The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 15, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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    U. of C, l.ibr'"ry
Eugene, Oregon
leaped M5llin
Senate, House To Take Up
Vital Basic School Fund
Measure Thursday Morning
y PAUL W. HARVIY ir. iwill consider plan submitted by
SALEM I Th Senile and the Joint Way and Must Com-'
House will argue Thursday over mittee whereby S2.S per cent of Ejfobiished 1873
two different ideif of how to"1 fund would be distributed onj
aistrtoute ossie scnool tunas, a.""s gim .-uwi vuu, mu
battle that hi been raging since I?-5 P'f cent. 00 ,n oi " ''
ma Legislature beean 122 nay u""-i auuur to suovurc
Tha Senate will begin consider
ation at 10:45 a.m. Thursday of a
compromise "key district" plan
that has been worked out by a
Senata-Housa eonference commit
tee. On that fame day the House tnit
House Accepts
Senate Chanqes
On Excise Tax
14 Page
County Etobin Pale Aid
Educators don't like either plan,
since they want a full equalization
formula. That formula would
greatly hurt Portland and Eastern
Oregon school districts.
The conference committee voted
during the first year, the
money would be split about 80 per
cent as grants and 20 per cent
equalization. The next year it
would be 78 22, and after that.
The Portland and Eastern Ore
gon districts prefer the Ways and
Means plan because they would :
lose less than under the confer- VIIIIllVl sH39I3l LONDON t Soviet Premier
enee committee plan. . . , Bulgania made a new but Wedaet-
1 lie tund now divided SB per : Hopes that Douglas County might day for an international "sum
cent in flat grants per child and give financial assistance to the ' mrt" conference to discuss world
per cent equalization. Robin Dale School were dashed problems. He added that such a
A centennial trade fair in 1859 this week. meetine had he 'Wrt.
' In .aUUp.f 1" . . ' . )AMW i. TJ.- ,.. J 1 .
SALEM ur The House accented " ""- " u,Jrea.
Senate amendments Wednesday to J"'" VTYJ,il'S...LAj .'T?P.ttt iZa
he -nrmr.lirai r til bill and ""-- ureuu uuiot
------ - governor a Bill
Hones Dashed
D. A. Ruling
Says County
I Cannot Assist
Bulganin Makes
New Bid To Obtain
Summit Conference
mad the statement
a speech at a Soviet-Mongolian
appropriating, tributed under terms of a oian sub-," " r'J??
sxinnnn fnr thi. m.; it .ii milted i h,m tnr u..i .i, E ...; io w reni-
Ther was virtuaUy no opposi- Md lhtr P,cl(ie ,., Robm Dale School i, bemg op-! Ra(i " Br0,ac, o"
linn In ih. bill, in contrast to tha -;i i :,!, v.,,i ..-.. ;.i. ii .J.lnsaI0-
original vol when the biU passed igrmmd, in Portland. been faced with closing because t Bu!DU taXi meeting that
the Housa with only one vote to: gaaX sent to the House a funds are running so short.
spare, me .senate proposed
Monaay nigm, tv-i.
Tha House will vote Thursday
on the minor Senate amendments
to Ui personal income tax bill.
Tha two measures, which com
prise th Democratic tax pro
gram, would add 14 million dol
lar in state revenue in the next
The income t biH waa ap
proved Tuesday 114 by th
Tii maior Senate amendment
to the corporation tax bill was to
continue th effective tax rata on
net incomes of manufacturing
industries at 4 per cent. The
House originally had put it at 8
per cent, but th Senate thought
the higher rate would discourage
industry from locating is Oregon.
The bill raises the rates on
banks from f to t per cent, utili
ties from 2t to 7. and other
'Now that then ar again
sympioms or some easing of in
ternational tension, favorable coa-
atttons ar created for the re
sumption of such contacts,
"Ther ar tnsav things t li
leaders of th Westers and East-
attaches "great importance
constitutional amend- county court was asked to assist !v" 10 . " between
mf A tt ti.- it,. ...t, ! -,i . i , , statesmen, ana mat exnenene
wholesale power business, wheth-iout which was hoped would meet , ,S contact ar
er in power ts oeveiopea irom legal reqmremenu.
water, coal or atomic energy. The! The court proposed an agree
measure, passed 22-8, would be on ment by which School District No,
the next election ballot. 4 would establish a school for hand-
Th state would be permitted ' icapped children and operate it
to issue 200 million dollars worth ' under state standards as nearly as
of bonds t finance power proj-' possible. This would open th way
ects. . for eventual state aid. if the school
A nirtisan battle develonfi nvr 1 district rfifi u Mimts ,
a bill ta nermit th Suorem ; match district funds m m sn-sa ra countrie caa talk about on
! Court to aoooint two commis- is. tB condition, of course, that the
TkAmn.nR ,,it ,1.., a.- ... uiwtmH ar oronanv oreDafn.
may operat a school for handi-Lfu'gti,lisu," ? Um.
capped children but has no st.tu. ment ih We" not responded
tory authoritv to make contrihu. m satisfactory manner but "w
li ..!,. ..i -.t remain certain that tha orohiem
to defray the expense of a school X disarmament can be solved if
the other unit is operating. He 'r es!e Powers will at last
wrote that thi would th. show lom goodwill and readi-
power of the countv court a it n".s-. not ln or bui BT
only has powers soecificaUv dele- ., " . parucularly
gated to it.
in it proposal, th court said it
(Continued on Pag t Col.
David Weisman
New Douglas Co.
Polio Chairman
David Weisman is th nw Doug-
Budget Appeal
Made To Nation
By Eisenhower
Attempt Abandoned
To Retrieve Bodies
Of Crashed Liner
CH1LUWACK, B.C. -Immediate
attempts ta recover the
fwv4u of Iknu I ,tlA i Timjt a
WASHINGTON m President m Canada's biggest aviation daat-
Eisenhower resumed th fight for
hi spending budget Wednesday
declaring he does not se how as
honest cut of btihon dollars
can b mad in the 38V billions
earmarked tv defense.
Euenhower told hi new con
ference the country is going te
b in trouble if Congress trifle
with defease spending. This fol
lowed up a speech is which he
told th nation Tuesday night that
any great spending reduction) m
the face of Soviet atomic might
would amount ts "a gamble with
th safety of our country.
Eisenhower said Wednesday fee
thinks he has grown more conser
vative sine 1SS2, when he sharply
criticized the ievei of government
spending during his first success
ful campaign for the presidency.
He made the comment during
an exchange in which a reporter
asxea waetner he agrees with
some Republicans is Congress
who, the reporter said, hav bees
saying that he ha swung ta th
left since entering the White
Far from turning to th left.
ter wer all bat jives, sp Wcdnet-i
Judge To Hear
Secrets 'Leak
Charges Today
Denies Profit
Is Excessive
Kennedy Sy lidentt
Indieaftil Bk Sro!,
Net Borrowed, Money
insurance broker Wednesday
acknowiedged making more than
milliaa deBars oat st handling
Teamster tlsiss insures? is the
last four years.
But broker George Heweil
denied Ust profit waa "exces
sive. er asy knowledge that
premiums eo persssaf iniursnre
sf seme Teasssters efficiais and
tlwir families bti bees paid frsis
union funds.
KeweSl. is the itci chair sf
ta Senate racket sisvstigating
eastmiltee, wej shows esssmiHe
staff figure listing set profit sf
hi sisurasee business as SI 337,
f is the tost four years.
i Nesrell 6U sot siiesti tktm.
Asd he said auorosamatelv
PORTLAND A charge that P cent "ataybe more" of the
an assistant attorney generaJ ! was m Teamster policies,
"leaked" secret grand jury as-1 "1 thsA the profits were exees
tsrmatios to th snt lahnr sive, said Sen. Kesaedv D-
Air 1re,c aS ) r' m Washing I Ma. "IT fttofc Tt
the Hoyal Canadian Mounted Pa- 5 ' f fai 55l!J!f
lice agreed the risk was too great , ,i s
to try ana recover the remains 1 igt Cfearlea W. 8eSm& f( 'mtJ!f Jr- f
of th K person who died when Srd th. charg. Tuesday, 'd r?, i ""X
a i risj-i.nla Air use plane e a ws ta arsumeais agaissi.;- . , "VT , T
rammed ,399-foot Ml. Siesw. sTharsday morning es just hJ ; i"m.T''-1 Csefereacet.
cornorations from 5.4 ta 8.
The Senate Tax Committee ljona foundation for Infantile Pa-
voted to let th House-passea succeeding Dr. V. J. An-!
compulsory re-appraisal bill die in I Person, who has headed th polio
committee. . chapter for the pst three years.
The present proffram is volun- At tne t,m, it was an-
tary. Any county that wants it 'nounced that Brian Gravea has
property re-appraised can sign ; Been re-appointed driv chairman
aereementa to hav th Tax Com-', lne March of Dimes in Doug
mission do it, with th state and it County next January. Florence
th county splitting th cost. 'Powell tril! continue si secretaiy-
Twenty-fie e e n n 1 1 s have , tntsant t xiit county orgamta
signed such contracta, and the bill , tjon
would have forced the other cmin- Weisman last January acted as
ties either to ign up By next Jan. Rosebure drive chairman. Dr. An-
i. or nave ine is voinmuiuun "!flerson, nesiaes r,
th re-appraising entirely at theicounty chairman,
eounty expense.
as touniy cnairman tor ne na- hl(j been ertimated that the cost
of a school for retarded children
would be $600 per child per year.
Continued oa Pag 1 Col. 1)
Rodeo Queen
Candidates Get
Tests Next Week
Candidates for the D o a 1 1 a a
besides his three years as I County Rodeo court will get their
chairman, served on year ' first tests next week, starting with
nttntv rfriv chairman and 1 horxemanshm IrisU Sttnrisv a
The 11 counties which haven't i Roseburg drive chairman. speech contest will constitute an-
signed re-appraisal agreemema jt wxs announced that th Doug-, other part of the judging next Tues
are Baker, Lincoln. I'matilla. ; countv chapter ha voted to day.
Slultnomah. ,'osephin. Yamhill. t reserve $4,300 for purchase of Salk i Announcement of th court is
Linn, Clackamas. Wheeler, t. nion vaccine when it become avail-expected to b made the following
and Jefferson. hi The vaccine will be set aside rfav hv BnM fi ft...--.. su
Th Jomt Ways and .Means or use when needed in such things , RsffensDeroer The oueen will he
Thcv said the eramMise 2S-fosti
ledge where til plane bit at the!
7,8u0-foet level shuaid not b dis
turbed becaus it could easily
carry BteuaUtneers dews ih pre-
cipiiotts fiili.
They testified formally at c
coroner inquiry hehf her Tues
day by Coroner Cies McDonald,
"We have identified the sir-
craft, but not on person, of the
2 aboard," McDonald said. "Tha
attorney - genera! department
want to bring th remains out if
humanly, even guper-btimasly,
But on mountais climber,
dy bfierstan. a Vancouver news
paperman, had testified it was too
hazardous at present to get
Eisenhower replied, he thinks teat mgl identifiable Body out of the
wreca. Answer, soy aiastxt,
(Costtausd an Pag 1 Cot. ti
Bulganin carticuiartv attacked
the role of th United State in
the Middle East. He said:
"The concentration of the Uni
ted States 6th Fleet is that area
and the blunt statements bv U.S.
leader about the readiness ta in
terfere in the domestic affair of
Jordan laid bare th essence of
the Dulles-Eisenhower doctrine. S Th Roseburg School Board to-
"This doctrine, aimed at esiab-1 night will consider allotting tuosey
iisntng tne unatvtoeti colonial for as appraiser who will set
School Board
Will Consider
Hiring Appraiser
sway of the American monopolies
m tne siiodie tast, is now the
main source of anxiety and in
stability is that area."
Committee announced Wednesday completing the school vaccina-
it haa aDorovrd S271,S.
appropriation bills. compared
with estimated revenues in the
next biennium of about 280 mil
lions. 1
lion program.
X-Ray Unit Now
In Camas Valley
Two mobile X-ray units which
selected soon after.
The annual rodeo event will be
held June 22-23 at th Douglas
County Fairgrounds.
Court candidates so far are:
Joan Hardirk, IS, Roseburg: Judy
Strode, 17, Roseburg; Judy Ott, 17,
Roseburg and Erma Long, 18,
Douglas High School.
Other girls wishing to compete
laurel Lodge Slates
1 UUth Year Observance ' . " c"'cul"nlf m . Uoui in the selection may enter by being
. voumy since iiu , wm oe in at tne Koseourg chamber of Com-
p a, a ' "o'cDurg Aaiuraay ana next wee. , merce offices between 4 and I p.m.
r -'l-'Mra Friwarri Taiisrher executive S,trHav
i Korea Will Cat
S - II
j vveiponi rrom u.
Laurel Lodge 11,
Roseburg, Saturday win stage a se(.reUry of the Tuberculosis and
proxram i-uu.uijm,.. ...... v,.-, ilealtn Assn., announced.
Tinuous years oi nnsimij. w c- ,,nii will K Vi-1
r-...A si..i.. n.ih t uif w.ll Saturday, a unit will be at Niel-
i" .-..iT ' ;sens Market from 10 a.m. to
oe iraiurra iTom . Tfc..el. VI. w n nn. r.1 Ih.
...of.rtthm'dmner urn, will be' "at the Vest Sid.i SEOLIL - President Sk
illed to start with a 7 p.m. dinner , .... w H.j .... man Khee said here "the tm
in the Masonic dining room . frm ,, ' ,a . ' m , ,,, a,-,,, ted fate, ha unofficUlly indi-
!imn.H. .."r ,,... - . . .hi.cated it will provide
son Street, t.rana Master Moore a - - - . weapons to defend Korea
tonic is, entitled ;Monry lorn- ""S " J'- u.rkW 1 m ! North Korea already ha atomic
mission t. i-eroy " p f, ' . iweapons and it preparing to at-
worshipful master of the Roseburg " o ' , Uck Sou1h Ktt" tgl,St ta
Reedsport Logger
Killed In Woods
Aster Jcseeft Lcy, 45, ReeoV
pert lesser, wat kiltee Tuesday
memine when a ta refteel ever
htm while he wa werkin about
five miles svufheast Reeds
it was the first weeds fatality
sf 1957 In Oeusia Csvnty,
Other men work in nearby
didn't see th accident. They
said they found what had hap
pened when semaane noticed that
Lacay's power sew Had he est
Idling for several minutes.
Lacey and the ether were
werkinf tee the ASC Lef in .
en the Ailard Walker ranch en
Schelfietd Read, Th sidnt
happened about f:4S ,m,, the
sheriff's office said.
TH victim is survived by hi
wife and twe children. The body
was taken t Ufteer Funeral
Heme in ateedtperr.
price oa 7.4 acre of surplus vet
eran Administration property ffte
board warns tor a jenool nl9.
Supt. M. C. Deller said the school
district ha bees informed that th
acreage has been fumed over to
the I. S. Department of Health,
Education and welfare for disposal
ta the district
said the anew mass "is toe un
stahle ... it wa avalanchmg
while tf were there.
Squadron Leader George 5ha
han. who ha directed numerous
air searches for lost planes, sug
gested that periodic check of th
area be made and another at
tempt to get th bodies cut be
made near the end of July,
stiigat save ta do, if any
wiife ssdiciotesi is Port
land's long-drawn-out vice probe.
Deens aUsmcvs, arguing for
dismissal of indictments, said it
had a great deal to do with it.
Edwas D. Hicks, attorney for
Mayor Terry Schrusk, said he
wasted to reveal a "patters' urs
der which he said secret material
was gives to th Sesate commit
tee. The csmmiUee aired num
ber of charge is lh city's Jaw
enforcement trounie.
Asst. Atty. Gen. Arthur 6.
Kaplan a record of whose tele
phone calls ts Washington wen
brought isto esort eaad he could-
at be eaHed es to answer
iouestio&s si when isvestisators of
l?lthe !esate committeev came into
tae picture here.
titcics sought ts introduce the
text of the March grasd jury re
port which waa highly cnueai of
Atty. ties. Koorrt t, Toorntoa,
Dtst. Aff. wiiuast Lanie,
Schrunk ai others, Th defend
snts save called this report, whteb
was separate from the 63 mdicv
mestt th grind fazy returned,
aa trreEular affair and highlit
improper. The judge said he'd re
serve dectaioo.
and Brewster waa responsible
ter yoa getting the aeeesst "
Newell tasssied that Brcwstef
a not lehsBy respessftl to- hi
having the Teamster hsmsta. H
said the psUcs were placed by
individual esiss Iocs Is ami sot by
the Westers Conference directly.
But he conceded that Brewster.
with approval sf a policy commit-
see, cobks -cat off ssy susisesa
tomorrow although same toe!
policies would sot be affected.
Sen. Reaaedy said si looks to
ate like ysi rate feontmissionst
were excessive. . . It leeks like a
tremendous profit1'
mey ate tremendous Jewell
Canyonville Will
Review Dtfoaitd
School Budget
The CasyosvtUe schoot issues.
defeatad us the election last week,
will be r-xaatisd by th budget
Th. laiut waa lunuui vr in ihm COmSlltte MonOSV. SiSV 20. at Si
department by th General Serv- special meeting is the high school, j dismissal of indictments charging
ieea Administration. Th decision was made thia rk I ?chf8: 5'1 ral reporter
Costisaed oa Pag i Col. T)
Meany Mum
On Talks With
Teamster Heads
WASH1SGTOM yts Save Beck'.
Teamsters Onksa csHeagae held
pewst saddle Wedssesday with
AFL-CIO President Geery Measy
so Ui ssiss's problem stemming
from eomititiee eharze. sat sheJ
svaptas wa sec as ftt assistant no utM ea tae diseassios.
attorneys geseral ssorkasg wrthf A fjye-ssas defegatiss sf Tea
rh grand Jury whiiis prepared tr. . m-euirfratw f i i
the recsrt critical sf Kaoiaa'a
boa, list report sraisea Jac
weii a his ea-wonter. Asst.
Atiy. Gea. C. W. Wvckoff.
Tuesday acted a attorney isr
Kaplan ,
wyekos argued that suestisaiaf
about the Sen! committee had
little ts do with the suesiios
Now, ut order ta obtain till toi board meeting. Another vote
the iasd, the school district mast ion the budget wa set far June If,
hire aa appraiser at local expense date of the annual school elections
to place a value oa th land
Th land, including twe buildings,
i lust east of th Harvard Avemt
entrance to th property.
Deiier said the board also is like
ly to consider a "number' of appli
cants for athletic director for til
is th county.
The clerk wat instructed to sum
marise the budget to it caa be
mimeographed and sent to all par
ent is the district thia week, re
port correspondent Virginia Proctor
AS pauron are requeeted tc (-
Hi alia h il ra-nnrt M hit itfB mtmt
recent teacher recruiting trip istoS !t indicated at the sieetiat
Idaho isat th budget would probably
ciitieal, recreational group, and.! i f t liJflS- oSJ itt
Anchor acaool and finascing csf-
reoort ott the nearlr comoleted
addition to Hucrest School.
locations Saturday, May ti. Hours
The meeting it open to all Mas- i at the City Drive-in Market will
ne irom ll a.m. 10 e p.m. ana
Marks from 10 a m. to S p m.
All persons 1$ or over are elig
ible to have their chest X-rayed.
There is no charge for the service,
Mrs. Tauscher said.
on and their wives
(Also see story Page 1.)
The Korean armistice prohibited
the acquisition by either tide of
new weapons, only replacements
being permitted.
Technical Side Of Lumber
Industry Treated At Meet
Of Forest Research Croup
etenc might be dropped. Th first
for ,x3Z and ih
s!9 903 75, Both were defeated
Th remainder of th mteusg
was made up f routin butiset.
Brtd William with siKamisg
wiretaps and former Deputy fisi.
Ally. Howard Lesergan with get
ting Witnesses to he lender oath.
While fats was going ss is judge
Redding court, Ctagley, the
ousted district attorney, was ar-i
raigned aa seven indictments gad
gives bbHI Tuesday ta plead.
Senate Refuses
Confirmation Of
Roilin E. Bowles
Ngro T Gr Diploma
At- Clinton High School
(UMTUV. Tenn A Seem
will receive his diploma together'" e appointment
SALEM m The r,a refused
15-1 Wedaesday to essftrn: Gov,
Holmes appointment of Kolfis E.
Bowles, Portland lawyer, ta tht
state Water Resource Board,
Twenty votes ar secessry to
Bowies, legislative representa
tive and former president of the
lak Welles ijeagtie, was op
posed by fans and irrigafios
group last said he would favor use of water at the
experts of irrigaties sset.
The Senate Nature Resources:, '
Committee, which held hearings i ;ee.
voted 5 t ts
iBeck held as sour' closed ses
ssoa wits Messy aatf AFL-CIO
Secretary Treasurer William
Ssaarler to Sfeasy effic at
AFL-CIO aeadQearter.
Meaay Ufi by s side door and
aide ttid he would have ss com
ment. Eisar O. Merita. Teamster
administrative vice president waa
headed the truck union's defeca
tion, emerged with aa aaeaiight
sning prepared slatement;
"W had a very pleatast meet
tog and discsssed general pmh
lemt a they affect th leasts?
It wa believed likely that
Meany sroatehed to the Tetssters
leader the AFL-CIO terms for m
corruption deasup fey the unttva
! avoid threatened easier tresa
the federateis.
The Teassstera-Mtassy meeting
came gssid report treat a num.
her sf sources that mm -s may he
aadee way wilhst the Teamster
erganuatieat Is get Use B-year-4d
Beck to step aside at head sf hi
Th AFL-CIO Ethical Practices:
Committee will hold a hearing
Monday to consider waeiher ts
continue Beck's present ausaea
aioa a as AFL-OQ officer.
tThe Detroit News "said is s
Washisgtss dispatch tt learned
from reli!! source that a ' rss.
Joniy of the 13-staa Teamster
general Exeealiv Board has de
icided ts scuttle Beck
Mohs, head of Out five-mas
grasp essfemsg wish Messy, tast
a close associate st
In The Day's News
Strange tal is th newt
National Guard trucka are haul
ing drinking water to the town of
I ampasas m lexas, wnicn is uau
ly hit by FLOODS.
Proptrty Rgporttd Takan
From Servicg Station
A double armload of oronertv ( State had
was taken from the Golden Eagle ' commitment
service station about a miie south
of Mvrtle Creek in a Monday night II S. Plane Crashes
The people of Lampaiaa can con- burglary, the sheriffs office ssid , . ft,t . j
sole lhemselve (perhapsi by re-Tuesday. 1 w" tnfiano
:: . i.HA line frnM Camiiel rH(,nM In ik itatinli MU mill t
ruuiK .. ............ iiniariru ri.j
,caa he as aiset,'
The technical side of th lumber t Mayhew eostesded that while
industry received professional "tremendous strides' is the im-
U. S. militarr leaders hav pro-1 treatment is discussion at Taes-iprovemeat of machinery and pro-1 with 8S white seniors la cftmmee-lsend the appointment ta the floors
posea ttiat tne command - day a session of ta forest froo-1 cesses of timber land manage-i meat exercises fridsy at Clinton t without recommenoatios.
junk this provision oa th ground, art Research Society's convention j ment and use of waste products i High School, center sf recent r-S Sen. Philip S Lewiy iRK
Communist violated it. I which ended with aa afternoon tour have been made, progress in th cil disorder. I Metlford chairmas of the r
Rhe did not specify ht h of Roseburg Lumber Co plywood industry of cost accounting proee-1 H a n-year-eid Bobby Cais iisitte. amcd the Senate to ces-i CHICAGO A West Coast
meant by "modern weapons." Th plant. . . idurea ha sees few, a any chang-j,, rf ,t j,efr()eJ aam,Mi t firm his because h u esimpped ; Teamster Caws nfiiciai Tueiiy
term is sometimes used to de- Som M delegate, aitting is on e. j school Aug ft te hold this oHie hv his hack- Med a f!ffi,sm lihel mit assiast
scribe atomic weapons Neither ; the three hour morning session i , . det-, ,.t ' f,,.iriii. vn.. ground. He is aggressive but heTime tsc , publisher of Tim
nil Ih. I.nt.l,.. Prnrfnel. ishor.,"" . "" "" " ", 'iiw .mii.eimj m Ut VI. 3
atory at Oregon State toilets.
Wayne E.Mayhew of the SaaFraa-j The .-nrb cost basis has "Vf4 rH,h''4 chi- Tl
Cisco management firm of Touche, bees used almost since the begin- j ,f in feri court order
Siven. Bailey A Smart; R . mng of tha plywood industry. May- fdmrttiag Segroe to t prvioua
Fra.hour and W. H Cooke of the hew said It la based us the rnn-1 1J " Ciintos school.
llU' fftrest nrftdtteta lahoratorv versify nf Ih nrwittritnR tn ts , MATAOHtlS. M yft Ose
Tavlor Coleridge'a The Ancient hy breaking the glasa in a rear- "V."' LV ti. J . ffeiHer discussed the westera eouivaieat of H-mch plywood pas-( rt.t-U-J, ,,- 8,4. 7
Ma-mer: ! window in the shop section of the ?, r'y , " a" narawoocis, covnng sues items aa els, tm tne converted production; .- i.,r pn.
-water, water, evervwhere. 'hMine Then th burster made fighter crashed into the e off eoumment and manufacturing op- m terms of unite of l.u feet di- Voe Sciseijfe Maw 79 Tsesday as demstra!ors Worked
Nor any drop ts drink." away with to 35 package of English east coast Monday, jertions, raw materials and re- vided into the dollar cost which
cicarettes. 17 to so worth of candy n n.l V. Vi,. - .'vr'uires capital. e esiimateu inai result is tn "cost per M Basis; Oakland a school budgt ejection
Man ShoC, Scores Hurt
In Border Tewtt Rioting
the English east coast Monday, t -rations raw materials and re- viHerf mil. ih. rioii.e emit wiiieh' itraffteos txnh
Boyai Air Force and U. S. res-i n,,,rt eamiat lie esiimaied that ean i "e.t am- ss I rt-ti k.i -.i i hrideea cnanectiag this border
.Limping from water to hogs: :,nd gum. a flashlight, an electric j c"j .IT it teaee up to ?ai.SB capital io s,-mch ' wiU b held Wednesday, May , "'I' wl,n """", ime
The l .S. department of agricul- shaver and a pair of gloves , ,k il, " . t,rt veneer operaiios ano up io jj,, method ia insdequai be- with a tatsi of tJ:9 in excess of Hundred of demonstrators and
ttire tells us that the world's hog Charles Stanfield. the proprietor. in n on million dollar t include all jj recoiinii Use cost Ihe sit per cent hmitatios ts h UmohsSe cl!(d She bruises
population rose to a new record told the investigsting officer that 0o1.- , , h ...tb finer equipment. difierenee due to gratiea of pa-' voted The vnal proposed budg- shortly als-r a is is what oiti-
m l-and add that th number the burglary occurred between t 10 Ir'l""g ., "H4 a " els produced, he cestisu-d tales figure for the StBI-M school cials called dei!sriiBB
o m. Monday and f a m. Tuesday, i S "r:t 7' :. " T . oiui ssentii m mausiry. ,,,i , ,,-1 ,n,i i. ,a. year is !.. aaaiB' a recent ngsieanig it re-
-c... is, mo,t tecRsical ann tneoret- ... , .,- . , . .
Iwreckaae showenoi dowa on a ,-.i , s'"'-' t jchi wim se sew oeiwees
Gainsboroush .... i .-.. " , iiw ran n a r m. saw
- wiiivfi cuiisumeu ,,iO wn V -, ' w 1 . t .... . u . w .. . . . . h . . , , ,
fiun OA -,.. ll. .... ,.il... ifce "" r... f w ..a "TOW wraa, wr awet
1 Crosby Filo Libel Suit
1 1 Agjissr Tim Migsiing
i msi?:ne
j tlyile C. f'tosby, a Portland,
OiT, orgasiser for the sales.
charged ia a i' S. fHstrict Court
sait that th magaziae 'dld great
damage to his resiitatsos and
tharatfer ta a recent article
Crosby satd ia his suit the story
I linked top Teamsier officials n
'the West Coast with gasihlcr asd
mtereasiojii. JBd (.gf.;, lB Hsjt MU thc
article wa setsmaiory ens us-
fContinued on Pag 4 Col. 1)
The Weather
: ConstrsfcHoN StttjiM
' Opcntaf At Prtf Britfft
housing estate at
The body of the pilot was
a m tm
: th isnptirt sf fureiga
Levity Feet Hunt
By L. F, e?etgrttir
Fair and mild tonight nd Thurs
day. Highest temp. Itst 14 hevrt . M
Lewast tmp. last 14 heurs 40
Highest Isms, ny May ..
Lwst temp. ny May
Prcip. last 14 hour
Precip. from May I .
Precw. frm See. I -
iscess freen Sept. 1
Sunset tenteht, f:s pen
Sonrts tmerw, 4:4t .m.
jATCtlwS TO ?aUaTV
through th roof of a house. None soeakme table bv Frashour who Msyhew called for recogniring Sfm
of the residenta oa the housing ttvK t runiung commentary with '" "Urinsie vaitfet of veneers
sUt waa injured. ,llr!e picture shewing th finer , $1 n! a"
i i i..-. fit! i.ONts nf iocs amk nrocessine
FtVi OAT P0iCAT ' through the green end and lehort Tha R.w Jsisioe ChamSiasr ,sTL,l a ! il
Th C H. Weatfe-r Bureau office' Th picture also depicted the ef- r,9t preprmg veneer nts loasmere is making piasa 3!', " 'r f
at the Roseburg an port reported fects of climate oa the product must also be takes into intta- tnni she Floreac RhisMH- II ms
mhtfh war utet na a "testm es.s.wa s sjwe. flreft sesltval IsusulasF iismm s ' , , - '
111 cutis! ruction stioervisor's office and ate above normal durina the nest house 1 e comoiex taaihemattcal for- wear their new Indiaa-lvse -' .
Two construction buildings were
forced ooen at Primer Hndge some-
e time the previous night, the sher-i
40 iff office ssid Tuesday, and a
01 power saw (nd 20 to 30 gallons'
la of aasolin were stolen.
t The burglary was in the bridge today that temperaturea will aver-
; 1M Catlb fr ,
0 l(4 N TilWtr storag shed built by West Coast five day with 'aae maximum rang-. Pfeffer instructed in hti talk the mtis fnr deiermmg the grade tume and fcav as-entry tn, thet The rsd wis f suiiTT some 3&
1.47 Steel Works, which si building ing from ft5 to li nd mmtmum reiativ use of different trees for yield factor' were presented which festnal ptTMit ts fvertis fa' miles aortseast of Tiller, Th hid
new hndae across the South I mo- at mailt between 41 and Si. There aura thins aa furniture, floor and ultimatet lead ta th 14 syrtew limirla Cowntv Rodeo ia Rase-! chefi ai raaB ftir const rac-
oua River near Riddle. will b no or iitti precipitation. other eommercial item. :cost formula for veneer, burg iua 22 23. ,tos of akk Afrfoot feri'ws.
j Th wsstrel whs pave sot
f tent
' Does not look forward ts thai
I Viteat h way room sbout th
1 Atktnf men whom h may
Msstf, cast y twg