IMraa. modtnt houw lor appiian,- , or .u an aujw i 1H 3-J TWO BriHOM HOMI. g. new hot water tank new wu--' Uood lor a Iron OR 3-41 M FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern west- hoit. Win take modern trailer. ,'nston Tnr-rtedroom, unfinished house, tare lot. with cabin rental in - " u ,4 ACHr, , to , rf dh 1 nr. ............ - a laninm mwni ivnu. ,na s .cm. sammx Laaa for ."" "s-t atotmiN i s.n.T.r f. ZV'"" c-" "" TMWK,-Vt,U .... iurn Mn .''. " !t in . ''t CI... ii m Vra SORfcy, BUT I HAVEN'T WHY DID WE V VEAH, I KWOW- Iffim TME TO SO FliSHIlsJO STOP HERE? MOW HE'S MA DC I FIND THIS BOOKOM WHO EVEfvi J YOU STOP AMD I S ELECTfcO$JCS VERY -SUGfiESTEP THIMK.' THAT'S g Wl tKJTERESTlM- IF YOU A IT? WE DUMB F YOU , 5 WAMT TO JUST FRITTER ) WERE ALU GOTTA BE DUMB. $A Fi OUR. LIVES AWAY, SET TO HAVE ) WHY WOT BE DUMB V$a i I 'W1 THAT'S YOUR A SOOL LIKE ME ---JUST PW BUSJrOCSS.' F V TIME AND J DUMB ENOUGH TO J 'icr WOW A STILL, WANT TO i 1 i. ' '" ' 52$ Real Estate 1 Oerding's Real Estate DANDY, 3-room and bath house. Nice and clean and very comfortable. Close to Hose burg Water, tights, phone, good level lot. Full price only 32300. 200 uowa uai fno mo. ANOTHER 19E8T BUY: 3 room and bath house Partly furnished. Very neat and clean. Located walking dis tance to uty f-enier. tny sewer, paved street. Close to Church and store. The lot U i dandy. 100 ft. by 100 ft. Excellent location for Duplex or Apartments. Low price now only S3750 1000 Down. BaL 55 Mo. OOOD One Bedroom Home. Lrg Llv. room, also Lrg. kitchen. Bath. Utility room. Full size gas range and gas heater Ine. All In good condition Close to stores. Priced to sail at $1250 $500 Down. Bal. 35. Mo. Or wilt trade. WEST SIDE: Good 1 bedroom home. Liv. room, kitchen,, bath, utility room. Very neat, clean and comfortable. Garage Good level yard. lawn, flow ers Cloe to storea. Priced at onlr StiJOO fiooo Cash and will consider Car or Trailer for balance of equity. Bal. S0O Mo. NORTH SIDE: Modem t bedroom home. Lrg Liv. and Din room. Kitchen. Bath. Utility room. Garage or 3rd d a room ran basement. lrg. lot. Good neighborhood Paved at. Sewer. Very neat and clean. Priced at $10,- wu aiouu a own. usi. gia mo. WE HAVE soma wonderful buvs fa and 4 bedroom homes. You will find these all In excellent condition and In desirable location. Priced from fioooo up. State G.L or F H A. netictng. NEW: 3 acre on the North Umpqua River with 300 fact of River Frontage. Live stream on the orooertv. Also a dandy part finished 3 room summer cabin. Close to Paved Hwy. Elec. now on the property. If you want river property you nad better aee thla at once. Priced at only SOOOO $1000 down. aa. on terms. Oerding's Real Estate IS S E. Cast Avenue Phone OR 3-d:.2e Rose burg, Oregon MAGNESS REAL ESTATE $200 Down Federal CI HERE It a lot of home for your money. iveiy a uarm. bungalow offering modern living at lU best An abund ance of storage. Beautifully land scaped Westside location on sewer. Lock the door against high rent with the key to your own horn. Full price 1 0.000. Country Living With City Convenience THIS 3 Bdrm RANCH STYLE has 1 acre lot made to order for HORSE LOVERS. This home has an abund ance of natural wood paneling, mas sive fireplace and wall of roman bnrk. oak floors, dbl. garage, plus many other features you must See. $16,v30. Terms can be arranged. Starter House $300 DN on this dandy rant beater, verr neat and clean. Nice sine lot on city water. I .nested in rural ere. Full price $3 500 see ua at one. 154 Acres 40 ACRF.S In perm, pasture Large as sortment oi rruu irees, 3 barns, gram ery, 3 rhickrn hse., all fenced and cross fenced Some timber and wood. 3 Hdrm. home, modern, fireplace Plenty of spring Water. In secluded location in (slide District about 10 minutes from Rose burg All for $16,900 Let's talk terms or trad. ORchard 3-5340 SIS RE Washington Between Jackson Mailt ffv. A Sundays: Millard Marion Magnesa OR 3-501 T Roseburg Realty Cr Insurance Co. CLEAN sms?! I Rr h m an 100 i 100 lot in south Riteernira Room kitchei nic bath, and big screened utility port Garden space and big con creted all vear spring for free Irri gation. S4300 on tow down pamnt Gl.ini ttat G I 3 RR hom on t acres Has river irrigation system. 000 total pric with minUnum down payment to a veteran. Most Wanted Location LARCH espandahr RR older hom. stunlily construe text and well main tainenL Th home is a story and one half, with two bedrooma an, a full be t h on the 2nd floor. The mater bedroom ta 14 30 and has beautiful Oak floors. Th living nxm is hand omelr decorated, has pluah carpeting and eored plastered ceiling Th nioiiM sr so arranged that the garag mi b inverted to a 3rd bedroom, and aa additional bath, thus expanding the houw at a minimum of coat Th email gMet hnua at th rear of the Urg let prootdee th present wrer with a V) per mnnth i nor-me This hom located near th community hospital rn Hwrn.-n Rtreet Th full pric StSSno and ronM terms can be arranged. Roseburg Realty Cr Ins. Co. VMvqt'A no-m. Loser OR S-.Vl4 "oin stay t rmrsMT coar- IT FAYS Real Estate 1 TIME TO SEE this spring special. IS acre and cabin on North river. Living, din- tng end kitchen area done in knotty pine. Full price SA300 - $750 Down. IT WOULD NOT bo fair If we did not show you this westside, 3-bed room, new ranch style horn on lot SAxUO. with th Birch kitchen. Living rm la 17 x 13. with fireplace Dining area 13 x 13. Large bath, utility and bed rooms. Full prlc $13,900. RIGHT NOW IS the time to aee thtf new 3 bedroom, 3-bathroom home, with 1302 ft floor space. Modern built up gravel roof. Built-in oven, range, and dish washer. Yes. there is a fireplace and perimeter oil heat. Full value $17,500 F.H.A, FOR THE LARGER family, we offer this 5 bedroom home. You won't be crowd ed in this 14 a 3 living rm. with fire place,. Th gas furnace will keep your fuel bills down. For Mother's ease In her work, there are lot of bulltins. Utility room wired for automatic. Would consider exchange for trailer or good 2-bedroom horn. Full value 313,000. SUMMER TIME IS th time to be settled In your new home. For S1500 you can mov Into a i-bed room, 1 ' baths, fireplace in living rm and basement party room. In beet location. Will how anytime by appointment. Full pric S14.SO0. WINTER REAL ESTATE Phone OR 3-7043 evening Charles Pratt OR t-3137 OR 3-1244 OR 3-7043 Lena Mae Swecly Harry Winter Valley Real Estate Ukulele Pete Acres 4 BIO acres. Near Kellogg. Excellent ftihin and huntln. 2-bedroom, two ton hom. Other buildings. Weekend hide way or secluded hom. $23 down, za per mo, price fljw. Two Fer The Money MORE superior to the kustomary. t bed room hom and a 3 bedroom hom. furnished, fer only S6.M0, 11,000 down. 50-yd. Line Location RARE and lovely 3 bedroomer with th swanaiest surroundings- Pickled mink quality. Oeairmed and landscaped In cludin' all that moderntstic stuff. Its preuy. sis.sw, r h a. or O L Evergreen Ranch WHEN others are dry. brown and dead tnis irrigated ranch Is at Its highest production Btg. big cash crops big, big pasture crop and big, big hay erope. Over 100 acre irrigated With this productive land goe "security." Equipped $.wnno Apply th pencil and you'll understand. Come is. for into. Furnished Anartment ROOMY, clean, neat, comfortable. W0 per mo. Valley Real Estate HIT SS STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-40U EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: Sweetv OR 1-114 Pocock OR 1-42 -. o. r ncono Sutherttn w.i Salesman aV Broker Scone OR 3-3H6J WILEY'S For Real Estate ONE ACRE, t br ranch tvp hom. fireplace, beautifully finished hard wxd floors, bright, light eating area, larg kitchen and very larg utility and sewing room. Attached garage easily converted to pUy-room Calkins Hod area Immetltat possession SU aw pric with $1300 down. Good Stat G I. TRADE IN YOl'R PRESENT HOME. nw da t light basement hom. well lo cated near Rose school, on key-hol street with no through traffic. 4 bed rooms. 2 full baths, tare hitcnn m eherrv finish, built in rang and evn,: Westinghous dish-washer. garbage' disposal, inter-eom system. 4 telephone Jacks, 2 fireplaces, forced draft oil heating vtm Ideal for family. Won- wviiut view, se H now. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY bu ns building now leased i gross l with $2M minimum pr month. Very good return even at minimum CITY HOME, t bf basement. tl boat, moling svstem, glassed tn front porch, pated atreei. city swr. ckwe t school, insulated Owns Jt sf tUty. Priced to sell $Y S90. Earl and Gladys Wiley, Realtors lost both. BbOa. n on KMa Roland Spnnea, got CR J-0 Stop! F.nd JLt ot You ! You Wav Art Looking For Q Th.$; PaS- i Real Estate 1 REFRESHINGLY NEW. Aa enchanting home, superb In design. 13U0 Sq. ft., of delightful living, with all of moth er's desires. Built-in raiure, oven, dish washer and garbage disposal. Bath and half, ceramic tiled. AU natural mahogany kitchen and trim. 914.300. IT'S DIFFERENT. Modernistic in all details. All birch kitchen, splendid view. A hom that Is convenient and attractive, 3 bedrooms with 3 baths. Take a lot as part down payment, or, $2,300 down. 12,900. TURQUOISE GEM. Can you match this thre bedroom, with living room, fire place wall panelled. All natural fin ished woodwork, mahogany kitchen, tiled bath with doubl lavatory. At tached garage. 111,900. A DELIGHTFUL and attract iv 3 bed room hom on 14 acres. Large living room with fireplac. Youngstown kitch en, separata utility, carport. Only M, B50. $1,300 down or 2 down to Fed OI. FOUR BEDROOMS. living room with fireplace, nice dining area. Kitchen with nook, til bath, part basement. Attached garag. View lot. $200 down to rea. ui, at $8,930. TWO BEDROOM paved strt and saw- er. Larg living tf room, hardwood floors. Kitchen with lots of built-lns. Utility, full bath, garage. Large fenc ed ysrd. $200 down to Fed. GI. $0,330. Perm's Real Estate 523 N E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3367 Evenings and Sundays Bob and Betty Penn OR 3-S40S Out of State Owner . 3 BEDROOMS, Urg dining room, fire place, double garag. wall to wall car- pet over hardwood floors. Ceramic Tile bath. On a beautiful large lot and pavement in on of the choic loca tions, run price 310.300 with g terms. Close In t BEDROOM home with hardwood rioors, utility room, bath and garage. Very close to town and school. On sewer and pavement. Her la s good buy, $7300 with low down payment. West Side NEW 3 bedroom hom that 1 larg and has everything. Hardwood floors, fire place, forced air oil furnace vented to all rooms, a large attached garage and th house is fully plastered with beautiful design. $14,300 with low down payment. See This One 3 BEDROOMS, larg living room, fire place, til bath, lots of cloiet spac. buiitm wall safe, handy kltchn with birch cabinets, larg utility, garag ua carpon. pa no ana worx shop. Very close to school and on Urge lot $13,300 with $3,000 down. 200 Acres LIVABLE houa. rood swire water that will make a good sheep ranch or tre larm. win trade for 3 bedroom house cios to town. REALTOR United Realty & Investment, Inc. 1237 W HARVARD OR 3-3123 EVENINGS CALL Gtnn Bven OR 3-74S8 G. W. Reynolds OR 1-18.13 Doug Warren OR 3-40M PRIVACY 2-3 ACRE, more a vat Labi Nwr hom. Urge living room, fireplace, separate dining room, kit-nook. 2 large bed rooms, attached garag. $11,300. $500 Down WEST SIDE. 3-bedroom hom Fire plac. wood Ashley heater and gas rang. Larg living room, klt-dtn. room, bath an4 utility. Concrete foun dation. $3800. 90 Acres MODERN. S-bdroom home, good stock ror iarao-A uairy. large barm, and other bldgs Excellent spring ws'er upply piped to hom and milk house Seeded to permanent pasture Health force change. Owner will take in small hom or trailer. $12,000. terms. Neer 3 Bedroom ONLY SlOSno. A lovely hom through out. Living room, fireplace, larg din ing area, handy kitchen, hath and ahower. attached garag, extra park ing, aariy Fullerton Realty 713 N Z Stphn. OR $-3172 fb"k ROOM and bath on en acre, shsd trees, chicken house, good eU with elertrte pump ' block off High r 4 ml!i from Med ford. l'a bl,ck to store S27W Rt. 2. Box lOS-A, Cen- wai roint. uregon. rn -i'i Movers 1-A tis ' . DOOI OI ??LJciot$ a. $UftON Williams Transfer Co. TC S. E. Stephens St OR J S2S2 DON'T MAKE A MOVE' 'til You See Flegel LOCAL AMD LONO DI3TANCI UOV- ma or housiholo goods OR 3-4436 Flegel Transfer k Storage Co. Agents For Bekins Moving h Storage Co. Business Opportunity 2 A REAL OPPORTUNITY ON JUNE 1st, th Barber Shop will be for leas at Glide. A chance like this doesn't happen very often. Wire, phone or write. Jim Welch. Glide. Oregon. For Sale WELL established new am) used furni ture store in fsit growing commun ity. Long term lease, low rent. Ideal set-up for man and wife Will sell for lnventoty. Writ Box 40S News Re view GARAGE 30x00. cement brick building, complete stock and equipment, 3 bed room nous. 2-room apt. over a busi ness rental, and a vacant lot S1B.O00, terms. Phillips' Garag, . Canyonvill, call 3877. DRY CLEANERS and laundry equip ment, complete, $073. Phillips' Car ag, Canyonvill. call 3877. Rooms For Rent 3 Hotel Umpqua REASONABLE WEEKLY RATES For Permanent Guests JO ANN'S BOARDING HOUSE. Delici ous hom cook inf. Pln t y park lng spac. tso aid and room swou week. S miles S. en old Highway m. Ph. OR 3-7947. SLEEPING rooms for men. Clean, new ly decorated. Singles, doubles. New cone loung wnn ire TV. 7IT n.e. Jackson. OR 3-7804. HOTEL GRAND. OR 3-4471. Ty in lob by; baths on each floor. Hot and cold water each room. Reasonable rates by week or month. HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, narking. Reasonable rate. 513 8 E. Lane, OR 3-91921 ROOMS with or without private bath. sua sprue at th foot of Washington, LIGHT houaekeeptng room. Everything lumisneo. uh a-avo. LARGE, front sleeping room, close In. UK Or UH 3-3318. SLEEPING room. 732 S I Jackson, next aoor to ienny s. un SLEEPING rooms. 003 1 Mother. OR 3-7ZJ7. SLEEPING rooms. Clean, comfortable. cios in. 3u . e. fitter. CLEAN, quiet. tleplng room. OR 3-3640. aiter 7 p.m. HOUSEKEEPING room. 44$ NE Jack son. FURNISHED room and garage. Cooking. OR 3-4338 before 10 AM or after 6 PM. ROOM. 1213 SC. Douglas. Apts. For Rent 4 MODERN newly decorated 1-bedroom duplex, range, refrigerator, water and garbage service furnished. Automatic washer and dryer. Reduced rat. 1284 N.W Highland. OR 3-3130. Oakhill Apts. TWO bedrooms. Radiant heat. Hot and cold water and gar bag service fur- nuhed. OR 3-4340. FOUR room unfurnished tower apart ment. Water furnished. Children wel com. 330 S E. Henry St. off Douglas, SM mo. & 11 OR 3-8381 Friday be- iween n tu, and a p.m. NEW AND Modern 1 bedroom furnished apartment on ground floor. Walking distance. Prlvat parking. Fin home for 2. Better hurry. Ne pta. Inquire no as., noover. HOTEL UNITS - All electric. With kitchen. SIS and $24 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel 'Old Highway 89 N. At Winchester nriQge.i FURNISHED larg 2 room apartment on quiet, paved street near th hos pital. Garden spot available. $13 month. ROSEBURG REALTY efc IN SURANCE CO. OR 3-3344. FURNISHED and unfurnished apts. New furniture and newly decora td. Cios to nospitais. rsirnaven Apt., 1S4S W. Harvard. Ph. OR 3-8022. LARGE 2 - bedroom, unfurnished ant Wired for washer and dryer. Heat, lights, water, kitchen range furnish- w i ' me. iMamstn Ave. UH 3-150. ONE BEDROOM duplex aot. inLaureI- wood. Rang, refrigerator, washer fur- msned. carport and TV cable avail ahle.Adults. $70. mo. OR 2-3491. LARGE APARTMENT near town In Hooeburg. S70 month. Call Sutherlin 32tw for appolntmenL Will be vacant Jun 1st. FURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex. Close in. nice neighborhood. $4$ per month- OR 3-8QI4. evenings. NICE, close In duplex 3 rooms and bath Refrigerator, rang, wall heat er Garage OR 3-3074. THREE ROOM apartment, lots of closet spac. Private bath. Quiet location near schools. Ph. Suthorlin 3832. CLOSE IN furnished apartment. Reasonable rent. S44 SI. Brockway. OR 3-8110 FURNISHED or unfurnished, 1 apts, $43 to S65 No pets. OR 3-7983 after 3, or anytime weekends. BACHELOR apartment. Everything fur ls hed Walking distance Modern apartment building. OR 3-1904 TWO 2-room apartments. 1 furnihd. 1 unfurnished. Close in S40 and $45, Call OR 3-8461 or OR 3-T01S. NEW large unfurnished 1 bedroom apart- nwni. aiove ana Eerngeretor. -au UH 3-8445 or OR 3-3638. ONE bedroom partly furnished apt unwniiairi, ew. near vity Market. OR 3-4614. FURNISHED. 1-bedroom apt . utilities paid. Adults only West Hills Apis, is 17 w Harvard Ave ATTRACTIVE on bedroom apartment. nange. not wair heater Uoud loca tion Adult Ph. OR 3-eies. LARGE 2 bedroom apartment Water ana garnage service. Parage, too prr month. 1313 S E. Mill St. Phon 3-4333. TWO ROOM furnished apartment Lights, water and sewer paid. OR 3-8117 , WINSTON 2 room apt fuisbed Shower and prlvat entrance OR 2-H2.1 COMPLETELY furnished 2-bedroonTapt j neeoer, urap St.. Winston OS -M7 ri'BNISHTD apt. $35, $ mi les soutlv OR 3-7947. THREE room furnished apt! Northeast Roseburg OR 2-1230 FURNISHED, downtown, bachelor ant Adults 1219 S E Cass, OR 3-j.HM Ft'RNlSHFD apt. 2 rooms and bath Adalu 1014 S E. Pin. NICE, clean, furnished. 3-room apL 'Close in Mt St Pine NICE, ran 3 room furnished apt 730: wB;.f St , paved Adults i Diamond Las TWO ROOM, furnished apt , clean 133 B vd Phone 3-4196 Sheridan, ApLJ PhOR3-.TO .FREE PARKING to iTp UNFURNISHED duplex. 3 rooms and; hoi trailer, to car for p. ace N bath. Call OR 3-JO?S after 3 pm I drir-rrs OR 3-VWta SMALL furnished aprtmentrcloin rt?H "KNT trailer-house Idealfor 1112 S I Mam i bai-heior Utiln,, furnished R'ason- NICELY furnished on N-droom apt Uod's Apu . back oi sar Theatre. LARGE 2 room furr,nhd aptTAdului enly Cloin. OR 3-4241 FURNISHED and unfurnished 3-bed- room .pta ORl-4 j THREE ROOM, tub bath. partlT fur-1 nished Adu!t833$S E Jackson FURNISHED 3-room apt. Adult a7 a. e ii.ii i If f eaw-t wa ttb eStrstw esawMftes i Ptwn OB 3-1331 mm iv. jm me Modern, Furn. Apartments Compact Lrg storage areas. Private entrance and bath. Til drain board and snower. Stove and refrigerator. Just right for 1 or S adults. Easlaide. $30 and SOS. Pbon OR 1-1377 or OR 2-1283. NICE. CLEAN. 1. 2 and 3-bed room apt. at the TODD APTS. (Westvue Court. Winchester Court, Terrace, ana Vista Homes Apti I Equipped With range and refrigerators: som with auto. wsthers, dryers and heat supplied. Soma furnished. Rents start at $70. You should at least look at the apts. before you rent Ph. OR 2-4340, or OB 2-1303. or OR 3-363V- Kohlhagen Apts LANE ft JACKSON STS. MODERN, REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-8244 " A GOOD PLACE TO 1.1V X'J MODERN on room furnished apt. Tub and shower. Heat and water furnished. Large picnie area. Washing facilities and garden If desired. Call evenings or mornings. OR 3-3 14L 3004 Nl Douglas Ave. FURNISHED, attract iv 1 bedroom dup lex apt. View windows, walk in clothes closet and storage. Carport. 1 mil past Nielsen's Markt oa Highway 90 S OR 2-1438 TWO 3 room duplex apartments fully furnished. Water and garbage service furnished. Children and pets allowed. S33. OR 3-7703. Houses For Rent 5 Modern, 1 -Bedroom Home Completely Redecorated Inside and Out Very Reasonoble Rent $55 WIRED for washer and dryer. Located north of Roseburg on Russell St. Front lawn and shrubs; garden spac isi backyard. Ph. OR 3-4867. West Side Duplex Redecorated. Large living room. 1 bedroom. kitchen and bath. Wired for electric range. Ho water and washer furnished. Garage, with store room and utility porch. SflO. OR 3-4376. TWO BEDROOM house wtthwaThe7, dryer, refrigerator and rang. Garb age service and water furnished. Avail r abl June 1st. $75. OR 3-3940. TWO bedroom furnished modern cabin, electric refrigerator, gas appliances, water and garbage disposal furnished. $45 per month. Harti Cabin. OR 3-336S. behind Dales Cafe. DUPLEX 4-rooms and bath; living room, dining room, kitchen. 1 bed room. Electric heat, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, basement; eerfsxat entranc. OR 3-3216. ONE-STORY, 5-room modern" fuT. nished house, 2 bedrooms. Utility, double garage. Large lot, plenty of garden space. Cemetery Road, Win, ton. Ph. OS 9-3474. NICE, 3-room, unfurnished duplex apt' unit. West side. Near High School and Hospitals. Electric stove and refrtger ator available. 330. OR 3-8010. THREE BEDROOM house, unfurnished7. Hardwood floors, furnace. Venetian bunds. Phon OR 3-7007. 112S 8 E. Stephens- ONE-BEDROOM house, stove "and re frigerator. Quiet location. Inquire 922 W. Ral nbow. OR 2-2M70. RENTALS 1. 2. 3 and 4-bed room units. Families with children only. ln come limiu. BOa W. Stanton St FURNISHED CABINS by weekr$10aml up. Old Highway 90, 3 miles North. Pa clfic MoteL Phone OR 3-3743. FOUR room furnished house-Clean N drinking, no pet. 1283 S. t Stephens. OR2-3270U TWO ROOM furnished cottage, by week or month. 524 SI. Moaner. Phone p R 2-2H70. ONE BEDROOM unfurnished duplex Electric range and watr, $40. Green D iatrlct. OR 2-317S. FOR RENT or sale In Winston. Clean, modern 2-bedroom bouse. Fenced yard. OS 9-84.VI TWO BEDROOM house m country". AvsUabl June gnd. Call CanyonvUl, HORSE PASTURE, running water; coU tage. 3 rooms, hot and oold wator refrigerator and oil heater. GY S-3289. ONE bedroom cabin. ciosin. FuTnUhed runfurnUhd. Adult only. Ph. OR 5n,E room furnished modern cottage. C'? Vtilitis-a furnished. raon- abI;io.n S E. Fullerton. TWO BEDROOM home, close In. S70 .W.lltln dUUnr to downtown. 910 E Lane, OR 3-7623 CLEAN, modern 1 bedroom duplex, fur- w uniurnunea. Keasonabi rates. OR 3-S421. FOUR bedroom house. On Futlertoa Street OS 9-8892 ONE bedroom modern " house, partial Iv furnished. In Roseburg. OR 2-4214. -KJJbedrootn ". unfurnished. Ph. Glide GY 8-3436. ONE BEDROOM unfuratshd house on Marstert St. OR 3-.U30. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE on Darrir$. "lun after 10 am. FOR RENT Jun 1st. Winston 3"beC rooms on l' acres. Sho. OR 3-8214 TWO BEDROOM, modern house- $70 FURNISHED cottage, close in 2 Adults. no pen spruce, foot of Wshinarton. UNFURNISHED. 1 -bedroom housiTclos Fl'RNISHED one bedroom duplex. Wins. ton. Inquire 145 Peaob Lan. Winston. SMALL hous. partly furnished. 3833 W. DUPLEX FOR rent. Phon OR 3-3043 after S CLEAN 1 bedroom hous S47sb mnmh 4831 N Stephens. TWO. clean 2-bedroom, unfurnished nomes at Winston. S33 OR 2-1167. SIORL2-24RNlSHE6 eilln 135 m0n,h: THREE bedroom furnished "house Cloae THREE Br.DROOM hous $85. 348 N E rowter St OR 2 I48 ' TWO room houe OR 2-2303 Trailer Rentals 6 TRAILER HAVEN hat a spsclous lot for you in Roseburfi newest, most modern park. Lou of concret. stor age lockers, propan gas to each spac Good laundry faciliUe. Quiet and orderly. Old 90 aorth to 480 N E. Sterling. TRAILER 125 mo; trailer spac SlTvi '24' trailer or under General ServK Center Riverside Court i, ij x , Chestnu St TR A ILERSPACES - paved streeU. re ment porches. Wu lighted at night Feasonshl rate.. ALAMEDA AVsV TRAILER COt'RT Ph, OR 3-2348. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK." Mod rn spac Paved ground. Shad trees. SIS month. Highway 99 N at W inches terBride ONE SPACE atCentral Trailer P.r. """""i cietiesi to city renter. aiunaon SL OR 2-1S30 Misc. Rentals 7 WAREHOUSE SPACE - For rent foe ' borage or in and out sen ice for boats trailers, autos .mui k''w '" rrfm u month " v mpqu vaiacy Hard- -are or pnone OR fl28 rm-CKS OR CARS for renttrTortnr Business Rentals 8 STORJ OR offtr. apao. m na- budnau e 0